How to paint the eyelids if the eyes are green. We paint brown and green eyes - options for day and evening makeup. Makeup for gray-green eyes

Green eyes have always been associated with witchcraft, mystery and magic. They envied the green-eyed beauties, they were afraid and shunned, fearing to be captured by this captivating gaze. But not every green-eyed beauty knows which makeup is best for every day.

Now the owners of the alluring green shade charm and attract the stronger sex even more, because they have a lot of cosmetics and secrets that can enhance natural beauty in their access.

How to apply correctly everyday makeup for green eyes (step by step) - photo and description can clarify this interest Ask.

Green eye makeup color palette

Green eyes are quite bright and expressive, so many owners of this look avoid choosing luscious color schemes, drowning out beauty with expressionless makeup. And commit big mistake, because the natural attractiveness should be able to emphasize favorably, and not hide.

It is important to know how to profitably choose shadows, pencils and mascaras so that the enchanting green look becomes even more attractive.


  • if you want to emphasize the unique color of your eyes, do not be afraid to resort to a contrasting choice of colors;
  • in order for the look to acquire depth, it is necessary to accentuate one color from the palette on the eyelids, which is present on their iris.

It is better for green-eyed beauties to turn their attention to the following options, which are suitable not only for everything day makeup, but also for the evening (which can be clearly seen in the step-by-step photographs):

  • cold palette of purple;
  • all variations from lilac to pink;
  • brownish red, terracotta;
  • light to dark gray;
  • beige and bronze colors;
  • purple and purple.

While creating fashionable bow, professionals categorically do not advise green-eyed owners to use all shades of blue as it will heavily weigh your eyes.

Please note: when the upper eyelid is covered with bright shades, for example, pink or lilac, it is better to emphasize the bottom with more soothing shadows - gray, brown or black.


For eyes with the iris in question, eyeliner of one of these colors is well suited: brown, gold, gray and silver, purple, dark green, and the color of a ripe plum.


Even without taking into account the color of the iris, any eye color stands out beautifully in the frame thick eyelashes covered with black or brown ink... And to create an attractive and unusual witchcraft look, the tips of the painted eyelashes can be covered with colored mascara - green or purple.

Makeup for green eyes, depending on their type

Eyes come in different shapes, so you should know the rules for creating makeup for each type separately. It will be possible to highlight the main advantages and hide the flaws with the help of a well-chosen shade of shadows and some secrets of their application.

If the eyes are set close

Angle and middle zone eyelids in close-set eyes are best painted over with shadows of light shades in order to visually even out the distance between the eyes.

It is better to paint over only the outer area of ​​the eyelid with darker or brighter colors. The same principle is used for the eyeliner: it is better to draw a thin line from the inside, and thicken to the outside.

If the eyes are set deep

For deep-set green eyes, there are three options. color solutions... Dark shades require special care when applying.

The corner of the outer part of the eye should only be covered light color(milky or beige), on a movable fold - a slightly darker color, shading the borders well. Highlight the outer corner of the eyes and the line along the growth of the eyelashes with a darker shade.

How to Apply Everyday Makeup: Step by Step Photo for Deep Set Green Eyes

If your eyes are set wide

Stylists advise, in order to visually align the shape of the face and the proportions of its upper part, it is better to shade such eyelids in three tones - neutral, lighter and darker saturated.

They cover the entire movable part with a light base, paint over the corner of the outer part with dark shadows and shade well towards the middle. The eyeliner arrow should be thickened at the inner edge and gradually reduced, without bringing it to outer edge century.

If eyes with a drooping eyelid

You can even out such a flaw with two shades of shadows - the lightest and the darkest. The entire eyelid and even the brow area is covered with light, a drop of a darker color covers the inner corner of the eye and is carefully shaded upward to its outer part.

How To Apply Everyday Makeup: A Step-By-Step Photo For Green Eyes With Overhanging Lids

The main thing for the type of eyes under consideration is imperceptible transitions and no visible spots. Lower part carefully cover the eyes with the same tone that was used for the accent on top.

