Tests as well you know. Dark side of his wife. Test "How well your couple knows each other

I propose a test for determining how much you understand people. All simple! 60 statements. Each can be answered correctly or wrong. For each answer, right, put yourself 1 point. Do not strain badly when answering. Reply the first thing that occurred to.

1. Every time I go out of the house, I always notice people who surround.

2. When I go down the street, I always know if anyone goes on the side or behind me.

3. The first thing I notice in a person is a face.

4. I always notice as a man dressed.

5. I always ask myself why I do not like one or another person or one or another situation.

6. I am immediately alarming if I don't like something in the behavior of a person and immediately leave my opinion about him.

7. I never wonder if my first impression turns out to be correct.

8. If someone does not like me, I never forget about my attitude towards him.

9. If someone does not like me, I stop and think about why he annoys me so much.

10. If someone like me, I often think why I treat him so much.

11. If someone immediately did not like without visible reasons, I will not try to get rid of this feeling or explain it to what I just had a hard day.

12. I remember almost everything they say.

13. Talking with man, I always carefully follow his facial expression.

14. I always pay attention to the tone, which a person speaks with me, and therefore always guess his mood.

15. I am not light - I believe not everything that tell me.

16. I ask people questions and seek them to answer for their words, because I ask them explanations, especially if I do not agree with anything.

17. Usually I immediately see when someone lies or exaggerates.

18. I immediately notice when someone is angry.

19. I immediately notice when someone is sad.

20. I immediately notice when someone is scared.

21. I immediately notice when they are angry.

22. I immediately notice when someone in love with me.

23. I immediately notice when a person has great mood.

24. I always feel if someone does not like me.

25. I immediately notice when someone is surprised.

26. I immediately feel when I tell the truth.

27. I immediately feel when a person is indifferent.

28. Talking with a man, I always feel when it becomes boring.

29. I always understand when someone else's hospitality has exhausted.

31. When I need someone to characterize, I usually immediately remember his manner to behave, stand, walk.

32. I can accurately remember, with some intonation, one or another story was told.

33. I can easily recall any episode from my past and my feelings.

34. I can easily remember the Maneru of the Speech of the Man, with whom I just met.

35. If I needed to describe someone's speech Manner, I easily remembered her and told another.

36. I have experienced fright or discomfort in the presence of a new person without visible reasons.

37. Being on vacation, I often notice what others do not pay any attention.

38. I often manage to find something first.

39. I can quote what I was told.

40. I usually remember how to get somewhere, even if it was there just a few times.

41. I freely express my feelings.

42. I am not afraid to show the person that I am angry.

43. I can easily express my love or affection.

44. I always realize my feelings.

45. I always pay attention to the smell, type and quality of food.

46. \u200b\u200bI always notice when someone says the nefple.

47. I rarely skip by the ears of a dubious compliment or an ulcer comment and immediately understand that a person really wanted to say.

48. When I am in the high spirits, I can laugh loudly, dance fun or talk loudly.

49. When I don't like something, I often react to it purely physically: I interceptive breathing or starts to suck under the spoon.

50. When I don't like something or I am in tension, I begin to sweat greatly.

51. I notice that too much or little, when something bothers me.

52. I do not hurry to divide the universal enthusiasm, no matter how happy those who surround me.

53. I always feel when someone was upset.

54. I always see when someone really treat me well.

55. I can describe appearance man in the smallest detail.

56. If people are inconsistent in what they say, I often pay attention to this.

57. If I suspect that a person lies me, I will ask him all new and new questions.

58. I always remember my first impression of a person.

59. I always see what a man has a mood.

60. I always see that someone says what does not correspond to the expression of his face or gesture.

The key to the test:

60 points: you have excellent susceptibility

If you answered "right" for each question, accept my congratulations! This means that you are very susceptible and know yourself well. You also know people well and the world that surrounds you. You are probably extremely rarely mistaken in people and usually always do everything right. You firmly adhere to your moral principles and truly not indifferent to others.
You are not from those who superficially judges people, on the contrary, you always make up a true idea about them. You are sensitive and inquisitive, try to penetrate the essence of things and see people as they really are. Apparently, you are the leader and can bring society tangible benefit.
But even if you scored a hundred points, work for you anyway there will be:
Continue to grind and hone your wonderful ability to understand people.

