The most powerful conspiracies for money. Conspiracies and prayers for money. Conspiracy to get the long-awaited money soon

Today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will present not only black rites, but also white conspiracies to get money. Working on the personal strength of the performer and with an appeal to the Forces of the Christian egregore - simple conspiracies white magic to attract money. Although, I will not hide, there will be a black ritual for a large amount of money.

IN efficient business magic, there are simple household rituals, there are also very strong conspiracies for money, which must be used prudently. With the stipulated ones, in general, all magical rites for money related to black magic should be done, because work in this tradition of witchcraft is carried out with Forces that are by no means always loyal to a person.

Magic conspiracies to attract big money - the meaning of financial spells

If you have never worked with black magic to attract good luck before, and feel a lack of knowledge, try daily spells for earned money, the so-called whispers. Do not underestimate such monetary rituals; with constant practice you will feel them positive influence. And immediately an example of a simple free conspiracy to make money. Having received cash in hand, for example, a salary or a repaid debt, read the words of a simple money conspiracy to yourself:

“I go with money, I hold it with my hands. Not for the hands of strangers, but for their own hands. Amen".

What do free conspiracies give to attract money into your life?

Gradual filling of the money channel. That's it, no more, no less. The money that you are ready to accept into your life today will definitely come. New financial sources will open up, and the money you have will stop slipping away like sand through your fingers. Even if your income level remains the same, the circumstances are so that you can start investing. As you know, even small investments protected by money magic are the first step to wealth.

Practicing money magic, not immediately, but inevitably, you will come to the conclusion about the need for strong conspiracies for quick money. This is normal practice. When magic becomes a way of your life, you will know how to protect yourself and loved ones from the results of improperly conducted rituals to bring good luck money matters - kickbacks and reverses, how to choose and carry out a ceremony, how to work competently in a complex, how to hide yourself and put locks on your work. And much more, without which a conjuring person cannot take place as a magician.

There are in the rituals of black magic very ancient spells for money which in the old days were used every day. Whoever was not afraid to know the devil was lucky in life. There were times when it took a lot of courage to be a witch or sorcerer. It is worth recalling the infamous witch hunt, which in Rus' under Christian oppression began much earlier than in Western Europe, although it did not take such a scale as in Europe.

If the bonfires blazed there at the end of the 15th century, then on Russian soil the most severe persecution of people suspected of witchcraft, under the leadership of the church, began as early as the 11th century. Sorcerers, sorcerers and sorcerers were ordered to "beat, rob and expel", and witches "dashing women" everywhere in the squares large cluster people burned in log cabins.

A proven conspiracy for money - how best to conduct a ceremony and get a result

If the money conspiracy is really checked by you repeatedly, and were good results, you know how to make such an impact, and make no mistake. I remind you, learn to keep your mouth shut, do not tell anyone about your magical success. Especially when witchcraft rite for a quick attraction of money was made recently and its promotion is underway. With your intemperance, you can interrupt all witchcraft work. And it also happens that proven magic conspiracies to attract big money simply stop working when the operator talks about his successes.

What can be done to quickly receive money if such a need suddenly arises?

You can independently read a conspiracy to get money quickly.

Such effective conspiracies can have different character, For example, easy fast thief of money luck. If you see someone has a lot of good or money, put a fig in your pocket and say the words of the spell to yourself:

“You don’t give a damn, but I’m full of boxes, and I’m full of bins and barns, a house of good, wallets with money, gold and silver. I am a prince and a merchant, I have a crown of happiness. Amen".

There is a very simple kradnik conspiracy that can be used at least every day, paying for purchases. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will note that this is an effective conspiracy for money when buying, since it works very well. Having received change in the store, take the money with your left hand and say the text of the conspiracy to yourself:

“Your money is in our pocket, your treasury is my treasury. Let it be so".

Instant conspiracy for money - a ritual of black magic

Or like this money ritual- conspiracy at the crossroads. This is not a thief, but a conspiracy to receive long-awaited money, or a good profit from trading. Take a handful of wheat and, after midnight, go to the crossroads on foot. Standing facing west, read the words aloud black magic conspiracy for money for their immediate arrival:

“Fly, birds, to my wheat, carry money with you, but give everything to me. As birds flock to grain, so money would fly into my wallet. Amen".

Throw a grain over your shoulder at a crossroads. And then ransoming an odd number of coins. Before a free magical rite, you can read the call of the Forces. Practicing magicians do not always do this, often there is simply no need for this. And it is advisable for a beginner to read out the call, since you are already going to a crossroads.

Simple white magic conspiracies to attract money

Make a talisman for yourself, a magical decoy that will attract money, filling and increasing cash flow. For self-manufacturing money talisman you need:

  • small bag made of natural fabric
  • coins of various denominations
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • peppermint oil

Eucalyptus oil increases concentration, clears the mind, removes negativity, weakens the power of evil. Peppermint oil attracts money. Put the coins in a bag, after lubricating each with oil, and hide the money talisman in the northern part of your house. Self conspiracy on quick receipt large sum money, is not needed, but visualization of the result that you expect and expect to get is necessary.

Which house is making a conspiracy for big money

But what can be done with the first large bill that came from trade or one-time. Take a bill and bend the corner on the right side. Then, in the same way, bend the corner on the other side of the bill. You will get an isosceles triangle. Fold the banknote along the vertical axis short side. Take any corner with your left hand and read the words magic conspiracy to raise big money

“As a strong river attracts streams, and the sea attracts strong rivers, as a woman attracts a man, and a man attracts a woman, as the night attracts the day, and the day attracts the night, so would you attract your own kind. It will be as I said. Amen".

Put the charmed banknote in your wallet. This money magnet must be there for at least 3 months. Next to it, you can put pieces of paper of the same denomination. And you need to do this in order to set in motion the principle - money attracts money.

This white conspiracy for the first money, it can attract quite large sums into your life. But, even if some money comes, this is also a result. Whatever amount of money comes to you, accept it with gratitude, because thanks to magic, your money channel is being filled.