How to do everyday makeup - step by step guide

Everyday makeup for green eyes step by step (photo and description will help to avoid the most common mistakes) has a main rule - do everything carefully, without rushing, drawing all the details.

Step 1. Preparing the skin for makeup application

Lubricate cleansed face skin suitable cream, use the appropriate shade foundation masking all the flaws. For daytime makeup, it's better to take blush. matte shade because the shimmery particles will look out of place.

Step 2. Applying the base

To appearance was flawless and remained so long time, it is also recommended to drip a little base on the skin of the eyelids and gently blend with a soft sponge.

Step 3. Applying shadows

It is better to make everyday makeup for owners of green eyes light and almost invisible. To cope with this task will help step by step photos graphy and description:

  • outer corner and middle part cover the eyelids with a neutral shade, blending well with a brush;
  • carefully cover the outer contour of the eye with a contrasting tone or darker, trying to superimpose them so that the selected shadows do not fall on the middle or inner zone of the eyelid;
  • depending on the problems that need to be hidden, apply a third shade of shadows in the middle or under the eyebrows;
  • paint over the line near the eyelashes with a dark pencil or eyeliner in accordance with the characteristics of the eyes;
  • also bring the lower part of the eyes with a pencil, eyeliner or thinly apply dark shadows;
  • it is necessary to ensure that with daytime makeup there are no too dark or rough lines on the eyes;
  • cover eyelashes with mascara in several stages so that the hairs do not stick together;
  • using lipstick or lip gloss (the brighter the eyes are highlighted, the more neutral the lips should be).

How To Make Everyday Smoky Eyes Green

Smoky eyes for green eyes

Make up in smoky style eyes requires the use of dark saturated shades shadows. But for the option for every day, it is better to give preference to gray or brown palette, which will "open up" the gaze of green eyes, bring them openness and depth:

  • carefully cover the entire surface of the fold with basic light shadows (using the smoky eyes do not use too light, transparent paints);
  • movable fold and outer part paint over the eyelids in a dark color, evenly and carefully shading so that there are imperceptible borders and there are no visible transitions;
  • draw a thin line near the eyelashes with a black, dark gray pencil or eyeliner;
  • use the same tools to paint over a small strip of the lower eyelid and gently shade;
  • Cover eyelashes with mascara several times.
  1. Shadows white tone applied under the eyebrow help bring expression and openness to the look.
  2. Using three or more shades of the same color when applying make up will help create smooth and inconspicuous transitions from one color to another.
  3. When creating daytime makeup, it is best to avoid too bright, dark, shimmery or pearlescent eyeshadow so as not to overload your image with colored spots.
  4. It is recommended to use a primer, it will help to create the correct gradient of the shadows.
  5. If for the eyes were chosen bright colors, then the lips should be covered with lipstick in light or neutral tones.
  6. The lightest shade is painted over only the inner part of the eyelid and the part under the eyebrow.
  7. Do not overlook the blush. It is recommended to use a shade of blush based on the tone of the skin.

Appropriate and stylish everyday makeup for green eyes is not an easy task, especially for those new to the business. But step by step photos, step-by-step descriptions and professional advice will help you shine green eyes even stronger.

Makeup for green eyes for every day from a make-up artist:

Makeup for green eyes: step-by-step video tutorial:

Day makeup: step-by-step instruction, Photo:

Makeup helps girls to emphasize all the advantages of facial beauty and hide certain flaws. If you know how to paint your eyes correctly, you can highlight their depth and brightness, make your look more languid or dramatic.

How to paint your eyes with shadows

The first thing to remember is to use quality cosmetics. Any cheap eyeshadow (regardless of whether they are liquid or pressed) tend to roll in the folds of the eyelid. It looks extremely sloppy and spoils general image... The second thing to focus on is the base. Without tonal and powdery coatings, the colors of the eyeshadows will be expressionless.

