Scenario of the entertaining program of the birthday "merry family holiday". Husband's birthday script

What dear husband wish?
A wife cannot wish bad things!
Hope, love and prosper
May the Lord help you in everything!

Good luck, happiness, and in my soul - spring,
To bloom brightly,
So that congratulations from my wife
It has always helped you in life!

On your birthday I will say
What is behind you - like a wall.
With you, as in a dance, I'm spinning
I want to be always with you!

The years will not change us
Love will remain love.
How many times - and many times -
I will be happy with you!

Let's pour some wine into the glasses
Let our daughter laugh.
Joy will not be enough for us,
We'll dance all night!

And let love in your eyes
Will inflate my fiery verse!

My dear beloved husband,
Happy birthday to you!
I wish the unity of our souls.
I love you and hold you to my heart!

Happy birthday greetings to my husband

When the husband has a birthday,
I am always glad to celebrate!
And there is pandemonium at the door -
Friends are in a hurry as never before

Congratulate you, my beloved,
I wish you health and happiness!
And I want to glorify you
How lucky you are, to say!

I wish you a birthday
My very best man
For wonderful moments
Merged into one happy century.
May unchanging good luck
Doesn't part with you.
With sincere, hot love
Congratulations, my dear!

I want to congratulate my husband
Today is his!
I wish you, dear
Today one:

We're having a dinner party tonight.
I will distract you for a little while.
Today is my husband's birthday.
I will tell about him as I can:
My husband is a breadwinner and earner.
For which I especially love
What an age-old custom,
He brings all the income to the family.
I have been living with my spouse for a long time
I'm like behind a stone wall
He was always a reliable friend.
And I was a faithful wife.
He has a lot of health,
He is not often seen by a doctor.
I ask everyone to raise their glasses
And wish him luck!

My dear, good, amiable husband!
Oh how I love the warmth of your hands
Your kisses, your touch ..
Happy birthday to you today!
I wish you happiness and good luck
Get richer by the minute
May the best dreams come true!
This is a great happiness - I have you!

Spouse's birthday
We celebrate at the table
I, his wife, girlfriend,
I want to tell you about him.
Neither heat nor cold are terrible,
The shocks of troubled years
Behind the shoulder of her own husband,
I'm not afraid of adversity and troubles.
It's easy to walk around the world with him,
Find the answer to the question,
There is no better husband in the world,
And there is no man either.
Always be beautiful, okay
Be delicate and simple ...
For you, my beloved,
I raise this toast!

Since the celebration of the birthday was in a gazebo with barbecue, and with a bathhouse and a swimming pool, everything that was planned was not implemented, but it was a fun start. So I hope to be useful to someone.

I express my gratitude to the girls with BB, I finalized and combined their scripts into one:



Let's greet each other

They raised their right hand - waved to the birthday man!

well and left hand falls slightly on one knee ...

Not yours! And the neighbor!

Right hand we are hot

Let's hug the neighbor's shoulder so decently ...

Did you like it? Fine!

Swung left, right.

Well done! Fine! Bravo!

They stroked their belly -

They smiled with all their mouths!

Let's push the neighbor on the right,

To the neighbor on the left - wink!

We take a glass in our hand, pour it to the brim!

We continue the fun -

Let's clink glasses with the neighbor on the right ...

And with a neighbor opposite - for a cheerful team ...

Together we get up from our seats - in our thoughts we will say a toast ...

Let's say together "Congratulations!"

And we all drink to the bottom!

Do not forget to have a bite - and pour yourself again!


Chant - Divide guests into two. One side says the phrase -

"Give the guests vodka to drink." The second is "Pour a glass of wine!"
(The host reads poetry, and the guests take turns shouting a phrase in chorus.)

Today is an unusual day ¬
We have an excellent reason.
The holiday should be washed ...
"Give the guests vodka to drink."
Let's dance together
Sing songs, play games.
And to make it more fun ...
"Pour a glass of wine!"
We celebrate birthday
We are happy to welcome our guests.
How to please all of them?
"Give the guests vodka to drink."
We made a program,
Competitions have been composed for you,
And so that the games go faster,
"Pour a glass of wine!"
Okay, okay, don't shout
And don't wake up your neighbors!
Pour it up soon
For the birthday boy, for all the guests!


Leading: Now I suggest you have a little laugh. This game is called "Telegram". Each of those present will name any adjective, I will insert it into the text congratulatory telegram and read out what happened.


_________________ and ____________________ Gennady!

Congratulations on your thirty-third birthday!

Over the years, from a ___________ and _____________ baby, you turned
in ___________________ and _________________ man!

We wish you to remain the most ______________ husband for ____________ wife
and the most ____________ dad for ______________ daughter.

Let your _________ and _________ friends indulge you more often with their attention.

In general, to grow, Gennady ____________ and ___________! Your ___________ guests.



Do you hear, Gen, such a thing -
The vodka boiled in the glasses,
Schaub she did not run out of breath,
We need to sip a little for us.
For a reason for this
I will say a small toast:
Do you want - believe, want - do not believe,
A beast is wandering somewhere nearby.
Does not live in a dense forest,
In the Russian language, powerful.
This beast is called "elk" -
It has long been the custom.
May "ELS" be with you,
For three to drink,
To want and be able
So that happiness does not end
Good to dream about,
To make it work

So that everything always comes true!

Original congratulation riddle.

Now look under your plates. Some of you have a mystery congratulation under them. The birthday man must guess at the end of each such riddle what you want him to do. So let's get started.

