What color can you dye light brown hair. In what fashionable color to dye your hair: a choice of the most beautiful and vibrant shades. Are you going to dye your hair

Coloring is one of the most popular procedures for girls and women. Some of them visit the salon, where they are helped to choose the right color. Others carry out the procedure on their own. V in this case for it to be successful, it is important to choose for yourself not only high-quality paint, but also the right color. Only under these conditions will the result be "pleasing to the eye". Today we will tell you about what color to dye the hair of a brunette with brown eyes.

Hair color and color type

To pick up suitable shade curls, you need to take into account your hair, eye and skin color. This is the only way to create your ideal image.

Hair color for a brunette with brown eyes and dark skin

As a rule, girls with such an appearance are already very bright, so they do not need to radically change their appearance, all the more they should refrain from complete lightening. In this case, if you want to dye your hair, then it is better to stay on chocolate shades. Dark to light chocolate tones will suit you. Chestnut colors are also permitted. These tones will suit both the eyes and the skin, creating vivid image... If you prefer bolder colors, then you can opt for red shades. However, it is not recommended to paint all the hair in them. It is better to highlight several strands or just a bang with such a shade to bring fresh notes to the image. You can also do this with honey or caramel shades. In this case, you can make light toning.

chestnut with partial ombre lightening

v individual cases a rich red range is acceptable, for example, eggplant

a slight lightening to the tone of coffee with milk is permissible

Successful hair shades for fair skinned brunettes

If you have bright skin, brown eyes and dark hair, and you want to change their color, then you better stop your choice on golden, copper or amber shades. This will be the best combination for you. You can also look at the shades of hazelnut, milk chocolate and caramel. However, in this case, your image will turn out to be a little muted, but no less attractive. These colors will accentuate the tint of the eyes and the whiteness of the skin. However, you will not look too pale, like with black hair, which will have a positive effect on your appearance.

one of the variations of Burgundy, this shade does not suit everyone

deep black effectively contrasts with pale skin

red-red or copper scale looks good

Burgundy is not contraindicated for girls with not too pale skin

There are tones that brunettes with brown eyes should avoid. They all belong to the cold palette. These include burgundy, ash blonde, eggplant, Nordic blond. Please note that this prohibition applies only to brunettes with brown eyes and fair skin. The fact is that such tones will enhance the pallor of the epidermis. In addition, the shade of the eyes will also fade visually. All this will not have a very good effect on the appearance.

lightening can be done in blond, but most experts consider this combination to be inharmonious

As for the blond color, it does not go either to light skin, or to dark, when it comes to girls with naturally dark curls and brown eyes. If you still cannot resist light colors, then you should take a closer look at sandy shades. You can also afford light light brown color... However, in this case, you should know that not a trace of your natural brightness may remain, and you risk becoming a mediocrity that does not stand out from the crowd.

light blond is appropriate, but does not give a very bright image

coloring with an ombre effect with a transition from dark blond at the roots to lighter at the tips

Rules for choosing hair color for brown-eyed brunettes

We found out what color to dye the hair of a brunette with brown eyes. However, it is not enough to know the specific allowed shades for this type of appearance. It is also necessary to take into account other nuances in order to get a harmonious image.

Eyebrow and eyelash color

The shade of the hair may differ from the color of the eyebrows and eyelashes by 2 tones, while it should be borne in mind that this is the maximum difference. Do not deviate from this figure. If the hair color is much lighter than the eyebrow shade, then they will have to be lightened. In the event that the curls are darker than the eyebrows, then they will have to be tinted. However, both of them may not the best way affect the appearance. That is why it is best to trust the coloring of a professional who will select the most suitable shade of hair for you.

coloring in chestnut with a slight ombre effect and optimal eyebrow color

black hair and eyebrows are in harmony

Hair length

Not the last place in the choice of hair color is occupied by their length. So if you have long curls then it is best to choose shades that are considered natural. Bright colors in this case, it should be avoided, since such hair will look too unnatural. However, this rule does not apply to short hair... In this case, you can afford the lightest colors. For hair middle length it is also not desirable to color the hair in bright shades, but you can paint several strands in such tones. It will be a compromise between what you want and what you can afford.

bright red, blue and purple strands on a black background

original purple coloring on a black background

natural highlighting with several shades of chocolate that are close to each other

natural light brown with chestnut-chocolate notes

In this article, we figured out what color to dye the hair of a brunette with brown eyes, and also learned what else needs to be taken into account. However, from self-staining it is best to abstain, as in reality the result may not be at all what you expect.

