Reception Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital. Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital

Chelyabinsk Regional clinical Hospital By its structure, the purpose and nature of the tasks being performed is a special place among the health facilities of the region, being a multidisciplinary center for highly qualified specialized medical care The population of the region and the organizational and methodological center for therapeutic and preventive institutions of administrative territories Chelyabinsk region.

The first and only body at the time of 300 beds was commissioned on October 17, 1938, with which the discovery of the Chelyabinsk Regional Hospital is connected. The following branches were deployed in this building: surgical, therapeutic, ophthalmic, nerve diseases and hematologically, as well as a polyclinic, administration and. Auxiliary services. Each of therapeutic departments had a common-profile character and was staffed by qualified doctors and other specialists.
Already from the very beginning of the organization's work organization, the high professionalism of doctors and other personnel has clearly manifested itself, the orientation for continuous advanced training, the development of all new and advanced in the treatment of patients, enthusiasm, maximum self-dedication and confidence in the future.
A great contribution to the formation and further development of the hospital was made prominent health organizers of the South Urals, scientific workers and practical doctors, but the heads of the institution were played a special role in the creation and development of the hospital - the main doctors of the hospital, both on the initial and subsequent stages of its formation. These are well-deserved doctors of the RSFSR, the first of which was the Glukhovsky S.Z., then consistently - Ryskin A.N., Ryskina M.I., Ladyzhensky M.I., Tarasov P.M., Later, Kukov N.S., headed hospital 11 years. From 1969 to 1993, the Honored Physician of the RSFSR, Candidate of Medical Sciences Grigory Isakovich Grossman, was worked as head physician of the hospital, then a short time - Mahankov O.V. From September 1995, Alexander Leonidovich Zhuravlev, from November 1995, and from November 2010, Bavykin Marat Vladimirovich was appointed chief physician. Shortly after the discovery of the hospital, the construction of children's, then therapeutic buildings, other therapeutic buildings and buildings of subsidiary services were projected.

However, the beginning is great Patriotic War Harvested the development plans of the hospital, destroyed prospects in organizing her work. Nevertheless, although with great tension, overcoming difficulties and deprivation, the hospital successfully continued to work under war times. In October 1941, the Kiev Medical Institute was evacuated to Chelyabinsk, and therefore the employment and resettlement of specialists, the rational placement of scientific training and medical equipment arose before the health care of Chelyabinsk. The regional hospital has become the main educational, scientific and clinical base of this institution. Since then, in subsequent years, well-known scientists, professors: Krymov AP, Samoilov N.Ya., Katznelson A.B., Designs GD, Vorotkin A.I. ., Shimansky K.B., Burgsdorf M.V., Kolmanovsky S.M., Shippilnikov I.D., Sinitsyn P.D. other.
Medical assistance provided unless they devoteed to their doctors: Nazarov I.N., Chervatkin G.N., Schapier L.I., Poslayanskaya Z.I., Schulz S.V., Lifshits F.M., Berezovsky M.I. , Vysotsky L.I. and many others.

Many doctors, medium and younger health workers, starting to work from this time and later, long yearsuntil the end of his labor activity, gave our hospital. The hospital loyalty was and remains the good tradition of our employees. Many of them seniority It is thirty, forty, fifty and more years of work, and in the workbook is one of the only entry on employment to the regional hospital.

In September 1944, the Chelyabinsk Medical Institute was formed, the Clinical Chelyabinsk Regional Hospital was now the main clinical base. It determined the possibilities and incentives for further development hospitals, improve the qualifications of doctors, mastering and introducing new diagnostic and medical methods, introduction of practical other to scientific activity And in general, the quality of the hospital.
With the end of the Great Patriotic War, the possibility of further development of the hospital, a positive change in the volume and nature of its activity appeared and realized. Children's and therapeutic buildings were commissioned - in 1959, the building of the polyclinic - in 1982, the pathoanatomic corps - in 1970, the administrative corps - in 1971, the construction of a residential fund, economic and subsidiary services was carried out.