From 40 to 59 points: you have good intuition
This amount means that you have good flairbut sometimes you repent of not listened to inner voice. You scold yourself when you do something, in advance knowing that nothing good will come out of it, and then you do not like it very much. However, in most cases you trust our feelings and sincerely satisfied with yourself.
You need to remember that you are much more likely to be right than wrong. You need to work on your feeling own dignity and self-esteem, as well as develop the qualities of the leader. Finally, you should pay attention to how you make decisions. Remember how you change your point of view in different situationsAnd try to adhere to the decisions taken at the very beginning. Do not forget: everything you do in your life should like first of all to you, and even then someone else. You need to think carefully about what you want to do, and not on what, in your opinion, you must do - do not try to suppress your feelings. If you want to learn more people, try to look at the root, ask more sharp questions to understand who they are on
really and what they really think. Apply more effort to be aware of what is happening around you.

From 20 to 39 points: you prefer not to risk
You feel about the type of people who prefer not to risk and not pump the situation. You hate confrontation and adore keep the status quo. You are having to ask people questions or talk about our desires. You can't tolerate, because it makes you feel embarrassed. You love to do so that everyone is good. You will rather make people to be comfortable, and you are not very, what makes them experienced any
or inconvenience. You willingly cooperate with people, and if something seems to go wrong, then you usually ignore your bad premonitions and do not throw started, although then often regret it. You are from those who never complain about anyone, keeps everything in yourself and silently suffer.

From 0 to 19 points: you need help!

- either belong to the type of quiet and good-natured nature of people who take a lot on faith.
- Or you present another extreme - a person who produces a lot of noise and is so immersed in itself, which is simply not able to catch the signals sent by others. If you are from those who make such mistakes, then the tendency to sail along the flow makes you more than the follower than the leader. Unfortunately, those who are you going, do not always lead you right way. You, quite likely, were offended and deceived, but you never remove lessons from your mistakes. You came to the conclusion that your life is managed by the law of Murphy: everything is bad, which can only happen, it must be happening. You are overcome and do not want to understand what you need to learn how to better recognize people. That is why you seem to have all these terrible mistakes. You need to learn more about the world and learn to adapt to it.

This mini test of several simple questions Let you understand how well you are familiar with each other.

Answer the questions below, then set them to your partner.

P.S. These questions are intended for people who are quite a long period.

If your relationship has just begun, be indulgent to each other and do not require the correctness of the answers in each item.

Questions for knowledge of the partner

1. Name the least favorite part of your partner's body?

2. When your partner was a child, who he (she) would like (a) to become in the future?

3. What country would like to visit your second half?

4. Did your partner have a nickname in childhood? If so, what? Does it like this nickname?

5. Who of his relatives does your favorite communicate closest? (In the absence of those, lower the question).

How good you know each other

6. What disappointment from the past gives your partner so far?

7. What kind of achievements he (she) is proud of?

8. What is most of all your partner does not like to do at home?

9. What is your grandmother and grandfather of your partner. Can you call all grandparents and grandmothers?

10. What talents are your partner, in his own opinion?

11. Name him (her) Favorite smell?

12. What are the favorite taste of ice cream?

13. What line the character does your partner do not like in herself, and what does he look like his parents?

14. What death is your partner afraid?

Questions for a couple on knowing each other

15. What kind of music does it really like to listen to your partner? (Even if these musical preferences do not know others). Determine his musical taste.

16. What does he (she) wait from the approaching weekend?

17. Who does your partner consider to be their mentor, or those who had a strong positive influence On his (her) professional development?

Questions on the knowledge of the second half

18. How did your partner spent the summer in childhood?

19. What are your favorite and less favorite moments in your partner?

20. Does your partner consider themselves more like your mother or father in terms of character? If so, then what?

21. What purchase is your partner currently thinking about? What is in his list of desires?

Pay attention to the questions you answered wrong. Consider the shortcomings, as an opportunity for conversation and deepening your relationship.

When you analyze the received answers together, remember that it is your partner that decides whether you will earn a score for each correct answer.

For some issues, for example, such as the favorite taste of ice cream, there may be two or more answers, depending on the current mood of your partner.

Sometimes, it turns out that we know our second halves better than they know themselves.

When you view the answers, you can find that you remembered that once your partner told about my childhood and that I forgot, and you remember it.