How to make a conspiracy to attract money - for prosperity in the house for coins

The rite is simple. For him you will need:

  • 30 coins
  • wax candle

Coins must be of the same denomination. Put them in even rows on the table, put them next to each other and light a candle. A candle is needed ordinary from wax, it is advisable to make it yourself for a proven rite to attract good luck in business.

For each coin, say the words of a conspiracy to attract money:

“Thirty ravens flew to me, (name), from heaven, and brought thirty gold coins. I'll put them around the house so that they never run out. The word is a stone, you can't turn it. Amen".

Do not extinguish the candle, let it burn to the end. If something remains, the cinder should be buried under a young tree. Arrange the coins in different ones so that none of the inhabitants of the house can see them. Repeat magical ritual to attract money to your home once a year, you can do it a little more often, for the same coins.

An old conspiracy for a large amount of money - for pine resin

This money spell is done in the forest. On the growing moon, go to the forest, find a pine tree, on the bark of which there are abundant streaks of resin. This resin must be collected, rolled into a ball, while reading a strong conspiracy for a large amount of money. Carry a resin ball with you.

“The pine girl was crying, strong, sculpting her tear. As resin is attached to the bark, so let the money cling to me. Let them cry, money, silver, gold, and thousands cry for me. As long as I (name) live, money will love me passionately. My word is castle. Amen".

Independent white conspiracy on Sunday for money

By Sundays on the growing moon, waking up, read such a plot on wealth and great wealth

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

“I’ll get up early, go, blessed, go to the church of God, go in, cross myself, pray to the Lord God and all His angels and the Archangels. O holy Heavenly Beginnings, implore our Lord Jesus Christ to make us worthy to lay a good beginning! I pray to the Great Archangel Varahiel: Holy Archangel Varahiel, who brings blessings from the Lord to us, bless me to lay a good start, correct the negligent, and please the Lord my Savior in everything forever and ever. Amen. Holy Varaahiel, if it be the will of God, make sure that gold flows into my bins, flows, does not dry out. Non-contracts and negotiations be all my words in full, and do not attack my words either on land, or on sea, or on dark woods, nor violent winds, but attack my words on a golden husband, on a golden sword, on a golden tree. Just as a fish cannot live without water and a child without a mother, so the gold from that tree cannot exist without my bins. To all my words in the sea there is a key, in the mouth there is a lock - I lock it, I lock it forever and ever. Amen".

How to read a conspiracy for bread - how to attract money with a word

To make your income grow, use a white safe conspiracy for good luck in business. Read on a slice of rye bread, after which the bread should be eaten.

Read the conspiracy to raise money for bread three times:

“The grain fell into the ground, grew up as a sprout, turned golden as a spikelet, dropped bread. As I have plenty of bread in the field, so I have money to the sky. As bread grows, ears of corn grow, so does wealth grow and increase. Amen".

Free conspiracy to rain for money - attract wealth to the house

And at the end of the article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, offer you another simple white magic conspiracy to attract money. Effective conspiracy on getting rid of poverty, you need to read, looking at the rain. Once the rainy weather is over, magic. It is not necessary to go outside in the midst of bad weather, it is enough just to stand by the window and look at pouring rain and in a whisper read the words of a conspiracy to urgently raise money:

“There are three sisters, three forces, three waters, heavenly rain water, surface sea water, underground spring water. And there is also the water of God, holy. The rain collects all the waters together, gives me (name) gold, silver, and money to run to me, and wealth to me as a collateral. My word is stronger than flint. Amen".

In the life of every person there are difficulties, for the solution of which it is necessary to find a certain amount of money, and this must be done immediately. If you urgently need money - find out how to get money urgently using witchcraft.

In the article:

Conspiracy for quick money with candles

To the rites candle witchcraft can be attributed to all those that, as their main component, involve the use of candles - one or more, ordinary or church, colored or unpainted. To amplify and attract money energy, candles can be rubbed with aromatic oils, rolled in herbs with the appropriate value. They are essential attribute any witchcraft, and wax from candles burned during the ceremony becomes a talisman.

For one of the conspiracies to quickly receive money, only five church candles are required. They will have to go to church. Knowledgeable people are holding church candles at home in reserve, in case you need the help of higher powers. So, you should light candles and read, looking at them intently:

Christ Jesus hope and support, Holy Virgin Mary, Jesus support, across the sky with God's Son they walked, they carried sacks of money, the sacks were opened, the money spilled out. I, the servant of God (name), walked through the land, found money, brought it to the house, smoked it with candles, gave it to my relatives. Candles burn, money fly into the house! Forever and ever! Amen!

Looking at the burning candles, imagine a successful solution to your problem. They cannot be extinguished, the fire must burn out completely. It is strictly forbidden to be distracted and move away from them. Wax from church candles is collected and subsequently stored in a wallet, like. You should not get rid of it after you receive the required amount of money. Do this only when you feel that the power of his magic is running out.

The use of church attributes is not suitable for everyone. If you have no desire to turn to a Christian egregore, try another ritual from candle magic. This will require three candles - brown, white and green tones. In this magic, you will be symbolized by a white candle, and the other two are monetary colors, often used in witchcraft for profit and wealth. Place the candles on the table in a triangle, with the top towards you. The white candle should be closer to you, green - on the left, brown - on the right.

Light a white candle with these words:

The flame is like a soul, the soul is like a flame.

Lighting a green candle, say:

Profit in profit, money in money.

And finally, the words while lighting the brown candle:

Deeds in deeds, paths in paths, all prayers.

Now you need to combine all the candles into one. However, they should continue to burn. So you kind of associate yourself with cash flows Universe. Set the candles so that they do not fall, and say:

In power is power, in power is power, I am with power and with that power.

Candles must burn out to the end. While they are burning, you should look at the fiery tongues and visualize how your money desire comes true. With wax, you should do exactly the same as described earlier - collect it and put it in your wallet without showing it to anyone.

