Determination of ring size at home. How to determine the size of the ring without trying on. Not sure which size is right for you

Everything happens in life. Sometimes it happens that in the window the sight of an amazingly beautiful ring caused desire to become its owner, but the size of the finger is unknown, and the seller refuses to try on, or the ring is bought in an online store. Despite the fact that such a situation may seem fantastic to some, consider what can be done in this case.

How to find out the size of your finger

First of all, we note that the easiest way is to go to jewelry shop. There, empirically, they will immediately determine what size you need to focus on. Well, for those who are used to doing everything on their own, you will need to learn one thing. simple rule: "To find out the size of a finger for a ring, you should find out its diameter." Most often, it is determined by the middle phalanx of the desired finger. Therefore, anyone who has at least one ring can simply take an ordinary ruler and measure the inner diameter of the circle of the previously purchased jewelry. For example, if the result is 1.7 cm, then you need to focus on size 17. As you can see, everything is simple. Well, how to find out the size of a finger if this method is not suitable? For example, when you want to prepare a gift for your girlfriend or make an offer? Here are some other options:

  1. With soap. This method is suitable in the case of a gift, when the decoration is chosen for a loved one. You must first stock up on a piece of soap and discreetly make an impression of the jewelry worn by the girl, and measure its size at home.
  2. With a thick candle. Its diameter should be slightly larger than the inner diameter of the ring. If you push the jewelry through the candle, then the excess paraffin will be cut off, and it will be easy to find out the desired size from it.
  3. Find out from her friends. Surely someone knows the size of the ring finger best friends or parents of the chosen one.
  4. Try on one of the girl's rings on your finger. If it fits perfectly, say, on your little finger, you can safely try on the chosen jewelry on it in the store.
  5. Use thread. You can calculate your size using ordinary thread. Wrap it around your finger ten times, tie a knot and cut anywhere. Then divide the length of the thread by 3.14 (pi) and then by 10.
  6. Using tables or formulas.

How to find out the size of your finger if you are abroad?

In Europe, the inner circumference is used instead of the inner diameter. And here the same thread can help us out. And with Japanese, English and American sizes, everything is much more complicated. In order to translate them into the sizes we are used to, the following formulas are used:

Circumference (mm)

Diameter (mm)


Have you ever thought about how to find out the size of a finger for a ring in extreme cold or heat? Indeed, with tangible fluctuations in temperature, this parameter can vary. If not, then it is correct - this is best done at room (comfortable) temperature. It is also not recommended to measure your finger during high excitement or immediately after active sports activities. Best for samples daytime days.

When measuring your finger, choose a ring with a small margin, as in the heat or after plentiful drink the thickness of the fingers may increase. We also note that wide rings, unlike narrow ones, it is better to choose a quarter or even half more exact size. But again, you need to be careful here, otherwise the ring may subside in the cold. The fingers of the left hand are slightly smaller, and this should also be taken into account when measuring.

If a special device for such measurements was not at the disposal of the user, this does not mean at all that it is necessary to refuse to buy jewelry. You don't have to choose a product at random. Further, tips are published on how to determine the size of the ring yourself at home correctly, using only improvised means. You just need to choose among them the most suitable method for yourself.

How to determine using another ring?

It is very easy to deal with the problem with another ring. Of course, for this purpose, you need to choose only the jewelry that fits perfectly on your finger. It should not hang or tighten. Otherwise, discomfort will always accompany a man or woman when wearing a new ring.

In the vastness of the network, you can find a special picture with circles of different sizes. Inside each of them it is signed what size this figure corresponds to. It remains only to print this useful memo and use to determine the quantity under discussion. To save time, you can even apply the decoration to the monitor screen. But in this case, you will need to correctly determine the resolution of the image, which can be difficult to do.

The existing ring is alternately brought to the drawn circles. The circle that completely matches the diameter of the jewelry and tells you the size. If there is any doubt between two practically identical options, then the choice should be made in favor of the larger one.

At a jewelry store or repair shop

It is this method that allows you to determine the size of the ring with maximum precision and without possible errors. If it is possible to go to the nearest jewelry store or jewelry repair shop, then the staff of the selected place will assist the guest in solving the problem.

