In the New Europe shopping center, a man with a chainsaw and an ax attacked visitors. In Belarus, a guy with an ax and a chainsaw attacked people in a shopping center

I'm going home after couples. I'm leaving the subway. In front of me is a man with a chainsaw. The weather is good, warm. I, enjoying the spring, slowly follow him. Another man is coming towards us. He walks past a guy with a chainsaw, walks past me, then suddenly turns around. The dialogue follows:
- Mikhalych, is that you?
- Oh, Ivan! And I didn't recognize you.
Yeah, I didn't recognize you either. Yes, I see a friend drinking.
This is how they found each other. With a chainsaw.

The need of the peasant was completely tortured.
Went to warm up.
He tied a stone around his neck and goes deeper and deeper into the water.

Man - grab it! Opachki! - Gold fish!
Make up your mind, says your three wishes.
The man thought and thought, in detail like this, and asks:
- And, can I make two wishes now, and leave the third in reserve?
"Yes," the fish replies.
- Then, firstly, I want to be a new Russian, and secondly - so that they would not be killed.
The six hundredth Mercedes with a new Russian is driving around Moscow. Chainsaw hands
sawed off, legs torn off by a grenade, eyes burned with sulfuric acid,
but alive - death does not take him.
The man could not stand such a life, remembered the third wish, called
- What do you want? she asked.
- Can you return me in time to the moment of our meeting?
- Can!
No sooner said than done.
A man enters the water with a stone around his neck.
Then something began to sparkle under his feet.
- Yes, go to X% @! - said the man, and with a light heart wandered on.

(C) Robinson of Odessa (

The incident happened in Minsk in the shopping center " New Europe". According to a witness we managed to contact, a man entered the mall. In his hands was a working chainsaw. “Some mental patient. He attacked the first person he came across and cut off her head,- the girl said (later this information was denied in the UK). The victim turned out to be a salesperson at one of the outlets of the shopping center, who "went to buy herself tights." The suspect in the murder is 17 years old.

After the attack, the man dropped the saw and grabbed the axe.

- Passers-by attacked him and knocked him down, began to beat him. Until the police arrived- says the witness. According to her, there was some second man, but he was standing on the street.

"While pre-murder," - reported press secretary of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee Alexander Lastovsky.

Right now in in social networks many versions. On a day off at mall traditionally there are many visitors, and the testimonies of witnesses differ on emotions. According to the second version, there were two attackers: one with a saw, the other with an ax. They ran after random people. They talk about the second wounded. She was taken to the 10th hospital. According to BelTA, doctors assess the woman's condition as medium degree gravity. She is 46 years old. “The patient received two blows with an ax in the area chest and shoulder girdle. She is being examined and is undergoing treatment.”- specified in the hospital.

The territory of the shopping center is cordoned off by police. An investigative team is on the scene.

A little later, law enforcement agencies restored the picture of the state of emergency. Man decent looking entered the mall through the main entrance with a guitar case on his back. Then he took out a chainsaw from the case, turned it on and attacked one of the visitors. She died on the spot. Then the man took out an ax from the case and struck two blows at another girl - she was taken to the hospital.

- A man brought a chainsaw and an ax in a guitar case, says the official Investigative Committee Julia Goncharova. - He inflicted injuries on the girl with a chainsaw, she died on the spot. Another girl was hurt. Rumors about a severed head are untrue, as well as information that there were two attackers. The suspect was detained, he is a man of Slavic appearance, born in 1998, Belarusian by nationality. The Investigative Committee initiated a criminal case.

The deceased was born in 1970, an employee of a shopping center. Victim - born in 1973, visitor.

The police described the attack every minute. 17:27 - the guy enters the shopping center through the side front door. 17:28 - with a wound up chainsaw, he inflicts damage on the first girl that is incompatible with life. Then the citizen takes out an ax, threatens the visitors of the shopping center, and attacks the second woman. And only after 6 minutes, in 17:34 , someone calls the police department on duty. 17:35 - the first security detail arrives. 17:36 - PPS outfit. IN 17:38 the attacker was arrested.

A 17-year-old resident of Minsk attacked a shopping center in the Belarusian capital with a chainsaw and an axe, beheading a saleswoman in cold blood and trying to hack everyone around. Minutes after the start of the tragedy, a police squad arrived at the Europa shopping center, and visitors and sellers of the shopping center helped to detain the bloody, cold-blooded killer.