Step by step:

  1. The base is applied first to the skin. You can use body shadow or powder instead. Immediately, we note that a base means a tonal coating or a special makeup base;
  2. Further, white shades of shadows are superimposed on the skin of the moving eyelid, they also need to be applied under the eyebrow. This will make the eyes more expressive and all other colors that will be painted over the light layer will look brighter;
  3. If you work with shadows with a shimmer, then they should not just be shaded, but driven into the skin. The most convenient way to work is to use a flat eyeshadow brush. For working with classic pressed shadows, a regular small sponge is suitable. They need to apply the base color to the upper eyelid;
  4. To visually make the eyes more expressive, and to give openness to the look, you need to add a little sparkle to the corner. It can be a highlighter stroke or just a drop of white shadows;
  5. Regardless of the shape, it is important to darken the outer corner - this will add drama without overloading the image. For this, two dark colors(brown and black, blue and black, etc.), and beveled thin brush they are applied strictly along the lash line. After, like a liner, a thin tail is removed outside the movable eyelid;
  6. It remains to paint up the eyelashes with mascara and bring up the eyebrows.

Why mix two dark colors instead of just one? Most drum shades look flashy on their own, and some (brown) can even add age or redness. To avoid this, they are combined with each other.

How to paint with a pencil

If earlier it was recommended to paint eyes with either white or black pencil, now it is correct to use any shades. The brighter, the more interesting. This is a huge scope for imagination, because you can choose the right option for any color. But the most popular, nevertheless, are black, brown and dark blue.

How to paint with a pencil step by step:

  1. A pencil is used in much the same way as a liner. In no case, do not lead one line from the inner corner to the outer corner. It is unlikely to turn out to be even and neat, especially symmetrical;
  2. The pencil is applied only thin lungs strokes. The ponytail is withdrawn at the end of the process, so at first all attention is paid to the fine line along the growth of the eyelashes. Try to work with a sharpened pencil to make it as invisible as possible. Later you can give it the required thickness;
  3. To make the pencil strokes look uniform, they must be slightly shaded with a beveled brush. And only after that the tip of the arrow is extended;
  4. To open up the look, a little highlighter is applied to the lower eyelid. Alternatively, you can use a white or shiny light pencil (in this case, its pigment will need to be rubbed thoroughly);
  5. After mascara is applied, the hollow on the inner side is emphasized with shadows upper eyelid, the eyebrow line is highlighted.

How to paint the arrows on the eyes

Classic arrows suit almost all girls. They are the basis of the favorite makeup of Marilyn Monroe, Dita Von Teese and many other symbols of seduction. Despite the apparent simplicity, a clear line with a graceful ponytail is quite difficult to draw.

Instructions on how to make arrows in the style of Kylie Jenner:

  1. You need to apply a light base to the upper eyelid. We recommend using dry eyeshadow or powder. To make the eyes appear more open, shadows of a darker color are also applied to the cavity near the upper eyelid. Then this shadow is shaded;
  2. On the main part of the eyelid, pearlescent shadows are applied over the base. They should also be applied to the corner at the bridge of the nose and under the eyebrows. This will make the image more harmonious;
  3. The eyelash growth line is painted over with a liner. For this, thin small strokes are applied with the edge of the brush up to a third of the eyelid. To learn how to draw arrows beautifully, you need to do them exclusively in front of your open eyes. This will immediately notice a curvature or unevenness;
  4. The ponytail is drawn at a 45 degree angle to the lash line. After from its extreme tail, a thin line is drawn up to a third of the century. It is painted over with eyeliner or pencil;
  5. The rest of the eyelid is also painted over with fine strokes. The most inconspicuous lines should fall on the corner of the eye;
  6. Then the eyelashes are painted. But Kylie often uses overheads (by the way, they can also be painted with ink). Then they will look very natural.