If you (or your partner) scored 16 points and more:

You know your partner very well.

And if you scored 16 or more points, and you are with your partner less than six months, probably your relationship is developing too active.

If you (or your partner) scored 10-15 points:

You have studied our partner quite well.

Pay attention to what points you know each other least.

You may have talked a little about our experiences in childhood, or you shy away from conversations about the topics related to negative emotions.

Try to crash such moments.

If you scored 5-9 points:

This means the following:

1) You do not know each other so well.

2) You are in a relationship only a short period of time.

3) You talk a little with each other, or maybe your conversations are a certain character (for example, you are both one profession, and your conversations converge mainly at work.)

If you (or your partner) scored 0-4 points:

This suggests that you do not know each other at all, which means you have the opportunity to do it.

Questions for knowing each other

Why exactly such questions?

These issues are designed to use a number of positive and negative emotions.

Questions about negative emotions and fearsincluded because strong relationships They entail the willingness to be vulnerable to each other.

Questions about childhoodincluded because close people usually understand the experiences that have made each other as they are now.

After all, it is in childhood that a person is formed.

And lighter merry questions included, due to the fact that it is very important to conduct conversations not only on serious topicsbut also lighter.

Conversations related to your positive emotions make our lives easier.

Talk to each other on different topics. Then you will learn your partner better.

To determine how much you own the main skills of communication necessary for the ability to establish the truth, you must first estimate what the abilities you have at the moment.

This test will help you learn how far you have advanced in understanding others and yourself. Perhaps you have the ability to notice any manifestation of human feelings. Perhaps you know how to use this gift and almost always make up the faithful idea. Honor a person, you may be able to adequately confront him, and maybe there is no, because you do not want to "rock the boat" or create problems. Like the surrounding for you may be much more important than maintaining your own "I" in integrity. Or maybe you belong to the type of people who do not differ in great guesses or are so far from such things that they attract those who behave dishonestly.

This test is designed specifically in order to determine if you can already understand people and how well coped with this task.

Choose the answer "right" or "incorrectly" for each question. Answer honestly. It is usually the answer that comes to your head first, so do not attempt to adjust yourself.

1. Every time I go out of the house, I always notice the people who surround me.

True False_____

2. When I go down the street, I always know if anyone goes on the side or behind me.

True False_____

3. The first thing I notice in a person is a person.

True False_____

4. I always notice how a man is dressed.

True False_____

5. I always ask myself why I do not like one or another person or one or another situation.

True False_____

6. I am immediately alarming if I don't like something in the behavior of a person, and I immediately make my opinion about him.

True False_____

7. I never wonder if my first impression turns out to be correct.

True False______

8. If someone does not like me, I never forget about my attitude towards him.

True False______

9. If someone does not like me, I stop and think about why he annoys me so much.

True False_____

10. If someone like me, I often think why I treat him so much.

True False_____

11. If someone immediately did not like without visible reasons, I will not try to get rid of this feeling or explain it to what I just had a hard day.

True False_____

12. I remember almost everything they say.

True False_____

13. Talking with man, I always carefully follow his facial expression.

True False_____

14. I always pay attention to the tone, which a person speaks with me, and therefore always guess his mood.

True False____

15. I am not light - I believe not everything that tell me.

True False_____

16. I ask people questions and seek them to answer for their words, because I ask them explanations, especially if I do not agree with anything.

