The cost of opening a beer outlet. How to open your own draft beer shop and where to start


Rent a room in a passable place. You should not be led by favorable rental conditions, bonuses in the form of free months etc., if the flow of people passing in front of a potential establishment leaves much to be desired. Modern tendencies are such that the most interesting places for public catering are located in residential areas and areas of high-rise buildings. Also, the attention of tenants to the premises at the food courts of shopping and entertainment complexes located in peripheral areas is increasing. This is due to the fact that most people prefer to drink beer close to home.

Decide what the beer outlet you are about to open will serve as snacks: snacks, hot appetizers, brought to readiness right in the hall, or full meals. Depending on the decision furnish the kitchen. Special attention deserves the equipment of the hall. In addition to furniture and a bar counter, you will need a set of beer bottling equipment, as well as a place for kegs - large containers in which beer comes from. A self-respecting pub should have at least five varieties draft beer, besides it, provide bottled and non-alcoholic.

Design a menu. These can be loose snacks that do not require cooking: chips, nuts, dried squid, dried fish fillet cut into pieces, etc. Another option is snacks prepared from semi-finished products. If necessary, you can heat and cook them right in the hall by placing a microwave oven. These include sausages, sausages, kupaty and sausages of all kinds, as well as pieces of meat and fish in breadcrumbs, frozen by shock freezing. The third option is a full cycle kitchen.

Hire staff. Depending on the expected traffic, as well as the chosen kitchen, you may need from three to ten people. When compiling a staffing table, be guided by labor code, as well as a rational approach to the composition of work shifts. When deciding that your establishment will be around the clock, calculate what costs, including the wage fund for workers employed at night, you will need to do this. There are often cases when the round-the-clock mode of operation of the beer point does not justify itself.

IN Lately beer has become very popular among the population, so opening a pub in our time is a fairly successful investment of a small start-up capital that a novice entrepreneur has.

I am a big fan of good beer, and the idea to open a beer shop came to me a very long time ago. Initially, I considered franchising, but then I managed to get a loan to open my own store. A prerequisite to obtain a loan from a bank, there was a business plan.
At that time in our area just closed small shop and I rented this space at a pretty good price. The store complies with the requirements of firefighters and the health station, it has an emergency exit and a toilet for visitors. In general, it largely depends on where the store is located. continued success business.
For someone who is starting their business from scratch for the first time, completing all the necessary documentation can seem like something very complicated. In reality, everything is not so scary. First you need to register an individual entrepreneur or enterprise and open a bank account. Further, a lease agreement for the premises is concluded, a cash register is bought and registered. Then you need to obtain a permit to trade in the local administration. And, finally, the store must be visited by a sanitation station and firefighters, after which the appropriate permits.
I gave the design of my store Special attention. The general atmosphere of the establishment largely determines whether visitors feel comfortable. My wife and I thought through all the details of the interior, the furniture was made according to our sketches. It was important to come up with good name for the store.
We do not advertise ourselves on TV, in the media and on the radio, as I believe that this does not bring desired result. A bright sign, original lighting and a memorable name serve as a good advertisement in themselves. Periodically, we resort to sound advertising, notifying passers-by through a loudspeaker about promotions held in the store. At first, we actively distributed to customers and residents of the area discount cards. By the way, if you come up with discount cards unusual names, for example, "map for good man» etc., then visitors get positive attitude to your establishment.
Both the clientele and your revenue depend on the assortment of beer. Optimal quantity varieties of beer in the store - from 15 to 20. Live beer is a perishable product, and too big choice beer can lead to the fact that the expired product will simply have to be poured. At first, we used equipment that our suppliers provided free of charge. However, this option has its drawbacks: you are forced to work only with the assortment that the supplier imposes on you. Therefore, we decided to buy our equipment by applying for a loan from a trusted bank.
A common mistake novice entrepreneurs make is to hire relatives and acquaintances who are not qualified in this business. We also went through this, but over time the staff changed completely, and I hired experienced waiters and bartenders who know how to work with equipment and know how to communicate with customers.
My business is quite dependent on the season, but due to cozy atmosphere establishments, competent service and High Quality beer in winter the number of visitors decreases slightly. For expensive imported varieties, I make an extra charge of about 30%, for domestic varieties - up to 100%. In order to be profitable, we need to serve at least 30 customers per day who have made a minimum order. As a rule, we have much more visitors, and most often the order amount exceeds the minimum.

