What drugs need a recipe. Pharmacy networks complain about big fines for vacation prescription drugs without recipe

How to audge

Penalties for vacation prescription drugs In pharmacies without recipe grew. From January 1, 2017, according to CACAP amendments, for violation of the retail sales rules of pharmacist or pharmacuor can be fined by 5-10 thousand rubles. (earlier than 1.5-3 thousand rubles), an official - by 20-30 thousand rubles. (earlier than 5-10 thousand rubles), Jurliso - by 100-150 thousand rubles. (earlier than 20-30 thousand) or suspend the activity of the pharmacy for up to 90 days.

Participants in the pharmacy market note that the issue associated with the release of prescription drugs at the moment reached its apogee. The offender continues to recognize only the pharmacy, although to doctors who do not write recipes on the official form, there are also many questions.

Cry and sell

However, in addition to the evaluation of what is happening, the interlocutors "FV" revealed several trends that can affect the further development This situation.

"The logic of regulatory authorities is understandable, and in general we support new licensing requirements pharmaceutical activity. But the devil is known in the details. According to our statistics, only half of the recipes discharged by doctors fully complies with all standards. People still come in pharmacies with extracts without printing or even with bulls of paper with printing, but in which sales names instead are in place. Formally pharmacy has no right to let the medicine for such a "recipe". In addition, it is extremely rare, but there are cases when the first-timer is forced to let the medicine and risk, even if there is no recipe. Suppose that the buyer has a strong attack of asthma, he knows the name of the medicine and his dosage, but he does not have a recipe with him. Choosing B. this case Necklik: Either to deny the chipping person, or violate the law. Therefore, in this matter the most important thing to do without beggars, "said the Director of External Communications PJSC" Pharmacy Network 36.6 " Alexey Kiselev - Romanov.

According to Boris Gorodetsky, general Director Service "Your Provision", increasing penalties or introduction additional Mer, such as the suspension or review of the license, will give the effect of increasing prices for all medical products, the prices of which are not regulated by the state.

"Pharmacies will need to compensate for the loss of income from prescription drugs," he explained. At the same time, the expert recalled that the pharmacies regularly pay fines, but continue to sell prescription drugs without a recipe.

"Since they constitute a substantial part of revenue," Boris Gorodetsky added.

Underground recipes

Director of Marketing Pharmlinker Pharmacies (Kazan) Ruslan Ibrahimov It believes that tightening in legislation to indigenous shifts will not lead and proposes to pay attention to the problems of fake recipes.

"Every year the number of fake recipes is growing. Here also need hard control. Now, when entering a search engine "buy a recipe" comes out a lot of sites with suggestions, "he states.

The question will create more stringent norms of the underground system of recipe statements, set and Oleg Berezin, Partner, Head of the Group on Work with Macrobic Sciences and Health Care of the CIS.

"Before entering such norms, it is necessary to answer the following questions: will the opportunity be able to receive a recipe for all patients? For example, if there is a queue for the reception to the doctors of some specialties on OMS for a few weeks ahead, then there is no understanding how the load on the health care system will increase (first of all in OMS) with the introduction of such rules and what measures should be taken to avoid this? If the legislator has an understanding how these questions need to be addressed, then such measures will certainly be administered together with those measures that would have closed these questions, "the expert explains.

The tougher, the better

Part of the experts acts categorically for tightening the punishment upon reception prescription drugs without recipes.

"None in one european country Independent assignment to himself treating and choosing medicines for the advice of the pharmacist or on the advice of friends there is no - there is only a doctor's appointment, "reminds chief doctor Clinics "Sphere" Eric Eskina.

Extremely positive trend Calls this situation and the general director of the pharmaceutical company "NATIV" Alexander Malin.

"Since the entry of Order No. 647 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the requirements for the implementation of prescription drugs tightened. Pharmacists are not eligible to produce drugs even in cases where the recipe is not properly decorated: on the usual form, without the right seals. And, in my opinion, only the patient will benefit from this measure, "he said.

