How to organize family New Year's gatherings. Scenario of the holiday "New Year's gatherings" for children of the older group

Winter get-togethers.

A festive game program is held for children in grades 3-5 of a special correctional school of the 8th type immediately after the New Year. Its members can be:

Cool teams of the same parallel;

students different classes(teams of girls and boys are created);


We continue to acquaint children with the traditions of the Russian people, folklore, games, fun;


Create situations for disclosure creativity teenagers;

Develop memory, attention.

Form: "Russian gatherings".

How should winter get-togethers go?

Since the youth gathered at gatherings to relax, look at others, and show themselves, there should not be a jury and winning teams here.

During the holiday, children are offered various competitions and tasks.

As a prize, every time the teams receive one of the elements of the costume of Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden: boys - an artificial beard, staff, felt boots, hat, sheepskin coat, mittens, sash; girls - boots, hat, mittens, sundress. By the end of the game, the teams have full suit the main characters of the New Year's holiday: Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

These costumes are worn by the captains of the teams and on their behalf they greet those gathered at the “ Gatherings ".

This process is led LEADING, dressed in Russian national costume.

Hall decoration: required attributes holiday is a decorated Christmas tree, elements of Russian style.

Equipment: 2 rings on a silver platter, a table with a tablecloth, a photo album, a toy musical instrument, a cup, a mail set, a ruler, a balloon, a cracker, sparklers, tinsel, soft toy, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden costumes, Rooster costume, scarf, tape recorder, phonograms with melodies of Russian folk songs, a bag with gifts, materials for decorating the stage and hall, 2 easels 2 sheets of drawing paper. felt-tip pens and markers (20 pieces), blanks with fragments of proverbs, cards with answers for the Merry Nonsense contest, cards with text New Year's songs, Greeting Cards with the text of congratulations to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Event scenario.


Good afternoon Dear friends! It is becoming a good tradition to celebrate Winter gatherings and invite guests. Today we are visiting: (list who came to the gatherings).

Dear guests, I greet you the participants of the Gatherings, the fans.

In order to get to know each other faster, we invite you to take part in joke contests, sit at the tea table, have fun at the New Year tree.

In ancient times, at gatherings, girls and boys arranged fun entertainment, competed in resourcefulness and wit, sang, danced, guessed riddles, "flaunted" in front of each other. We will not deviate from this tradition either. To participate in competitions and games at our "Gatherings" I invite teams of girls and boys to the stage.

(Music sounds. 2 teams are selected, and the participants go on stage).

Presenter: Before you start game program you need to choose the guys in the role of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. For this I propose the old game "Ring". I will need helpers. (The presenter from the hall invites 2 guys, gives them a ring).


To the music, participants will have to pass the ring from hand to hand. When the music stops, and whoever has a ring in his hands, he will be Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

(game in progress: the boy plays with the girls' team, and the girl with the boys' team).


Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, you can’t do without them New Year. They are not only the most beloved characters, but also the most fun. I invite those who are lucky enough to play these roles (A boy and a girl who have rings come up to the presenter).

Assignment proposed e you, it's called "Jolly Nonsense"


I have two sets of strips of paper in my hands. I hold strips with questions in my left hand, and strips with answers in my right hand. You take turns pulling out and reading aloud, then a question, then an answer. (competition in progress)

Competition "Funny nonsense"


Do you read other people's letters?

Are you sleeping well?

Do you listen to other people's conversations?

Do you break dishes out of anger?

Can you put a pig on a buddy?

Do you write anonymous letters?

Do you spread gossip?

Do you have a habit of not keeping promises?

Are you rude in your actions?


This is my favorite activity.

Occasionally, for fun.

Only on summer nights.

When the wallet is empty.

Only without witnesses.

Especially in someone else's house.

This is my old dream.

No, I am a very shy person.

I never turn down an opportunity like this.


Well, you are wonderful Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! But you don't have costumes yet. Your comrades will have to help you. For each correct answer, a successful performance, the team will receive a piece of costume: either a mitten, or a felt boot, or a sash, or a crown, etc.


Attention! I propose first task for the participating teams.

For all peoples, the onset of the New Year was considered a holiday, but this day did not always fall on January 1st. The first calendar, in which the year begins on January 1, was introduced by the Roman emperor Julius Caesar, in 46 BC. AD In Russia, the New Year before 1700 was celebrated on September 1, when the main harvesting work was completed.

Question for the boys team:

Which king introduced the New Year holiday in Russia on January 1? Adults can help answer questions if children find it difficult to answer. (Answer: Peter 1).

Question for the girls team.

How many times on December 31 in Russia can you celebrate the New Year? (Answer: 11 times! There are 11 time zones on the map of our country).


Peasants were freed from all kinds of seasonal work only in winter. How to pass the winter? It is necessary to play funny weddings. And for this, guys and girls gathered for gatherings, laughed, sang, played, danced. At gatherings, they looked at their betrothed.

Question for the boys team.

What time in the village was sometimes considered wedding time? (Answer: winter).

Question for the girls team:

What did the boys and girls ride during the wedding procession?

(Answer: on troikas of horses).


Winter is not summer - she is dressed in a fur coat.

Hear, I have already spoken with proverbs, but how many sayings do you know about winter? Now we will check it.

The next task for our teams.

I will give each team cards, but not completely, but partially. Your task is to write proverbs. (Participants compose sayings to the music, and then read them aloud).


At gatherings, both old and young, they loved to perform Russian folk songs.

(Turning to the audience)

Maybe someone will name a few Russian folk songs?

(The names or the first lines of Russian folk songs are shouted out from the hall).