Learning to paint with eyeliner

With an eyeliner, you can draw yourself not only thin "cat" arrows, but also spectacular art. They are fundamentally different from thin and ultrathin in their shape and size. They are considered incredibly popular due to the style trend of the 80s and 90s.

Tips on how to paint with liner for beginners:

  • Regardless of the type of eyeliner (matte, glossy, liquid, pencil, etc.), it is applied only to a powder base. Otherwise, the line will be smeared and imprinted on the upper crease of the eyelid;
  • All girls are faced with the problems of "different" arrows. To avoid this, you need to paint only with your eyes open. Note that even templates will not help in this case: the eye sockets have a different shape, which is especially noticeable when painting over the arrows;
  • To correctly paint your eyes with a liner, you cannot draw one continuous line. First, the strokes are painted, and only then they will connect to each other;
  • The most important rule when working with eyeliner is that the first line should be as thin as possible. If necessary, it will be possible to thicken it, but it will not work to make it thinner. You will have to completely rinse off the makeup.

How to paint with ink

Eye makeup is not complete without mascara. This is a unique cosmetic product that can even make your look spectacular and bright by itself. It is best to use black and brown mascara, although you can adapt to paint in brighter shades: blue, green, purple.

How to apply mascara to eyelashes step by step:

  1. The hairs need to be twisted. To do this, you can use tweezers, but if they are not at hand, then they are even twisted on a finger. To do this, horizontally applied to the upper eyelid forefinger and in its direction the cilia are smoothed;
  2. The first thing to do is to color the hairs on the inner side of the eye. The mascara brush is directed parallel to the lash line and is carried out from the very roots to the tips. Depending on the consistency of this cosmetic product, two or more layers may be required;
  3. The lower eyelashes must be painted over. To do this, the brush is made progressively circular movements. Apply the paint from root to tip with gentle strokes;
  4. Finally, you need to apply an additional layer of mascara to the roots - this will extend the "durability" of the curls. If some of the hairs stick together, then they are simply combed with a brush or tweezers.

Step-by-step instructions on how to paint with different eye shapes

Depending on the shape, there are different technologies applying eye shadow and liner. Small manipulations will allow yourself to make a first-class makeup. Any master will be able, with the help of small strokes, to highlight the most advantageous features of the eyes and hide any flaws.

Video: how to paint your eyes correctly - says an expert

Makeup for looming eyelids

When the eyelids droop, the eyes immediately become visually smaller, this adds extra age and creates the effect of "chronic" fatigue. Gently darkening problem area, you can not only immediately become younger and refresh the image.

Master class on how to make up eyes with a drooping eyelid:

  1. The base is applied to the upper eyelid, the lower one is brought in with a light pencil or highlighter. A fold of skin near the outer corner is neatly shaded brown shadows or by liner;
  2. The brown shade is stretched to a third of the lower eyelid, a ponytail is made at the corner to create a small arrow. Professionals shade shadows or a pencil with a brush, but at home you can use a sponge;
  3. To beautifully darken the overhanging part of the eyelid, a dark shade of shadows is applied over it, as close as possible to the natural palette. It blends very well. Beige light shadows are applied to the outer part and are also shaded;
  4. To make it as natural as possible, the shadows of the two shades are gently blended with each other. This will provide a transition from light to dark;
  5. Only after that an arrow is drawn on the outer corner. For this it is best to use dark shade shades: brown, graphite gray or others of your choice;
  6. If the eyelids are heavy, but on top of the darkened fold, you also need to create a reflective accent. To do this, under the eyebrows and before the beginning of the darkened zone, pearlescent shadows or shimmer are applied;
  7. A thin line is drawn along the line of growth of the eyelashes with a black eyeliner. The lower eyelid can be tinted with a bright liner. It is selected depending on the color of the eyes;
  8. The corners are brightened with a highlighter. It also tints the area under the lower eyelid.

