How to make a toilet paper pendant. Metal floor standing toilet paper holders. Choosing a toilet paper holder

Often comfort and unique look home furnishings consists of all sorts of everyday little things and objects. Many of these household little things can be created with your own hands. There are no secondary rooms in the house to which we devote less attention than others. This also applies to the toilet room. And many may wonder what kind of holder for toilet paper you can do it yourself. The holder can be made from a wide variety of materials, including cloth, plastic bottles, and more.

Let's consider in more detail several holder creation options at home from scrap materials.

Doll-shaped toilet paper holder

Such original doll holding a roll of toilet paper will not only amuse the owners of the house, but also surprise the guests.

So, to make a holder for toilet paper in the form of a doll, you will need the following materials and tools:

First you need to cut out and sew body parts for the doll. After that, you need to cut out slippers, a scarf. Then create all these garments. Next, you should do the decoration of the vestments.... At the same stage, the facial features of the doll are embroidered.

  1. Two parts of the doll's body must be cut out of the fabric. Front and rear part add up face side to each other. These often need to be sewn together, leaving a small hole to stuff the doll with cotton wool or other filler.
  1. Further, the head is cut out of the fabric in the same way. Both parts of the head are stitched together, and a hole is left at the bottom for filler and stitching with the body.
  1. After that, you need to carve out the legs and arms of the doll, not forgetting to leave holes for connection with the body. If you want your legs and arms to bend, then you need to insert the wire inside. At the same time, the arms and legs are filled with filler.
  1. All parts of the body must be sewn into place.
  1. Now you can start sewing outerwear and slippers. Here you need to show your imagination a little.
  1. It remains only to make a doll's face from threads, and to attach hair from yarn.

When the doll is completely ready, her arms must be folded in front so that a roll of toilet paper can be put on them. An unusual design in the form of a doll is ready!

Toilet roll holder from plastic bottle

Now we'll look at how you can make a toilet paper holder out of a simple one. Of course, such a design will not look as attractive as a doll, but it is much easier and faster to make it.

The following materials and tools will be required:

  • 1.5 liter plastic bottle;
  • Scissors or knife.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. You must trim first lower part the bottle is the length of the toilet paper, as shown. Top part required as a cover.
  2. Cut off the neck as shown in the figure.
  3. From the inside of the bottle, thread a piece of toilet paper through the neck.
  4. Connect both parts of the bottle together.

Wooden toilet paper holder

A toilet paper holder takes a little effort and dexterity. However, it will look very stylish and neat. To make such a holder you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Plank approximately 20 mm thick;
  • Plank approximately 10 mm thick;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Glue.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

The wooden toilet paper holder is ready! All that remains is to put the roll on the holder.

5 liter plastic bottle holder

This option does not require a lot of time and special skills to make. For manufacturing, you will need the following materials:

  • 5 liter bottle with cap;
  • Wooden skewer;

Step-by-step instructions for making the holder:

  1. First, you need to cut off 2/3 of the bottom of the five liter bottle, as shown in the figure. The neck does not need to be touched.
  2. Make small holes on both sides in the upper part of the bottle.
  3. Pass a wooden skewer through the holes.
  4. Finally, you will have to drive a nail into the wall, on which you need to hang the resulting holder for.

5 liter bottle holder ready! It remains only to put a roll of toilet paper on the skewer.

Toilet paper holders

Coziness in the house is determined by many points, and one of the points is handmade things. Handmade, sincere, thoughtful. Those in which warmth of the heart is invested, thoughts of all the good that exists in your family, love and care. It sounds, of course, somewhat pretentious, but in fact it is, because what you bring into the house comes back to you with interest: you can indifferently furnish an apartment with thoughtlessly purchased assorted things, and they will fill your home with the same indifference, and you can spend a little, quite a bit of energy and time and fill the space with your warmth, love and care, and in return you will receive a huge return. A simple example is. Of course, it is a million times easier to go to a construction supermarket and buy a faceless miracle of Chinese industry, but will it please as much as it will please? DIY toilet paper holder, in which you will invest your strength, time, energy?

DIY toilet paper holder - 5 interesting ideas:

1. Textile toilet paper holder

The toilet paper holder is not a glamorous piece of craft that you want to show off in social networks and in personal blog however, it is perfectly necessary thing, without which it is quite difficult to maintain order in the bath. If you do not want to invest in it a large number of time, try sewing it out of fabric. Stylish, comfortable, neat!

2. Industrial style toilet paper holder

Old pipes only at first glance seem unnecessary. If we consider them from the position creative person, you can think of a million use cases, some of which are actually sensible and useful. This DIY toilet paper tube holder is a great example of industrial design that is available to you as a craftsman.