(referring to commands)

In our time, many songs have been invented about winter, about the Christmas tree, about the New Year holiday. I suggest teams not to sing a New Year's song, and stage it.

(The captains draw out a card with the text of a famous song and prepare for the performance).


While our participants are preparing for the performance, I suggest that the fans also play a little. You and I are staging a small winter story. I will read the text, and you immediately beat.

“Snow crunched underfoot… Strange sounds were heard outside the window… It was frogs croaking… No, what kind of frogs in winter, crows were croaking…. Something rustled in the corner... A mouse squealed there... Cats meowed very close by... And suddenly something fell... It fell Christmas tree decoration... There was a whistle ... firecrackers ... It came ... New Year ... There was a cry ... Hooray !!!

Well done! You did a good job. Now slap yourself loudly, loudly.

Are our teams ready to show staged songs? Let's watch and listen to them. (Teams take turns singing songs).


In order for us to remember our gatherings for a long, long time, to remember each other more often, the teams need to complete one more creative task , write a holiday message , for this you will need to draw a holiday card.

(There are easels on the stage. Teams draw postcards with felt-tip pens, write wishes. Music sounds).


You already know that on the night of January 6-7 Orthodox people celebrate Christmas, and January 19 - Epiphany. One of the entertainments of the youth in Ancient Rus' in these holidays it was a guess.

"Once on Epiphany evening

The girls guessed:

Out of the gate, the slipper, having been removed from the foot, was thrown.

Snow was shed under the window.

listened to, fed

Counted chicken grain,

Bright wax was heated ... ".

(Turns to the fans) What methods of divination do you know?


In Rus', such a method of divination was known, when on the night of Christmas a girl took a sleepy rooster from a perch, brought it to a hut, where grain was poured in the corner, a saucer of water was placed, a piece of bread, coal, a ring, earrings, scissors were placed, scattered ash.

The girl with bated breath watched what the rooster would come up with first.

If to water - to be married to a drunkard.

To grain, to bread - to be rich.

Suitable for scissors - to be a tailor for the groom.

To the ashes - the husband will be a heavy smoker.

Well, if he starts with coal, alas, sit in the girls until next year.


We also have a "Rooster", however, comic, and our fortune-telling will be comic.

On the table are things covered with a tablecloth. The boy in the image of the "Rooster" blindfolded chooses any thing. The presenter, at the same time, comments on what awaits the boys' team in the new year, and the girls' team. (A photo album, a toy musical instrument, a mailbox, etc. may lie on the table. Meanwhile, the students chosen for the role of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden dress up in their costumes).


Tell me, is there a holiday without dancing? What did they dance in Rus'? They danced round dances, sang ditties, and danced merrily by the Christmas tree.

Concert number.


So our winter get-togethers are over.

Dear Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden. Open the bag and congratulate everyone in this room on the holiday.

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden open the bag, take out greeting cards and read New Year's greetings).

Congratulations to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: To everyone who loves a winter holiday

The smell of a Christmas tree, the creak of snow.

Santa Claus: And when the frost is strong

cheek blushes,

Snow Maiden: Everyone who loves dancing, singing

And garlands cheerful light,

Santa Claus: To everyone who was waiting for us with impatience,

Hello to all my friends!

Snow Maiden; After spring comes summer

And after autumn - winter.

Santa Claus: The planet rushes us in a circle

And it rotates itself.

Snow Maiden: A year has passed, which means.

It will bring us all soon.

Santa Claus: Happiness, joy and good luck.

All together: New, New, New Year!

Organization: GBOU LYCEUM No. 138 TO No. 10

Location: Moscow

Development spiritual and moral qualities in children with the help of oral - folk art.

  1. Introduce children to the magical image of Santa Claus.
  2. To form knowledge about the celebration of the New Year and Christmas in Rus'.
  3. Develop emotional responsiveness.
  4. Create a festive mood.

Preliminary work: consultation for parents "Celebrating the New Year in the World" , conversations with children about the holidays "New Year" , "Christmas" looking at illustrations with the celebration of Christmas, reading a book "My First Sacred History" P.N. Vozdvizhensky, learning the musical repertoire (round dance games, carols, folk games, poems), preparation of gingerbread for painting, edible paints.

Entertainment progress:

Teacher and children dressed in folk costumes are included in the group winter compositions. There is a small decorated Christmas tree in bells. Children sit on chairs.


Hello, New Year's holiday!
That's where we had to meet.
We are all having fun today.
Hello dear guest!


Santa Claus knocks at the door
He shakes off the snow from his hat.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
How much joy everyone has!


Around the world, New Year is a favorite holiday. In the New Year, it is customary to give each other gifts and decorate the New Year tree.

Knock on the door. Santa Claus enters and starts a conversation with the children: who is he, where did this magical image and the story begins:

In some countries, gnomes are considered the ancestors of Santa Claus, in others, wandering jugglers. In our legends, from ancient times there was Frost, the lord of the winter cold, and he was represented in the form of an old man with a long beard. In different countries, the good old man is called differently: in Spain - Papa Noel, in England - Santa Claus, and in us- grandfather Freezing.

Father Frost:

New Year has come, brought us fun
Meet the New Year and start the fun.
A game: "What do we do in winter" .

Father Frost:

Guys, but the celebration of the New Year in the old days began in December, and ended in January! The birth of the New Year coincided with another joyful holiday - Christmas. This holiday symbolizes the birth of a new life. The Christmas holiday coincided with Christmas time. People sang carols - songs of greatness in honor of the owners of the house, whom they wish well and received gifts for this.