In December, flying around the calendar
It opens again in January.
We are not sorry at all for the days that have passed
We are ready for new discoveries.
The spring bush will open the leaves,
Starfalls will open summer for us.
But the main discovery is you

And today we are celebrating it.
Wishes flow like a mountain river,
As if grace came down from heaven.
With a little effort,
Try to guess them yourself.

(And then the guests read congratulations.)

It is good if there is a lot of it.
But money cannot buy it.
Any road is not scary with him,
It is pleasant and fun to live with him.
And when suddenly he is not enough,
A terrible disease attacks
The doctor prescribes procedures for us
And the nature around is gloomy.
To keep it - temper!
We wish today with love:
Try to live up to a hundred years
Don't let you down ... (health)

Everyone understands it in their own way.
It is like a tit in the hands.
Sometimes there is knocking on the door,
That somewhere soars in the clouds.
He is sometimes called family.
You must be able to take care of it.
They find him not behind a distant mountain,
And just from friendly meetings.
Women have one thing, men have another.
Let troubles bypass you, bad weather
And a lot accompanies life,
Incomparable ... (happiness)

They warm our soul and pocket
And allow us to live luxuriously.
You can be with them both full and drunk,
And you can take women to a restaurant.
Someone always lacks them,
And some chickens do not peck.
They sometimes save from a lot,
Sometimes they don't let you sleep well.
We want you to be able every summer
Go to the French Riviera
Live happily at the same time.
Let there always be enough ... (money)

She is called the cell of society,
And, as a support, in life we ​​need.
From two hearts of lovers is created,
Mutual understanding is strong.
It unites generations.
And each has its own way of life.
Celebrate your favorite birthday
Everyone is happy in her circle.
Although the moments are difficult,
But still, as long as the Earth turns,
Let your love not disappear
And it will be strong, friendly ... (family)

You can rely on them
As yourself.
If joy or sorrow happens,
They will share it with you.
Their main quality is loyalty.
They won't let us go
They will show both sensitivity and tenderness,
They will go on reconnaissance with you.
And everyone has long understood
What is always more fun with them.
Let it surround you in life
More reliable ... (friends)

Scene "Divination of the Gypsy"
(any of the guests disguises as a gypsy)

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am the gypsy Aza
I came here to you directly by order.
On the table oh piles, oops oops opochs.
That her, and that is yours, and this pile is mine.
Birthday boy dear, I see you are happy
How many nearby friends you would rather pour them.
On the hands, bracelets clink slowly,
And all the peasants touch me by the skirt.
Say on ne, on ne, on ne, what an obsession,
I'll guess now, but for a reward.
Who came here why, the birthday man will find out,
But the gypsy Aza does not guess for free.
Gilded my pen, just don't be scared
Better not to find Aza, don't even try.

Print on sheets, cut and put the answers in a beautiful bag.
Guests take turns to get information and read aloud
"Why did I come to the Jubilee?"










I don’t mind being here,



I am ashamed to admit










Dear birthday boy!
The best remedy
Scare off any misfortune
This is, of course, in childhood
We must immediately fall in!
Let me tell you meaningfully:
Everything is forgivable to you today!

So listen and complete all my assignments:

I know you will remember with pleasure
What I did as a child
As carefree with friends
You jumped on a rope!

(offer to ride a rope)

Ball - best friend child!
Remember childhood again
Step aside
And kick with your knee!

(the birthday boy kicks the ball with his knee, and the guests loudly count how many times he can do it so that the ball does not fall)

We are the acacia whistle
In childhood, they did it more than once!
Musical variations
We are waiting from you now!

(offer the birthday boy to play a children's whistle or pipe)

For such numbers
Together we shout "Hurray!"
And they ask for a drink
Your kids are guests!

(Let's drink to happy childhood birthday boy).

Comic tasks for guests

Today is an unusual day-
Should be laughing!
So there is an excellent reason
Make fun with success!
Sharpen your attention:
I give you all a task!
(guests choose cards with tasks in turn)

Options for assignments for guests:

Try to hold the ball
Head cleverly!
Is it good, we want to know
Do you have a knack ?!

We will not ask you to sing,
Just give us a little light
Showing all kind people
How they sing, taking 100 grams!

Do you try now
Everyone is pleasantly surprised:
Radiant smile
We ask us to portray!

Remember all the sounds of laughter
And laugh them to us!
It will definitely be fun for everyone,
And as a reward for you - 100 grams!

Don't you think the time
Laugh heartily?
Do not consider you a burden
Tickle all men!

We are having fun great
But I, nevertheless, with a request to you,
And with what? .. It should be clear:
Give a toast to all the guests!

You with your beauty
We were plunged into a light trance!
And therefore, I will not hide,
I want to ask you
Smack everyone at least once
And let's put an end to that!

You are now a tongue twister
Tell us quickly!
If, suddenly, there is no sense,
Then ask your neighbor!
(tongue twister: "" Lilac jacket with an underside "")

Musical instrument
We will supply you now
And on it you are this moment

To the degree of the mood
At this very hour to raise you,
The impression is created:
You need to take 100 grams!

If "" Russian "" squatting down
You don't feel like dancing
Then we are for order
We ask you to squat!

A familiar doctor told
About the benefits of kissing!
Now, even though you don't cry,
Complete the task:
A kiss to all brunettes
Just don’t spoil!

