Example method in modern education of schoolchildren. What examples are used in the process of education. From the methods of education, it is necessary to distinguish the means of education. Means of education are those specific activities or forms of educational work, types of activities

Methods of educating schoolchildren are pedagogical methods aimed at the formation and development of the child's personality, his views, values, beliefs and habits.

Features of the methods of educating schoolchildren

Methods of education at school are selected depending on the educational situation, the degree of effectiveness of education for a particular child, his age and individual features. Methods are closely related to the methods and means of education, which include labor, regime and creativity.

Modern methods of education at school can be divided into general and private. Methods ensure the effectiveness of education and educational process.

The choice of the method of educating schoolchildren depends on the following factors:

  • age features child;
  • social environment, beliefs and skills of the child;
  • individual characteristics of the child, including abilities, priorities, inclinations and interests, behavior and consciousness;
  • psychological features;
  • problems, lags and shortcomings in the development and upbringing of the child.

The main methods of educating younger students

Education methods junior schoolchildren are the key to the further correct formation of the child's personality, his attitude to people and the world around him.

An important aspect of the education of schoolchildren is work, which is a method of educating willpower, responsibility and endurance. Labor is needed early years, but labor process should be controlled and not allowed to overload the child.

The main method of educating schoolchildren is the formation of beliefs. This method includes conversation, dialogue, example, clarification, play and creativity. With the help of these methods of educating willpower, understanding and responsibility, views on life, moral standards and foundations are formed. correct behavior.

The method of explanation is to introduce the child to the concepts of behavior in society, the school regime, rights and obligations, moral standards. This method is often combined with other methods of education (conversation, dialogue and a good example).

The conversation is aimed at forming the psychological characteristics of the child's personality, interests and life principles. The conversation can be frontal and individual, as well as with the formation of certain questions for schoolchildren, tasks with the achievement of results and conclusions. Questions should encourage students to think and reason, arouse keen interest and be relevant. During the conversation, students should form their attitude to public life and events in it. At the end of the conversation, it is necessary to summarize and summarize the thoughts of the students.

most important initial method education of schoolchildren is an example to follow, which affects the perception and consciousness of students, forming in them moral and moral guidelines in life. An example to follow could be real people(parents, relatives, friends, teachers, etc.), and fairy tale characters, saints, fictional and mythical heroes. Imitation should be based on the desire to improve in virtue, morality, physical and spiritual achievement. The child must connect positive examples with his life and actions.

An example to follow, as a method of educating schoolchildren, allows the teacher to concretize and prove certain theoretical information, moral norms and the foundations of moral behavior. It is important for the teacher to deeply reveal the presented role model, since superficial acquaintance and the lack of emotional disclosure of the example does not carry an educational character for students.

This method of education at school can have not only a positive, but also a negative value. The example can be negative to contrast and illustrate wrong actions and actions that are reprehensible and should not be done.

Effective methods of educating younger students can be presented in game, cognitive, physical and creative forms. For parents and teachers, an important task is to maintain the interest of the child, involve him in the process of education and unlock the inherent potential.

Methods of parenting teenagers

The methods of educating teenagers include conversation, lecture and debate. In high school, conversations should be aimed at shaping citizenship, awareness of one's duty, duties and life principles. The teacher must motivate students, encourage discussion of a particular topic and summarize the conclusions.

Analogies, comparisons and comparisons have a positive effect on the conversation. Older students need to be involved in the discussion process, discover new knowledge and prove their reasoning.

The lecture as a method of educating schoolchildren consists in a verbal presentation of the material and a lively discussion of the knowledge gained. After the main part of the lecture, students should ask incomprehensible or clarifying questions in order to most effectively learn the material covered. The theoretical part of the lecture should be closely related to practical experience. Lectures can be held at different form, including using audio and video materials, visual aids. The film lecture hall is most effective for older students, helping to consistently, visually and colorfully present the material.

The methods of educating teenagers include a dispute, which is an open, lively and dynamic communication, exchange of opinions and discussion. During the dispute, it is important not to switch to an emotional showdown and a sharp proof of your opinion. Students during the debate should use their knowledge, erudition, logic, culture of communication and temperament. As part of the debate, you can discuss the main topic of the lesson, literary work, social events, articles and films.