Bulging and large eyes

If almond eyes do not give their owners absolutely no problems, then girls with bulging and too large eye sockets have to visually narrow them all the time.

How to properly paint bulging round eyes:

  1. A crisp black contour is applied to the creamy base. The easiest way to create it is with eyeliner. The liner line is shaded with a beveled hard sponge or brush to create a dramatic tip;
  2. The movable part of the eyelid is covered with a matte calm shade of shadows. Additionally, the crease under the eyebrow is lightened;
  3. After over light color a bit of dark is applied. You should not completely withdraw into the darkening of the eyes - this will give an extra emphasis on the convex part;
  4. Only after that is it drawn classic arrow dark liner. Some makeup artists use black shadows for such purposes, which they apply with a very small and thin damp brush;
  5. With the help of a brush, small strokes are made upward, the shadows seem to be stretched to the middle of the eye. This will darken the movable eyelid and make it as neat as possible;
  6. A highlighter or shade with a shimmer is applied to the corners;
  7. Now, from the middle of the lower eyelid, an easy natural shadow eyelashes. This is most conveniently done with the same shadows that were used for the base on the top. Be sure to emphasize the bottom rim of the eye. To do this, you need to draw it with a gray or dark beige pencil. It is unacceptable to use light shades.

We paint narrow and small eyes

Slanting or narrow eyes are usually small in shape. But despite this, with correct makeup they look incredibly impressive and beautiful.

Makeup for narrow eyes

How to properly paint oriental eyes at home:

  1. The entire movable eyelid is worked through with the lightest shade. Ideally, it should be close to porcelain or white;
  2. After that, the skin is covered with mother-of-pearl or shimmer;
  3. A thin line is applied to the inner corner of the eye and the outer part with a liner. Next, a cold shade of brown is selected and applied to the upper fold at the eyebrow;
  4. Now for the most interesting point. The painting scheme for narrow eyes is radically different from all those described above. In particular, the fact that the crease between the movable eyelid and the eyebrow is emphasized by a thin line of dark color. It needs to be created when open eye, so the first time you have to practice a little;
  5. From this "bird" the tail is stretched, it remains open. After that, a second arrow extends from the middle of the eye to the outer corner, here its tail will close the upper eyelid. Naturally, the lines are shaded according to the growth of the eyelashes;
  6. After the eyes are brought up in a classic way(catlike) liquid eyeliner. It remains to add a little mascara and shine under the lower eyelid.

Evening smoky ice is made in the same way, but brighter colors are selected for it.

Deep set eyes

The main problem with deep-set eyes is the extra volume above the upper crease. If the eyelids are sunken, then the eye socket is "lost" under them. It is important here to darken not the fold itself, but the space above it.

Instructions on how to do daytime makeup for deep-set eyes:

  1. For this type, the optimal beige-brown range with a slight splash of red. This will create the most natural shadow;
  2. Apply on top of the problem fold dark shadow... It is shaded at a slight angle, as if stretching the eye. The same shade is applied in a very small amount under the lower eyelid;
  3. To prevent the eyes from looking tired, a thin classic arrow is painted over the eyelashes. This thin contour will also help lift the outer corner, making it slightly stretched;
  4. For the arrowhead on the upper eyelid, it is best to work with liquid eyeliner, but do not pull out the tip. This will only accentuate the sunkenness. Leave it as if uncovered. Underline the lower lash line from the middle to the edge with a dark shaded line;
  5. A small amount of gloss is applied to the inner corner. We recommend that you work exclusively with deep-set eyes. matte shadows in a natural range - this will allow you to look much more natural than when using catchy shades;
  6. After that, mascara is applied and the eyebrows are brought in. Note that the brow area should not be lightened either. Leave it almost untouched (except for foundation).

According to all the laws of color, if you use the "correct" shades in the shadows, you can achieve incredible effect: The color will become vivid, expressive, deep.