He is threatened the death penalty, which has not yet been canceled in Belarus. According to law enforcement sources, he could either be a supporter of ISIS terrorists, or be mentally unstable, or be under the influence of psychotropic drugs and drugs. Versions that he is a member of a gang or "outplayed cruel computer games"The investigation denied.

“I think this is a mentally ill person, otherwise there is no way to explain his act. Everything happened near my store and in front of my eyes. About six o’clock yesterday a young man came in, he had a guitar case in his hands. He grabbed the first girl who came across, took out a chainsaw from the case, started it and killed the girl ... I saw her eyes. This guy acted calmly, silently, did not say anything and did not utter a word. And then he took the ax out of the case and went on, " Europe" edition "KP".

"There were two of them. Guys in masks, one had a chainsaw, the second had an axe. Of course, everyone is in shock," they wrote on social networks, "You have no idea how much blood there is, how children and women screamed!"

“I just understood that I needed to run away as soon as possible, because all the people ran. The most important thing was to run out into the street. I thought why no one was calling the police. I took out the phone, called in a hurry, they told me that the call had already been accepted. Very quickly , literally in 1.5 minutes the police arrived," a visitor to the shopping center told the Life portal.

“When we went out into the street, we realized this whole nightmare. From horror films, I remember that in such cases you need to run without turning around. People ran in silence, they did not scream. The only phrase sounded: “A man with an ax,” she added .

"The entrance to this shopping center on Surganov Street is closed. The police do not let anyone in, and, accordingly, do not let them out. Almost immediately, forces pulled up there special operations, or rather - special forces. But those eyewitnesses who managed to run out into the street told us that there was turmoil in the shopping center, people were running in different directions," the correspondents of the capital TV of Belarus share.

"No one knew what was happening. The security service officers ran to meet them. I went down from the third floor. I went down, a crowd of people with nets ran, the girls ran. Our people shouted: "Call the guards, the police!" “A man with a chainsaw is running. We ran. The guards ran in one direction, we all ran along the corridor. There was a panic, we ran around the floors. They shouted: “The girl was hacked to death!” I don’t remember anything, we all hid in some kind of basement ", - adds another visitor to the Europe shopping center.

However, the investigation stated that there was only one killer - adding that the second girl was also injured. She is in the hospital now.

“The guy came in with a guitar case through the service entrance, started a saw and inflicted bodily injuries first on one girl who died from her injuries. After that, the young man took out an ax and attacked the second girl. She was able to escape. Then he began to threaten other people with an ax "- said the portal TYT.By.

“The center worker turned out to be killed, she is about 30 years old, she came to buy tights,” some eyewitnesses write, while others say that the second girl was sitting in a cafe.

"The victim is a 46-year-old visitor to the shopping center. The attacker hit her twice with an ax - in the chest and on the shoulder. She was taken to one of the hospitals in Minsk, doctors assess her condition as moderate," investigators say.

“The shop owners grabbed chairs, trash cans, and threw them at him. On the ground floor, almost at the exit, a guy threw a trash can so that it hit the attacker in the head. He fell, and everyone attacked him. they stuffed his car," the owner of one of the stores shared with reporters.

However, the police did not report - after the killer fell, the Belarusians attacked him and began to beat him furiously, with their hands and feet. At this moment, the policemen tied up the beaten criminal.

“A man with an ax was running through the shopping center. Guys from other stores were swinging chairs at him and throwing trash cans, trying to stop him. I noticed that he was going to run up the stairs to the exit, I quickly went down the escalator and intercepted him. I hit him a couple of times and twisted "Other guys ran up and helped. A couple of minutes later, the police arrived and took the attacker away," said an employee of the Europe shopping center, who was able to capture the criminal.

"Just don't panic, come up with something that didn't exist. At the moment it is known that the attacker was alone. This is a young man of 17 years old, originally from Minsk, inconspicuous. Everything happened so quickly that people did not even have time to really figure it out "what happened. The police arrived a minute after the call, after a minute and a half the young man was detained by the security guards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. His identity was established," Yulia Goncharova, an official representative of the Investigative Committee, told the press.

"A criminal case has been initiated under Part 2 of Article 139 of the Murder Criminal Code," the investigators said. They also confirmed that according to the Belarusian legislation, punishment "up to the death penalty" is prescribed for this.

"Currently, investigations are underway at the scene. Immediately after the murder of the girl, the shopping center was closed, police officers, together with representatives of the Investigative Committee, are questioning witnesses," Channel One explained.

Minsk, which survived both explosions and riots in the city center, will not remember such a thing.

