Characteristics of the features of physical education of children in the family. How to organize sports activities at home? A good means of strengthening health is hardening with water. Children love to play with her; such activities improve mood, cause joyful emotions in him

Today, probably, there is no person on Earth who would remain indifferent to sports. , but for some reason they remain on the sidelines. Some do not have enough time, others lack patience, and others lack organization. “Her Majesty” does not look at everyone in the morning - morning exercises.

IN kindergarten, under the guidance of educators, children always do gymnastics, most often they do it with pleasure. With the transition to schooling, they stop doing morning exercises. Why? Because they are not accustomed to do it at home, and it has not become a need for them. Do you know what is the most disturbing disease of the century? Physical inactivity! Little mobility! We go to work by car, bus, motorcycle. We drive children to and from school. In the evening we sit at the TV, computer. We would not be well informed about the sporting events of the country, the world, but we ourselves are far from sports. Yes, from sports. We are far from elementary physical entertainment, games, etc.

Dear adults! Do not forget that kids are growing up in your family. They study you carefully. Help them and yourself to nurture and maintain cheerfulness, energy, dexterity, strength. It is not necessary to raise and educate an athlete, but to exacerbate the child’s sense of “muscular joy” (according to the famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov), we are obliged to enjoy muscle work.

It is best to start with outdoor games. And if you find it difficult to choose these games, where and how to play with children, read "The game is a life companion for children." The fact is that in the game in children there are various positive emotions motor skills are improved, reaction speed is developed. Many games require a certain dexterity, ingenuity.

What is dexterity?

In other words, this is coordination of movements, which is indispensable in any sport, even in running, since running consists of “alternate contraction and relaxation of certain muscle groups.” As for gymnastics, swimming, playing football, basketball, etc., without well-developed coordination, these sports are impossible.

How to cultivate dexterity?

Very useful games for the accuracy of movements: various types of throwing, jumping, running with changes in direction, dodging. In order for a child to have a desire to develop his motor activity, knowledge of how to do this is necessary. And this means that parents, leaving for nature, should arrange with children or for children outdoor games, competition games. Important right from the start early age visit with the kids all sorts of competitions, competitions, watch sports programs.

Example: Vanya grew up as a sickly boy. When he was nine years old, his mother took him to a sports school. Unfortunately, the mother did not know the boy's athletic inclinations and completely relied on the coach. After some time, it turned out that the boy was more successful in boxing and football. He was engaged in both, but boxing gradually “faded” into the background. Under the wise, competent guidance of the coach, the boy began to make progress in football. Later he was included in the school football team and the district team. The child did not become a famous athlete, but the diseases began to recede. A habit of motor activity has been developed, in addition, volitional qualities personality, sense of camaraderie, ability to communicate with adults and peers. Now this boy is 40 years old, and he still participates in amateur football tournaments at his place of work. He takes care of his children.

Having found sports inclinations in your child, show it to a specialist,
let your child play any sport. This will help him develop not only physically, but also mentally. In addition, any sports activities bring up our children, instill in them the necessary communication skills, the ability to make friends.

I would like to say that at present children's sports schools cannot cover all children, but there are sports sections in general education schools, there are yard teams. Children's health does not wait, hypodynamia flourishes. The health of children is in the hands of their parents. And do not wait for someone to solve this problem for you. Your example is the most fascinating for them. Infect yourself with the movement - and the children will be carried away by it.

The article "Adults-Children-Game".

Before the parents of preschool children always arise important questions: how to grow healthy child? What means can be used to full development? Meanwhile, it has long been proven that meeting the needs of preschool children in active movements and exercises has the best effect on their proper physical development, promotes health, important qualities personality: , courage, endurance.

At the same time, the most effective result will be obtained if physical culture in the family becomes a way of life.

Means of proper physical development

Today, in the age of computer technology, environmental problems, health issues are of concern to many people. To solve them, various means are offered: a rational daily regimen, a healthy diet, sports activities, physical exercises. All of them are considered the main factors that ensure the full physical development of a person of any age and, first of all, a child.

In order to properly organize the physical education of the baby, it is necessary to create favorable environment, to which experts mainly refer the lifestyle of the whole family. Psychologists like to repeat that the established family life determines the attitude of a preschool child to many areas of life, including physical exercises, sports, contributes to the development of vital activity.

Indeed, such factors as a healthy lifestyle, an example of adults, sports activities help to organize physical education in the family. However, adults who are active and teach children to do this need to remember: it is much more important from birth to develop the habit of living in an active mode than forcing a baby to preschool age forcibly engage in physical education, hardening, sports.

How to cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle?

There are rules that will help in the formation of certain skills, then becoming the norm of life:

  • It is useful to develop and constantly carry out the established daily routine.
  • Encourage kids to active games in any season.
  • Be ready to do physical exercises together every day.
  • Take an interest in sports together, discuss sports achievements of athletes.
  • Adults themselves express positive when doing exercises and emphasize the positive emotions of a preschooler.
  • Lead by example to show the benefits of a lifestyle.

Basic principles of physical education in the family

In order not to harm the baby when teaching physical culture, first of all, you need to know what basic motor skills develop in one or another age period. It is most correct to adhere to the normative indicators and remember that:

  • 3 months - the baby should be able to hold his head;
  • 6 months - be able to roll over on the tummy, rise, leaning on the handles, start crawling;
  • by 1 year - independently sit, stand, start walking;
  • 3 years - must have well-developed skills in walking, running, climbing through a small obstacle;
  • by the age of 4, a preschooler should jump from a small height, deftly throw a ball, and be able to ride a bicycle;
  • 6 years - to master the basic movements, which include different types of walking, running, climbing, jumping, overcoming obstacles, throwing.

