Quotes about boredom for a loved one. Sayings of great and successful people about boredom

The collection includes quotes about boredom and sadness:
  • You need me, without me you are nothing. We are the same - you and me. Only you are boring. You are on the side of the angels. Sherlock (Sherlock)
  • I can't tell if these people don't give a damn about anything, or if they're just terribly bored. Bret Easton Ellis. Glamorama
  • The theme for the great poet could be the boredom of the Almighty after the seventh day of Creation. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • In their company, I would die of boredom if I were not there. Alexandre Dumas, Father
  • Boredom may produce more gamblers than desire to win, more drunkards than thirst, and more suicides than despair. Charles Caleb Colton
  • Even ambition itself is less unceremonious with human life than boredom; ambition willingly flaunts its indulgence, but boredom is bloodthirsty, like a cannibal. D. Bancroft
  • Boredom is also a form of suffering. Frederic Begbeder. Romantic selfish
  • If you are angry - forgive, angry - forget it, miss you - meet ... City Hunter
  • Boredom comes from idleness...

  • There are people so well educated that they can make you bored on any topic.
  • Boredom is a disaster happy people. X. Walpole
  • The art of being boring is to say everything. Voltaire
  • Boredom is when the people you need are not around. Francoise Sagan. Bruises on the soul
  • Just as poverty is a constant scourge of the people, so boredom is the scourge of high society. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • boredom serious problem for the moralist, for at least half of all the sins of mankind are committed out of boredom. Bertrand Russell
  • Baby, don't miss me! Kid and Carlson

  • Boredom is the rest of the soul and body ...
  • Many of those for whom the day is too long complain that life is too short. Charles Caleb Colton
  • Boredom is a moment of weakness...
  • Boring from the beginning, and then - no time ...
  • We are almost always bored with those people with whom we are not supposed to be bored. F. La Rochefoucauld
  • Boredom is a disease of the happy. Abel Dufresne
  • We are almost always bored with those who are bored with us. François de La Rochefoucauld

  • Freedom without purpose is surprisingly similar to boredom. solanine
  • Our world is very interesting ... how can you get bored in it?
  • Against boredom even the gods struggle in vain. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • According to Einstein's theory, it was not explained why, when you have fun, time flies is not noticeable, but when you listen to Dr. Cooper, it just falls dead to the ground. The Big Bang Theory
  • Beware of those who "never get bored": they are boring. Gilbert Sesbron
  • When we are completely bored, we stop being bored. François de La Rochefoucauld
  • Why does one yawn cause another to yawn? Robert Burton
  • Don't be bored - take care of yourself...
  • Nothing can be done: boredom, it turns out, is not so simple thing. Boredom cannot be brushed aside by an irritated, vexatious gesture. Roland Bart
  • The worst thing in the world is boredom. This is the only sin that cannot be forgiven. Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey
  • We are almost always bored with those who are bored with us. François La Rochefoucauld
  • Symmetry is boredom, and boredom is the essence of sadness. Desperation yawns. If you can imagine anything worse than a hell where you suffer, then this is a hell where you get bored. Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

I miss you - a status that can be found in many social networks. The feeling of longing or yearning for someone is often sung in songs, described in poetry. I miss ... This is not so much a word as a concept. It touches the depths of our soul, thanks to which we can express our attitude towards loved ones and the fidelity of our feelings towards them. Therefore, so many quotes and statuses are dedicated to longing. We selected best sayings and phrases with which you can express how much you miss.

Miss you - statuses and quotes with meaning

The best thing in life is to be bored with reciprocity.

Loneliness is a time without a loved one.

If you miss me a lot, think of me. I will feel.

Those who miss the most usually do it in silence, to themselves ...

To be bored is to think, think and think again about your face, eyes, hands, hugs, kisses and just about your name.

I miss you sorely!

You won't believe it, but now I can't think of anything other than you!

Can't miss someone you don't love?! Does it mean I love you?

I miss you, by the way ... Even very much!

I would probably miss it if I had the strength ...

