Wish for the day of the student. Congratulations on the student's day. Excellent congratulations on Student's Day

Putin congratulates on student's day

I wish the freebie to visit you more often!

The student fraternity does not care!

Merry, noisy parties
Today I will wish
But to keep the strength
Excellent session to hand over.

Put "bad" let it not be
The professors have a precedent.
Luck, joy, love
I wish you a student's day! ©

On student's day I wish
Happiness and great success,
Exam assignments
Clicking cleverly like nuts.

Enjoy this wonderful
A bright life at times.
Believe in yourself, love heartily
Follow big dream. ©

Studentship is a glorious period,
It's time for discoveries and victories.
I wish you bright achievements
And get-togethers until the morning.

Replete with fives of the student's book
Let it go at every session.
I wish you happiness on student's day.
Love, be friends, strive, dream! ©


Happy student's day,
I sincerely wish you
To sessions, girlfriend,
Everyone gave up with a bang

So that I get it perfectly
Inspired for good luck
So that there is always your student's record
She carried the highest points!

greeting card

Happy student's day
Joy, luck to you,
Lectures - smart, interesting
And tasks - in the teeth.
Excitement and courage burn in the eyes
Let with a bright, ardent spark,
Well, the reward for your efforts
Let the desired diploma become. ©


What happiness it is to be a student!
Granite of science for lunch,
Sweets for breakfast seminars,
Well, light for dinner of knowledge!
But now you are very smart
I, brother, envy you.
I wish you strength and fortune
In your student life!

"To a friend"

On student's day to your friend
I sincerely wish you health
Everything will come true
That portends good luck to you.

I want to wish you success
To happiness every moment
It was destined to walk next!
Joy and inspiration to you!


Congratulations to my student sister,
I wish you the best -
Beautiful days, success, happiness,
And so that there is no bad weather.

So that your beloved is next to you,
The only one irreplaceable
So that everything in the world succeeds,
So that she only smiles more often!

Now you have become older on the course,
Lessons whole year learned,
So our congratulations
You deserve a student's day!

Student years - a golden era,
Today, on student's day, we wish you:
Gnaw on the granite of science, get fives,
And pass your tests and exams on time!

Studying at the institute is not an easy job,
But then on better job will be called.
Strive to always be the first, be an example for everyone,
And success will certainly await you in life!

When you were a regular student
You did not think to celebrate this holiday,
And today - on Student's Day
You can really congratulate you!

To pass exams - only excellent,
Find good friends and girlfriends,
May everything in life be calm, harmonious,
I wish you a successful career and become a candidate of sciences!

Studentship, student body - a fun time.
From session to session years rush into the distance.
But we are still so young and the time lies ahead
Student's way to go, go, go.

Let the problems be solved like a squirrel nut,
May our endeavors be successful
Only "ex." (rarely - "chorus."),
And the friendship is growing true to the years in spite of.

The road is open for the student -
A lot of joys are waiting for him everywhere.
And at the session the words "freebie"
Will bring long-awaited glory.

Happy student's day, I congratulate you
You live without fear
No doubt, no grief without knowing -
There is only happiness and passion ahead!

It's always hard at school
But, in battle, then lucky.
You, any employer
She will gladly take it to her!

Have fun Student today,
Smile and walk
But what tomorrow is for school,
You, look, don't forget!

Let be school years already behind
But we got together again.
Blowing up the January drifting motive,
Today is our day, students!

Let each session be passed,
Let the scholarship be added to us.
And let the mischievous years fly by
And youth will not leave the heart.

Today is our legal day -
And youth will straighten its shoulders!
Learning is light, fun is shadow,
We will devote both day and evening to fun!

Today we can do everything: dream
Walking or sleeping in pairs ...
And in the dean's office, may they forgive any morals -
Students all over the country are right today!

Today is a holiday - the day of students!
What do I want to wish you this?
So that the sessions end with a happy end,
So that later you can remember with a smile -

That time of lectures, prakiv, seminars,
Falls in love and sleep in the first couples,
And the parties? How did you walk until the morning?
All this is called the student body time!

Sessions, exams, friendship and love,
Books and textbooks ... songs and friends ...
Any day is bright with causeless joy,
And the roads are different, not one path.

Waiting for the holiday and happy days
Misunderstandings will bring to nothing.
Life is running fast, keep up with it!
Have fun and rejoice! Happy holiday, student!

Students have a holiday every day.
But this day is very special.
On this day, walking into the native canopy,
Everyone is filled with anticipation.