Brown eyes

Dark, cold shades are very suitable for brunettes. This is purple, lilac and the whole gamut of blue. For daytime makeup, we recommend that you pay attention to delicate purple tones and matte beige (they are natural and suitable for everyone).


Girls with such unique color shadows with reddish pigments are suitable. These are brown, red, peach and other "warm" shades. Red and pinkish palettes look especially cool.

Gray and gray blue

It's practically perfect colors... Almost all shades are suitable for their owners, including black and dark gray.


All blondes are suitable for light gray shades shadows, yellowish, beige and pearlescent. As an eyeliner, black and dark gray liners are ideal. But brown and bright shades are best avoided.

All people are known to be incredibly different, each has its own eye color and, no doubt, its own absolutely individual hair color. It is extremely important that these two components in one appearance coexist harmoniously with each other. The color of the hair should be combined as best as possible directly with the existing shade of the eyes, so that the female representative looks really impressive. However, for some reason, few people know exactly how to choose the right one for themselves suitable color hair. But this important rules, which are worth observing if you want your appearance to be truly attractive in the end. All eminent stylists and in general people who are in one way or another connected with the beauty industry try to choose the right shade for their hair specifically for their eyes. What is the most correct hair color for green eyes?

Types of green eyes

Eyes of this truly amazing color are different, therefore, for convenience, they were divided into some types. For each type of green eyes, of course, you need to select the color of the curls exclusively on an individual basis, then the whole image will look harmonious, which, in principle, is what most of all women want. Basically, all green eyes have at least some shade, although pure green eyes, it should be noted, also exist in nature.

Pure green eyes

They are bright, so their owner clearly should not be shy. In addition, such a shade without blotches is considered a real rarity. The tone for dyeing hair should also be saturated. So, hair color for green eyes without blotches can be presented in a fairly wide palette: milk and dark chocolate, beautiful honey and those that have red responses.

In the case when, in the presence of bright green eyes, a lady also has a fairly dark skin, then she has the right to choose an absolutely black color for her hair, it will be very interesting to play against the background of green eyes.

Some women can try coloring, that is, the so-called dyeing of strands with several colors, for example, as bright as purple. This method of dyeing is now very popular, because, thanks to it, you can not dye the entire hair in such extreme colors, and give the shade you like only to some strands. As a result, it is easy to decide whether it will be comfortable with such hair or not at all.

Kare-green eyes

If there is an admixture of hazel in green eyes, then from too much bright colors you will have to refuse, because they will not look advantageous on the curls. In addition, compared with such bright hair the eyes themselves will become faded.

It is important to consider that all expressiveness female eyes in this particular case, it directly depends only on how light the hair tone will be. Experts advise all women with brown-green eyes to choose for themselves a nutty shade or even light blond. The only one bright color hair for green eyes with brown splashes, which can be used - mahogany. But still it is difficult to call it flashy, rather it is just saturated.

Brown-green eyes, depending on which shade of hair they decided to tie, can give more green or, on the contrary, become more brown, so you need to understand what shade in the eyes you want to achieve in the end. Most ladies still try to emphasize the green of their eyes, therefore they are painted in the above colors.

Gray-green eyes

The eyes of this interesting shade are in themselves quite light, but no less interesting than all the others. You should also choose a hair color for this type of green eyes in a special way, so that it is fully combined. Red, for example, will not work at all, but you can dye your hair the color of chocolate.

The above shades will definitely make a lady with gray-green eyes bright, but, what is important, they will not overshadow her beautiful natural eye color.

How to choose a hair color for green eyes by color type?

It is no longer a secret that before choosing a color for your hair, it is important to correctly determine your color type. In total, green-eyed have two color types, respectively, warm and cold. Each of them is well suited different shades, therefore, first of all, the lady needs to understand exactly which of these two specific color types her appearance belongs to. This is not difficult to do, you need to read the characteristics of each color type and compare it with yourself.

