Topics for articles about children. Scientific facts from the world of technology. Diagnostics of family, child-parental relations between family members

Today we will reveal to you 15 amazing facts about kids. Which even their mothers may not know.

1. A newborn baby has almost one third more bones than in an adult - 300 versus 206. This happens because with age, some of them grow together.

2. At the moment of birth baby's head is a quarter total weight ... Until the age of 15-16, the body develops at an active pace - not comparable to the speed with which the head develops.

3. During the first few months of life children see the world in black and white colors ... The ability to see the full gamut of colors appears with age - when the eye develops enough cones, which are responsible for color vision. However, genetic failures also occur, and then the so-called color blindness develops.

4. Most newborns have clear eyes blue tint... This is because, at birth, the melanin responsible for pigmentation is still missing in the iris. At the age of 6-12 months, melanin is activated - then it manifests itself genetic eye color.

5. Up to about three months, children observe the world using peripheral vision... This is why newborns do not focus on the face of adults. And they can only see the details at a distance of 20-35 cm.

6. At the time of the birth of a child, his heart beats at a speed of 180 beats per minute. However, within a few hours the rhythm slows down to 140 beats. The normal adult value of 70-80 beats per minute is established only by the age of 12-16.

7. Chances of having a boy or girl the same - 50%. And yet there are always a few more boys born - and no one can say why. All the more surprising is the fact that the inhabitants of the country in which the hostilities are taking place, boys appear much more often than girls.

8. Child's blood type may not coincide with the blood group of the parents: there are often cases when a couple with I and II blood groups is born child III groups. Scientists have found that a child can have both the blood group of one of the parents and a "new" group, which is obtained as a result of the sum of the terms.

9. Found that fingerprints appear the fetus is still in the third month of pregnancy. And they remain for life.

10. Babies in the womb hear everything that happens "outside" and can react to the mood of the parent. Some newborns are not able to fall asleep in silence - because they used to constantly hear the beating of the heart and other noises from the mother's body.

11. According to recent studies, approximately from three months, children begin to recognize and prefer the faces of people of their own race. At the same time, in children around whom from the very early childhood there were people of different races, there are no specific preferences.

12. Approximately 10% of all newborns - left-handed, and this is manifested already in the first months of life. Interestingly, for twins, this percentage is even higher - 22%.

13. Newborn babies have congenital reflex diving and swimming... Thanks to the first, they instinctively hold their breath, plunging into the water - which does not allow them to choke. While in the water, the child makes movements with his arms and legs, reminiscent of strokes while swimming, and can hold out on the water for some time. However, this does not mean that they cannot drown. Therefore, do not flatter yourself, but rather look after the baby. He usually has no fear of water - and this can be used when in the future he will learn to swim for real.

14. Children start babbling at the age of six months. So far it is only "ma-ma" and "pa-pa". By the way, that is why these words - mom and dad - sound almost the same in different countries ah world. It is believed that the first monosyllabic, but meaningful children begin to pronounce words in a year and a half.

15. Surprising, but true. Premature babies are more likely to produce brilliant and successful babies.... Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Napoleon Bonaparte, Mark Twain, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Pablo Picasso, Auguste Renoir and Johann Goethe were born prematurely. The opinions of scientists are divided. Some believe that premature babies it takes more effort to survive. Others suspect that such children simply retain their own special, different outlook on the world longer.


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Nothing looks more fragile and defenseless than a newborn that you first pick up. But in fact, it turns out that in some way babies are very hardy and capable. Your newborn baby is able to get up interesting things that you can only dream of. But we managed to find out only thanks to the crazy scientific experiments- in any case, do not spend them over your child.

Fun fact: newborn babies can swim

One day, a group of scientists decided that it would be fun to dip 36 babies with their heads in cold water and check what will come of it. Surprisingly, instead of mass infanticide, they saw that the babies instinctively held their breath. They not only survived, but even laughed and smiled when they were taken out of the water.

Toddlers can do more than just hold their breath. Another experiment: the parents put the children in the water with their stomachs down and they began to kick and move their legs like a dog, which kept them afloat.

Studies have shown that babies can dive and swim, but this happens instinctively, and babies lose this ability by 6 months.

Small children can regrow their fingertips

Do not worry if your baby suddenly loses part of a limb. Dr. Christoph Allan believes that a child's body can regrow a fingertip if it is not interfered with.