Waiting for a merry holiday.
Expecting great changes.
May the feeling of complete happiness come to you
Among the university relatives, painfully walls!

We - funny students.
We don't care about studying.
There are fragments in our life
When we hardly drink.

But today everything is different.
This day is rightfully ours.
Student's day means
What's in the hostel is a mess.

We fried potatoes
For a snack - cucumbers,
We took a little vodka.
Oh, what good fellows!

And for ours so good
I propose a loud toast
So that it is not a heavy burden
Even the longest "tail".

So that we eat more often
And, having pampered the abdomen,
They sang songs with a guitar
About the dean and about Co.

To make the player Made in China
Still not bad at all
So that the session is random
Didn't take us by surprise.

[in prose]

Happy student day

Students, you have fun in life!
Students are the funniest people.
Let each of you touch knowledge,
When it gets to the temple of science.

The teaching of light is known to many.
In studies, you will find the path of life.
Study well, on your own and honestly,
After all, only then will you know the essence.

Now, on student's day, let me congratulate you,
And wish you bright roads in your life.
After all, the main goal is to set yourself,
And to her in years and thousands of lines!

Always be proud that you are a student! Gnaw on the granite of science!
Let there be many victories and less boredom!
Strive forward, stay on track: work hard
Be smart, well-read, dare! Learn and don't give up!

I wish you to pass everything successfully - exams, tests,
To calmly rest from the "hard labor" study!
Accomplishments, joy, good luck! I also wish you:
Let there be no bad luck! Congratulations from my heart!

Happy Student's Day
All those who are not relatives to me,
Who appreciated the moments
Happy young glorious days:
Who we lived in a hostel with,
With whom they spent their days gloriously;
All who did not live on a scholarship,
Was generous to the same as they;
Who answered so clearly
What have you heard in heaven
And who held out the record book
With a dog's pity in his eyes;
All those who entered to study
And everyone who received a diploma ...
Youth rushed like a bird
And she waved her wing at us;
Let the black and white film strip
Five years of milestones flashed -
Happy Student's Day
Today sincerely all of you!

I congratulate you on Student's Day,
Steeper to become the President himself!
In life I want to achieve heights
Only for this you need to learn!

The student years are the best years
When there is no place for universal worries!
Happiness, good luck and love,
May all ideas, dreams come true!

On Student's Day, girlfriend, I wish you
So that sessions do not become overgrown with "tails",
Schedules - without pairs of tyrant teachers,
If you don't want to sleep, it’s not because of tests.

And I also wish you, of course,
Romantic meetings and confessions of the heart,
To make the heart fly up like on a swing
So that the rains do not hang over you sadness.

Happy student day!
In the life of a shining moment
I sincerely wish you
And I load it with luck.

Be diligent, persistent
Do not be lazy, teaching is light!
If you lay down with a complete synopsis,
You will find the answer by morning.

Congratulations on student day to all who study well
And we personally congratulate those who are only on the "troika"!
We wish young people fewer couples and more money,
And let the scholarship be as thick as a large textbook!
Let the teaching go easily, and everything surrenders in seconds,
Let only fresh food lie in the refrigerator.
Years let the teachings be like a constant holiday,
And when you receive your diploma, become a welcome worker!

Student, let wisdom be living juices,
Will fill your brain with joy
They will reveal the truths of science and secrets,
Study, sessions, let them last without anxiety!

Let it be enchanting, festive, with success
All your experiments pass
Huge happiness to you, love, fun,
And I congratulate the student on the holiday!

More for the Day of the Student on our website: and

Student's day has come
With him, I congratulate all of you!
And dear students
I wish only success!

May student life
Delight gives you
Let your stimulus burst upward
By leaps and bounds!

Student's day, Tatyanin's day -
Oh, what a fun day!
How I want to congratulate
Those who are not too lazy to teach!

Let it be easy and carefree
The training days are running
Let the failures, retakes
You students will be bypassed!

Each applicant,
Happy student day
To have a lot of knowledge,
And let the road be easy!

Let the teachers be kind to us,
And the fives will be generous
Good luck and prosperity,
May we always be lucky!

How to learn, how to walk,
How not to lose friends
Keep in yourself for years
Your student passion -
We remember this, we know this,
Therefore, we celebrate
Student's day, a special day,
And today it has come!

Happy student's day, friends, congratulations!
Let the study be carefree
Let "excellent" sparkle in the student's record book,
And without special efforts,
May everything work out for you,
Let the good only be believed!
May you rely on friends
And true love will meet!

You don't need compliments
And gifts are useless -
We wish all students
We study interesting.

