Institute of Medical Physical Culture. Specialty "Medical Physical Culture and Sports Medicine" (Residency)

It will be necessary to pass a profile exam.

Sports medicine unites four disciplines - therapeutic physical culture, hygiene, massage and sports medicine. The main task of this specialty is to achieve success in the field of sports and strengthening human health. Specialty 31.08.39 " Physiotherapy and sports medicine"Provides the opportunity for future doctors to familiarize themselves with the prevention of disorders caused by physical exertion.

Specialists in the field of medical physical education can help coaches and teachers organize the right workouts aimed at improving physical condition man. The doctor in the future will not only be able to correctly organize training, but also can help trainers and teachers to learn from the provision of first prefigure aid.

Conditions of receipt

If you are interested in what subjects to pass for admission, you should know that only those who graduated from learning to study medical university Specialty "Therapeutic case" or "Pediatrics". It will also be necessary to pass a profile exam.

Future profession

Graduates who have been educated in the specialty of this area will be able to engage in the health of all segments of the population. Any ordinate will be able to provide highly qualified medical care to their patients, which meets all international standards.

The ordents will learn:

  • prevent the development of diseases among the population through prevention and anti-epidemiological measures;
  • perform dispensary observation, preventive medical examinations, dispensarization;
  • perform the diagnosis of urgent states, pregnancy;
  • provide specialized medical care;
  • provide an ambulance aid in cases where urgent doctor intervention is necessary, to participate in medical evacuation, help patients in emergency situations;
  • recognize and apply in practice the basic principles of rendering medical care and etc.

All these qualities help the graduate successfully realize themselves in the profession and exercise medical activities.

Where to do

For learning under this specialty, you can enter the following universities in Moscow and other cities of Russia:

  • Russian State Medical University;
  • Moscow State Medical and Dental University;
  • Russian University of Friendship of Peoples;
  • Ryazan State Medical University. Acad. I.P. Pavlova;
  • Novosibirsk State Medical University.

It is far from full list Higher educational institutions that offer training on this specialty. In the Russian Federation there are more than 50.

Training time

Dates will depend on what form the ordents learn. There are two forms in total - full-time and individual. For full-time, the term will be 2 years. In the event that the training is carried out according to an individually drawn plan, then the time will be established by an educational institution.

Located disciplines

The following disciplines will be studied in the process of obtaining education:

  • organization of medical medicine;
  • children's sports medicine;
  • system of enhancing and restoring sports health;
  • massage (sports);
  • medical control over sports;
  • massage (medical);
  • therapeutic physical education in pediatrics;
  • medical physical education in surgery;
  • therapeutic physical culture in the clinic of nervous diseases;
  • diseases and injuries in athletes, etc.

Acquired skills

During training in the university, the ordinate will master all the necessary for professional activity skills and skills. These include skill:

  • evaluate the quality of the provision of medical care to athletes and physical consultables;
  • collect and evaluate information on the health level of different age and sexual groups;
  • apply the methods of therapeutic physical education to patients who need medical physical education;
  • apply natural non-drug factors for medical rehabilitation of patients;
  • identify signs and symptoms of diseases in athletes, diagnose syndromes and pathological conditions;
  • implement a set of activities that aims to preserve and strengthen the health level of patients, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and a warning various diseases etc.

Employment prospects for profession

If you need to know who to work after the end of the highest educational institution, It is worth paying attention to the list of the following posts:

  • physician medicine doctor;
  • lFK instructor;
  • trainer;
  • physical education teacher.

Wages may vary depending on the place of employment. As a rule, salary young doctor ranges from 30 thousand rubles.

Advantages of training in graduate school

After the reinforcement is over, it is possible to enter the graduate school. It will enable the doctor to improve your skills and skills. During graduate school, you need to write candidate work. Thus, the graduate student has the opportunity to get the title "Candidate medical Sciences».

During training and practice in various medical institutions The graduate student will be able to significantly improve the quality of his knowledge and skills. This will significantly increase the demand for it in the labor market not only domestic, but also overseas.


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Hello! Tell me, please, is it possible to go to your college if I have excellent physical. Preparation, on the points I will go through the entrance exams, but I do not do any kind of sport, that is, I do not have a sports category. I want to work after the end of working as an ordinary physical education teacher at school. Professional species I can choose sports athletics or swimming.

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History. For the first time, studying and teaching students of physical rehabilitation methods in the 1st Moscow Medical Institute (1st MMI) began in 1931 at the Department physical education. In 1948, the Department receives the name - physical education and medical control. Since 1963, the department actively develops issues of rehabilitation of patients with the help of medical physical education and the name of the department is complemented: Department of Physical Education, Medical Physical Culture and Medical Control. The history of an independent Department of LFCs and medical control begins since 1968 - it was the first to the Department of the USSR. Since 2009, the Department has been heading prof., D.N., Laureate of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of science and innovation of Achkas E.E.

Dodigrous education. The department carries out teaching students of the 6th year disciplines "Therapeutic physical culture and medical control" (therapeutic and medical and preventive faculties), "Sports Medicine" (therapeutic faculty).

