How to tan with pale skin. How to tan with fair skin? Facial protection before and after tanning

Legendary beauty Vivien Leigh said: "No ugly women“There are only women who don’t know they are beautiful.” We undertake to assert that even this is not enough for beauty. The skin of the face and body needs competent care. And this is a whole art.

Imagine that you look stunning!

And the men look back at you!

And the mirror always answers with a smile...

Can this be achieved? Undoubtedly yes! After all, the most best clothes for a woman, it is beautiful skin.

For you and only for you there is a site "Magical Skin" with a thousand and one tips for skin care!

A happy woman beautifies the world

The Magical Skin team has set a goal: to answer all questions about skin care. To do this, we sift through megabytes of information from the Web. In search of miraculous recipes, we open notebooks beauties of the last century. We listen to the advice of recognized Sexy. And this useful information we give you!

Magical Skin is a true encyclopedia of skin care tips. Experts (dermatologists, cosmetologists, homeopaths) and just experienced ladies share recipes that help make the skin of the face and body clean and fresh. Note that you no longer need to spend personal time looking for suitable recipes in books and the web.

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The sun is considered a natural antidepressant that energizes, uplifts, and gives strength. Taking sunbathing, we get rid of fatigue, all processes important for life are adjusted in the body. In addition, a tan makes the body more attractive by evening out skin tone.

The sun improves work internal organs, vitamin D, necessary for bones, is produced, and the level of hemoglobin in the blood also increases. However, in order to get everything useful from a natural source and not harm your health, you need to know some of the features of sun exposure.

If the skin is white? For owners of fair skin, the mode of exposure to the sun is special. In order to receive and maximum benefit for health, and not burns, you need to stay in the sun often, but not for long. When can people with fair skin tone tan? Most active from 11 am to 4 pm. During this period, it is worth hiding in the shade and dressing in light clothes that cover the skin. Periods 9-11 and 16-19 are considered the most optimal for tanning with any. People with intensive formation and accumulation of a specific pigment (melanin) in the lower layers of the skin tan quickly, so they do not make much effort to get a beautiful shade. Those who produce melanin in not enough, worries about how to tan. If the skin is white, quickly get beautiful shade will not work. You should start with small doses of sunbathing and gradually increase them. Usually 15 minutes is enough for the first time. Gradually, this time is increased and brought to a maximum two-hour stay under the sun. Do not forget about cosmetics with UV protection factors for the face and body. You should choose means before and after sunburn.

During the period when you do not sunbathe, but you have to be under direct rays, use light clothing, which covers all areas of the skin, and apply a cream with UV protection at this time on the face, neck and décolleté. Do not forget also about the open part of the legs. Thus, you will not have places with a more intense tan, and the skin will be even and beautiful. Tans quickly, as a rule, the part that is most often left open. As a result, it turns out that the face, décolleté, shoulders and top part feet are under the sun more often. Keep this in mind when wondering how to tan.

If the skin is white, then no matter how you sunbathe, it will not become swarthy. To give a light tone, you need to take sunbaths regularly and be sure to follow the regimen. In the hot period, it is desirable to use foods that contain vitamins E and C, selenium and zinc. They will protect the skin from burns and will fix the tan. It does not hurt to include foods rich in beta-carotene in your diet to give your skin a golden hue. When wondering how to tan if your skin is white, remember the consequences that can be if you do not follow the regimen of exposure to the sun. In pursuit of dark shade skin, you can cause this serious illness like cancer. Remember that beauty can only be when there is health.

How to quickly get a tan in 1 day. How to tan with white skin

Where is the best place to sunbathe?

If you are in the sea, river, or pool, you can get as much sunburn as you would on land. Water passes easily Sun rays, so do not overdo it when swimming in any body of water.

Also, do not forget that the breeze contributes uniform tan It also enhances the effect of the sun's rays. Therefore, in all solariums there is a ventilation system.

Don't forget about special creams for Tan. If you plan to sunbathe, then purchase oil. It is practically not washed off in water, it attracts the sun's rays much stronger than creams. The oil reflects in the sun, so it gives the best effect.

If you use bronzer tanning products, then apply them especially carefully. If you apply more cream on one part of the body and less on the other, you will tan in spots. Also, do not leave the cream on the palms and between the fingers. After application, always remove product residue between fingers and toes.

We would recommend using cream with bronzers only to those people who know how to properly and carefully apply the product. Practice drawing with an example first regular cream at home. Build for yourself an individual procedure for applying the product, so as not to miss a single area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Apply the cream, walk around the apartment with it for several minutes until it is completely absorbed.

repeat this action systematically so that the process of applying the drug on the beach takes you minimal amount time, and brought the maximum result.