Repaint from dark brown in very light blond or platinum can be done in two or three times. It all depends on the structure of the hair. If they are very thick, thick, tough, then three procedures will be needed. The first is discoloration or washes. Special composition applied to the hair destroys the dark pigment, leaving the curls hollow. They can be filled with any fairly light color scheme.

The staining procedure can be carried out after seven to ten days. If re-toning is needed to achieve a blonde or light color, it can be done in a couple of weeks. After that, you need to tint the roots every two to three weeks, since the difference between dark brown and blond is very noticeable.

Dark brown is pretty enough and rare color... If the hair has this natural shade, they can not be completely repainted, but several strands can be selected with lighter colors. They will accentuate the main color.

If the hair is thin enough, then get light shade, most likely, it will turn out in two times. Before coloring, it is better to consult with professional hairdresser... He will say that it will be less painful for the curls - two stains after a certain period of time, and staining in light color.

Trying to repaint from dark brown in one go is not worth it. First, the use of an oxidizer of more than six percent is very harmful to the hair. Secondly, desired color it may not work, and the hair will be badly damaged.

High contrast highlighting has long been out of fashion. To liven up your hairstyle, you can tint the strands in several shades - from chestnut to bright red.

From dark brown to black - how to dye

It is very easy to repaint in black from dark brown. You can choose and rich deep color, and bluish-black, and with a reddish or reddish tint. These shades shimmer very beautifully in bright light. And in this case, one staining will be enough. You need to apply paint starting from the roots.

First, the composition covers the occipital and parietal zones, then the temporal, then the bangs. If the hair has not been previously dyed, then the composition is distributed evenly over the entire length of the strands. If there were, then the paint is applied only to the roots, and ten minutes before the end of the tinting time, it is distributed along the entire length of the hair. This is done in order not to dry out the tips.

From dark brown, you can also easily dye into dark blond, medium blond, chestnut, rich red, mahogany. One procedure will be enough for this.

If you are confused by the question - what color to paint Brown hair (it often happens that natural light brown hair color looks very faded and lifeless), then we offer you several options for dyeing on the example of Western show business stars.

So, after you have decided whether you need a warm one, you can choose the color of the paint itself.

Sandy hair color

With a sandy hair color, the complexion looks softer. An example of such coloring can be seen in the photo of actress Misha Barton. The natural texture of the hair is emphasized by the cascading haircut from many layers. Add some gold lighter highlights to ideally thin strands. When staining the strand, clear root lines should not be visible, then this staining will look very natural.

Caramel blonde

We hope that our advice will help you with the solution of the issue - what color to dye brown hair, and you will make the right choice, which will make your image more vivid and expressive.

You are tired of your hair color, and you decided to change the image, but what color for dyeing should you choose? The task will become more difficult if you are planning to make a complex coloring using several shades. Let's talk about what color is better to dye your hair and what nuances of appearance it is necessary to take into account.

The main stylistic patterns of color combinations and effects when dyeing hair

Professional hairdressers, in order to determine which shade of hair will suit your face, adhere to the following formula: skin color + eye color + hair color... Thus, all women can be conditionally divided into four types:

  • Summer type: fair skin with pink or olive tint+ gray, light brown, gray-green, grey-blue eyes+ hair of ashy blonde shades, ashy brown, ashy blond.

  • Autumn type: dark skin + light brown, green, blue-green eyes + red hair and copper shades, red-brown and golden shades of chestnut, golden shades brown.

  • Winter type: light skin + brown, green, bright blue eyes + hair of black, dark brown, ash brown colors.

Once you've identified the type of appearance you are looking for, choosing a color for your hair will be easy. But now multicolor is very popular. sophisticated techniques stains, which use from three to ten different shades... Highly it is important to choose the right color combinations in order for your image to be harmonious and natural.

Especially carefully and thoughtfully it is worth choosing shades for color coloring, when strands are combined in one hairstyle. different colors contrasting with each other (blue, green, red, pink, etc.).

If we talk about natural colors in complex types of staining, then for each type of appearance it is worth choosing the following shades:

  • "Summer": platinum, ash, ash-blond shades.
    Contraindicated:any warm shades.
  • "Autumn": all shades of chestnut, chocolate shades of brown, red, red.
    Contraindicated: fair-haired.
  • "Winter": ash shades dark blond, black.
    Contraindicated:blond, warm wheat-honey shades.