Learning active movements before the appointed time can cause injury, fear of movement, unwillingness to perform exercises.
Considering that preschool age is a significant stage in accustoming children to physical culture, the following principles should also be observed:

  1. Successful completion of tasks. Having achieved success with simple exercises, the baby will be happy to strive for better achievements.
  2. Maintaining interest in activities. The game is the leading activity of preschoolers, so physical exercises carried out in a playful way will be more interesting for children and will give a high result.
  3. The systematic conduct of classes. Gymnastics, classes must be carried out regularly, allocating a place and time in the daily routine, avoiding episodic.
  4. Consistency in mastering physical skills. First start to simple exercises, which are feasible for the baby. Then, as the skill is consolidated, they move on to more complex tasks. Otherwise, a preschooler, having failed to cope with a difficult exercise, will have a negative attitude towards physical activities.

Basic means of physical education

Properly organized physical education of children helps to improve health, form motor skills and abilities at preschool age; contributes to the development of the quality of movements: accuracy, speed, strength, dexterity. What can be used to organize physical education at home? Now it's easy to pick available funds. Modern literature, children's sites give detailed description equipment and carrying out:

  • morning exercises;
  • outdoor games;
  • physical exercises;
  • sports activities;
  • walks in the fresh air;
  • excursions and hikes.
  1. A clear daily routine with alternating physical, mental activity and rest.
  2. Competently composed diet, taking into account age requirements.
  3. Sleep lasting 11 hours with accurate wake up and bed down times. Mandatory one and a half hour daytime sleep.
  4. Organization of living space (toys, sports equipment, a place for games and exercises).
  5. Regular long walks.
  6. Outdoor activities.
  7. A complex of hygienic and hardening procedures.

Advice. The classic approach to physical development the baby provides for its beginning from birth. When a child grows up, it is necessary to change the forms of classes, means, methods of conducting.

Sports activities as an effective means of physical development

Sports are a good opportunity to introduce preschool children to physical culture. Although some believe that it is too early for a baby to play sports, nevertheless, at preschool age, the motor need is too high. Modern parents load children with intellectual activities, leaving no time for active movements. Sports sections and health groups can help in this matter by providing physical activity to preschoolers, solving the problems of health promotion, hardening, discipline, they will teach children to be brave and strong.

What sports are available to preschool children?

  1. The most common type is when all muscle groups develop, physical endurance is formed. The baby can swim from birth. Now aqua clubs for mothers and babies, developmental swimming groups for babies are gaining popularity. At preschool age, children can use the pool on their own. Experts advise organizing this sport for hyperactive children, babies prone to colds.
  2. Sports sections where preschool children play team games (volleyball, basketball, football, hockey, water field) are recommended for both hyperactive and timid kids. Such team games useful, especially for boys, to strengthen mental health, hardening, willpower. However, it is necessary to choose any section taking into account physical health preschoolers.
  3. Helps the physical education section well athletics where children can fully fulfill their age-related needs in running, jumping, throwing.
  4. Very popular, especially among girls, are sports and activities that affect posture, coordination of movements, and overall harmonious physical development. Preschool children involved in gymnastics are physically strong and less susceptible to diseases. Such sections can be shown to overweight children.
  5. Passion for skiing helps to develop endurance, strength, coordination of movements. This sport hardens children, as it constantly takes place in the fresh air. Classes in such a section are suitable for all preschoolers without exception, it is only important not to demand high results from the child.
  6. Toddlers who, aggressively, are suitable for martial arts. They help kids cope with stress, aggression, teach them to calm, restraint.

Advice. You need to choose a sports section taking into account the abilities of the baby. Before visiting the section, consult with a pediatrician. At first, visit several classes to get acquainted with the rules, the requirements of the coach, the psychological mood of the group. Do not demand high sports results from the child.

How to organize sports activities at home?

Sports sections may not always be available to the family, for example, due to the employment of adults, the distance from the nearest group, or any other reasons. If parents wish, this cannot be an obstacle to organizing sports activities with preschool children at home. For this purpose, you can arrange:

  1. Command family games especially in families with multiple children. Kids like to play volleyball, football, hockey with the whole family, it helps to develop their coordinated movements, the desire for success.
  2. Morning or evening jogging with the whole family along the alleys of the park is perfect for the same purpose.
  3. Family sports can be great ski trips which are available to kids from an early age. Experts recommend choosing the length of the skis with an excess of the height of the child by 7 cm, and sticks - just below the shoulder. You also need to prepare clothes that will not interfere with movement. Compliance with simple rules will introduce the baby to skiing, giving him pleasure.
  4. Swimming in open water in summer. At this time, you can organize with children, offer walking barefoot on sand or smooth pebbles, which serves as a hardening agent.
  5. For sports activities, ice skating is offered in winter and summer. They help improve respiratory and of cardio-vascular system, improve the physical condition of the crumbs.
  6. A good means of physical development can be hiking in a nearby park or forest, and on any age stage preschooler. With toddlers, these are short walks with a halt after every 10 minutes of walking. For middle preschool children, the hike is planned in such a way that walking does not exceed 40 minutes, and for senior preschool age - 45 minutes. Such sports events are important not only in the physical, but also in emotionally because they evoke a positive attitude in children. During hikes, you can arrange outdoor games with a ball, physical exercises for climbing, throwing, overcoming obstacles with the obligatory rewarding of the winner. In the future, the acquired skills will help the preschooler in schooling.