From the moment we were offered to get a quick and beautiful tan in a solarium, there were various disputes of experts about whether it is worth sunbathing in a solarium, how to do it right? What harm can tanning in a solarium do to the body? In fact, excessive tanning can really harm your body. You can get severe burns, skin cancer, may occur malignant formations, which will have to be removed in special medical offices. However, all this is the result of your negligent attitude towards own health. The same can happen to your skin if you go on vacation in the summer, buy tickets, book a hotel room and start basking in the sun all day long. Unprepared skin will get a lot of burns, which then more than once will remind you of yourself.

So, almost every person can sunbathe in a solarium only if certain rules are observed.

If you have naturally white skin, blonde hair, your skin does not tan, but only becomes red, then you are strictly forbidden to tan in a solarium. As a rule, all albinos are suitable for such characteristics, who from birth have white hair and white, a little reddish color skin. If you fall under these characteristics, then you should not sunbathe in a solarium and in the sun. In the summer, before leaving the house, it is best to use creams that protect the skin from sunburn. In other cases, all people can get sunbathing in the solarium.

Preparing for tanning in the solarium.

First you need to prepare your skin and body for tanning. To do this, you need to purchase stikini, which will protect the most delicate part of your body from exposure to sunlight. Yes, you avoid a lot of the problems associated with the possible formation of white stripes from a swimsuit. However, do not forget that rings, crosses, pendants can also leave white marks on the skin. Therefore, before entering the booth, remove all jewelry from yourself.

A hair cap is essential to keep all your strands together and also to protect them from ultraviolet rays. All of us, even on the beach, use devices that protect our heads from sunstroke. In addition, various hats protect hair from overheating in the sun. Don't be careless about your appearance. While you're getting a golden tan, don't mess up your hair. A hair cap will not hold your strands like an elastic band or hairpin. Therefore, stock up on various invisibles, with which you can remove the bangs from the forehead, pick up the hair up. Only after you remove all the strands, you can use the cap.

Some girls sunbathe in the solarium in their underwear. And this is not surprising. How else to protect the intimate parts of your body from such a huge stream of sunlight? However, in professional salons tanning sprays for sale today intimate hygiene. They will protect you from possible dry skin. You can buy tanning cosmetics in a professional studio, and sunbathe where it is convenient for you.

READ ALSO: How to sunbathe at home

How to choose cosmetics for sunburn.

Indeed, today there are so many creams, oils and lotions that just make your head spin. Before choosing products, you need to decide what kind of tan you want to get in the end. There is chocolate, peach, sand tan. The color of your skin is affected not only by the tanning bed itself, but also by the cream that you use. So, you have decided that you want to have, for example, a chocolate tan. Great! Now tell the seller about it. And the girl will advise you on those creams that are right for you.

However, there are also tanning products that have additional features. For example, an ant tanning cream penetrates deep into your skin, it makes the tan persistent and deep. First, you apply the cream like you would any other product on your skin. It begins its action only when you go into the solarium, your skin warms up. Then you will start to experience a slight tingling sensation. The more cream you apply, the more it will tingle. After you get out of the tanning bed, you will see that your skin is reddened with red spots. However, this will all pass in a few hours. There are also slimming creams. They begin to burn subcutaneous fat when you go to the solarium. Let's not say that these creams really work well. How much can a person lose weight in a few minutes with just one cream? Naturally, you will not become a model during this time. We recommend that you purchase several sunscreens. A separate cream for the face, a separate one for the legs, for the eyelids, for the skin of the body. As you know, the tan from the face is washed off the fastest. Therefore, a tanning cream will help you leave an even tone all over your body. Tan sticks to the legs very badly, therefore, a separate cream is also needed here. If you follow all these rules, you can not only get the desired tan tone, but also tan evenly without harm to your body.

Many people choose not to spend cash on special cosmetics for Tan. Instead, they buy from a retail store simple creams for sunbathing on the beach or do not use any cosmetics at all except a moisturizer. Thus they destroy own skin. In a solarium, one minute of tanning is equal to one hour of sun exposure. So, you can roughly imagine how much UV radiation your skin is exposed to. If you don’t protect it, don’t take care of it, then you can easily earn yourself skin cancer.

Which solarium for even tan choose?