Examples of successful combinations

In this section, we will clearly demonstrate what colors you can dye your hair to it is most advantageous to emphasize the merits your appearance.

When choosing what color you can dye your brown hair, it is best to focus on cold platinum, ash and beige shades.

If we talk about what colors can be painted dark hair, then the answer is very simple - choose a warm golden brown tones, and your hairstyle will always look spectacular. Such color range used for dyeing using the shatush, balayazh technique and for dark and dark blond hair.

What type of appearance you belong to depends on what color you can paint grey hair. The classic version , which is suitable for all types of appearance, is considered blond coloring, but for the types "summer" and "autumn" they choose a warm range, and for the types "winter" and "spring" it is better to use cold shades. Today the coloring "salt and pepper" and silvery-gray balayazh are very fashionable and relevant, but such color scheme only for owners of very light skin and gray or blue eyes.

If you are the owner brown eyes and light beige skin, the hair can be dyed in mahogany colors(the photo shows an example of how you can combine such shades).

In the next photo you can see an example of what color you can dye your hair, if you have green eyes and fair skin... Golden brown shades with a copper sheen perfectly emphasize eye color and skin tone.

This photo is an example of what color you can dye the ends of dark blond hair. Such pink and purple strands will to face young girls with charisma and bright appearance.

For brunettes, there are many options for what color to dye their black hair. on black hair will give you mystery, and such a vivid image will definitely not go unnoticed.

It is easy enough to determine what color red hair can be dyed. it the whole range of golden-chestnut shades with red pigment, as well as copper, amber, cognac and red shades.

Examples of unsuccessful combinations

In this section, we will show examples of not the most successful combinations hair color and the type of appearance we are we recommend that you avoid when dyeing hair.

If you have dark brown eyes and dark skin then dyeing hair in light brown shade will make your face expressionless and bring disharmony into your image.

Extremely bright shades of red, combined with a white skin tone and gray-green eyes, look quite ominous, and without makeup, the face will completely lose its expressiveness.

If you are a blonde who decided to change her image, then you need to know what color you can dye your brown hair. Otherwise, you risk getting a completely different shade that does not fit your color type. The second feature of the color of blondes is to choose the most practical color that will be combined with the growing roots.

The fact is that if a brunette turns blonde, then in a month, when the hair roots grow back, the hairstyle will look spectacular. The color of the roots will accentuate the color of the eyebrows, and the appearance will become expressive. In the case of a blonde who decides to dye herself a brunette or chestnut, everything will turn out exactly the opposite. The growing white roots will give the impression of baldness, the parting place will look like a cut wide strip to zero. Moreover, if the roots grow 1 cm, then the receding hairline along the parting will seem 2 cm wide. What if you decide to braid your tail? Your hairline will start somewhere at the top of your head. It's ugly.

What color can be dyed for light brown hair, and what to do with growing roots, read in our article, follow the recommendations. We have collected them from tips from experienced hairdressers.

Rules not to be ignored

Natural blondes are of 2 main types:

  • 1 - platinum, with a very cold tint to the skin and eyes;
  • 2 - yellowish, wheaten, with warm skin and the tint of the eyes.
Accordingly, cold blondes are better off avoiding warm colors, and warm blond - on the contrary.

In case of an unsuccessful choice of color, you can throw on your face several extra years, a beautiful skin to give a gray, olive or blue-white shade that will not blend in with the hair color.

Choosing shades for cold blondes

Cold blondes can color their hair in the following tones:

  • natural light brown;
  • black;
  • pink;
  • red with a cold undertone;
  • ashy;
  • purple;
  • and any shades 2-3 tones lighter or darker than their natural hair.
What colors shouldn't you paint? All golden, red tones will not suit you.

Color options

Probably every second person in Russia is born with a light brown tint. The peculiarity of the color is that in a dimly lit place it seems dark, you might think that the person is actually brown-haired. In daylight, the hairs seem to shine through, becoming 2-3 tones lighter. True, over time, a natural light brown shade and the result is a reddish tint. But it does not touch artificially colored hair, therefore, if you are a cold blonde, feel free to change it to a natural light brown color. The plus when choosing this shade is that when the native hair grows back, the transition will be soft, not very conspicuous.