I designated my position on this issue Mikhail Salikov, Director of Marketing Egis in Russia. According to him, vacation prescription drugs should occur only on the recipe. At the same time, the original drugs under the patent receive an advantage even in the terms of statement on the MNN.

"If there are no generics on the market, then the significance of the pharmacies will increase significantly with MNN, which brand will be released by the buyer. The pharmacy is unprofitable to sell cheap generics, respectively, the advantage in the final sales will be generic preparations with an average price and high quality"He added.

According to the market participants, the situation associated with the release of prescription drugs should change in best side By expanding the capabilities of telemedicine. Load, both with doctors and from pharmacy workers, will remove the widespread introduction of electronic recipes. These are the main innovations that the pharmacy business is so awaiting.

The rules for selling drugs in pharmacies have changed

When the pharmacy sells a prescription medicine, which is valid for the year, the pharmacist should noted when and how much drug is sold. And the recipe is returned. The next time this recipe will sell the right amount of medication again: I will take into account past sales and again put a mark.

When the recipe period is over, it will be impossible to buy medicine on it. If the recipe is subject to storage, the pharmacy will take it. If you do not need to store - give, but it will not work anyway.

What rules are installed for sale vaccines?

Vaccine for vaccinations will be sold, only if the buyer has a thermal container. It is impossible to deliver it to the clinic in a conventional bag: the vaccine will deteriorate and the vaccination will be useless.

Buy the container can be right in the pharmacy. These are the additional costs that need to be considered: you will have to pay extra or go with your own. You can't buy a vaccine in advance. Keep such drugs can be maximum two days. If you are going to make a child vaccine vaccine vaccine, consider these limitations.

By the way, it is also impossible to buy a vaccine without a recipe. You will have to first take a recipe from a doctor, then buy a drug on it and for 48 hours again get into the clinic - already on vaccination.

Sometimes it's easier to sign up in paid clinic: There will be inspected, they will give direction and make all the procedures at a time. Or agree to the free vaccination of cheap vaccine from the state.

Operators will block the sim cards and cut the Internet if the subscriber does not send a copy of the passport

Source: PP dated 25.10.17 № 1295

Communication operators can block services to subscribers who will not confirm their personal data. Previously there were no regulations for which subscribers and operators exchanged requests and documents. Now there are rules that explain everything - they will earn from November 4, 2017.

And although on the papers now it is clear how to confirm the person, in practice it is done or difficult, or in general it is impossible.

Who is threatened and what to do?

Why can operators block subscribers?

These right have them by law on communication. This norm worked before: operators could block subscribers who did not coincide with the actual data in the contract. There was no rules on which operators should request these confirmations, and subscribers to send them.

Officially, the subscriber has 15 days to confirm its data after the request.

What kind of requests are it? Who are interested in personal data of subscribers?

So far, the law is talking about requests from operational and law enforcement agencies. They make a request to operators for some of their goals. Like, let the subscriber confirm that he is the very Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, which is framed by Simkart.

No one knows in advance to whom and for what reason such a request will be sent. This does not mean that the Subscriber is a criminal or a terrorist. The operator is obliged to respond to such a request, request data from the subscriber and transfer the answer.

From June 1, 2018, such requests will be able to send and Roskomnadzor to operators. If the department wants to identify the real owner of the site or the author of the post in the social network, it will do it through a cellular operator.

And why is the contract not enough?

Even if the contract has subscriber data, the actual owner of the Simkart may be someone else. The operator wants to know who actually calls or sends messages from this number.

And if the contract is not concluded, and the Simkart is active, you will have to inform you who uses it. This is possible if you use an anonymous symcanta, which we bought from the subway or in mall.

Is it only about mobile communication?

No, inpatient communication too. Disable home phone. Another check concerns Internet providers. If the subscriber does not confirm the personal data in the contract, will remain without the Internet, email and messengers.

