What is the name of the delayed arrow on the trousers. From the front side. Who introduced this fashion

Trousers with arrows - an integral part men's wardrobe... Although women do not leave them unattended and wear them with pleasure. For you to feel confident and tidy, the fold should not "roll." It is not difficult to achieve this, it is enough to know how to iron trousers with arrows.

In many companies, employees are required to adhere to a dress code and wear suits. It is customary to wear them for business meetings, negotiations and other official events. Strict clothing makes the image elegant and high-profile. But in order to look neat, you need to carefully look after things, otherwise an expensive suit will turn into a wrinkled and unsightly attire.

Who introduced this fashion?

Arrows appeared in the 19th century, when ready-made clothes from warehouses were transported to large volumes... The things were packed so tightly that it was almost impossible to smooth out the folds on the pants. Therefore, men wore trousers with arrows - this emphasized their novelty. Thus, the problem disappeared and a new fashion trend emerged.


Before ironing men's trousers, be sure to check for stains or dried dirt. Sometimes dirt remains after washing and can be almost invisible. If you have a pet at home, you should completely clean the trousers from wool. To do this, you can use a special brush.

In the case when the item is ironed for the first time, you need to carefully study the information on the label. As a rule, manufacturers attach it to the inside of the belt at the back. In order not to damage the fabric, it is necessary to set the required temperature values ​​on the iron.

Before ironing trousers with arrows, you must first prepare them. Perhaps the first time the procedure will seem a little complicated, since this requires skill.

First of all, the thing should be carefully ironed. It is better to turn the trousers inside out so that the surface does not shine. Special attention worth giving to the belt and pockets. Sometimes traces of all ironing efforts are visible on the outside. To prevent this from happening, you can put paper in your pockets and spread a towel. When the upper part is finished, you need to carefully go over the legs with the iron, without smoothing the arrows and seams.

Soapy solution with vinegar

There are several ways to iron arrow trousers. Many housewives choose the most proven, using a soapy solution with vinegar. You will need a damp cloth to steam the arrows. To make the arrows durable and not "crawl", you need to add a little vinegar to a liter of soapy water. But it is worth using this method only when there is already a certain experience, and the arrows turn out to be beautiful and even. After applying the solution, the result will be securely fixed, and it will be possible to change something only by washing the product.

So how do you iron your pants properly? You need to take them by the bottom and fold the inner seam with the outer one. If the item is of high quality, the fold should fit exactly into the dart. In this position, the trousers must be placed on the ironing board. Iron the fold very carefully so as not to move the fabric. The front of the leg is processed first, and then the back.

Fundamental rules

Many novice hostesses cannot understand how to iron trousers with arrows, because they fold the trousers separately. It is much more convenient to lay them together and iron them on both sides. If you run the iron in the direction of the arrow, there is a high probability that the fabric will move.

Pants made of dense material require more thorough steaming. It is advisable not to put on the item immediately after ironing, it is better to hang it folded for a while. This will help the arrow to hold better.

Alternate ironing

When the trousers are folded with seams and well ironed, it is necessary to bend the pant leg lying on top. The other should be carefully aligned so that the crotch seam matches the side seam. If your iron is not equipped with a steam function, you can use plain water for ironing. They do not need to move, just put the arrows at the beginning and wait a little. Then move along the entire length of the leg. After that, it is necessary to process the inside of the other leg in the same way. It is very important to make sure that the fabric does not move, otherwise the arrows will be crooked. Some housewives neatly pin the fabric with pins for convenience.

When the pant legs are finished individually, they need to be folded together and ironed again, pressing down on the iron well. By following these tips and knowing how to iron your trousers properly, you can achieve a flawless and neat look.

Home secrets

In order not to print a trace from the iron, it is better to iron the legs through the iron and put a special pad inside. Soap solution- a reliable retainer, but it must be used with caution: sometimes it leaves streaks on the fabric.

Before ironing the arrows on the trousers, you can drag over them with seamy side with a bar of soap dipped in water. And only after that start ironing through a damp cloth. It is imperative to let the product dry so that the folds are even and do not "ride".

Classic trousers with arrows are worn by both men and women, so the knowledge of how to iron them correctly will be useful to everyone, without exception. Everyone can make an even fold on the legs, you just need to practice a little. Follow all instructions and recommendations and your look will always be flawless.