To be on the "you" always with good luck,
Session, waving his hand,
Close without retaking
And without a headache.

Let exams, tests
Will not disturb your peace.
May student years
Will be a golden time!

I congratulate all students,
I want to wish you happiness
More colorful moments
All sessions are easy to pass!

Let the evil teachers disappear
And only the good ones will come
Will give all of you "five" kindly,
May success always await you!

Today is a holiday, Student's Day,
Everyone was waiting for this moment
To meet, to have fun.
So let the success sparkle in your eyes!

You rest and have fun
Enjoy the fun life
Gain strength and happiness so that
After all, there are days of study ahead!

What does a student need to be happy?
You need to do a lot in life!
Therefore, we want to wish you today
Never feel the lack of minutes.

Hurry up to steam diligently,
And then pass the exam for "excellent",
So that there is time left to walk and dance
And, of course, sweet kissing ones!

I wish you successful sessions,
So that there are no tails at all,
Let life not mark time
Doesn't add to you problems.

Friends, so that a mountain for you,
Love to light the way.
Go ahead for the dream
And let life be beautiful.

On January 12, 1755, the Empress of "All Russia" Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree on the creation of Moscow University. Since then, this day (January 25, new style) has been considered as Student Day, and St. Tatiana, who "belonged" to January 25 earlier, became the patroness of all students in Russia.

The very story of the signing of the decree by Empress Elizabeth begins with the initiative of Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, a patron of the arts, patron saint of scientists and collectors, and, in addition, also the favorite of the almighty empress, and is worthy of a separate story. It is known that Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov was the patron saint and, possibly, a friend of MV Lomonosov, and Lomonosov himself strongly influenced the choice of Moscow for the foundation of the university. Among his arguments were references to the fact that there are many noblemen living in Moscow, which means that there will be those who want to study; many provincials have relatives in Moscow and will be able to provide themselves with housing and food; living in Moscow is cheaper than in other cities.

Ultimately, Elizaveta Petrovna signed the proposed decree, thereby opening a new era in the history of Russia - after all, before there were no students there as a class.

Well, officially Vladimir Putin appointed 25 January as Student's Day, although the full name sounds a little different: Tatiana's Day - Day Russian students.

As follows from folk wisdom, the student is always ready to spend time outside " educational process": As a hundred years ago, and now Russian students drink vodka, arrange fireworks and have fun until they drop. In the 19th century, all of Moscow walked on Student's Day, now students have their own clubs and discos. “Fun and noisy” is the motto of this movement, during which the main thing is to feel like a Student!

Happy Student's Day
And with all my heart I wish
So that the tails become shorter
So that the nights are longer.
Teachers to be kind
And they only warmed up with estimates,
For knowledge to arrive -
They climbed into the head themselves.
Session to be canceled
And they replaced it for rest.
To raise the scholarship,
They just gave it.
Let everything be easy
And the problems are far away!

Being a student is cool.
And I want to wish
To complex sciences
To pass everything as "excellent".

So that life is always in full swing
And my soul sang with happiness,
The session did not darken
Only joy brought.

Creative inspiration
I still want to wish
To make difficult decisions
We were always on the shoulder!

Happy Student's Day! I wish you good luck, energy, inspiration, vivid impressions, easy exams, interesting events... May your student years pass easily, carefree and leave pleasant memories for life. Let today's holiday be super fun and reckless!

What would a student want?
Sessions are easy to pass,
Never lose heart
And get credits.

To be self-confident,
The board is like shooting.
To have a positive heart
And in ideas - creativity.

I congratulate you on Student's Day,
With one of the best days.
Keep wonderful moments
Your carefree youth!

Walk to the fullest, don't be afraid
Go to the cinema, dance and sing.
Don't worry about couples
Today is possible - such a day.

May everything be fine in life
The study will be with a bang.
Let them be lucky on the personal front.
Student, no fluff, no feather!

On student's day I wish
Live without grief and sorrow.
Pass the session successfully.
Firewood is nowhere to be broken.

So that you have a beautiful rest,
So that you don't sleep at the lectures.
Find your goal in life,
Confidently go to her.

Energy, youth and beauty!
The beauty of college years.
It will never happen again.
There is no finer age.

We congratulate you all today,
Happy Tatiana's day, student's day!
May bright success await you
And sea pleasant moments.

Happy Student's Day!
More memorable moments
Life is easy, carefree,
To sleep as long as you like
So that offsets - automatically,
Coursework without plagiarism,
So that the exams are passed,
And on the record book they flaunted
Only the highest of the points
To make the year a success!