How will subscribers get a request from the operator?

First, the request will receive the operator itself. He has three days to request your personal data.

That's how it can be done:

The operator will send a request and will wait for documents from the subscriber.

How to confirm the personal data?

You need to send an operator a copy of the document confirming the identity. And this should not be done, but according to the rules. Otherwise, the answer is not counted and the connection will be disconnected.

Here is how you can confirm the person.

Directly from the operator. Any communication salon will not suit. Where you can submit documents, you need to specify the operator. It will take the original and personal presence.

Through your personal account on the operator's website. The document must be assured with a strengthened qualified electronic signature. This signature still needs to get in advance - it is paid.

Through state services, if there is an account. So far, it is not clear how this document will receive operators. They have not yet been integrated into general System And they cannot see documents that subscribers are sent through state services. Probably, this issue will somehow decide. It is not yet solved, the method will not work.

And if you do not send anything, what will happen then? I do not want to confirm anything.

If a request comes, I will have to confirm the identity. This is the responsibility of the Subscriber according to the rules in new edition. And it is necessary to do it by those methods that are described in the rules, and not as you like. This is also a duty.

A shutdown period will be specified in the operator's request. Three days before this date, remind once again. Then blocked access to communication services.

I have a simkart decorated on a relative. Can I send a copy of his passport in response to the request?

Not. The essence of the request is that the subscriber confirms that the contract is issued on the person who uses the services. He must confirm his identity himself. Copy of passport Mom, former husband or unknown man From the Internet will not solve the problem. Send to the operator to someone else's document and it is impossible to assure it with his signature.

All data must match: in the contract, documents, personal account, electronic signature. If something does not coincide, you need to reorganize the contract at the actual owner.

Suddenly I will not get a request or can not answer on time? I never know, I will go on vacation or no electronic signature.

There is nothing in the rules on this. Most likely, the operator will wait as if he can under the law. And then blocks services to avoid problems.

But this does not mean that everyone will start to demand confirmation of personal data?

No one knows who, when and why require. It is better to prepare.

I have a corporate rate. My data will not be able to transfer?

Soon will be able. On June 1, 2018, amendment will come into force on this account. If the subscriber of the Jurlso or IP, and the Simkards are decorated for employees, their personal data can be transferred without consent.

What needs to be done now, in time to answer the request and not stay without communication?

Check for whom Simkart, a contract with a provider and a home telephone. Mouse over to the documents.

Sign up in public services. Sooner or later, communication operators will connect to them and the system will earn.

Watch out for notifications from the operator not to miss the query.

The situation can take advantage of scammers to get a copy of your passport or somehow deceive. Follow what requests are responsible and where you send documents.

Photos from open sources

We are all accustomed to change. We are no longer afraid of messages about the next economic crisis, because there were already several of them on our memory. Not surprising innovations in educational standard of schools and higher educational institutions. But here the news in the field of health care and access to drugs cannot but cause concerns. IN modern world Hardly ever healthy people. We all have any chronic diseases and are forced to acquire some kind of drugs. And when there are information about the news feeds that changes are coming from some period in this process, we experience experiences.

Since the beginning of 2017, comes into force new order Ministry of Health on the rules of drug leave from pharmacy chains. New arrangements will directly affect every ordinary man.

In particular, the ban is made to sell a number medicines In large quantities in one hands. This limitation is introduced for alcohol-containing tinctures and syrups, mass fraction ethyl alcohol in which above 15%. Now they will be released in one hands with the number of no more than two bottles. Namely, many of us treat their own home colds. We advise you to take care of their availability in advance, since the peak of morbidity will have to often visit the pharmacy on new vacation conditions. The Council is especially relevant, taking into account long term The shelf life of the latter.

Lovers of shopping online should also listen to innovations, as they will follow them from the new year, and any Internet pharmacy in Moscow.