The draft beer trade is a very lucrative business. But many, having studied a large amount of information, cannot decide to open their own store. It seems to be a profitable business, but fear always remains. Is it worth the risk, we will consider in this article.

Draft Beer Business: Pros and Cons

Knowing and preparing yourself for the risks will help you come to right choice and minimize potential losses.

The beer trade is attractive:

  1. High demand for products.
  2. Opportunity to start a business with a relatively small amount.
  3. Quick return on investment.

The enterprise risk is:

  • seasonality of profit;
  • high competition.

The main task of any business is not to turn the pros into cons, but to minimize the risks.

How to start your own business?

Do not believe those who say that starting a business from scratch is easy. A new business is always associated with difficulties that must be overcome, for example, what to do when there are no accumulated funds or they are not enough?

There are two ways:

  1. Take a loan from a bank. This is possible if you provide a cost-effective, well-written business plan. If you are confident in a quick payback and a large number of customers, then you can take money to develop your business, but then the payback period will noticeably shift. This threatens with the fact that during the season you will not win back the money borrowed, but winter period will lead to total collapse.
  1. Start a business with a partner. In this case, the investment is divided in half and the responsibility too. The main thing is to find a suitable candidate. Remember that money question spoils people, even if they are your friends. And the inability to conduct a joint business will serve to destroy it as soon as the first problems begin.

Deciding financial question, start turning your idea into reality. Milestones of development profitable business consider further.

Location selection

The most responsible step is the choice of the place where you open the store. Unsuccessful option will negate all the efforts and funds invested in the business.

It is not possible to trade beer everywhere, the location of the point is regulated by government decree No. 171-FZ of 11/22/1995. Study the new amendments to the law regarding the beer trade, which came into force in January 2016. If the most lively and profitable places for sale are closed, then it will be difficult to find a suitable one.

You can go the following way:

  1. Organize a catering point where beer will be sold. It could be a bar, cafe or pub. The advantage of this type of trading is time - it is not limited. You have a flow of customers visiting the point at any time of the year. Such a business requires a lot of money, but the profit is guaranteed.
  1. Rent a place in a supermarket (shop) and sell beer on tap in takeaway containers. This option is less expensive, but not as profitable as the first one. There are also several options in which format to choose a store. You can save on taxes and rent.
  1. Open special shop, equipped according to all the requirements of the beer trade. This requires substantial investment. It is beneficial for high attendance in densely populated areas where there are no nearby bars and cafes.

It is necessary to open a specialized store or cafe in the center of the settlement, where there is a large flow of people. But you will have to take care of a large assortment of beer and related products, the sale of which is from 20 to 25% of the profit.

High demands are also placed on the design of the store and the uniform of the staff. A good beer outlet should stand out with its style, and this entails increased costs for advertising, promotions, etc.

Please note that the choice suitable option you have to be very meticulous. If it was not possible to find a good place, it is better not to start a business - you will burn out and lose your investment.

Purchase of equipment

The purchase of equipment also requires significant costs, so many novice businessmen decide to rent it from a beer manufacturer. This option has both its pros and cons.

The benefits include:

  1. Saving money.
  2. Free staff training.
  3. Receipt of promotional items.
  4. Timely maintenance of the beer supply system and its maintenance in working order.

The disadvantages include:

  1. A bottling plan that might not work for you.
  2. An inflated purchase price for the goods, which entails the loss of benefits and customers.
  3. Restrictions on products allowed for sale.

Few cope with the conditions set and go to quick profits. The strict requirements of landlords lead to the fact that an unsuccessfully chosen location of the point ruins start-up entrepreneurs.