To give game form all homework, which is important at preschool age, you need to purchase various equipment. All experts insist on this. No need to buy expensive, complex equipment, intricate wall bars. These can be the simplest items that correspond to the age and build of a preschooler:

  • different types of balls (plastic, rubber, cloth);
  • hoops of various sizes and materials (plastic, metal);
  • colorful flags;
  • small dumbbells;
  • ladders;
  • different size benches.

Using items that are entertaining for their intended purpose will help to interest and cheer up the child, especially with monotonous exercises. The effectiveness of sports activities at home will increase if an adult sets an example and supports the emotional mood of the crumbs.

What sports toys are needed for the physical development of children?

An excellent tool in the physical education of preschoolers can be sports games and toys. They arouse interest among preschoolers, encourage active action.

In the house where a preschooler grows up, there should be balls, jump ropes, hoops, skittles, with which the baby can play alone or with an adult. For games and entertainment on the street, children need to purchase sleds, skis, bicycles, swings, inflatable toys. Some parents argue that it is not possible to play with such toys at home, however, it is necessary to create all acceptable conditions so that the child can develop physically. Experts have proven that babies deprived of such games and toys are inactive, passive, and do not master motor skills to the proper extent.
Properly selected sports equipment will help in outdoor games. Parents can always with the help of a ring toss, towns, serso, darts. They can be played by the whole family, they can be used to organize competitions among peers, which is especially valuable for children.
A lot of sports entertainment in nature, you can organize with the ball, which also carry a competitive element. For example, “Who will run to the goal faster”, “Throw the ball into the ring”, “Traps with the ball”, football, volleyball.
It will help to interest children in sports games by watching cartoons of this type, such as "Snow Tracks", "Come to the Skating Rink", "Unusual Match", in whose heroes the kid recognizes himself, laughing cheerfully at familiar situations.
When purchasing children's literature, parents need to remember about sports books, for example, the series “I Explore the World” about various sports, “The Big Book of the Most Necessary Knowledge for Boys (Girls)”, encyclopedias about sports.
To introduce children to physical education and sports, all means will be good if they do not pose a danger to the child.

Advice. Solving issues physical education in the family, adults need to remember that much in this regard depends on their personal activity.

A healthy family lifestyle, joint physical education and sports, rational nutrition will help raise a healthy child. Given that, according to statistics, only a little more than 4% of healthy preschoolers are ready for school, parents should think about how not to miss the precious time for the physical development of their child.

How to properly prepare a child for a hike - a conversation with a psychologist:

Physical education in the family.

The comprehensive upbringing of the child, preparing him for life in society is the main social task solved by society and the family.

A family is a collective whose members are interconnected by certain responsibilities. As a member of the family team, the child also enters the system existing relationships through which he comprehends the norms public behavior. The family is strengthened by common affairs and concerns, weekdays filled with useful content, joint leisure and recreation, so I consider the organization of joint leisure not only as important tool upbringing of the child, but also as a means of strengthening the health of the family. Physical education is of great importance for the family.

The concept of "Physical Education" is included in general concept"education" in the broadest sense. This means that, just like education, it is a process of solving certain educational tasks, characterized by all the common features of the pedagogical process.

Distinctive features of physical education are determined primarily by the fact that this process is aimed at the formation of motor skills and the development of physical qualities, health promotion.

The family largely determines the attitude of children to physical exercises, their interest in sports, activity and initiative. This is facilitated by close emotional communication between children and adults in different situations, their natural joint activity (discussions of successes sports life countries, experiences when watching television sports programs, illustrations in books on sports topics, etc.).

Children are especially susceptible to the beliefs, positive behavior of the father, mother, family lifestyle.

The personal example of parents, joint physical education, a healthy lifestyle are the main components of the success of physical education in the family.

Forms of physical education in the family

Hiking and hiking. Hiking, longer hikes are one of the forms of active recreation, the rational use of free time to improve health.

Campaigns form feelings of collectivism, responsibility, mutual assistance. Difficulties of the hike develop endurance, perseverance, endurance, combine cognitive and motor activity. Children learn to notice the interesting in the landscape, in the roots and branches of trees, stones, leaves met on tourist paths.

A long walk requires careful organization. It is important to foresee all the little things, to find good combination various kinds of physical activity with rest, which will give a positive emotional mood, bring joy.

With children of 3-4 years old, walks to the nearest environment are planned in such a way that the one-way route takes 15-20 minutes, for children of 5-6 years old - 30-40 minutes, and for seven-year-olds, a walk of up to 40-45 minutes is possible. Adults should be well aware of the possibilities of the natural environment, which it is desirable to use for exercising children in various types of movements. Walking during long walks should not be monotonous, as this does not so much physically tire children as it has an adverse effect on their nervous system.

It is good to go on a hike not with one, but with two or three families, so that in such associations there are at least 2-3 children similar in age. constant attention adults are required by the smallest children - up to 4 years old, and preschoolers 4-7 years old already perform certain duties in the group. If there are several adults, responsibilities are distributed between them so that worries alternate (about food, organizing a stopover or overnight stay) and rest, the possibility of personal leisure (fishing, reading a book, knitting, just relaxing and relaxing).

At first, you should not go on a hike far from home, especially with little tourist experience of parents. It is imperative to take into account the real possibilities of children, not to overestimate their strength and endurance.

Preparing for a hike. When going on a long walk or a hike for 2-3 days, adults should pay attention to clothes, shoes, equipment. Preschoolers accept the most Active participation in the preparation of inventory: collect a backpack, sports equipment, toys. Parents together with the children discuss the planned route so that the younger ones feel involved in the campaign, feel like full participants in it.

