The script of the entertainment program is laughing heartily. Game program "April Fools' Day". competition "Merry Gatherings on the Road"

"THE DAY OF LAUGHTER" - a game program for children of middle, senior and preparatory groups kindergarten

Work description: scenario of the game program for children of middle, senior, preparatory groups childhood... Material intended music directors, educators, animators.
Target: Creation of a positive emotional atmosphere of laughter in children.
Tasks: development of communication skills, a benevolent attitude towards each other.
The course of the event.
We will open the holiday today
Wind and rain are not a hindrance to us.
After all, we have been waiting for a long time, we will not hide
Funny, funny day of laughter!
Clowns Chupa and Chups run into the hall.
Chups(bowing): Hello, here we are!

Chupa: Let's get acquainted. We funny clowns! We love to joke, have fun and play.
My name is Chupa.
Chups: And me - Chups!
Chupa: Now let's get to know you too!
Repeat after me:
One mobile, two mobiles,
Pagers, pagers.
A bunch of cars, a bunch of cars
Money, money.
One disassembly, two disassembly,
Fingers, toes.
Come on together, come on together:
Girls, boys!
And now, one, two, three,
Give your name!
Chupa: Masha? Sasha? Theme? Ahhh, OK.
Chups: And what are you here all gathered together as a whole kindergarten? (Answers of children)
Chupa: Understood nothing.
Ved. Listen, our children will tell you what an unusual day it is today.
1 child:
Congratulations on the holiday,
A prankster holiday.
Nobody got bored
Jokes first of April,
And rather the opposite -
The people are glad to laugh.
2 child:
We celebrate holiday of laughter,
Here is fun so fun!
Like a whole White light
I ate a laugh for lunch.
3 child:
Not every day, but every year
It happens the other way around
And the first of April
We don't trust anyone!
4 child:
We live the best
Because laughter is with us!
We don't part with him anywhere,
Wherever we are - we laugh!
Chupa: Great! This is our favorite day!
Chups: Well, kids, do you like to play? Then give it a pat.
Joke, laugh, laugh? Then stomp.
Chupa: Well then we have
There is a game for you!
Doesn't sit still for us
Let's greet everyone together!
(Children clap their hands to cheerful music. At the end of the music, the clown says what to “say hello” to (palms, heels, noses, “tails”, etc.)
Tell me, guys,
Do you exercise in the morning?
Chupa and I also do, but not simple, but funny exercises. Do you want to teach you too?
Hey girls arms wider,
Let's stand on the floor, like in an apartment.
And now they all took together,
The hands were removed to the belt.
Step everyone to the right
Step everyone to the left
You are all like queens!
Hey boys, feet together
And let's jump in place.
And hands up and down
Let's all clap for an encore!
And then sneeze together,
And now you need to laugh!
Now all together on shoulders arms,
That there was neither longing nor boredom.
Right foot forward
And then vice versa.
Everyone sat down on the floor,
Spun, got up, sat down,
It's like we're on a carousel!
Now listen to the command:
Grab your ears
And outward tongues
And wider elbows,
And so everything is together together
You jump in place!
Chupa: Well, real monkeys turned out!
To the music, Carlson appears in one shoe.

Hi guys! What, did you recognize me?
I am the funniest, the most educated,
And, of course, moderately well-fed!
I flew past the garden
And I saw you through the window!
Why are you gathered here,
Dressed up, braided?
We have a holiday of laughter here -
Everyone is waiting for jokes and fun!
Precisely, the first of April!
A holiday of laughter and fun!
I have a game for you -
I'll read poetry now
I'll start and you finish
Answer in chorus: "Me too!"
In the morning I woke up early ...
I washed myself with water from the tap ...
Then I made the bed ...
I love to sleep until the evening ...
At breakfast I ate porridge ...
Then I sang songs loudly ...
Then he went for a walk ...
And he started throwing stones at the cats ...
I saw a Slovenian in the circus ...
He looks like a pig ...
I love to eat pears ...
I haven't cleaned my ears for a long time ...
Chupa: Well, Carlson, you completely confused us, and you yourself, in my opinion, also confused everything. Why do you only have one shoe?
Ouch! I flew over the garden
And he lost his shoe.
Well, I'll look. (Walks around the hall, takes off one shoe from the children)
Now I will measure. (Tries on, puts it in the basket)

Here are how many different shoes, but I never found my own.
Oh, there he is!
And where to put all this wealth? Okay, I'll throw it in the dump on the way.

Chups: What are you, Carlson, these are children's shoes !?
Carlson: Ha ha ha, cheated! April Fool's Day - I don't believe anyone!
Yes, we will now play with this good!
GAME "Who will find his shoe faster"

Do you want to play some more?
Well then, kids,
There will be a new game!
1. "Pass the ball"... Children pass the ball in a circle while the music is playing. A child who has a balloon after the end of the music does what Carlson or the clowns ask.

2. "Kangaroo"... 2 children are playing. Everyone squeezes the ball with their knees and in this position jumps to the pins and back. The faster one won.

3. "Move the balloon with your belly"... 2 pairs of players are playing. Each pair clamps the ball with their stomach without the help of a hand in this position, runs to the pins and back. Whose pair is faster, she won.

4. "Sing a song not in your own voice"(the most daring)

5. "Who is ahead?"(choose the most athletic) 2 pairs of runners are playing. One walks on his hands, the second holds his legs. Whose pair gets around the pin faster and comes back, she won.

6. "Baba Yaga"... 2 players play. Each participant "sits on a broomstick." Whoever gets to the pin in this position faster and comes back, he won.

7. "Fox Alice and Basilio the Cat"... 2 pairs of children are playing - a boy and a girl. The boy is blindfolded - he is blind, he puts his hand on the girl's shoulder. Girl flexes right leg in the knee and holds it with his right hand - it is lame, and with his left hand he holds the boy. In this position, the couple reaches the pin, runs around it and comes back. The faster one won.