Musical instrument
We will supply you now
And on it you are this moment
Play some joking music! (the guest is playing or on an empty glass bottle by using)

Musical instrument
We will supply you now
And on it you are this moment
Play some joking music! (the guest plays or on an empty glass bottle with help)

Dear friends! Today we have repeatedly delighted the ears of our dear birthday man with numerous compliments, congratulations and toasts. I suggest you do it again by performing a birthday song! But we will not perform it quite normally. I will sing along, and you will play my musical accompaniment with different sounds of your choice! To do this, I will offer you to draw out a ticket. If you get the offer to "clap your hands", it means that throughout the song you should clap your hands cheerfully, and if you get "meow" - what to do, you will have to try and meow as effectively as possible! And so on. And the birthday boy will choose who performed the task more expressively. So, we draw out each of our tickets!

(each guest chooses his own sound, which he should portray)


Banging on the glass with a fork
Sigh sensually
Banging your palms on the table
Clap your knees
To hum
La-lyakat Croak

(the presenter sings the song "Let them run awkwardly ...", the guests represent a musical ensemble)

We give funny gifts to guests:


So that you are not bored,
We are giving you a piece of soap!
There will be something to keep your hands busy
It's definitely not boring!

To give you a supply of paper
I could warm my soul
We give you a gift without stress
This wonderful notebook!


To solve scanwords,
You need knowledge just darkness!
We know you will break records
By the mobility of the mind!

Yogurt is a profitable business,
There would have been money to buy!
But you shouldn't spend money
We can give you!

Sucking candy
Bears suck paw
And the papilla is a child
And you suck our
Sweetie, grunting!

To improve your mood
Throw away laziness
Eat cookies regularly
The norm is exactly a pack a day!

Roll of toilet paper
It is fashionable to keep your diary,
We do not argue about that!
It is convenient to write it
In such a roll!
After all, there is a secure secret in him
You will hide yours
So that nobody's nose accidentally
I didn't put it into your life!

Just so nobody's candy
Never will!
Earn this award
It is necessary, in general, always!
We just adore you
And we supply with candy!

Coffee bag
Stop the loss of strength
He will always take it!
I used to be a deficit
It's called "coffee"!
So, we give a deficit,
May he keep his strength!

Eraser eraser
Life sometimes, as you know,
Consists of little things
That's why it's so lovely
Get this gift!
Although a trifle, but nice,
You will erase her stains!

We loved you very much
And we want to surprise you:
A pack of waffles, by the way,
We want to give you a gift!

Our gift is foolish enough
But we ask us to understand:
You are a suit for the figure
You can sweep them away!

Can of beer
Finally decided
We will please you:
We bought a jar of beer
We give you, loving!

We spice you specially
Bought from the heart!
You are a genius cook,
Your meals are good!

Prepare notes with desires and point to them certain time to distribute to all guests. Everyone must complete their task at the specified time. Do not talk about your assignment and the timing of its completion. It's very cool when someone suddenly gets up from the table and begins to crawl under the table or read a congratulation for no reason) We had the following tasks:

At 17.00 go to the table, pour wine into a glass and read a congratulation:

“On your birthday

I will become a cool athlete

Master candidate

In raising glasses! "

At 5.05 pm, approach your soul mate and say loudly: "Let's do THIS with you ... We'll celebrate Genkin's birthday!"

At 17.15 get up, say "Let me introduce myself!" choose three different guests and, while pronouncing your name, hug one of them, kiss the second, and shake hands with the third.

At 17.20, quickly run up to the pool, climb into it or stand next to it and shout: "I see Turkey!" Go to the table and clarify: "You have to drink for this!"

At 17.30 depicting an airplane with the sound "vzhzhzh", "viiiu", etc. run around the table three times.

At 17.35, stand on a chair and read the congratulation with an expression:

“Glasses are clinking, the cake is flying!

Champagne explodes!

A little head hurts

Our holiday continues!

At 17.35 (when someone climbs into a chair and starts reading the first part of the congratulation, get up and after his words continue):

Hurry to the table, shout a toast!

Let all the dreams come true!

Let the lines be the first verses

Today they will be justified! "


The presenter says: "Today, many surprises have been prepared for you. And one of the first surprises for the luckiest guest. Somewhere in the hall there is a banknote. Whoever finds it will become the most happy person evenings. "And as soon as everyone starts looking:" STOP - STOP! You are all SUCH adults, but you still believe in fairy tales - it was a joke)) Do you believe in horoscopes? Many of you would like to know that the coming year is preparing everyone "I have a bag in my hands, and you have the opportunity to take your prize-amulet for the year ahead, but blindly." The guests take turns putting their hand into the bag and taking out the gift.

Chocolate... The year will be generous and rich. But there is one condition. Take the chocolate, peel off the label, put it under your pillow. And believe me, in the morning everything will be covered in chocolate! "

Souvenir candle... This year will be more romantic for you than ever and will help you save money on electricity!

Lighter... The coming year will give you the fulfillment of your desires, because you keep the most precious thing that Gazprom has - gas! And as you know, whoever is with Gazprom, his dreams come true!

Instant noodles... This prize has a double interpretation: either you will be deceived all year round, or you will be given to everyone around you. The second option is of course preferable for you.

A pen... In the coming year, you will become very popular and will be able to sign autographs to everyone. You can start right now.

Magi's Golden Cube- You pulled out the most expensive gift, gold for last year increased in price by 40%, so this year will be truly golden for you!

"If you are not one of the donkeys, you will understand me without words"... Explain the hidden words using gestures:

"laundry soap"


Hot steam

"cold and hot shower"

A pair of each creature)... The facilitator must prepare in advance cards with the names of animals (two of each species) and distribute to the participants. The leader must make sure that one of the paired cards goes to the man and the other to the woman. Music turns on, at the command of the leader, the participants begin to make sounds of their animal (grunt, croak, meow, etc.). It is necessary to find your match in this cacophony by sound.