Dr. Allan made this discovery with his little patient (the baby was eight at the time). The girl accidentally cut off the tip of her finger with a bicycle knitting needle and Dr. Allan could not sew it on, so he told her parents to just put the tip on her finger and maybe a miracle would happen.

A few weeks later, the girl went to see Dr. Allan again. She ignored the doctor's request, but the tip of her finger grew back. Further research only confirmed the fact that this is not an isolated case. The child's body is able to independently regenerate part of the phalanx if the damage has not reached the end of the nail plate.

Capturing a baby is equal in strength to that of a monkey

When a newborn baby wraps a hand around a finger of mom or dad, none of the parents in this touching moment asks the question - how high can I lift him until he unhooks?

Fortunately, scientists are thinking in this direction, and they found out the answer. It turned out that if you let the newborn take hold of your index fingers, the gripping force will be so strong that it will not fall when lifted into the air.

But don't try this trick at home, sometimes kids let their hands go in the air. Just take this already proven fact for granted.

Baby fingerprints fade quickly

Fingerprinting technology has allowed the fight against crime to take a step forward. Many cases are solved every day thanks to the fingerprints left at the crime scene. This problem would be solved if it was possible to train a group of toddlers and send them “on the job”. As it turned out, children's fingerprints disappear pretty quickly.

The experiment involved children under the age of 17. The subjects had to shake the bottle of alcohol, holding it with the index and thumbs, after which the prints were taken.

Scientists found that children's prints quickly disappeared, while adults remained. The researchers speculate that this is because there are more fatty acids on the surface of the skin of young children, so they quickly disappear.

Children can consume unlimited sugar

Sugar is metabolized differently in children than in adults. The child's body constantly requires sugar, which has a positive effect on development and can even be a pain reliever.

They were created to love sweets and can eat them without restriction. A product that contains more sugar than a can of Coca-Cola will be too sweet for an adult, but there is no such restriction for children.

The experiment consisted in the following: children were given a glass of sweet water and asked to say when it would be too sweet. At the end of the experiment, the smallest were given a glass of water so sweet that the sugar was no longer stirred, but even this was not the limit for them.

Newborns can crawl until they find a breast

Usually babies start crawling at 7-10 months. It turned out that this is because they have no incentive. If the baby is properly motivated, he can crawl until he gets out of the uterus.

The experiment was carried out on crumbs that were just born. The child was wiped off, put on the mother's stomach and did not feed. For the first 15 minutes, the children simply lay, then they began to suck air, and then they crawled to the mother's breast and sucked it.

So, you can make a newborn crawl if you leave it to itself for about an hour.

Babies act like a drug on the mother

If you have ever seen a mother holding her child in her arms, then you have seen a woman in the happiest and most peaceful state. And there is an explanation for this - the presence of the baby causes special chemical reactions in her brain.

From the first days of pregnancy, a woman's body produces oxytocin. We get this substance in the happiest moments (when we fall in love, have sex), and it gives us peace and well-being.

Mothers develop great amount oxytocin when they are caring for or touching the baby. Therefore, if mom Bad mood, it is enough for her to hold the child in her arms and everything will work out.

Newborns can eat as much as they want and not get fat.

You don't need to worry about your baby's weight. Newborns have a lot of brown fat (about 5% of total body weight), which burns calories at the speed of light.

It is this fat that helps the child not to die from hypothermia. When the temperature drops, brown fat begins to actively burn calories and generate heat. 85 grams of this substance can burn 400-500 calories per day.

If you have begun to envy children, then you are not alone. Some scientists are so jealous of the fat burning potential. child's body that they are trying to achieve the same results in adults, but so far unsuccessfully.

Children can speak dog language

Your kid may not understand everything you say, but he will definitely be able to understand some dog. Research into 6-month-old babies has shown that they can understand a dog's barking - even if they have never seen the animal before.

In the course of the study, the children were turned on recordings with cheerful and spiteful barking of dogs and at the same time were shown pictures depicting an angry or happy animal. Surprisingly, when recording with joyful barking, the children looked at the picture with a happy dog, and with an aggressive one, they chose the image of an evil one, since they instinctively understood the mood of the creature.

The fact that children could correctly match the tone of bark and the picture does not mean that they knew how to respond correctly. Subjects continued to smile at the sound of aggressive barking, so do not rely on their instinct for self-preservation.

The body of a newborn is able to grow a heart again

Scientists took a newborn mouse seven days old and cut off a piece of his heart. As practice shows, the government sponsors scientists precisely for such purposes. Incredibly, in just three weeks, the mouse's heart fully recovered and functioned absolutely normally.