8. "Fishermen and Fish" 6-8 children are chosen. Clowns - "network" stand facing each other, join hands, sit down. The rest of the children are "fish". "Fish" should crawl on their stomachs one after another under the clasped hands, which touch them on the back, tickle, tap. Everything is repeated until all the children have been "fish".
So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,
So that time goes faster
We offer you now
Get together in a circle soon!
Have fun from the heart
All dances are good for us
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,
But best dance- Lavata!

Aren't you tired of dancing?
Then new dance begin!
Dance "HOP-HOP"

Carlson:(holds a box of empty candy wrappers)
Ay yeah, babies, babies
Have fun with all the heart!
I want to praise everyone
And treat with sweets!
Fly in, take it apart, don't forget about your friends! (The clowns take the box, open it, but find nothing in it)

Carlson: Ha ha ha! Have you forgotten, after all, on the first of April - no one is trusted! I ate all the candy. After all, I am the most famous sweet tooth in the world. Here, there is only one left. (puts it in his mouth)
Chupa: Well, it just spoiled the mood of the children. Better not say anything at all.
Carlson:... Ha ha ha. Yes, I'll fix everything now! I'm the most famous magician in the world!
Chups: Yes, we no longer believe you! Today is the first of April.
Well, if you don’t believe it, we’ll check it.
Close all your eyes
Miracles begin!
Carlson takes out a fishing line from a basket of sweets.

April Fool's Day primary school... Scenario

Extracurricular activity on the theme "April Fool's Day", grade 1-2

Entertainment program "Around laughter"

Olga A. Litvinenko, teacher primary grades MBOU "Tashlinskaya average comprehensive school», Orenburg region Tyulgansky district with. Tashla
Material description: I offer you a summary of the event that was held on April 1 with students in grades 1 and 2. This material can also be used with students in grades 3-6, and some games and contests with children preschool age... The provided material will be useful for primary school teachers, educators preschool institutions, counselor.
Theme. Around the laughter.
Target: expand the range of emotions in children through understanding and experiencing a sense of joy; to form positive feelings and emotions through a smile; learn to perceive emotionally fun mood of people.
1. Reveal the creative and artistic abilities of students;
2. To develop the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.
3. Create festive atmosphere.
4. Activation of cultural and leisure activities of students.
5. To cultivate a sense of humor, the ability to have fun.
Form of carrying out: game entertainment program

Course of the lesson

I ask you to clap your hands together,
We don't need loners
Laugh only where you need to
And also not one at a time.
Do not cough, do not sneeze, do not sleep,
Behave decently in everything!
Do not you mind? Fine!
We can start our holiday!

Greetings without words.

Let's greet everyone around us without words with the help of facial expressions and gestures, while clearly following my commands:
- greet your eyes;
- say hello with little fingers;
- say hello with your heels;
- greet your ears;
- greet noses;
- say hello to your cheeks;
- Say hello to your shoulders.
- Our holiday is called Around Laughter.

April Fool's Day or “April 1 - I don’t believe anyone”! Where did the custom of joking on this particular day come from? There are several versions about the origin story of April 1st, many attribute this tradition Ancient Rome or Ancient India. According to the most common version, April Fool's Day originated in France in 1564 in connection with the postponement of the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1. Not receiving that day traditional gifts, disappointed subjects began to consider April 1 as a day of deception.

In Russia, April Fools' jokes became fashionable under Peter I. On April 1, everyone jokes. So be on your guard, well, of course, stock up on a set of fresh jokes and surprises yourself! In general, have fun, because a minute of laughter is as good for your health as a kilo of carrots.

But smiling and laughing have their own rules.
Smile and laughter rules:
1. A smile will help in communication.
2. Try to smile more often at friends, parents, teacher.
3. Laugh contagiously, but know where and how to laugh.
4. Be able to laugh at yourself.
5. Do not laugh at someone else's grief or physical handicap.
- I wish you a good mood!

And to warm up, we will play the game "Birds have arrived." I will say the phrase "The birds have come," and then call them, And when I call the birds, you will have to flap your arms like wings. And when I name no birds, you don’t raise your hands. And we will try to deceive you and will raise our hands when necessary and when not necessary. Be careful! Let's try?
Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, jackdaws, crows, seagulls, pasta ... Aha, someone has already flown pasta!
- Let's try again, be careful!
- Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, crows, swifts, magpies, hedgehogs ... Now the hedgehogs have flown!

Let's play again.
Ravens, jackdaws, swallows, sticks.

The last time for the most inattentive.
Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, nightingales, rooks, starlings, bricks.
- Well, well done! Give yourself a pat.
The game "Yasha and Masha" or "Blind Man's Man's Buffs".
The players form big circle, in which two pupils stand up blindfolded. They take turns looking for each other. First, one of them turns around him several times and says: "Masha, where are you?" and looking for Masha. Another student responds: "I am here, Yasha" and quickly runs away. After one child catches the other, they switch roles. Then, without removing the blindfolds from their eyes, they select other players, identifying them by touch. If the children are unfamiliar, then leading questions can be asked.
Game "Who is the most attentive?"
Pupils form a large circle within which the prize is located. He will go to the one who turns out to be the most attentive.
I'll tell you a story
In a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Take the prize immediately!
Dreaming boy declared
Become an Olympic champion.
Look, don't be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command: "One, two, march!"
When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself,
Once, twice, but better ... five.
Recently train at the train station
I had to wait three hours.
Well, friends, you didn't take the prize,
When there was an opportunity to take.