It is good to cook a fresh dinner on a fire. For a halt in the summer, a shady place is chosen with good overview, V cold weather- Protected from the wind and illuminated by the sun. After rest, children usually start games. Parents should create the most suitable conditions for outdoor games.

Swimming. The influence of swimming on the human body is beneficial and diverse. When swimming, the human body in the aquatic environment is located horizontally and this frees the spine from the load of body weight; favorable conditions are created for the formation of correct posture. Under the action of water, blood circulation is activated in the vessels of the skin, washed and massaged with water. The respiratory system under the influence of active exhalation into the water and overcoming its resistance noticeably strengthens, the depth of breathing increases. Staying in water hardens the body, improves its thermoregulation, increases resistance to cold, temperature changes. During swimming, metabolism is activated, the activity of the entire nervous system, many muscle groups, joints and ligaments are exercised. Long repetitions of certain cycles of movements increase the body's endurance and resistance to colds.

Swimming skills are dependent on individual characteristics child. One must be especially patient, attentive with those who are afraid of movements in the water. Do not rush to master a lot of exercises, do not switch to independent swimming without sufficient preparation. Alternate new difficult exercises with your favorite child, encourage him to be independent, be active, desire to learn how to stay on the water.

Ski trips. Cross-country skiing is a great health resort in winter. Skiing in the forest also has a positive emotional impact: enjoying the winter landscape, fast descents from the mountains, etc.

Skiing is available for children from 3 years of age. Skis and poles are selected according to height. Ski poles - slightly below the shoulders. The size of the boots is such that they can be worn without difficulty with 1-2 thick woolen socks.

Skating. Ice skating stimulates the physical activity of preschoolers, improves their health and general physical conditioning. Systematically performed movements in the air lead to favorable changes in the development of the respiratory organs and respiratory muscles. When moving on skates, the same movements are repeated many times, there is a constant alternation of tension and relaxation of the muscles of the legs when changing single-support and double-support sliding, which favorably affects the strengthening of the arch of the foot. Significantly increases the stability of the vestibular apparatus, increases the sense of balance, properly distributed muscle tension.

Skating is a complex type of movement, consisting of repulsion, correct positioning of the skate while sliding, maintaining balance. The complexity of movements on skates is determined by the relationship and the general rhythm of the motor act when sliding on ice on a limited support area. Teaching children this type of sports exercises begins at the age of 5.

While riding, you need to monitor the child's breathing so that he breathes through his nose and does not hold his breath. A child who has had otitis media, acute respiratory infections requires special attention, he is allowed to ride at an air temperature of +2 to -8 0 .

A ride on the bicycle. Cycling renders strong impact on the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, helps to strengthen the muscles, especially the legs, feet. Children develop speed, agility, balance, eye, coordination of movements, orientation in space, rhythm, strength, endurance, vestibular stability increases.

For learning to ride, there should be a track 3-4 m wide, at least 30-50 m long, as the guys find it difficult to make turns. Children learn to ride at different times.


Ancient Greek sages said:

If you want to be healthy - run!

If you want to be beautiful - run!

If you want to be smart - run!

With these words, they emphasized the great importance of running for improving health, achieving a harmonious physique, and developing mental abilities.

Running is one of the movements that are important for health, allowing you to regulate the load well, strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, various groups muscles, joints and ligaments. Running is a natural movement, familiar from an early age. It is performed mainly in the fresh air, does not require special equipment. The ability to run quickly and dexterously helps the child to successfully participate in outdoor games, relay races, sports exercises. Running is effective for developing endurance, improving physical performance. Running loads are dosed depending on the individual characteristics of children: for weakened children, running a short distance at a low pace gradually strengthens their health, and a trained child runs more and his pace is higher. The importance of running for the development of endurance is great. The ability to overcome a short distance quickly or, conversely, to run a long distance will be useful to a future soldier, a geologist. The habit of running will help you get the daily dose of movement necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

If the run is carried out without game situation, then in this case you should maintain a small pace, do not speed it up or slow it down, run rhythmically, the steps are not long, the hand movements are relaxed.

If possible, use barefoot running on sand, shallow water, dirt and grassy paths with turns and slopes more often, making sure that there are no objects that could lead to injury. Running training is desirable to carry out in the warm season, in spring and autumn, without fear of light drizzle. In addition to hardening, running in adverse conditions strengthens the character of children, their perseverance, endurance, and creates the habit of daily physical exercise.

It is proved that joint activities of parents with children bring the following positive results:

  • awaken parents' interest in the level of "motor maturity" of children and promote the development of motor skills in children in accordance with their age and abilities;

  • deepen the relationship between parents and children;

  • provide an opportunity to do physical education in a short period of time not only for a child, but also for an adult: the parent shows the child certain exercises and performs most of them with him;

  • allow you to usefully spend the free time that the mother or father devotes to the child, serve for mutual enrichment, contributes to comprehensive development.

During joint classes, an adult lifts, carries, shakes the child, helps him pull himself up, jump, climb up, etc. Thanks to this, the parents themselves develop physically, become stronger, dexterous and resilient. This use of free time is beneficial for both parties. The child admires his father: what a strong dad, how deftly he lifts him, shakes him, how well he does the exercises! Imitates mother in gracefulness and coordination of movements - for example, when performing exercises accompanied by singing or music. Parents, taking a semi-active position, through deft movements help the child complete the exercise, encourage him and rejoice with him at success. Later, these joint activities become really the most happy event day.