3. Toilet paper holder from a child's toy

Sometimes the most unexpected things can be what you need - in in this case holder for toilet paper. Rummage through the children's toy box - you can be sure that you will find a lot of things there. varying degrees uselessness that can be turned into something useful and sensible. Including the toilet paper holder.

4. Holder-tree

Oh, what an idea! Well, you must admit - just wonderful! Looking at such things, you immediately want to create - not even because you need a new toilet paper holder, but simply because the thing comes out amazingly wonderful, stylish, original and very, very beautiful. True, you even want to make repairs in the toilet for it?

A toilet paper holder is one of those things that you don't have to buy. Unusual accessories toilets and bathrooms are always eye-catching and don't have to be expensive or overly complicated.

The two photos that you will now see express very simple idea: In order to make a toilet paper holder, you will need, by and large, only a rope and hooks. Or a crossbar and ropes for hanging it. And the choice colors, the combination of materials is yours. Will it be a noble leather with hooks in vintage style or unpretentious cuts of cotton? Swirl around in your inventory - maybe an even more unusual idea comes to your mind?

DIY toilet paper holders

Industrial or rustic style

Even such a seemingly inconspicuous thing as a toilet paper holder can become the center of the whole room and define its appearance, as you will now see for yourself. Both of the following examples are made of things that, if you don't find them at home, can easily be bought at a hardware store with very little money.

Cool Toy Toilet Paper Holder

For example, suppose you have a collection of funny figures or toys at home. Perhaps your child (even if he is already over 40) collects them. From time to time, you throw out especially old specimens or dump them into a corner where they collect dust. So that's it. Better to make a do-it-yourself toilet paper holder out of them!

DIY toilet paper holders from old parts

Or you have accumulated parts from furniture, electrical appliances, a car, etc. See if there’s something in there that ideal way suitable as a toilet paper holder? Most often, the part just needs to be slightly adjusted, painted and fixed on the wall. In the following photos you will see simple designs, which, nevertheless, look very nice and unusual.

Themed Toilet Paper Holders

Let's move on to projects that may require more practical skills and investments than those already considered, but will definitely indicate the hobby of the owner of the house. Is your friend interested in sports and, in particular, skateboarding? This is a great excuse to gift him a themed toilet paper holder. Take your old skateboard and convert the wheels into a holder. Your friend will love it!

And here's another idea. Do you like fantasy, read Terry Pratchett and know everything about Discworld? However, it can be any author. The fantasy toilet paper holder with witch's boots will enchant even people who are far from the topic.

Metal Floor Toilet Paper Holders

And finally, we left the holders, which, of course, can hardly be made with your own hands, unless you are a master of blacksmithing, but which are practical, beautiful and will give individuality to your bathroom.

A toilet paper holder is one of those things that you don't have to buy. Unusual toilet and bathroom accessories always attract attention, and they don't have to be expensive or overly complicated at all.

The two photos that you will see now express a very simple idea: in order to make a toilet paper holder, you will need, by and large, only a rope and hooks. Or a crossbar and ropes for hanging it. And the choice of colors, combination of materials is yours. Will it be noble leather with hooks in vintage style or unpretentious cuts of cotton? Swirl around in your inventory - maybe an even more unusual idea comes to your mind?

DIY toilet paper holders

Industrial or rustic style

Even such a seemingly inconspicuous thing as a toilet paper holder can become the center of the whole room and define its appearance, as you will now see for yourself. Both of the following examples are made of things that, if you don't find them at home, can easily be bought at a hardware store with very little money.

Cool Toy Toilet Paper Holder

For example, suppose you have a collection of funny figures or toys at home. Perhaps your child (even if he is already over 40) collects them. From time to time, you throw out especially old specimens or dump them into a corner where they collect dust. So that's it. Better to make a do-it-yourself toilet paper holder out of them!

DIY toilet paper holders from old parts

Or you have accumulated parts from furniture, electrical appliances, a car, etc. See if there’s something in there that’s perfect way fit as a toilet paper holder? Most often, the part just needs to be slightly adjusted, painted and fixed on the wall. In the following photos you will see simple designs, which, nevertheless, look very nice and unusual.

Themed Toilet Paper Holders

Let's move on to projects that may require more practical skills and investments than those already considered, but will definitely indicate the hobby of the owner of the house. Is your friend interested in sports and, in particular, skateboarding? This is a great excuse to gift him a themed toilet paper holder. Take your old skateboard and convert the wheels into a holder. Your friend will love it!