There are two versions of the appearance of such an unusual element as arrows on trousers. According to the first, clearly romanticized legend, Edward VII, Prince of Wales, was caught in a thunderstorm and was soaked from head to toe on his way to a social event in 1896. Since he could not appear on the holiday in this form, the prince asked a local peasant woman to iron out her soaked trousers. Instead of ironing on the front and back halves, the woman combined the side and crotch seams and ironed the trousers wonderfully! They say that the prince liked the ironed fold so much that he quickly brought it into fashion.

Another story says that in Europe in late XIX century, during the rapid development of factory sewing ready-made clothes, a significant part of it was exported. At the same time, things were mercilessly pressed and tamped in order to fit as much as possible into the holds. After such a harsh delivery on the trousers, there were rough and hard creases, which were not easy to iron out ... but very soon this defect turned into a virtue!

How to iron the arrows on the trousers?

Iron the pants themselves before moving on to the arrows. To do this, you need to turn them inside out and iron the belt and pockets first, and then the trousers. Don't forget that temperature regime directly depends on the fabric from which the product is sewn. A mistake can be costly and lead to weasels or even burn marks! If you still could not avoid trouble, we will show you how to get rid of the defects.

Next, go directly to the arrows. Turn the trousers right out and fold so that side seams combined with the internal. Some people prefer to secure future arrows with pins for reliability, but again it all depends on the type of fabric: on an inconspicuous area, make sure that the pins do not leave unsightly marks.

Then, through a damp iron, begin to iron the arrows. The best place to start is in the knee area because it makes it easier to keep the frog straight along the entire length. In order not to get lost, do not run the iron, but gently iron it, moving the iron from place to place.

How to make arrows more durable?

There are a few tricks that can help you make the arrows harder.

1. Before you start working with the arrows on the seamy side, walk a sharp bar of soap along the entire length of the future arrow, twice for each. Then iron from the face as described above.

2. Moisten the iron with a vinegar solution (1 tsp for 0.5 l of water)

3. While ironing, use a starching agent to process the arrows along the entire length

4. Another, rather exotic method, which is not suitable for all fabrics: from the seamy side, the arrow line is treated with paraffin, that is, with an ordinary candle. Paraffin after ironing adheres well.

Arrows are worn by schoolchildren, students, businessmen, officials, business women and executives, police officers and lawyers, presenters and office workers. Therefore, the question of how to iron this wardrobe item ideally after washing is very relevant.

Do you know where the arrows came from on the trousers? More than two centuries ago, when the conveyor belt began to develop clothing industry, trousers were sent around the world in huge containers. They were packed so compactly that they came to customers with a caked fold in the form of arrows.

Gentlemen and their ladies did not puzzle over how easy it is to iron the arrows on their trousers. They left it as it is, and this element signaled that the thing was new, just acquired. It was considered a sign of wealth and was fashionable.

It is ideal to iron the arrows on the trousers to keep them in place long time iron will help and ironing board... Gauze or thin gauze is also useful. cotton fabric and a spray for water. The following three recommendations will help to cope with the further task for five-plus.

  1. Determine the temperature. Look at the label: it says what temperature is acceptable for this fabric. Compliance with the rule will help you get beautifully ironed trousers without shine at the exit.
  2. Cooking tools. The ironing board should be perfectly smooth and always in the cover. You can use a flat surface of the table, having previously covered it with a lint-free dense cloth. The soleplate of the iron must be clean, free of limescale and carbon deposits.
  3. We do a "test" for cleanliness. Remove fluff and pet hair from the product. Check for stains after washing. Even the smallest dirt can become more noticeable when heated.

How to iron trousers with arrows: 2 steps

Having prepared everything you need, we proceed to ironing. Some claim that best effect achieved by ironing the pant legs through the newspaper. Forget about this method forever, otherwise you ruin the thing - under the influence of temperature, printing ink will be printed on it. Moreover, you cannot start work immediately from the arrows, otherwise you will not be able to put in order. upper part trousers. The work must be done in two stages: first, the pants are ironed from the wrong side and only then “from the face”.

From the seamy side

Before making the arrows on the trousers with an iron, turn the garment inside out and iron it entirely, starting from the waist. Consider the following points.

Pockets. Place under the fabric of the pockets clear sheet paper. This will avoid creases on the front side, which will then be problematic to straighten.

Side seams. After stroking the pockets, go over the legs with the iron, making sure that the fabric stays flat, without creases. Pay special attention to the side seams, especially around the upper thighs. To iron this area, you can "put on" pants on side part trowels.

From the front side

Turn the pants right over and start creating arrows using following instruction of three steps.

