Regional hospital, audiological center. About the department

Regional consultative polyclinic (OKP) of a state institution budgetary institution health care "Regional clinical Hospital"until 1949 it was an independent medical institution and was called the" collective farm clinic. " regional hospital, in a separate four-storey building, built in 1973, according to the 1969 project. The design capacity of the polyclinic is 500 visits per shift.

OKP is the center for the provision of specialized medical advice to the population of the Tver region and residents of the city of Tver. In 1975, 18 doctors conducted medical appointments in 14 specialties. 1986 - 1988 in accordance with new organization consultative and diagnostic polyclinics, the number of doctors increased to 32, the number of medical specialties to 24. In the same period, the diagnostic base significantly expanded - departments were organized ultrasound diagnostics, endoscopic research; equipped with new equipment of the department functional diagnostics and x-ray. Currently, 55 doctors in 18 therapeutic and 13 surgical specialties carry out consultations. To increase the availability of specialized advisory medical care a number of medical appointments began to work on an extended timetable (until 18.00): pulmonological, endocrinological, gastroenterological, cardiovascular surgeon, hematological, urological and gynecological. Since October 2010, a new structural department has been opened - the Center for Preventive Angioneurology, instead of the Center for the Treatment and Prevention of Cerebrovascular Diseases, on the basis of the introduction of the Federal Program.

Since September 2010, the program “ Electronic Record", Which provides preliminary registration of patients for an appointment at the OKB polyclinic, directly from the Central District Hospital.

Thanks to the introduction of this software product, it will be possible to reduce social tension in the regional healthcare system, resolve the issue of the availability of medical care, and reduce the number of complaints from the population.

The introduction of this system allows the central district hospitals of the Tver region to book their patients for an appointment with a doctor of any specialty of the regional consultative clinic at a convenient time and day for him.

Reception of patients by electronic appointment makes up 25% of the total flow of patients.

To date, 33 health care facilities of the Tver region and 2 city hospitals in the city of Tver (GB # 1 and GB # 4) are connected to the Electronic Record program.

Since October 25, 2010 in the GUZ "OKB" it became possible to pre-register patients for an appointment with specialists via a multi-channel telephone ( call-Centre) for those CRHs that are not yet able to work with the "Electronic Record" program. The registration of the patient by phone is made directly from the CRH by a medical registrar or a doctor.

Since February 2012, an appointment has been made through the call-center to narrow specialists residents of Tver in the second shift. Recorded daily about 30 people.

The structure of the polyclinic includes, in addition to specialized consultative receptions, several specialized centers organized on the basis of orders of the Ministry of Health and the Department of Health of the Tver Region:

Regional Diabetological Center;

Regional Rheumatology Center;

Regional center of audiology and hearing aid;

Center for the treatment of war and labor veterans;

Auxiliary diagnostic units in the polyclinic are represented by:

X-ray department;

Department of functional diagnostics;

Department of ultrasound diagnostics;

Endoscopy offices;

Offices of clinical and biochemical laboratories.

A number of specialized medical procedures carried out in the OKP are not represented in any health facility in the Tver region and the city of Tver, these are:

Reception of a cardiac surgeon (cardiovascular surgeon);

Reception of a neurosurgeon;

Reception of a hematologist;

Reception of an endocrinologist;

Reception of a podiatric surgeon;

Audiologist (hearing aids).

The structure of the regional advisory clinic

An audiologist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of ear diseases associated with hearing loss. Ear - enough complex organ, and a violation of the receptivity of sounds can occur due to changes in its different parts. The task of the audiologist is to determine the cause of hearing loss, assess the possibility of its restoration and conduct a conservative or surgery... Also, the audiologist is engaged in the selection of hearing aids and the rehabilitation of patients with irreversible hearing loss. People with chronic diseases ear in mandatory should undergo regular diagnostics by an audiologist for timely detection possible exacerbations and taking measures to preserve hearing.

Factors that negatively affect hearing can be infectious diseases, heredity, long-term stay in places with a significant background noise or under the influence of vibration, acoustic trauma. In addition, the cause of hearing loss and hearing loss can be disorders in the parts of the brain responsible for the analysis of incoming sounds and sounds correctly conducted by the ears. In this case, the audiologist interacts with the neuropathologist in the process of diagnosis and treatment.

Diagnosis by an audiologist

Symptoms of hearing impairment can be worn different character... This can be tinnitus, decreased speech intelligibility, general hearing impairment, difficulty in determining the direction of sound, imbalance. Any of the listed symptoms requires an appointment with an audiologist.

To determine the causes of hearing loss, it is often necessary to conduct general examinations to identify infections, study heredity, and analyze working conditions. To determine the level of hearing loss and localization pathological process in the ear, the audiologist applies specific techniques:

  • threshold audiometry;
  • tympanometry;
  • impedance measurement;
  • electroacoustic emission;
  • otoacoustic emission


The spectrum of diseases that cause hearing loss is wide enough. The task of differential diagnostics for an audiologist is to determine the pathology, its localization and causes. This information allows you to make an accurate diagnosis. The most common diseases diagnosed by an audiologist are:

  • otitis;
  • otosclerosis;
  • perforation of the tympanic membrane;
  • mastoiditis;
  • sensorineural hearing loss;
  • tumors of the middle ear;
  • epitympanitis;
  • mesotympanitis;
  • Miniere's disease.