Money conspiracy in a crowded place

This strong conspiracy for quick money should be memorized in advance. However, it consists of only three sentences - it will not be difficult. A good solution is to memorize the plot and apply it when the need arises. To do this, you need to go to any place with a crowd of people. The more passersby, the better. When you get there, count 21 steps, and then stop and read:

I go, and the money meets me. They are waiting for me, they joyfully come to me. How many people walk here in a day, so much money will come to me. Amen.

You can read in a whisper, to yourself or very quietly - it depends on the place where you are. For example, in a noisy square, hardly anyone will pay attention to a person mumbling conspiracies. But you can’t attract attention, it’s better not to take risks and read the plot to yourself. It is read 21 times.

After reading, count 21 steps again and return strictly to the place from which you came. Only then can you return home. On the way to a crowded place and back to the house, you can not talk to anyone. Avoid contact with others, do not give alms, you should not even look at passers-by. You can only talk after you return home.

Conspiracy to quickly raise money for coins

If you urgently need money, and prosperity will come to the rescue. The rite with coins is one of the simplest, because it requires only 12 coins, which are in the wallet of each person. They must be of the same denomination. Exchange money in advance so as to collect the required number of coins.

This conspiracy for very fast money is read only for a young month. If you do not have time to wait for this phase of the moon, pick up another plot. However, any money magic going on only on the growing moon, on the new moon or full moon. On the waning moon, you can’t conjure for money, no matter how important the need for them is.

So, when the young month appears in the sky, go out into the street, holding 12 coins in your hands. You can see the time of its sunrise and sunset in advance in the calendar. Open your palms with coins so that the light of the night star falls on them, and read seven times:

Everything that grows and lives multiplies from sunlight, and money - from moonlight. Grow money. Multiply money. Add money. Make (name) me rich, come to me. Let it be so!

After reading seven times conspiracy words hold the coins in your hand and hurry home. On the way, you can not be distracted and talk to anyone. Don't look back, even if the sounds behind you seriously scare you. The evil spirit loves to arrange trials, and this is especially true for novice magicians. The charmed coins are placed in a wallet that you constantly use. Spending them is not allowed.

Conspiracy to urgently receive money for banknotes

For this conspiracy for a quick one, you will need a bill of any denomination. But there is a condition - it must be in circulation at least in some country in the world. Its corners should be bent in such a way as to get a triangle. You can choose any way to fold the banknote, the main thing is to get a figure with three corners, similar to an arrow that will show the money the way to you. Now say the bill:

As a mighty river attracts streams, and the sea attracts mighty rivers, as a woman attracts a man, and a man attracts a woman, as the night attracts the day, and the day attracts the night, so that you also attract those like you. Let it be so. Amen.

The larger the bill, the better. The text of the plot states that she will attract those like herself. Therefore, do not be greedy, take the largest of the money available to you. Carry the charmed bill with you, it is best to keep it in your wallet. It should be where you keep your money. You can’t spend this bill, you can’t remove it from your wallet either.

When you receive banknotes of the same denomination as the charmed money, put them next to it. During the use of this money talisman, you cannot count the money in your wallet. Do this only when spending or earning income.

Green sorcery to green presidents

Green is called magic, which involves the use of the power of plants. Don't underestimate the power of plants. With their help, you can heal, you can bewitch, or you can fix financial situation. This conspiracy urgent receipt money is suitable only for those people who love indoor plants and have time to care for them. You must have more than two plants that are suitable for money magic.

Categorically not suitable for witchcraft for money cacti- these are plants of protection from negativity, they will not even miss positive energy if it is not peculiar to your house or you. The fat plant, aucuba or golden bush, bougainvillea and many others bring money. Under each pot you need to put a note with the following plot:

At distant lands, the Garden of Eden stands,
In the Garden of Eden, a miracle tree grows.
What you write on the miracle tree, the Lord will give you.
So I write myself wealth, good luck and prosperity.
Paper is made of wood, it burns, it is planted in the ground, it is surrounded by flowers.
As flowers bloom-bloom, so money grow-grow!
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Plants must be carefully looked after. If one of them dries out, it should be replaced with a new one within two to three days. Your magical garden can grow and expand, start new money plants, under which there will be a note with a conspiracy no one forbids.

Strong conspiracy for urgent money for milk

There is an old and very strong conspiracy - if you urgently need money, try talking milk. You need to buy it not in a supermarket, but in the market. The seller must be sympathetic. By old omen, buy milk for witchcraft should be from elderly woman. Milk will need a lot - 10-12 liters. It is impossible to save on its purchase, it is advisable to guess with the amount of money so as to give the seller a little more than the cost of milk. You can't take change.

At home, pour the milk into 12 containers in which it will be stored. During this, you need to continuously read a strong conspiracy for urgent money:

In a clean field there is a large hill, and on it the mountain is high, under the mountain there is a green meadow, on the meadow there is a bull with a cow. The bull's horns reached the sun, the cow's udder skirted half the earth. I go out into the field, I climb a big hill, I find a green meadow. I cut the horns of the bull, I milk the cow's milk. The bull's horns immediately grow, the cow's udder instantly fills with milk. So in my house wealth grows, prosperity comes to visit me. Amen!

Now you have to come up with 12 dishes that will contain milk - all 12 bottles. Only one bottle should be used per dish. You need to cook them in one day, and eat them in three. Most of the food should be distributed good people. Treat colleagues, bosses, clients, if possible. Invite friends or neighbors over for dinner.

Please note that the people you treated to treats made from charmed milk will bring you money in the near future. Perhaps this will be an increase or an additional source of income. Also you can get valuable advice or just borrow money that will help you out in a difficult situation.

Women's magic = quick money

There is an urgent conspiracy, which is available only to women. It is done only for yourself or your family - you will not be able to help a friend with the help of such witchcraft. Men cannot use this sorcery. But they can offer their spouse to perform a ceremony - it will affect the whole family, including you.

Get a brand new nightgown - any color, any material. It should be washed and ironed, cleared of extraneous energy influences. In addition to the shirt, you will need a long red thread made of natural silk. It should be passed through the wax of a candle that was bought in the church. After that, thread the red thread into the gypsy needle and place it somewhere near your bed. Now everything is ready for the ritual. put on nightgown upside down and go to sleep in it.