If you intend to start selling beer for more than one season, then it is better to purchase equipment at your own expense. You can save money by purchasing the most expensive, for example, a used cooler. Then you will be able to choose suppliers yourself and set competitively reasonable prices.

Please note that beer equipment requires monthly cleaning and maintenance for stable operation. Therefore, it is necessary to conclude an agreement on the provision of services with a specialist on an ongoing basis. This is another item in the article of monthly expenses.

Range and suppliers

At first, a large assortment is not required. They start with a profitable delivery product from a local manufacturer, focusing on prices and preferences of the public. The most common queries are light, dark, and whatever. For the most part, people are not versed in the varieties that are available today. a large number of.

Not the last role is played by the price. It should be different: low, medium and more expensive. If your store claims to have a more sophisticated audience, then you can increase the number of products offered to 7 - 10 types.

As you study the requirements of customers for the quality of drinks, select the right suppliers. To prevent competitors from crushing you, trade good beer, work with those manufacturers who offer products in small batches. So you will always have a fresh drink, the shelf life of which is limited.

Please note that a large number of varieties is not a condition for successful trading.

When there is a choice, give preference to delivery from factories, and not from the warehouses of intermediaries. Products at such facilities are not stored in the best way and no different good quality. After all, a fresh and tasty drink is a guarantee of an influx of customers.

Live beer has short term storage from 3 to 5 days, pasteurized - up to 8. Many intermediaries work in violation of these terms, so before entering into a contract for permanent cooperation, make sure that the supplier will not deceive you.


When equipment leased from the manufacturer is used, the pricing policy is completely dictated by the inflated purchase cost. Often it is too high to make a good profit.

A free from obligations entrepreneur is guided by the following parameters:

  • competitors' prices, since your product cost should not be much higher;
  • territorial location, so in a store with a large influx of visitors, the price may be slightly higher than the rest;
  • beer varieties, because the markup for inexpensive and popular drinks can be up to 100%, and for rarer, imported varieties - up to 50%, and if there are lovers of exquisite and expensive brands, then the markup will be the lowest - up to 30%.


With a normal work schedule, at least two sellers will be required; at first, the entrepreneur himself is often behind the bar. In this case, you can have one replacement worker.

Also to save Money you can follow the following rules:

  1. At first, you shouldn’t hire a cleaning lady, but it’s better to pay the seller extra for extra work. This benefits both him and the taxpayer. The amount of tax that is paid for one person is reduced, instead of two.
  1. If the equipment is not rented, then an agreement is drawn up for the provision of system repair services with a specialist who is paid a salary.
  1. An accountant should be hired when the business has already expanded and takes a lot of time to complete the accounts. The taxpayer can cope with the system of taxation for UTII himself.
  1. Personnel must be trained in instrumentation or have experience in handling instrumentation.
  1. The seller must be able to communicate with customers, attract people, be honest and reliable.

It seems that everything is simple, but it is not. Finding a suitable candidate, especially one with low pay, will not be easy.

The financial component of the business

Speaking about business from scratch, we operate with minimal numbers. You can start it with 100 - 150 thousand rubles. But it will not be easy to rise with such an amount, because you will have to rent equipment and work with one supplier.

To get started, draw up a business plan, calculate the profitability of the enterprise, this includes: estimated costs, profits and payback time. Consider this data in more detail so that it is clear what you will have to face.

We give figures that may differ from yours, as much depends on individual approach, region, type of trade and the number of competing outlets.

Cost of opening and maintaining

Choosing independence, you will have to spend a large amount. IN good location, where a serious influx of visitors is expected, the arrangement of the store will require from 300 to 500 thousand rubles.