Educational and therapeutic activities of the department are carried out on clinical databases: UKB No. 3 of the first MGMU. THEM. Sechenova, "Sports Medicine Clinic" on the basis of OJSC OK "Luzhniki", medical centers Lokomotiv football clubs and "CSKA", WFD №5 and №11 DZ of Moscow, GKB №64 DZ of Moscow, GKB №83 FMBA of Russia, clinic Research Institute of Labor Medicine Ramna.

The department has a student scientific circle "Sports Medicine" (head-ass. Kurshev V.V.), an elective course "Medicine Sports of Higher Achievements" (Ass. Bezenglov E.N.).

The department is located on the 6th floor of the laboratory corps of the clinic of nephrology, internal and professional diseases. EAT. Tareeva (UBB No. 3 of the first MGMU. I.M. Sechenov), has an equipped HALL LFC, a massage room, a lecture audience, training rooms, class for interactive educational technologies, Equipped with multimedia and modern diagnostic equipment, visual textbooks. Created a corner " Healthy image Life "and the Cathedral Library.

Scientific activity.
Complex Scientific Theme of the Department: Medico-biological support for persons engaged in physical culture and sports.
Directions scientific work Departments:
- Rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases
- Rehabilitation for diseases of cardio-vascular system
- Rehabilitation technologies in pediatrics
- physical rehabilitation in gerontology, sport of elderly
- Functional state People who have undergone transplantations of organs and opportunities for sports after the transplantation of organs and implantation of the electrocardiotimulator
- Nutritive support for rehabilitation events
- State of the health of schoolchildren and students, its correction by the methods of the exhibition
- Biomedical technology in sports
- Treatment and rehabilitation of athletes with injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
- Cardiovascular system in highly qualified athletes
- Professional diseases in sports
- Medical support of Paralympic Sports
Scientific and technical cooperation Department: Continental Hockey League (KHL), Russian Football Union (RFU), Rusada, FNC Transplantology and Artificial Bodies of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, FSBI Moscow Nii of Pediatrics and Children's Surgery of the Ministry of Health of Russia, etc.
Nalazhelyo the international cooperation With the American College of Sports Medicine, the International Federation of Sports Medicine (International Federation of Sports Medicine), a number of international sports federations and specialized departments of other countries (Latvia, Tatru University).
The department implements 2 research work as part of the President of the President of the Russian Federation in support of young scientists (Assistant, Ph.D. Safonicheva) and Presidential Scholarships for graduate students and young scientists (graduate student Mashkovsky E.V.).

Postgraduate education.
The department is carried out by 2-year post-diploma education in the residency in the specialty "Therapeutic Physical Culture and Sports Medicine" (Avd. - Prof. Dobrovolsky Oleg Borisovich), 3-year studies in graduate school (full-time and correspondence form of training in the specialty and doctoral studies in the specialty 14.03. eleven - " Restorative medicine, sports medicine, healing physical culture, physiotherapy and resortology. "

The high level of training in clinical order contributes to the interest of employers to graduates of the department, which are working in sports teams of Russia (beach volleyball, football), sports federations (freestyle, climbing, rugby on wheelchairs, etc.) and clubs (football, ice hockey, Hockey with a ball, basketball, etc.), medical and sports dispensaries, centers of sports medicine, branches of the rehabilitation of medical and preventive institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Department of Health of Moscow and FMBA of Russia, fitness centers.

The total number of faculty is 20: head. Department - 1, professors - 3 (academician RAMN PUZIN S.N., Goncharova O.V., Dobrovolsky Oleg Borisovich), associate professors - 7, assistants - 9; Academician RAMS - 1; Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation - 2; Academician of the Raen - 2; Doctor of Medical Sciences - 4, Doctor of Biological Sciences - 1, Candidates of Medical Sciences - 10. Department of the Department combine teaching work with research and research work. The department is taught: a participant of the 5-Olympiad (headed medical services of different sports federations), Dr., Ph.D. Dobrovolsky O.B., Head of the KNG of the Modern Pyatibel, Ph.D. Zaborova V.A., doctor of the Russian national football team Bezuglov E.N., chief doctor "Sports Medicine Clinics" (OJSC "OK" LUZHNIKOM ") Kurzchev V.V., Head of the Department of the Rehabilitation Directivity of therapeutic and Preventive Institutions - D.N. Suvorov V.G., Ph.D. Dyatina G.V., Ph.D. Lazareva I.A., Stefan O.S., Fedorchenko AB

Publications.Since 2007, 7 Monographs have been published at the Department, 9 tutorials (Vulti UMO), 1 directory, row methodical recommendations, Patent of the Russian Federation for the invention and 3 certificates of registration of programs for computers are obtained. Over 20 is published annually at the Department scientific articles In leading peer-reviewed Russian and foreign magazines.
At the department, the first specialized journal of sports medicine "Sports Medicine: Science and Practice" is published. chief Editor - prof., D.M.N. Achkas E.E.), which since 2012 is included in the list of peer-reviewed journals of the recommended WAK of Russia to publish scientific results of theses for the degree of scientists of the Doctor and Candidate of Science. In total, the staff of the department are the main editors of 4 magazines (List of VAC) and are part of the editorial board of 6 magazines (3 of the WAK List)