What you need to get a loan - the necessary documents. What you need to take a loan from Sberbank

Many citizens are interested in the question: what is needed to take out a loan from a Sberbank. The answer is simple.

To complete an application for a loan, a certain package of documents and compliance with some requirements will be required.

  1. The citizen must officially work.
  2. Registration must be in the city where you need to get a loan.
  3. Have no debts to the state.
  4. The age of the person is from 18 years.

The most important documents

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with registration, at least temporary.
  2. A document confirming that you have a steady income. This is a certificate in the form of 2 personal income tax, received from a permanent place of work. Issued directly by the accounting department or by the chief. If it is not possible to provide it by certain reasons, then it will be enough to bring a certificate of income on a special letterhead of the employing company, where there is a blue signature and a seal. It must contain the exact name, surname and patronymic of the employee, the name of the organization, its index and telephone number, income for the last six months.
  3. If a person receives a pension, then you need to submit a document on the issued income for last month... Such a certificate is issued by the Pension Fund.
  4. Sberbank is also ready to take into account Additional income... For example, income from renting out any property. Here you need to provide a copy of the declaration in the form of 3 personal income tax.

The monthly payment for a loan should not be higher than 30% of the income level. It is worth paying attention to the percentage of issue. How much will you need to overpay. You can learn about what you need to take a loan from a Sberbank from trusted people, if any, or directly at a bank branch.

Important! On the date set by the bank, every month, you need to return the loan debt, if you forget about this, then a fine cannot be avoided.

If yesterday many were afraid of the word "credit", today the majority use it not only to open a new business, but also to buy an electric kettle.

Loans open up much more opportunities for an individual than for an individual entrepreneur.

The best opportunity is, of course, an online loan, because you can take it without leaving your home!

For clear purposes - targeted loan

An apartment, a car, a dacha are the main pillars that everyone knows about. Or maybe you want to relax in Thailand or arrange a wedding there. And it’s high time to make repairs, and you still need to pay for your studies or, say, you need urgent treatment - now you can borrow money from the bank for all this.

By the way, it is used to buy a kettle, but for its registration you need to come to the store and have your passport with you. Also, a loan for rest or repairs can be obtained in organizations that provide these services. It will be much easier to do this than through a bank, but here you need to carefully read the proposed rates, because they are often higher.

Remember: when borrowing large amounts from the bank, you need a guarantor who is also responsible for this loan. Small amounts issued without guarantors. It is very important to measure your capabilities, because the installment on the loan, which you have to regularly make every month, can be no more than 30% of the amount of your total monthly income, as well as the income of your family.

So, below are the actual requirements that must be met by a person who comes to the bank for a loan:

The client has a residence permit in the settlement where the bank is located;

The client has a permanent place of work and work experience at the last place of work of at least three months;

The client has a good credit history, that is, he paid off previous loans without debts and fines;

The client is solvent;

The client has reached the age of 18;

No criminal case has been initiated against the client, or his conviction for this period time is extinguished.

If you need to post a collateral, you can provide the bank jewelry, securities or other property. Ask a bank advisor

Today, when the lending service has firmly entered our life, more and more people are asking themselves the question, what do you need,to take a loan? But even today there are people who are simply afraid to get involved with lending. Of course, no one is going to convince anyone of anything, but the main task of a loan is to buy a product or service today instead of saving money for several years. So confidence in banks is growing, and financial institutions are doing their best to justify this trust, each year creating more and more favorable loan offers.

So what do you need to get a loan? At the beginning, you need to decide exactly on the amount of the loan, since taking more than required means additional and unnecessary overpayments, and less is simply pointless! Then you need to decide on the bank from which you plan to take a loan. To do this, you do not need to consult with friends and family, but you need to study the entire credit market in your city. Visit the branches of various banks and talk about all the intricacies of loan offers with managers, by the way, they can give you, while superficially, answer the question of what you need to take a loan from their bank.