Game: "CHUR, NOT ME!"
I invite you to play
Pass the ball in a circle.
You buddy don't yawn
Give up the ball faster!
Children stand in a circle, transmit to each other to the music balloon... When the music stops, the child who has the ball at that moment is eliminated. The winner is the one who stays in the game the longest. Passing rules change - turn around, crouch, bounce, bend over, etc.
- Well done! I see you are a little tired. Now we are going to do a little warm-up.
- Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift up left hand up, wave it, wiggle it. Then raise right hand up without lowering the left. Wave with both hands, make noise as birches rustle: “Sh-sh-sh-sh!” Spread your arms to the sides, hum like airplanes: “W-w-w-w!" Wave your hands like birds and shout: " Kshi-kshi-kshi! “I congratulate you! You all graduated from the school of garden scarecrows! "
Game "And I"
- I'll read a poem. When I pause, you will say "me too" in unison. Only so that the sentence has meaning.

I wake up on a call, (and I)
I bask on my side for a long time ...
After lying around, I get up ...
I'll make my bed ...
I put the kettle on the stove ...
I'll sweep the floor quickly ...
Cheerfully doing my exercises ...
I'm squatting under the table ...
I hear the tea is already boiling ...
The lid jumps, rumbles ...
I quickly turn off the gas ...
I pour a cup of tea ...
I'll pour in sugar, two or three spoons ...
I add two potatoes ...
I want it to be delicious ...
I'll smear the sandwich with soap ...
I'll collect my notebooks ...
I'll play locks with the cat ...
I will repeat the poem ...
I'll cover my shoes with jam ...
I'm running fast to school ...
I'll shore for a minute ...
On the way I saw a fight ...
The black cat bit the dog ...
The cat barked, and then
He wagged his tail ...
I walked past the store ...
I see the elephant is in the basket ...
I passed by the garden ...
Look, there's a crocodile on the tree ...
I run to my class
An hour late ...

Guys, now I invite everyone to stand up. We all stand in a circle, put our hands on the shoulders of the one in front. Let's pretend we're at a carnival in Brazil. Now we will go to the music, dancing in a circle, without giving up. I say: “My elbows are good, but my neighbor is better” - and you immediately take your neighbor by the elbows and continue dancing like that. Let's try? Hands on your shoulders! Music!
- My elbows are good, but my neighbor is better!
- My ears are good, but my neighbor is better!
- My waist is good, but my neighbor is better!
- My knees are good, but my neighbor is better!
- My shoulders are good, but my neighbor is better!

Game "What's good at school?"
Do we take dolls with us in the morning to school day after day? (No)
In the lesson, as if of old, teaches all children the ABC book? (Yes)
The desk is a wonderful bed! Don't forget to sleep on it! (No)
In the lesson - do not rush, write even letters! (Yes)
You don't have to study at school, but have fun all the time! (No)
Mom will only praise you if she suddenly sees a "deuce" (no)
Scold you again if he suddenly sees "five" (no)
In the lesson, you need to listen and secretly eat candy. (No)
Open your ears wider, and don't talk to your girlfriend. (Yes)
If you know - don't yawn, raise your hand quickly. (Yes)

Joke questions.
1.How many wings does a flea have? (No)
2. Three ostriches flew, the hunter killed one, how many are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)
3. What is it? You take it out of it, and it gets bigger? (Pit).
4. Which hand is better for stirring sugar in a glass with tea? (With a spoon).
5. My grandmother had a grandson Fedor, a dog Sharik, a cat Vaska. How many grandchildren does grandmother have? (one).
6. Run up to one of the guys to ask: "Is Winnie the Pooh a pig or a boar?" And quickly demand an answer, so that he does not have time to realize that this is just a harmless bear cub.
7. The following questions are recommended to be repeated 3 times, and then you will receive desired result:
- What comes from the sky in winter? (3 p.)
- What color is the snow? (3 p.)
- What does the cow drink? (3 p.)
If you did everything correctly and did not take long pauses, then all guests, regardless of their scientific degrees and titles, chorus will answer in unison: "Milk".
The exercise.
- Say to everyone famous phrase from the fairy tale by Alexander Pushkin "An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea" different ways:
- in a whisper;
- like a robot;
- how Small child;
- very loud;
- singsong;
- So slow;
- very fast;
- as if you are terribly frozen;
- as if it was pronounced by an alien;
- as if your mouth is full of porridge;
- as if you are suffocating from stuffiness.

Great culinary specialist.
The volunteer is handed two spoons (or forks) and is blindfolded. The host offers to "identify" different subjects to the touch with spoons. You can offer products (potatoes, carrots, onions, pears, etc.), or you can give a more difficult task - to identify such inedible items as a cassette, book, coin, soft toy etc.
Mrs. Mable.
This game is especially popular with teenagers as it brings a lot of laughter and fun.
10-15 people sit in a circle. One starts the game with the next question to the neighbor on the right: "Is Mrs. Mable at home?" He must answer: "I do not know, I will ask the neighbor." And he asks his neighbor the same question, to which he gets the same answer. Participants get all the pleasure from how the words are pronounced. They should be spoken without showing their teeth, i.e. biting his lips.
Game "Questions and Answers"
Questions and answers are written each on a separate card. All of them are turned over and folded into 2 piles. In one - questions, in the other - answers. Further, each participant is given the opportunity to choose one card with a question and one with an answer. When everyone pulled out 2 cards, each one in turn begins to read out his question first, and then the answer to him. It turns out funny.
How often do you have to crow?
Do you often pick your nose?
Does your pen break when you write for a long time?
Do you comb your hair every day?
Do you have to wash the dishes?
Do you break dishes every day?
Do you often fall out of bed?
Do you cheat at your deskmate?
Do you often climb to your neighbor's raspberries?
Do you make your bed every day?
Do you like to eat sweets?
Do you lick your plate after eating?
Do you stumble on your way to school?
Do you wash often?
Do you trim your toenails in front of guests?
Do you ever sleep in class?
Do you often dream of hippos?
Do you like to sleep in the afternoon?
Do you brush your teeth every day?
Do you like snapping seeds?
Do you wear holey socks?
Do you often run away from school?
Would you go through the forest at night?
Are you stepping on your laces?
Yes, and my dog ​​too!
You will not understand this, I like it so much.
Of course, this is the coolest thing to do.
I don’t know myself, but others say yes.
No, it’s no use anyway.
Yes, but our cat has tantrums from this.
Not here.
Why not? With great pleasure!
Yes, the neighbors won't stand it soon.
If I am strongly asked about it.
Yes, when you have to look smart.
I can for hours, especially in the dark.
Yes, so as not to wash the dishes.
Only when bad weather.
Golko on an empty stomach.
Only on holidays.
Only at night.
Yes, if you have something to eat.
Only if nobody sees.
Yes, it creates a brutal appetite.
Yes, they even wrote about this in the newspaper.
On Saturdays this is a must for me.
Yes, the doctor prescribed it for me.
Not always, but often.