The arrangement of the premises will take such types of costs as:

  1. Rent, her approximate size will be 1,000 rubles. per sq. m.
  2. Utilities - from 5 to 12 thousand rubles / monthly.
  3. Putting the institution under protection - 3 thousand rubles / monthly.
  4. Installation of video surveillance cameras - from 10 thousand rubles / one-time payment.
  5. Installation of a pavement sign, distribution of advertising, arrangement of a sign - from 20 to 100 thousand rubles / one-time payment.
  6. Installing an air conditioner and an exhaust hood - from 20 to 30 thousand rubles / one-time payment.
  7. Repair of the premises - from 10 to 50 thousand rubles / one-time payment.
  8. Arrangement of a shop window, bar counter, purchase of tables, chairs - 50 thousand rubles / one-time payment.

The cost of acquiring work equipment will include:

  1. Showcase-refrigerator - from 20 thousand rubles.
  2. Beer bottling system - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Controlling accounting system EGAIS (computer, cash register, cartridges, etc.) - from 25 to 150 thousand rubles.
  4. Stationery - from 5 thousand rubles.
  5. Container for bottling beer for takeaway, PET containers - from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

Purchase costs will include:

  • several types of beer - from 50 thousand rubles / 4-5 times a month;
  • fish products, snacks - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • other drinks - from 10 thousand rubles.

The monthly costs include:

  • salary for employees - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • taxes (ENVD) - up to 15 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses (transport, repairs, etc.) - up to 10 thousand rubles.

Size of future income

The proceeds from the sale of beer fluctuate not only by season, but also by day of the week.

Summer earnings should more than cover periods of calm in trade. Therefore, focusing only on profitable months will be wrong. You need to calculate the annual revenue and subtract all expenses for past period, then you get the real profitability of the store.

The monthly costs are listed above and you can calculate the expected benefit yourself. Revenue is considered profitable if it summer period is 200% of the costs. Winter season can eat up the profits made earlier.

If your institution is also adapted for other types of sales, you will quickly rise and be able to have income all year round.

Payback period

The funds spent on opening a business can be returned in 3-4 warm months. But then the trade, and with it the profit, will drop sharply, while the monthly expenses will remain. Therefore, the payback period must be determined at least after a year of work.

According to the annual report, it will be clear whether the store went into plus or minus. Real terms, giving a stable profit, when the invested funds pay off - this is 1.5 years.

If you have never encountered this type of activity before, then before investing in new business, get a job for a month or two in a pub. All the problems, pros and cons, you will know from the inside.

Or get to know a beer store employee and ask them questions that will help them learn about the business in your area. In this way, you will avoid mistakes, calculate the number of customers, have a clearer picture of the profitability of the store and reduce the risk of the enterprise to zero.

Beer is one of the most beloved drinks by our compatriots, and, despite the statements of skeptics, the draft beer business not only does not stagnate, but only develops. Let's try to make an approximate business plan.

How to open your own draft beer shop and where to start?

The first step to starting a draft beer business should be establishment of an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you can contact a specialized company that will do everything for you. Establishment cost legal entity in the form of an individual entrepreneur today is inexpensive - from 1500 rubles. At the same time, one must look for suitable premises, and this is half the success of the business, because it is precisely because of the unsuccessful location that many points of sale are closed.

The draft beer store should be located in places with good traffic: next to bus stops public transport, inside large residential areas, close to markets. Renting in large stores and supermarkets is considered good option, but almost impossible, usually these stores have own points draft beer sales and do not sublease space. Remember that today there is a restriction according to which beer kiosks and shops cannot be installed in the immediate vicinity of educational, sports, cultural and medical institutions.

When the place is selected, and the IP is issued, you need to conclude a lease agreement with the owner of the premises, buy and register a cash register, and also obtain a trade permit from the local administration. In addition, you need to “check in” with the SES and the fire inspection, and then wait for the firefighters and SES employees at your outlet to obtain the appropriate permit. This usually takes no more than 30 days. A license to trade in beer is not needed today.

Analyzing the costs of opening a beer store

To begin with, we determine the size of the required retail space for the sale of beer on tap, because this is one of the main items of regular expenses. It is good if the beer store sells at least 10 varieties of draft beer. 10-13 cranes can be placed on an area of ​​10 square meters. m. The rent of such an area will always be different, depending on the region, but it is unlikely to exceed 25,000-30,000 rubles per month, and we will focus on this figure. We will pay rent for 2 months in advance and lay 20,000 rubles for current repairs.