Pay special attention to the currency in which the loan is issued, the interest rate, the processing time and the possibility of early repayment without penalty. Also check if you need a bond or guarantors. You may not be surprised to learn that today it is quite difficult to find a guarantor, since in case of your refusal to pay on a loan, this obligation is transferred to the guarantor. By the way, a little advice! So that the loan does not affect the quality of your life, monthly payment should not exceed 30% of your monthly income. Violation of this rule may lead to the fact that for you it will again become topical issue what you need to get a loan. Many people are trying to repay another with one loan, but do not forget that an unsecured loan will not allow you to get new funds, and if you contact microfinance institutions, the interest rates will be such that you will have a long debt hole!

So what does it take to get a loan? Most banks have the following requirements: the borrower must be registered in the city where the bank is located and be of legal age. Also must have a steady income and work experience in an active place of at least six months.

But people who have an outstanding criminal record, or those under investigation, should not even think about the question of what is needed to take out a loan, no one will give it to them!

Now let's touch on a few words about the pitfalls in your loan agreement. The absolute ideal would be the absence of compulsory insurance, which, although paid in the form of a small percentage, is valid throughout the entire loan, which leads to unnecessary overpayments - on average 12% of the purchase price. Also, you shouldn't pay even a small, but one-time commission and interest for servicing your credit account. Of course, all these percentages reduce the financial risks of banks, but under the same condition, they sometimes increase your overpayments by 60% of the original cost.

As you can see, it is not difficult to take out a loan, especially when it comes to lending a product, but paying off a loan with incorrect miscalculations can be disastrous. By the way, if you want to take a car loan, do not forget, in addition to the loan amount, to calculate the funds that will be spent on gasoline, minor repairs and fines! If you are not sure what type of loan you need, fill out the form on our website. Our experts will contact you and help you make the right choice.

See how we work

What do you need to get a loan?

To get approval for any loan, you need to choose the most suitable loan program for you and send an application form to the bank and attach all the necessary documents for the loan. Most of the questionnaires have a standard form containing questions about name, age, contact information, information about income, marriage, etc.

After all the documents are received by the bank, your application is sent to the credit commission for consideration. If we are talking about issuing a credit card or express lending, the issue is considered almost automatically. The risks are assessed by a special program that calculates the input parameters and, in most cases, are then promptly checked by a bank employee. However, express lending does not imply the issuance of large amounts, and consideration of applications for mortgage loans and loans to legal entities always takes at least a week.

Credit history

If you previously took out loans and successfully repaid them, you have a positive credit history, which means you have a great chance of getting a loan. Perhaps you can even count on exclusive lending terms as banks are willing to pay dearly for loyal customers. Conversely, a negative credit history significantly complicates obtaining loans, especially if a large amount is required, and you do not have collateral, guarantor and co-borrowers.

Total credit burden

If you have several active loans at the same time (and the bank will definitely ask you for this information), then this may become an obstacle to obtaining another loan. Don't try to hide the existence of outstanding loans. If it turns out to be true, the bank will refuse a loan of 100%, because it most of all looks like a fraud.

Work experience and official registration of labor activity

All banks have different minimum seniority requirements. As a rule, when receiving serious sums, documentary evidence of a permanent job and work experience at the last job is required for at least 3 months. Often they also look at the overall seniority... You will have an advantage if you are issued with a work book. It is possible to get a loan if you work under an employment contract, but this form of confirmation of employment is less reliable from the point of view of the bank. Can the unemployed get a loan? Yes, they can, but they cannot take a large amount without a certificate of income, collateral and guarantors.

Monthly income and its confirmation

The size of the borrower's income is one of the key aspects in assessing his solvency. It is clear that the more income you can show, the more credit you will be given. Of course, the bank will not take your word for it and will require supporting documents - a copy of the work book, a copy employment contract, certificate of income for Last year in the form of 2NDFL or in the form of the bank. It is obvious that 90% of salaries in Russia are paid according to a “gray” scheme - that is, officially, a smaller part of the salary is paid through the accounting department, while the greater part is given to the employee “in an envelope”.