The initial forms of organizational and methodological work with the area of \u200b\u200bthe region have acquired a targeted, consistent, planned nature, began to spread to all levels of the medical network of the region from the Fargov to urban and district hospitals. The work was carried out by the staff of the hospital staff with the participation of employees of the Department of Medical Institute, coordinated with other regional specialized institutions under the guidance and with close cooperation with the regional health department, his leadership of the main specialists.

The main directions of this work were the organization of work to improve the qualifications of medical personnel, the study of the health of the population, study, generalization and dissemination of the advanced work experience of the LPU of all levels, coordination of the organizational and methodological work of specialized regional institutions, planning and organizing the field work of specialized brigades and clinics, doctors -curators in order to provide therapeutic and advisory and methodical help.
By the middle of the sixties - the beginning of the seventies potential opportunities Hospitals, her qualifications, aspirations, time requirement, shared rise medical science And practices in the country on the one hand and the real possibilities of the hospital - on the other, came to an explicit contradiction due to the insufficient of its material base, technical equipment and insufficiency of the development of the social sphere for its employees.

In this regard, at the initiative of the leadership of the hospital and regional station, after applying to the leaders of the highest institutions of the region and their detailed acquaintance in place with the situation of things, the hospital was instructed in a short time to make specific proposals for the design of buildings and structures as medical prescriptionand the buildings of social and economic and technical support.

As a result of the discussion of the proposals of the Hospital's leadership, a special decision of the regional executive committee "On expanding and strengthening the material and technical base of the regional clinical hospital" was adopted. For its implementation, the forces and means of 15 administrative territories of the region and the city of Chelyabinsk were involved, a total of twenty-two building trusts and management. Regular control over the implementation of this decision, both from the regional executive committee, and the hospital itself allowed introducing a building behind the building, the building behind the building, which consistently equip them with everything necessary and put into operation, almost without increasing the number of beds, create optimal conditions, material base and technical equipment Hospitals and solve a number of social issues. During the period from the adoption of this decision, from 1971 to 1990 inclusive, were built, equipped and consistently commissioned: surgical, therapeutic, therapeutic corps, regional building diagnostic Centerinterconnected by warm transitions, pharmacy, sophisticated meters for 1000 patients with a metering and dining room for employees, a hostel for nurses not 216 seats, 3 residential buildings for 160 apartments each for employees: carrying out heat mains from CHP to heat host hospital, replacement 60-70 % Engineering Communications Medgorodka.

In 2000, the construction of another typical surgical corps is completed.

The result of intensive construction, has never been an end in itself, it was its building optimal conditions For the work of offices, diagnostic units for patients, the consolidation of the existing and the creation of new specialized departments, equipping them with modern equipment and equipment, ensuring that the optimal conditions for the work of the CGMA Department working on the hospital base: personnel, technical and other provision of auxiliary medical units, offices, Cabinets, consultative Polyclinic; Computerization and administration modern technologies to the work of administrative and economic hospital services.
For the age of 70, the hospital turned into a unique, powerful, multidisciplinary institution, which are among the largest hospitals of this type in Russian Federation. Important Hospital History and unique feature its structures, in contrast to other such institutions, is the presence in its composition of the regional diagnostic center as structural unitWhat promotes comprehensive examination patients with diagnostic and clinic.
In the hospital hospital departments, 1040 beds are deployed, of which 75% of the surgical profile beds. As part of the hospital 25 specialized medical diagnostic compartments, 16 of which are regional specialized centers. In the medical branches over the past year, 1097 thousand were treated, 649 thousand patients were operated.
The patients being treated, overly 1,16 tons of blood and its preparations are overclit, 128 tons of blood-blowing liquids. In the medical procedure, in addition to therapeutic departments, the possibilities of such departments as barotherapy, needleflexotherapy, physiotherapy are widely used.