Why do people get bored and sad? Due to the absence of the desired person nearby. At times like this, everything goes wrong. And time moves too slowly, and everyone around rejoices too loudly, and the sun does not shine for you, and perhaps does not shine at all. Longing paints everything bright colours life in one - grey. These feelings are familiar to everyone. Many people have experienced longing for a loved one. So strong, sometimes, that there are no words to say about it. For such cases, we have prepared quotes and "I miss you" statuses.

Quotes for those who want to tell how he misses

If a girl writes, it means she is bored, and if she doesn’t write, it means she is waiting for you to miss you.

Boredom is the absence of meaning. It turns out that you are my meaning, because I miss you madly.

It's never too late to just say, "Hi, I miss you"...

Sometimes for happiness it is enough to see a person whom you miss a lot.

Dreaming because you think, and you think, because you miss, and you miss, because you love, and you love, because this is your little man ...

And again with a quiet echo - I miss you!

I miss you. Catastrophically small.

I miss? This word is negligible to convey all the longing for you!

Missing you... It's somewhere on the level of pain...

And again, longing squeezed my heart, everything is simple - I miss you again ...

Missing someone causes a feeling of deep intimacy, a feeling of love or falling in love. That is, when a person is a part of your life. The little man next to whom you feel incredibly happy. And when he is far away, you involuntarily want to know where he is, with whom he is, what he does, how his time passes, what thoughts bother him and, of course, whether he misses you too.

Bored statuses are short and beautiful

best feeling- this is when you miss a person, and he returns to your life again.

Missing a person is not so bad if you know that you can hug him again.

A touch... a whisper... a look... But you're not there...

I miss? You don't get out of my head at all!

When they are bored, they do not write; when they are bored, they act.

I'm not bored. I just sometimes want to know how you're doing...

An unbearable feeling... When you miss a person with your soul, but with your mind you understand that it is impossible...

All thoughts are about you. And hope too.

I really miss... The two of us!!!

I miss you ... I miss you ... Very much ... sometimes - to tears ...

It seems that when you miss your loved one so much, you feel inferior. Incomplete without your soulmate. Separation greatly affects the mood of a person. Sadness and longing are your eternal companions when you miss someone.

Phrases and sayings about longing for a loved one

I miss you like an asthmatic misses air.

I miss, I miss you. It's trite, but I miss you so tremulously.

If I survive this day without you, then I can handle it later...

I miss you even when we go around the puddles from different sides.

I am too human not to miss those people with whom I was good.

You are not around, but you are with me ... you are in my thoughts and in my heart!

You're just confusing "I'm bored" with "I miss you".

How slowly time passes when you are not with me.

I have a unique diagnosis: unbearable missing you.

I miss? Not! I just have an urgent need for you. No more and no less.

I would like to believe that your feelings are sincere, and separation is not long. Let these bored statuses will help to understand that all lovers go through this feeling, and that it is a natural companion of love. Missing someone is normal. And it shouldn't scare you. Remember that the sun is shining for you.

Boredom overcomes unobservant people who do not see the obvious - the Chinese have the same face, like cats and dogs, books cause melancholy, and evil people are all just a bunch of bastards and cowards.

I preferred dynamics, movement, to mortal boredom. I went to look around for my “F” for a big adventure.

You played with me in feelings, as if with a doll, missing something else. Now the turn has come for me to show the skill of the commander. As a forgotten child, playing a cute war game was a favorite, and the skills remain, which you will have to appreciate.

A happy, dynamic and free life requires a sacrifice, which is boredom.

It is given to take a decisive step in the right direction of success not for everyone - only for those chosen by fate.

The road of life is coming to an end. The former fire died out, like faith, joy, interest. Now longing, illness, boredom and excommunication from heaven.

The remedy for mortal boredom is still your undying smile with a dimple on your left cheek.

These hose people are unclear to me - everything is early for them, or they are simply bored in green melancholy.

The centenarians did not stick out in their youth, living out the rest of their days in boredom, not knowing the burning heat of the flame of great passions.