  1. Joining seams. Lay out the garment carefully so that the outer and inner seams exactly matched. Any divergence of the seams, even by 0.5 cm, will "take" the arrow to the side.
  2. Jerk movements. Be sure to iron with gauze. Take a piece of cloth, wet it, wring it out well and place it on the leg. Set the temperature control on the iron to the desired position, as indicated on the label, and begin to move the appliance over the entire surface of the leg. Handle the area of ​​the intended arrows carefully - the slightest shift in the fabric will "break" the arrow. Do not follow the arrow back and forth. Better to tear the iron off the surface and apply to the fabric, tear off and reapply again. This makes the material less likely to move.
  3. Priority rule. After making an arrow on one side, repeat the procedure on the other. Proceed in the same way with the second leg. If you are just learning how to iron trousers correctly, you should not iron both trousers at the same time - this "aerobatics" can only be performed by experienced housewives.

Ironing rules are the same for men and women's trousers... There is only a slight difference in the technique of creating arrows, which is due to the presence of darts in ladies' models. If you want to iron women's trousers with arrows, you need to make sure that the dart coincides with the fold line.

If it turned out badly: correcting mistakes

You managed to iron the arrows on your trousers at home, but upon closer examination you noticed that not everything is as smooth as you would like. Don't panic: There are two common mistakes you can fix as follows.

  1. We remove the arrows. If you are dissatisfied with the ironing result: the arrows are "broken", have gone astray from the intended course - do not be discouraged, they are easy to eliminate. Soak cheesecloth in a solution of 9% table vinegar (two tablespoons per liter of water) and steam the trousers from the inside. Then re-create even arrows.
  2. We get rid of gloss. It does not matter if after the procedure there are shiny spots on the clothes. Get rid of them by soaping problem areas soap and soak for ten minutes. Wash, rinse and dry in the sun.

If you travel often and the process of transporting ironed trousers is a whole problem, use a little trick. Before packing in your suitcase, gently roll up your pants. The likelihood that they become very wrinkled is minimized.

10 tricks of experienced housewives

Experienced housewives on the forums share personal secrets how to iron classic trousers with arrows. Follow these 10 guidelines to make the process faster and more efficient.

  1. Additional retainer. To prevent the fabric from moving during ironing, you can secure it at the top and bottom with tailor's pins. Just first check to see if they leave marks on the fabric - pin the needle onto an inconspicuous area of ​​the trousers. For the same purpose, it is convenient to use stationery clamps - just grab the top and bottom of the leg with them.
  2. Only through the fabric. Without gauze, it is impossible to direct the arrows on the trousers, otherwise, if there are synthetic fibers in the composition, an unnecessary gloss will appear on the clothes.
  3. We consolidate the effect. You can add vinegar to the water to wet the gauze in a dosage of a tablespoon per liter of water. The technique helps to make the arrows sharper, fix for a longer time. In addition, the solution helps to get rid of the shine on the legs.
  4. Start from the middle. The arrows will be smoother if you start ironing from the middle of the leg, that is, in the knee area.
  5. Soap for long-acting shooters. The effect of even arrows will last longer if you draw a vertical line in this area on the seamy side with laundry soap slightly moistened with water.
  6. To prevent the trousers from wrinkling. After ironing, let the arrows dry by placing them on an ironing board or on the trouser bar.
  7. Spray against gloss. Spray regularly dry gauze or cloth through which you iron trousers with water from a spray bottle. Dry ironing is fraught with shiny spots.
  8. No print seams. When ironing the top of your trousers, where there are usually many seams, you can use a small pillow, which you will probably find at home, or a folded towel. This will prevent seams from being printed.
  9. Comb as a ruler. To outline future arrows, you can use an ordinary comb. Moisten and then pull the entire length of the pants between the teeth.
  10. Look at the label. If you see a badge on the label of your trousers, which shows a crossed out steam iron, then it is prohibited to use a steamer to iron this item.

If you did not manage to iron the men's trousers with arrows perfectly the first time, do not be discouraged - continue to study strictly according to the instructions. Each time it will turn out better and better, and the process will take less and less time.
Well, if this wisdom has not obeyed you over the years, you can use the method of creative housewives. They believe that you can quickly and correctly iron trousers with arrows ... under the mattress. Fold the item in half lengthwise and connect the side and crotch seams, lay them under the mattress and go to bed. In the morning, the advisers assure you, you will find perfectly straight trousers.

Many men in everyday life, ordinary life prefer to wear jeans or trousers made of a material that does not need to be ironed too often. But sometimes you have to deviate from this rule - a celebration, a meeting in an official place or even a trip to the theater require a man to wear appropriate clothes - a jacket and always trousers with arrows.

