An appeal to his beloved wife in prose. Gentle words for a wife in prose. Beautiful love SMS to beloved wife in prose

I love you with all my heart
And keeping feelings for you
Ready to carry through the years
And with them everything I could get:
Care, tenderness, community of souls.
Your husband loves you very much! 13

I can't live without you
I can't imagine how I would live!
I give you a hundred thousand kisses!
Nobody loved his wife so much! 12

I will keep my love for you!
I'll carry it all through the years
My lovely wife,
Always be happy with me!
Don't forget my feelings
How much I appreciate you
I'm ready to go to all sorts of madness
After all, I love you very much! 14

Darling, what would I do if I hadn't met you? Who would I marry then and with whom would I live? Who would feed me so delicious? It's good that I have such a sweet, beloved, devoted, beautiful, kind and smart wife! I am ready to tell you every day how lucky I am and how happy I am, but I will just tell you three words: I love you! 24

Hour after hour runs
Day after day flies by
We live with you like in a fairy tale
Always close and together.
Peek into your eyes furtively
And I will quietly repeat -
It's good that you are there
How I love you! 15 - Confessions of love to wife

I give you words more tender than flowers
I'm ready for you, darling,
For everything to beloved wife
She was always happy and sweet! 10

Beloved, and most dear!
The most wonderful and dear
My heart is always warm with you
We are connected by a wonderful destiny! 10

At home, comfort, peace in the heart,
I don't need any other
No one can replace you
And I don't even believe that
What is such happiness for me,
And that's all stronger love my! 14

I want you to smile. A million of the brightest lights is just an insignificant small smallness compared to your smile! 11

You are different from others! You are like a flower in early May! I love you, my wonderful! I love you, my dear! 13

You are just amazing, unusual, smart! All whims are forgivable to you! I want to always be with me! 12

My dear, kind, smart - for me you are always desirable. Positive, funny, funny - you are the only one, beloved!
My dear, kind, smart - for me you are always desirable. Positive, funny, funny - you are the only one, beloved! 9

Enchanted by your beauty
You are my fairy tale in reality!
I found my happiness with you
I found my destiny with you! 10

Beloved, priceless wife,
For me, you are the only one in the world!
I want you to always know -
I'm glad that fate tied us!
I need you more than everyone in the world
You are the most important to me in the world! 13

I want to whisper in silence
That you are my favorite of all in the world.
You are more beautiful than everyone in the world,
For me in the whole world alone
My beautiful, dear wife! 12

Adorable lady
I live close by!
If suddenly where he leaves,
I will be terribly lonely!
You are beautiful and desirable
I need more life
I appreciate you madly
My beloved wife! 19

The bird flapped its wing
The wind is rustling outside the window.
I'm talking about love
I give you all the confessions -
You are my joy and destiny
All for you just one.
My happiness, my peace,
Feelings to you only one! 11

It's unthinkable to live without you
My dear wife!
I'm not comfortable without you
You are the only one in the world.
I love you tenderly and firmly -
You are the dearest person.
My love is like a diamond
Strongest feeling forever! 15

There is little romance in the world
Life writes its own rules
But as a piece of soul
Read the words of recognition -
I love you my beautiful
I can often repeat -
You are my only one
I hasten to kiss you! 11

Family psychologists say that in order for the fire of love not to go out, it must be constantly maintained. How to do it? For example, don't forget that most women love with their ears! And at least from time to time to tell your wife pleasant and romantic words, after all, you need to confess your love to your wife constantly, and not only on holidays! And it is best to do this in prose, i.e. in your own words!

This section presents universal, beautiful declarations of love to wife written in prose.

"Be with me always, my beloved!"
The word "wife" means a woman that a man has chosen for himself. long years own life. I chose you, and I never regretted my choice for a minute. You are my only woman on the whole planet, you are my sun, my happiness, the mother of my children, the keeper family hearth... When I wake up in the morning and see you by my side, every day is doomed to good luck for me. Be with me always, my beloved!

"Everything is not always easy in life"
Everything is not always simple in our life, we often quarrel over trifles and sometimes even take offense at each other. But I want you to know that no matter what, I love you madly. I believe that we will always be together.

"There is only one place in this world ..."
There is only one place in this world where I feel comfortable and calm. There I don't need to pretend, I don't need to prove anything to anyone. There I can always be myself. Wherever I am, I strive to return there as soon as possible. This place is next to the most beautiful woman on earth, next to you, my beloved wife!

"My beloved wife"
Only one woman became fatal in my life. This woman is you, my beloved wife: dear girl that you will always remain for me. I want to say that I love you very much and will never tire of kissing your lips, eyes and hands and thank fate for connecting our hearts.