A pleasant change can be called the fact that the recipes for patients with chronic diseases It can be purchased required medicines for future use. Today it is possible to make only for the next two months. At the same time, the documentary confirmation of the fact of departure or inability to get to the pharmacy in the future. Since January 2017, this period has been increased to the calendar year.

If the pharmacy does not have preparations from the list of vital and necessary, it will have to buy them and provide for sale no later than a week after the patient's appeal. Today this period is registered as five calendar days. But if necessary, the buyer's immediate admission to the buyer, which is indicated on the recipe for the note of the "Statim" doctor, the pharmacy is obliged to provide this product on the day of circulation.

According to a new document, pharmacy employees are prohibited to advise the buyer more expensive drugs in the presence of a cheaper counterpart. Also, pharmacists will have to give detailed advice on the properties and contraindications of a particular medication, about the timing of its shelf life, storage methods and doses. Currently, such information is provided only at the request of the employee of the pharmacy and is not necessarily not regulated. Therefore, even acquiring medicines on the Internet pharmacy. In 2017, you can count on the professional participation of a specialist in choosing one or another, on tips on its use and storage.

We only have to hope that all these innovations will be executed and will benefit the interests of buyers of pharmacies.

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Forgotten Ancient City in Antarctica

What medicines from 2017 will be released on the recipe?

In -For, according to recipes in 2017-M. All those drugs that have been released in 2016 will be released in Russia in Russia. Selling on this list is not planned, unfortunately for buyers of drugs.

In -The regular, in Rospotrebnadzor (his chapter) made a rather unexpected statement of the proposal that it is very desirable to sell exclusively on the recipe all the drugs that are in pharmacies. That is absolutely everything. Maybe, with the exception of those drugs that are necessary for the acquisition of all sorts of first-aid kits. Read about it. The Ministry of Health proposes to soften this proposal, and to what extent it will occur this softening - we will see.

In a word, consumers of drugs are waiting if not a revolution in the vacation system, then at least re-forming the list of prescription drugs in the direction of an explicit increase. The list will be replenished with those drugs that will not be required. Essentially, they negatively affect the organism during self-treatment.

All new drugs, koi contain drugs, psychotropic. And such means on the farm market is only added only. Alas, people do not solve problems, and for years they take all.

The third group is combined drugs: drugs, psychotropic substances And their prechors. This group decided to designate separately: antibiotics. We are accustomed to appoint them to ourselves, but sometimes otherwise neither, especially if sick on the weekend. Many send their relatives in the pharmacy for antibiotics.

See also: The timing of vacation payments in 2017 by the Labor Code

As in practice, we will see.

Definitely, the rows of prescription will replenish and innovations of tranquilizers and antidepressants.

Here are some drugs, koi will be sold on the recipe.

Sometimes it is sometimes different that the drug remained the same, the same active substanceBut the package is a different 3D, and the price is higher and the recipe can ask.

Many people live without drugs! Well done!

Currently, work is carried out to compile such a list. On such a work, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was allocated enough time, up to the thirty-first of January 2017.

It is already known that the list will absolutely accurately hit the recipe forms of which the line is indicated:

Presumably without a recipe it will be possible to buy only thirty percent of medicines, which are presented for sale in pharmacies.

Also goes next list medicines

Starting from January 2017, the vacation of medicines in pharmacies has become more stringent. Many medicines that could have previously used without a doctor's prescription - now they will not sell it so much. Among these funds, the most antibiotics, but there are also ordinary painkillers.

In the instructions for these medicines and previously there was an item "discharge of a doctor." But the pharmacies were sold without any recipes. Now it is planned to organize unscheduled inspections, which will entail the statement of fines of those pharmacies, where medicines are sold without a recipe.

Another question arises - how patients should receive recipes? Everyone knows what queues at the cabinets of precinct therapists. So now actively decide this questionSo that the system "drugs is only on the recipe" earned to the fullest.

From the beginning of 2017, a list was laid out, in which the list of drugs that prohibit release without a recipe appeared.