The methods of educating schoolchildren form worldview concepts and the foundations of morality, appealing to the intellect, emotions and feelings of the student.

It is provided by a combination of the use of various methods, such as persuasion, exercise, example, competition, encouragement, coercion.


The method of persuasion is the main method of the educational process, which is the influence of the teacher on the rational sphere of consciousness of pupils. It guarantees the solution of the key task of educating children - the formation of their attitude to the world, worldview, high moral and civil qualities conscious self-confidence.

Persuasion acquires special significance in the criteria for the transformation of all spheres of public life. The purpose of persuasion - first of all, is to create, strengthen or change the views, concepts, assessments of the object of action, that is, the student, so that he accepts the point of view of the persuader and follows these principles in his own behavior and social activities.

Persuasion as a method appeals to the mind, experience, logic, and emotions of a person, ensures his voluntary acceptance of ideas, independent understanding and their transformation into motives of behavior. Therefore, it is most often used in the psychological and pedagogical direction. It is very important that as a result of persuasion, children develop a firm conviction in the truth of the views they have assimilated, the ability to protect their convictions, actively put them into practice, and fight against false, dubious ideas.

An interesting feature of persuasion is that the degree of persuasive action largely depends on the degree of interest in this pupil, to whom the this action. That is, it is possible to convince a person of something only if he himself wants to understand and comprehend the information addressed to him, weigh and evaluate the ratio of arguments to conclusions, and conclusions to his own life experience, and, if they are sufficiently coordinated, agree with them. .

Exercise Method


The method of exercise in education is traditionally understood as such a system of organization Everyday life, activity, learning process, which allows students to gain experience correct conduct, independence in solving problems, improve their personal properties, feelings and will, form positive habits, guarantee integrity between knowledge, beliefs and behavior, word and occupation.

Educational exercise is not just "mechanical training". It is carried out in the process of deliberately overcoming problems in solving vital didactic tasks provided by the subjects and programs studied at school.

Exercise as a method of education guarantees the involvement of children in a systematic, specially organized socially useful activity that contributes to the development of habits, skills of cultural behavior, communication in a team, perseverance in study and work.

The implementation of exercises is always preceded by a solid study of abstract material by students and painstaking instruction by the teacher. This allows students to perform a systematic step-by-step recreation of the actions necessary for the development of specific properties, with their gradual complication, increasing the level of difficulty, adding an element of personal creativity.

Characteristics of the example method


The example method is a purposeful and systematic action on the consciousness and behavior of children by a system of positive samples, designed to serve as a prototype for reproduction, the basis for the formation of perfection. social behavior means and stimulus of self-education.

The educational meaning of an example is determined by its social value. The example contains social experience, the results of people's activities and behavior. Each example has a certain content, social significance. This means that a positive example is an opinion directly historical. A positive example in our understanding is such exemplary actions, deeds, properties of people, ways and methods of achieving the set goals of activity that suit our standard. IN educational attitude the most valuable are those positive examples that are rich in ideological content, a high degree development of the properties of an individual or a team and can serve as a noble prototype for reproduction.

The example develops into self-action as a result of the child's assimilation of a morally and aesthetically attractive perfection, a standard. Children tend to identify with famous person, the hero of a work of art, imitate their actions, behavior and lifestyle.

According to the type of action on the consciousness of students, examples can be divided into two large groups:

  • examples of specific impact (our example of educators, the example of friends, the positive example of people with whom children are in constant contact);
  • examples of indirect impact (examples of life and work prominent people; examples from the history of their own country, labor heroism, examples from literature and art).

Encouragement as a method of education


Encouragement as a method of education is a way of external functional stimulation, encouraging the student to positive, proactive creative activity. It is performed with the support of public recognition of success, rewarding, alternate satisfaction of spiritual and material needs.

When used in various types activities of students: educational, gaming, labor, social or household encouragement, the teacher achieves an increase in the efficiency and properties of their work, promotes the self-affirmation of schoolchildren.

encouragement calls positive emotions, and thereby gives rise to conviction, creates an optimistic mood and a healthy socio-psychological climate, increases responsibility, helps the development of internal creative forces of the educated, their positive life position. Encouragement, especially undeserved one, especially feeds the excessive ambition of some people, their desire to succeed only for the sake of reward, regardless of the means of achieving it.