Children read Carols and act out objects that they take out of the bag:

carol, carol
On the eve of Christmas.
I sow - I sow - I sow
I congratulate you on Christmas!

Open up the gate
Serve the pie
open windows,
Give me cakes.

open chests,
Get the patches
Who will not give a donut,
That's a bump in the forehead.

Children perform musical and rhythmic movements in a circle:

Kolyada! Kolyada!
You give me a pie
Or a slice of bread
Or half the money

Or a chicken with a crest,
Rooster with a comb!
Or a tuft of hay
Or forks to the side.


Snow fluffs are spinning
At my window.
Let's have fun together
Christmas tree! Holiday! Christmas!

Folk dance game: “Sits, sits Yasha”


We wish everyone joy
Open the candy bag.
Congratulations to everyone
Yes, we invite you to the feast!

Children take apart gingerbread blanks and paint them with edible paints.

Tea drinking.

Application: folk game "Yasha"

Everyone goes in a circle and sings.
Sit, sit, Yasha under the walnut bush,
Gnaw, gnaw, Yasha, hot nuts,
Golden cores.

What is her name and where will she be brought from?

Yasha at this time is spinning in place, at the end

goes at random, chooses someone and leads to

middle. You need to find out who is in front of him, name him.

New Year's gatherings in the club "Veteran"

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! The year 2011 is leaving! And no matter how sad it is to start the evening with farewell to this year, but we will have to do it to let in the New Year 2012, which is on our doorstep! The year 2011 is leaving! The last sheet of the calendar - What happened to you this year? Did you spend a year in vain? When the chimes give a fight, Deliver yourself from troubles: Take all the best with you And leave the worst. Please fill the glasses. Our first toast is to the old outgoing year!

Leading:- this is a holiday not only for children, but also for adults, because every adult, making a wish, believes in miracles and transformations, believes in the fulfillment of wishes on New Year's Eve! So let all your best regards become a reality next year!

New Year wishes.

The host takes out a vase in which there are wishes written on the leaves. The facilitator invites each participant to pull out one piece of paper and read the wish.

Leading: Winter holiday is coming

The old year is leaving us

The New Year is knocking on the door.

Let with a blizzard and powder

He will bring all the good things!

Leading:- the most cheerful, bright and joyful holiday, both adults and children love it, and everyone celebrates it in their own way. Some go to a restaurant, others celebrate the New Year at home, in family circle, others go to nature in winter forest. And each nation has its own traditions of celebrating the New Year. And now I suggest you go to new year trip By different countries. Let's go to Europe. Warsaw, the capital of Poland, turns into a real booth during the New Year holidays, carnival processions take place day and night, men dress up in women's suits, children paint their faces, and decorate the streets huge bouquets balls. At 12 o'clock at night, when the chimes strike, the inhabitants of Warsaw

start to burst Balloons, and it turns out such a kind of New Year's fireworks. We will arrange New Year's fireworks.

Competition "New Year's fireworks"

3-5 pairs are called, each pair is given a large balloon to be placed in between. While the music is playing, the couples are dancing; as soon as the music stops, you need to quickly and tightly hug each other so that the balloon bursts. Whose shot of the bursting balloon will be the first, that couple is the winner. Couple - the winner makes a toast.

Leading: And we arrived in Italy. IN new year's eve in Italy they throw old, leaky utensils out of the windows: chairs, lamps, buckets - there is such a sign that if you throw old thing out the window, then in the new year you will get the same new one. And every family is sure to bake a New Year's cake, where many different surprises are hidden. And we have prepared such a pie for you, take a piece and find out what awaits you in the new year.

Test - task.

On a large beautiful tray lies a sheet beautifully painted to look like a pie. thick paper, which consists of small squares - pieces of the pie. On the inside of the square - drawings - this is what awaits the participants: heart is love book - knowledge, 1 kopeck - money, key - new flat, the sun is success letter, notice car buy a car human face - new acquaintance, arrow - reaching the goal, hours - changes in life, road trip, gift - surprise lightning - tests, glass - holidays, etc.

Leading: Germany is the birthplace of great scientists, poets, musicians. In Germany it is considered lucky omen meet a chimney sweep on New Year's Eve and get dirty with soot. And at 12 o'clock at night it is customary to climb onto chairs and tables and “jump” into the new year shouting joyfully.

Contest New Year's jumpers..

3-4 participants line up and “jump” into the new year, who jumped further is the winner. The winner makes a toast.

Leading: We swept across Europe, and now we will go to hot, exotic Africa. You know, in one of the tribes, in Kenya, on New Year's Eve, when they meet, their fellow tribesmen spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. Yes, a very exotic custom, but don’t worry, we won’t spit on each other, but we’ll try to congratulate our friends in African style.

African New Year Wish Contest.

3-5 participants are called. They are given baby nipples - pacifiers. The one who spit out the dummy the farthest wins. The winner makes a toast.

Leading: It's good to celebrate the New Year at a party, but it's still better at home, so we're returning home to Russia. You know, dear friends, that New Year was not celebrated in Russia until 1700. On December 15, 1699, Peter I issued a decree that from January 1, 1700, a new chronology in Rus' begins, on this day you need to fire cannons, burn tar, decorate the house with spruce and fir branches, and also “repair fun with dancing, music and games." Let's follow, friends, the decree of Peter I and continue to celebrate the New Year! There is a roar, noise. Quiet! I hear bells ringing. Who could it be? How do you think? On New Year's Eve, they say whatever you wish - everything will always happen, everything will always come true! And adults, they are like children, make a wish, wait and give gifts and joyfully meet fabulous, well, almost real New Year's main actors- Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

Fanfares sound!