True False_____

17. Usually I immediately see when someone lies or exaggerates.

True False_____

18. I immediately notice when someone is angry.

True False_____

19. I immediately notice when someone is sad.

True False_____

20. I immediately notice when someone is scared.

True False_____

21. I immediately notice when they are angry.

True False_____

22. I immediately notice when someone in love with me.

True False_____

23. I immediately notice when a person has a wonderful mood.

True False_____

24. I always feel if someone does not like me.

True False_____

25. I immediately notice when someone is surprised.

True False_____

26. I immediately feel when I tell the truth.

True False_____

27. I immediately feel when a person is indifferent.

True False_____

28. Talking with a man, I always feel when it becomes boring.

True False_____

29. I always understand when someone else's hospitality has exhausted.

True False_____

True False_____

31. When I need someone to characterize, I usually immediately remember his manner to behave, stand, walk.

True False_____

32. I can accurately remember, with some intonation, one or another story was told.

True False_____

33. I can easily recall any episode from my past and my feelings.

True False_____

34. I can easily remember the Maneru of the Speech of the Man, with whom I just met.

True False_____

35. If I needed to describe someone's speech Manner, I easily remembered her and told another.

True False_____

36. I have experienced fright or discomfort in the presence of a new person without visible reasons.

True False_____

37. Being on vacation, I often notice what others do not pay any attention.

True False_____

38. I often manage to find something first.

True False_____

39. I can quote what I was told.

True False_____

40. I usually remember how to get somewhere, even if it was there just a few times.

True False_____

41. I freely express my feelings.

True False_____

42. I am not afraid to show the person that I am angry.

True False_____

43. I can easily express my love or affection.

True False_____

44. I always realize my feelings.

True False_____

45. I always pay attention to the smell, type and quality of food.

True False_____

46. \u200b\u200bI always notice when someone says the nefple.

True False_____

47. I rarely skip by the ears of a dubious compliment or an ulcer comment and immediately understand that a person really wanted to say.

True False_____

48. When I am in the high spirits, I can laugh loudly, dance fun or talk loudly.

True _____ ENERGY _____

49. When I don't like something, I often react to it purely physically: I interceptive breathing or starts to suck under the spoon.

True False_____

50. When I don't like something or I am in tension, I begin to sweat greatly.

True False_____

51. I notice that too much or little, when something bothers me.

True False_____

52. I do not hurry to divide the universal enthusiasm, no matter how happy those who surround me.

True False_____

53. I always feel when someone was upset.

True False_____

54. I always see when someone really treat me well.

True False_____

55. I can describe the appearance of a person in the smallest detail.

True False_____

56. If people are inconsistent in what they say, I often pay attention to this.

True False_____

57. If I suspect that a person lies me, I will ask him all new and new questions.

True False_____

58. I always remember my first impression of a person.

True False_____

59. I always see what a man has a mood.

True False_____

60. I always see that someone says what does not correspond to the expression of his face or gesture.

True False_____

Are you sure? Okay. So be it. But we still prepared a test that tells you the truth.

There are anyone young Father, then he will definitely say that he knows what his child lives, what preferences and desires have. Such an opinion arises due to special thinking: living for many years with someone and watching how its development occurs, you are not difficult to say confidently that you know all his thoughts. But in reality it turns out that you do not know much. Your knowledge is faithful harmful foodHe is pleased to absorb when visiting the restaurant located nearby the Fast Food.

With the help of the suggested test, of course, it will not be possible to get answers to questions regarding your child's desires. However, this will allow you to understand how well you know than "breathe" your offspring. And this information will bring you at half a goal to the main goal.

The author of the test "unfinished offers" are specialists in the field of psychology Sidney Levi and Joseph Sax. They created his creation in the 50s. Twentieth century, and from that time it is successfully used to give an assessment of the relationships in one family. This technique is based on next principle: If you contact the participant with a question that does not have a unambiguous answer, a person will give a chance to look deeper into his inner world.

Saks-Levi test itself provides a large number of options. We offer you the one in which you can take part and you yourself and your child.

Daria Borisova is another psychology specialist, and even with a degree degree. She works as a psychologist family Center "We". Daria notices that this technique has a psychotherapeutic effect. With the help of the test you can easily find out if you have difficulty in a child relationship. But we will call Daria when you need to clarify the test results.

To take part in the dough, your child should be about 7-18 years old. You will need a pair of sheets of paper to fix their answers on them.

By the title of the test it is clear that it is offered unfinished sentences. Therefore, your task is to complete them. These proposals implies the appeal of your child to you. In other words: the phrase "I dream that you ..." should be understood as "I dream that my dad ...".

To make it easier for the child to understand the essence of the test, use the following expressions: "You need to write something if you addressed me. Consider completion for all offers. Do not waste much time thinking. Write what you the first will come to mind.

As for you, the task can be described like this: put yourself in place of your child and write with them the missing phrases in offers that you would choose your child. Do not try to think for a long time, be the most concentrated and write your first thoughts that you will have on this.

During the test you need to provide complete silence. Come seriously to this event. Do not try to turn him into a joke. You have to convey to a child that it should also respond to this text, as if him homeworkasked at school. And no coercion. Try to explain to him that it is important. Tell me that the answers should be sincere, and for them will not follow from your side of any punishment.

So, everything is ready. Start!