“A man entered the mall. In his hands was a working chainsaw. Some mental patient. He pounced on the first person he came across and cut off her head. The victim was the seller of one of the outlets of the shopping center, who went to buy tights for herself, eyewitnesses reported on social networks and Twitter. - Passers-by jumped on him and knocked him down, began to beat him. Until the police arrived. There was also a second man, but he was standing on the street.”

“The girl-seller was killed,” other users write. —

She leaned over to close the roller shutter (roller shutters that close the entrance to the outlet. - Gazeta.Ru), they grabbed her by the hair and cut her with a chainsaw ... You should have heard the children screaming!

Almost all of the initial reports spoke of two attackers, one with a chainsaw, the other with an axe. Both of them were allegedly wearing masks and were running after random people. Then it became known that the attacker - a young man - was alone.

“The man brought a chainsaw and an ax in a guitar case,” Yulia Goncharova, press secretary of the Investigative Committee of Belarus, told reporters. “He injured the girl with a chainsaw, she died on the spot. Another girl was hurt. Rumors about a severed head are untrue, as well as information that there were two attackers.

The suspect was detained, he is a man of Slavic appearance, born in 1998, Belarusian by nationality. The Investigative Committee initiated a criminal case."

First, the police detained two men, while the most went to one, who was spattered with blood. True, it soon turned out that this was an eyewitness who was trying to help a wounded woman. As for the second wounded woman, according to the BelTA news agency, doctors assess the woman's condition as moderate. She is 46 years old.

“The patient received two blows with an ax in the chest and shoulder girdle. She is being examined and undergoing treatment,” the hospital said.

Later, the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee, Alexander Barsukov, told reporters the chronology of what had happened right at the scene. Saturday night at 17.27 a 17-year-old Minsk resident entered through the side entrance of the Europe shopping center. The young man was decently dressed, calm and completely unsuspicious. He had a guitar case with him, in which he hid an ax and a chainsaw.

A minute later, the guy changed clothes, started the saw and inflicted bodily injuries, first on one woman, who died from her injuries.

After that, the man took out an ax and attacked the second woman. She was injured but managed to escape. Then he began to threaten other people with an axe. Only at 17.34 the first call came to the police station. At 17.35-17.36 the first police officers were already at the scene. The attacker was detained near the scene at 17.38.

An eyewitness to the events, the owner of one of the stores in the Europa shopping center, Leonid Usich, described what happened for the Onliner portal as follows:

“He had a huge ax - 1.5 meters somewhere in the handle. Like a sledgehammer, only with a sharp tip.

He was dressed like a clown - in a luminous cloak of bright green color. There was a mask on the head. Well, you know, like skiing put on - the face is visible, and everything else is closed. Ski goggles half-face, and large headphones on top.

…I saw a guy go to the center of the hall, take out a chainsaw from his backpack and attack the first saleswoman he came across. The girl was only 30 years old. It seems that she worked in a store near a pizzeria. Here he took out an axe. My salesperson Natasha came out of the pizzeria and immediately ran into him nose to nose. I grabbed a stick that fell under my arm and ran towards him. Two more ran to him with a chair. They tried to somehow stop him, as if they hit him on the head from behind with a chair. But I didn’t see this moment myself ... I saw that the guy with the ax looked around, broke a couple of shop windows. Then he ran after the police to show him where he was. By the time we got there, they had tied him up.”

It is known that the suspect is a citizen of Belarus, he is 17 years old, lives in Minsk. Now he is being interrogated in the Sovetsky police department of Minsk. On the fact of the incident, a criminal case was initiated under Part 2 of Art. 139 of the Criminal Code of Belarus (murder).

The maximum punishment under the article provides for imprisonment up to 25 years, life imprisonment or the death penalty.

Alexei Volkov, First Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee, told reporters: “The investigation has at its disposal video recordings from surveillance cameras, so we can definitely say that the attacker was alone. All the rumors that there were several attackers are connected with the fact that a man was seen first with a chainsaw, then with an ax. The condition of the young man (whether he was drunk or under the influence of drugs) is not commented on in the UK.

One of the employees of the Europa shopping center, Alexander, told the portal how he detained the attacker with an ax. According to Alexander, he saw panic when he came out of the toilet - a man with an ax and a gas canister was running through the shopping center.

“Guys from other stores were swinging chairs at him and throwing trash cans in an attempt to stop him. I noticed that he was going to run up the stairs to the exit, I quickly went down the escalator and intercepted him.

Hit a couple of times and twisted. Other guys ran up and helped. After a couple of minutes, police officers arrived and took the attacker away, ”said the participant in the events.