In the modern cycle of the day, these are minutes of a holiday, but classes should not be rare and random in a festive way, but regular and daily. Only systematic care motor development child can bring the desired results: the systematic repetition of the same exercises and the logical continuity of classes are the main prerequisites for success.


Our children are constantly surrounded by the care and love of their parents. And this is very true - after all, children have the right to happy childhood. Parental selfless love knows no bounds, but often it is unreasonable. In an effort to provide maximum benefits and pleasures, some parents surround the child with excessive luxury, indulge him and thereby create many difficulties, both for themselves and for him - at school, and later in independent life. The upbringing of a child in a family is the most important link in preparing a child for school and for life in a team and requires parental care and love special requirements. It is not always easy to understand the child's behavior and determine what means at a given moment will be most appropriate in order to timely lay in him the necessary foundation for physical and spiritual development. It is necessary to seriously think about the developing personality of each child so that the actions of parents are necessary and timely.

Recently, much attention has been paid to the upbringing of children in the family: books, articles in newspapers and magazines, lecture halls, cinema, radio and television give advice to parents, order, inform and warn how to make the upbringing of a child more joyful with the help of movements. It has been proven that outdoor games and physical exercises have a significant impact on normal growth and the development of the child, the development of all organs and tissues, and if these classes are held in the fresh air, then they harden the body. Properly conducted physical exercises contribute to the development of such positive qualities as independence and self-control, attention and the ability to concentrate, resourcefulness and courage, endurance, etc. It is very important for a child’s health when he learns certain motor actions, how he will perform them and whether he can correctly use them in the game or in everyday life.

Target. Encourage parents to joint physical exercises with the child, which are a source of joy for enriching and improving family life.

The role of the family in the upbringing of the child.

The comprehensive upbringing of the child, preparing him for life in society is the main social task solved by society and the family.

A family is a collective whose members are interconnected by certain responsibilities. Being a member of the family team, the child also enters into a system of existing relationships, thanks to which he comprehends the norms of social behavior. The effectiveness of pedagogical influences largely depends on the family microclimate: a child is more amenable to educational influences if he grows up in an atmosphere of friendship, trust, and mutual sympathy.

The family is strengthened by common affairs and concerns, everyday life filled with useful content, joint leisure and recreation, therefore, to regard the organization of joint leisure not only as an important means of raising a child, but also as a means of strengthening the health of the family. Physical education is of great importance for the family.

The concept of "Physical education" - as the term itself already speaks of, is included in the general concept of "education" in a broad sense. This means that, just like education, it is a process of solving certain educational tasks, characterized by all the common features of the pedagogical process.

Distinctive features of physical education are determined, first of all, by the fact that this process is aimed at the formation of motor skills and the development of physical qualities, health promotion.

The family largely determines the attitude of children to physical exercises, their interest in sports, activity and initiative. This is facilitated by close emotional communication between children and adults in different situations, their naturally occurring joint activities (discussions of the success of the country's sports life, experiences when watching television sports programs, illustrations in books on sports topics, etc.).

Children are especially susceptible to the beliefs, positive behavior of the father, mother, family lifestyle. The personal example of parents, joint physical education, a healthy lifestyle are the main components of the success of physical education in the family.

Healthy lifestyle and its main components.

A healthy lifestyle is a way of life to preserve and improve the health of people.

Raising a child healthy means from the very beginning early childhood teach him to lead a healthy lifestyle. Its main components are: rational mode; systematic physical education; use of an efficient hardening system; proper nutrition; favorable psychological situation in the family.

Forms of physical education in the family.

Hiking and hiking.

Hiking, longer hikes are one of the forms of active recreation, the rational use of free time to improve health.

Tourist trips form feelings of collectivism, responsibility, mutual assistance. Difficulties of the hike develop endurance, perseverance, endurance, combine cognitive and motor activity. Children learn to notice the interesting in the landscape, in the roots and branches of trees, stones, leaves met on tourist paths.


The effect of swimming on the human body is beneficial and varied. When swimming, the human body in the aquatic environment is located horizontally and this frees the spine from the load of body weight; favorable conditions are created for the formation of correct posture. Under the action of water, blood circulation is activated in the vessels of the skin, washed and massaged with water. The respiratory system under the influence of active exhalation into the water and overcoming its resistance noticeably strengthens, the depth of breathing increases.

Ski trips.

Cross-country skiing is a great health resort in winter. Skiing in the forest also has a positive emotional impact: enjoying the winter landscape, fast descents from the mountains, etc.

Skiing is available for children from 3 years of age. The most important and at the same time difficult thing is to be able to interest the child, to give him the opportunity to feel the pleasure of skiing, first on a flat snow surface, then on an inclined one.

Cycling has a strong effect on the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, helps to strengthen the muscles, especially the legs and feet. Children develop speed, agility, balance, eye, coordination of movements, orientation in space, rhythm, strength, endurance, vestibular stability increases

Ancient Greek sages said:

If you want to be healthy - run!
If you want to be beautiful - run!
If you want to be smart - run!

With these words, they emphasized the great importance of running for improving health, achieving a harmonious physique, and developing mental abilities.

Running is one of the most important movements for a child's health, which allows you to regulate the load well, strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, various muscle groups, joints and ligaments. Running is a natural movement familiar to children from an early age. It is performed mainly in the fresh air, does not require special equipment. The habit of running will help you get the daily dose of movement necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

If the run is carried out without a game situation, then in this case one should maintain a small pace, do not speed it up or slow it down, run rhythmically, the steps are not long, the hand movements are relaxed.