The Snow Maiden appears in the hall.

Snow Maiden: According to the old tradition,

It's been like that for centuries

I walked to you on a long road

Through blizzards and snow!

I was in a hurry to visit

Just got exhausted

And I want to ask you

Santa Claus didn't come? Greetings to all, I congratulate you on the coming New Year 2009! Tell me, what, Grandfather Frost has not come yet?

All answer: "No."

Snow Maiden: Do you remember how pleasant and interesting it was in childhood, you call Grandfather Frost, he is right there on the doorstep, and even with gifts ... And now it’s weak ?! Let's try it, what if it works?

Everyone calls: "Santa Claus." (3 times)

The phonogram is turned on for the output of Santa Claus, Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost: Ba, all familiar faces, I am very glad to meet you, In Slavic bow I am ready, like a year ago! Hello dear guests! I congratulate you on the coming new year 2012! May the new year bring you smiles, joy and good mood! And remember: the more fun you celebrate the New Year, the more successful it will be for you ... So let's raise a poured glass to look at the past with gratitude, with joy - at the present, with hope - at the future! Happy New Year! Snow Maiden: Now let's play with Santa Claus! In Russia, it is customary to celebrate the New Year at a table full of various delicious festive dishes.

Father Frost: I myself love to eat delicious food on New Year's Eve. And you, friends, what dishes are you preparing for the New Year? (participants' answers)

Yes, I see real gourmets. So you can easily answer my questions.

Competition "Gourmets".

Santa Claus asks questions, rewards the most ingenious gourmets with sweets from a bag.


1. A dish made with a cow and a chicken? (Omelette).

2. Oriental dish, crowned with a ram's head on solemn occasions? (Pilaf).

3.Maxi cake? (Cake).

4. Pork layer? (Calo).

5. An apricot on a dry hunger strike? (Dried apricots).

6. Bagel of undersized? (Drying).

7. Soft-boiled potatoes? (Pure).

8. Cow salad? (Silage).

9. What fruit do boxers love? (Pear).

10. Fruit kefir not our way? (Yogurt).

Snow Maiden: Tell me which animal eastern horoscope will be a symbol of the New Year 2012?.. (participants' answers)

Definitely the Black Dragon. Let's imagine how he could sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Competition "Musical meow-meow".

The Snow Maiden selects 3-5 participants and invites them to take turns singing the dragon-like melody of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest”. The winner is determined by the applause of the audience. Santa Claus rewards him with candy.

Father Frost: I see that the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest ...” you know well, you can sing, but can you dance?

Competition "Dance Tribes".

Participants are divided into 2 teams: the warlike Tura-bu tribe and the peace-loving Lulu-am tribe. To the melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, in the order of priority, the teams impromptu in the dance show the character of their tribes. The winning team is determined by Santa Claus and rewarded with sweets.

Snow Maiden: On New Year's Eve it is customary to give gifts, especially to children. And children usually give gifts with sweets. (takes out a pair of felt boots from the bag for one year old baby and a big bag of candy) In these winter boots, we will put sweets now!

New Year's game.

The Snow Maiden gives two players each children's boots and a bag of candy. To cheerful music, blindfolded players fill felt boots with sweets. The most agile gets a candy from Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Oh, and you made me laugh! You don't even want to leave, but you have to!

Snow Maiden: Yes, it’s time for my grandfather and I to go to another Christmas tree.

Father Frost: May the New Year dawn on you, Give you success. And in your house let the Cheerful, ringing laughter sound.

Snow Maiden: Let it be near true friend Both on holiday and in bad weather. And let happiness always come to your house, Like a snowball!

Father Frost: Goodbye!

Snow Maiden: Until next New Year! Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave.

Leading: Dear friends! Our holiday program came to an end. And finally, I want to tell you: people say: “The best song that has not yet been sung, best city, which has not yet been built, best year who has not yet lived.” So may the new year bring you 365 sunny days, abundance good meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Municipal educational institution average comprehensive school No. 93 Nizhny Novgorod

family holiday script

"New Year's Eve"

Completed: primary school teacher

MOU secondary school No. 93, Nizhny Novgorod

Zakharova Tatyana Alekseevna

Nizhny Novgorod


Scenario New Year's Eve.

(to cheerful music, children in carnival costumes enter the room)

  1. Attention! Attention!

Is brought to the attention

Everyone who came early

And those who are late

That in a few minutes

The minutes go by quickly

We start the show

Surprise to all viewers!

  1. Hurry to us

Hurry up everyone

For the New Year's holiday!

We will start the show

For you, friends, today.

Let's tell the truth, as it is

Or how it should happen.

Hurry up everyone!

There is an opportunity for you in a fairy tale

Find yourself!

  1. Come in, hurry up

Toddlers and kids!

Hold hands tightly -

It's time to start the holiday!

To start, to warm up

We will start a round dance,

And all together, without hesitation

Let's sing a Christmas tree song

(round dance "It's good that every year the New Year comes to us")

Harlequin appears

Harlequin (singing)

By sharp needles of bright fire

I run out to the New Year's hall.

Hello! Welcome me!

Well, who hasn't recognized me here yet?

I'm a jester, I'm a Harlequin, I'm just a laugh!

And today we met not in vain,

We will find ourselves in a fairy-tale land,

Open on the last day of December.


Ah, Harlequin, Harlequin!

Must be funny for everyone

Harlequin, Harlequin!

There is one reward - laughter.

Greetings, ladies, gentlemen and gentlemen!

Now, guys, listen to the riddle:

All of it in gold sparkles and sparkles in the moonlight.