Consultative Polyclinic of the regional clinical hospital conducts reception in 32 specialties, specialized techniques are carried out at the same time 40 doctors, including employees of the CGMA departments and heads of the hospital offices.
Over the years, the clinic was held 7,500,000 patients receptions, an average of 170 thousand visits, including 32% of countryside inhabitants. Both hospital and clinic, have ample opportunities for a comprehensive survey of patients in as soon as possible, due to the presence of powerful, well-equipped with modern diagnostic equipment, diagnostic departments and laboratories of the regional diagnostic center.
A number of cabinets in the clinic and departments in the hospital are the only on the appropriate profile in the region.

In the cities and areas of the region, only since 1975, more than 16 thousand departures of the hospital doctors and the basic departments of the CHGMA were held, with the aim of providing medical and advisory and methodical assistance, about 300 thousand consultations of patients in the field were performed. The separation of emergency and planning and advisory assistance was completed 51 thousand tasks, during which more than 63 thousand patients were consulted, 24 thousand operations were conducted.
The hospital employs about 2100 employees, including 395 doctors, of which 7 of the well-deserved doctors of the Russian Federation, 10 - doctors of medical sciences, 56 candidates of medical sciences, 257 doctors have the highest qualifying category, 72 - the first.
Regional hospital is a clinical base of 8 departments and 2 courses of Chelyabinsk State medical AcademyWhat contributes to the rapprochement of medical science and practical medicine and generally increases the level of therapeutic and diagnostic process. The joint work of the departments and therapeutic and diagnostic departments contributes to the effective implementation of new medical technologies, diagnostic methods and treatment of patients. Over the past 23 years, 990 new medical techniques have been introduced by doctors of the hospital.

Experience of separations is systematically analyzed and summarized. At the hospital, the hospital employees in 73 were protected by 126 candidate and 24 doctoral theses, published in pressing 2115 scientific works.
Regional Clinical Hospital is not only first-class equipment, but, first of all, wonderful specialists who give all their knowledge, and the main soul, their patients.

Telephone: Registry - (351) 749-37-27, separation of paid medical assistance - (351) 729-86-60 URL:


The mode of operation of the Consultative Polyclinic of the Chelyabinsk Regional Hospital: Mon-Fri from 7:30 to 17:00;
Mode of operation of the diagnostic center for outpatient patients:
- Mon-Fri: from 8:00 to 16:00;
- Sat-Sun: from 9:00 to 16:00.
The mode of operation of the separation of paid medical care:
- Mon-Fri: from 8:00 to 20:00;
- Sat: from 10:00 to 14:00.

About the hospital:

The Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital according to its structure, purpose and nature of the tasks performed is a multidisciplinary center for highly qualified specialized medical care to the population of the region, as well as a methodological center for therapeutic and preventive institutions of the Chelyabinsk region.
The hospital is located in a forest park area near the Shershnev reservoir. In the immediate vicinity of the hospital, the regional oncological dispensary is located, the regional children's clinical hospital, the hospital of veterans of the Second World War. Constant increase in the level of highly qualified medical care It is a strategic task of Chokb. Separation on therapeutic and surgical direction allows this therapeutic institution to serve maximum amount Patients and most effectively carry out all the necessary medical events.
Within each of the directions, specialized branches are operating, experienced and authoritative specialists are headed.


Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital represents several diffil units located in the territory of 11 buildings:


Hepatology Center (749-37-16)

The regional hepatological center exists in Chokb since 1982. Initially, the goal of the work was the treatment of focal and diffuse liver diseases (chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis) and portal hypertension. The functional structure of the Center includes the polyclinic reception of the surgeon and the gastroenterologist, the separation of the first surgery and therapeutic gastroenterological department.

Glaukoma Center (749-39-85)

One of the youngest units of the Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital, the glaucoma center has existed since October 2006. The main directions of the work of the center are two are diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma; as well as eye prosthetics.

Cardiac surgery center (749-37-32)

Chelyabinsk Cardiac Surgery Center was created in 1974. The Center includes: a cardiac surgery compartment for 50 beds, an operating unit comprising 3 operational, in which it is possible to perform operational interventions Under the conditions of artificial blood circulation, the department of anesthesiology and artificial blood circulation, the compartment of cardioreanimation (for 12 beds), the laboratory of cardioreanimation, operational for conducting angiocardiographic studies.
The cardiac surgery center provides assistance to almost all patients with congenital, acquired vices and heart diseases, as well as patients with heart rhythm impaired (complete transverse blood blocks, sinus-node weak syndrome), according to closed methods and in the condition of artificial blood circulation. There are opportunities for carrying valveloplastics of valve stenosis and dilacies in patients with congenital pathology Hearts, as well as angioplasty and stenting in patients with IBS under the conditions of X-ray operating room. The transcatethertic closure of septal defects with special occluders are performed.

Pain treatment clinic (260-97-10)

The direction of the department is the treatment of chronic pain syndromes In patients with neurological, rheumatological, vascular, oncological and other pathology. The techniques of selective root and facet blockade, neurolysis of lumbar, upper-breast, gradual and unpaired ganglia, blockade of the structures of the shoulder rotational cuffs and others also have proven.
Medical blockages, denervational methods, pharmacotherapy pain, are widely used.
A number of techniques that help in the treatment of pain syndromes associated with spinal pathology are developed and implemented.

Therapy of sharp and chronic pain syndromes at:

  • osteochondrosis (incomplete disks, lumbalgia);
  • pain in the joints;
  • phantom, trighemal, muscle pains;
  • chronic pancreatitis (severe pains);
  • oncological diseases;
  • other states with severe pain syndrome;
  • vascular lesions of the upper and lower extremities (oblique atherosclerosis, diabetic polynero and angiopathy, etc.;
  • postherpetic neuralgia.

Medical and Preventive Center (749-38-53)

Rehabilitation branch on 20 beds was deployed. The tasks of therapeutic and preventive center are the examination and treatment of persons who have undergone radiation disease or influenced radiation; quality control of patient dispensarization; Participation in conducting preventive inspections population; development and implementation of new methods for diagnosing and treating diseases associated with the effects of radiation; organization of information exchange with districts; Creating a computer database for work performed.

Catastrophe Medicine Center (232-82-10)

The disaster medicine center was established in 1995 on the basis of the decision of the head of the Administration of the Chelyabinsk Region. In 1996 he was reorganized and attached to Chelyabinsk regional hospital №1 on the rights of the structural unit.
The main tasks of the center are the nomination to the ECMK Operational Group of the Operational Group, the collection of information on the situation and its assessment, the organization of nomination of the formations of the regional QMS for the development of health consequences of the emergency .

X-ray center (749-39-80)

The Cabinet of X-ray agricultural methods of diagnosis and treatment was formed in 1974 for invasive diagnostics Cardiovascular pathology. Initially, only four techniques were performed: puncture arteriography, transcilia aurantography and distal and pelvic phlebography.
It has 57 techniques covering almost all types of modern angiographic research. The most advanced minimally invasive methods of treatment of the heart and blood vessels up to the restoration of the passability of fully closed vessels, the treatment of a number of congenital defects Hearts. For its basis, these are complex diagnostic and x-ray-thrust interventions, such as coronorography, cerebral angiography, selective angiography of all departments of arterial and venous bed, the diagnosis of complex heart defects.

Endocrinological Center (232-79-88)

The regional polyclinic endocrinological center was opened in 1996. Today here are used the most modern methods, schemes, recommendations and diagnostic and treatment algorithms.
Every year, an outpatient examination of 16-20 thousand patients with the most different endocrine pathologies (pituitary diseases, adrenal glands, germ, gypophies, adrenal glands, are consulted in OPEC annually. thyroid gland, diabetes, obesity, etc.).
In 2004-2006, the primary database of the regional register of patients was created in the center diabetes, moreover, the data is updated annually.

Epidemiological Center (232-81-88)

Created in November 2006. the main task The center is the control and prevention of nosocomial infections.


The hospital of the Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital is one of the largest and most modern medical and diagnostic complexes of the Urals. The hospital capacity is 1050 beds of a surgical profile located in 15 surgical and 9 therapeutic departments.

Hospital branches:

  • Abdominal surgery (232-80-81)
  • Anesthesiology-resuscitation №1 (749-37-90)
  • Anesthesiology-Resuscitation No. 2 (749-38-57)
  • Gynecology (749-38-03)
  • Purulent surgery (232-78-43)
  • Cardiology №2 (749-37-50)
  • Cardiac surgery (232-80-12)
  • Microsurgery eye (749-37-14)
  • Neurosurgery (749-37-89)
  • Operating unit number 1 (260-97-05)
  • Operating unit number 2 (749-37-67)
  • Gastroenterology (749-37-16)
  • Hematology (749-37-18)
  • Hemodialysis (749-37-35)

Reviewed by 19.07.2013 Occlusions of the bell-type aneurysms with a wide mouth of the inner carotid artery. Pashnin Sergey Leonidovich
Part 1: Arrival and first impressions
Since the operation was planned, the spouse put in Chokb 07/10/2013.
Upon admission (started to enter at 9:30, finished at 15:30) received
A lot of "impressions":
The running out of one cabinet to another between different buildings. Everywhere
Queues and "good-minded" personnel and visitors.
Why is the reception room one on several buildings - registration in
Case №4, then slap-climbing in 3 housing to the neurosurgery department.
When leaving the elevator on the 6th floor, I have a honestly slightly culture
It happened, the first thought: "Hence, in general, patients themselves come out, or
Is this one way? ". No repair as such with "shaggy
nineties, "everything looks so bad, although purely.
The next impression saw in a plate with food, as it turned out
It was a "priming pilaf." Brr, honestly look like in ki

but about the zone!
In mixed feelings left home.
Part 2: Hospital life
I describe the words of the spouse. First this superstar mattresses
Beds. On which sheets are physically able to be able to
collected form. The second is still meals: periodically
The served food was pushing kills appetite in man and there is a desire.
Sometimes quite edible.
Third, junior honey. The staff is very responsive and not rude.
Separate gratitude I want to express yourself to doctors. Full
open to communication with patients, are not inclined to reflexes on
Clarifying and "stupid" questions of patients. Spouse led Pashlin Sergey
Leonidovich. Since the upcoming operation referred to the category
very complex and having a certain probability of "bad
chances "he spoke with his wife all possible future
"Suffer", after which she strongly oversted. The reason of that -
Preliminary conversation in May month in the clinic of Chokb with Tov. Dzüba
When was determined with the need for endovascular
occlusion aneurysm. In a conversation with him, no word is not even
Ugeza by possible consequences endovascular intervention ne.
sounded. Moreover, some distinct assessment of the whole picture
probabilities also did not. There was a phrase "the same bomb in the head!" and
Ten minutes of printing in a computer of something. It's really big
Let's return to the preoperative period. The day after
Conversations S. L. Pashnina and his wife, I had to come to me, because
purely psychological support already needed and it was necessary
Slap all "pro" and "contra". Here again grateful sergey
Leonidovich - for quite adequate and detailed explanation (including
including with numbers on statistics of operations! What did not expect). After
of this stones with souls in large quantities And my wife and I got.
After that, a successful operation for installing spirals was carried out.
And Stanta. Not quite smooth exit from anesthesia, but nevertheless I have
there was an opportunity for Sergey Leonidovich personally about the results
operations and state of my beloved spouse, for it also separate
Thank you.
When discharge - S. L. spent a detailed and very thorough briefing
Wives and me according to the peculiarities of the rehabilitation period.
In total - with S. L. Pashnin, with his consent and in his insistence
we sell to stay in touch, for which he has a huge human
Thank you!
As a summary of the estimation on a 5-stranded scale:
Administrative order (device, extract, etc.) - 3
Domestic conditions: 3 with long minus
Food: Solid 2
The work of the younger honey. Personnel: 4.
Work of doctors (for which they treated): Solid 5