If possible, use barefoot running on sand, shallow water, dirt and grassy paths with turns and slopes more often, making sure that there are no objects that could lead to injury. Running training is desirable to carry out in the warm season, in spring and autumn, without fear of light drizzle. In addition to hardening, running in adverse conditions strengthens the character of children, their perseverance, endurance, and creates the habit of daily physical exercise.

Joint classes parents with children bring the following positive results:

  • awaken parents' interest in the level of "motor maturity" of children and promote the development of motor skills in children in accordance with their age and abilities;
  • deepen the relationship between parents and children;
  • provide an opportunity to do physical education in a short period of time not only for a child, but also for an adult:
  • the parent shows the child certain exercises and performs most of them with him;
  • allow to usefully spend the free time that the mother or father devotes to the child, serve for mutual enrichment, and contribute to the comprehensive development of the child.

During joint classes, an adult lifts, carries, shakes the child, helps him pull himself up, jump, climb up, etc. Thanks to this, the parents themselves develop physically, become stronger, dexterous and resilient.

Later, these joint activities become truly the happiest event of the day, and the child rejoices at the moment when one of the parents says: “Come here, let's study!” In today's whirlwind of the day, these are minutes of a holiday, however, classes should not be rare and random in a festive way, but regular and daily. Only systematic care for the motor development of the child can bring the desired results: the systematic repetition of the same exercises and the logical continuity of classes are the main prerequisites for success.


  1. Ya. Berdykhova. Mom, dad, take care of me. M: Physical culture and sport, 1990;
  2. E.N.Vavilova. Improving the health of children. Moscow, Education, 1986;
  3. N.F. Vinogradova. Educator about working with the family. Moscow. Enlightenment 1989;
  4. I.I. Grebeshkov. M: Medicine 1990 Your child.
  5. V. Mikhailov, A. Palko. We choose health! Moscow, Young Guard 1985;
  6. Yu.F. Zianovsky. To health without drugs. Moscow, Soviet sport 1990;
  7. A.F. Ostrovskaya. Pedagogical situations V family education. Moscow, Education, 1998;
  8. V.I. Telenchi. Hygienic Basics raising children. Moscow, Enlightenment. 1987;
  9. F.V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya, T.Ya. Chertok. For the health of the children. M; Enlightenment, 1985;
  10. Zh.K. Kholodov, V.S. Kuznetsov. Theory and methods of F.V. and sports. Moscow 2000;
  11. A.G. Khripovskaya. The world of childhood. Moscow, Pedagogy, 1988.





on the topic

Physical education in the family.

(speech at a schoolwide parent meeting)

Prepared by a physical education teacher

Gudova Z.B.

Physical education in the family


1. Types of physical education in the daily routine of the family

1.1 Morning hygiene exercises

1.2 Health running

1.3 Hiking, hiking and excursions

1.4 Outdoor and sports games

2. Hardening in the family

2.1 Air hardening

2.2 Water hardening

2.3 Sun hardening

3. Hygiene of the "physical culture" family




We must always remember that health is a great blessing and asset of the whole society. No wonder folk wisdom says: “Health is the head of everything!”

One of important aspects health-improving mass physical education are independent classes at home, in a family environment, aimed at providing active recreation, recovery, hardening.

Physical activity is one of the most powerful means of preventing diseases, strengthening the body's defenses, increasing efficiency and endurance. No medicine offers such an excellent opportunity to neutralize the harmful effects of nervous overload and physical inactivity, which physical culture provides.

A family is a group of like-minded people. All family members must strictly observe the rules on which their health depends. It must always be remembered that the main thing in physical culture and sports is systematic and regularity. These classes

should become an organic part of the daily life and everyday life of every modern family.

1. Types of physical education in the daily routine of the family

1.1 Morning hygiene exercises

Morning hygienic gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the entire body, having a great healing and educational effect. Morning exercises are preferably carried out in the fresh air. If it is carried out indoors, then the room must be ventilated and the air temperature should be brought to 16-17 ° C. For exercises performed while sitting or lying down, you must have a gymnastic bridge or mat.

When performing exercises, you should always remember about proper breathing - breathe deeply, calmly, not forgetting to fully exhale.

When compiling complexes of morning hygienic gymnastics, it is necessary to take into account certain requirements for the content and nature of the exercises. Exercises are selected in such a way that the main muscle groups and body systems take part in them. The scheme for compiling the complex is approximately as follows:


Walking (in place or in motion);

Exercises for the muscles of the neck, arms and shoulder girdle;

Exercises for the muscles of the trunk, abdomen;

Exercises for leg muscles (squats, jumps);

Exercises for general impact involving the muscles of the legs, arms (swings, lunges forward, to the side);

Strength exercises;

Relaxation exercises;

Breathing exercises.

During gymnastics, you should try to avoid exercises associated with straining. When selecting exercises for charging, their availability and diversity are taken into account (the load on small muscle groups is combined with the load on large muscle groups).

The sets of exercises for morning hygienic gymnastics should be changed depending on the interest of those involved in about a month, starting to gradually replace the exercises from the third week. But sooner or later exercise can

repeat. To avoid this, some methodological techniques are used, namely: the initial positions of the arms, legs, torso, pace, rhythm of execution are changed.

Morning exercises not only “awakens” the body, but also has a certain training effect. After completing a set of exercises, those who want to improve their physical ability(strength, speed, endurance) can do some special exercises. After charging, you can offer an easy run.

1.2 Health running

Recently, there has been a huge increase in the popularity of health-improving physical exercises.