Christmas trees in beads dresses up and draws on glass

He's such a big prankster

Pinch on the very nose.

Come to us here for the holiday

Who is he? (Santa Claus)

I see you recognize him

Correctly guessed everything!

Without him and his granddaughter

The holiday will be very boring

So that they hurry to us

You have to call them out loud.

One is not strong enough.

Let's all scream together.

(in chorus they call "Grandfather Frost! Snow Maiden!")

(sounds solemn music Baba Yaga appears

Baba Yaga : Kids, that's what you called me...

Here I am! Well, how did you know?

Leading : Excuse me, who are you?

I don't remember anything.

Baba Yaga : What are you doing! Open your eyes!

Who is herself, fidget?

You see, what a figurine?

It's me - the Snow Maiden !!!

Leading : Is that how? Very interesting!

We will test you with a song.

(sings a song)

Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?

Tell me, honey, how are you?

Baba Yaga : The stupa broke by January,

Flying on a broomstick...

What am I saying?!

Leading : Why do I see you alone?

And where are your friends?

Baba Yaga : Goblin with Kikimora took Kashchei,

Well, the Serpent Gorynych ... ..

Oh, I'm completely silent ... ..

Leading : Where do you live, Snow Maiden, tell me.

Describe your crystal castle to us.

Baba Yaga : my crystal castle

On two legs.

Leading : Well, everything is clear to us with you then

Guys, who is this? (Baba Yaga)

We recognized you, Yaga.

Would say hello to us.

Baba Yaga : Say hello? Well then

It's very possible!

When you want yourself

That's great, eh!

Hello those Christmas tree, prickly needle!

Hello, the audience is the parents,

Their children are tormentors!

Hello baby,

Wow, you, my mice!!!

Leading: What are you, an old hag!

Are you crazy, Yaga?

Dangled to the children's party,

Like the last bastard.

You wave your broom,

Do you scare all the kids?

Baba Yaga: Am I terrible?!

Am I ugly?

Yes on this holiday

I am the most beautiful!

You don't believe me again?

Here - the mirror will not let you lie.

His the other day, through force,

Dragged from some fairy tale.

From what? I'm tired of remembering...

You will never guess!

(talks to Mirror)

My light, mirror, tell me

Yes, tell the whole truth!

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?

Well! Give me an answer soon!

Mirror : You are beautiful, no doubt!

And you are lame, and you are a hunchback,

And crooked and caulked

But the Snow Maiden is nicer,

All blush and whiter!

Baba Yaga : Oh, you vile glass!

You're lying to Yaga out of spite!

After all, the Snow Maiden was gone,

I bewitched her.

And at your holiday

I will be it now


What kind of nose do I have

What kind of hair?

There is nothing more beautiful than my eyes

I will conquer everyone with a song,

I should start!

I love myself - I can not be silent !!!

Leading: And now, Yaga, come on.

Give us back the Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga: Only the Snow Maiden was missing!

Is I not enough for you?

Leading: If you can't do a miracle

Then away, Yaga, from here!

Baba Yaga: Why are you so pissed off

Grandma was attacked.

Since you all need it so much,

She will appear now


Beyond the wide seas

Behind dense forests

Behind the mountain, behind the high, behind the abyss, behind the deep ...

Will I call, will I shout

I'm up to a miracle - wonderful,

I'm up to diva - marvelous?

Don't be lazy, work hard

Turn around the earth.

Bring it to this house

The one we've been waiting for so long.

(music sounds, Carlson appears)

Carlson: I am Carlson, I am a cheerful fellow,

I overeat porridge manna ....

Of course, if in porridge .... honey,

Any kid will understand me.

I am Carlson, I fly from the roof,

My propeller all the children hear

And to all my friends to surprise

I can eat at least a ton of jam!

Hello girls and boys!

Those who have 100 freckles on their noses

And those who do not have a single freckle!

Hello those with pigtails and bows,

sticking in different sides.

Hello and those who have straight bangs, curly forelocks,

Who has a haircut in the style of "break".

Hello everyone, everyone, everyone!

Allow me to introduce myself: the fattest man in his prime, the best flyer in the world, who lives on…..the roof.

Who loves to jump and laugh

Fly, joke and somersault,

And who is not lazy

Stand on your head all day.

I am Carlson, I came for you

To move their ears together

Meow, croak and roar,

Like a cat, a frog and a bear!

Now let's dance.

The dance is called "Molecule".

(music sounds, the leader announces “Molecule 2” into the microphone. All dancers should pair up and continue dancing. Then - Molecule 3 "- the dancers should unite in threes. Then the leader says "Molecule 4" - unite 4 people each. This is what happens until a minimum of participants remain in the center of the hall)

Oops, I think I'm starting to lose weight!

I haven't eaten a single spoon today

Jam, not a single cookie crumb.

I'm flying away Bye.

Leading: Yes, Yaga, witchcraft did not work. Try again.

(Baba Yaga conjures again, oriental music sounds, the Sultan appears)


I am a formidable and mighty ruler,

Earth, water and sky lord,

I am omnipotent like a famous genie,

After all, my distant relative is Aladdin!

In the palace I have comfort,

I managed to bring joy here.

Servants all sing about me -

How beautiful I am, how wise and brave!

Everyone knows my refined taste,

I am a patron and connoisseur of the arts,

I will understand any talents

And I will never be wrong.

You have to surprise me, entertain, cheer me up.

(girls dance oriental dance)

Sultan : Wah-wah-wah. Astonished, amazed, amazed.


Leading: Well, Yaga thank you,

That guests were invited to us.

And now we ask you

Invite the Snow Maiden to visit.