"Dance with bath accessories"

Each guest / couple / team must perform a dance with washcloths, brooms, basins, towels.

An impromptu tale.

I cut out cards with the names of the characters: Turnip, Grandfather, Grandma, Granddaughter, Bug, Murka, Mouse. Each guest had to draw out a card. The presenter reads the text, and the characters perform those actions that are read out. Every time I call a certain character, he also has to say his phrase.

Statement of the fairy tale REPKA!


Turnip - Oba, here I am! Rolling on a chair ...

Ded-taksss! Rubbing my hands ...

Grandma - Maybe you're lucky! Whipping up the chest ...

Granddaughter - I'm ready! He fixes his hair ...

A bug - I'm not a bug, I'm a bug! Indignantly, hands on the waist ...

Cat - I don't work without valerian! With a pretentious gesture ...

Mouse - well, finally! Joyfully spreading his arms to the sides ..

Dear viewers.

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Familiar, surprisingly

But with creative additions!

In one, well, very rural area,

Far from being famous

What are often found in Russia

Grandfather once planted a Turnip!

(We will put the turnip on a stool,

What my grandfather prepared in advance)

(With a gesture he invites "Turnip" to take his place)

Our turnip grew by morning

And the tops are swinging in the wind.

And now everything is in order:

My grandfather went out to the garden in the morning.

Grunt, and stretched

Yes, I turned to Turnip

That's so miraculous!

Grandpa rubs his eyes

Because I was surprised:

This is how the vegetable was born!

Grandpa grabbed Turnip,

He pulled it as hard as he could.

Pulls-pulls, cannot pull!

Turnip did not go out of the garden,

Know, in the ground stuck firmly!

What to do? Call grandma

So that it is more convenient to tear a turnip.

Grandma in a new sundress

I'm ready to help my grandfather.

Grandma came closer,

Grab Grandpa Grandma in an armful!

Grandpa grab a turnip again!

And come on, pull and tear!

Grandma called Granddaughter,

So that the Granddaughter can help them.

Only to the Granddaughter, to be honest,

It's all uninteresting!

The granddaughter is a fashionista, which means

The granddaughter licks her nails thickly.

She, I confess, vaasche

Somehow not up to vegetables.

But, so as not to anger the ancestors,

All the same I decided to help.

Granddaughter for Grandma,

Grandma for Grandpa,

Grandfather for the Turnip.

They pull, pull, they cannot pull!

Grandma and Grandfather are very sorry -

The harvest is lost.

The case was resolved by the Granddaughter,

She called Bug for help.

The bug came running quickly

Even the bone did not eat it,

Moreover, for all that,

Waving its tail happily.

Bug for Granddaughter,

Granddaughter for Grandma,

Grandma for Grandpa,

Grandfather for the Turnip.

They pull, pull, they cannot pull!

Wagging my tail a little,

The bug decided to call the Cat.

An hour later she appeared,

She purred and washed.

Her appearance told:

Someone had a delicious lunch.

There was very little oil,

And now it's gone.

The cat yawned sweetly

She stretched out her paws to the Bug.

Cat for the Bug,

Bug for Granddaughter,

Granddaughter for Grandma,

Grandma for Grandpa,

Grandfather for the Turnip.

They pull, pull, they cannot pull!

Apparently, everyone was too tired.

We must call for help Mouse!

The mouse went out into the garden,

Pushed the people aside

Firmly grabbed the tops

And took out a root crop!

And see by all the signs

Not simple mouse this.

The end of our fairy tale

And who looked and listened - well done!

Intellectual competition (riddles)

· What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)

· When the car is driving, which wheel does it not spin? (Spare)

· What is the dog running on? (On the ground)

What is the tongue in the mouth behind? (Behind the teeth)

· When a horse is bought, what is it like? (Wet)

· Why does the cow lie down? (Because she can't sit down)

· Can it rain for two days in a row? (No, because the night separates the days)

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open)

· Which month is the shortest? (May - it has only three letters)

· What is the worst river? (Tigris River)

· Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he cannot speak)

· What stands between the window and the door? (The letter "and")

· What happens to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (It gets wet)

How many peas can fit in one glass? (Not at all. They can't walk!)

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (Only one thing: after the first one will no longer be on an empty stomach)

Before business - hanging, in business - standing, after business - wet (umbrella)

What happens if a black scarf is dipped into the red sea? (Gets wet)

Which hand is the best for stirring tea? (It is better to stir tea with a spoon)

· What question cannot be answered “yes”? (Are you sleeping now?)

What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (On wet)

· What kind of dishes cannot be eaten? (From empty)

What can be seen with closed eyes? (Dream)

· What are we eating for? (At the table)

Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)

· How long can you go to the forest? (Until the middle - further you go from the forest)

· When is a person a tree? (When he is from sleep - "pine")

· What disease has no one ever been sick on earth? (nautical)

· When are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you)

· What notes can be used to measure space? (Mi-la-mi)

· How to pick a branch so as not to frighten off the bird? (Gotta wait for her to fly away)

Behind your back, beloved,
I am not familiar with the trouble.
Be open, kind, gentle,
As usual, you are with me.
You are in the circle of coveted relatives
Witty, sweet and simple.
For you, my hope
I raise this toast!

My beloved, best husband,
I understand my glass
I say my toast to you
Happy birthday, congratulations.
Only those gathered here
Who has respect
To us, to you, to me, to the family.
So congratulations.
Forget about the problems
Be in a great mood.