Never before have people been so fond of various forms of recreational physical education: running, hardening, hiking, etc. health jogging gained the greatest popularity, quickly gaining fame as a reliable remedy against the "diseases of the century" - heart attack, hypertension, atherosclerosis and many others.

Running is a universal means of influencing the body. As a result of jogging, a person feels great, he has a good appetite, mood, and working capacity. A daily portion of health jogging protects the body from the effects of chronic intoxication and infections. Everyone loves to run, however, the decision to go to the first start is often hindered by the barrier of false shyness, and some laziness. Therefore, running with the whole family is much easier - the elders need to follow the younger members of the family, and the children themselves feel better, more confident next to their parents.

1.3 Hiking, hiking and excursions

When studying the influence different types rest on health, scientists have proven that the most effective type of recreation is tourism associated with physical training in the lap of nature. Hiking provides a combination of all constituent parts good rest ( physical activity, change of impressions, cognition, communication with new people, constant beneficial effects of natural factors).

A hike, walk or excursion helps to improve health, physical development and increase overall performance, education of endurance, dexterity and self-confidence. You need to prepare for the hike in advance. Of great importance is the choice of the route of the future hike or excursion. It is desirable that it passes through picturesque places, in forests with clean, dust-free air, near water bodies. During the hike, participants master the basic tourist skills (overcoming natural obstacles, carrying cargo, setting up a tent, making a fire in designated places, cooking food).

1.4 Outdoor and sports games

Outdoor games have a health-improving, educational and educational value and are easily accessible for "family" physical education. They improve physical development, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improve health, and contribute to the emotionality of sports activities. Almost every game includes running, jumping, throwing, balance exercises. In games, the basic physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance) are brought up and a variety of motor skills and abilities are improved. Mobile games with their great emotionality can create a great physical activity for children. This should be taken into account by the "family" sports organizer.

Outdoor games can be played at any time of the year. The game pursues a specific goal, taking into account the interests and capabilities of all family members participating in it. The duration of the game depends on the intensity and complexity of motor actions, the state of health and age of the players, and on average is 10-20 minutes. The load is dosed by the following methods: a decrease or increase in the number of people involved, the duration of the game, the size playground, the number of repetitions, the severity of objects, the introduction of breaks for rest. After the game, it is necessary to note the most dexterous and enterprising.

2. Hardening in the family

Mandatory element physical education in the family, which is of great importance for promoting health, increasing efficiency and resistance to infection, is hardening.

The essence of hardening lies in the training of the thermoregulatory apparatus, in the development of protective reactions that reduce the body's sensitivity to the harmful effects of environmental stimuli. As a result of hardening, the body's resistance to the adverse effects of various weather factors, such as cold, heat, dampness, and others, which adversely affect performance and can lead to diseases, increases.

All types of hardening have a common beneficial effect on the body, improve the activity of all its systems and organs. The hardening process is specific, that is, cold procedures increase resistance to cold, exposure high temperatures- to the heat.

When hardening the body, usually natural factors are used: air, water, the sun.

2.1 Air hardening

tempering procedures can be used both at rest and in combination with physical exercises. Numerous studies testify to the effectiveness of outdoor exercise: functional state thermoregulatory apparatus, the hardening of the body increases, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the incidence of infectious diseases.

Air baths are the most “gentle” and safe in the arsenal of hardening products. With them, it is recommended to start systematic tempering procedures in the family. Positive influence air baths depends on temperature, air humidity, mobility, purity and ionization of the atmosphere. If physical culture classes are held all year round in the open air, then there is no need for special reception air baths. When conducting classes in enclosed spaces of apartments, it is advisable to additionally stay outdoors.

IN summer time the effect of hardening in the process of physical education and sports is much less pronounced due to less thermal irritation provided by warm air during this period.

2.2 Water hardening

Even the ancient Greeks believed that "water washes away all mental suffering." Due to its high thermal conductivity, water is a more effective hardening agent and has a much greater thermal effect than an air bath of the same temperature. In addition, water exerts mechanical (massaging) pressure on body tissues and skin, especially when swimming and showering under pressure. This improves lymph and blood circulation.

To apply correctly water procedures, you need to know how cold water affects the body. At the first moment of impact cold water on the surface of the body due to a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels of the skin rushes to internal organs and the skin becomes pale and cold. In this case, a person feels a feeling of freezing. This phase is followed by the second, during which the person begins to intensely produce heat, and the blood vessels of the skin expand, blood rushes to the skin, and the feeling of cold is replaced by a pleasant feeling of warmth. Such a narrowing of the skin vessels with their subsequent expansion is, as it were, gymnastics for them, which improves vascular activity under cold influences.

With excessive cooling, the third phase of the vascular reaction can occur: the blood vessels of the skin remain dilated, blood flow slows down, followed by stagnation and the appearance of secondary chills. These symptoms indicate excessive heat loss, therefore, if they appear, the water procedure should be stopped and warming measures should be taken in the form of vigorous movements, rubbing the body and warming with clothes.

Thus, when applying hardening water procedures, it is quite enough to achieve a good skin reaction (second phase). After any water procedure, you must dry yourself thoroughly. The best time for water procedures is the end of morning exercises. They contribute to the transition of the body to an active state and create a cheerful mood.

Systematic education of resistance to cold should begin in the summer. The reason is that in the summer there is a passive hardening of the body due mainly to the low thermal insulation of the “package” of clothing. The low resistance of the organism to cold in the winter-spring period is explained by a longer stay in the room, and this “violates” the physiological mechanisms of thermoregulation.