The incentive system, as the moral maturation of schoolchildren occurs, develops from predominantly material incentives to predominantly moral ones. The attitude of children to encouragement can give the teacher information about the pride and ambition of children, their attitude to classes, to rewards, and also about the true motives of the activity and the orientation of the individual. The effectiveness of encouraging students often depends on the teacher. He evaluates the results of their studies and behavior, approves or condemns their actions, deeds.

The teacher can use a variety of encouragement techniques - expressing satisfaction with the work of individual children or the entire class, praise, approval, a call to follow the example of the best. All this requires the teacher to be able to master the methodology of encouragement and actively use it in their own activities.

Method of coercion in education

Another method of education is coercion.


Coercion is characterized as the use of such measures on students that encourage them to perform their duties despite their unwillingness to recognize guilt and correct their behavior.

Coercion is used pedagogically correctly when it is based on persuasion and other methods of education. It is necessary to use coercion appropriately, not to get carried away and not to abuse it.

First of all, you need to convince, and later to force. The categorical requirements that the educator makes to the educated, in case of their misunderstanding of the latter, must certainly be explained and argued. He must see to it that they are carried out and take action against those students who evade it. Impunity, lack of performance give rise to irresponsibility. However, in any fact of indulgence, the teacher must be guided.

Pupils negatively perceive unreasonable threats to use repressive measures, as well as frequent complaints to the school management about their lack of diligence in their studies. Before that, the teacher is only obliged to find means of his own action against those who show dishonesty: increase control over learning, determine the deadline for completing specific tasks, conduct a conversation in the presence of other students, and blame the offender in the team.

In his teaching practice many teachers very often face one problem - disrespect, and often ignoring the suggestions and moralizing of the teacher. This is due to the decrease in the authority of the teacher. How to increase your authority and instill in students that the personality of the teacher is worthy of their respect? Let's think about why there are similar problems. The teaching staff has its own infrastructure, in which at first glance everything is simple - there is a leader educational institution- the director, there are those responsible for training, for education, there are curators in each class - class teachers. In fact, this system has more complex structure and it is based on the relationships of all members of the school community, including students. After all, schoolchildren are also full members of this community, they also have the right to express their opinion, defend their point of view and must obey the norms and rules adopted at school.

It is impossible to force them to do something against their will, but it is quite possible to act in another way. It is pointless to beat on pity, modern youth is infinitely cynical and cold-blooded. Persuade and inspire, giving strong arguments in the spirit biblical stories also ineffective. Will only help personal example. Work at school has now ceased to be as prestigious as it was at least twenty years ago, teachers receive little, and the requirements for their work have increased several times. It is very difficult sometimes to keep yourself in shape and feel confident in the future. Pupils feel this uncertainty very well, and as soon as the teacher gives in, they immediately seize the initiative in their own hands.

I would especially like to say about the ethics of communication between teachers, both among themselves and with students. In no case, under any circumstances, should the principal reprimand the teacher. Nevertheless, many leaders sin with this, while raising their authority and reducing the authority of the teacher. Teachers, when communicating in the presence of their wards, should call themselves officially, by their first name and patronymic, avoiding familiarity, which leads to ridicule on the part of students and also reduces their authority. In no case should the teacher enter into a verbal skirmish with students with insults and mutual reproaches, because this also reduces authority, and irrevocably.

Let's move on to the main question - about a personal example. Do you know why kids hate adults the most? For hypocrisy. They can forgive groundless reproaches, misunderstanding, nit-picking, whatever, attributing it to the age barrier in their outlook on life. But hypocrisy they can not forgive, for anything. If you tell students that old age should be respected, and you yourself are rude to your student's grandmother, this is hypocrisy. If you say that you can’t offend kids, and you yourself beat your child, this is also hypocrisy. If you say that you should strive for knowledge, that there is strength in it, but you yourself are afraid to approach the computer - and this, oddly enough, is also hypocrisy. You can avoid hypocrisy in a simple way You just have to always tell the truth. If you do not believe in this, then it is better not to lie, the deception will be revealed sooner or later.

