Happy new year to my husband. Happy New Year wishes from wife to husband

Happy New Year! May good luck
This year will give you
Complex tasks will be solved
And it will bring success.
So that the soul does not know worries.
And at midnight to the hour
There was moisture from the glass
You drink for us
For love, for happiness to live
And cherish each other!

New Year knocking on the house
And the tree is lit magic lights
I don't know what's next...
Let the feelings between us burn today.
My beloved husband, I wish you happiness
Let there be spring in the heart even in frost,
To make everything that you dream come true
Congratulations with love! Your wife.

dear person
Congratulations today!
May God give us half a century
Together. On New Year's holiday!
Your own husband
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you!
Let success swirl you!
I wish you happiness, joy.

Happy New Year my dear
I'll follow you to the ends of the world
And I'll carry you on my shoulders
In a sandwich

Happy New Year to husband

Happy New Year, husband, congratulations,
Let kind grandfather Freezing,
All troubles, failures and sorrows,
He took me to the kingdom of snow.
May fortune always smile on you
May it be the happiest fate
May all your dreams come true
Let all the bad things be forgotten.

Happy New Year, beloved husband,
Be always in spirit and in strength,
Be rich and healthy
Happiness will also be new!
Everything will work out, everything will happen
Destined to come true wishes
In the coming year of the Snake
I will drown you in love!

I want to wish my husband a Happy New Year!
I wish you prosperity, health, income!
Smiles and joy in the new year,
And with them warmth and good luck will come!
And let adversity remain in December,
I want them not to disturb us!
May our life be easy and pure,
Let the warmth of love decorate it!

Happy New Year,
beloved husband,
I am your Snow Maiden
Olivier is waiting on the table
And the chicken is ready.
You pour champagne
full glasses,
So good luck whole year
Didn't leave you.
I wish there was
You are always loved
And so that this New Year
Became happy for us.

Congratulations to my husband for the New Year 2017

New Year and my dear man,
Meet the holiday at my table,
A woman is a beautiful reason
Serenade her under the window.
New Year and I wish him
Be strong and cherish me
Happy holiday today, congratulations
To be loved and to be with your beloved.

Happy New Year to my husband
I wish him happiness and good luck.
May he be blessed with luck
And he kissed me harder and hotter.
Give me more warmth and love
To fill our days with joy.
I wish you more prosperity
So that we can enjoy together longer.

I want to wish my husband a Happy New Year
So that in the new year they do not go to the doctor.
For us to be all right.
So that we live long and sweetly.
May your health be strong
And the aroma from you is confidently tart.
To make me always proud of you
To take care of yourself more.

Happy New Year Husband
May fate not build harsh weather for us.
I wish you success and love
Hold me tight to you.
Good luck to you, health and strength,
To always bring the entire salary.

Short congratulations on the New Year to her husband

Sometimes it happens that a man or a woman, during new year holidays, cannot be near their relatives. In this case short congratulations Happy New Year husband will help to congratulate a loved one.

By the way, even if you and your husband celebrate the New Year together, this does not negate the obligation to congratulate him and short congratulations will come in handy even in this case. And do not forget about the gift (you can see our tips on this page).

Sometimes you want to diversify the holiday by taking a break from the home village and cooking, so look where to celebrate the New Year with your loved one. to please each other.

Snowflakes fly outside the window
new year time,
The puddles turned to ice
I am until morning
With the best and love
I will celebrate the holiday
Stay beautiful
And don't be discouraged!

The fireplace burns inaudibly
New Year's Eve,
The clock strikes and breathes frost
Night on glass
Draws white frost patterns on the window,
My dear husband, my one and only
Miss you.

Congratulations to my husband on the New Year 2017

Behind the window White snow spinning
New Year on the troika rushes to us,
He brings good luck and fun
And for the whole year a great mood.
Dear husband, Happy New Year to you,
May your cherished dream come true
May every day be the best
Let the happy occasion please you.

You are my light in the window
Happy New Year sweety!
Always be healthy
Successful and beautiful!

Everything you want -
New Year will be fulfilled!
I believe that your life
He will fill you with happiness!

dear husband Congratulations,
You are the best in my life!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you health
So that all your dreams come true!

In the New Year, good luck and luck
May they never leave
And the mood will be great!
And soon the dream comes true!

I will congratulate my husband
May wishes come true!
I want to say on New Year's Eve -
Live wonderfully, without suffering!

Let health be strong
Don't be sad and be happy!
Sadness is gone forever!
Smile more, my love!

New Year's mood!
From the bottom of my heart I wish
My husband is the best today!
And feel no anxiety

Let everything work out in life
Never know problems!
May your dreams come true
Honey, don't be sad at all!

Dear husband, I love you!
Congratulations -
Let life be full
Joy without end!