People, now, really can't live without drugs, and tablets, as they help us increase the lifetime when we are sick.

This year will be released by the recipe only those drugs that contain in its composition Hlopinin:

Also on this list, everyone has known Valokordin:

And here, full list drugs that will be issued not to all, but only to those who will have a special paper "recipe" from the doctor:

In 2017 in pharmaceutical sphere There were changes that are now actively discussed.

The list of drugs that cannot be purchased without a recipe written by the doctor has become longer. It turned out to be medicines with a psychotropic effect, and old good antibiotics. Some indignation caused the fact of entering into this list and the heart rate of Valokordin. It turned out to be there and Kuraltil, so often prescribed by pregnant women, as well as nimesil - the famous painkiller.

Most likely, the list will be replenished with new names.

From 2017, the pharmacies will not be able to sell a prescription medicine if instead of the official document with the signature and printing of the doctor will be "paper paper"

Collecting in a pharmacy for medicines, do not be lazy, open the Internet. Dial the necessary medical preparation in the search engine and look at the instructions for it. If there is a mark "only on the doctor's prescription", it means that without this recipe you need to be required for you.

Medicines are divided into those that can be loose in a pharmacy, and those that are released only by the doctor's prescription. Regarding the last on January 1, 2017 and the rules for their holidays are tougher. Under the vulture "only on the recipe" do not fall into the medicines in free access - on the showcases of pharmacies. Without problems, you can buy antiviral, many cough medicines and a cold, some enzyme and painkillers.

And although the innovation caused a lot of disputes, for the workers of pharmacies is not news. Order No. 785 "On the procedure for vacation drugs" is valid since December 14, 2005. But now the form of "Notes from the doctor" is changing.

If a preferably recipe A banal sheet was considered, on which the doctor's hand was derived a doodle discharged medicine, from the new year this "chief" will no longer pass. Be sure to need receptar blank (Form number 107 / y). With the personal seal of the doctor, the seal of the medical institution, dosage and multiplicity of application.

Remember, the recipes also have a "shelf life." Now he is 60 days. For chronic patients, the duration of the recipe may be greater.

While the official list of all drugs that should be released strictly by recipe. Ministry of Health during January will be a list medical preparationsthat will be released only by recipe. In the meantime, they will be focused on the instructions for medicines.

State Duma deputies plan to tighten and control over pharmacies. For the sale of drugs without appointing a doctor and now it is possible to "expire" to a fine, but the folk aligns offer to increase the administrative punishment of up to 10 thousand rubles. And as the most extreme measure, the closure of the pharmacy for three months is offered.

Since 2017, the control over the sale of drugs is it worth purchasing drugs? (TV and radio company "Seyme")

they have last years mania everything forbid to limit the punishment and TD to the negative all the laws are not a single law to give to provide to enhance in favor of the people even with an authoritativeism you rarely meet well-well as

Here you go. Ahiney has read) comments about anything. Why stand in a queue with pressure 180, when an ambulance exists for such a situation. Although it is generally put on to be caught up with medicines, as soon as they approach the end, and not on the day of the crisis (someone wrote about the antibiotic, which should always be in the first-aid kit . Are you sure? And what (read, from what) should be at home? Believe, one antibiotic treats from everything? Nonsense! And correctly do that they will not sell. And then citizens drink "harmful antibiotic 2.5 days. And those The most causes its resistance of the bacterium (addictive to the drug), the next time he no longer acts on the microbin. So we returned to the tuberculosis to whom it became difficult to select drugs and increased mortality. Afraid of the drug, do not start those drinks .. , then the doctor will write a recipe, and in severe situation You yourself will finish it to the end. And the Valokordin is not a harmless drug at all, because it has a phenobarbital (we read in the wiki), but he does not save from death at all. rather from fear)) So, ambulance and once again an ambulance, if you really feel bad. PS. Coupon always take through the Internet, never at 3 o'clock at the office did not sit. Strictly in time and almost always on time. Doctors are not interested in taking instead of 15 people-35. Why "get unreal"?!

