How I will spend the Winter Vacation. An essay on the topic: "My Winter Vacation". My winter break

As I spent winter vacation.

Vacation is the best time per year, and this winter I spent them unusual and interesting. Vacations in winter coincide with my favorite time of the year, in the winter, which is liked with adults and children. Winter's offensive for me as a holiday. Although it needs to be waiting whole yearBut it is worth it, because you can go to the city rink, make gifts yourself and decorate the apartment.

This year, the long-awaited feast, the parents and I were celebrated in the Carpathians. Next to the resort of Bukovel, where many people are resting. Our family went to visit the father's mother, the grandmother lives in a small but very beautiful village of Yablunitsa. While we traveled to the grandmother's house, Dad showed me a huge forest and high mountains surrounding the village and completely covered with snow. There is no beauty in the city. Dad promised me that he would teach how to ride skiing. We went on ski resort And they took a ski in size, I and him. He rolled very well, he wore in these places and trained in childhood. We rode for a long time near the grandmother's house and went to the forest edge, taking care of neat paths in the snow.

What did we do on the winter holidays?

Before the very first of January I learned about interesting tradition Our family. In the courtyard of the grandmother's house is growing high and beautiful fir. In winter it is decorated homemade toys. It turns out festively, elegantly and unusual. Grandma glad that did not have to cut the tree, and we kept another Christmas tree in the forest. During the winter holidays, we helped the grandmother to clear the yard from the snow, and my mother prepared a delicious fried duck. There were many different treats on the table.

After dinner, we played words and cities, fun read poems and played with friends, what kind of winter holidays without games. In the morning I found gifts under the decorated Christmas tree, large car With opening doors and fishing rods for summer fishing. The yard flashed again with snow, and Dad suggested to blind a snowman. There was a lot of snow, and it turned out a huge snowy man. Mom gave her old, red scarf for him, and the grandmother carried a bucket and carrot. We all photographed with a snowman.

By evening, the carrot disappeared, and in the snow, the traces of birds appeared, and Dad said that this crows stole a snowman's nose. Then the end of the vacation came. All day from the street was heard cheerful laughter. This kids went through the courtyards, and satisfied whole views. We went out to see and clapped them. The grandmother was preparing a lot of tasty, and the main place on the table was taken by Casca. I liked the sweet raisins and nuts in this unusual dish.

In the evening, grandma told interesting stories From daddy childhood, and mom read beautiful, poems. I did not want to leave my grandmother, but the holidays have already ended. Dad promised that in the summer we will arrive in the village. And I really wanted to tell friends how I spent the winter holidays.

Also, do not pass an essay by a side where to tell about the different adventures of what happened with the character during the winter holidays.

Essay for grade 8 on the topic "How I spent the Winter Vacation"

That ended the winter holidays. During this period, more than ever, there has been a lot of interesting things. First I will tell you how I met the New Year.

Early in the morning of the 30th and my dad we went to the market to choose the most beautiful Christmas tree home. For a very long time they were looking for and chose the most fluffy pine sucks. When they came home, my dad and I put it on the table, in the corner of the room. We got out of the storeroom large box and began to decorate the Christmas tree glowing garland, beautiful christmas toys And a white flowing rain. It's so great, to be with dad and together do this business. So we get closer and relative friend to friend. By that time, when we finished dressing up the Christmas tree and decorate the hall with our room, my mother came from work. And I gladly began to help her in the kitchen prepare different salads for tomorrow's holiday.

I noticed the new year in home circle: with mom, dad and younger Brother. As always, we listened new Year's speech Our president. And so, the clock struck twelve and I made a desire that must come true this year. Santa Claus brought me under the Christmas tree a soccer ball, a book with the story of Arthur Conan Doyle "Baskerville Dog", beautiful notebooks and a lot of sweets. In general, everything that I wanted is only except for the book. I don't really like to read, but I heard about this story and now it's interesting to read it. The next day, we went to visit my grandparents - congratulated them with the coming new year, and then we went to the presentation near the Christmas tree at the Theater Square. There were already Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, they conducted various contests. We drove away dance with them, sang songs. Mom even made me tell the poem by Santa Claus, and he gave me a new beautiful photo album.

On other days I walked in the courtyard with my friends. We looked a snowman, played snowballs and rode from a slide on sleds. I also walked with my parents on the rink. Although I do not know how to ride and was there for the first time, I really liked it and I will gladly go again when my mother and dad will be allowed and will give money.

That came Christmas. The weather was truly winter, walked beautiful white snowballThe mood was a festive, more than ever. We gathered the whole family to go to visit the godfather of my brother, since my godfall lives not in our city. They had a lot of guests, and had a good time: they spoke, joked, laughed and even danced.