Leading by example really works wonders. When a student is in class physical education cannot climb the rope, and the teacher himself cannot do this because of his obesity or frailty, then no persuasion and punishment will help. Only when the student sees that the impossible is not required of him, that even an adult teacher can do it easily and naturally, only then will he also want to do it. And not just want, he will strive to surpass his teacher. Isn't this the main objective pedagogy? This applies not only physical strength, but also mental capacity, appearance, demeanor, self-confidence and other things. Opportunities to impress and earn the recognition and trust of students abound, for this you need to write a separate book.

Teachers who, by their personal example, confirm their own views and beliefs, enjoy indisputable authority. They take an example from them, they are equal to them, they are quoted, they are talked about, and even the attacks of the headmaster, which were mentioned above, cannot affect their authority. On the contrary, in such a situation, as a rule, students find themselves on the side of their authoritative teacher and in every possible way condemn anyone who dares to doubt his infallibility. The teacher must be responsible for his words, deeds, but most importantly, he must be an authority for his students. Not all teachers succeed, there are different difficult situations when the situation just gets out of control, but you need to strive for this.

Question 15

parenting method It is a way to achieve the goal of education, a way to get a result.

parenting reception- a private expression of the method. In the process of practical activity, the method is divided into techniques that help in achieving the goals of education. Thus, techniques are related to methods as the particular is to the general.

In the practice of the educational process, there are various methods upbringing: persuasion, positive example, personal example, demand, affectionate touch to the pupil, trust, distrust, accustoming, assignment, threat, forgiveness, etc.

G.I. Schukina, Yu.K. Babansky, V.A. Slastenin offer the following classification:

methods of consciousness formation (conversation, story, dispute, lecture, example);

Methods of organizing activities and forming experience public behavior(accustoming, exercise, assignment, creation of educational situations, requirement, public opinion);

methods of stimulating activity and behavior (competition, reward, punishment).

Imagine a group of methods that serve as the basis for various classifications. These are methods: persuasion; exercises; promotions; punishment; example.

method of persuasion. Persuasion is one of the ways to influence the personality, the method of influencing the consciousness, feelings and will of the pupil in order to develop a conscious attitude towards surrounding reality.

The method of persuasion forms the views of the pupil, the motives of behavior and actions.

With the help of this method, the norms of behavior are revealed, the necessity of correct behavior is proved, the significance of certain norms of behavior is shown for the individual.

The method of persuasion contributes to the development of the pupil's confidence in the correctness of this or that knowledge, statement, opinion. Therefore, using this method, it is necessary to convey and fix certain information in the mind of the pupil, to form confidence in relation to it. Conviction in the correctness of the idea is formed in the process of practical human activity.

How persuasion techniques the educator can use a story, a conversation, an explanation, a dispute.

Story(information method of persuasion) is a consistent presentation of factual material, carried out in a narrative form. Requirements for the story: consistency, consistency and evidence of presentation, clarity, imagery, emotionality, taking into account the age characteristics of pupils.

Conversation- this is a question-answer method of active interaction between the educator and pupils. For the effectiveness of the result, it is important for the educator to think over a system of questions that leads the pupil to correct conclusions. Usually, main, additional and clarifying questions are outlined. The persuasive meaning of the conversation is the higher, the more reliance on own experience pupil. There are conversations: aesthetic, political, ethical, cognitive, about sports, work, etc.

Conversations can be held with one pupil (individual), with several (group), be pre-planned and urgent (in the wake of an event, act).

A.S. Makarenko successfully used “delayed” conversations in education (for example, concerning the act of the pupil, but conducted not immediately, but after a while, so that he himself could realize what was done).

Interview requirements:

Its material should be close to children, their experience, arouse interest, excite them;

It is necessary to build questions in such a way as to make pupils think, analyze their knowledge and their life experience according to this issue;

during the conversation, one should not condemn wrong opinions too quickly and strictly, one must ensure that the pupils themselves come to the right conclusions;

The continuation of the conversation should be the activity of pupils to implement the approved norms of behavior.