Baba Yaga: Apparently, I'm old.

I will repeat again from the beginning.


(Gypsy appears, sings a song)

Baba Yaga: I'll repeat again

Maybe I will succeed

Get to the Snow Maiden.


(the Snow Maiden appears to the music)

Snow Maiden:

Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all!

I hurried to you here,

But there was trouble.

Everything around suddenly swirled

Frozen - I'm lost.

All paths are lost

No path to be found!

Leading: Yes, Snow Maiden, dear,

I know about your trouble.

Darkness was an evil blizzard,

Yaga sent her.

Snow Maiden: Ai-ai-ai, grandma,

Everything would play tricks on you,

You could have all the children

Leave here without a holiday

Baba Yaga : The devil beguiled! Don't be angry.

Don't scold grandma.

I wanted to brighten up a little.

I'm tired of everyone being afraid of me.

Snow Maiden:

Well, granny, so be it,

Can we forgive you.

How are you guys? well then

Together we will say: “Yes!”

Baba Yaga: Oh, I don't even believe it...

Thank you for your trust!


Snow Maiden: What's the matter, dear?

Why are you crying like that?

Baba Yaga: It's good for you to celebrate,

beautiful to walk,

And terrible - terrible

What is it like for me to be?

Snow Maiden:

Yaga, stop crying, everything is fine.

You're just awfully cute.

And things will go well

After all, you are terribly funny!!!

Baba Yaga : What glorious words,

Already dizzy!

Snow Maiden, you cheered me up.

You are very nice here.

Now I'll celebrate here with you.

Well then, I'll get down to business.

On the broomstick of my dreams -

Forward! To the beauty contest!

(children play with Baba Yaga and her broomstick)

Game "Aunt Moti has 4 sons"

Aunt Moti has 4 sons,

Aunt Moti has 4 sons.

They didn't eat, they didn't drink,

And they just sang:

Right hand!

(These four lines are sung while shaking their right hand)

Left hand!

(These four lines, shaking with two hands)

Right leg!

(Sing, shaking both hands and right foot)

Left leg!

(we sing, shaking with both hands and moving our feet)


(We sing, shaking with both hands, moving our legs and shaking our heads)

Aunt Moti has 4 sons,

Aunt Moti has 4 sons.

They didn't eat, they didn't drink,

And they just sang

(each time one next word is replaced by a movement)

Right hand, left hand,

Right foot, left foot,

head and tongue.

We sing everything for the last time, shaking with both hands, moving our legs, shaking our heads with our tongues hanging out.

(Baba Yaga runs away)

(Music sounds, Brownie Kuzya runs into the hall with a chest in his hands)

Kuzya: Oh - oh - oh! Oh, trouble, trouble, chagrin!

Where did I fall?

Or rather, did you get it?

Host: Who are you?

Kuzya: And I'm Kuzma. We are from brownies!

I, so to speak, the owner of the house!

And this is mine magic chest with fairy tales, games, surprises.

Leading: And today we have a holiday - New Year's Eve.

Kuzya: What do they do at the festival?

Leading: Sing, dance, play, have fun.

Kuzya: This is good. This I love.

I have something in my trunk.

(a win-win lottery is held)

The presenter reads the wishes to the ticket numbers:

No. 1. On a ticket, you accidentally got Georgian tea. (Tea) .

No. 2. To keep your face and your hands clean,

On the ticket you got a piece of fragrant soap. (Soap).

No. 3. Dimensionless vessel for various volumes of liquid. (Ball).

No. 4. So that your teeth do not hurt,

Clean them at least once a week. (Toothbrush).

No. 5. We wanted to win a flashlight,

And I just got a ball.

No. 6. Must be happy in abundance.

From the lottery you are now:

You have a wonderful postcard.

Got it as a souvenir from us. (Postcard).

No. 7. You will receive a balloon,

Fly into space to the stars. (Ball).

No. 8. A rather rare surprise for you -

Two paper napkins. (Two paper napkins).

No. 9. Get it - hurry up:

You have a notebook: write poetry. (Notebook).

No. 10. Do not get sick, be strong,

We hand you pills. (Mint tablets).

No. 11. You look great:

Both clothing and hair.

And the reward is not in vain

You win - a comb. (Comb).

No. 12. To distinguish the days well,

You need to know the calendar well. (Calendar).

No. 13. About all the news in the world

Read in the newspaper. (Newspaper with a crossword).

No. 14. You listen to the advice:

Fruit is the best diet. (Fruits).

No. 15. You got the candy,

Come visit us. (Candy).

No. 16. To find out the income,

A notepad will come in handy. (Notebook).

No. 17. "Hurrah!" - shout to the whole world,

You have a souvenir car. (Machine).

No. 18. So that your hairstyle is beautiful -

Get a comb as a gift. (Comb).

No. 19. No typewriter -

We offer this item. (Pen).

No. 20. In life, you have to hope for the best,

Glue you take, if something is not glued. (Glue).

No. 21. To write beautifully to you,

Hurry up to get a pen. (Pen).

No. 22. This piece will correct the mistake

This eraser is called a rubber band. (Eraser).

No. 23. This is not a cup, this is not a watering can.

This is the line everyone needs. (Ruler).

No. 24. Always sharpen a pencil

And get a sharpener. (Sharpener).

No. 25. I got into the car, drove off,

You arrived at school quickly. (Machine).

No. 26. Japanese camera. (Mirror).

No. 27. Preparation for the development of the jaws. (Gum).

№ 28. Measuring device highest precision. (Ruler).

No. 29. Music center. (Whistle).