The last detail of the wardrobe requires a lot of skill from the hostess, because in order to iron the arrows correctly, experience is always needed.

Perfectly even arrows on any men's trousers are the result of painstaking work, and in order for it not to disappoint, it is necessary to properly prepare the clothes and observe all stages of ironing.

Preparing trousers for ironing

Men's trousers are made from a wide variety of fabrics and usually a label near the waist indicates the temperature at which they can be ironed. This information must be taken into account. Trousers with straight, wrinkle-free arrows will surely please both the man and the people around them, if you adhere to the following rules:

  • Before ironing, be sure to inspect your clothes for stains. Iron only clean trousers, since the high temperature turns even the smallest speck into a visible and noticeable one. It is necessary to remove all hairs and pile from the trousers with a brush.
  • All things and small debris must be removed from the pockets.
  • Trousers are ironed on a flat surface - ironing board or table. Lay on the table in several layers thick fabric.
  • The soleplate of the iron must be kept clean.
  • It is necessary to prepare the iron-on - a small piece of gauze, coarse calico, chintz. Pants with front side ironed only through the iron, this ensures the absence of gloss on the clothes and allows you to achieve good ironing of the arrows themselves. Be sure to choose white cloth, this will prevent the material from staining.
  • The ironer is certainly wetted during ironing, so you need a small container with plain water.

It's all preparatory stages After completing them, it will be possible to proceed directly to the work of aiming the arrows.

Stages of ironing trousers with arrows

Ironing the arrows on the trousers - The final stage bringing things into ideal condition... Before moving on to this point, you need to do a few more important things.

  • The trousers are ironed from the inside out, from their top. Carefully iron the belt, pockets, you don't need to press on the iron too much. In order to prevent smoothed kinks from appearing on the fabric on the outside, a thin towel can be placed under the pockets.
  • After ironing, the trousers are turned inside out.
  • In order for the arrows on the legs to turn out to be the same and even, it is necessary to combine the inner and outer seams. If the item is sewn with high quality, then when aligned, the arrow coincides with the groove coming from the waist of the trousers.
  • Now you can start ironing the hands themselves. Some iron two trousers at once, others prefer to do it in stages. For inexperienced housewives, it is best to iron first one trouser leg and only after that the second.
  • A moistened cloth is applied to the prepared trouser leg, and only then they begin to work with an iron, on which it is necessary to set the mode corresponding to the type of fabric.
  • It is not necessary to allow the iron to dry completely; it must be moistened periodically. If you have an iron with a steam humidifier, then you need to set the steam generation mode.
  • Experienced housewives, in order not to knock down the prepared arrow, try not to move the iron along it. It is much easier to put the iron on the arrow, hold it for a few seconds and only then move it to another place. This method is especially convenient when the item is sewn from slippery fabrics.
  • It is best to start ironing from the knees, this is more convenient to keep the arrows straight.
  • Some women and even men fix the arrows on their trousers with pins before ironing, this is convenient, but sometimes it leads to damage to the fabric. You can test the density of the material and its resistance to puncture with needles in an inconspicuous place.
  • Having ironed one leg, be sure to evaluate the result, the arrows should be even throughout, from the waist to the very bottom.
  • Finish ironing by making arrows on the second side.

The experience of getting straight hands after ironing comes with time. A lot of time is usually spent the first time, but after each ironing it decreases, and all stages of work are performed just instantly, without taking extra minutes.

Secrets of perfect shooters

Sometimes a lot of time is spent on putting things in order, and its appearance ceases to please immediately after putting on. To prevent this from happening with classic trousers there are a few little tricks to know.

  • The arrows will be thin and sharp if the iron is not moistened in plain water, but acidified with vinegar. A tablespoon of the essence is required per liter of water. Vinegar not only stiffens the hands, but also prevents the formation of shiny spots.
  • The stiffness of the arrows is the most long time provides laundry soap... To do this, a small sharp piece of soap should be drawn from the seamy side of the arrows and only then ironed. The soap must be free of foreign additives.
  • After ironing, do not put on trousers immediately. For some time they remain moist and therefore quickly wrinkle.
  • Leave ironed trousers on the ironing board or place them on a hanger. Ideally, you should iron your trousers the day before, before putting them on.
  • It is necessary to iron trousers through the fabric, even if the iron is equipped with a modern steam mode, this prevents damage to the material.