Warm color type

Representatives of this color type usually have slightly golden skin, in addition, it may have red, perky freckles. The color of the skin is quite even, accordingly, there is no pronounced blush, the tan falls on such skin quite hard and burns may appear, so most women with this color type refuse sunbathing and they walk practically pale, believing that it is the safest thing to do. Eye color in young ladies with warm color type bright, thanks to which the appearance as a whole looks very impressive.

As for directly what hair color for green eyes with a warm color type to choose, then these are usually referred to as red. Moreover, the choice of even a fiery red color is allowed, modesty is useless here. It is also allowed to paint the hair in a beautiful chestnut color or the color of sandalwood.

Combining your season with the richness of your eye color should be the starting point for your color choices. Light eyes combined with dark skin will require richer hues than dark eyes with light skin.

Cold color type

The skin of such ladies is completely different, but still there is one feature, namely the presence of the so-called bluish subcutaneous illumination. Surprisingly, but even on such skin there may be freckles, though in in this case they are not red at all, but duller and grayer. But a tan lays on this kind of skin wonderfully, it almost immediately becomes tanned and the risk of redness due to a burn is minimized, so young ladies with a cold color type can safely spend time on the beach.

This skin also shows a blush, as most of the blood vessels are located close enough directly to the surface of the skin. Eyes are usually not very bright shades, but muted, for example, with an admixture of gray.

Summer color types are conventionally divided into light and dark. In the first case, it is best to choose for yourself extremely light shades for your hair, such as wheat. In another case, it is recommended to take a closer look at the shade, under interesting name"black Tulip". Thanks to him, red shades will appear on the hair, which, together with a cold color type, will look very advantageous.

Also, useful tips optionally correct color, can be gleaned from the video below. Uncomplicated rules will help you look as natural and attractive as possible, highlight those features that you want to emphasize.

Green-eyed ladies are a rarity, this color is already incredibly beautiful in itself, but in any case, you need to be able to correctly emphasize and decorate your eye color. This must be done with the help of your hair color, of course, well-chosen. It is for real the right combination it will easily help to make the girl spectacular, her appearance will be transformed at the same moment.

Perhaps, from all of the above information, it can be distinguished that hair color for green eyes is determined in the three most advantageous shades.

First, of course, the redhead. Fiery ladies, and even with green eyes, look really impressive, and this can bewitch. Not everyone, as you can see, decides on such dramatic and striking changes, so you can not start with full staining hair, but only with a slight coloring.

Secondly, dark hair are also suitable for shades of green eye. True, before making your curls much darker, you need to make sure that the skin condition is as ideal as possible, since such colors can emphasize all imperfections.

Thirdly, blond also has a place to be, but not absolutely all light shades are ideal for green-eyed people, it is best to give your preference only to warm ones, for example, light brown and wheat.

Before you go to a beauty salon to dye your hair, you need to choose exactly your own color for yourself. You need to start off not just from those shades that you like, for example, on models or actresses, because it is likely that they will not suit a particular lady at all. You need to choose the right hair color for green eyes, then you can get an excellent result.

It is not often possible to find a beauty with a deep in green eye. Green eyes have always been considered especially beautiful; among their owners there are extremely mysterious and unusual natures. By picking up a special make-up, you can easily emphasize the depth of the look. If you are just now wondering how to paint green eyes, we will give you some practical advice.

Bans for green eyes

But let's go from the opposite and first figure out how not to paint green eyes, which is contraindicated for them. Firstly, you should not use shadows that are similar in tone to the color of the eyes. Look at the palette - there is room for imagination to roam, so we immediately exclude the shades of green, emerald, salad, marsh and other shades. Also, do not use blue eyeshadows, against their background green eyes will not stand out and there is a risk that you will look like a saleswoman in a Soviet store with such makeup.

Many makeup artists believe that perfect option- paint green eyes in pink colors... But in no case should you use pink eyeshadow without any kind of eyeliner! After all, then the eyes become either like a pig from a cartoon, or they look sick or tear-stained. Black or gray pencil or eyeliner save the day.