In boredom, I preferred movement! Went looking for an adventure...

men feed sincere respect anything that is boring. - Marilyn Monroe

At home… it’s boring… it’s boring to talk and write that it’s boring… it’s boring even to think about boredom… it’s boring to be bored being bored…

monogamy for him is a synonym for the word "boredom" ...

Togo debut in love is often unsuccessful.

loneliness is a bastard, loneliness is boredom, loneliness is anguish ... loneliness is a bitch

Happiness is there ... I know his number, I like his smile and I miss him madly ...

We are almost always bored with those who are bored with us.

Boredom is the emptiness of the soul

My life is full of boredom! But everything changes when they come: money from parents XDD

The more you want, the more you want...

In a universe that is full of wonders, people have come up with such a thing as boredom!

Boredom has no face.

She always has cold hands, she can die of boredom ...

Labor saves a person from three main angry: boredom, vice and need ...

I'm glad that thoughts of you dilute my boredom

Mystery covered with poppies oO)

If you look closely at the consequences of boredom, it turns out that it makes you retreat from duty more often than even self-interest.

Boredom SUKA boring

Any solid boredom cannot imagine itself without a reliable partner - stability.

The world is boring for boring people.

Every day is such a bore, that no friend is such a bitch, no woman is a damn thing

Boredom is when there is nowhere to hide from yourself, and loneliness is when there is no one to be with.

Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice, need. – F. Voltaire

As need is a constant scourge of the people, so boredom is the scourge of high society

Loneliness has many sisters: pain, longing, boredom, despair. But none of them can be compared with that feeling, which cannot even be described in one word - to be betrayed.

They say that death kills a person, but not death kills. Boredom and indifference kill.

There is pain in the heart, devastation in the soul ... The mood is zero, only sadness and boredom ..

I think I have a girlfriend, and I don't have one...

Damn why do I feel so bad...

Feelings are the color of thought. Without them, our thoughts are simple, dry, lifeless outlines, contours, but not pictures.

They say that death kills a person, but not death kills. Boredom and indifference kill. — Iggy Paul

Whether to sit at home boredom to drink Or go buy cod?

Life is made up of big and small miracles. Nothing is boring as everything is constantly changing. Boredom is not inherent in this world ...

I'm not bored..! I'm dying of boredom..

People drink from happiness, grief and boredom...

It’s easier to chase boredom if you drive no weaker than forty degrees ...

I miss you too…

Putting up with eight o'clock boredom is an art. The art is to wander your thoughts elsewhere as the seconds slowly pass.

Love your life, cherish every moment. After all, life is beautiful, if not poisoned by boredom. Never stop looking for an antidote to boredom - and always be happy.

vooot bored ... (you also thought the wrong thing at first) xD

He began to live ... Walk, relax. And suddenly fell in love ... again torment. pain, boredom, longing...

Boredom is nothing but pain dissolved in time. - Junger E.

Do you want me to be perfect? ​​Good. You will get it. Just don't regret it later. When you talk to the doll.

... for some I am a slacker, for that I can endure boredom without a TV set ...

You are not here, but I am offended. There is boredom and longing in my heart, I don’t know if you miss you there, but I miss you ...

Boredom is terrible! You start to think... But this is completely useless to me now...

You have to puff, suddenly a new idea arises

Love dies, boredom begins new game name is separation.

Work drives away three great evils from us: boredom, vice and need.

My life at work is a complete boredom, but everything changes when they come - pizdyuly from the boss ...

He who has brains and hands will never die of hunger and boredom

Boredom is nothing more than pain dissolved in time.

I'm not up to bitches ... oh, that is, not to boredom

I traded boredom for movement! Now I'm looking for adventure!

V Once again from boredom baffles, And again the moment spent with her is not clear.

If you always listened to mom and dad, school teachers, priests and some guy on TV, and now you lead a boring and miserable life because of it - then, boy, you deserve it.

Old age extinguishes passions, stops activities, stifles all aspirations and gives you up as a sacrifice to a terrible enemy, which is called peace, but whose real name is boredom.

You know what? I miss talking to this woman. This is the first time this has happened to me - I miss communicating with her more than her. I'm probably getting old...