Summing up the game.
- What is the meaning of laughter, smile?
-Do you know that laughter and smile also affect human health?
-How do you think? (A person becomes cheerful, energetic, there is even such an expression: "Laughter prolongs life")
A few facts about laughter.
1. Relieves depression.
2. Rejuvenates the skin.
3. Heals cardiovascular system.
4. Reduces pain.
5. Coaches respiratory system.
6. Improves the figure.
Laughter is both aerobics for the muscles and a good massage for internal organs... At the time when you laugh with pleasure, 80 muscle groups are included in the work!
7. Builds relationships.
From the point of view of psychologists, laughter is group psychotherapy: it unites people, helps to quickly engage in a conversation, relieves negative emotions.
8. Characterizes people.

Be cheerful to make it more joyful
The one with whom you will be friends.
So that everyone in life has enough
Wonderful human kindness.

Happy Holidays! Happy April, 1!
Let's laugh
Let's smile at luck
We spend our failures
No sadness and no tears.
In April good holiday.
Let the world get bogged down in laughter
And the world will be kinder
For a long time and seriously.

Laughter prolongs our life.
If you want to live long
More often "die" with laughter!

In conclusion, let's sing the song "Smile"

Used materials and literature:
1. Mishchenkova LV 25 developmental lessons with third graders. A popular guide for parents and teachers. / Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.
2. Pashnina V. M. We have an excellent rest! Holidays and entertainment at the summer camp. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development; Vladimir: VKT, 2008 .-- 176 p .: ill. - (After school).
3. Exercises for the program of forming tolerant relationships junior schoolchildren" // Magazine " Public lesson... Techniques. Scripts. Examples ". - 2010. - No. 10. - with. 66.
4. Hours of fun, Ed. - comp. L. I. Zhuk. - Minsk: Ed. LLC "Krasiko-Print", 2000. - 128 p. - (Party at school.)

Game entertainment program

April Fool's Day

Target : to form positive feelings and emotions through a smile; teach to emotionally perceive the cheerful mood of people.
Tasks :
1. Reveal the creative and artistic abilities of students;
2. To develop the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.
3. Create a festive atmosphere.
4. Activation of cultural and leisure activities of students.
5. To cultivate a sense of humor, the ability to have fun.

Registration: balloons, funny photographs, drawings of children, posters: "Laughter is a great healer", "He who amuses people is worth the light", "A joke is a minute, but charges for an hour."


On this day they say "April 1 - don't trust anyone!"
Where did the custom of joking on this particular day come from? There are several versions about the history of the origin of April 1, many attribute this tradition to Ancient Rome or Ancient India. According to the most common version, April Fool's Day originated in France in 1564 in connection with the postponement of the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1. Having not received traditional gifts that day, disappointed subjects began to consider April 1 as a day of deception.

In Russia, April Fools' jokes became fashionable under Peter I. On April 1, everyone jokes. So be on your guard, well, of course, stock up on a set of fresh jokes and surprises yourself! In general, have fun, because a minute of laughter is as good for your health as a kilo of carrots.

I propose to remember the rules of smiling and laughing:

1. Smiling helps in communication.
2. Try to smile more often at friends, parents, teacher and just passers-by.
3. Laugh, but know where and how to laugh.
4. Be able to laugh at yourself.
5. Do not laugh at someone else's grief or handicap.

1 student:

We will open the holiday today,

Wind and rain are not a hindrance to us,

After all, we have been waiting for a long time, we will not hide

Our nationwide April Fool's Day.

For a holiday, for communication

We invite to guests Laughter,

Fun, Fun and Entertainment,

Joke and Humor for fun!

2 student:

Today is an unusual day.

Today everyone is laughing all day long!

3 student:

The first day of April -

It's a day of fun.

Everyone is happy with a cute joke.

Have fun both old and young!

4 student:

Laugh, laugh all day.

Laugh all and sundry!

I myself will fall from laughter.

It happens once a year!


Jokes, laughter are always needed!

We are no joke - nowhere!

I suggest we laugh together. Let's play a game"Acquaintance"

I will name the girls and boys and give them assignments. If you hear your name, follow the command quickly and amicably. Let's try?

- Sasha, Katya - show yourself!

- Olya, Zlata - get up!

- Masha, Dasha - smile!

- Herman, Fedor - bow down!

- Vanya, Fields - stretch yourself!

- The one with the name on "I" - wave your hands like wings.

- Well, those whom we did not name,

Let them do the following in the hall:

The girls will clap their hands

And the boys stomp their feet loudly!

Ready! Let's start!

(The game is played several times, at your discretion)


Well done! Now we will check how attentive you are. Are you ready to continue playing?

Trick poems

I read poems with confusing rhymes hidden in them. You have to be very careful to complete the sentence correctly.