Scientists believe that a similar function applies to all mammals, but this has not yet been proven. The luminaries of science, of course, are allowed a lot, but there is hardly anyone who will allow them to cut off a part of the heart of a newborn child.

Nature creates truly amazing defense mechanisms. Who would have thought that an ordinary baby is able to accomplish the almost impossible. And this, most likely, is not the limit. Let's see how scientists will delight us in the coming years.

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Some parents tell their baby: "You are the light of my life." But did you know that if you were the light, you would fly around everything the globe 7.5 times per second! If you became sound, you could fly around the Earth in 4 hours! If we lived on Jupiter, our day would consist of only 9 hours. It's good that on Earth a day lasts 24 hours, because we need to do so much throughout the day! These are just a few fun scientific facts that may interest both the curious child and the adult.

What is Science?

Science is an organized and sequential study involving observation, collection of scientific facts, experimentation, verification of results, and explanation of natural and man-made phenomena. This is an area that enables us to better understand the world and create good things for the benefit of man and all living beings.

Common scientific facts

Now that you know what this is about, here are some fun science facts:

  • If you stretch a human DNA strand, its length will be the distance from Pluto to the Sun and back.
  • When a person sneezes, the speed of their exhaled air is about 160 km / h.
  • A flea can jump to a height that exceeds its own height by 130 times. If the flea were 1.80 m tall, it could jump 230 m.
  • Electric eel produces electricity voltage of 650 volts. Touching it is the strongest shock a person can experience.
  • Light particles and photons take 40,000 years to travel from the core of the Sun to its surface, and only 8 minutes to reach the Earth.

Scientific facts about earth

Earth is our home. To take care of her, we need to know important information about her:

  • The Earth is between 5 and 6 billion years old. The Moon and the Sun are about the same age.
  • Our planet is composed mainly of iron, silicon and relatively small amount magnesium.
  • Earth is the only planet in the solar system with water on its surface and 21% oxygen in the atmosphere.
  • The surface of the Earth is made up of tectonic plates located on the mantle, a layer located between the Earth's core and the surface. This structure of the earth's surface explains earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
  • About 8.7 million species of living organisms live on Earth. Of these, 2.2 million species live in the ocean and the rest on land.
  • ¾ The Earth's surface is covered with water. When astronauts first saw Earth from space, they saw mostly water. This is where the name "blue planet" comes from.

Environmental facts

Why are the seasons changing? What happens to the garbage after we throw it away? What makes the weather hot or cool? Children learn this and much more in nature studies lessons at school. Consider some of the facts that convince us of what a wonderful planet we live on.

  • Plastic decomposes completely in the earth in 450 years, and glass in 4,000 years.
  • Every day in the world 27,000 trees are used only for the manufacture of toilet paper.
  • 97% of all water on Earth is salty and unusable. 2% of the water is in glaciers. Therefore, only 1% of water is suitable for consumption.
  • The meat processing industry contributes the most to global warming. Deforestation is in second place among global problems. About 68% existing species plants are likely to die out soon.
  • The population of the Earth is more than 7 billion people. This figure is expected to reach 8 billion by 2025.
  • Unfortunately, according to scientists, 99% of existing species of living organisms will become extinct.

Fun facts about animals

The animal kingdom is beautiful and amazing. It contains tame otters, powerful eels, singing whales, giggling rats, sex-changing oysters, and many other equally amazing representatives. Here are some facts about animals that your child will surely like:

  • Octopuses have three hearts. Even more strange fact: lobster urinary tract are on the face, and turtles breathe through the anus.
  • In seahorses, the offspring are males, not females.
  • The kakapo parrot has a strong Strong smell that attracts predators. This is why the kakapo are endangered.
  • A squirrel plants more trees than the average person in a lifetime. How can this be? The fact is that squirrels hide acorns and nuts under the ground, and then they forget exactly where they were hidden.
  • Lions are mostly hunted by lionesses. Lions only intervene when needed.

Interesting facts about plants

Plants green our planet, produce oxygen, make the Earth habitable. Trees and plants are probably the most useful among the living inhabitants of the Earth. Here are some interesting facts about plants:

  • Like humans, plants recognize other plants in their species.
  • In total, there are more than 80,000 edible plants on Earth. We eat about 30 of them.
  • Humanity is rapidly destroying forests. About 80% of all forests have already been destroyed.
  • The oldest tree in the world (sequoia) is located in the USA, in the state of California. His age is 4 843 years.
  • The height of the tallest tree in the world is 113 m. It is also located in California.
  • The largest tree in the world is aspen, growing in the United States, in the state of Utah. Its weight is 6,000 tons.