I will leave, and no one will know where I have gone and not when they will find me ...

Everyone is afraid of everyday life, as if it carries a fatal inevitability, fraught with boredom, habit; I don't believe in this inevitability...

One fool who comprehended all sciences said that man is born for torment. And this was repeated by all the fools, And life became a curse for everyone, Though you die not from grief, so from boredom. and the ears of the people lengthened, the look dimmed and the hands dropped

In fact, nothing is so hostile to poetry as the indifferently blind boredom with which I then looked at the world in general and at my own life in particular.

And the gods, too, unsuccessfully struggle with boredom.

Eating too much is bad, but too little is boring.

Boredom is given only to fools, for where it is boring, thought comes to replace everything that is absent.

Out of boredom, I decided to answer spam, started chatting, cool people)))

Who is always sad, jealous and gloomy,

Example female logic: the wife, leaving for the dacha, leaves a note on the table “Kolya, the neighbor has the keys”. He goes out, locks the door, gives the keys to the neighbor and leaves ...

I miss you like the desert misses the rain

Oh, you called 3 hours ago ... sorry ... I just found myself ...

Staying alone with your thoughts, make sure that they do not get bored.

So you didn't wait. I went to drink coffee alone, out of boredom I married a waiter ...

Only the one who has not forgotten how to feel is alive, the one who has known this torment is happy. It's scary for those who have everything in order, who only have to disperse boredom.

There is oblivion and boredom in the candlelight, There is fire and passion in your eyes, I want you without a trace To steal from that other forever

Gray boredom, and fear, and anger - these are the reasons that life is so short.

The worst way to miss a person is to be with him and understand that he will never be yours.

Music is a part of my life...if it wasn't there, I would have died of boredom a long time ago...

If the days become similar friend friend, it's time for a change.

Everyone wants a perfect guy. No matter what he drank, didn’t smoke, he always took you to parties with friends, constantly said compliments and looked only at you ... And I would have died of boredom ...)

I understand very well people who, in a boring society, yearn for loneliness and retire for a minute to the toilet.

If a person eats cockroaches out of boredom, then he is shown in the program “Fear Factor”, and if from hunger, then in the program “News of Regions of Russia”.

Despite the fact that I have a million debts, a lot of studies and other responsibilities, I often lie on the couch with the phrase “that’s boring, don’t do it again.”

Praise is pleasant only to those who are praised, the rest are bored with it.

Duty: everything that bores us

And I miss you, like the deserts miss the rain

I'll push him off a roof so high he'll die of boredom before he hits the pavement.

I'll kill boredom! And who read it right? 🙂

Worthy of contempt is a woman who, having children, is capable of experiencing boredom.

Many women would die of boredom if they did not have a husband or lover who make them unhappy)))

I don’t want anything in this life ... I want to run away for a long time so that no one finds and never remembers me

A good lover, but a bad friend. Monogamy for her is synonymous with boredom.

Do you really always have to be far from home in order to know the boredom of your native places and faces ...

I asked him: How do you know so much? And he answered: out of boredom.

« Most terrible sin- it's boring! ... the terrible judgment will come, the Lord God will call and ask: “Why didn’t you use all the blessings of life? Why did you miss it?» Landau L.

« Nothing can be done: boredom, it turns out, is not such a simple thing. Boredom cannot be brushed aside by an annoyed, irritated gesture.." Bart R.

« Even ambition itself is less unceremonious with human life than boredom; ambition willingly flaunts its indulgence, but boredom is bloodthirsty, like a cannibal.» Bancroft D.

« Boredom is the unemployment of the mind." Sharp P.

« Boredom is the result of a mechanical life, but it also sets the mind in motion.." Camyu A.

« Boredom is when you feel that everything is just a waste of time; serenity - when you feel that nothing is a waste of time." Sas T.

« I can't find an excuse for boredom or sympathize with a person who complains about being bored. Everything can be justified: anger, depression, bad deeds. Just not boredom or tediousness. A person who does not know how to entertain himself or find himself interesting activity, unworthy of regret. As for me, I like to look at landscapes. Even if I sit in the desert on a stone and look at the sand, every minute brings me joy.." Mortensen W.