Dandelion spring

Wreaths are woven, of course, only ...(girls)

Bolts, screw, gears

You will find it in your pocket ...(boys)

Chatted for an hour without respite

In colorful dresses ...(girls)

In front of everyone, measure your strength,

Of course, they only love ...(boys)


Something we sat too long, I invite everyone to get up. We all stand in a circle, put our hands on the shoulders in front of the one standing in front. Let's pretend we're at a carnival in Brazil. Now we will go to the music, dancing in a circle, without giving up. I say: "My elbows are good, but my neighbor is better" - and you immediately take your neighbor by the elbows and continue dancing like that. Let's try?

Hands on your shoulders!


My elbows are good and my neighbor is better!

- My ears are good and my neighbor is better!
- My waist is good, but my neighbor is better!
- My knees are good, but my neighbor is better!
- My shoulders are good, and my neighbor is better


You guys are great.

And now we will sit and listen to ditties!

Funny ditties about school


We start singing ditties
Please don't laugh.
There are a lot of people here,
We can be shy.


I answered in the lesson -
Our teacher fainted -
From this ignorance
Lost consciousness.


Learned very quickly
Julia with Katya new verse.
And got a four
Unfortunately, for two.


Petya ran away from the music,
I got to botany.
His answer was not bad:
Do, re, mi, beans, peas.


Our friend is tired
The lesson just swept.
Why is he so tired? -
The whole lesson he waited for the call.


Having rested somewhere on the sea,
Gleb has changed over the summer.
What changes?
Pants are knee-deep!


Thanks for the funny ditties.

Now let's continue to have fun!

It is not known how it happened

Only the letter got lost

Popped into someone's house

And he is the boss in it.

But I barely entered there

The letter is mischievous,

Very scary things

Began to happen!

Look guys

Crayfish (poppies) have grown in the garden!

In full view of the kids

Rat (roof) painted by painters!

The hunter shouted: “Oh!

Doors (the beasts) are chasing me! "

The blue sea is before us

Flyshirts (seagulls) over the waves.

Gored meboiler (goat) -

I'm very angry with him.

They say one fisherman

I caught a shoe in the river,

But then he

HookedHouse (catfish).

The doctor reminded Uncle Mitya:

- Don't forget one thing:

Be sure to accept

Tenherons (drops) before bedtime.

Bugbooth (bun) did not finish:

Reluctance, tired.

Uncle rode withoutvest (ticket),

He paid a fine for this.

A hurricane hit the island

The last one is left on the palmram (banana).

The goalkeeper has a big catch

Flew into the grid fiveoxen (heads).

Mom withbarrels (daughters) went

On the road along the village.

In the meadow in spring

Increasedtooth (oak) young.

Leading :

Well done, everyone coped with the tasks! I suggest playing one more fun game- "Funny gifts"

2 sets of cards:

first- "Objects", the second - "actions". I suggest that all participants take any card from the first set, then they should take a card from the second set.And now let's read the contents of the first and second cards together in a circle, accompanying the words:"They gave me ... and I ..."






A fish










Record player

Money box





The dress



A car





I will comb, tie a bow, admire

Pour into a glass and drink

I will be very happy and will put it into business

I'll start and go

I'll break it to pieces, treat my friends

I'll hang on my ears

Cut and eat

I will give my beloved (beloved)

Hiring outerwear and I will show everyone

I will stroke it with an iron and put it on

Hug and kiss

I'll tie it up and pin it to my head

I will split and eat

Look into your eyes, smile and hug me tight

I'll put it on my head

I will turn on and I will listen

I'll take it in my arms and circle

I will make a hole and I will put the money down

I'll tie it to a tree and go for a walk

I will spray and enjoy the scent

I'll put it in a prominent place

I will clean it, put it on my feet, I will dance

I close my eyes and enjoy

Hang on the wall

Gnaw and eat

I will paint the walls and doors

I will strengthen it on the ceiling

Our meeting, guys, ends

But don't be sad about it!

May it be more fun in your heart,

Let your faces shine with smiles.

1 student:

Be cheerful to make it more joyful
The one with whom you will be friends.
So that everyone in life has enough
Wonderful human kindness.

2 student:

A good joke, a joke

Start your day, friends!

Without which you can not live!

3 student:

Happy Holidays! Happy April, 1!
Let's laugh
Let's smile at luck
We spend our failures
No sadness and no tears.
On a good April holiday.
Let the world get bogged down in laughter
And the world will be kinder
For a long time and seriously!

4 student:

A good joke, a joke

Start your day, friends!

A wise joke, a sensitive joke,

Without which you can not live!

The music "From a Smile" sounds, the children sing a song in chorus.

Composer - Shainsky V.

A gloomy day is brighter from a smile,

From a smile in the sky, the rainbow will wake up ...

And she will come back to you more than once.

And then for sure, suddenly the clouds will dance,

And the grasshopper starts playing on the violin ...

A river begins from a blue stream,

Well, friendship begins with a smile.

From the smile of the sunny one

The saddest rain will stop crying.

Sleepy forest will say goodbye to silence

And claps her green hands.

A smile will make everyone warmer -

And an elephant and even a small snail ...

So let it be everywhere on earth

Smiles turn on like light bulbs!

history of the holiday

April 1 - This Day is not included in any calendars significant dates... April Fool's Day is celebrated in Russia, Europe, America and even the East. In some countries, April 1 is called April Fool's Day, in others - April fool day.
Where this holiday came from remains a mystery.
The first mention of a day in honor of the god of laughter dates back to Ancient Rome. There, in mid-February (and not at all at the beginning of April), the Feast of the Fools was celebrated. The Roman emperor Constantine issued a decree according to which a jester should rule a great power one day a year, and on this day all the empires who were cast could afford to fool around.
There is evidence that initially April 1 was celebrated in many countries as the day of the spring solstice. The spring solstice festivities have always been accompanied by jokes, pranks and funny tricks.

In the east in ancient India celebrated the feast of jokes associated with the deities. By the way, Indians still celebrate their Day of Jokes on March 31st.