When receiving a large loan, banks are ready to believe that you are getting more than what is written in 2NDFL, only if your employer confirms this in writing. If you plan to receive a free-form income statement from your employer, please note that not all directors and accountants are ready to sign a document that, in fact, confirms tax evasion.

Property characteristics (for a mortgage or car loan)

When registering mortgage loan or a loan for the purchase of a car, a real estate object or a car automatically becomes the subject of collateral for the loan. The more liquid the collateral, the more comfortable the bank feels, because in case of non-repayment of the loan, the collateral will be sold in order to cover losses. Thus, it is much easier to get a loan to buy a new foreign car in a car dealership than to buy a used domestically produced car on credit, even if the loan amount is small.

Loan currency

Most banks today offer their clients to take out a loan not only in rubles, but also in dollars and euros. Choosing a loan in foreign currency, you run the risk of seriously losing if the value of the currency against the ruble rises.

Availability of co-borrowers and guarantors

If you cannot get the required amount on your own, it remains to try to attract co-borrowers or guarantors. What is the difference between the guarantor and the co-borrower? In short, the co-borrower has the same rights to the object purchased on credit as the main borrower. The guarantor is just a guarantee that the borrower will pay off the debt and is obliged to repay the loan if the borrower refuses to pay. But he will receive the right to collect debts from the borrower only after he himself pays off someone else's loan. In a word, it becomes quite dangerous as a guarantor, but it is difficult to get a loan without a guarantor.

Availability of collateral and property

If you take out a loan against collateral, then obviously you need to have some property in order to collateralize it. Such property, as a rule, is a real estate object or a car.

But even if you do not plan to use your property as collateral for a loan, you own apartments, cars, bank accounts, etc. will have a positive effect. It is more profitable for banks to deal with those who can sell something in case of extreme need.

Citizenship and registration

To date, in Russian banks, getting a loan without having Russian citizenship- very difficult. There are several loan programs specifically aimed at this, but there are very few of them and the conditions for them are very strict.

Registration is also important when obtaining a loan. Citizens with a permanent residence permit in St. Petersburg or the Leningrad Region have a significant advantage when approving a large loan. At the same time, if you need a loan but cannot get registration, you can try to attract a co-borrower or guarantor who has local registration. It is unlikely that it will be possible to independently take a large loan without registering in St. Petersburg.


When considering applications for large loans, some banks request education documents. It is believed that an educated borrower is more likely to find a job in the event of a sudden layoff or crisis. However, in fact, banks pay the least attention to this point.

What else do you need to know when applying for a loan?

1. Never provide false information in the application form. The basis of the stable operation of every financial institution is a professional and experienced security service. It is unlikely that you will be able to circle them around your finger. And if a deception turns out, the road to this bank (and maybe to others) will be closed to you forever.

2. Approval for a loan is valid certain time- from two weeks to two months. During this period, you can take advantage of the offer and receive the required amount at the bank's cash desk. After the approval period has expired, you will have to re-submit all documents and wait for the credit commission to review them, and it is not necessary that you will receive a positive decision again.

3. Banks, when assessing risks, consider a combination of factors, but it must be borne in mind that some data are so-called “stop factors”. For example, even if you show good income, then with a bad credit history it is unlikely that it will be possible to take a large loan.

If you can't get a loan

If you are unable to take out a loan from a bank on your own or you are not sure that you will be able to correctly assess all the advantages and disadvantages of a credit program on your own, contact. Even if you do not meet all the requirements of the bank, we will find a way to get a loan for you. By calling by phone or by sending an application from the site, you can get free consultation on lending issues in banks of St. Petersburg.

Exists a big problem, on which most intermediaries in the field of lending tend to make money - almost all borrowers do not have information about what documents are needed to obtain a bank loan . And, having only a passport and TIN available, they turn to banks in full confidence that they will approve the desired amount.

In fact, everything is far from so rosy. Banks indicate in advertisements far from complete list documents necessary for consideration of the application, in connection with which they are often denied and thereby spoil the borrower's credit history. As a result, it becomes bad, which subsequently seriously interferes with the registration of a cash loan not only in banks, but also in microfinance organizations, more on this.