Persuasion is also dispute as an active expression by pupils of their opinions, proof and upholding them in a collective discussion of a problem. The dispute is effective way activating pupils in order to develop their ability to debate, defend their views, and respect the opinions of their comrades. This method of persuasion teaches us to abandon a false point of view in the name of truth.

The algorithm for conducting a dispute can be as follows:

substantiation of the topic;

Discussing the material, expressing judgments by pupils;

· independent conclusions and generalizations;

· final word educator, in which he formulates conclusions, outlines a specific program of activity.

Conditions for the effectiveness of the dispute:

The topic of the dispute should excite pupils, be associated with their experiences and actions;

· in the team there should be conflicting opinions on the problem under discussion;

The dispute must be carefully prepared (a survey was conducted, questions were developed, etc.);

In the debate, one should not sharply condemn pupils who express the wrong opinion.

exercise method. Exercise - repeated repetition of some action to form stable behavior. By definition, A.S. Makarenko, education is nothing more than an exercise in the right deed.

Exercise is "learning". There are direct exercises (an open demonstration of a particular behavioral situation), indirect (“indirect” nature of exercises), natural (expediently, systematically, intelligently organized life of pupils) and artificial (specially designed dramatizations that exercise a person).

The use of this method is subject to certain pedagogical requirements:

Pupils should be aware of the usefulness and necessity of the exercise;

First, you should achieve the accuracy of the action, then speed;

The success of the pupil, obtained as a result of the exercise, should be noticed and emotionally reinforced.

The function of the exercise is also performed by the order system.

The conditions for the effectiveness of the exercise method: awareness of the significance, presentation of the possible final result, systematic and consistent organization of the exercise, feasibility and gradualness, interconnection with other methods; availability, commensurate given age; mastering actions where accuracy and consistency are important; organization of control during the exercise and professional assistance.

reward method. Encouragement is a way of expressing a positive assessment, consolidating and stimulating the formation of moral behavior. This method is stimulating.

Encouragement manifests itself in the form of approval, praise, gratitude, awards. It reinforces positive skills and habits; requires a certain dosage, should be fair and naturally follow from the actions of the pupil. Misuse of this method can breed vanity, a constant desire for exclusivity, and, worst of all, selfish motivation. Therefore, this method must be used with caution. That is why encouragement is referred to as an auxiliary method of education.

There are certain pedagogical requirements for the use of the encouragement method:

· to encourage should be for real successes and justified;

It is necessary to ensure publicity of encouragement; should not be encouraged often and the same;

should not be encouraged in the same way;

Rewards must be age appropriate.

· promotion should be tailored to individual characteristics;

It is necessary to encourage all pupils without exception;

Incentives can be addressed not only to individuals, but also to groups of pupils;

When encouraging, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the character of the pupil. It is especially needed by timid, insecure individuals.

method of punishment. Punishment is a way of inhibiting the negative manifestations of a person with the help of a negative assessment of her behavior (and not a person), a way of making demands and forcing to follow the norms, forming a sense of guilt, remorse.

Punishment is a means of pedagogical influence used in case of non-compliance with the requirements and norms of behavior established in society. With his help, the pupil is helped to understand what he is doing wrong and why. This is a very serious method of education.

The attitude to punishment in pedagogy is very contradictory. Supporters of the authoritarian system advocated the widespread use of punishment, including corporal punishment. They considered this method not so much a means of education as a means of managing children.

Followers of another direction - theories free education- rejected any punishment, as they cause the pupil's feelings. This aspiration contained a protest against child abuse.

In our country, punishment is used to slow down the negative behavior of pupils. However, the following penalties are prohibited:


insulting a person;

interfering with education (for example, they are not allowed to debate);


depriving the pupil of food.

Types of punishment: moral censure, deprivation or restriction of any rights, verbal condemnation, restriction of participation in the life of the team, a change in attitude towards the pupil, a decrease in the assessment of behavior, expulsion from school.

Carrying out algorithm: misdemeanor analysis and accounting pedagogical situation, the choice of the method of punishment, assistance to the guilty, analysis and accounting for the consequences of the penalty.