Wake up before dawn. The first step should be done not by washing or making coffee, but by hemming the hem of the shirt. During this, it should still be worn on you inside out. The hem needs to be hemmed “towards you” with the following words:

Son of God Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, your servant of God (name). My words are weak, but my sins are strong and great. You, Lord, are rich and merciful. Give me, Almighty, not according to my sins, but according to Your boundless wealth! Amen!

While hemming the hem, read these words continuously. The number of readings does not matter. You cannot break the plot in the middle, even if you have finished sewing, read the plot to the end, and only then cut the thread.

In general, conspiracies to urgently receive money can be useful to every person. Money witchcraft will come to the rescue in any situation. If you don't have additional sources income, and money is urgently needed to solve the problem, ask for help from higher powers.

In contact with

Each of us has experienced financial difficulties And difficult periods in life, when Fortune passed by with mockery and turned away. In such cases, a conspiracy for money, which you can read on your own, may well help. We have collected for you various options similar rituals, as well as reviews of their application. Finding a strong conspiracy for money is not so easy. Many sites offer various variations certain rituals for water, 7 coins, fire and wheat. But their effectiveness has not been confirmed by anything, and experimenting with spells without proper testing is dangerous.

The use of white money magic is quite effective, provided that the person accurately fulfills all the conditions of the rite.

Like attracts like, so conspiracies for wealth are often read over precious objects.

Incorrectly formulated slander can seriously harm not only your energy, but also the energy of your entire environment (family, colleagues, friends). And in best case nothing will just happen

Any conspiracy or spell must be accompanied by some magical actions, movement and manipulation. Their observance is also mandatory, otherwise the conspiracy will simply lose its force.

The most powerful conspiracies for money differ not only in the “verbal component”, but also in the energy one. They usually require several stages of implementation and a symbolic sacrifice. Such rituals will provide not only imminent addition money, but also career advancement with a subsequent increase in earnings.

A strong conspiracy for money that cannot be removed is problematic to find in books or on primitive magical sites. Such spells belong to ancient magic and are incredibly rare.

In order for such a slander to work effectively throughout your life, fully adhere to the attached instructions. Remember, this money plot is very strong, and is used only once in a lifetime, and the correct execution of it plays true fateful role. If you do everything right, then the rest of your life in wealth and luxury is guaranteed to you.

Instructions for conducting a strong money conspiracy

The order of the ritual

Take the time to prepare for the ritual:

  • You need to collect some symbols of wealth. This will require the largest banknote in the currency in which you want to see your income,
  • Five red candles made of natural wax.
  • The hardest component to this conspiracy is the rod of wealth. It can be purchased at specialized stores, where there are other goods for magic. You may spend a lot of time looking for it, but it's worth it.
  • When all the attributes are collected, you need to calculate a certain day of the moon's growth. The conspiracy must be carried out strictly on the SECOND DAY, the day of the NEW MOON. This is very important, check with before moving on.

When everything is ready, you can begin the ritual:

  1. Take a large sheet of paper (A1 "Whatman" format) and draw on it the symbol of the pentagram - the usual five-pointed star. Such a pentagram was used by philosophers and magicians of the era of Pythagoras. This is a sign that symbolizes harmony, wealth and health, and is a kind of aggregator of the power of the growing moon.
  2. IN right night, place the sheet on the floor in front of a window where the moon should be visible. In other words, you need to see all the magic symbols and the heavenly body when reading the plot.
  3. Put one candle in each corner of the drawn pentagram, and put a wand of wealth and a banknote in the center.
  4. Stand so that your gaze is turned to the growing moon and light the red candles.
  5. Concentrate, reject all thoughts, join your hands on your chest, close your eyes and mentally imagine your life in wealth and luxury. Cast the spell of wealth confidently and with great faith:

The moon is growing in breadth, it will bring a lot of money.

The month is updated - money appears.

Let the energy of the moon turn into monetary energy.

Fills every corner of my life.

I increase my wealth.

Endless moonlight - endless wealth and cash flow!

Put the charmed bill in your wallet, and never change it. But the wand must be hidden somewhere at home, in a place so that it does not catch the eye of strangers. Candles, a sheet with a pentagram must be burned or buried.

Author's conspiracies for money

Vanga's conspiracy for money

The Bulgarian clairvoyant received well-deserved fame thanks to her ability to predict the future, see the past, heal, and also provide all possible assistance to people in their troubles. In our article, we present to your attention a strong conspiracy for money from Vanga. Because the money question always connected with solving other more serious problems, for example, health problems, she took him very seriously with her children.

Therefore, it is very important that your serious attitude to the purposes for which you are asking for money. give effect almost instantly. You may be offered a promotion at work or receive an unexpected bonus. Be prepared to fulfill your promise, that is, to spend the money received with benefit.

By the way, if you send part of the money received as a result of the conspiracy to provide gratuitous assistance to a person in need, then this money will be returned to you three times.

But if you break your promise and spend money with evil or dishonest intentions, then you will lose ten times the amount. Therefore, be careful with your desires and actions, because the result of the most powerful conspiracy of the great Vanga is completely in your hands!

Pay your attention to the effective conspiracy proposed by Vanga, he is considered one of the most powerful in money magic.

How to conduct a ritual?

This ritual is for women and is not recommended for men. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The plot is read strictly on Friday at sunset.
  2. You will need to wear an unworn white shirt,
  3. Let your hair down and sit facing the east corner of your room.
  4. Take a pen and from the inside ring finger draw any of the money symbols or just write the name of the currency.
  5. Then lean this finger against the corner and start a plot for good luck and money to read from Vanga:

I call to my bow the forces of light and the forces of darkness.

Angelic creatures from the light heavens and devils from the fiery hyena.

I ask that terrible force to attract a bag of money to my home,

And also success-benefactor.

Angelic beings I will ask to learn to act correctly and judiciously,

So that my goodness always remains with me.

And let them help me overcome what is a heavy and unbearable burden on my shoulders.

Key, lock, tongue.