In general, all solariums can be divided into horizontal and vertical. In vertical tanning beds, you get a tan quickly, but, unfortunately, it is also quickly washed off with water. In horizontal cabins, you will get a deeper tan that will not wash off immediately after visiting the bath, but you will have to get this tan for a long period of time. So many girls visit first vertical solarium. Once they have reached the skin tone you desire, you can move on to horizontal solarium. Here you will maintain your tone, make it deeper.

After sunbathing, do not forget to use cream, which is also sold in tanning salons. This cream will soothe the skin, making your tan color dark, pleasing to the eyes.

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How to quickly get a tan in 1 day. How to tan with white skin REVIEWS:

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How to tan with fair skin?

With the advent of summer, most of us plan our holidays in such a way as to spend at least a few days at sea. resort life involves not only swimming in the sea, but also excellent sea ​​tan. That's just not all of us manage to become a "chocolate" after a few days of a short stay on the beach. White-skinned girls understood what was at stake. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult for owners of fair skin to find bronze tan. And the problem is this: white skin becomes red after exposure to the sun, and not swarthy. In addition, it is rare that white-skinned people manage to avoid sunburn. But if you listen to the advice of experts and use the recommendations that we will share in our article, then even being marbled white before the holidays, you can “bring” a perfect, bronze tan from the sea. Well, shall we talk?

Step One: Proper Preparation

Owners of white skin are advised to prepare for the holiday season in advance by going through 6-8 tanning sessions in the solarium. Between sessions it is necessary to take breaks of two days. This will be enough to prepare your delicate skin to the upcoming scorching sun. But do not forget that it is necessary to use protective equipment both in the solarium and on the beach.

If you prefer to tan in the sun, then use a cream or oil with maximum sun protection for the first few days. At the same time, to prepare the skin for tanning, it is better to go to the beach before 11 am or after 4 pm. After each bath, apply protective agent repeatedly, even if the packaging says that it is waterproof. The duration of sunbathing should be no more than an hour. Spend the rest of the time under an umbrella.

Step two: an even tan

At the spa, do not lie in one position for more than 15 minutes. Distribute the time for sunbathing so that the sun has time to "grab" all parts of the body - the stomach, sides, back. It is best not to lie flat, but to move while playing beach games. After 3-4 days, you can use a cream or oil designed for tanning, but also with protective effect from the sun.

While in the water, take care of your shoulders and back, as they are the most susceptible to burning. It is best to swim in a closed T-shirt to protect yourself from the active rays of the sun in the water.

Photo: Margarita Borodina/

What do we want from summer? The mass of sun and heat, good mood, excellent rest and impeccable tan. By the way, about the latter: what is it? At a minimum, golden, smooth, persistent. And, it is desirable to achieve results in a week. Only not all of us can boast of the ability to quickly and “deeply” sunbathe. However, naturally pale skin is not a sentence. Today we’ll talk about how snow whites can become darker without harm to health.

Let's start a little with something else: why are we not friends with tanning? We can lie in the sun for hours to no avail or burn ourselves in a matter of minutes. The fact is that our skin contains a small amount. The same pigment that is responsible for the color of the cover, hair and eyes. The lack of natural "dye" and results in a confrontation between the skin and tan. We cannot influence the amount of melanin: this feature is genetically inherent in us. But you shouldn’t give up either, because there are ways to get a tan for the “pale-faced sisters”. We have no secrets, so pay attention:

1.First in the solarium

Purpose of stay artificial sun- not significant, but skin preparation. So we will reduce the risk of burns by getting out on a fine day to the beach. The norm of snow whites is up to 4-5 five-minute sessions a couple of times a week. Subsequently, you can add a minute, but do not get carried away. And do not forget about special protective creams (consult the administrator).

2. We select funds for the beach

Here modesty only harms: the greater the degree of protection (SPF of at least 40 units), the better. Look for such a powerful skin support in the lines of cosmetics for the beach or children's series. Also don't forget about sunscreen lip balms and hair sprays. It is good to stock up on anti-burn aerosols (such as panthenol), moisturizers after sunburn.

3. Apply sunscreen correctly

The basis of the basics - the product is applied to exposed areas of the skin half an hour before leaving the room. Renew the product after each removal from the body after bathing, toweling, physical activity. And do not forget about the standards for being in the sun. For those whose skin burns quickly, it is recommended to stay in the sun for no more than half an hour a day. As you get used to the ultraviolet, you can slightly lower the cream protection bar.

4. Making the Most of Your Time

How to properly dispose of a few safe minutes of being in the air? We sunbathe before 10:00 and after 16:00, do not neglect cloudy days or shade. After bathing, we thoroughly dry ourselves: the water droplets left on the skin act like a lens, increasing the risk of burns. We often change our position when getting a tan and in no case do we fall asleep under the scorching rays.