For example, in retail outlets, a sales assistant always has a special metal layout with holes at hand, each of which corresponds to certain size and signed. It will only be necessary to “try on” some of them and decide on the ideal option.

Most girls wear rings. But not everyone knows their size. And if when buying jewelry in jewelry salon, experienced sellers will help to solve the problem of choice, then when ordering a ring in an online store, it seems with the size need figure it out on your own. We offer three easy wayshow to determine the size of the ring on the finger at home. Choose the right one!

Method 1: identify by existing ring

The size of the ring is its inner diameter , expressed in millimeters. Therefore, to determine the exact size, it is enough to measure the diameter of the jewelry using a regular ruler. If you are afraid of “missing” your calculations, put the ring on paper and circle it. inside , and then take the sheet with the drawn circle to a jewelry store. There, with special devices no problem consultantdetermine the size of the ring will suit you.

Method 2: calculate by finger diameter

To rightIn this way, you need to take a small piece of paper. His length should be approximately 10-12 centimeters, width - about 3 millimeters. Next is a matter of technology:

  1. Wrap a piece of paper around your finger and make a mark in the right place.
  2. Since the ring will go through the joint, also measure the scope of this area.
  3. Choose between two digits in the middle. This approach ensures that the decoration will neither fall off nor dangle.

Finally determine ring size table will help:

Finger size (in mm) Finger diameter (in mm) Ring size
47,6 15,3 15,5
50,8 16 16
52,4 16,5 16,5
54 16,9 17
56 17,5 17,5
59 18,1 18
60 18,5 18,5
62 18,9 19
64 19,4 19,5
65 19,8 20
67 20,5 20,5
70 21,1 21
72 21,5 21,5
74,5 22,2 22

If the table does not contain the number that you got, choose the closest value.

Another way -determine the size of the ring on the fingerwith the help of a thread. To do this, you need to take a small thread, not thin and not thick, and wind it around your finger so that it passes freely through the joint. Then you need to carefully remove the thread so that it does not break or stretch. The last step is to cut it in half and attach it to a ruler. The resulting length in millimeters must be divided by 3.14. For example, if the circumference of the finger is 58 mm, this corresponds to a size of 18.5.

You are a girl and you don't knowhow to choose the right ring sizefor a man? Feel free to use any of these methods - they are absolutely universal!

Method 3: find out the size of the ring by clothes

This method is considered the most inaccurate of the existing ones, but it can be used if other options are not available. Its essence is proportionality human body. Often, people who wear the same size clothes have approximately the same finger diameter. These parameters are related as follows:

  • Size S corresponds to the diameter of the ring from 15.5 to 16.5 millimeters.
  • Size M - products with inner circumference from 16.5 to 17.5 mm.
  • Size L - ring sizes 17.5-18.5.
  • Size XL - decoration with a diameter of 18.5-19.5 mm.
  • Each subsequent "X" in the marking is plus one size.

To as accurately as possible, be guided by the size of tight-fitting gloves. In this case, the error will be minimal.

The last and most unusual waydetermine what ring sizeneeded - to correlate the diameter of the finger with one of the Russian coins. So, 1 kopeck is the 16th size, 5 kopecks is the 19th, 10 kopecks is the 18th, 50 kopecks is 19.5, and 1 ruble is the full 21st size.

How to find out the size of the ring according to the western system?

This may be necessary when ordering jewelry in a foreign online store (for example, on or Joom), as well as when buying a ring in a jewelry store that uses the Western measurement system. Todetermine the size of the ring on the finger, first calculate the Russian marking, and then use the table to translate it into American, Japanese or English:

Russia/Germany USA/Canada England Japan
14 3
14,5 3,5
15 4 H 1/2 7
15,5 4,5 I 1/2 8
15 3/4 5 J 1/2 9
16 5,5 L 11
16,5 6 M 12
17 6,5 N 13
17 1/4 7 O 14
17 3/4 7,5 P 15
18 8 Q 16
18,5 8,5 17
19 9 18
19,5 9,5 19
20 10 T 1/2 20
20 1/4 10,5 U 1/2 22
20 3/4 11 V 1/2 23
21 11,5 24
21 1/4Y 12 Y 25
21 3/4 12,5 Z 26
22 13 27
22,5 13,5
23 14
23,5 14,5
23 3/4 15
24 1/4 15,5
24,5 16