Space facts

Sun, stars, planets, Milky Way, constellations and everything that is in the Universe is located in vacuum space. We call it space. We offer several interesting facts about him:

  • The Earth is tiny compared to the Sun, which is 300,000 times its size.
  • The whole space is absolutely soundless, because sound does not propagate in a vacuum.
  • Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. The temperature on the surface of Venus is 450 ° C.
  • The force of gravity changes a person's weight by different planets... For example, the force of gravity on Mars is lower than on Earth, so a person weighing 80 kg on Mars will weigh only 31 kg.
  • Since the moon has no atmosphere or water, nothing can erase the tracks of astronauts who set foot on its surface. Therefore, traces are likely to remain here for another hundred million years.
  • The core temperature of the Sun - the closest star to Earth - is 15 million degrees Celsius.

Facts about famous scientists

For a long time, people thought that the Earth was flat, that the change of seasons depends on the mood of the gods, and evil spirits cause disease. This continued until the great scientists proved the opposite. Without them, we would still be living in ignorance.

  • Albert Einstein was a genius, but his talents were revealed quite late. After the death of the scientist, his brain was the subject of numerous studies.
  • Nicolaus Copernicus refuted the theory that the Earth is the center of the universe. He developed a model Solar system, in the center of which is the sun.
  • Leonardo da Vinci was not only an artist. He was also an outstanding mathematician, scientist, writer and even musician.
  • Archimedes invented the law of fluid displacement while taking a bath. It's funny that, according to legend, he jumped out of the bath, shouting "Eureka!" He was so excited that he forgot that he was not wearing any clothes.
  • Marie Curie, the woman chemist who discovered radium, was the first person in the world to win the Nobel Prize twice.

Scientific facts from the world of technology

Technology is the engine of progress. We are so addicted to technology in Everyday life that it is even scary. Here are some fun facts about technical devices that we encounter on a daily basis:

  • The first computer game appeared in 1967. It was called "brown box" (translated from English - "brown box"), because that is what it looked like.
  • The world's first computer, ENIAC, weighed over 27 tons and occupied an entire room.
  • Internet and The World Wide Web Are not the same thing.
  • Robotics is one of the most relevant scientific fields today. However, back in 1495, Leonardo da Vinci drew the world's first robot diagram.
  • "Camera Obscura" - a prototype of a camera that influenced the development of photography. It was used in Ancient Greece and China for projecting images on the screen.
  • Exists interesting technology in which plant waste is used to generate methane, which in turn can be used to generate electricity.

Engineering Science Facts

Engineering helps create beautiful things - from homes and cars to electronic gadgets.

  • The highest bridge in the world is the Millau viaduct in France. It is located at a height of 245 m, supported by beams suspended by cables.
  • The Palm Islands in Dubai can be called a modern wonder of the world. These are man-made islands floating on water.
  • The world's largest particle accelerator is located in Geneva. It was built to aid the research of more than 10,000 scientists and is located in an underground tunnel.
  • The Chandra Space Observatory is the world's largest X-ray telescope. It is also the largest satellite ever launched into space.
  • Today the most ambitious project in the world is the New Valley in Egypt. Engineers are trying to convert millions of hectares of desert into agricultural land. Imagine what it would be like if we could green the Earth in the same way! Our planet would regain its original purity!

Science is a wonderful field that inspires many people. All you need is to get the child interested in her. And who knows, maybe your child will grow up to be the second Einstein.

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Interesting facts for kids are very popular. After all, babies constantly need food for their mind. It is often for this reason that they are called "why." They want to know everything and they ask thousands of questions. In this article, we have collected the most that will help children expand their horizons and increase their level of erudition.

Although in fairness it must be said that not even all adults know what we are going to tell you about right now. So let's go!