See also: Labor Code Medical Workers

Give a piece of paper. From the new year toughen selling drugs without a recipe

IN recent months Kuryan, making purchases in the pharmacy, hear from the pharmacists a warning that from January 1, 2017 most of the drugs will be released strictly by recipes. But is it so and what barriers now put in front of the patients?

Whose order?

On June 21, 2016, the State Duma adopted in the first reading government bill No. 1093620-6 "On Amendments to the Code Russian Federation On administrative offenses in terms of improving administrative responsibility in the field of health. " And in September, at a meeting with Roszdravnadzor of the Russian Federation, it was announced that from January 1, 2017, prescription drugs will be on special control departments.

"Actually, the order of the Ministry of Health and social Development RF №785 "On the procedure for vacation drugs" operates dated December 14, 2005. It is he who regulates the order of drug leave from pharmacies, regardless of the ownership. Therefore, we are now finant pharmacies for selling drugs without a prescription, "explained the Deputy Head of the Licensing Department, Supervision and Control in the Sphere of Medical and social activities Regional Department of Roszdravnadzor Lyudmila Ilyukhina.

Mortal injection. Kursk children die from "harmless" medication

Recall that 70% of drugs registered in the Russian Federation are released strictly according to recipes, and only 30% - without it. But what then will change in the new year? Nothing but tightening legislation in terms of control and supervision of pharmacies. Now Roszdravnadzor is str rovel by current legislation and cannot effectively effectively influence pharmacies for violations of the quality and safety of medical and pharmaceutical activities. Just pharmacists did not always draw attention to these requirements, and the population did not see the problem and did not understand it.

How will you punish?

In the current editorial board, the CACAP did not establish administrative responsibility for a number of violations in the rules of laboratory and clinical practice during clinical and preclinical research of medicines for medical application, orders of rendering medical care In terms of non-compliance with the mandatory requirements established by them, the orders of conducting medical examinations, inspections and examinations, as well as the procedure for appointing and prescribing drugs. Therefore, changes are made to the Codex of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses (CACAP).

Health Price. Is enough drug benefits?

The new law offers completely different fines and other types of punishment for violating trade rules medicinal preparations, including for vacation prescription drugs without a recipe.

So from January 1, 2017, with the detected fact of sale, the drug without a prescription, Roszdravnadzor may be fined the violated pharmacist law from 5 to 10 thousand rubles (now - from 1,500 to 3 thousand rubles); official person will have to pay from 20 to 30 thousand rubles (now - from 5 to 10 thousand rubles,); Legal - from 100 to 150 thousand rubles (now - from 20 to 30 thousand rubles). The apogee can be the closure of the pharmacy for 3 months (90 days).

Therefore, you yourself understand, most pharmacies, if not all, will not want to go on risk and will work strictly by the letter of the law.

To blame for aircraft

The impetus for the change was the level of self-treatment of the population, which recently shrinks, and sometimes it turns into very tragic consequences. It is already worth dealing with another problem - a shortage of doctors and queues in hospitals who force people to go to the pharmacy and consult a pharmacist, which medicines should be taken with a different disease.

"But the pharmacy must fulfill the doctor's recommendation, to draw the attention of the buyer to the conditions of storage and multiplicity of acceptance, not more. And the recipe itself is the appeal of the doctor to the provision, which it is he who must give the patient, "Ilyuhin notes. - And now it happens so that a person really visited the doctor, but she came to the pharmacy not with a recipe written in the official form, but with a piece of paper, on which the doctor pointed out the name of the drug. And according to these shreds, pharmacists give drugs. This whole situation should change. "

The level of self-treatment, maybe rolls, but this trend has a logical explanation - how many people will have to sit in the hospital queue for the recipe? Especially with the fact that the majority prefers not to go to the hospital with every cold, but to transfer it to the legs, since the hospital bosses do not complain, and many of us do not consider the sluggish ARVI of the present disease, supporting their immunity medicines (not even antibiotics) From the nearest pharmacy. But now to the campaign in the pharmacy, you will have to go to the "Cross" campaign to the hospital and sit there in line, most likely not an hour and not two.