How well do I know my child?


After successful execution of the test, go to the counting points. If your answer came up with a child's answer, you have one ball. Do not let go of the child away: perhaps some answers will require clarification. Let's say if your answer sounds "I'm angry when you carefully keep up how much I eat up," and your child "I'm angry when you eat the packing of ice cream for the night and do not leave anything to the morning," find out if you have invested They are the same meaning. If everything is so, boldly add another score. The fact that your answers are sound different, not so important. If doubts appear, find out from the sibling, whether he wanted to say that you. After all, the main thing here is what he will answer.

Perhaps your child will not be able to complete certain proposals. Then you should not give it back a list with answers to add them. Let it be better to refrain from them than you make him forcibly give answers. Now it's time to find out what you mean the final results.

You have more than 12 points

Rejoice early. Let's see what the expert Daria Borisova will say:

"A similar result is to say that parents are so much toward their child, which makes them dependent on each other. If dad shows an excessive love, then the child no longer feels independent, as he helps him in everything. Most often, he considers the same as you yourself. In the case of the occurrence of a conflict situation, the child appears an opposite opinion. In other words, he is completely controlled to you, because Trying to act called. "

Therefore, if you have received high marks for the test, you should not be glad that you know everything about your child. He only does everything in your pointed.

If the child is too close to his parents, he matked up, it will be difficult for him to make decisions. Of course, it happens that and worse, but it is unlikely that society will be glad to take the next incompensive and infantile person in their ranks. Years later, you will more than once, you will resort to verbal hints in the form of shaking, so that he realize that he needs to leave. Nevertheless, when a person is 42 years old, he must be independent and live his life.

"However, there is a way out. Try to gradually communicate less with the child. May other people enter his circle of friends. Do not refuse to expand friendly connections. Let the child go to visit, and you enjoy that close friends appeared among his peers. If you are able to entrust his raising nanny or your parents, do not refuse such a chance. Positive effect will stand sport section Or a circle, because there the child has to communicate with the adult, whom he will have to obey. The conversation between you will be complete, provided that you and your child will have their own personal needs, interests, and, most likely, secrets from each other. "

You have 10-12 points

For Mrs. Borisova, you are the perfect dad.

"Such a father corresponds to the norm. Although he is unknown by some moments about his child, he still makes efforts to achieve this. The most important thing is that he does not try to change the child to the ideal. If between them arise conflict situationsThey are trying to resolve them with common efforts. The child produces skill to make decisions and work in a team. That is exactly what should be the relationship between the fathers and their children. "

Also from Darya, we learned that your approach used in building the attitude with the child speaks of your high consciousness and foresight at the society. But you should not share this with my wife, because her girlfriends will know about it, and then for their husbands you will become the most an unpleasant person In the world, since they will bring you as an exemplary parent.

However, do not think that you will continue everything in order and you can relax.

"The process of developing a child occurs very rapidly. Therefore, you need to continue to maintain the relationship at the same level, does not stop interested in the child. "

So be ready - a lot of conflicts will arise between you.

You have less than 10 points

With such results, you can rejoice only that the "club bad dad" became one member more. Although, maybe not everything is so bad, because you pretended to participate in the test. It can be assumed that the whole thing in the shortage of interaction between you on emotional level. This explains the emergence of hidden offenses and ongoing long time conflicts.

There is nothing good about the quality component of your communication. If you are not busy from morning to evening at work, then, most likely, you are deprived of the opportunity to stay with the child, the Internet or the next season of your favorite TV series. Therefore, it is logical to expect that each of you does not know what each other needs. You thought he would be happy to get a metallone for his birthday, although in fact he would give more joy to the metal detector.

It is possible that this could affect the situation with a divorce, because of which he has to live with his mother. Keep in mind that he will be delighted with a personal meeting with you at least once a week more than your daily skype communication.

Looking at your answers again. Most likely, they contain your personal dreams about " perfect family" Here you pointed to what you would like to have a child, but it was necessary that there is really. If there are phrases in them, indicating that you have repeatedly given to the child dear gifts And the trips, according to Daria, so you strive to rod your guilt for paying attention to him.

The solution in this situation is simple: you need to find a lesson that you could do together. And it does not matter what it will be: a game in a fool or something else. In other words, to limit in the choice of the time version can only your fantasy and free timewhich you have.