"My dear woman"
My dear woman, precious wife! I have one feeling for you, which is difficult to accurately describe, because it is different for each person. This feeling is love! I love and adore you very, very much, bunny! :)

"Men don't like unnecessary words"
It is possible that after the wedding I began to speak less often to you about love. Men don't like unnecessary words. After all, why talk when everything is clear anyway? My love is in every look and action. She wants to take care of you and protect you. You are my treasure, my beloved wife and the most a beautiful woman on the planet, I love you very much!

"Sweetheart, how many worries you have!"
Sweetheart, how many worries you have. You have the whole house on you, children and I - another child of yours. Thank you, dear, for making our life what it is. I adore you and I don’t know anyone who can compare with you.

"I am an unlucky person"
In general, I am an unlucky person, but once I was still lucky - I met a girl whom I fell in love with at first sight. Then she became my wife, and love for her grows every day and only gets stronger.

"Today I remembered how ..."
Today I remembered how we first met, our first conversations, kisses. And do you know what I realized after so many years? That I love you just the same, even a little more. Darling, you are an angel.

"You are the only one !!!"
If there was a Nobel Prize for the Best Wife in the World - no doubt, this award would rightfully be yours! Do you mind when I play soccer instead of TV series. You are not angry when I "meet an old friend", but invite us into the kitchen, like a true hostess. And only you could give your husband a box of beer for his birthday! You are the only one !!!

“I know it’s not easy being my wife”
I know being my wife is not easy. You still need to look for such a harmful spouse. Honey, forgive me and whatever it is, remember that I love you more life and I will never leave you. I am very lucky to have you.

"My Sunshine"
My dear, my sun, my queen, the most beautiful, charming, brilliant, dazzling, sexy, spectacular, magical, precious, affectionate, kind, sweet, cheerful, energetic, cheerful, open, funny and caring wife in the world! I love you!

"My dear half"
My beloved, dear half! Only you opened the door for me to happiness called "family", where we have been living together under one roof for so many beautiful moments. I am happy that you are my wife, because I love you more than life and because you are my main happiness in her!

"I'd rather hug you tightly."
I will not get a star from the sky for you ... I’d better wash the dishes for you when you’re tired after long day... And let us not go to a fancy restaurant in the evening. But I myself will cook delicious fried potatoes for dinner!
So what if I can't speak beautifully, compose poetry and sing serenades. I'd rather hug you tightly, tightly, kiss and whisper in your ear: "I love you!".

"Everyone dreams of such a wife"
Everyone dreams of a wife for whom one wants to live and move mountains, one who would be both a muse, and a friend, and true lady... Everyone dreams of a spouse who will always share both joys and sadness with her husband, who will love not for success, but for what a person really is. Everyone dreams of such a wife - and I have you! Love you!

"My beloved wife"
My beloved wife, how grateful I am to you for the fact that you are able to understand, and forgive, and support, and hope, and just be there. But it is so important for me that you are always there, that your smile always illuminates my life, so that I can always hug you and press you to my chest - and you heard my heart beating in unison with yours!

"Love for a wife is a special love"
Love for a wife is a special love. Now you are dear to me not only as a girl, but also as my wife, the mother of my children, the mistress of the house, the creator of comfort. You are a part of my life, a part of myself, and for this I love and appreciate you. I am proud that I have such a wonderful wife, and you are worthy of my love and respect. I dream of living my whole life with you, until the last day.

"I can argue with anyone"
I can bet with anyone that I have the most best wife in the world. She's not just a wife, she's mine best friend... She is all I have. And I'm in love with her as a boy, thank you for being with me.

"Love is not cured"
Even at the time we met, strange sensations appeared in my body. Every time you are near, your head is spinning, your eyes see only you and no one else, the mood changes dramatically, as a rule, in better side... I went to the pharmacy today. He described the symptoms of his disease to the pharmacist in detail, and he replied that ... LOVE CANNOT BE TREATED!

"Instructions for use of the husband"
Instructions for the use of a personal husband (PM).
Provide regular meals of the PM with meat dishes.
Store the device in its normal working position: lying on the sofa.
The PM memory is not intended for storing to-do lists.
During a trip to the dacha to his parents, the PM is securely held in the driver's seat with the words: "You are the best!"