There are certain pedagogical requirements for the use of punishment methods. Punishment must be justified, deserved, commensurate with the degree of the act. If many offenses are committed at once, the punishment should be severe, but only one for all offenses at once.

One offense cannot be punished twice. You can not rush to punishment until there is confidence in its justice. If the punishment does not work, it becomes meaningless. Physical assault and mental violence against pupils is unacceptable.

Punishment should not deprive the child of the deserved praise and reward, as he deserves; be "prevention", punishment "just in case"; to be late (for offenses that were discovered six months or a year after they were committed); humiliate a pupil; harm physical and mental health.

When determining the measure of punishment, the age and individual characteristics of the pupils are taken into account.

example method. An example as a method of education is a way of presenting a sample as a ready-made program of behavior, a way of self-knowledge. This is the basis of the method of education by example. The educator (teacher, teacher, parent) needs to control his behavior, his actions, not forgetting that they affect the personality.

It is impossible to accustom the pupil to order if the adult himself does not support him. Watching TV all the time free time will not teach a reasonable organization of free time. Rough speech, shouting, assault, intemperance do not contribute to the formation of a humane, correct, self-possessed personality. Attitude towards work, other people, nature, other people's successes and falls, altruism or selfishness - all this orients pupils towards one or another behavior.

Example is the most difficult method of education. Pupils forgive adult shortcomings, but there is one important condition: the educator must always improve, constantly overcome his shortcomings in order to positively influence the personality.

Examples are both positive and negative. Should be educated positive examples. This does not mean that it is necessary to protect pupils from everything negative. It is necessary to reveal to them the unsightly essence of the facts of wrong behavior, to arouse the desire to fight against the ugly in life.

Forms of manifestation of an example as a method of education - a personal example, an example of parents, wonderful people, peers, heroes.

Implementation algorithm: purposeful choice of the image, its perception, awareness of the merits, highlighting moral qualities inclusion in your self-education program.

When using educational methods, it is necessary to observe pedagogical requirements causing, stimulating or inhibiting certain activities of the pupil. They cannot be presented in a hurry. The pupil must feel that the teacher is confident in his actions. Every requirement must be controlled, strict, strict requirements should be few, best result give requirements developed jointly with pupils.

Requirements can be weak (reminder-request, advice, hint, reprimand); medium (instruction, requirement-installation, warning, prohibition); strong (demand-threat, order-alternative). According to the method of presentation, direct (if the educator himself makes a demand) or indirect requirements (if it is organized by the educator and “transmitted” through an intermediary) are distinguished.

means of education is a pedagogically independent source social experience. The means of education is everything that has an educational impact on the subject in the process of moving him towards the goal. It can be any object of the surrounding reality (object, thing, sound, animals, plants, works of art, phenomena, events, episodes, etc.). The means of education affect the educated by themselves, and the educator can purposefully use them.

Forms educational work , distinguished by the number of participants:

Individual forms: conversation, intimate conversation, consultation, exchange of opinions, individual assistance in specific work, joint search for solutions to problems. The tasks of the educator: to recognize the student's abilities, discover his talents, discover everything of value that \ inherent in his character, which prevents him from expressing himself.

Group forms: case advice, creative groups, self-government bodies, micro circles. The tasks of the educator: to help everyone express themselves, create conditions for obtaining tangible positive result meaningful to all its members.

Collective forms: competitions, performances, concerts, propaganda teams, hikes, tourslets, sports competitions.

The role and place of the educator in each of the forms of educational activity are different. They depend on the age characteristics of the pupils, the goals of education. With pupils younger age the educator is the leading organizer, with middle-aged pupils he can be an ordinary participant and influence by personal example, with older pupils - an adviser, consultant, participant, assistant.

The form of educational work can be collective creative. In the process of collective creative activity (KTD), pupils, together with adults and under their guidance, create new experience apply previously acquired knowledge and skills, acquiring new ones.

Education methods act as a set of pedagogical techniques and means of influencing consciousness, feelings and will to achieve certain educational goals, the formation and development of the personality.

Education methods are considered as socially conditioned, pedagogically expedient interactions between the educator and the educated person (parents and children, teacher and student, teacher and student, manager and employee, etc.), contributing to the organization of life, relationships, communication, stimulating activity and regulating the behavior of the educated, directed to achieve the goals of education and the formation of personality traits.