Hearing loss treatment

Treatment for hearing loss depends on the diagnosis, the cause of the disease, and the degree of development of the pathology. Conservative treatment can be combined with surgery. Currently, audiologists use laser technology to treat ear diseases.

In case of irreversible changes in hearing, the doctor helps in the selection of the hearing aid, adjusts it and assists in adaptation. The audiologist ensures regular monitoring of hearing and prevention of exacerbations in chronic patients with hearing loss, and, if necessary, readjusts the parameters of the hearing aid or replaces it.

The Surdological Center BUZ VO VOKB No. 1 was formed as a result of the merger of the audiology room and the hearing aid department in 2011.

In the conditions of the audiological center, selection of patients with chronic suppurative otitis media, adhesive middle ear disease, otosclerosis for the provision of high-tech medical care (tympanoplasty with sanitizing intervention, stapedoplasty with reconstruction of anatomical structures and sound-conducting apparatus of the middle ear using microsurgical techniques, allogeneic grafts and including metal) in the conditions of the otorhinolaryngological department No. 2.

as well as patients with Meniere's disease for the provision of high-tech medical care (drainage of endolymphatic spaces inner ear), with the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, in the conditions of federal centers, as well as patients with bilateral deafness for cochlear implantation in the conditions of federal centers.

In the audiological center, dynamic observation (dispensary registration) of patients with diseases accompanied by hearing impairment is carried out, as well as the selection and referral of patients for treatment to federal centers.

In the Center, highly qualified assistance is provided by doctors:

  • audiologists-otorhinolaryngologists,
  • neurologists,
  • speech therapist teacher-defectologist,
  • acoustics engineers-hearing aids.

Are applied following methods diagnosis and treatment

  • Tonal threshold audiometry, including in the extended high-frequency range.
  • Suprathreshold tone tests.
  • Impedance audiometry.
  • Speech audiometry in a free sound field.
  • Study of short-latency auditory evoked potentials.
  • Vestibulometry using rotational. caloric, pressor tests, as well as provocative tests, positional tests.
  • Research of psychoemotional status.
  • Classes on adaptation to the hearing aid.
  • Hearing reeducation classes.
  • Classes on teaching lip reading.
  • Selection, tincture and repair of hearing aids.
  • Diagnosis of speech disorders.

The Department of Hearing Prosthetics provides engineering and technical advice on the selection, adjustment and repair of hearing aids.

Deaf teachers conduct classes with hearing impaired patients on adaptation to hearing aids, hearing reeducation, learning to read from the lips, and speech correction.

The audiological center is equipped with the audiological equipment of the firms "Interacustiks" and "Grasson-Stadler".

Reception by the specialists of the center is carried out in the direction of otorhinolaryngologists, doctors general practice, local therapists, neurologists from medical institutions Voronezh and the region.

Head of the center Tvildiani Tatyana Aleksandrovna, audiologist-otorhinolaryngologist of the first category, hearing aid.

For the first time on the territory of the Murmansk region, an audiology room was organized in 1976.
Since 2001, he has been in charge of the audiology office - a doctor of the first category Oksana Starodubtseva.

The audiological office refers to a specialized purpose-oriented service, provides consultative, diagnostic, pedagogical, curative care the population with hearing and speech impairments in the city of Murmansk and the region.

The audiological office of the Moscow Clinical Hospital is the main institution in the Murmansk region, on the basis of which medical and rehabilitation assistance is provided to children and adults with hearing problems of various etiologies.
The office is equipped with modern hearing-measuring and other special equipment (audiometers, impedance meters, tympanometers, devices for recording otoacoustic emissions, an apparatus for recording evoked short-latency auditory potentials, an analyzer of hearing aids, a sound chamber).
Modern diagnostic equipment makes it possible to detect hearing impairment in patients at any age (starting from the first days of life.

In the audiology office, audiologists, deaf teachers (teachers-defectologists) conduct an appointment.
On the basis of the office, there is a group of medical equipment that provides preferential issuance and repair of hearing aids.

Since 2001, a laboratory for the production of individual earmolds has been operating.
Since November 2008, on the basis of the audiological office of the Moscow Clinical Hospital, a project has been implemented "Health"- universal audiological screening of newborns and children of the first year of life. The main goal of the project is to provide timely medical and rehabilitation assistance, including high-tech, to children with hearing impairments.
Now we can say with confidence that thanks to the implementation of this national project, the problem early diagnosis hearing impairment in children on the territory of the Murmansk region has practically been resolved.

Within the framework of the "Health" project cochlear implantation is carried out, which is the most important high-tech and highly effective method of rehabilitation for children with congenital deafness. The results of cochlear implantation significantly exceed the results of traditional hearing aids, which will further significantly reduce the number of hearing impaired children.

The specialists of the audiology office carry out joint work with FSI "Russian scientific and practical center audiology and hearing aid "(Moscow) and Federal State Institution "St. Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech"(St. Petersburg) on ​​the selection and preparation of patients for high-tech types of medical care.