"Autumn. Mental exacerbation. Panic. Gossip. The press service of the Investigative Committee is on top. Despite the weekend evening, Igor Parmon, a former high-ranking officer of the criminal police of Belarus, commented on what was happening to Gazeta.Ru. - Well, yes. Even if you enter mandatory inspection psychiatry of the entire adult population, this will not help anyone. Psychiatry is generally a backward science, nothing new since the time of Freud, and Freud did not advance far. And that's the world we live in."

Over the past few weeks, several high-profile events have taken place in Belarus, which can be explained by a combination of social factors with autumn psychological exacerbations. So, in different parts of the country, people committed suicide because they did not receive a salary at the factory or because the authorities issued them very big fines which they are unable to pay.

Minsk was shaken by a wild attack on visitors to the New Europe shopping center. On the evening of October 8, a 17-year-old boy entered the building. He had a guitar case and a chainsaw with him. An ax was hidden inside. He took them out and attacked the visitors of the cafe. This was reported in the Investigative Committee of Belarus.

A 40-year-old woman died at the scene from chainsaw wounds. Eyewitnesses said that the attacker cut off her head. Then the ax went into action. A 43-year-old visitor was injured, she survived and is in the hospital. Her condition is moderate, she received injuries to her arm and chest.

within 10 minutes young man eyewitnesses themselves detained, then the police arrived. The reason for the attack is still unknown.

acted in cold blood

I think this is a mentally ill person, otherwise there is no way to explain his act. Everything happened near my store and before my eyes, - Galina, the seller of the Europe shopping center, tells KP.BY. - About six o'clock in the evening a young man came in, he had a guitar case in his hands. He grabbed the first girl he came across, took a chainsaw out of its case, started it and killed the girl ... I saw her eyes. This guy acted coolly, silently, did not say anything and did not utter a word. And then he took the ax out of the case and went on.

Murder in the shopping center "Europe" is more like an American action movie.

There were two of them. Guys in masks, one with a chainsaw, the other with an axe. Of course, everyone is in shock ... - wrote some.

Shopkeepers grabbed chairs, trash cans, threw them at him. On the ground floor, almost at the exit, a guy threw a trash can so that it hit the attacker in the head. He fell, and everyone attacked him. The traffic police officers, who were the first to arrive, stuffed him into the car, - the owner of one of the shops of the shopping center told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

True, a little later, law enforcement agencies denied this information. The attacker was alone, the confusion arose due to the fact that he hid both a chainsaw and an ax under the case. Apparently, frightened visitors and sellers mistook the teenager for two different people.

Just do not panic, invent something that was not there. At the moment it is known that the attacker was alone. This is a young man of 17 years old, originally from Minsk, inconspicuous. Everything happened so quickly that people did not even have time to really figure out what happened, - Yulia Goncharova, an official representative of the Investigative Committee, comments on Komsomolskaya Pravda. - The police arrived a minute after the call, after a minute and a half the young man was detained by the guards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. His identity has been established.

You can’t even imagine how scary it was when we were sitting in the closet of the pharmacy and hiding from this maniac, ”Anastasia, the seller of the Europe shopping center, still cannot come to her senses to Komsomolskaya Pravda. In the evening we heard screams from top floor: "Shut up! There's a crazy man running around!". To be honest, I didn’t believe it right away, and continued to calmly drink tea. But then my colleague went on reconnaissance, came running, shouting: "It's true! Let's hide!" Dropped out of fear open shop, ran into the pharmacy, and there is a closet, locked. We are sitting. It was terrible! They began calling relatives and friends, asking for help. Together with us in the closet was the cleaner Irina. When she was leaving the toilet with cups, this madman attacked her with an axe. Given the fact that the girl was engaged in judo in the past, she took a stance as soon as she noticed him, and the blow fell on her arm. By some miracle, Irina was able to escape from him, right in the closet they bandaged her hand. Through the gap they saw how the police were running around the shopping center, but they did not come out until the last. They were very afraid. It was later that they learned that the girl had died. Someone says this was a seller, someone is a client. So far, nothing is clear. On Sunday I have a working day, but it's scary to go out. Maybe the center will be closed for an investigative experiment? It would be right. We all need time to calm down a little.

Sales assistant Vika, who went out for a smoke at the side entrance to the mall, saw a guy in an orange jacket enter the mall. She noticed that he had a guitar case behind his back, and a chainsaw was turned on in his hands. A minute later, when she entered the lobby, she saw a girl lying on the floor covered in blood.