5. Helping you tan... with food

Surprisingly, but true: you can influence nutrition. But not anyhow, but with a high content of provitamin A. Your beacon is red and Orange color products. Therefore, we lean on freshly squeezed juice (orange, carrot, pumpkin), cherries, citrus fruits, watermelon, tomatoes, peaches. And it’s absolutely wonderful if you add nuts, seeds, sea ​​fish. The B vitamins they contain help carotene to be better absorbed.

What exactly should not be done by owners of skin that is not friendly with tanning is:
use scrubs in the shower after being in the sun;
abuse perfume, toilet soap, alcohol lotions before leaving the house;
forget to put sunscreen on your knees, shoulders, nose. These parts of the body burn the fastest;
be in the sun all day or during peak activity hours (11:00 am to 4:00 pm);
abuse sunbathing when taking medications. Some antibiotics and retinoids increase skin sensitivity. So we read the instructions.

Certainly, in similar ways turning white chocolate skin into dark skin will not work. But beautiful golden hue you are provided. Are you not happy with this result? Perhaps it makes sense to think about self-tanning cream. Just do not be zealous with the choice of a dark tone. People with naturally pale skin are shown the most light shades otherwise you will look unnatural. Of course, a tube tan does not carry protective properties and acts as a temporary alternative, but less harmful.

Let's not be foolish: safe tanning does not exist. After all, what is, in fact, the desired color of the skin? The reaction of the integument to their damage by the sun's rays. Let's not forget about such a phenomenon as photoaging. Therefore, do not try with all your might to give the image a bronze tint if nature has endowed you porcelain skin not friendly with the sun. But a light dark-skinned woman (or even without it), and even coupled with a healthy blush, can make you stand out from the tanned crowd more strongly.

It's probably hard to argue with the fact that an even, beautiful tan makes a woman more attractive.

And although it is believed that it leads to premature aging skin and provoke skin diseases, most people rush to the sea in summer.

And not only to relax and swim, but also to return home.

In this regard, those who have naturally dark skin are lucky.

But how to get tanned fair skin?

Unfortunately, this is not easy, and in some cases even impossible.

First, when sunbathing, white skin first turns red.

Secondly, without following certain rules of behavior on the beach, it is easy for white-skinned people to “burn”.

Tanning for fair skin: preparation

Thus, before going to rest by the sea, white skin must be pre-prepared for tanning.

To do this, you can visit the solarium several times, taking breaks between sessions.

However, despite such training, you should not be in the sun without protective cream. Moreover, it should be applied approximately half an hour before the start of tanning.

When sunbathing, people with white skin need to be especially careful.

A well-known rule is to sunbathe before 11 o'clock and after 15 o'clock, when the sun is not so active.

While most sunscreens are water resistant, it's best to reapply them after every swim.

At first, you should not get involved in prolonged exposure to the sun.

For people with white skin, 30 minutes will be enough. Then it is better to go into the shade or hide under an umbrella.

Light skin, how to tan?

When sunbathing, you do not need to be in one position. The best thing is to be on the move - run, play outdoor games, for example, in volleyball.

Being close to water, the likelihood of sunburn increases several times, since water reflects the sun's rays, increasing their effect on the skin.

Many women love to soak up the sun, lie down on a bedspread or towel. In this case, you need to start sunbathing on your back, changing position every 15 minutes.

After sunbathing, you need to take a shower, after which lubricate the skin with a special moisturizer or lotion, which will retain moisture for a long time.

Great importance should be given to food on vacation.

In the morning, going to the beach, it is best to eat a light breakfast.

In the evening, you can sunbathe after an hour and a half after eating.

The food also has to be "correct". Do not abuse salty, smoked foods, chocolate and coffee.

These products reduce the production of melanin, which negatively affects the tan. But fruits and vegetables can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

White women need to tan gradually. Sometimes it may take more than one week.

But with this approach, there is a real opportunity to get desired effect without unnecessary problems. If the burn could not be avoided, you can use a few tips.

Light skin and sunburn

To avoid unnecessary irritation, you should take care of the skin and try not to appear in the sun for a while. At the same time, it is better to wear clothes from natural cotton free cut.

  • To ease the pain, immediately after the burn, take a cool shower and make compresses from ice cubes. In extreme cases, a towel soaked in cold water can be applied to the body.

Of course, it is much easier to prevent a burn than to treat it. Therefore, now take into service all the answers to the question: how to tan with fair skin? And don't forget to use sunscreens With a high degree protection.