Black is a universal color, suitable for both cold and warm blondes. Before dyeing, consider two points that can be attributed to bold minuses: Black color will make you older by several years. Young girls it's not scary, but women over 30 who fight for every year are better off picking up shades that are lighter.

When your hair begins to grow back - and this will happen a week after dyeing, the effect of floating hair above your head will appear, especially if you make a fleece and raise the roots. All those bald patches that were written about a little higher in the article will become noticeable. You will have to tint the roots often, literally every 2 weeks. You will quickly get tired of this, you will want to get away from the black color. And then you will be ambushed. It is easy to turn black, but difficult to get out of it.

The black color will have to be etched with several procedures with hydroperide. Get burnt, red hair that also needs to be dyed a few more times. Hair will die, no sign of life. Or you have to splice and cut for a long time.

Pink... If you young girl- blonde with blue, gray or gray-green eyes cold will suit you pink shades... The pros are that the paints are unstable, washed out after several visits to the bathroom. You can change your hair colors every month.

Reds with a cold undertone

Red cold color similar to pink, suitable for cold blondes. More than permanent paint... The main thing is that she does not go red, that is, warm color... Red and pink paints are not suitable for people with problem skin, especially if it is acne, vascular networks and other problems.

Red hair will intensify all skin imperfections, it will give the impression that the girl is not watching her face. If you still want bright colours, you have to choose a good solid tone that will hide all defects.

Blue and purple paints, like pink and red, are unstable. Perfect for blue-eyed and gray-eyed cold blondes.


Ash hair accentuates grey eyes... But the ash color - like gray and black, ages very much. Older blondes, on the contrary, need to get rid of gray hair, so it is not recommended to paint in an ashy color. It won't even occur to outsiders that your hair is the result chemical paint rather than signs of natural aging.

Choosing shades for warm blond

Warm blondes have peachy, slightly tanned or white skin with a scattering of freckles; hazel, nut or brown-green eyes; wheaten light brown or dark blond shade hair.

If you decide to dye your hair, your colors:

  • brown;
  • chestnut;
  • redheads;
  • copper;
  • warm red shades.
Unusual ones will do:
  • yellow, but not light green;
  • warm turquoise, but not blue;
  • dark gray, but not ashy.

In fact, choosing a paint based on only two color types is stupid. Why? Because there are also types of appearance: winter, spring and summer. But they are not the limit, because there are such color types that do not fit any description. Naturally platinum blonde with cold skin faces may be born with warm hazel-yellow eyes.

There are also non-standard cases when a person naturally has the skin on his body and neck white, cold like a dead man's, and does not take a tan, and the skin on his face is yellow, instantly reacts to Sun rays, including winter ones, becoming almost golden brown in color. Often on a girl with a combination of yellow and white skin, you might think that she has chosen the wrong color tonal basis or overdid it on her self-tanned face.

Perhaps the girl spent the whole summer in clothes that were closed to the chin, which made her face tan, but her body did not. Well, the most non-standard cases - natural color face has changed due to acquired diseases. For example, cardiovascular diseases can cause redness on the face, causing it to turn reddish-cold. Frostbite leads to the appearance vascular networks on the cheeks and nose, so these places acquire wine shade and because of poor circulation, in connection with rosacea, the skin of the face becomes whitish. White skin with red-wine rosacea gives a cold tint.

With diseases of the lungs that create for the body oxygen starvation, the complexion acquires a blue cold tint.

Anemia takes away all the blush and pigments, the skin turns white, chills emanate from it.

Diseases of the pancreas, liver and spleen give the face a yellow tint.

Kidney disease can leave the skin on the face unchanged except in the area around the eyes. Burgundy-blue bruises appear that do not match with warm eyes. An improperly selected hair color can make bruises under the eyes, rosacea on the nose and cheeks, a defect from frostbite even brighter, and correctly selected, on the contrary, drown out. Therefore, before wondering what color you can dye brown hair, think about which colors can enhance your defects, and which ones can hide.

What shade will make your appearance more expressive, your eyes and eyebrows will look harmonious. To understand, you need to apply the intended color to your hair. This can be done in Photoshop by playing with the color of the hair or by bringing a curl with the intended paint to your head. At the stands with paints there are always artificial strands that convey color. Otherwise, use the advice of a professional who will tell you matching colors, then go to the store for hair dye.