To correctly determine what ring size you need, note for some details:

  • For more accurate results it is necessary to measure the finger three times: in the morning, afternoon and evening. If the indicators matched at least twice, then right size found.
  • If you are buying wedding decoration, we recommenddetermine ring sizeas close to the date of the event as possible. This reduces the chance of "missing".
  • You can not take measurements after sleep, physical activity or during critical days- during this period, the fingers may swell.
  • Days that are too hot or too cold are not best time, todetermine ring size at home.
  • It is also necessary to take into account the thickness of the future ring. If the decoration is thin (5-7 mm), then you just need to round the result to the nearest table value. If you want to determine the size of a ring with a thickness of more than 7 mm, you need to make a small " stock ", equal to 0.5 mm. That is, when buying a massive jewelry, the usual 18th size turns into 18.5.

And last tip: when buying a ring, do not forget to take checks in stores, preferably commodity ones. With a supporting document, even if youchoose ring sizeincorrectly, the decoration can be easily returned to the salon.

We have described all the most popular ways. Then it's up to you!

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Six ways to help determine the size of the ring.

What are ring sizes?

Everything is very simple. The ring size is just the diameter of its hole (in millimeters). Recall that a diameter is a line that connects two opposite points on a circle.

Therefore, you can easily determine the size of any ring by simply taking it and measuring the distance from one edge of the rim to the other with a ruler. For example, a ring with a diameter of 18 millimeters is exactly the size of 18!

So it is accepted that the sizes of the rings have a step of 0.5 millimeters. Therefore, the sizes of the rings are considered as 16, 16.5, 17 and so on.

Don't know which size is right for you?

Here are ways that will allow you to quickly and fairly accurately find out the size of the ring.

Attention! All "home" methods, of course, are not accurate. Various errors are possible. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of your ring sizing.

It must be remembered that the ring must pass through the joint. Be sure to take this into account when "home" sizing!

Also, keep in mind that finger size changes with temperature and humidity. environment and depends on the time of day. Optimal time to determine the size - noon. The weather is low humidity and not hot.

Method number 1

The easiest way to find out what ring size you need for a particular finger is to go to the nearest jewelry store and ask for a finger measurement. In any jewelry store there are special patterns for determining the size of fingers ("finger gauges").

If you don’t have time to go to the jewelry store, then you can determine the size of your finger and, accordingly, the ring that suits you at home. There are many ways to do this. Here are some of the most interesting of them.

Method number 2

Determining the size of the ring with a thread. You will need: a sufficiently dense thread (threads that are used for knitting napkins are ideal), preferably cotton, smooth. Approximately 50 cm - to make it convenient to measure.

  • Take the thread, carefully wind 5 turns on the finger you need (the width of the "winding" of all 5 turns should be about 3-6 mm). You do not need to wind it tightly, but still the thread should be firmly pressed against your finger.
  • After wrapping your finger, cross both ends of the thread (without tearing it off your finger) and cut them at the same time with sharp scissors. Or simply mark the intersection of the ends of the thread with a pen or marker, unwind the thread and cut it along the marks.
  • Measure with a ruler, centimeter or tape measure the length of the thread you cut. Divide the resulting length in millimeters by 15.7. The resulting value is the size of the ring for the finger that you measured.

The resulting size must be rounded up to half a centimeter up. For example, 17.1 to 17.5.

Tip: If you are sizing for a narrow ring (up to 5 mm wide), then the resulting size can be rounded up to the nearest value. For example, 17.1 and 17.2 to 17, not to 17.5. Wide rings (6-15 mm.) are better to lay half a size larger.

Method number 3

What to do if you decide to give the ring to your girlfriend?

Most reliable way Finding out the size of the ring is obvious - you need to discreetly take one of your girlfriend's favorite rings, and then take it to the nearest jewelry store. They will certainly help you there: the jeweler will be able to easily and absolutely accurately determine the size of the ring, but you just have to remember it when choosing.

Method number 4

You can do it easier: take a ring, paper and circle the inner contour of the ring with a pen. Or roll a piece of paper into a tube, put it through the ring and make sure that the paper fits snugly against the metal, secure paper tube. According to this contour, the jeweler will be able to determine the size and choose the ring for you.