Educational methods include their constituent elements - tricks.

Features of the application of upbringing methods depend on a number of conditions and, above all, on the nature public relations; goals, objectives, patterns and principles of education; the content of political, spiritual, moral, legal and other ideas introduced into the minds of people.

Methods of education allow you to have a direct impact on a person in order to form his certain qualities, values, motivations, and to reinforce or correct behavior.

Among the methods of education, for various reasons, there are various groups: 1. Methods for the formation of consciousness (beliefs)

2. Methods of repetition (formation of stable habits of behavior)

3. Methods of stimulation and correction.

Among the methods of education are also distinguished assessment and correction methods. The assessment method includes an analysis of the results of activities and an assessment of the level of upbringing. Correction methods include three subgroups. The first subgroup of methods provides the restorative function of the educational process. It includes methods of persuasion, retraining and "character reconstruction". The second subgroup performs the corrective and compensatory function of the educational process and includes methods of "explosion", breaking unwanted contacts. The third subgroup of methods implements the corrective and prognostic functions of the educational process (methods of criticism and self-criticism).

The complexity and versatility of the upbringing process require the skillful application of various methods of pedagogical influence. IN real conditions pedagogical process methods act in unity, interconnection and complementarity. Not one of the methods of education is universal and does not solve all educational problems. Therefore, all methods of education are used in close interaction with each other as a single system of means, techniques, methods. pedagogical interaction. The ability to choose the most effective method in a given situation, to apply it creatively is a manifestation of pedagogical skill.

persuasion method is the impact on the minds of people to form certain views, opinions, beliefs.

Beliefs - is knowledge combined with emotional sphere and saturated with strong-willed aspirations.

In the application of the method, persuasion by word and persuasion by deed are distinguished.

TO persuasion techniques include: comparison, comparison, analogy; personal example; reliance on personal experience educated and other people; usage public opinion; demonstration of experiments; use of documents; reference to authority; appeal to feelings; assessment of deeds or misconduct; motivation for self-assessment of an act (misconduct); the task to independently establish the truth, explain it to others, etc.

By means of persuasion words are: clarification, proof and refutation. To explain means to ensure that the interlocutor understands the meaning of the phenomenon, event, document, and determines his attitude towards it. Refutation is used when you have to convince a person on some issue, to refute the inconsistency of evidence. This is the most difficult type of persuasion, since a person refuses his views, even erroneous ones, with great difficulty, through overcoming various doubts and hesitations.

Persuasion should be distinguished from moralization, which categorically declares this or that position in the form: “should”, “must”, “shame on you”, etc. Usually, everything that is said in this case is well known to the educator, and the moralizing itself is perceived by him as a manifestation of a formal obligation.

Persuasion is a targeted effect on inner world and behavior with the aim of restoring, developing and consolidating positive and overcoming negative attitudes and qualities.

Persuasion is complemented by the method retraining, designed to change the negative life experience, restoring healthy social needs and habits. The retraining method is carried out using tricks teaching and learning.

Example − the method of education, which consists in the purposeful and systematic influence of educators on the individual and the team by the power of a personal example as a role model, an incentive for self-improvement and the basis for the formation of an ideal of behavior and life.

Psychological basis example is the tendency of people to imitate, study and borrow the experience of others. Imitation can be conscious or take the form of blind, mechanical copying of the sample. especially big educational value has a personal example of close, authoritative for the educated people. An important condition for imitation is the personal attitude of the educated person to the person who is set as an example.

In order to lead by positive example, the following are needed: terms:

The deeper a person realizes the social and personal value of an example, the closer and more accessible it is, the more similarities between him and the example, the stronger influence good example;

The educator should be an example in everything, from the most elementary - appearance, manners and up to moral values.

The exercise - it is a method of education , which involves such an organization of everyday life, educational, professional, social activities, which allows educated people to accumulate habits and experience of correct behavior, to connect word with deed, conviction with behavior.