A more common version of the origin of "April Fool's Day" is associated with the transition of the Victorian calendar to the Gregorian. In the 16th century, the eccentric French king Charles IX moved the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1, before New Year was celebrated not on January 1st, but at the end of March, and the New Year's week began on March 25th and ended on April 1st. Many subjects did not like the innovation. They continued to celebrate the New Year's celebrations on April 1, according to the old style, for which they were called "April Fools". Since then, it has become a tradition to joke on this day and give funny gifts.

There is another version: the day of fun, which is celebrated almost everywhere today, was founded by the King of Naples Monterey. On the occasion of a local holiday, he was allegedly presented with an unusually tasty fish, which Monterey liked so much that exactly a year later he demanded to cook him exactly one. Since the cook could not find the exact same fish, he prepared another, trying to make it as similar as possible. The king recognized the substitution, but did not get angry, but on the contrary, laughed, and since then in Italy they began to celebrate April Fools' Day (pesce d'aprile).

The holiday became widespread in the 18th century.
In Russia, April Fools' rallies were established after one day the inhabitants of St. Petersburg were raised from their beds early in the morning by an alarming alarm bell, usually announcing a fire. It was April 1, and the alarm, as you might guess, was a joke. Also, one of the first massive April Fools' jokes was a joke that took place in Moscow in 1703. The heralds walked the streets and invited everyone to come to the "unheard of performance" in which they promised to show incredible tricks. When crowds of spectators and onlookers gathered, an announcement awaited them behind the curtain: "First April - don't trust anyone." This "unheard of performance" ended. Peter did not get angry and only said, leaving the theater: "The liberty of the comedians."

In 1860 in Great Britain several hundred respected English families allegedly received from the queen herself an invitation to the "ceremony of the annual washing of the white lions." When the ladies and gentlemen, dressed to smithereens, arrived at the Tower by 11 o'clock, the news awaited them that they had been ... played. It has been since then that April Fools' Day has been celebrated in England.

In the 18-19 centuries. the British, Scots and French spread this holiday in their American colonies.
On this day, everyone is not averse to making fun of others, no one is immune from practical jokes and even the most serious ones involuntarily smile.

The main idea of ​​this holiday is to play pranks on your friends, acquaintances and just casual passers-by. However, some countries have their own special traditions. Modern traditions The celebrations for Aprli Fool's Day, All Fool's Day are as follows:
For example, in Great Britain, Australia and Ireland it is customary to joke from midnight until 12 noon on the first day, while those who do not adhere to this rule are called "April Fools".

Germany celebrates the Day of Jokes - on the first of April, it is customary to give each other impossible assignments, for example, buy mosquito fat, sweet vinegar or bring rejuvenating apples.

In Scotland, April Fool's Day lasts 48 hours, a full 2 ​​days. The first day is called the "Day of the Cuckoo", and everyone who got into the drawing on April 1 is called the razines. On the second day, called "Tail Day", it is customary to joke "below the belt." The joke with the "fart" pillow is considered especially popular.

In Italy and France, this holiday is called Poisson d "Avril (April fish). French and Italian children on this day glue paper fish on the backs of their friends. When the taunt object discovers the joke, the joker yells: "Poisson d" Avril "!

A kind of analogue of the day of fools is celebrated at the end of March in India. The holiday during which it is customary to make fun of others is called Huli.

April Fool's Day is also celebrated in some Latin American countries. It is called "Dia de los Inocentes" - the day of sincerity and sincerity and is celebrated on December 28th.

In America, on April 1, small harmless jokes like "your lace is untied," and the schoolchildren are joking at each other, saying that lessons have been canceled. If the victim is buying into a joke, the joker exclaims: “ April fool"(April fool)!
But remember, when you decide to play a trick on a friend, do not forget that best joke there will be one over which the one over whom you made fun of will laugh the loudest.

Entertainment and game program for senior preschool age

We will open the holiday today
Wind and rain are not a hindrance to us.
After all, we have been waiting for a long time, we will not hide
Funny, funny day of laughter!

Clowns Chupa and Chups run into the hall.

Chups: Hello, here we are!

Chupa: Let's get acquainted. We are funny clowns! We love to joke, have fun and play. My name is Chupa.

Chups: And me - Chups!

Chupa: (bowing) Chupa!

Chups: Chups!

Together: Chupa-Chups! Remember?

Chupa: Now let's get to know you too! Repeat after me:
One mobile, two mobiles,
Pagers, pagers.
A bunch of cars, a bunch of cars
Money, money.
One disassembly, two disassembly,
Fingers, toes.
Come on together, come on together:
Girls, boys!
And now, one, two, three,
Give your name!

Chupa: Everything is clear, all the boys today are called “Boo-boo-boo”.

Chups: And all the girls "Syu-syu-syu".

Chups: And what are you here all gathered together in a whole kindergarten? (Answers of children)

Chupa: I didn't understand anything.
Ved. Listen, our children will tell you what an unusual day it is today.

1 child:
Congratulations on the holiday,
A prankster holiday.
Nobody got bored
April Fools' jokes
And rather the opposite -
The people are glad to laugh.

2 child:
We celebrate the holiday of laughter
Here is fun so fun!
Like a whole white light
I ate a laugh for lunch.

3 child:
Not every day, but every year
It happens the other way around
And the first of April
We don't trust anyone!

4 child:
We live the best
Because laughter is with us!
We don't part with him anywhere,
Wherever we are - we laugh!

Chupa: Great! This is our favorite day!

Well, kids, do you like to play? Then give it a pat.
Joke, laugh, laugh? Then stomp.

Well then we have
There is a game for you!
Doesn't sit still for us
Let's greet everyone together!

(Children move around the hall to cheerful music. At the end of the music, the clown tells what to “say hello” to (palms, heels, noses, “tails”, etc.)

Tell me, guys,
Do you exercise in the morning?