On this wonderful evening
On New Year's holiday
I wish you well
Huge joy!

Let fortune spin
Give the best!
Happy New Year! Will live
Even better - I know!

Dear husband, Happy New Year!
Let the storm subside
In the soul and in the yard
This new January!

Never get angry
Do not scold yourself and life,
live very happily
And me - look! - love!

From under the Christmas tree
I send my heartfelt greetings:
Happy New Year, good husband,
And in all matters of victories!

I have prepared for you, my love, congratulations,
And a surprise awaits you for the New Year -
Today, pleasant excitement awaits you,
I am ready to fulfill your every whim.

Here's another year we lived with you,
During this time, we have seen a lot…
I send this congratulations to you with love,
I wish you the greatest happiness!

What to wish you, my husband, for the New Year?
Can life be long without worries?
No, rather money million,
May you live like King Pygmalion.

No, dear, I won’t wish you the Snow Maiden,
I will surprise you myself.
We will celebrate the New Year with you,
This evening I will not let you get bored!

My favorite, the only one
Happy New Year to you, my dear.
Let the magic sleigh carry away
To a world where happiness and joy are with me!

Be successful, cheerful, rich,
May the New Year fulfill your dreams.
I will always be with you,
I always feel good where you are!

Beloved husband, my Santa Claus,
You brought me so much happiness
Not only this year
Fulfilled a girl's dream
And from the very beginning of marriage
I'm glad to live with you!
I wish us happy years
AND big wishes No!

Happy New Year, my beloved and dear! I wish you in the coming year to get from life what you aspire to. So that ideas never end, so that our family hearth always happy and warm. To exaggerate finances, health was strong as a rock. Joy to you, goodness and an unceasing stream positive emotions!

Dear my hubby,
Get some congratulations!
New Year is coming
Before him still a bit.

Let him bring you
Only joyful worries
For example, a trip to the sea
And hassle-free work!

Well, the main thing for you
Let the family remain
Happy New Year dear,
Know that I love you!

Husband, I congratulate you.
Happy New Year dear!
All sorrows and hardships
Let them bypass.

Let the New Year bring
Lots of happiness and kindness.
Be successful and healthy
I wish for you.

May your dreams soon
Will become a reality for you
And luck, luck
Never fail!

Happy New Year, husband
So that you do not know the winter cold,
To keep you warm,
The house was filled with happiness
So that you do not meet trouble
In the coming year
Only joy, ringing laughter
And in business in all success!

New Year is not the first time
Together we meet
May this year give us
Everything we dream of.

For example, I want you
Always been pleased
Things to make yours go well
And peace reigned in my soul.

So that you never regret
That you became my husband
Shine only always
Love to our family.

Let the new year be special
May all dreams come true.
And give a lot of joy
And put it all together the way you want.

More new impressions
More action, less words
Unforgettable moments
And let our love grow stronger.

Happy New Year dear!
I'm so happy with you.
May next year
God will drive away all trouble.

I want to live without worries
So that dreams come true on time.
Stay optimistic
Try not to get sick all year long.

Happy new year hubby
Congratulations on this night!
Happiness, joy bag
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

Let the magical warmth
This night will warm you
And live so well
How can others not!

You've been waiting for this year
Let it all work out.
You make the right move
You will never suffer!

Buy everything you dreamed of
To Right way elected.
Happy New Year my dear
The best, gold.

Not the first year with you we are together
We divide everything by two, my husband!
You are noble, brave; you are honest
And you are affectionate, and generous besides -
You are gifted by nature
But the main thing is that you are native! ..
My husband's favorite! Happy New Year!
So always be with me!

Behind so many days
What we lived with you.
And today, as before,
We are in love with each other.
Let the bad things go away
Snowy winter veil,
Well, in the future we will
Happy always with you.
The best husband in the world
my passion and best friend!
Happy New Year! Expensive!
My beloved husband!
In the coming year
I wish that I
Became only loved
Because I love you so!

Happy New Year! May good luck
This year will give you
Complex tasks will be solved
And it will bring success.
So that the soul does not know worries.
And at midnight to the hour
There was moisture from the glass
You drink for us
For love, for happiness to live
And cherish each other!

New Year's Eve!
Congratulations, hubby!
There is a lot of happiness, money too,
What would you drive a Porsche,
He let me go shopping
And he gave money for a fur coat.
Well, I'm for you
I would cook meatballs
Poured a glass of vodka
She put to bed to sleep.
Gently, passionately kissed,
Pampered and caressed.
Darling I love you
I kiss your bald spot.

My dear, only husband,
Happy New Year to you
Today I want, take from my hands
My congratulations. Thanks for the freedom
What do you give me from our very wedding,
Thank you for the trust, dear,
I will not break it for sure, so that
So stay faithful wife.