When you complete this ritual, immediately go to bed. Do not wash your hands until the next morning.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova for money

The magical conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova

Magic conspiracies that increase financial well-being have been popular since ancient times. One of the most effective and effective spells for money can be called. At the same time, you can talk yourself not only to success in the financial sector, but also in work, study, love and other areas of activity.

Variant of a conspiracy to get rid of debts

  1. Wait until the first Thursday of the new month,
  2. On this day, at night, go to the crossroads (try to find as much as possible deserted place where there is no traffic).
  3. Throw a ball of red thread prepared in advance on the ground and say the following words three times:

My poverty, uninvited by me, Uninvited guests who came to me, Poverty descend on this red thread, From now on you will not be with me, not to live forever. So it is said, so it is done and it will be so. Key, lock, tongue.

Conspiracy option to get money for the right thing

So, for this ritual, you need to go outside before sunrise, turn your face to the East and wait for the first rays of the sun to appear. As soon as the earth is illuminated by sunlight, start reading the plot:

I woke up early in the morning to welcome the red sun and the desire to fulfill my cherished desires.

Three wise men live on the eastern side: the first of them knows what I should receive,

The second knows where to find this desired, and the third will tell you how to get it.

I will reveal my secret to those sages: I will tell you about my cherished desires (you should name what you want to receive)

I ask them to give me the wisdom to get what I want. Key, lock, tongue.

After receiving the money, you need to spend it only on what you planned for. In the same case, if you spend money for other purposes, you will lose everything acquired. Money and wealth cannot be deceived, and next time no conspiracy will be able to help you.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Conspiracies for various purposes

To quickly get money for milk

It happens that money is needed in the near future, but you have no idea where you can get it required amount. Some will advise you to rely on fate, others will advise you to take a loan from a bank. A can be used quick plot to attract money, which will help you find the right amount.

  1. From early morning go to the market and buy fresh "homemade" milk, about 10-12 liters.
  2. Buy the most expensive thing on the market, preferably from a not too young woman or grandmother.
  3. Do not take the change, leave it to the saleswoman.
  4. At home, pour it into 12 small jars.
  5. When pouring milk, say a conspiracy to get money quickly.

There is a hill in the field, a high mountain stands right on the hill, there is a green meadow under the mountain, a bull and a cow graze in the meadow.

The bull's huge horns reached right up to the sun, the cow's udder was half the size of the Earth.

I will go out into the field, I will climb the hill, I will find that meadow, I will cut the horns of that bull, and I will milk the cow.

A bull will immediately grow horns, and a cow's udder will be filled with milk.

And in my house profit will grow, prosperity will increase.

Let it be so!

Continue like this:

  • Repeat the plot continuously until you spill all the milk.
  • Now the hardest part: you will need to come up with and make 12 different dishes in each of which you use 1 can of milk. Recipes are suitable for any.
  • The resulting meals must be eaten no later than three days in advance.
  • Most of it needs to be distributed to friends, neighbors and, of course, colleagues.
  • Everyone you serve will bring you money within three months.

A conspiracy, if money is urgently needed, must be read in high spirits. If the mood is spoiled, and thoughts are overshadowed by something, then the rite may not work or aggravate the situation. In other words, if you are depressed, there can be no talk of any magic.

Conspiracies to repay the debt for sunflower

White magic will help you repay the debt

  • On a full moon, put an empty wallet on the windowsill.
  • It is best to pick up a large purse of bright color (yellow, red, green).
  • remember, that bright colors attract money.
  • Looking at the moon, repeat the following spell:

So let there be so much money in my wallet that no one can count!

Help the Moon, Mistress of the night, Queen of heaven, give me a decent wealth

And fill my purse to capacity! I conjure you! Let it be so!

  • When reading the spell on the third day, put all the funds that are in the house into your wallet.
  • After that, tie it with red thread and leave it next to the white wax candle.
  • Wait until it burns out completely.
  • After that, the wallet can be opened and used with money.

Conspiracy for a loaf of bread

Conspiracy for money at dawn

Effective spell for good luck and money

The next version of the plot should be read early in the morning, at dawn. In order for the result of the ritual to be as pronounced as possible, wait for the onset of the young moon. Prepare a new, previously unused basin or large container. In the morning before dawn, get up and, with the appearance of the first sunbeam on the horizon, wash yourself with clean running water over the basin, while reading a plot for good luck and money:

As pure water pours out of the basin,

So let the money be attracted to me,

They stay with me and never run out.

Let it be so.

The above words of the conspiracy must be memorized and pronounced twelve times. Then wipe yourself with a clean handkerchief and keep it with you all the time for 30 calendar days.

Advice: The most important moment, which should not be missed - under no circumstances give this scarf to strangers, it is desirable that it should not be visible to prying eyes at all. Otherwise, the power of the conspiracy will pass to another person.

Conspiracies for money on the new moon

In order to conspire on the new moon for money and wealth, you will need 12 coins, it is desirable that they all be different (of different denominations, different countries or different sizes). Determine by lunar calendar the date of the new moon and proceed to the ritual:

First option

Go outside tonight, stand facing the moon. It is important that on this day the moon is not hidden behind the clouds. Stretch the palm with the coins towards the moonlight and say three times:

As under the sun every creature of God grows and multiplies,

So under the moon my money will grow and multiply.

Let it be so!"

Then squeeze the palm with coins into a fist and go home. On the way, do not talk to anyone and do not look anyone in the eye. At home, put the charmed money under the pillow and go to bed. After waking up, carry these coins with you until the full moon, as soon as the moon begins to wane, you need to get rid of some of the money, for example, spend it on purchases. After three cycles of the moon, you can again read a plot for money on the new moon.

Second option

The result will be a significant increase in your monetary wealth! How can this manifest itself? As practice shows, most often the money comes without any additional effort. That is, you can accidentally find bills or coins on the street, or you can be provided with free cash aid, you can get cash gift and other. Isn't it much more pleasant to receive money without making any effort?