Chupa and I also do, but not simple, but funny exercises. Do you want to teach you too?

Hey girls, arms are wider
Let's sit on the floor like in an apartment.
And now everyone stood up together,
The hands were removed to the belt.
Step everyone to the right
Step everyone to the left
You are all like queens!

Hey boys, let's cross our legs
And let's jump in place.
And hands up and down
Let's all clap for an encore!
And then sneeze together,
And now you need to laugh!

Now all hands on the shoulders,
That there was neither longing nor boredom.
Right foot forward
And then vice versa.
Everyone sat down on the floor,
Spun, got up, sat down,
It's like we're on a carousel!

Now listen to the command:
Grab your ears
And outward tongues
And wider elbows,
And so everything is together together
You jump in place!

Chupa: Well, real monkeys turned out!
Carlson appears in one shoe.

Hi guys! What, did you recognize me?
I am the funniest, the most educated,
And, of course, moderately well-fed!
I flew past the garden
And I saw you through the window!
Why are you gathered here,
Dressed up, braided?

We have a holiday of laughter here -
Everyone is waiting for jokes and fun!

Precisely, the first of April!
A holiday of laughter and fun!
I have a game for you -
I'll read poetry now
I'll start and you finish
Answer in chorus: "Me too!"
In the morning I woke up early ...
I washed myself with water from the tap ...
Then I made the bed ...
I love to sleep until the evening ...
At breakfast I ate porridge ...
Then I sang songs loudly ...
Then he went for a walk ...
And he started throwing stones at the cats ...
I saw a Slovenian in the circus ...
He looks like a pig ...
I love to eat pears ...
I haven't cleaned my ears for a long time ...

Chupa: Well, Carlson, you completely confused us, and you yourself, in my opinion, also confused everything. Why do you only have one shoe?

Ouch! I flew over the garden
And he lost his shoe.
Well, I'll look. (Walks around the hall, takes off one shoe from the children)
Now I will measure. (Tries on, puts it in the basket)
Here are how many different shoes, but I never found my own.
Oh, there he is!
And where to put all this wealth? Okay, I'll throw it in the dump on the way.

Chups: What are you doing, Carlson, these are children's shoes !?

Carlson: Ha ha ha, I cheated! April Fool's Day - I don't believe anyone!
Yes, we will now play with this good!

GAME "Who will find his shoe faster"

Do you want to play some more?
Well then, kids,
There will be a new game!

with balloons;
with sports equipment.

So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,
So that time goes faster
We offer you now
Get together in a circle soon!

Have fun from the heart
All dances are good for us
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,
But the best dance is Lavata!

DANCE "Lavata"

Aren't you tired of dancing?
Then let's start a new dance!

(at the discretion of the music director)

Carlson: (holds a basket with empty boxes from under the sweets)
Ay yeah, babies, babies
Have fun with all the heart!
I want to praise everyone
And treat with sweets!
Fly in, take it apart, don't forget about your friends! (Children dismantle boxes, open, but find nothing)

Carlson: Ha ha ha! Have you forgotten, after all, on the first of April - no one is trusted! I ate all the candy. After all, I am the most famous sweet tooth in the world. Here, there is only one left.

Chupa: Well, it just ruined the mood of the children. Better not say anything at all.

Charles. Yes, I'll fix everything now! I'm the most famous magician in the world!
Chups: We don't believe you anymore! Today is the first of April.

Well, if you don’t believe it, we’ll check it.
Close all your eyes
Miracles begin!

A “snake” made of sweets appears on the line. Carlson, Chupa and Chups are treating children!

Well, friends, we will say goodbye,
We will not forget our holiday for a long time!

Chups: We will new meeting wait.

And we wish you:
All: Don't get bored!

April Fool's Day (for children of different ages)

Cheerful music "The sun came out" sounds.

Leading (V.).
Who will get into our hall,
He will be funny.
Which of you is sitting - sad,
Which one of you looks sour?
Our entertainment is uplifting.

B. First, let's do fun gymnastics (the melody of the song “Dance while sitting” sounds, music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).
Put your hands on the belt first,
Sway your shoulders left and right.
You reach your heel with your little finger.
If you can, everything is in order.
And finally, you should meow,
To croak, bark and grunt.
Children perform movements according to the text.

Q. I see you are smiling, so you have good mood.
Now let's listen to little jokes and stories.

1. Warm spring now,
The grapes are ripe here.

2. Horned horse in the meadow
In the summer he jumps into a haystack.

3. Late autumn bear
Likes to sit in the river.

4. And in the winter among the branches
"Ha-ha-ha" was sung by the nightingale.
Give me an answer quickly,
Where is truth here and where is not.
(L. Stanchev)

For the correct answer, the child receives a token.
Two children come out, play jokes.
Why are you wearing galoshes?
I will go to the street wearing them.
But there is no dirt there, you know?
Do not be afraid, Mom, I will find.

* * *
We met two kittens.
And one meowed subtly:
Come to me, neighbor,
I invite you to dinner.
Enough for both of us:
Borscht for you, and meat for me.

Q. Now let's practice tongue twisters.

1. Our Masha was given semolina.

2. A student taught lessons, his cheeks are in ink.

3. Buba's bunny got a toothache.
A child who correctly repeats a tongue twister gets a token.
Two children come out, play a joke.

1st child. Bunny, bunny, where have you been?

2nd child. In the dark forest.

1st child. Who did you catch there?

2nd child. The wolf and the fox.
The wolf got scared - and ran away.
And I caught the fox and put it in a sack.

1st child. Come on, show me, bunny, fox.

2nd child. Now, now I'll bring the bag.
Oh, oh, oh, a fox gnawed a hole.
The fox ran away into the field and the forest.
And when she ran away, she scared me. Here.
(Ukrainian folk fiction.)

Q. We had a nice talk, and now it's time for us to sing.
The comic song "About two frogs and a mosquito" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina) is performed.