The second item of expenditure is the purchase of equipment. However, today these costs can be minimized if you can find a supplier offering free equipment or renting equipment. Consider, however, the option in which the equipment will have to be purchased. So, for this item of expenditure we lay a budget of 150,000 rubles, which is enough to purchase equipment for about 15 beers. In addition to specific equipment for bottling beer drinks, you will definitely need a pair of refrigerators and a display case for related products: crackers, chips, fish, nuts.
If the space allows, you can put a couple of high tables to serve customers on the spot. You also need to equip the store with air conditioning, a music center and a small household appliances for staff.

Advertising should be reflected as a separate item of expenditure: bright, eye-catching sign volumetric letters, flyers that you will distribute to the first customers to attract new ones. You can still advertise the beer business on the Internet, but other types of advertising are prohibited by law. However, this will be quite enough, because the best advertising is impeccable work and satisfied customers. It will take at least 50,000 rubles to make a sign / banner / three-dimensional letters, design and print flyers.

Beer dispensing equipment is usually very unreliable and requires regular maintenance and repair. Therefore, it is better to budget for the cost of a specialist who will service the equipment on a monthly basis immediately, at the beginning of the activity.

So, start-up capital required to establish a business selling draft beer and open your own store is about 350,000-400,000 rubles. This is enough to equip a retail outlet with an area of ​​​​10-15 square meters. m.

Keep in mind that if you decide to open a turnkey beer store, you will additionally have to pay for this service.

Analyzing income from opening a draft beer store

Alcohol is one of those goods on which sellers traditionally “wind up” a considerable percentage. For imported luxury beer, there is usually a markup of 20% -40%, and for a domestic intoxicating drink, even more - 100% or more. There is also an averaged formula: from each sold keg of beer, the seller is guaranteed to receive at least 2,000-30,000 rubles. Add to this income from the sale of other drinks, cigarettes, fish, nuts and other trifles.

But there is very important nuance. Beer is a seasonal product, and it sells well from April to October, but in winter months sales are generally poor. Therefore, it is extremely important not to buy beer for future use, since the shelf life of many varieties of this drink is only 3-5 days, after this period it will simply have to be poured onto the ground. Trading sour beer is a sure step to closing a business.

Additional good income can be brought by selling soft drinks and bottled beer from refrigerators.
Thus, in the "hot" months, the income from the sale of draft beer and related products can amount to about 200,000 rubles, which will pay off the initial investment in two months. We are talking about a retail outlet with a useful area of ​​​​only 15 square meters. m. It is preferable to rent a room of at least 50 sq. m. m. In this case, costs will increase, but income will also increase, as customers can be offered an expanded range of drinks.

If you still have questions about how to open a draft beer store on your own or on a turnkey basis, then ask in the comments, our experts will try to answer them.

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  • How much money do you need to open a draft beer store
  • Marketing plan
  • Premises selection
  • Recruitment
  • What taxation system to choose for opening a draft beer store
  • What documents are needed to open a draft beer store
  • Financial plan
  • How much can you earn by opening a draft beer store
  • step by step plan draft beer store openings
  • What equipment to choose for a draft beer store
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the sale of draft beer
  • What taxation system to choose for registering a business selling draft beer
  • Do I need a permit to open a draft beer store?

We bring to your attention a brief business plan for organizing a draft beer store for 15 varieties. The location of the store is a sleeping area of ​​the city with a population of 50 thousand people.

How much money do you need to open a draft beer store

First, let's calculate the estimated amount of investment in the business. To start a business you will need:

  • Deposit for renting a room for 1 month. (15 sq. m.) - 25 thousand rubles.
  • Room design - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of commercial equipment (salesman's counter, chairs, racks) - 60 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment for the sale of beer (gas cylinders, reducers, kegs, coolers, beer columns, drip collectors, beer hoses and taps) - 165 thousand rubles (11 thousand rubles for one grade).
  • Creation of an assortment of goods (beer, snacks) - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising (business cards, leaflets, signs) - 15 thousand rubles.
  • Organizational and other expenses (business registration, etc.) - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 100 thousand rubles.