The use of the exercise requires compliance with the basic conditions:

· Combination of exercise with education of high consciousness;

· Systematicity, regularity and sequence of exercises, which allows developing the habits of students to clearly, daily fulfill the rules, requirements (morality, morality, behavior, etc.);

· Perseverance and endurance in the development of habits among the educated, presenting them with constant demands;

· Comprehensive consideration of the individual characteristics and capabilities of students, supporting their efforts to develop positive qualities.

By the method of exercise, people form not only strong-willed and physical qualities, but also diverse habits: cognitive, professional, moral, hygienic, which are very stable and leave their imprints on the human character.

To consolidate positive qualities, a method is used encouragement, which is evaluative and stimulating in nature. Encouragement expresses a measure of pedagogical influence through a positive assessment by educators of study, work, and behavior of educatees and encourages them to further success.

The direct purpose of incentive measures is to act on the feelings of the educated and thereby arouse in them a state of satisfaction with their actions and actions, self-confidence, feelings of joy and pride. To encourage means to arouse in a person a desire to continue to act correctly, skillfully, and proactively. If encouragement is applied skillfully, then under their influence a person gradually develops a stable need to always do the right thing, to do noble deeds.

When applying incentives, avoid common mistakes:

Too frequent use of rewards;

· Encouraging only any events, holidays;

· General character formulating the basis for the promotion;

· Weak popularization of distinguished and encouraged.

Compulsion- a method of education, which is a system of disciplinary pedagogical influences on students who are dishonest in their studies, work, their duties, violating discipline and order, in order to encourage them to comply with the norms and rules of behavior and correct their behavior.

Coercion can be expressed in the form of a categorical demand, order, warning about bringing to responsibility, condemnation.

At correct application coercion has the following consequences:

· Develops a sense of duty, raises responsibility for one's actions and actions, for the state of study, discipline, work;

· Accustoms to self-control, overcoming temptations, tempers the will;

Generates the need to eliminate deficiencies;

· Turns into self-discipline, forms respect for order, laws;

Main means of coercion are: a condemning look, a remark; reproach, reminder; prohibition, categorical requirement; command and order; low grades in classes, tests, tests; condemnation of the offenses of the offender by the team; criticism; removal from responsibility; punishment warning; foreclosure, etc.

Competition- a method of placing the educated in certain conditions, when he can compare his activities with the results of his comrades. The competition allows you to activate the personality, unites the team, contributes to the achievement of high results.

Public opinion(as a method of education) - encouraging the team to express certain attitude to the behavior of the educated person in order to create internal installations to certain behavior.

Creationsuccess situations- placing the educatee in such conditions in which he has to a large extent the efficiency of activity increases, as a result of which he raises his status, self-esteem, etc.

Confidence- this method consists in the teacher's desire to rely on the positive in the personality of the student. Trust has a strong moral impact. The educated person, having felt trust from the teacher, becomes more responsive, demanding of himself, begins to respond to any moral influence. Using positive traits educated, the teacher introduces him to vigorous activity that meets his abilities and capabilities. The trust placed in a person multiplies his strength, gives rise to the desire to certainly justify the hopes of the teacher (leader) and the team.

The main content of the method "character reconstruction" consists in identifying and developing those positive qualities of the educated that can be used in the restructuring of character, in predicting the positive behavior of the individual on the basis of the identified qualities, in predicting in the process of modification negative qualities, which a person mistakenly understands as positive, into positive (self-confidence - into confidence, criticism - into criticism, etc.).

Explosion method consists in the sudden disclosure to the student of the degree of his pedagogical difficulty, the content of his behavioral deviations in such a form that would prompt him to make a pedagogically and socially expedient choice. The ugliness of his behavior becomes obvious to the educated person, which helps him to eradicate various deviations.

Break method unwanted contacts educate is to move him within the team, transferring him to another group.

The method of criticism is in condemning the behavior or attitudes of those being educated from the outside, indicating the causes and consequences. Criticism should be specific, constructive and aimed not at suppressing the individual, but at helping to identify existing shortcomings and omissions. Greatest effect has criticism based on the positive qualities of the individual. Method of self-criticism lies in the basis of the existing shortcomings by the person himself and the desire to correct them.

Generally deep knowledge and skillful application of upbringing methods allows you to successfully solve the problems of shaping the individual and the team.