Method number 5

If the previous methods did not suit you, then the fitting remains. Take the ring and try it on yourself: put the ring as deep as possible on your finger and mark this place (for example, with a pen) or just remember. Then you will either have to ask the jeweler to measure your finger at the place of the mark and determine the size of the ring, or, choosing a piece of jewelry, try on rings on the same finger yourself.

Method number 6

Print and cut out the size tape

But remember that all the same, all these methods are not 100% accurate, and the responsibility for the amount determined by the indicated methods lies solely with you.

And the last tip: When ordering, if in doubt, ask our manager to bring several sizes of your chosen jewelry.

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Ring size is the diameter of its hole (in millimeters). That is, the size is equal to the distance between two opposite points of the circle. If you need to determine the diameter, you need to take the ring already purchased earlier and measure the distance from one edge of the rim to the other with a regular ruler.

For example:

  • if the diameter of the ring is 1 cm. 8 mm (1.8 cm), then the size of the ring will be - 18.
  • if the diameter of the ring is 1 cm. 9 mm (1.9 cm), then the size of the ring will be - 19.

So it is accepted that the sizes of the rings have a step of half a millimeter. That's why size ruler looks like this: 16.5;17;17.5;18;18.5 and so on.

If it is not possible to measure the diameter of the ring

How then to determine the size of the finger for the ring? There are several ways that will allow you to quickly and fairly accurately find out the size of the jewelry. IMPORTANT: Various errors are possible, so it is best to adhere to the previously described method for determining the diameter.

When choosing a ring size, keep in mind that it is must pass through the joint. In addition, it is known that the size of the finger varies depending on fluctuations in temperature or humidity, as well as on the time of day. The optimal time for sizing is noon. Weather - average level humidity, comfortable body temperature.

Method number 1

The most primitive way to find out what ring size is needed is to contact the nearest jewelry store. For this, there are special patterns ("finger gauges"). As for men who wish to keep their acquisition secret wedding ring, then for such cases there are alternative ways described below.

Method number 2

Determining the size of the ring with a thread. To do this, you will need: a sufficiently dense thread (preferably the one used for knitting napkins), preferably cotton, smooth. The length of the thread is about 50 cm - for maximum convenience in measuring.

The thread is carefully wound around the desired finger about five times (the width of the "winding" of all 5 turns is about 3-6 mm). In this case, the thread should be tightly pressed to the finger.

After wrapping your finger, cross both ends of the thread (without tearing it off your finger) and cut them with sharp scissors at the same time. Or just mark the intersection of the ends of the thread with a marker, unwind the thread and cut it according to the marks. Measure the resulting length with a ruler or tape measure. Divide the number in millimeters by 15.7. The final value is the size of the finger ring, on which it is planned to wear jewelry in the future. The resulting size must be rounded up to half a centimeter up. For example, 16.1 to 16.5.

Table of typical ring sizes

Circle 47,1 48,7 50,3 51,8 53,4 55 56,5 58,1 59,7 61,3 62,8 64,4 66 67,5
Diameter 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 21 21.5


If it is necessary to determine the size for a narrow ring (up to 5 mm wide), then the final size can be rounded to the nearest value. For example, 16.1 and 16.2 to 16, not to 16.5. Wide rings (6-15 mm.) are better to choose half a size larger.

Method number 3

How to find out the size of the ring if buying jewelry is a secret for a girl? To do this, you need to take any other ring that she wears on a certain finger, as well as a piece of paper. Circle the inner contour of the ring with a pen. Or roll a piece of paper into a tube, insert it into the ring, making sure that the paper fits snugly against the decoration, and fix the paper tube. According to this contour, a jewelry store employee can determine the size and select the right ring.

Method number 4

If it is not possible to use paper and a pen, then you can try on the ring for yourself - put the jewelry as deep as possible on your finger and mark this place (or just remember). After that, ask the jeweler to measure the finger at the mark and determine the size of the ring. Or, choose the jewelry yourself, putting the ring on the same finger.

Method number 5

Print and cut out the measuring tape along the contour.

Make a cut on the line

Twist the ring as shown in the image.

Put the tape on your finger and pull the latch so that the paper fits snugly on your finger. The last number on the scale is the size.

That's all the ways. And how to choose clothes by size through an online store is better to read here.