To perform the second plot on rice for money, you will need a handful of white round-grain rice. It is very important to take a handful of rice from a new pack bought the day before. On a clear cloudless night of the new moon, turn off the light in the room and go to the window, preferably open it if possible, or at least make a small gap. Gently pour the rice from the right palm to the left and vice versa, saying the following words three times:

As rice grows on water, so the moon grows in the yard,

As much rice in the field, so much money in the house.

Let it be forever!”

  • After the ritual, sprinkle rice in the places where you keep money: pockets, bag departments, wallets and other places.
  • Please note that not a single charmed grain should be lost or fall to the floor.
  • When you fall to the floor, the installation of wealth immediately stops. Therefore, carefully monitor the safety of all grains.
  • It is also impossible for these grains to be seen by strangers. As soon as the full moon comes, the scattered grains must be collected and thrown into any natural reservoir, saying:

“I repay good with good, I repay good with good, I repay good with good.”

With this action, you thank Mother Nature for the result, feeding her small creatures.

The consequences of conspiracies for money

Any perfect action, even non-magical, affects our lives.

The consequences of reading conspiracies for good luck and money can be very different. Before reading conspiracies for money, reviews and the consequences of their use must also be carefully studied.

White magic, like black magic, gives its own warnings about what can happen to a person in the future.

Each person should remember that after uttering even a minor spell, he completely changes inside. His aura not only changes its original color, but also begins to carry a completely different energy.

If the plot was read in the wrong way and the person was from the very beginning skeptical about what is happening, then the rite may not work. IN individual cases it negatively affects the state of the individual and its later life, namely the following are possible:

  1. Deterioration of health, the appearance of chronic diseases;
  2. Problems at work, demotion;
  3. Quarrels with relatives, friends;
  4. Loss of a large amount of money;
  5. Weakness, fatigue;
  6. Feeling the constant presence of someone nearby.

Conspiracies focused on attracting good luck and money can have a positive effect and set a person on the right wave. After good luck ritual, a person gets what he wants in full.

Conspiracies can operate throughout life, if every few years the course of the ceremony is repeated anew.

The word "conspiracy" explanatory dictionary(in a magical sense) means - a small text to achieve desired result through magical rite. And this is an integral part of the ritual.

And even if it seems to us that we are far from the influence of rituals, this is not true. For example, when we meet, we greet each other - this wish for health is already an energy message. And repeated repetition is already a ritual. And there are so many little things...

Basically, conspiracies for money, old ones are used, new conspiracies have a very rare use, because there are very few specialists in creating them. But even the ancients must be read with a special message. When you need something to ask for, the intonation is pleading, when you attract sources of profit, it is laudatory, and when you “seal” it at the end, it is affirmative.

Let's look at the old conspiracies:

Draw water into an earthen vessel and, being alone, in convenient time day, say words to the water. When finished, cover with a tight lid. After 3 days, open it - and let all the water evaporate by itself in your house, office, apartment. No matter how long it takes, let it stay until it disappears. You can't spill!

Repeat 3 times: “Water, water is God’s charm, conductor. Flowing from the east and from the west, from the south and from the north, from heaven to earth. You bring good to everyone, you quench your thirst. Everyone respects you, everyone teas you, everyone loves you. People put you under the starry sky, they hope for you, they are waiting for goodness and offerings: healing in Baptism, good news in the Annunciation, cleansing in Forgiveness Sunday.

Noble queen of life, strengthener - forgive us, help us! Bring me (us) as much money as drops in you, as dew in a stream, as waves in the sea, as rivers in the sea, as seas in the ocean. You can’t see any end or edge, you flow continuously, without rest, without fatigue. So let the money flow to me, come and fill my (our) prosperity. Without interruption, without rest, money arrives, flow endlessly and without edge into my networks. I close with aminem, so be it.

“Mount Seyanskaya and the Jordan River, listen to my words! The giver of life walked along the shore, spoke words, threw pebbles into the river, thought. The river is fast, harsh, strong! You wash the golden shores and carry that gold around the world. Bring me (name) that ardent gold, good gold, gold ... (monetary, ritual, glorious). Arrive (15 times), settle in my bins (8 times).

Speech Siyanskaya bring prosperity directly into your hands: at the dawn of the morning and evening, at noon and every midnight, every day, hour and minute. Under the diamond stars and on a clear day! Flow from the world, help the rich. My words seal (Amen 40 times).

Strong conspiracies from Vanga

This text is said to attract a certain amount of money. For example, it can be read to return a debt that is considered hopelessly lost, or you can guess the execution of profits. You need to pronounce the words on the street for the first Sun rays. An important condition This strong conspiracy is that you need to spend money on long-planned needs.

In the sun

Dawn, dawn, morning, morning, I got up early in the morning at the moment when the sun scatters its gilded gold. Come, come light (3x) From the three wise men, kiss me, who know what is due to me. Omniscient sages, you know how much I owe, you know where it is hidden, you know how to get it. You know my secrets, I conjure you, bring me (amount) of gold-wealth. Overshadow me with wisdom, fulfill my desire! Amen (3 times).

For bread

Get up in the morning and break off the edge of the loaf. Read on it, then soak it in salt and eat it, drink it with holy water.

Daily bread - you always live in the house, make our life well-fed, happy, rich. Open the way to all good things in my house, bring prosperity and wealth. I promise! They will go well. I promise to honor you, to give to the poor. Holy bread, bring prosperity. Amen (three times).

On a full moon

Before using this conspiracy, you should just stand under the moon for about 5 minutes. You need to tune in internally, accept wealth.

Stop, breathe, open your energy channels, and when you feel that you are energized, start.

“The moon is full of silver, scatter your highlights, get into my pocket. In my pocket the most (3 times) May magical silver save me from poverty and evil spirits and never run out. May it be so forever!”

To the growing moon

On the third night of the growing moon, take a few large bills and, substituting under the moonlight, rustle them and say:

“The generous month brings gold,

He is the richest in the world

Holy month, become my brother

Make me rich (-toy)."

And repeat 12 times, and do not spend bills until it turns into a moon, completing its cycle. By that time, the spell will begin to work, and the profit will flow to where the bills will lie.