2.3 Sun hardening

It is produced by means of sunbathing, more precisely, air-solar, since both of these factors act on the body. In moderate doses, the sun's rays have a positive effect on metabolic processes, favorably affect the development child's body, improve breathing and blood circulation, increase efficiency. In addition, sunbathing contributes to the development of thermal endurance.

With excessive exposure (an attempt to tan in one day), sunbathing can be harmful. Negative Consequences overheating are expressed in the appearance of dizziness, loss of consciousness. It is necessary to strictly dose the intensity of sunbathing and follow the rules of hardening. This is especially important for sunbathing by all family members who have a reasonable degree of UV resistance.

It is best to sunbathe in the morning from 9 am to 12 pm. You need to lie down with your feet to the sun, protect your head with a panama or cap, but do not tie it with a towel, as this makes evaporation difficult, and therefore cooling of the head. It is not recommended to sunbathe on an empty stomach, immediately before meals and immediately after it. Sunbathing can be taken 30-40 minutes after breakfast, and finished at least 1 hour before a meal.

You can not bring yourself to profuse sweating ( wet skin more sensitive to sunlight). It is forbidden to sleep while sunbathing. After the subsequent water procedure, the skin is not rubbed, since it is already quite hyperemic as a result of exposure to the sun.

Start hardening sunbeams from sessions lasting 5-10 minutes a day, increasing them daily by 5-10 minutes and bringing the total duration of the procedure to 2-3 hours. Mandatory periodic change of body position and breaks in sunbathing every hour for 10-15 minutes.

Sunbathing is absolutely contraindicated in severe hypertension, organic diseases of the central nervous system, cerebrovascular accidents, atherosclerosis and cardiosclerosis.

Joint physical education classes in the family create especially favorable conditions for hardening procedures, open up great opportunities for integrated use all the main means of hardening (air, water, sun), as those involved are free to choose the place and time of the lesson. The greater efficiency of hardening during independent physical education is also due to

the possibility of individual dosage of hardening procedures, depending on the state of human health at the moment, which is quite difficult in group classes.

The comprehensive use of natural factors for the recovery and hardening of the family is carried out during mass sports events, "days of health", "days of the runner", tourist events. The maximum approach to nature during organized trips out of town for recreation or mass events on weekends, during holidays, vacations is important not only for the hardening process itself, but also for promoting hardening.

3. Hygiene of the "physical culture" family

In order for physical education and sports in the family to bring maximum benefit, improve health and physically develop its members, strict adherence to hygiene requirements. They come down to the implementation by all family members of the regime of work and rest, the rules of personal hygiene, the organization of rational nutrition, the use of additional hygiene products improving performance.

The basis of a healthy lifestyle is a rational daily routine. With the right mode, a harmonious rhythm of the activity of the physiological systems of the body is developed, a dynamic stereotype is formed, the maintenance of which requires less and less stress. When organizing the regime, fluctuations in working capacity throughout the day are taken into account. It is not recommended to conduct training sessions immediately after waking up from a night or daytime sleep, especially if they are aimed at developing coordination of movements, speed and strength, as well as before bedtime.

Balanced diet implies correct mode nutrition. Meal times should be strictly defined and should be strictly adhered to. It is not advisable to eat immediately before physical education or hardening procedures. This leads to poor digestion and assimilation, interferes with the performance of physical exercises. Food stays in the stomach longer, causing a feeling of heaviness. A full stomach raises the diaphragm and thereby complicates the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to which increased demands are made during physical exercises.

Balanced nutrition plays important role in improving performance, is the key good health, excellent mood, success in work and sports.

The correct, skillful use of hygiene products that complement physical education and hardening in the family will be evidenced by deep sleep, good appetite, improved well-being, increased efficiency.


The organization of work on the education of physical culture of students in the family is aimed at solving the following tasks:

promoting the correct physical development of children, increasing their efficiency, hardening, health protection;

development of basic motor qualities. A person's ability to versatile motor activity is ensured by the harmonious development of all physical qualities - strength, endurance, dexterity and speed. Especially it should be said about endurance. Teaching schoolchildren to overcome uncertainty, fear, fatigue, pain, we thus educate them not only physical, but also moral qualities;

the formation of vital motor skills and abilities. motor activity is successfully carried out only when a person has special knowledge, skills and abilities. Based on motor representations and knowledge, the student gets the opportunity to control his actions in a variety of conditions. Motor skills are formed in the process of performing certain movements. Among them are natural motor actions (walking, running, jumping, throwing, swimming, etc.) and motor actions that are rare or almost never occur in life, but have a developing and educational value (exercises on gymnastic apparatus, acrobatics, etc. .);

education of sustainable interest and the need for systematic physical education. A healthy lifestyle is based on the constant internal readiness of the individual for physical self-improvement. It is the result of regular (for many years) physical exercises with a positive and active attitude towards them by the students themselves. As you know, the nature of the child is characterized by intense physical activity. In the interests of physical education, it is necessary to organize children's mobility, motor skills in correct forms, give her a reasonable outlet. The interest and pleasure received in the process of physical exercises gradually turn into a habit to systematically engage in them, which then turns into a stable need that persists for long years;

acquisition necessary minimum knowledge in the field of hygiene and medicine, physical culture and sports. Schoolchildren should get a clear idea about the daily routine and personal hygiene, about the importance of physical culture and sports for promoting health and maintaining high performance, O hygiene rules physical exercise, o driving mode and natural hardening factors, about the basic methods of self-control, about the dangers of smoking and alcohol.


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