No. 30. This item will come in handy

On the "five" to study. (Pen).

(music sounds, Baba Yaga enters on a broomstick)

Baba Yaga : Hello. Kuzenka! Son!

Kuzya ( angrily): What am I to you, grandmother, son?

You didn't see me

I did not see you.

We are not supposed to show up.

Baba Yaga: Don't be angry, Kuzenka!

I can’t be in a hut without a brownie.

Let's go, Kuzenka, let's go.

(looks in the mirror, talks to him)

My light, mirror, tell me

Yes, tell me the whole truth.

Am I the smartest in the world

All prettier and kinder?

Kuzya: You're terrible, no doubt...

Baba Yaga: What?!! Are you rude to me in response?!

(affectionately) Well, tell me quickly,

Is there anyone sweeter than me?

Kuzya: All sweeter to me is the Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga : Ah-ah-ah! So she lost her mirror...

Kuzya : Put the mirror back

Aunt is clueless.

Baba Yaga : Why are you rude yakhontovy?

Come with me, Kuzenka, I'll bake pies!

Kuzya: What about pies?

Baba Yaga : With cabbage, with cottage cheese, with apples ...

Kuzya : I love pies...

Baba Yaga : That's fine!


(leave to music)

Snow Maiden: oh guys it's no good

We have fun without Grandpa.

Come on, let's gather strength -

Frost's food we'll call

(Grandfather Frost! ....... We are waiting for you)

(music sounds, Santa Claus enters)

Father Frost : Hello my friends!

How many happy faces I see

And ruddy, and beautiful!

I know, I know, everyone is waiting

Will grandpa light up soon

Christmas tree with bright lights.

Well, let's shout together with you:

"Christmas tree, tree, hurry up

Flash hundreds of lights!

(tree lights up)

Our tree is lit up!

Let the Snow Maiden lead

New Year's round dance

(New Year's round dance "Hello, Christmas tree!")

Well done guys, bravo!

The round dance went well.

Let's keep having fun!

Become an animal or a bird

Not a shame for the guys

Our tree is a masquerade.

(performances of children - protection of carnival costumes)

(music sounds, 2 pirates, robbers run out)

  1. Hmm, where are we, why, why?

There's something I don't understand here.

  1. We are with you in December

You see the tree on the mountain.

Near this tree

Bad wolves roam.

  1. I'm not afraid of evil wolves!

Here's a shot, and the wolf is ready!

Soon the holiday - New Year,

Santa Claus will come with a bag

And in the bag - gifts to Mashka,

Petkam, Vovkam, Irkam, Dashkam.

  1. So I tell all the guys:

I am the bravest of pirates

wooden leg,

Rusty earring in the ear.

Very uneducated.

Somewhere waiting for me is a prison,

But I'm in no hurry to get there -

I'm on my way to Tahiti.

I'll shake Santa Claus

I will take all the gifts.

  1. I'm not bast, brother, shit,

I'm the real bandit.

Not shorn, not combed,

Wet tuft sticks out under the nose.

I plunder everyone in the sea -

I'm the real pirate.

Here they robbed Santa Claus -

There will be tears for all the guys

(hide under the tree)

(melody "The Bremen Town Musicians")

Bang - bang, and we are robbers,

Robbers, robbers.

Bang - bang, and you are dead,

The dead, the dead!

And whoever sees us will immediately gasp!

And from someone fried smell!

Father Frost : Wait, wait, gentlemen,

Where are you from and where?

  1. We are on our way to Tahiti

There we hide somehow

Gold, pearls and diamonds

Emeralds and topazes.

  1. We have a lot in chests

Marks, guilders, reais.

Not enough chocolate

Apples, waffles, marmalade.

And we are dashing pirates,

We are not afraid of all the elements,

We are not afraid of Santa Claus!

Give gifts!

Father Frost:

Is it really

Do you want candy?

  1. Stop talking old man!

You will not see gifts!

Give me, old, your bag,

So that no one gets carried away.

Father Frost: (putting the bag on the floor)

Farsi is Marsi, Farsi is gay!

Become, my bag, heavier!

Farsi - marsi, Farsi - gat!

No one to untie!

  1. What are you muttering, old man?

Do you want to come to Tahiti with us?

Stay on the tree

Let the wolves bite you!

(robbers try to pick up the bag)

  1. Is it bricks?
  2. Hush, brother, don't cry!

There are puddles of gifts!

(again trying to pick up the bag)

  1. Wow, I got really hot!

Shouldn't it be raised?!

  1. Gotta tie the knot
  1. Here's a shame! Here's the trouble!
  2. Neither here nor there!

What to do? Guard!

  1. Santa Claus tricked us!

Who will give us a bag of candy?

Snow Maiden : Santa Claus could give you,

Only harmful, evil pirates

He won't.

Is that right, guys?

  1. We'll fix it now.

Let's be kind to you.

  1. Let's sing and dance

Don't offend anyone.

We apologize!

We ask for your forgiveness!

Father Frost : I'll untie my bag

Save gifts for everyone!

(gives gifts)

(the song "Santa Claus, thank you for the gifts" is performed)

Father Frost : Everyone who hears us, who knows us

We congratulate you on the New Year!

Snow Maiden: We wish you happiness and good luck

Good health in addition!

Father Frost:

Holidays joyful, cheerful,

But, mind you, don't forget about school!

Snow Maiden: Study for "4" and "5",

Help mom around the house!

Father Frost : Wish every home

He was rich in peace and warmth!

We liked it here very much.

Such evenings should not be forgotten.

But time rushes - it's the night!

It's time to say goodbye, friends!