For 12 coins

Take twelve coins and squeeze in a fist, leave the house to the growing moon. When the coins are warmed by the warmth of your palm, expose them to the moonlight and whisper:

“Grow, grow the moon, multiply the tide and bless my money! Grow and multiply my money! Enrich me (name), seduce goodness and glory. May it be as I command! How I want! As I command!"

Read the plot 12 times, and after that put the coins where the savings are.

For a green candle

For this ritual, you will need a basin of water, a copper coin and green candle. At midnight from Saturday to Sunday, pour settled water into a bowl and put it on the table. Throw a coin there and light a candle, drip wax on the water and say:

“From every eternal minute, from every eternal hour, from every eternal day, from each eternal week, from each eternal month, from each eternal year, increase my wealth! Come to me silver and gold, money and goodness! May it be so until the last days!”

It is necessary to speak until the candle burns out, so it is better to buy a small one. Then pour the water around the house and let it dry on its own. Keep the coin in your wallet pocket and do not show it to anyone.

How to read a conspiracy for money at home?

As a rule, the ritual should begin for reading at midnight, and if preparation is required for it, then it is started in the evening. Everything should be arranged and in advance. Also, by the allotted time, you must tune in. Nothing superfluous should be allowed in thoughts, no murmuring, no swearing, no doubt.

Conspiracy - black magic - for money for reading at home

Buy a thick candle and a new sharp knife. At midnight, cut the candle lengthwise and light it at both ends, and while it burns, say:

“My spirit is marked with wealth, I order the fire to burn carelessly, bring me profit forever!”

A conspiracy for money and good luck quickly attracts finance, read strong spells you can without leaving your home. The rituals below work to attract wealth and success in all matters. All rituals this year held at home require strict adherence to these rules. Otherwise, you will achieve the exact opposite result.

Conspiracy rules for successful money making

Many people think if use white magic, then you urgently need to run to the Veduns. We will answer you like this: "Our spells for receiving money can be read independently." Throughout January 2019, we collected for you the most strong rituals and spells for home use. Practice financial magic correctly and money will flow into your house like a river!

There are many sources for attracting financial success, so conspiracies and prayers for good luck and money are divided into varieties. In 2019, items related to prosperity are used in money magic:

  • paper notes;
  • coins;
  • metals;
  • stones.

The use of these things enhances money conspiracies and speeds up the process of enrichment. To make sense of conspiracies and prayers for money and good luck, you need to study all the rules in detail.

  1. Set a clearly defined goal. Finances: the exact amount and how exactly they should get to you. Happiness: in what exactly, why is it necessary and in what time frame;
  2. Give thanks to the good forces that provide you with help;
  3. Most of the attributes included in the ritual procedure cannot be changed;
  4. It is not worth saying the words of the spell for the sake of curiosity;
  5. Pregnant women are forbidden to use financial magic;
  6. Be sure to observe the time specified in the ritual;
  7. Following all the recommendations will help you attract financial luck.

Powerful conspiracies for big money and success

Conspiracies for money and success in business slander on yellow coins or a paper bill. This year the ritual is held on odd days, at night. Money is placed right in front of you and at this moment a prayer is read:

“As many leaves in the forest, as many stars in the sky, as much money in my pocket. Grow my wealth and exaggerate. Help me, Lord, the servant of God (your name), never know poverty and troubles. Amen".

They hide in one of the corners of the apartment or house, where it will be exactly twelve days. At the end of the term, the bill must be spent on good deeds. Make a donation to the church or help those in need.

You can not spend on alcohol and tobacco products, this money is intended to improve your financial position and attracting positive emotions.

Home conspiracy for money from Vanga

A conspiracy for big money from Vanga will help not to lack Money. The ritual is simple, for which you will need a piece of black bread. It is performed on an empty stomach (do not eat for about three hours), at night. Find a secluded place in the house where there will be no other people. Put a piece in front of you and say a prayer for money:

“Lord, you helped all the suffering and sick, took away sorrows and sorrows. Give support to me, the servant of God (your name) and my family: never experience hunger, lack and sorrow. Let grief and poverty not concern us. I swear to help all those in need and spend them wisely. Amen".

Eat some bread after reading.

The peculiarity of the ritual is that it can no longer be repeated. Correct execution ensures that you will see results quickly enough.

money ball

One of the ways to attract finance to the house is the creation of a "money ball".

To make a ball, use a red thread, a few paper bills and a couple of coins. All wrapped together three times, and smeared with eucalyptus oil. If it dries too quickly, you need to re-lubricate. During the process, use the plot for good luck and money:

“A bill to a nickel, and he to a wallet. Everyone goes to the courtyard."

hung over front door in a dwelling. They keep exactly as long as the new moon lasts. After that, put it in any prominent place and sort it out again within a week. Repeat the procedure until a positive effect. In some cases, it is used as an amulet.

Prayer to attract money to the Trinity

Prayers for money used on Trinity are considered the most effective. On this day, people come to the church with a herbal broom, and when they leave, they bow to the four sides and weave wreaths. At the same time, you need to read a money prayer:

“As I weave a wreath, so I attract talent to the house.”

At home, they put it next to the icon and keep it for a whole year, for next year the procedure is repeated. Also, you can use the method with the "grass of centaurs." They take the centaury with them to the service, and then they take a steam bath with it. It is believed that it brings prosperity for the whole year.

Grain conspiracy

Conspiracy on money luck at work is carried out with the help of coffee beans and candles. After sunset, go to the room where one big window. Moonlight directly penetrates inside and falls on the place of the ceremony. Place a lit candle on the windowsill, and surround it with grains, then say a conspiracy:

“As the sun rises in the sky, so I grow at work. There will be no problems or decline in my work - only luck and success. Let the envious people shut up, and gossips dry up. My word is strong, the Lord has the key on the table. Amen".

Read three times in a row. Take the coffee beans to your office and hide them in different places. After three weeks, you will notice how things have improved.