New Year is knocking on the house
And the tree glows with magic lights
I don't know what's next...
Let the feelings between us burn today.
My beloved husband, I wish you happiness
Let there be spring in the heart even in frost,
To make everything that you dream come true
Congratulations with love! Your wife.

Look how festive it is around
As garlands burn with stars...
Happy New Year, my dear husband!
The years tell us a lot:
How beautiful, smart, talented you are
Near glorious and native wife,
How come true cherished dreams,
The new ones must come true again.
In the bustle of the merry bright days,
From the meetings of all hurrying home,
Become even richer and dearer,
Be kind, my beloved husband!

Happy New Year Husband
Do you know what I wish you today?
You rested so that in Cyprus,
Traveled by car - jeep.
What would the salary could spend
For parts and football.
To watch hockey more often,
Basketball and volleyball.
Well, I'm your wife
I will be a gentle hostess
Bake pies and pancakes,
Borscht cook for you, bunny!

dear person
Congratulations today!
May God give us half a century
Together. On New Year's holiday!
Your own husband
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you!
Let success swirl you!
I wish you happiness, joy.

It's so hard to live alone
All fogs are hidden by foam...
Happy New Year, dear husband,
My one and only, priceless!
Open the door wide
He is endowed with supreme power.
Firmly on the road, our common faith
To peace, joy and happiness!
Do not be sad and do not whine
Separation is due if:
Laugh, sing, dance, dear,
We'll be together forever again!

Among snowstorms, blizzards and cold,
Yes night starfall
Happy New Year, dear husband,
I'm glad to congratulate you!
Though sometimes a little prickly -
You get tired... It is clear.
In my life a bright beam
You, the stream of heat and light!
May the New Year give you
Strong, glorious, smart macho,
Less sadness and adversity
More happiness and good luck!

On a winter sunny day
I love you with all the people
Congratulations hubby
Happy New Year!
Sadness remains in the past
Quarrels, disputes - in the past somewhere ...
Let the coming year be
All bloom in the soul, like summer.
Be beautiful, smart and sweet
Love sports - is it hot, cold,
So that you have enough strength
On the "duties" of a husband!

Beloved, dear, dear, husband,
I wish you happiness in the new year
Patience, love, all grind,
And let the bad weather not disturb you.
You are all dearer and dearer to me,
I will overcome all troubles with you,
We will ride on the wave of life
We will overcome all obstacles with you.
I offer this congratulations
To know that you are not alone in this world,
You are like a wave of air to me,
I am with you, my love forever.

More beautiful than you in the world
You are my dear man!
The planet celebrates the New Year:
Feasts, Christmas trees, fireworks ...
Beloved husband, my support,
Producer and head of the family,
We will reach our dreams soon
Hand in hand me and you.

Happy New Year dear! How happy I am with you
They know the clouds in the sky, in the field - a fast river
A lilac bush under the window, lamps light in the window at night!
In the New Year's hustle and bustle, in everyday maete,
I always know one thing: to live with you is destined
to me happy wife!
My beloved, my dear,
My husband, always be happy, young in spite of years,
Do not get sick, do not get tired, do not forget to kiss!

Let's draw the line, friend.
Let's remember everything that happened.
How much are you my hubby ....
And how I loved.
How many times have you kissed?
How many flowers?
How did you pay your salary?
And let's dot.
What a cute sad!
What - didn't get the joke?
I see my gaze lowered.
And growls in the stomach.
happy new year i love you
Dear congratulations!!!
And believe that I love
I forgive you everything!

Don't try, don't seek
My New Year's gift -
I already have things
Lots of different brands.
My husband would prefer
See you more often.
Put things off for the weekend
And my life will be sweeter!

Let the snow shine under the blue sky
May the arrival of winter please you,
I congratulate you on the New Year!
I wish you happiness in life and love!
May the New Year that you celebrate
happy year will enter your life
And all the good things you dream about
Let it come true and let it come to you!

Happy New Year to you!
May he bring you happiness!
If you were not lucky in anything before,
Be sure to be lucky!
Let the snowflakes fall on you
Let your eyelashes turn white!
Happy New Year, I congratulate you
Happy Year of Happiness, Hope, Love!

My hubby, hubby
Here's another year
With New Year's Eve
We will meet together with you.
Let, like in previous years,
You will always be near
And so every night I
I don't mind rocking with you...

Everything is covered with snow again
And frost outside the window!
All the bad things are forgotten
And the fun is in a hurry to the house!
Songs are pouring at the tables,
And champagne by the river!
May happiness be with us!
Happy New Year dear!

Happy New Year dear!
My husband is the best in the world!
I love you honey,
You are my happiness and these
Together we will spend the days
New Year's. And a miracle
Come quickly to our house
I will wait for you again.