Total - 595 thousand rubles.

Download a business plan for a draft beer store

Marketing plan

The store is planned to open in a residential area of ​​the city with a population of 50 thousand people. As a room, a department of 15 sq. m. on the ground floor of a small shopping center. This place was not chosen by chance, as both good traffic and not high rental rates are noted here.

The closest competitors are two retail outlets within a radius of 300 meters. Our competitive advantages: a wide range of beer (15 varieties, this is not a little), beer snacks, high prices. Lemonade, kvass and cider will also be on sale. One more is not enough important point- courteous and hardworking staff. The selection of sellers will be carried out very carefully. Subsequently, there will be strict control over the work of personnel, in order to avoid negative reviews buyers.

Undoubtedly, the main competitive advantage will be the freshness of the product. Only fresh beer and kvass will be sold. Only the quality of the goods will allow you to earn good base regular buyers.

It is planned to buy beer mainly from local producers (several mini-breweries operate within a radius of 50 km). Some of the goods will be imported from nearby regions.

It is planned to open in April in order to have time to earn regular customers back to top summer season. The dynamics of sales outlet traffic by months is as follows:

Premises selection

The size of the leased premises will be 15 square meters. Of these, 10 sq. m. will be allocated directly to the point of sale (placement of beer kegs, beer columns, gearboxes), the rest of the product warehouse (beer kegs, plastic bottles). The rent will be 25,000 rubles per month.

It is planned to spend about 150,000 rubles on the repair and decoration of the premises. Be sure to install a bright sign over the entrance to the building and an advertising pillar. The premises will be equipped with air conditioning, commercial equipment (salesman's counter) and equipment for the sale of draft beer (beer kegs, defoamers, etc.). will also be purchased Consumables(plastic bottles, cups, packaging, etc.). Some of the funds will be spent on creating a range of goods (beer and beer snacks). Total for this stage about 275,000 rubles will be spent.


As a staff, it is planned to employ two salespeople to work in a 2/2 shift schedule. Wages will be set as salary + percentage of daily earnings (5%). Accountant and cleaning services will be outsourced.

What taxation system to choose for opening a draft beer store

Ordinary individual entrepreneurship will be registered as an organizational form. Taxation system - UTII. This special mode relieves from the obligation to install and maintain a cash register, and also greatly simplifies accounting.

What documents are needed to open a draft beer store

  • Organizational documents (IP registration certificate, tax registration certificate);
  • Conclusion of SES, fire inspection and state consumer supervision;
  • Sanitary books for sellers;
  • lease agreement;
  • Labor contracts with personnel;
  • Declarations of conformity (certificates) for products (issued by the supplier).

Financial plan

The fixed monthly expenses of a draft beer store, according to the calculations of the business plan, are:

  • Rent - 25 thousand rubles.
  • Salary (2 sellers) - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Insurance contributions for employees - 17 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 8 thousand rubles.
  • Utility payments - 6 thousand rubles.
  • Outsourcing services (accountant and cleaner) - 12 thousand rubles.
  • Other operating expenses - 15 thousand rubles.

Total per month - 123 thousand rubles

The store's cost structure is as follows:

How much can you earn by opening a draft beer store

  • Trade margin — 50%
  • The average purchase receipt minus the trade margin is 150 rubles
  • Average number of purchases per day - 50
  • Revenue per day - 7,500 rubles, per month - 225,000 rubles.

Hence the profit of the outlet: 225,000 - 123,000 = 102,000 rubles per month. The return on investment, taking into account several months for the promotion of the business (3 months), will come after 9 months of the store. The profitability of the outlet for the sale of draft beer is more than 80%.

Recommended download a business plan for a draft beer store, from our partners, with a guarantee of quality.
This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions