Reorganization or redevelopment how to properly coordinate - A. Podchufarov ©. What types of redevelopment require obtaining permits

Thanks to the new procedure, 80% of Muscovites will be able to use standard projects during repairs, and for the rest, it will become much easier to agree on alterations in the apartment.

Master's business

The decision on the new redevelopment procedure was adopted last week at a meeting of the commission on administrative reform. Speaking about the relevance of the topic, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin cited figures. Approximately 300,000 redevelopments are made in the city every year, but only 14,000 of them are agreed upon according to all the rules. “Of course, one could accuse the townspeople of being illegal,” the mayor continued. houses - monuments of history and culture, sometimes comparable to the cost of an apartment. Thus, Sobyanin concludes, "the approval process has turned into a completely open type of business for officials and others like them who are involved in this."

This cumbersome procedure was born back in the middle of the last century, when all housing belonged to the state, which controlled it. Now, most of the housing stock has been privatized, which means who, if not the owners, should dispose of it? Provided, of course, that the changes do not pose a threat to neighbors.

The city authorities began with the maximum simplification of the approval procedure. The Commission on Administrative Reform excluded 13 of the 31 items of work included in the list of approvals at once. You no longer have to ask anyone whether it is possible to glaze the loggia, install a satellite dish, move the toilet bowl from one place to another, remove an extra wall, and so on. All this does not affect the safety of the house, which means that no one cares about what you do in your own apartment.

No need to reinvent the wheel

Abandoning the policy of prohibitions, the city authorities have also found a way to help Muscovites realize their dreams. The fact is that 80% of the townspeople live in standard houses. So, redevelopment can be typical! The State Services Committee ordered MNIITEP to prepare their projects. Vladimir Khaikin, director general of the institute, told RG:

Approximately one and a half thousand Muscovites turn to us every year and order individual projects for the redevelopment of apartments. Based on the most popular of them, we have developed 110 projects. In the near future we will post these projects on our website. Any Muscovite can take them from there. Having a project developed by professionals, he can be sure that in the pursuit of comfort he will not harm the house. Moreover, it will save a lot: the price of a custom-made project for an economy class apartment is 25-35 thousand rubles, and here a whole catalog is available for free.

Khaykin also spoke about how exactly the residents of the capital most often remodel apartments:

Many at the first opportunity remove unnecessary partitions and turn cramped rooms into more spacious ones. If the wall is not load-bearing, the thing is absolutely harmless. Another option: a tiny vestibule is made from the corridor, the front partitions are demolished and the space is combined with the living room. And there is nothing to worry about if the demolished walls do not carry a constructive load. The third option: combine the kitchen with the living room using an opening in the wall. And this is possible under certain conditions.

It will be very easy to legitimize redevelopment according to a standard project: it is enough to declare that it was made to the Moszhilinspektsiya. Its head, Vladimir Obyedkov, told RG that, under the new regulations, the inspector is obliged to leave within 20 days and make sure that the work has been completed in accordance with the standard project. After this, changes will be made to the technical passport of the apartment.

Standard redevelopment projects are planned to be developed for houses of new series. Indeed, in most new buildings these days, internal partitions are most often installed by the owner himself. And he does it without a project, which can lead to unpleasant surprises.

And exhibits do not live in memorial houses

In the same difficult situation until now were the inhabitants of the houses-monuments. According to the head of the department cultural heritage Moscow, Alexander Kibovsky, there are 519 of them in the city, but for the most part of their protected objects is only the facade or individual elements, that is, 10 percent of the building. Sobyanin gave an example at a commission meeting when a Muscovite who had lived for 50 years in a communal room on the Arbat was offered to conduct a historical and cultural examination when he wanted to privatize it. The price of such an examination in Moscow starts from 100 thousand rubles. In order to stop the lawlessness, in the near future the website of the Moscow Housing Inspection will have the exact addresses of houses that need historical and cultural expertise during redevelopment.

But the project for the reconstruction of the apartment, the residents of such houses will still have to be ordered individually. However, as well as those who intend to affect the load-bearing walls. “You can make an opening and remove, for example, a window sill in order to put a double-glazed window instead of it and open an exit to the balcony,” Khaykin says. “But only if it is safe for the house or the project includes work to strengthen its structures ".

However, it will be easier to agree on redevelopment on an individual project. The army of officials involved in this has been reduced by two-thirds. Signatures of representatives of the district government, the management company, Rospotrebnadzor bodies, and firefighters are no longer needed. All control is entrusted to the Moscow Housing Inspection. And in the near future, she will have another responsibility: monitoring the state of the structures of houses. This is necessary in order to avoid the so-called progressive collapse in the future, which can occur when harmless redevelopments on one floor, having accumulated on a number of floors, already pose a threat to the whole house.

What works do not require approval during redevelopment?

  • Rearrangement of heating (heating) and gas appliances (excluding the transfer of radiators to glazed loggias, balconies) without laying additional networks (the installation of new and rearrangement of existing gas appliances with the laying of additional networks is left).
  • Rearrangement of plumbing fixtures in the existing dimensions of toilets, bathrooms, kitchens.
  • Replacement and (or) installation of additional equipment with an increase in energy, water consumption and (or) with the replacement of existing or laying additional networks (left only for non-residential).
  • Sealing of doorways in partitions and load-bearing walls (left only for unauthorized openings).
  • Works on changing the design of floors (construction and installation work on the manufacture of floors and (or) changing the design of floors has been left).
  • Arrangement of self-sliding or "revolving" doors and showcases made of lightweight pre-fabricated structures without changing the dimensions of the premises.
  • Replacement of carpentry elements of the facade (with a change in the pattern).
  • Dismantling of non-bearing partitions (excluding inter-apartment).
  • Arrangement of openings in non-bearing partitions (excluding inter-apartment partitions).
  • The device of partitions without increasing the load on the floors.
  • Glazing of loggias and balconies.
  • Changing materials and plastics of external structures, balconies and loggias.
  • Installation of antennas, protective nets, etc., as well as squeeze telescopic elevators, double-row handrails and other means for people with limited mobility (only such means installed on the facade of the building need to be agreed upon).

By the way

Moscow City Duma deputy Alexander Semennikov proposed an amnesty for Muscovites to turn themselves in if the redevelopment made by them 10-15 years ago does not pose a threat to the safety of the house. In his opinion, this will help the city authorities to finally find out the true state of affairs in the city's housing stock. " Interesting idea", Sobyanin said to this and promised to think about it.

At the same time, the Moscow authorities promise to come up with a legislative initiative to toughen punishment for unauthorized redevelopment. Now the fine for her is no more than 5 thousand rubles, which is incomparable with the harm that she can cause.

Why is it worth working with us?

Types of redevelopment

Stylish renovation completely changes the perception of space, so it is necessary to do redevelopment. Even in a new building, it is necessary to make partitions for zoning, make doorways wider so that sliding doors can be installed. And meanwhile, all this is considered redevelopment!

For apartments in old houses, another problem is characteristic - they differ in a small area. To expand the space, sometimes it is enough to shift the doorway. If the number of rooms decreases, it is necessary to dismantle part of the internal partitions and walls in the apartment.

The simplest type of redevelopment is to combine the space of the bathroom and toilet, the room and the adjacent loggia. Despite the simplicity of the construction work on redevelopment, it is necessary to obtain documentary permission for their implementation.

Development of a redevelopment project, its approval

Work on the creation of a redevelopment project is professional activity specialists. Even if you do not plan to involve specialists for the implementation overhaul on a design project (for example, you want to do some of the work yourself), it is still better to entrust the initial stage construction company. She will make a project and receive the necessary approvals from government agencies.

  • In the process of creating a project, all constructive changes in housing are displayed: combining a bathroom, shifting a gas and electric stove, installing a vestibule, dismantling and creating walls and doorways, glazing a loggia. Not all types of construction work need to be coordinated with government agencies, however, all design changes must be reflected in the project.
  • If the new housing has a free-type layout, the project must necessarily reflect future changes, as well as draw up a scheme for replacing and transferring communication systems. In case of change functional purpose premises, this is also indicated in the redevelopment project.
  • After receiving documents with permission for redevelopment, it is necessary to make changes to the technical passport of the building, explication, floor plans. This is a reflection of changes in the total and residential footage, prescribing the number of rooms (their functionality is indicated), the scheme and places of communication systems bindings are reflected.


Changes to the premises, which are treated by the legislation as minor, are provided on the sketch of the premises and the display of upcoming changes in the housing plan. This does not require the development of project documentation and it is not difficult to obtain permits - in a month they will be issued to the homeowner. What is meant by "simple" work?

  1. Demolition of walls that are not classified as "bearing".
  2. Construction of new walls that do not overload the floors.
  3. Laying extra doorways.
  4. Creating doorways in a non-load-bearing wall.
  5. Laying communications to replace the old one, similar in functionality.
  6. Changes in the location of utilities in the same room.
  7. Creation of decorative architectural structures (arches, niches).


A redevelopment project must be developed in the event of complex large-scale work covering the reconstruction of housing (with the supporting structures not affected). The project package, which includes a technical opinion on the redevelopment permit and other documents, is submitted to the housing commission for consideration. If it is necessary to reconstruct the supporting structures, the project is additionally coordinated with the architect who designed this house.

When should a project be developed?

  1. Consolidated several apartments.
  2. The division of one apartment into several with separate bathrooms and separate entrances.
  3. Bathroom combination.
  4. Creation of non-residential utility rooms of a functional living space.
  5. Dismantling of parts of the bearing wall.
  6. Changing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen or bathroom by adding utility and living rooms.
  7. The construction of additional walls that increase the load on the floor slabs.
  8. Transferring the functionality of a kitchen or bathroom to a room that was previously utility or residential.
  9. Replacement of ceilings with subsequent reconstruction of the floor.
  10. Creation of new doorways.
  11. Carrying out glazing and insulation of balconies and loggias, connecting their area with living rooms.
  12. Expansion of openings of windows and doors with a subsequent change in their shape.
  13. Replacing gas stoves with electric ones.
  14. Installation of antennas, outdoor air conditioners and other types of equipment.
  15. Installation of equipment, the technical characteristics of which require a greater consumption of electricity.

Based on practice, the process of coordinating a comprehensive redevelopment can take 2-5 months. Therefore, it is optimal to delegate all the troubles to specialized companies.


In the legislation there is such a thing as redevelopment of the premises. The change in the arrangement of the apartment is provided in two versions: direct redevelopment and reorganization. The concept and types of reconstruction and redevelopment apartments are indicated in the legislation Russian Federation.


Even the slightest difference between the actual layout and the one indicated in the technical documentation for the apartment requires. Reorganization can be carried out only after this issue has been considered by the interdepartmental commission (MVK) and the appropriate permit document has been received.

Without a permit execution is allowed the following types redevelopment of apartments:

  • cosmetic repairs of living space;
  • assembly and disassembly of built-in furniture, as a result of which an independent room is not formed.

If the redevelopment was carried out arbitrarily, then such a violation will not only entail an administrative penalty, but the owner of the home will also be obliged to return the home to its original form.


As for the reorganization, this term should be understood as large-scale changes in communication nodes, such as: electrics, sewerage, heating. Such changes must be made to the registration certificate of the premises.

The issues of reconstruction, as well as redevelopment, are regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and additional regional orders. The work is carried out in accordance with SNiPami and VSN.

The grounds for redevelopment are spelled out in. The law states that in order to carry out such a procedure, it is necessary to coordinate the issue with the local self-government body. In addition, the owner of the dwelling must collect and submit to the municipality all package required documents to obtain this permission. In addition to the papers established by law, the municipal authority is not entitled to require additional documentation. The decision to carry out redevelopment or in it is issued to the applicant no later than 3 days from acceptance.

To obtain permission to perform work on changing the premises, you will need to submit for consideration the project documentation, which is being developed special organization licensed for this species activities. The project is necessary so that after the work is completed, the specialist who worked on the project endorses the act of hidden work.

This document is mandatory when signing the commission act of acceptance of the work performed on the conversion. If such an act is not available, then it will be impossible to make changes to the BTI floor plan and, as a result, it will be impossible to legalize the redevelopment.

Re-planning and reorganization are not allowed in the following cases:

  • if this procedure can complicate the operation of the whole house and become an obstacle to work with communications;
  • if, as a result of the reconstruction, the premises become unsuitable for habitation;
  • if the size of the utility room is increased, at the expense of the residential one;
  • when redevelopment may affect departmental housing;
  • in the event that the work may affect the strength of the entire house and the supporting structures of the building;
  • if redevelopment actions will damage communications or cause their elimination.

Differences between redevelopment and reorganization

The main difference between redevelopment and reorganization is that within the framework of redevelopment, the configuration of the living space is changed, and during the reorganization, new technical objects (bathrooms, ventilation) are added to the apartment or, on the contrary, removed.

In addition, the redevelopment is being coordinated with local governments, and the reorganization requires the consent of the services that control the operation of specific communication nodes. Also, redevelopment is carried out within the framework of one room, room, but the reorganization can cover the entire apartment.

To the advantages of redevelopment can be attributed to the fact that the owner has the right to own will make your home more original and modern. You can also expand existing rooms and use those areas of rooms that are not usually used. All apartments are coordinated in one place - at the municipality. To the disadvantages of the procedure it can be attributed that permission to carry it out may not be given if the actions of the owner can cause damage both to the apartment separately and to the whole house as a whole. Also, if the customer did not like the result of the work, then the cost of returning the premises to its previous state will be quite high.

As regards the reorganization, main advantage of these works is that they will allow the creation of additional sanitary facilities, ventilation and other communication points, which will increase the comfort of living in the room. The disadvantages of the reorganization include the fact that the procedure is extremely expensive and the approval for work must be obtained not in one place, but from several organizations at once.

The most popular questions and answers to them on the redevelopment and reorganization of the apartment

Question: Dear experts, please tell me, can I re-plan my apartment if I am not the owner of the dwelling, but only its responsible tenant? Do I need to agree this question in a municipal government? Irina.

Answer: Hello Irina. According to the norm of the law, the responsible tenant also has the right to dispose of the apartment that is the object of social recruitment, at your discretion. Based on this, you have the right to redevelop. You can obtain permission to reschedule in the general manner.


In conclusion, several conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Re-planning and re-arrangement of the premises are legal concepts within which changes are made to the dwelling.
  2. There are several options for rescheduling the premises.
  3. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to obtain permission from the municipality in case of redevelopment and from supervisory authorities in the field of communications in case of reconstruction.
  4. Reorganization differs from redevelopment in that in the first case, the configuration of the premises is changed, and in the second, works related to communications are performed.
  5. Both refurbishment and redevelopment have their pros and cons.

Replanning information from
LLC Center for Assessment and Consulting of St. Petersburg
(together with PEREPLANIROVKA LLC)


The redevelopment of a dwelling is a change in its configuration, requiring an amendment to the technical passport of the dwelling (Article 25 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). Redevelopment is the carrying out of work in the premises of a building related to a change in the location or size of the premises, their functional purpose, as well as their engineering equipment.

Reconstruction of a dwelling is the installation, replacement or transfer of engineering networks, sanitary, electrical or other equipment, requiring amendments to the technical passport of the dwelling (Article 25 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation)

The redevelopment of an apartment is any difference between the actual layout of the premises and the floor plan of the PIB. Within the framework of the current legislation, any, even minor, redevelopment of apartments, including apartments of the so-called "free" layout, requires mandatory approval of the redevelopment of an apartment in the manner prescribed by law, for which it is necessary to legalize the redevelopment of apartments.

Reorganization of residential premises is allowed only after consideration of the issue by the interdepartmental commission (MVK) and receipt of a documented permit.

Normative base

When redevelopment and reorganization of premises in residential buildings, one should be guided by:

1. Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2004 No. 188-FZ. Accepted State Duma December 22, 2004. Approved by the Federation Council on December 24, 2004

2. Order of the Government of St. Petersburg "On the reconstruction and redevelopment of apartments" dated August 22, 1994 No. 872-r (as amended by the ORDER of the Governor of St. Petersburg dated 03.06.97 N 503-r)

3.Rules and norms of technical operation housing stock dated 27.09.2003 No. 170, while projects must be developed in compliance with current building codes and regulations (SNIP), departmental building codes and regulations (VSN) and current legislation

4. Snip 2.08.01-89* Residential buildings. Snip 2.01.02-85* (212) Fire regulations, Snip 31-01-2003 (168). Residential multi-apartment buildings

Types of redevelopment

The redevelopment includes:

Transfer and dismantling of partitions;
- transfer and arrangement of doorways;
- installation of metal doors;
- glazing of balconies;
- disaggregation of multi-room apartments;
- arrangement of additional kitchens and bathrooms;
- expansion of the living area due to auxiliary premises;
- elimination of dark kitchens and entrances to kitchens through apartments or living quarters;
- device again or re-equipment of existing vestibules

It is not allowed and is not registered in the manner prescribed by law:

1. Re-planning of the premises without the consent of the owner (owner) of housing, as well as in the absence of the consent of all interested adult residents of the apartment.

2. Redevelopment of the premises, leading to:

  • violation of the strength or destruction of the supporting structures of the building,
  • deterioration in safety and appearance facades,
  • violation of fire-fighting devices,
  • impeding access to utilities and disconnecting devices,

3. Re-planning of buildings intended for demolition in the next three years and included in the relevant decisions and orders, if such re-planning is not necessary to ensure the safety of living,

4. Redevelopment of adjacent premises without preliminary amendments to the homeownership passport based on the decision of the MVK,

5. Re-planning of premises registered by the Headquarters for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations (MES), without the permission of the Chief of Staff.

6. Carrying out and implementing activities:

  • violating the requirements of construction, sanitary and hygienic, technical, operational normative documents operating for residential buildings;
  • leading to deterioration in the operating conditions of the housing stock;
  • leading to a deterioration in the living conditions of all or individual citizens of a house or apartment.

7. Dismantling:

  • load-bearing supports, walls and beams;
  • ventilation manifolds;

8. Immuring gas racks and wiring in the walls;

9. Equipping a bathroom above the living quarters and the kitchen of the neighbors;

10. Installing or rearranging a partition if the result is a room without natural light or heating devices;

11. Redevelopment, as a result of which a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than 9 square meters is formed. m or a width of less than 2.25 m;

12. Increase in utility area at the expense of residential area;

13. Uniting the apartment vertically.

14. Measures that affect the architectural appearance of residential buildings and are subject to registration and implementation in the manner established for reconstruction work or reconstruction of residential buildings are not allowed:

  • arrangement of balconies, canopies, bay windows;
  • transformation of existing loggias and balconies into bay windows.


It must be borne in mind that some types of redevelopment are not officially prohibited, but permission is still not given for them. For example, not a single document says that it is impossible to combine a room or kitchen with a loggia. But since technical documentation has not been developed in this regard, the IAC simply does not accept such options for consideration ( CEO LLC Center for Assessment and Consulting of St. Petersburg Vadim Markovich)

Registration is allowed and possible:

  • Changing the gasification and water supply system, but with the help of the relevant services with a license;
  • Laying in the gates of the internal wiring of pipes for water heating and water supply;
  • Expansion of living space through a corridor, a second kitchen when combining several apartments;
  • Cutting through doorways and archways load-bearing structures in the presence of all calculations and as an exception after strengthening the walls.
  • Dismantling (complete; partial) of non-bearing partitions (excluding inter-apartment partitions).
  • Arrangement of openings in external partitions (excluding inter-apartment)
  • Seal of doorways in partitions and load-bearing walls.
  • The device of partitions without increasing the loads on the ceiling.
  • Replacement (installation of additional) engineering equipment (not involving re-equipment throughout the building).
  • Dismantling of engineering equipment and (or) supply networks, provided that the existing risers of cold and hot water supply and sewerage are preserved.
  • Dismantling the partition between the kitchen and the living room, provided that the width of the newly formed opening is up to 2 meters and that the distance from the ceiling is not less than 30 cm. (If the opening is more than 2 meters wide, it is necessary additional examination living quarters)

Stages of approval and registration of redevelopment:

  • Obtaining a floor plan, explication and other necessary documents from the PIB;
  • Project production. Organization of the designer's visit to the site. The project is carried out by a specialized design organization having the appropriate license;

Coordination of the project in various instances, the main among which are:

  • Gossanepidnadzor (TSGSEN);
  • State Fire Supervision (GPNR);
  • Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture (KGA);
  • Balance holder (DEZ);
  • There are other instances, for example, the Housing Inspectorate, Vodokanal, the Electricity Network, the gas technical inspection, the Office for the Protection of Architectural Monuments (KGIOP), etc. The need for coordination in these instances depends on the characteristics of the premises and the nature of its reconstruction.

The timing of approval also depends on the set of additional instances in which it will be necessary to coordinate the reorganization.

  • The most important stage is the passage of documents through the Interdepartmental Commission (IMC), consisting of representatives of the above-mentioned authorities, which approves the final decision;
  • The final step is to obtain an order for redevelopment. Based on the permission of the MVK, it is already possible to carry out repairs with redevelopment, and then enter new information into the PIB passport.

Cost of work

The cost of issuing a permit for the redevelopment of the premises, as well as making changes to the PIB plans and the registration chamber, depend on the technical opinion, which includes: description of the existing building; measuring work; study of foundation soils; wall survey; inspection of interfloor ceilings; inspection of rafters, roofs, stairs, columns; examination of load-bearing and enclosing units, parts, structures. In St. Petersburg, the cost of registering a redevelopment ranges from $500-600 (for minor redevelopments) to $5000-6000 for large-scale redevelopments (or about $1-2 per 1 sq. meter of total area)

Time to pass approvals

Passing approvals and obtaining permission from the MVK for redevelopment can take from 2 to 6 months.