Another year has passed
Flew, leaving me as a memory,
Warmth from your hands
That I was hugged until the morning.
I want to congratulate you
Happy New Year, my beloved husband.
May he keep you from all troubles,
The angel is pure and white-winged.
Many more years ahead
that are released to us by fate,
There is no better you in the world
Forever I'm with you now!

I want to wish my husband a Happy New Year!
I wish you prosperity, health, income!
Smiles and joy in the new year,
And with them warmth and good luck will come!
And let adversity remain in December,
I want them not to disturb us!
May our life be easy and pure,
Let the warmth of love decorate it!

We celebrate the New Year together again,
And the house is full of gifts and miracles.
We do not notice the flight time
Our marriage is a blessing from heaven.
To you, my love, I wish you happiness
Good health, peace and kindness.
Let troubles not happen often
And the heart warms with the laughter of the children.

Heating cozy house
In the snowy winter cold,
"Happy New Year" whisper
Under smart Christmas tree husband.

Be perky and cheerful
Don't be afraid of new challenges
And for all sorts of trifles
It's okay, dear, don't worry.

Let my love warm
And relieve melancholy.
Well, if it doesn't help...
I'll knit your socks!

Among snowstorms, blizzards and cold,
Yes, night starfall -
Happy New Year, dear husband,
I'm glad to congratulate you!

Though sometimes a little prickly -
You get tired ... This is understandable.
In my life a bright beam
You are a stream of warmth and light!

May the New Year give you
Strong, glorious, smart macho,
Less sadness and adversity.
More happiness and good luck!!!

Happy New Year, beloved husband!
I wish you to live brightly winter,
Love, create and inspire
Turn dreams into reality.

I will be a Snow Maiden for you,
Agile, creative, nimble.
Make a wish soon
Warm up with your breath!

A whirlwind of snow is spinning,
And you are the same with me
My beloved husband, affectionate and gentle.
Snowflakes circle around us
And we're still just as happy
How many winters ago!
Now the chimes will start to beat ...
Make a wish!
Let it come true
And accept a gift from me, you take care of it,
After all, these are the words of inexhaustible love!

Dear husband, I love you!
Congratulations -
Let life be full
Joy without end!

On this wonderful evening
On New Year's holiday
I wish you well
Huge joy!

Let fortune spin
Give the best!
Happy New Year! Will live
Even better - I know!

Sincere congratulations on the new year to her husband from his wife

Happy New Year, beloved husband,
Be always in spirit and in strength,
Be rich and healthy
Happiness will also be new!

Everything will work out, everything will happen
Destined to come true wishes
In the coming year of the Snake
I will drown you in love!

My dear and beloved,
This snowy winter night
Happy New Year
I wish you and I happiness.

And our endless love
What would careless old age
We loved each other so much
And lived life in harmony.

Everything is covered with snow again
And frost outside the window!
All the bad things are forgotten
And the fun is in a hurry to the house!

Songs are pouring at the tables,
And champagne by the river!
May happiness be with us!
Happy New Year dear!

The New Year is knocking on the door.
Congratulations, my dear.
In a happy light atmosphere
You give me kindness and peace.

So let me, my love,
And care and love to give you.
So that love is tireless
And I just wanted to soar in the sky.

Beloved husband, on New Year's Eve
Good things will happen.
Any of your plans will come true
And only the best will happen.

I wish you good health
And don't change for anything
The feeling that I have for you
And never be discouraged.

My gentle, sweet, my cheerful,
My best husband in the whole world
Wish You happiness and health,
Miracles available only to you!

Let the magic knock on the windows
Whole Holy holiday- New Year,
And fulfilling all your dreams
Like me - falling in love, will not go away!

Look how festive it is around
As garlands burn with stars ...
Happy New Year, my dear husband!
The years tell us a lot:

How beautiful, smart, talented you are
Near the glorious and native wife,
How cherished dreams come true
The new ones must come true again.

In the bustle of cheerful bright days,
From the meetings of all hurrying home,
Become even richer and dearer,
Be kind, my beloved husband!

Touching New Year's greetings to husband from wife

Even in the most severe cold
I do not need to wrap myself in fur coats:
It will immediately become hot in the soul,
When your shoulder is next to you.

My beloved, my dearest,
The new year is in a hurry to us mischievous.
Let our house sparkle with happiness
Song, fairy tale and gentle warmth!

On a winter sunny day
I love you with all the people
Congratulations hubby
Happy New Year!

Sadness remains in the past
Quarrels, disputes - in the past somewhere ...
Let the coming year be
All bloom in the soul, like summer.

Be beautiful, smart and sweet
Love sports - is it hot, cold,
So that you have enough strength
On the "duties" of a husband!

My husband is the best!
And I know it!
To you in the New Year
I sincerely wish

health, smiles
Mutual happiness!
Fewer mistakes
In our love - passion!

How beautiful to wish a happy new year in your own words read .