Do not use in makeup only grey colour... It is possible to beautifully paint green eyes with gray shadows, but it is better to complement such makeup with other colors, for example, lilac or golden.

Basic makeup rules to keep in mind

Green eyes, shining like emeralds, are bright in themselves and stand out perfectly just in the frame of long eyelashes. Therefore, it is often enough to just make up the eyelashes with black mascara.

If you want to use pencil and shadows, experiment with purple, pink, gold, peach and brown. Depending on your skin tone and hair color, some of the colors listed may sparkle and look amazing, while others may be too simple and invisible. How do you like the makeup option in this photo:

Try combining several shades in one make-up: a mix of colors such as gray and gold, lilac and white can give interesting results. Thus, to understand how best to make up green eyes, you can only empirically.

An example of bright makeup for green eyes

Now, let's analyze specific example how to paint green eyes to make it beautiful and original. The first touch is the eyeliner. The jet black outline is applied in a thin line to the upper and lower eyelids. Delicate peach eyeshadow should be applied to the inside of the upper eyelid. Peach colour in the middle it mixes with pink. It is important to make this transition smooth. You need to paint up the rest of the moving part of the eyelid with pink shadows.

Now is the turn gray shadows, they need to make up the lower eyelid. Here it is important not to make the line too wide, so that it does not look like flowed mascara. Gray eyeshadow is also applied to the fixed part of the upper eyelid. Here they need to be shaded well so that the line does not catch the eye and looks like a light soft shadow. You can see how the result of the resulting makeup looks in the photo:

So, we looked at how to beautifully paint green eyes on your own and what mistakes should be avoided when making up. The main thing to remember is that every girl is one of a kind and by trying and experimenting, you can achieve amazing results.

Make up your eyes is not a problem, the main thing is not to overdo it. An amateurish approach can create a vulgar maiden out of a beauty. According to experienced makeup artists, a girl is able to transform herself, to emphasize her uniqueness. The basic rule for green-eyed girls is not to be afraid and use bright shades of shadows, lipstick. Before dyeing green eyes, consider our tips. Stock up on cosmetics that can highlight the color of your eyes, just buy quality products. Here, savings can play a cruel joke, which will take a long time to heal. So, let's start transformations in the external appearance.

How to paint green eyes

Paint green eyes

First of all, let's define the shadows. Stylists suggest paying attention to brown, chocolate, dark green shades. Combined with golden, copper flowers shadows, they emphasize the beauty of the eyes.

2nd option - peach color, gray shades will excellent basis for more dark tones with smokey eyes makeup. To go to a club, to a party, feel free to use bright colors - purple, plum, metal.

It is categorically impossible to paint with shades of blue, blue tones with green eyes. Light blue color refers to cold, bordered by the indicated shadows, the eyes become dull, lifeless. Pink, silver eyeshadow will create the effect of sore eyes.

We select the eyeliner

Green-eyed girls do not need to emphasize their eyes with black pencil or eyeliner. Better to use dark brown or Brown color, do not forget inner corners- gold eyeliner is appropriate here. Remember: green eyes require you to stick to warm shades; avoid cold colors.

How to paint light green eyes correctly

Makeup style is chosen depending on where you are going to go and when. V daytime give preference light makeup, and make up brighter in the evening.

1. Apply base cream to the upper eyelid, then powder to strengthen the makeup.

2. Now it's up to the shadows. Apply brown or copper tone, blend, the outer corner should be more saturated than the inner corner.

3. Green eyes are called felines for a reason, so make eyeliner starting from the second half of the movable eyelid, protruding slightly beyond the edges and up.

4. From the tip of the upper eyeliner, guide brown pencil to the bottom, go to ¼ and stop. Blend. Go through with an eyeshadow applicator, the color is intense. Color your eyelashes with mascara, also preferably dark brown.

Face powder should be matched. The blush is only brown, the same goes for lipstick.