Dear friends! The people say that best song the one that has not yet been sung, the best city is the one that has not yet been built, the best year is the one that has not yet been lived.

So may the New Year bring you 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles, may all your dreams come true.

Happy New Year!

With new happiness!

(the final song is performed to the motive “Yellow Leaves” by R. Pauls)

Our evening is coming to an end

Our evening is coming to an end

Both for us and for you.

We wish you good luck

We wish you good luck

At this hour, at this hour.


We wish you good mood

We are seeing off the old year together.

AND bad mood let it go

Let resentment and sorrow pass.

Let's get more on New Year's Eve

Let's get more on New Year's Eve.

We are friends, we are friends.

Our circle will be tight

Joyful and interesting

Many days, many days.


(disco for children and adults)

New Year's gatherings

Purpose: to introduce children to the history of the celebration of the New Year,

creating a cheerful pre-holiday mood.

Exactly at midnight comes to the house

And brings dreams with him

Everyone will be built in a round dance

Cheerful ... New Year)

How beautiful winter time! Wherever you look, the whole earth is covered with a snow-white blanket that sparkles and shimmers merrily in the frosty sun. Winter is good too wonderful holiday which is equally loved by serious adults and little kids. Of course, we are talking about the New Year. This wonderful celebration is not able to leave absolutely no one aside. Starting from the first days of December, something intangible, inspiring, good and eternal begins to soar in the very air. We call it the spirit of the New Year. Every day the heart is filled with inexplicable joy, and the eyes light up with a special light. Here we are now in exactly the same mood, we are all waiting for this wonderful and most beloved holiday of the year.

And I invite you today to "New Year's gatherings." Have you heard such a word? This is when the red girls and good fellows gathered in a big hut, sat down on the benches, and had conversations. And at the gatherings, fellows and girls all sorts of fun and fun came up with games, played, danced and sang songs. Whoever won the competition-fun, he received the award. And we will take part in competitions and games, and even tell New Year's poems and tell Grandfather Frost New Year's greetings.

And now, guys, I'll guess riddles for you. In chorus, answer together, but do not interfere with each other!

1 competition "New Year's riddles"

He always comes in winter.

It will sometimes cover the ground.

cold and fluffy fur.

It is white, clean, wet ... (Snow) ***

We made a snowball

They made a hat on him

They attached the nose and in an instant it turned out ... (Snowman) ***

Who is secretly under the Christmas tree

Did you bring sweets for the kids?

Let's say in unison - it's him - Bearded ... (Santa Claus) ***

What is a fashionista?

At the top the spire burns,

Toys on the branches

Beads and crackers! (Christmas tree) ***

We are friends with the stars

And in winter you need us.

We are alive while the frost

Pinches your cheeks and nose.

From the sky we fly to you.

And in the spring we melt in the sun.

We are cold sparks.

Did you recognize us? .. (Snowflakes)

All gray-haired grandfather comes to us,

And in his hands he carries a bouquet,

But not leaves, not flowers,

And icicles and snowballs. (Freezing)

Beauty, not a fool ... Well, ash stump, ... (Snow Maiden)

The game "Snowball in a spoon"

2 players participate at the same time. They are given a spoon in their mouth, in a spoon - a cotton snowball. On a signal, the children run in different directions in the direction around the Christmas tree. The winner is the one who runs first, and whose snowball remains in the spoon.

Played very well!

A game " Winter mood»

The host reads the poems, and the children answer: “true”, “false”.

1. Bloomed in the cold

On the pine big roses.

They are collected in bouquets

And the Snow Maiden is handed over. (Wrong)

2. With the Snow Maiden Snowman

Get used to the kids.

He loves to listen to poetry

And then eat candy. (Right)

3. Santa Claus melts in winter

And under the Christmas tree is bored -

A puddle was left of him;

On a holiday, it is not needed at all. (Wrong)

Kind Grandfather goes,

He has a big bag

All filled with noodles. (Wrong)

5. Toadstools do not grow in winter,

But they are sledding.

Children are happy with them -

Both girls and boys. (Right)

6. To us from hot countries in winter

Miracle butterflies fly

Snow warm sometimes

They want to collect nectar. (Wrong)

7. In New Year's celebration glorious

Cactus for kids is the main one -

It's green and prickly

Christmas trees are much cooler. (Wrong)

Spruce dressed with snow.

Bunny in his white fur coat

Boldly galloping through the woods. (Right)

Game "Cap" Children stand in a circle. Cheerful music is on. Players begin to pass the New Year's hat in a circle. When the music stops, the one who has the cap left in his hands puts it on his head and performs the task of the presenter.

We had fun, and now it's time to find out where this glorious New Year's holiday came from.

Video story of the New Year.

A game " winter wind »

Players sit down at the table and try to blow off to the floor paper ball, a ball of cotton or paper snowflake.

Oh, how hot it became in the hall, we all played smartly.

Knock on the door, enter the New Year 2017

Hello guys, I'm the granddaughter of Santa Claus, my name is New Year 2017, I'll come to visit you soon and I'll be visiting you whole year!

Grandfather Frost sent me to you with a letter, but I can't read, because I'm still small. Who will help me?

The child reads the letter.

N.g. Guys, while grandfather is preparing to come to you for the holiday, he is preparing a bag with gifts and from his bag he poured sweets for you. Let's make him happy and read poetry. And I will definitely pass on your poems to my grandfather.

Reading poetry.

Here we come to the end of our New Year's gatherings! You have learned a lot of new and interesting things. We played games and read poems.

And finally, I suggest you watch an interesting New Year's cartoon "New Year's Eve".