So, what documents are really needed to get a loan? And for what?

  • Passport. Strictly binding document. Without it, no bank or MFI will simply accept an application. The passport must be valid and without unnecessary marks and blots, since if they are available, the applicant can be sent to replace the document.
  • INN. Doesn't matter. The bank can check the TIN number by sending a request to the client to the Federal Tax Service, and gaining access to information about his personal account. It will be strange if the working applicant does not have a TIN - it may serve as a reason for refusal.
  • SNILS (pension insurance certificate). Required to confirm that the person is working. Non-working citizens, as a rule, do not. A number of banks have recently received access to information on pension contributions borrower, a number of banks still do not have this access. Therefore, it is not very informative. Rarely considered as a second document despite being listed. The fact that the applicant is officially employed is not a basic requirement for some creditors. We will tell you how to get a loan without employment.
  • Driver's license. Indirect confirmation that a person owns a car, even if he does not declare it. Also a necessary document for citizens working in the transport sector (drivers, taxi drivers, etc.). Using the driver's license number, the bank can check for traffic fines. Their presence may serve as a reason for refusal to issue a loan. Rights should not be fictitious and expired. A few more reasons that will force the bank to make a negative decision are presented at this link.
  • International passport. Confirmation that the applicant has income in order to travel abroad. It is also proof that the borrower is an offsite - he does not have litigation and arrears on loans, alimony or taxes. For banks, it is informative only if the client had trips. A passport without marks about them is not a second document and is not accepted for consideration. To this document served as evidence of the borrower's solvency, it must contain exit notes within six months before contacting the bank. Earlier departures are also not considered, but such a passport can serve as a second document.
  • Service card or ID card of a soldier. It can serve as an indicator of employment, but only if the employer does not prohibit its presentation.
  • Debit card account statement. Used to indicate additional income (not wages), if it was declared.
  • Account statement of the salary card. It is necessary in cases where a person applies for a loan from a bank other than the servicing bank. It can be a substitute for a 2-NDFL certificate or a 2-NDFL certificate.
  • Certificate of ownership of the property. It can be like a share in common property and a full-fledged object - a plot, a room, an apartment, a house, a summer cottage. Serves to prove the existence of property (if the client has declared it - it is obligatory to provide) or additional income (if it is rented out).
  • Certificate of ownership of the vehicle (TCP or STS). Serves to prove ownership. The presentation of the PTS shows that the car is not pledged by the bank, the STS - that the car was taken for borrowed funds.
  • A copy of the work book or contract. Serves to indicate busyness. A copy of the TC or TD must be certified by the signature and seal of the HR department of the employing company. This copy is valid for no more than 30 days from the date of issue. Mandatory document when applying for consumer credit, credit cards, mortgage or classic car loan.
  • Personal income tax certificate or in the form of a bank. Confirmation of the client's income if he is not a member of any bank on salary service. Mandatory document when applying for a consumer loan, credit cards, a mortgage or a classic car loan.
  • Loan agreements for current obligations. Requested when applying for a large loan or mortgage, as confirmation of existing obligations.
  • VHI policy. Indirect confirmation of the client's employment, since most often VHI is issued to their employees large companies... Accepted in a number of banks (Russian Standard, Home Credit).
  • Marriage registration certificate. Usually required for mortgages. A more detailed list of securities for obtaining a housing loan is presented.
  • Premises lease agreement. Indication of additional income, in case the applicant has property and he rents it out. Must be certified by a notary or a prisoner at a real estate agency (with the seal of the given NA).
  • Copy of cash book or bank statement. For clients doing business as individual entrepreneurs... Proof of income.
  • IP registration certificate. Proof of employment or additional income if the person is simultaneously employed and running a business.
  • Pensioner's ID. For pensioners, it is presented together with a statement on the card to which the pension is transferred. Indicates income and employment. Interesting offers created specifically for this category of borrowers are presented in this article.