We're having a dinner party tonight.
I will distract you for a little while.
Today is my husband's birthday.
I will tell about him as I can:
My husband is a breadwinner and earner.
For which I especially love
What an age-old custom,
He brings all the income to the family.
I have been living with my spouse for a long time
I'm like behind a stone wall
He was always a trusted friend
And I was a faithful wife.
He has a lot of health,
He is not often seen by a doctor.
I ask everyone to raise their glasses
And wish him luck!

Spouse's birthday
We celebrate at the table
I, his wife, girlfriend,
I want to tell you about him.
Neither heat nor cold are terrible,
The shocks of troubled years
Behind the shoulder of her own husband
I'm not afraid of adversity and troubles.
It's easy to walk around the world with him,
Find the answer to the question,
There is no better husband in the world
And there is no more handsome man.
Always be beautiful, okay
Be delicate and simple ...
For you, my beloved,
I raise this toast!

On your birthday I will say
What is behind you - like a wall.
With you, as in a dance, I'm spinning
I want to be always with you!
The years will not change us
Love will remain love.
How many times - and many times -
I will be happy with you!
Let's pour some wine into the glasses
Let our daughter laugh.
Joy will not be enough for us,
We'll dance all night!
And let love in your eyes
Will inflate my fiery verse!

Beloved husband! I congratulate you
Happy that day when God gave you to be born.
And I raise a glass of champagne:
Well, for you! - as they say.
For the fact that you would have hefty health,
And so that fate will take care of you
So that you and I can do everything in the world,
So that you remember that I love you!

Life with a loved one is a pleasure
With hubby - delicious!
And on his birthday I
I drink to our delight!
To make it pleasant for us
And a little bit perverted
It has never been tight
So that we love each other!

Yin and yang - a beautiful union,
Sometimes flammable!
Happy birthday spouse
You are my lover and friend!
I will drink for you
Loving you with all my nature!
Stay in health
Always be with me!

I'll drink to my husband now!
Be you strong, very sturdy,
So that any obstacles you
Could overpower, if necessary!
To cover our house with care,
So that you are satisfied with the work
Husband, with the birth of you!
May I be loved!

It's very nice to live with my husband,
It's not for nothing that I fell in love!
Happy Birthday to you, dear!
Sing songs today
Have fun and dance
And kiss me harder!
And you add blood to passion
I drink to our love!

I know my husband, you love to fly
On my birthday, I wish you a day to dream,
In dreams to creep into comic heights,
Draw a sketch with a fantasy.
And all that, beloved you will draw,
May it come true without fail
After all, if you really want,
You can ask the Universe after all!
My toast today to your fantasies!
Let them be beautiful to the point of disgrace!
Original, atypical!
Let's have a drink with you in person!

For a beloved spouse,
That I've become a good friend
I made a toast for the Day!
You weren't under the fly!
Well, and if I did -
Didn't suffer from a hangover!
I had fun in moderation
From love so that the heart sings
And the soul to bloom
It's good that things go
Raise a glass with me
My beautiful hero you are!

Your birthday is now
Beloved and dear husband!
Toast to you today
I raise first!
I drink for your successes
And for strong family!
Be by my side -
You don't need more!

This toast is your wife
Will drink only for you!
How proud I am of my husband
And I love him, besides!
Happy birthday, honey
I drink to have enough strength!
Let what you wish
It is embodied in life!

Happy Birthday honey,
How happy I am with you!
I raise this toast
And I wish you well!
May success and prosperity
They will put things in order!
I confess in secret
Hold your fists for this!

I drink for you, darling!
To our glorious family.
For reaching heights
And rest more than once a year!
Let the birthday give
Confidence that you will be lucky.
To the bottom - for happiness and goodness,
I say toast to the sandwich!

I want to raise my glass
For you to succeed!
Beloved and invaluable husband,
You and I have unity of souls.
For a long time worries in half,
But you know all this yourself ...
I wish you live on your birthday
And fully appreciate every moment!

I drink to you, my dear
This wine is every drop.
You are not dearer in life
You are the most important for me!
May all dreams come true
Become real in an instant.
Feelings may not stop
So that we live in love!

On your birthday, guests drink
For money, happiness, for comfort.
And I want to raise my toast
So that there was an increase in our family.
And the children were the best
And there was harmony and laughter in the house.
You are the best, my dear,
Such happiness is to live with you!

Darling, I want this toast
I raise for you!
You are the best husband in the world
Desired for me!
Like a strong vintage cognac
With good years!
Please take care of yourself
And succeed in life!
I'm on your birthday
Kisses hard, dear.
To live in an interesting and loving way
Let there be enough strength!

Beautiful toasts to her husband on his birthday

My dear faithful companion life,
My support, joy and dream,
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
I give you a toast and tender words.
Be happy and healthy for many years
Live without grief and troubles,
May all your dreams come true
Always be the favorite of fate.

Darling, you are my soul mate
And our happiness is precious
It's so good that you and I are each other,
Found in a vast universe.
On your birthday, take a toast from me
Let it be long and happy life yours
Let luck always smile at you
All the best to you, dear, joy, goodness.

I'm proud of you, my beloved husband,
You are the kindest, most gentle and beautiful,
You are my support and hope,
You are my guiding star.
From me a toast for you
Always be, keep by fate
May all your wishes come true
May happiness always smile.

Guests at the table, and a toast from me,
For a career to grow to its full height,
For good luck to visit you
So that joy will never forget.
Beloved husband, happy birthday to you,
Let it be long life yours
Let hope, faith and love walk side by side,
Let luck and success surround you.