« People are interesting creatures. In the world, full of wonders they managed to invent boredom." Pratchett T.

« In order to live freely and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. It's not always an easy sacrifice." Bach R.

« Many of those for whom the day is too long complain that life is too short.

« Boredom has produced more gamblers than covetousness, more drunkards than thirst, and more suicides than despair.» Colton C.

« If you can imagine anything worse than a hell where you suffer, then this is a hell where you get bored.." Hugo W.

« Boredom is a serious problem for the moralist, for at least half of all the sins of mankind are committed out of boredom.." Russell b.

« In order not to kill life, dying of boredom in it, you need to change something in it - well, at least your torment." Zarozhny Yu.

« Boredom arises in the presence of laziness." Goryacheva-Buerakova E.

« Boring lessons are good only for instilling hatred for those who teach them and for everything taught.» Rousseau J.

« People load themselves with so many things just to get away from boredom.» Sawaki K.

« Civilization is destroying us, leading us astray; it is she who makes us, idle, useless, capricious, a burden to others and to ourselves, makes us go from eccentricities to revelry, without regret to waste our fortune, our heart, our youth in search of activities, sensations, entertainment, like those Aachen dogs from Heine who, as a favor, ask passers-by for a kick to disperse boredom.» Herzen A.

« If you always listened to your mom and dad, school teachers, priests and some guy on TV, and now you lead a boring and miserable life because of this, then, boy, you deserve it.» Zappa F.

« The world is boring for boring people.» Stevenson R.

« Thrills only dull the boredom.» Fedin S

« You are always learning something. Every film is new experience, new country, other rules, other people and other technical difficulties. This is one of the great joys of filmmaking. It's never boring because you don't know anything. All your life you remain a student.» Spielberg S.

« Boredom is a disease of the happy; the unfortunate are never bored, they have too much to do." Dufren A.

« Boredom is a punishment with a jeweled façade.» Helvetius K.

« Active people get tired more from boredom than from work.» Vauvenargues L.

« They say that death kills a person, but not death kills. Boredom and indifference kill.» Pop I.

« When we are completely bored, we stop being bored.» La Rochefoucauld F.

« What bliss - breathe, think, no one interferes. It won't be boring at all. Who even came up with this nonsense - what can be boring? What nonsense. Nothing is more boring than dying. And life is so much fun..." Prilepin Z.

« This is truly the misfortune of our age: even the most desperate folly does not cure boredom.." Stendhal F.

« Boredom is the time given for reflection to those who are not capable of thinking.» Karpov I.

« Boredom is one of the attributes of a thinking being." Pushkin A.


« Vice is a bore son." Fedin S.

« If you are bored alone with yourself, then you are in a bad society.» Sartre J.

« The rich miss more." Yagodzinsky H.

« It's not so easy to decide which is more boring: do the boring work yourself or outsource it to someone else, and do nothing at all yourself." Heller D.

« If you are bored alone with yourself - get married, and you will be bored together.» Zelinski E.

« The most vile form of boredom is the one that finds you in your pajamas.» Cortazar H.

« The one who visits you out of boredom will not add fun to you either.

« People often want change simply out of boredom.» Sinyavskiy V.

« The cure for boredom is curiosity. But there is no cure for curiosity.» Parker D.

« When no one lifts you off the couch, it becomes not interesting to lie down..." Pivovarov V.

« Sometimes I like it when I'm bored, sometimes I don't, it depends on my mood.." Warhol E.

« If life is usually boring for you, try to live unusually. I do not promise fun, but there will be no time to be bored." Yankovsky S.

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Verbosity usually breeds boredom.

If we could foresee the future, it would seem to us as boring as the past.

Boredom is a serious problem for the moralist, for at least half of all the sins of mankind are committed out of boredom.

People get tired of everything in the world, and especially quickly from what they like best.

It is much easier to yearn for someone you love than to live with someone you hate.

The world is boring for boring people.

Negotiate everything to the end - the right way get bored.