Deficit and queue

To say right now, which drugs will be released only by recipes, it is impossible: the clear list does not exist in fact, it was abolished in 2011, since it was too long and bulky. So it will be necessary to focus on the packaging of the drug, on which the name, dose, form form, manufacturers, shelf life, storage conditions and the release rule should be indicated - with recipe or without.

In the forties of the last century, humanity received powerful weapons against many deadly dangerous infections. Antibiotics were sold without recipes and allowed to treat such diseases that previously brought to full outcome, having completed a coup in medicine. As a result, mortality has decreased significantly, life expectancy has increased, and its very quality has increased.

Antimicrobial preparations began to be applied everywhere, and many scientists predicted a complete disappearance infectious diseases. But it happened quite differently, and today about 700,000 people die from the immunity of pathogens to drugs every year.

What is resistance

Antibiotics act on pathogens in detrimental due to specific mechanisms (it has its own ABP), introduced into the cell. At the dawn of the new era, all pathogenic microorganisms were susceptible to the easiest of them - Penicillins. But over time, the laws of evolution forced the microbes to adapt to new conditions and form protection systems.

The causative agents of infections "learned" to produce enzymes that destroy the antibiotic, and the skill was fixed in subsequent generations at the genetic level.

Experts did not give up, opening new classes of antimicrobial medicines, as well as improving already existing. Semi-synthetic and synthetic preparations complex structure and a wide range of action. However, they all lose their effectiveness over time, because the mechanisms of protection in pathogens are developing. Mortality OT bacterial infections, especially such as pneumonia, is growing, because they simply treat them. This problem raised this problem at the beginning of the 21st century. World Organization Health and offered a number of measures to solve it. One of them is receptar vacation Abp in pharmacies.

Antibiotics without recipes

For a long time, this is how they were sold, which led to the patient uncontrolled self-treatment. Patients independently without medical consultation, "Prescribed" medicine for yourself at the first signs of malaise. But the fact is that the ABB helps to cope only with diseases caused by bacteria, simplest or fungi, and against viruses that are the most frequent cause Colds, they are powerless. In addition, each drug is effective in relation to a certain spectrum of pathogens and incorrectly selected drug. medical action does not.

As a result of such a "treatment" of the disease, a secondary, more severe infection is joined, and pathogenic strains become immune to the drug.

The sale of antibiotics without recipes created a threatening situation in medicine, when the usual inflammation of the lungs cannot be cured by any modern medicines.

In addition, serious complications caused by viruses occurred more often. Doctors around the world began to declare the need for state regulation of the sale of ABP consumers.

Why antibiotics sell only by recipe

For a long time, the problem did not pay attention, because science in place did not stand and antimicrobial preparations were constantly improved. The range of pharmacies expanded, and the doctors had the opportunity to assign alternative antibiotic therapy if the main results did not give. However, it was soon obvious that pathogenic microorganisms began to adapt to new conditions faster, and the growth of resistance reached very high indicators.

In America and European countries, the situation has been responsible and have long been not selling antibiotics for a long time. There for acquisition of the medicine will have to go to the doctor even if you need the most safe preparation With a minimum of contraindications. In the territory post-Soviet spaceIn particular, in Russia, only in 2005 the state listened to physicians and tried to legally resolve the issue. A list of antimicrobial means was compiled, which can be bought freely, but the pharmacy networks continued to work as before.

Finally, in 2016, came out new law, regulating the rules for leave of antibiotics from pharmacies, where the penalties for failure to have become essential. Now you can buy a very limited number of ABP, mainly for outdoor use. And organizations that implement antibacterial drugs with violation of the law are subjected to significant fines or closed for up to 3 months. What medicines did not get under the ban?