Light sessions and semesters,
Interesting lectures to you.
Study like a maestro,
Know that you can handle everything!

And study excellently,
Remember the best moments
Looking into the distance is optimistic.
Happiness in life! Happy Student's Day!

Let the freebie visit you more often -
Once a session, and preferably as many as seven.
Take off tests easier, without steam,
Yes, spurs, completely invisible for the teacher.
Once a retake is like clockwork,
And if suddenly it flies, then it is not dangerous,
Let fortune help in everything,
Any dangers disappear.
Control - lungs,
Entertainments - long,
Good luck in the future, decent salaries!
BB-code to embed on the forum:
http: //site/cards/den-studenta/den-studenta-animatsiya-pozdravok.gif

Students always want to easily pass all tests, exams, sessions and quickly master their profession. And only one day these desires are forgotten - when almost ! Today is a time of celebration and fun, a feast and, of course, cool congratulations and comic toasts.

You are a student and I am a student
Sit down next to me soon
After all, today is the student's day,
That's what you drink for.

I want to wish you
Good luck, luck and true friends,
So that you tell me: "I love ..."
So don't be shy.

I wish you fun
The session was in progress!
To make you sleep well
And I was friends, and I lived!
Beer to flow like a river
Blondes went to wait!
To the terrible deanery
I would be glad to see you!
In the classroom at the university
Appear b times a week,
And in the military commission
You were shod and dressed!

Get a half-rotted biscuit;
The hostel will release water ...
After all, to celebrate the holiday without eating, -
And neither there, nor here!
Taking advantage of the moment
I, as I promised you,
I hasten to congratulate you on Student's Day -
Until you grow thin!
Author: Alexey Reznikov
What can you wish for a student?
Of course, easy tickets!
And better - immediately "automatic",
Less money wasted!
A scholarship the size of a mountain
With the answer you need "micro-spur".
And so that a cheerful Student's Day,
Lasted until early summer!

When else to have some fun?
Walk the student while there is an opportunity.
And then you decide to work, or get married,
Take a walk, student, until you get bored!
All the more sacred - on student's day
Come off with friends until the morning.
May it be good and fun for you
And let your head not hurt in the morning!

"Learn student!" - so the great Fedya bequeathed.
Learn while you have health and time.
Study Thursday and Friday and Wednesday
And on the rest of the days, carry the burden of your studies!
Learn! Do not absorb beer, but knowledge!
Learn! Don't spit in the well past the urn!
And, having completed his education,
You will become both cultured, damn it, and smart!

Spent scholarship, table set
The bell will ring very soon.
Student's Day has finally come to us,
This means you need to drink vodka for a year in advance!

This means there will be dances, people have fun!
This means that tomorrow even a squirrel will come,
And today all students celebrate the holiday,
Congratulations sincerely, I wish to survive!

Couples, lectures, tests,
Changes, recounts.
Dean's office and administration -
On this day, they stand in the corner!
Happy holiday to you, student,
Don't be shy, seize the moment
Shoot for studies
Celebrate Student's Day!

Wake up! Stop sleeping! Do not miss the only day of the year when you are the main one, not the teacher. Throw your textbooks into the far corner and relax! What are you saying? Did they lie there? Well, brother, then all the more so have fun today! And tomorrow shake off the dust of science from heavy tomes and in good trip! Happy Student's Day!

Well, student, happy holiday! Congratulations and wishes for easy study and carefree youth. May everything come easy for you, with pleasure, may every day please you, and not only Student's Day! May all days in your life be sunny, filled with joy and success. I wish you faithful friends mutual love and health!

Source www.pozdrav.ru

Student toasts

An Odessa citizen walks and sees: an Englishman is undressing by the sea and jumping straight into the bluest Black Sea. An Englishman is swimming in the sea and suddenly feels that he is drowning. He drowns to himself, drowns, waves his handles, and "SOS" shouts. This is how he screams to himself and drowns, and at this time an inhabitant of Odessa stands on the embankment and sees that the Englishman is waving his arms and "SOS" is shouting. The Englishman shouted, shouted, and drowned himself. An Odessa citizen spat into the sea and said:
- You fool, you Englishman. Should have learned to swim, not English language!
So let's drink to the fact that we always learn what is needed!

A student in love comes to visit the girl, gives her "Stimorol" with blue crystals, and three cinema tickets to the back row and says:
- Darling, I miss you so much that I would like to spend this evening alone with you.
- Dear, but why then three tickets? - the girlfriend is surprised.
- What do you mean why? For your father, mother and brother.
So let's drink to the students' ability to achieve solitude!