The worst way to miss a person is to be with him and understand that he will never be yours.

Intentions And Quotes About Boredom

Life is short, but boredom stretches it out.

Being in is just boring. And being out of society is already a tragedy.

Well-Being Intentions and Boredom Quotes

The ability of humans to bore each other seems to be substantially greater than that of any other animal. Some of the most revered human institutions have no other apparent purpose, such as dinners with more than two participants, epic poems, and the study of metaphysics.

Beauty becomes as boring after three days as virtue.

Do not let yourself be led astray from the path of the unrighteous! Virtuous you will be unbearably boring. This is what angers me in women. Be sure to give them a good man. Moreover, if he is good from the very beginning, they will never love him. They need to fall in love with him bad, and leave him - disgustingly good.

The torment of our existence is greatly facilitated by the fact that time constantly oppresses us, does not allow us to take a breath and stands behind everyone, like a torturer with a scourge. It only leaves in those who have been transferred to boredom.

Better let a woman be indignant than bored.

To love reading is to exchange hours of boredom, inevitable in life, for hours of great pleasure.

Who does not die of longing to be only a man, he will only die a man.

When we are completely bored, we stop being bored.

Hard Intentions and Boredom Quotes

Men have sincere respect for everything that is boring.

Why do you talk so much to boring people? - I'm afraid that otherwise I will be forced to listen.

Worthy of contempt is a woman who, having children, is capable of experiencing boredom.

Boredom has produced more gamblers than covetousness, more drunkards than thirst, and more suicides than despair.

Life is short, but you always have time to get bored.

People with a sharp mind are always immersed in melancholy.

A bore is a person who speaks for himself instead of listening to you.

In life, you have to choose between boredom and suffering.

Studying was for me the main remedy against the boredom of life, and I did not have such grief that did not dissipate after one hour of reading.

People who are unable to remain in their own society are always bored and, as a result, always bored.

Boring lessons are good only for instilling hatred for those who teach them and for everything taught.

Eccentricities only surprise ordinary people but not weirdos. That's why ordinary people have so many adventures, while weirdos complain about boredom all the time.

Kind Intentions and Boredom Quotes

Boring people are always confident, and confident people are always boring.

There is nothing more unfair than missing someone without reciprocity. This is even worse than love without reciprocity.

Every passion is replaced by melancholy.

It is bad if the spouses make each other bored, but it is much worse if only one of them makes the other bored.

Beware of those who never get bored: they are boring.

The art of being boring is to say everything.

The role of boredom in history is clearly underestimated. This main reason revolutions.

A person who has been engaged in intrigues for some time can no longer do without them: everything else seems boring to him.

It's easier to live with passionate woman than with boring. True, they are sometimes strangled, but rarely abandoned.

Good husbands are unbearably boring, bad husbands are terribly presumptuous.

A patriot must be able not only to overcome fear in himself, but also - which is more difficult - boredom.

You know, I always missed you a little, even when you were next to me. Missed as if a little bit in reserve. So that later, when you go home, you won't be bored so much. But it still didn't help.

Long Intentions and Boredom Quotes

We are almost always bored with those who are bored with us.

We are almost always bored with those people with whom we are not supposed to be bored.

There is no person so witty as to never be boring.

In order to live freely and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. It's not always an easy sacrifice.

The cure for boredom is curiosity. But there is no cure for curiosity.

Boredom helps to make a decision.

Always want something - so as not to become unhappy from satiety with happiness. The body breathes, the spirit thirsts. If we had everything, everything would be disliked, boring for us; even the mind must reserve something unknown to it that arouses curiosity. Hope inspires, satiety destroys. Even rewarding, do not fully satisfy; when there is nothing to desire, expect evil: happiness is unfortunate. Desires end, fears begin.

I do not have a longing for, but a longing for a foreign land.

The only reason lovers never miss each other is that they talk about themselves all the time.

Being interesting is the first duty of a little-known author. The right to be boring belongs only to those writers who have already become famous.

Many women would die of boredom if they did not have a husband or lover who makes them miserable.

All genres are good, except boring.