So, quickly flew new Year holidays. It's time to prepare for the new school year. I repeated the material passed on literature, mathematics and Russian language. Mom checked the exercises that I did. Pope I told the poems that I learned. Began to read the "Baskerville dog". Parents promised me a trip to the Black Sea in the summer if I finish this academic year. I will try to really try, as I really want to go to the sea, swim and sunbathe under the warm sun.

My winter break

Winter so good time of the year. On the street, all White-Belo, nature as if stopped waiting for a miracle. And a miracle is a holiday New Year! Guests came to celebrate the New Year to our home. It was fun! The next day, guests went away, but festive mood left.
I really liked the winter holidays, I spent a good time: I walked a lot on the street, I skate, went to visit my grandmother. But I not only played and having fun. On vacation I read books, master different crafts, helped home. Winter holidays are great! Student 3 "B" classSyrmushkin Artem

I love the winter holidays for the fact that they are filled with holidays. But, probably, that is why they pass very quickly.
This year, as usual, the holidays began with the school Christmas tree. At home we dressed up the Christmas tree and decorated all the rooms by Mishera. On the evening of December 31, my grandparents came to us. We met the new year together, went outside the rockets launched and burned the Bengal candles. In the morning, Santa Claus brought us gifts under the Christmas tree.
And then the holidays simply flew. My brother and I watched cartoons, played a computer. So imperceptibly passed my winter holidays. Student 3 "B" classFartidinov Samir.

I spent my winter holidays perfectly. I like winter. It's mine favorite time of the year. I called my friends, and we with them in the yard loose snowmen and snow Bab.. That was amazing! I really liked it. We rode with an ice slide. Many times rolled out the train. Still skating. These were the very top vacation in my life. I had a wonderful new year. I presented a lot of necessary things and what I dreamed about. And there was a wonderful Christmas. Student 3 "b" classShergunova Vika

Vacation I love everything, but winter especially. After all, it is on the winter holidays that we encounter a new year, dressing up a Christmas tree, get gifts. Last year I was given skates. The next day, with dad and mom in the morning went to the rink. They ride well with me, and then I haven't even been skating then. How we had fun when they taught me to ride. Even when I fell, I never cry. On vacation we went to the rink every day. As a result, I learned to ride well and play the catchy.

Winter is soon

That is - winter will begin. My favorite season. Winter for me is a lot of snow, skating rink and new year. I can't wait for the winter holidays. I already imagine how I will sleep before lunch and do not think about anything. In winter, it's nice at home. Mom always cook hot tea And fry satisfy pancakes. Therefore, on vacation, I can not leave the house. Is that only in the evening when the guys from the courtyard will call for a walk. Now my mother thinks how we do on the New Year. We will celebrate at home. But we plan to go to the rink to make a desire for the battle of the chimes. I really liked this idea, because we always just go to someone to visit, and this fun is expected. I also want to congratulate my friends, but it will be in the morning. I also prepare gifts with your own hands. I will make a casket and spoons from the tree, and then they raise them. It will work very beautiful. The main thing is that the parents do not see. I love the new year, because I can be as follows with the tastes of the Salad type of Olivier, caviar and drink baby champagne. And the next day to watch your favorite films about the new year. Among them should be noted:

  • "Alone at home"
  • "The Irony of Fate"
  • "Viy"

I can review them several times until you get bored.

Plans for Winter Vacation

On the winter holiday I plan to go to Granny. In her village there are cool slides, on which I will ride sledding and skiing. I also love to bask on the furnace. It is very nice. In the village, the guys are already waiting for me, with whom we will go fishing.

When I will be in the city, I will go to the rink. I can ride and want to learn more. Perhaps I will write on hockey to the local club. In the courtyard with the guys, we play snowballs, build from snow at home and shelter. In general, a lot of time spend together that it is not always possible when you go to school. I also want to spend more time with my parents who are always busy with their affairs. You can play the prefix or chess with your dad, and with my mother - talk. I appreciate this time until I do not care. I look forward to vacation, because it's time to wonder.

The writing

Winter is a very good season. On the street, all White-Belo, nature as if stopped waiting for a miracle. And a miracle is a holiday New Year! Guests came to celebrate the New Year to our home. It was fun! After pierced the watch 12, I went out to the street with my friend. We played snowballs, ride off the slides and lit bengal lights. Located home, we and my friend were like snowmen. We did not sleep until the morning and had fun all the time. The next day, guests went away, but the festive mood remains.
I really liked the winter holidays, I spent a good time: I walked a lot on the street, I skate, went to visit my grandmother. But I not only played and having fun. On vacation I was engaged in karate and passed the exam for 6 ku, now I have a green belt, I still went to the republican competitions that took place in the village of Raevka. And I also walked to engage in the Linguistic Academy of English.