Good call spell

In order for the one who is needed to call, you should read a special conspiracy for success in business. Suitable for those who plan to get a job new position or waiting for a change in life. Take a piece of paper and describe: what kind of work suits you or what changes in life you want. The last point is the growth of money. Wash yourself three times cold water and say such a plot for luck:

“The angels are leading me out of the gate - they will call happiness and success. I (your name) will find happiness, the angels will save you from failures. Amen".

Wipe your face with a towel, and put the leaf in an envelope. One year later, open it and compare it with what happened in your life during this time.

pin amulet

A conspiracy on a pin for good luck in business can be carried out at any time. You must have with you:

  • Raw white rice;
  • Salt and sugar;
  • New pin.

Each of the ingredients must be collected with a teaspoon and put in a saucer. The pin is dipped into the mixture, after which magical conspiracies are read:

“I stick the tip, I close luck, happiness and money on myself!”

Leave it on all night, and in the morning - pin it to the inside of the clothes. It is important that no one finds out about your magical knowledge.

Hexes multiplying money by 3 phases of the moon

Night time is considered the most effective for various magical influences. Many magicians wait for this time to attract luck. Of particular power are those conspiracies for money and good luck that are made on the new moon. It is associated with a new stage in life, the opportunity to fill the future with only positive energy.

On the full moon, they ask for good and prosperity, this hour is called “full”, because the moon has gained full force and can distribute it to others. You can pick up any spell from those presented, and perform at the appointed time.

Important: correctly calculate the phases of the moon, so as not to be mistaken with the conduct. Favorable months for various operations.

  • October, November, May - high efficiency;
  • Less favorable: April, December, June;
  • July, August, March - do not fit at all;
  • Full moon days: 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13.

New moon conspiracy

To apply a conspiracy to attract wealth during the growing moon, you need seven coins. Exactly at 24:00, squeeze the coins in your fist and read the prayer:

“All living things grow under the sun, under the moon - wealth and a good share. They increase and multiply, they enrich me (your name). Never know poverty, never lose wealth. It will be as the word is spoken!”

After that, put the coins in your wallet and carry them with you, as they say, "a penny saves a ruble."

Full moon conspiracy

Reading conspiracies for money and good luck in full moon brings only positive things to life. It is similar to the previous one, since you again need seven coins. Take a mug and pour holy water into it. The rite must be performed under direct moonlight, exactly at midnight. Dip the coins in the water and say a prayer:

“The moon is full like a mug of water. You are inseparable and white, let the money shine like the stars in the sky. Scattered in handfuls in my pocket, I do not know troubles and sorrows. Poverty bypasses the path, and prosperity comes to me. Key, tongue lock"

Leave the coins until morning, under direct light. In the morning, wipe them with a clean towel and put them in your wallet that you use most often.

waning moon conspiracy

With the help of a conspiracy, the waning moon can get rid of lack of money. The ritual is performed immediately, as soon as the moon appears in the sky. You can stand near an open window, stretch out your hands to the heavenly body and talk about problems. After that, read the conspiracy to attract money to the house:

“As the moon wanes in the sky, as it takes away my sorrows. Moon, pure silver - be good to me. In the darkness you will dissolve new luck will be born in me. Amen"

Go to bed and imagine that your problems have already been solved.

The main thing is to pronounce everything clearly and loudly, realizing all the power.

Forbidden appeals for money to ancient magic

In addition to bright slander for money, there are those rituals that turn into the other world. They should be performed by a person who has sufficient faith and energy. After and before the procedure, cleaning and preparation are carried out. Relevant for those who want quick result but with consequences. If there is no certainty, then it is advisable to turn to professionals.

The performer will need initial protection, saving from the manifestation of Evil Spirits. Magic attributes are selected in advance so that during the event there is no need for additional items.

gray magic

In this case, preparation will be required that affects the further outcome. Before performing a gray ritual for money, you need to drink only water for one day and eat black bread. Time - new moon or waxing moon. It will take three church candles, several bills of small value, a white tablecloth and red wine.

At night they go outside the house or at any free place where people rarely appear. They put a white tablecloth and money on the ground, put candles nearby and light it, read the plot of attraction:

“The wealth that I see will double, or even hundreds. Fill with golden moonlight, come to my house and become a regular guest.

Candles are extinguished with red wine, after which they are wrapped in a tablecloth along with money. They hide in a secluded place, which only the performer will know about. For a whole week they do not return to this place, and at the end of the term they put a coin on top of the bundle.

“I pay for my wealth, an addition to gold and silver, green and red.”

They burn it, and the remaining coins are left in place. You can go back and see if the remaining money has disappeared. They must be picked up by someone within 40 days. If this did not happen, then the rite was performed incorrectly.

Black magic

Before performance black magic for money, many black magicians practice a raw food diet and vegetarianism. If this is possible, set aside at least three days for a diet. Prepare: a red candle, a couple of old and new coins, find the grave of your mate in the cemetery. Now, during the week, visit the deceased and lay flowers, take care of the surrounding area.

On the new moon, go out exactly at midnight and go along a straight road without turning anywhere. IN right hand hold an old type coin. Arriving at the cemetery - cross yourself three times, do not turn around to the surrounding sounds. Bury a coin in the place indicated earlier and speak money for profit:

“I give you, (name), old and inanimate. May you feel good and have fun, and may new and necessary things come to me. I bring two coins: one for you and one for me. How many days I walked, so much money will be more. I ask for wealth and your help.

Transfer the new coin from the left hand to the right and head home. Do not talk along the way, and especially - do not get to crossroads. At home, put money in your wallet and go to bed without saying a word.

In the morning, read "Our Father" and visit the church, putting a candle for the repose.

Prayer that helps with money to all people

A person who is not strong in his faith is unlikely to be able to achieve his goal and attract a lot of money. There are many ways to break through and get the long-awaited reward. Helping you get closer to your dreams conspiracy prayer on wealth, which can be read before going to bed and after waking up.

“Lord, send the servant of God (your name) grace and all prosperity. Without dashing and fatigue. Amen"

Cross yourself and go about your business. This prayer will protect you all day from various unpleasant incidents and loss of money. Use it every time you feel the need for protection from the Higher Powers or doubt your faith.