I want everyone in the world to know
That I love my husband anxiously,
It can be bright and bright
And gloomy, like the sea during storms.
But I'm always calm by my side
Let him grumble to himself.
I need to see, hear him,
Wherever the wind carries us.
So drink with me
For his birthday,
For life to flow like a song
And nothing got in the way.

What can I wish you, dear?
First, a lot of happiness:
Sorrows away, sorrows away,
Away from troubles and bad weather!
And secondly, a lot of luck:
You win a country house
Ferrari three, four cottages,
With a cook, a garden and a cat!
And thirdly, the constancy of will:
For you, my dear husband,
I didn't want to go free
And he was always with me, my wife!

I raise this glass
For her husband, for his love!
Take gifts from me
And a few nice words:
I want to wish you good luck
To you in all your affairs!
You smile at me more often
Wear it more often on your hands!

I'm so glad I told you yes!
And I do not regret it at all.
You are the only one for me
My protector and master of the house.
And today, on this day,
When all the relatives are around.
Happy Birthday,
My lovely, beloved, husband.

I raise a glass for you
My dear, dear, dear,
I love you, you are my husband,
Forever connected with you!
My dear, I wish you
Success, happiness, long years,
I drink my glass to the bottom,
You are dearer to me, closest of all!

My dear husband, dear,
Always a mountain for me
I drink for you today
I want to wish you happiness!
May success accompany
Be luckier than everyone
Be strong and not hurt
Don't regret anything!

Friends, a moment of attention,
Now I will drink for my husband,
I love you, I adore you
And I want to dedicate a toast to you!
My dear, I drink to your happiness,
More precisely, I just drink to myself,
I wish you joy, wealth,
And to make the cherished dream come true.
Still my dear, for health,
So that you never get sick in your life,
So that the bad recedes from you
So that you always get what you want!

You are my dear, dear,
You are my beloved husband,
I drink for you today
I want to wish you happiness!
So that all dreams come true
You are the best in the world
I share my joys with you
I live in the world with you!
And I wish you
Always be healthy
Conquer all the peaks
And you live in abundance!

It's not the first year we've been with you,
Life leads us along the same road.
I want to wish my husband today
So that you do not lose the joy of life.
After all, true happiness is to be together,
So that ours was beautiful cozy home,
So that we are always with you,
We understood each other with all our hearts!

I am sending you congratulations
Beloved husband.
And I wish you on your birthday
So that you do not know the needs of anything.
There will be happiness and good luck
Money, loyal friends.
In general, everything that means a lot
Will be forever with you.

Beloved spouse and exemplary father,
We congratulate you on your birthday.
We want you to know that you are a great fellow,
And we all respect you immensely.
We wish you a dream come true
Health and happiness for years to come.
So that you can reach any height
And the world around was delightfully kind!

You are strong, you are proud, you are brave
For our family, you are a support!
I wish happiness to ring
So that the goal is achieved soon.
Today, on the day that was born,
I wish you the mood
Good, so that it already shines
From happiness; and just - luck!

Thank you dear for the love
That you have kept
Thank you both for the home and for the shelter,
For being attentive
Because my husband is patient and smart,
Sometimes unexpectedly wise.
We have lived a lot together with you,
And yet you were rarely gloomy!
May the stars help you in the future
Keeping your fate faithfully!
I raise a glass to your, dear, honor,
And I will ask everyone - to the bottom!

Spouse's birthday
We celebrate at the table
I, his wife, girlfriend,
I want to tell you about him.
Neither heat nor cold are terrible,
The shocks of troubled years
Behind the shoulder of her own husband
I'm not afraid of adversity and troubles.
It's easy to walk around the world with him,
Find the answer to the question,
There is no better husband in the world,
And there is no man either.
Always be beautiful, okay
Be delicate and simple ...
For you, my beloved,
I raise this toast!

We divide everything in life in half -
Joy, adversity and sorrow,
No matter how difficult, dear, it never happened to us
Together we won all the time!
So that the years have no power over you,
I drink my glass to the bottom,
I drink to make you always happy
In joy, success, troubles without knowing !!!
I drink warmth to your hearts
I drink to our bright cozy home,
And for the fact that we are always lucky,
And success accompanied everything !!!

You are the hope and support in my, dear, fate.
You give me joy, happiness, inspiration.
Happy birthday, congratulations, and I want to tell you
That many people do not even dream of spouses like you.
You are the perfect man, you don't need a reason
To give joy and love, love, love.

We will sit next to you at the table,
We will keep track of everything that happens.
All the guests are having fun, even singing songs,
And only boredom is not allowed to get here.
Now I want to say my toast,
I will back it up with tender words.
Please fill your glasses
So that the husband was bypassed by the scoffers
So that everything that is planned comes true,
And so that everything is always lucky.

Husband's birthday toasts in your own words

My dear, my beloved, my special husband, happy birthday! You are the light of my life, you are my stone, impenetrable wall, which I am very proud of. Today, I want to raise my glass to your health, so that it is strong and never fails, for your leisure, so that it is always interesting, and for friends, so that they are always faithful!

A husband is not only support and support, he is also your main critic. He will always honestly say his opinion about everything you are not sure about. Thank you, dear, that you are always honest with me! I want to wish you that in your direction you always receive only that positive message that always comes from you!

All women are like diamonds, but after turbulent years family life some become diamonds, well, while others make diamond drills. They say this is determined by the skill of the cutter. I would like to propose a toast of praise to my husband - a true diamond cutting specialist!