    1. Have you heard this expression: "This is a no brainer"? This phrase was invented by Soviet children. When there were many children in schools, classes were formed with the letters A, B, C, D and D. However, for lagging children with poor academic performance, there were additional classes: E, F, I. So it turned out that Hedgehogs are poor students, and the expression "a no brainer" was used to explain the most elementary things that are clear even to the last poor students.
    2. The shortest war in human history lasted 38 minutes. This happened in 1896. When England attacked Zanzibar, the Sultan surrendered exactly 38 minutes later, losing about 570 men. On the British side, only one soldier was wounded.
    3. Do you know who invented ordinary scissors? Or do you think they have always existed? So the scissors were invented by one of the greatest scientists of all time -.
    4. Do you know what to sneeze with open eyes will not work? So either sneeze or stare. One out of two!
    1. And this interesting fact for children will surprise many children. The fact is that in China, no matter how funny it sounds, people who know English more than in the USA. Think how this is possible! As a hint, we add that all Chinese schools teach English, and the population of the country is 1.3 billion, against 320 million of the US population.
    2. Do you know which of the living beings has the most big eyes? This is a giant squid. Its eye is about the size of a soccer ball. That is his vision, I guess!
    3. But about the ostrich, you most likely heard different jokes, they say, it is a very stupid creature. If this is true, then it is not surprising. After all, an ostrich's eyes are larger than its brain! Can you imagine that ?!
    4. More about this outlandish bird. There is a widespread myth that ostriches, when they are afraid of something, hide their heads in the sand. So know that this is not true, and pure water artifice.
    5. Despite the fact that we are talking about Interesting Facts for children, let us make one more remark. In general, at starfish(these are animals) there is no brain at all. It's a shame for them, I guess!
    6. Human ears and nose never stop growing. With the help of this interesting fact, children will understand why grandparents sometimes have such big ears or noses.
    7. Interestingly, women blink almost twice as often as men. Are they just more shy?
    8. Who are lefties? These are those who are much more comfortable writing and doing all things not with their right, but with their left hand. So it is believed that left-handers live several years less than right-handers. This is due to the fact that almost all things in the world are created for right-handers, therefore, accidents often happen to left-handers. However, with all this, it was among the left-handers that there were the greatest and most brilliant people in the entire history of mankind.
    9. Among interesting facts for children, one can find the statement that in his entire life, a person eats about 8 spiders in a dream. But this is absolutely stupid - don't believe it!
    10. Have you ever seen a rhino? What do you think his horn is made of? Okay, let's not torture you, but let's say right away that the rhino horn consists of compacted hair. How!
    11. The youngest Pope ascended the throne at the age of 11. So you don't have to be an adult to achieve great goals.
    12. Do you like to sleep when you need to go, for example, to school? If yes, then you will like this interesting fact for children. The fact is that snails can sleep for three years. Imagine how reluctant they are to go somewhere!
    1. Polar bears are one of the most dangerous and powerful predators on earth. However, they are also some of the most beautiful animals! So the skin of polar bears is black. And the fur is not white, but transparent, can you imagine!
    2. Do you know which muscle a person has the strongest? Do you think this is biceps? No, my friends, the strongest muscle in human body Is a language.
    3. Surely you know that all animals are conventionally divided into two types: domestic and wild. So over the past 4 thousand years, not a single animal has become a domesticated one. Cats, dogs, horses and many other animals known to us were domesticated more than 4 thousand years ago.
    4. Did you know that all babies are born without knee caps? They appear only after two years.
    5. And this is an interesting fact for female children. A Barbie doll, if it were of ordinary human height, would have a neck twice as long as the standard one.
    6. Another fact from the animal world. As regrettable as it sounds, the crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.
  1. Polar bears, which we already wrote about above, are almost all left-handed.
  2. Butterflies determine the taste of food with their little paws. In the summer you will tell your friends about it.
  3. If you've read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, then you should know that this is the world's first novel written on a typewriter. Until that time, all books were written with pen and ink, and then they were printed in special printing houses.
  4. Despite their gigantic size, elephants are considered very kind animals. But they have one sad secret that they don't tell anyone. The point is that elephants cannot jump. Surely the children will find it simply unthinkable!
  5. Did you know that dragonflies, which children love to catch in summer, are not simple insects, but predators? They eat flies, spiders and various midges. Moreover, they are very dexterous hunters, and if they decide to catch some kind of fly, then it will hardly be able to get away from the chase.
  6. By the way, do you have a cat at home? If so, then know that a cat has 32 muscles in each ear. So be careful with them, because they hear everything!
  7. Tigers have striped skin, not just fur. So if we shave them bald, they will still remain striped.
  8. And this is not only an interesting fact for children, but for adults too. Its essence lies in the fact that a person, on average, falls asleep for about 7 minutes. So you will have time to count many sheep.

Well, this is where we will end the interesting facts for children. Of course, you will still have many questions, and in the next issues we will try to replenish your knowledge box even more.