V strong half humanity has a lot of passions and volcanoes, as well as energy and strength! They are inspired for many things - this is creation, this is work, this is life, this is writing wonderful music, as well as poems and novels, and, of course, just beautiful prose about love. Women are very romantic and sentimental by nature. The weaker sex adores when they are presented unexpected gifts, or bouquets of flowers with secret notes inside, as well as when men are invited to romantic dates and dinners, and especially, love when they are given magical nights under the stars. And if a girl becomes a legal wife, then they often forget to give compliments and express their feelings out loud. But in life there are few opportunities to invite your soul mate to a secluded place and tell her about what is happening deep in the soul. But sometimes I really want to write declaration of love to wife!

The portal can show men and guys - we have collected and posted a lot of prose about his wife that will help in any life situations and in a variety of interpretations. There are frank male confessions here in original poetry and wonderful prose. These are only sincere, inspired statements that will not leave indifferent your chosen ones. Any girl, having read this poem, will definitely answer you in the same way, because women are very romantic, and they also love with their ears, in the sense of being led by words. And we just have enough of this! Our lyrics are incomparable, affectionate and gentle, light and clean. The stronger sex should not be shy, because the ladies are waiting for these very words. And we will help you with this!

Prose to wife

I love you very much, with my soul, heart, body and every cell. You are the most desirable in the world. I thank my destiny, God and your parents for giving me you. You are my angel, sunshine, life, all words are not enough to describe or compare you alone - so one and only. I love you, my darling!

My beloved wife, how grateful I am to you for the fact that you are able to understand, and forgive, and support, and hope, and just be there. But it is so important for me that you are always there, that your smile always illuminates my life, so that I can always hug you and press you to my chest - and you heard my heart beating in unison with yours!

Sweetheart, gentle, my love! When I see you, it becomes easy and warm in my soul. I want to sing and dance, give you the most beautiful flowers in the world. Without you, the world becomes gray, and there is no joy in it. I very love you! I ask you - be with me forever together!

The word "wife" means a woman that a man has chosen for himself for many years of his life. I chose you, and I never regretted my choice for a minute. You are my only woman on the whole planet, you are my sun, my happiness, the mother of my children, the keeper of the family hearth. When I wake up in the morning and see you by my side, every day is doomed to good luck for me. Be with me always, my beloved!

My dear, my sun, my queen, the most beautiful, charming, brilliant, dazzling, sexy, spectacular, magical, precious, affectionate, kind, sweet, cheerful, energetic, cheerful, open, funny and caring wife in the world! I love you!

You are like the sweetest nectar of exotic fruits, like delicate aroma southern shores, like the gentle breeze of the tropical sea, like a sweet-voiced bird of paradise. You are drunk and beckon like a summer meadow at noon. I love you madly, my beloved wife

It is possible that after the wedding I began to speak less often to you about love. Men don't like unnecessary words. After all, why talk when everything is clear anyway? My love is in every look and action. She wants to take care of you and protect you. You are my treasure, my beloved wife and the most beautiful woman on the planet, I love you very much!

Love for a wife is a special love. Now you are dear to me not only as a girl, but also as my wife, the mother of my children, the mistress of the house, the creator of comfort. You are a part of my life, a part of myself, and for this I love and appreciate you. I am proud that I have such a wonderful wife, and you are worthy of my love and respect. I dream of living my whole life with you, until the last day.

Declarations of love
wife in poetry

To the girl Boyfriend Husband For a woman for a man

All love messages ... In my hand is your hand ...
Lips approached little by little ...
So they drink in the heat from the spring,
But they cannot quench their thirst.
So it rains on a rainy day,
Overflowing the rivers with itself ...
And the heart is hot in the chest,
And it seems that love is forever ...

"Mine" - at this word again,
How the blood boils before!
I love you with all my heart
And loyalty, only to you, keeping
Ready to carry through the years
What I managed to find:
Care, tenderness, community of souls ...
How happy that I am your husband!
Thank you honey.
Thank God and fate.

Hour after hour runs
Day after day flies by
We live with you like in a fairy tale
In our house together.
Ray of morning sun
He looked into our window,
WITH Good morning congratulated us,
Gently extended his hand.
Peek into your eyes furtively
And I will quietly repeat:
"It's good that you are there,
How I love you "!

Beloved, during the time that we are together,
I did not regret it for a moment!
I would sing such love in a song
And I would describe it in a million books!
I cannot leave you in my life!
It's hard to imagine how I used to live!
I give you a hundred thousand kisses!
Nobody loved his wife so much!

It's so cold for us without each other
It's unthinkable to live without you.
After all, you are not just a friend -
You are my dear wife.
I love you tenderly and firmly -
You are the dearest person.
My love is not a label
A strong feeling forever.