Dear, beloved, unique, inimitable, the most gallant, charming and only mine! Each year spent with you is truly the happiness that every woman dreams of. I wish you all the best, bright and positive! Stay the way I love you and don't try to change.

Some of the greats said: "To be courageous means to curb your temper." My husband is doubly courageous because he has harnessed not only his temper, but mine as well. And thanks to this, we have been living happily for many years. I propose to drink to my beloved, courageous husband!

As one cartoon character used to say: "A man without a wife is like a tree without a caterpillar: everything seems to be there, but something is missing." I want to drink to you, love. I wish you never forget this saying, even when it seems to you that your caterpillar is eating you pretty well!

The time of our life, the calendar leafs through, and again dawn moves after sunset, let this Birthday add, many long and happy years... May this day be remembered for a long time, and all those nice words what I have prepared for you, my dear.

Victor Hugo wrote: "The highest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved." I am happy because I know that my husband loves me. Our love is mutual. Dear, I want to thank you for your love, which inspires me and helps me to cope with all life's obstacles and adversities. Happy birthday, my beloved husband!

The Persians say: "The highest courage is to rise above anger and love the one who has offended." My husband is worthy of respect, because he not only tolerates my "verbal opuses", but also continues to love me when I am offended. He is wise and understands perfectly well that a woman and a whim are one and the same. Let's drink to you, dear! I will try to be less capricious.

Dear hubby! Today, in honor of your birthday, I want to raise this glass with words of gratitude to your parents for raising such a wonderful man, who became an excellent husband and beloved person for me!

One day a woman decided that it was better for her to live alone, without her husband. She settled in a separate house and began to live for her own pleasure. She lived one year, the second, the third, but then she got bored. And then she returned to her husband to experience the simple woman's happiness... Her husband affectionately hugged her, and she began to live together again. So let's drink to the husband who makes a woman happy!

Husband, half of my soul and heart, my body will now drink for you, and my mind will remember all the best that is in you and we had with you! I wish that in my life there was always you and our family did not know scandals, quarrels and troubles!

Spouse's birthday
We celebrate at the table
I, his wife, girlfriend,
I want to tell you about him.
Neither heat nor cold are terrible,
The shocks of troubled years
Behind the shoulder of her own husband
I'm not afraid of adversity and troubles.
It's easy to walk around the world with him,
Find the answer to the question,
There is no better husband in the world
And there is no more handsome man.
Always be beautiful, okay
Be delicate and simple ...
For you, my beloved,
I raise this toast!

Congratulations "Spouse's Birthday" great way express your emotions and wishes for the upcoming holiday. In the section Happy Birthday to my husband, along with this text, we advise you to look at Grandfather, Happy Birthday, Grandfather has a birthday, and he is all young and Let at least someone. Gifts and Sincere wishes 100% will become an integral part of the celebrated celebration. At any time, you want to touch close relatives and friends and surprise with something sincere, thereby once again proving the importance of these people for you. Therefore, birthday greetings to her husband are certainly drawn up with kindred warmth, sincerity and love.

Coming up with wishes for future holiday- anniversary, wedding or birthday, it is important not to forget that your words should once again festive mood and emphasize the importance of both the holiday itself and the heroes of the occasion. Everyone will be happy to receive warm and sincere words happiness and love.

Holidays are joyfully awaiting and they like to celebrate everything, and wishes can not only be received, but also addressed to others. Moreover, it doesn't matter if it will be happy birthday greetings to your husband, uncle on the name day or a cute girl on March 8 - any wish will be appreciated and will improve or correct your relationship with this person. If you want to congratulate your loved one on the upcoming holiday, use the specified congratulation or see the block “ similar congratulations»Below on this page.

If someone from friends or relatives will take on the role of host and organizer. To help enthusiasts who are ready to arrange a holiday for a dear birthday person and loved ones on their own, we offer with pricey entertainment program birthday "Merry family celebration» , which is written just for those who want to entertain guests at a friendly feast. All contests, games, can be held in any order, during a feast or in dance breaks, and the props for games are the simplest ones that can always be found in the house. The background can be played by instrumental melodies selected at the discretion of the organizers

Scenario "Merry family holiday"

When meeting guests, the originator of the event invites them to choose from small box colored rubber bands for money and put them on your wrists like a bracelet. It is best to divide the participants of the feast into four teams, between which the competitions will take place. For example, blue, red, yellow and green.


Board game "Close people"

Leading. I welcome all of you to our family holiday, where family members, relatives and closest friends have gathered.

Therefore, I ask you:

Shake hands with those sitting across from you at the table;

Hug those on your right and left.

Slap the shoulder of those in the distance arm outstretched from you.

Kiss the one with whom you came to this holiday.

Send air kisses to the hero of the occasion.

Clink glasses with those sitting at the table.

My toast is to the event!

Table game to warm up guests

Before continuing with our festive feast, I ask the owners of names starting with the letters: A, O, C, I, H to rise in their seats, the rest I ask to applaud them. (The guests applaud.)

Those whose names begin with letters: P, E, T, B - drink at brotherhood. (Guests comply with the host's request.)

Men kiss the hands of the ladies sitting next to the table (The men comply with the host's request.)

All the women put together a toast in honor of the hero of the occasion. (The women make a joint toast.

Banquet break

Little fun "Take the prize"

Leading. I have prepared a souvenir for one of you. For the one who will guess the riddle.

Everyone has it: adults and children, schoolchildren and teachers, soldiers and generals, tailors and scientists, artists and spectators. What is it?

(Answer - button. The one who guessed it gets the prize. If no one guesses correctly, the host continues.)