With a little experience, it is not always possible to make straight arrows the first time. There is no need to get upset, from the seamy side it will be necessary to smooth out the formed arrows and repeat all the ironing steps.

So that you do not have to iron the hands too often, you need to take care of the condition of your trousers after each wear.

After use, they must be cleaned of dust and stains with a brush and must be hung on a hanger so that the arrows are folded evenly.

Often the image can be emphasized with the help of a wardrobe item. a certain style... If it is a pair of trousers, the material should be properly straightened. So that the ironing process does not end deplorably for the product, various tricks are additionally used.

How to iron trousers with arrows correctly

You must first prepare workplace... An ironing board is installed, if it was not at hand, it is permissible to use any horizontal flat surface: a chest of drawers, a cabinet, a floor, a table or a sofa. It is important to protect the coating, for which a dense fabric is used, and it will be better if it is folded many times. Dealing with the problem of how to iron trousers with arrows correctly, you need to take into account the peculiarity of the fabric - it must retain the ability to crumple under the influence of high temperatures.

If the iron is old and does not have additional functions, it is recommended to use protective material... It can be gauze, an improvised piece of thin fabric. If ironing experience is not available, pins should be prepared. With their help, you can fix the legs in a certain position, and then make the folds correctly. When solving the problem of how to iron the arrows on the trousers, it should be remembered that the material must be wet. This will avoid returning the item to its original position.

The temperature of the iron for a particular type of ironing is determined based on information from the manufacturer about the composition of the fabric. It can be found on the label of a new item. For reliability, you can take into account a time-tested fact: artificial material iron correctly at low / medium temperatures; products from natural fabric with arrows - at high temperature mode. The ironing process is preceded by a preparatory leveling of all folds. This is done by turning the product inside out. Then they already proceed to leveling from the front side.

How to iron the arrows on the trousers

The style of the female and male subject wardrobe of this type is different. In the first case, darts are provided. With their help, the clothes emphasize the figure well. In addition, trousers with arrows for women are found in different variations: shortened, narrowed. If you need to solve the problem of how to iron trousers with arrows, take into account all the features of the product. This will allow you to get excellent result... The preparation for ironing, as well as the process itself, will be almost the same in both cases.

Trousers with arrows for women

The product is ironed from the inside with an iron, while you need to touch complex elements: belt, pockets, darts. Further instructions:

  • The trousers are turned inside out face side and leveled.
  • Important feature ironing women's trousers consists in connecting the fold line and the dart. For reliability, you can make a pin mount.
  • Wet gauze is applied on top.
  • You can make arrows.
  • When the upper leg is ready, it is gently pulled to the side and the second leg is ironed.

How to iron men's trousers with arrows correctly

First, it is recommended to iron on all difficult areas (belt, pockets). This is done from the wrong side. When deciding how to iron trousers with arrows correctly, it is important to remember that the sequence of actions will be the same as for women's trousers, with the exception of the nuances with darts. In the absence of experience, for example, if a man has taken up the matter, it is recommended to start with a video. This will avoid further trouble.

Several nuances of the process:

  1. It is recommended to use a spray bottle periodically by spraying the cloth. Considering that making a fold is a relatively long activity, and the gauze dries quickly under the influence high temperature, it is necessary to keep it moist.
  2. Men do not use the iron often. To extend the "life" of such a wardrobe item, you can use regular soap or vinegar. The essence is bred in clean water(1 tbsp. L. Per 1 l of water) and moisten gauze in a solution. It is necessary to treat a part of the leg in the area of ​​the future fold with soap. This should be done from the inside out.

Where should the arrows be on the trousers

There are a number of rules to take into account when deciding how to iron the arrows on your trousers:

  • The line runs strictly along the shared thread.
  • The arrows should be exactly in the middle of the knee.
  • The fold of the leg goes from above along the entire length to the bottom edge.

How to fold trousers correctly for ironing arrows

It is necessary to focus on the location of the side and step seams... If the task is how to iron trousers with arrows, the legs should be positioned so that they match as closely as possible. bottom cut and sides. It is recommended to check that the step and outer seams lie on top of each other or vice versa, depending on which side of the product is located. For reliability, you can attach the legs with pins.

Woman's thing ironing is much easier, since there are darts. If the task is how to iron men's trousers, it is necessary to constantly check the location of the side and crotch seams. Sometimes pinning does not solve the skew problem. To achieve desired results you can, with patience and moving the iron very slowly. To revert to this process less often, it is recommended to do vinegar solution or treat the fabric with soap.

Video: how to fit trousers with arrows