I will keep my love for you!
I will carry it through the years,
My beloved wife,
Never be sad!
I love you, I miss words
So that I can describe my love!
You will find out the truth in my eyes
Forget pain, forget fear forever!
I love you, I can do everything!
Do you want me to pluck the moon for you?
Do you want a flower with different countries the world,
I will do everything, no matter what you ask!

Sometimes I pay little attention,
I rarely give luxurious bouquets,
Arriving home, I accidentally fall asleep,
But still, as before, I say to you:
All women in the world are sweeter and more beautiful
My wife, given by the sky!
Love is slowly getting older
And the shirt is dearer to the body!

I'm usually up to my throat busy
Can't be called a romantic.
But now your hand will beckon -
Head straight home ready to run
To merge in a long kiss
WITH dear woman my
And to meet the night, cooing about it,
That feelings are not stronger than love!

You keep comfort in our house,
You don't sleep at night so often
Mother, mistress, and just a wife,
For me, you are the only one in the world.
Day after day the years will pass
But I want you to always know:
You have become a part of my soul.
You are dearer to me than life.

Let the day fly to hell
Let all things go wrong!
I only know - I am very important
Only for you! And this is not a trifle!
I know - I will come from work
So all angry, tired and sick ...
And you will touch the tenderness of care
And you will say to me so tenderly "Dear!".
And I melt like a drop of oil
And I am no longer at the mercy of my powers!
It would seem dangerous for me to be with you
But only with you - I am affectionate, gentle, dear!

Everything about you worries me:
The face, the smile, the rustle of the dress.
How grateful I am to fate
For these gentle embraces!
For the fact that I can kiss
Eyelashes, hair and neck.
For being the roses of sweet lips
Blossom and blaze tenderly!

You are a piece of Paradise for me
You have the aroma of desire.
And only with you alone, I know
I am happy and I am glad for that.
And plunging into the feeling of happiness,
In the breath of fiery love
We warm our souls
Heart to heart, me and you.

I love you more than anyone else in the world
The soul belongs to you alone
How lucky I am to meet you in my life,
My beautiful, beloved wife.

I don't hide my feelings with you
I'm talking about everything in the world with you
I adore you, I adore you.
I can't live without you, believe me.

After all, you are my patience, understanding,
And I really need your faith.
When I sometimes fall into despair
You always save me from this.

I love you so much, dear,
Let me tell you a little secret:
Of all the women I know
You are not more beautiful in the world!

Enchanted with beauty
With your wonderful soul!
When you're next to me
It immediately gets warmer!

So that love only blooms
You need to keep the flower of love!
I want you, dear, to know
That I am always at your feet!

My ray of light, my hare
I love you so much, dear!
With you, beloved wife,
I was able to know happiness in full!

You are multifaceted, you are beautiful
Sometimes so tender, sometimes very passionate,
Desired, bright surprise of mine
And the sweetest prize in the world!

They say marriage is a job.
I agree, not without difficulty,
But together with any care
Easier to deal with always!

I love you, dear,
You are more valuable than any treasure
I want, you know perfectly well
So that you are always there!

There is one road for two,
There is one destiny for two.
You mean a lot to me
And how I need air!

Once again I confess
And I won't get tired of repeating
What the look of your beautiful eyes
I will not stop adoring.

You changed my life
Having painted with happiness in different colors.
Darling, I love you
Heart and soul selflessly.

I love your gentle look so much
I all know moles on the body,
You are the best in the world of awards
You are my diamond, indeed!

I am your king and your servant -
I'm ready to repeat for hours!
How dear you are to me
It's hard for me to express in words!

My love for you, dear,
Strong and pure like dew!
I'll be there, I promise
Today, tomorrow and always!

How fate brought us together
I still don't know.
But how would I live without you
I can not imagine.

You care and love
You give me every day.
You take care of our family
I am happy, you know.

Very lucky in life
I'm with you, dear.
Without you, my fate
I can not imagine.

I won't get tired of you
Confess your feelings.
You will be in my tenderness
You swim all your life.

My beloved, wonderful wife,
I love you with all my heart and soul!
You are so sweet, beautiful and tender
You have become my destiny for me!

My love is getting stronger
With every new moment, new day!
You are dearer than all in the world and dearer,
I am happy that we are together with you!

I want to tell my wife
She is always in my soul
I'm as lucky as anyone
I love my wife so much
I'm with her, as if in paradise,
I will pass any test
I will endure any pain
I love her the most.

I will not forget that wonderful day and hour
When fate itself tied us
You were left alone with me
And she agreed to become my wife.

And I'll say it again today
Those very words - I love you!
I thank fate that you are with me
And I can call you wife.