The prize goes to the one who has the most a large number of buttons in the outfit. (The winner is awarded a prize.)

The next competition is for men. Prizes will go to those who have a comb and a handkerchief with them. (Prizes for the winners.)

TO oncourse - joke "Queen of beauty"

Leading. Dear ladies, mademoiselle, senorites, Mrs, Miss, Frau, Medchen, Wumen, Girls, Madame, girls, citizens, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, girlfriends, wives, mothers, daughters-in-law, cousins, grandmothers, sisters, matchmakers, seamstresses, cooks , accountants, engineers, doctors, pensioners ... In short, women, the next competition is for you! It is called the "Beauty Queen".

Anyone who has with them can participate in this competition. lipstick and a mirror. Congratulations! You go to the second round of the competition! Who has perfume and powder. Bravo! You are the semi-finalists!

Let's continue. Who has a hairbrush and wallet. Hooray!

You are the finalists of the beauty queen contest.

The winner is the one of you who has a 14 by 17 wrench with you.

No? Sorry! No, and there is no winner!

Banquet break

A fun game "Remove the negative"

Leading. I want to remind you that when you enter our holiday, you received colored elastic that I asked to keep. It's time to pay attention to the color of your gum. I will name the color, and you wave your hand who has the rubber band of this color. Green ... blue ... red ... yellow ... (The guests carry out the task.)

I ask each team to single out one participant in our family holiday. I invite them to the center of the room.

(Four guests go out to the host. Each is handed one cheerleading broom or fluffy washcloths.)

These are washcloths - clean cleaners. I ask you to choose one man from those present and carry out prevention: remove the evil eye, negativity, negative energy from them. Fragments of songs will sound, in which certain parts of the body are mentioned, and you carry out prevention with washcloths - clean brushes.

(Fragments of songs sound where different parts of the body are mentioned)

I think these women deserve loud applause and a moment of glory. This song sounds to them.

(A fragment of a song sounds"Beauties can do anything." Women are soloing.)

Leading. And now men with pure karma and souls invite women to a slow dance.

A lyrical hit sounds. Pairs of players are dancing, those willing to join.

There is a dance block.


The presenter invites everyone to continue the meal with a bell.

Guests say toasts, read prepared congratulations, present gifts to the hero of the occasion.

Leading. I want to remind you that at this table are the most beloved, closest relatives and friends of the birthday man.

I am convinced that each of you could easily participate in one or another TV show. And this is not said for flattery, it can be confirmed right now. I propose to turn to the cinema. Let's all together remember the continuation of the legendary movie phrases.

Game - chant "Complete the phrase"

The facilitator starts and the participants finish the phrase.

They drink champagne in the morning ... only aristocrats and degenerates.
Who will plant him, he ... monument!
And now the hunchback! I said ... humpback!
Who does not work is ...eating! Remember, student!
Third street of builders ... d 25, apt 12.
Freedom to Yuri ...Detochkin!
So that you live alone ... salary!
And then Ostap ... incurred!
I never ... I'm not getting drunk!
How much opium ... for the people?
You will have both coffee and tea with cocoa.
Abroad us ... will help!
I came not to kill ...Then they will kill you!
You have a world ... Mother!
Babe flowers, children ... ice cream!
Right now ...sing!

Leading. Now let's turn to music, to be more precise, to songs. I invite our multicolored teams to recall old songs about the main thing. The team that recognizes the melody faster than others and sings the song gets a point. Those who get the most points will receive a team prize.

(Fragments of popular retro songs are played. A competition is underway. The winners are awarded a box of chocolates.)

Competition "Touching Ladies"

(The host brings out a tray with small cloth bags, inside of which are: salt, sugar, buckwheat, rice, millet, pearl barley, horns, starch.)

Leading. Once again, I invite one woman from each team. (A participant in the game leaves.)

On this tray you can see the pouches with something inside. Take turns feeling the contents of the bag.

(The game passes.)

Leading. I ask you to applaud our "sensual and touching" ladies (The guests applaud.)

I ask the participants of the game to give one of the men of their team newspaper sheet and take your place at the table (The presenter gives out sheets of newspapers.)

Contest "Newspaper Heroes"

Leading. Men, I'm waiting for you at the epicenter of our holiday. Meeting place can not be Changed. (Men come out.)

The competition is simple: who will fold a newspaper sheet in half faster in 10 times?

(A competition is underway. Instrumental music plays in the background.)

Leading. The player of the team won ... (names the team color)

I propose, like a baton, to pass your newspaper sheet to another member of your team. (Other players are selected.)

I ask you to unfold the sheets and make "balls" out of them. Take the ball in right hand and stand with your back to open door four steps away from her. Turn your head as far as possible to the right and throw the "ball" over your left shoulder so that it will fly out the door.

(A competition is taking place. The distance is small, the goal is large, but rarely will anyone be able to throw the paper "ball" out the door at once. If someone succeeds, he is declared the winner.)

Dance game "Bound by one chain"

Leading. Teams of "yellow" and "green" are invited to the dance floor.

(The teams leave the table. The presenter gives each of them a headdress. These can be hats, caps, earflaps, bath caps, etc.)

I ask you to try on these hats and each team to stand in a column one after another.

(In each team, the leader attaches hats to the rope at a distance of one meter to all participants using clothespins. Each team has its own rope.)

Our dance game is called Chained Up. Various melodies will sound, during which the teams are invited to dance, but so that the hats do not fall off.

(Popular dance tunes sound. For example, "Chivala", "Lambada", "Nathanana", Letka-enka "," Lezginka "," 7-40 ", etc.)