List of antibiotics without recipes

Details of all legal documentsRegulating the health sector is on the website of the relevant ministry. There is also a list of drugs that are sold freely in pharmacy chains. From antimicrobial drugs it includes:

  • Gramsicidin S.
  • Ketokonazole.
  • Clindamycin
  • Clotrimazole
  • Metronidazole.
  • Natamicin
  • Nitrofural
  • Nifuroxazid
  • Sulfadiazin
  • Sulfanimide
  • Sulfacetamide
  • Terbinefin.
  • Tetracycline
  • Fluconazole.
  • Furazolidon
  • Chloramphenic
  • Cyclopirox
  • Ekonazole.
  • Erythromycin + zinc acetate

All of these ABPs, with the exception of Furazolidone, fluconazole and gramicidine C are implemented as dosage forms For external I. local application - Outcomes (including eyeballs), solutions, creams, candles, etc. Any other antibiotics are sold on a prescription, discharged by a doctor on a special form.

How should the recipe look like?

Previously, the therapist or pediatrician on the usual sheet of paper Naskovo recorded destination, and it was enough to dictate the pharmacist in the pharmacy list to get the desired. Special design required only potent and narcotic products. But now the antibiotic can be bought, only having a correct prescription antibiotic on Latin. A special form is filled with mandatory items:

  • Full name and age of the patient;
  • name of LS;
  • dosage;
  • quantity;
  • mode of application.

All this is certified by signature and personal seal of the attending physician. If the information is not enough or the document is not certified, the pharmacist is not entitled to sell the medicine.

To understand how an appointment should look like, you can see this sample recipe on Latin, where azithromycin tablets 500 mg are discharged:

Rp.: Tab. Azitliromycini 0,5

D. t. d. Number 3

  1. Take daily 1 tablet every 24 hours.

Results and findings

In the spring of this year, Russian society reacted rather violently when the new law entered into force. In many regions of the country, people could not freely buy antibiotics, since pharmacists and provisions demanded recipes. However, despite tightening legislative norms, not all pharmacy networks began to observe them.

If you refused in one institution, you could easily buy a medicine in the neighboring, because the sale of an ABP for treatment respiratory infections - One of the most profitable articles of any pharmacy. Therefore, the law though exists, but it is not always fulfilled, as evidenced by the results of numerous inspections and control purchases.

Opinion of doctors about the new law

Doctors have been taking trouble for a long time for uncontrolled treatment potent meanslike antimicrobials. Therefore, recently strict prohibition For the sale of antibiotics without a recipe was encountered in the specialist environment positively.

Measures of persuasion and enlightenment regarding the risk of self-treatment of special results do not bring. The result of such work was predominantly the fear of the ABP, who caused some of the patients to abandon them completely, exposing his health and life. The rest continued to "be treated" by independently, despite the warnings.

Now the doctors are approvingly responding about the new legislative initiative and more optimistically look to the future, hoping to reduce the resistance of pathogens and a decrease in morbidity. However, there is another point of view on innovations: Russian clinics have already cope with the influx of visitors, and now the records for the therapist will have to wait for weeks. During this time, the disease, if not treated with antibiotics, will lead to very severe consequences. How right is skeptics - will show time.

Patient opinion

Consumers who are accustomed to taking antibiotics without appointing a doctor are naturally unhappy with the ban on their free sale. They motivate it with reluctance to go to the clinic, because the turns are huge there, and in general, "without a doctor you can do" and "I am always treated." Such statements only confirm the correctness of the restriction introduced, since it is not necessary to hope for the consciousness of this category of patients.

Only legislatively can protect their health and life from their own irresponsible actions. Adequate part of society The ban perceived positively, since these people are already responsible about the reception of any medicines and buy them in a pharmacy only after a preliminary visit to the doctor.