V. We sang, we sang, read poems, but we haven’t played yet.

Game "Entertainers".
The entertainer is selected by counting the count:
Mitrofanushka is tired
In the sky the stars he counted
Confused, confused, but confused,
He started counting again:
"One, two, three, four, five".
Stumbled unexpectedly
And he tumbled into the ditch.

The entertainer shows funny movements, the children repeat after him.

Contests: "Ball in a Spoon", "Feed with Salad".

B. Children, your favorite clowns - Tick and Tock (clowns run out) came to visit us.

Tick ​​(happily). So!

So (surprised). Teak!

Teak. How glad I am to see you!

So. And I'm even more happy!

Teak. Hello So!

So. Hello Tick! (They shake hands for a long time, repeating "Hello".)

Teak. So, you and I forgot to do something.

So. I haven't forgotten anything.

Teak. We forgot to say hello to the guys.

So. This is true. Oh, how bad it is. It's you, Tick, to blame.

Teak. All the same, So who is to blame, we must say hello. You start.

So. I don't know how.

Teak. You can not? Then I'll say hello first, and you study. Look and listen, it's very simple. Hello guys! Hello! (Bows in all directions.)

So. Okay, now I am (small pause). It’s very simple. Hello guys, hello! (Bows in all directions.)

Tick ​​(goes up to Tak, pulls him back a little and in an undertone, but for everyone to hear, says to him). It is not necessary to say “very simple”. Just say: “Hello, guys, hello! So go".

So. It is not necessary to say “very simple”. Just say, "Hello guys."

Tick ​​(irritated). You, So, do not understand anything. No need to tell the guys "very simple", just say: "Hello, guys, hello!" How can you not understand! I'm teaching you. Even the little ones know how to say hello, but you are not small!

So (crying loudly). You teach me badly and scold me. (Goes aside.)

Teak. Well, okay, don't be angry. Let's say hello together, repeat after me: "Hello guys, hello" and bow down.

So (runs up screaming). Lost! Lost!

Tick ​​(runs up to him). What have you lost?

So. I lost the candy! (Looks in pockets.) Not here, and not here.

Teak. What kind of candy was it? Fruit, chocolate, marmalade, mint?

So (continues to search in his pockets). Nowhere. And you ask which one and which one. Delicious! That's what it is!

Teak. If you find some candy, will you share with me?

So. Found! Here it is, my candy! (Shows to the audience.) Tick, do you want some candy?

Teak. Want!

So. I'll give you a candy if you guess in which hand I'll hide it.

Teak. Okay, I'll definitely guess. Hide soon.

So. Only you turn away and do not peep.

Tick ​​(moves away and turns his back to Tak). Turned away!

So. Ready! (He holds out both hands.)

Tick ​​(looks first at one, then at the other of Taka's hand, wants to touch one, but pulls his hands, then looks at his face). So! You have a huge mosquito on your forehead.

So (scared). Big mosquito? (Claps free hand on the forehead.)

Tick ​​(quickly grabs the other hand). Candy in this hand.

So. That's right, get the candy. How did you guess?

Teak. Ask the guys, they will tell you, and now take the candy and eat it. And I have no time (leaves).

So. Guys, how did Tik know which hand I had the candy in (the children explain). Oh, how cunning he is! (Runs away.)

Game "Stick the nose to the clown".
Clowns offer "Barrel Troubles".

1. Mom went with the barrels (daughters)
On the road along the village.

2. A young tooth (oak) grew in the meadow in spring.

3. We got into a spoon (boat) and let's go! Up and down the river!

4. Dropping the doll from her hands, Masha rushes to her mother:
"There is creeping green onions(beetle) with a long mustache. "

5. The hunter shouted: “Oops! Doors (beasts) are chasing me. "

6. They say that one fisherman in the river caught a shoe,
But then he got hooked on the house (catfish).

7. In front of the eyes of the children, the rat (roof) is painted by painters.

Game with clowns "Catch the ball".

B. In a circle, guys, become,
Music calls to dance.
Hold hands together
We start a round dance.

Any dance of the music director's choice.

Q. We had a lot of fun, had a good time. And everyone is in a happy mood, and now we will determine the winner of our entertainment, the most active participant. Who has more chips?

Winners are awarded homemade medals... Music sounds.


Competitive game program,

"A journey to the land of laughter"

Purpose: to educate children with a sense of humor

Tasks: to intensify cognitive activity children; to promote the development of imagination, ingenuity, ingenuity, curiosity, observation; to bring up in children the desire for victory, activity among peers.


Event progress:

Host: Hello dear guys! Hello dear guests! I am very glad to see you all in this hall. Guys, March is coming to an end and April is coming. What is the most fun party do we meet on the very first day of April? That's right - it's April Fool's Day! April Fool's Day is world holiday, celebrated around the world on April 1st. Although not a national holiday, it is celebrated in many countries. During this holiday, it is customary to play pranks on friends and acquaintances, or just make fun of them, and on this day it is customary to laugh, joke and play! So we are gathered here today to play and laugh.

If for some reason vaguely,
If the day didn't work out
Didn't come to visit someone
Or you didn’t have time to sleep -
Forget everything, because everything will be forgiven
Smile and don't be sad.
With us on the first of April
Don't be embarrassed to joke!

Are you ready to play? And for each completed competition, I will give you such funny emoticons. Then let's get started!

    Competition "Grandmother's Handkerchief"

Guys, for sure, each of you has grandmothers. And what do grandmothers often wear on their heads? That's right, a handkerchief! Granny's handkerchiefs are very different - red, yellow, blue, festive or everyday. And now, let's imagine that you and I have turned into our grandmothers! Wonderful! And so we, grandmothers, gathered for a walk and decided to put a plateau on our heads. So, I invite 2 people. Your task is to put a scarf on your head. But, since our grandmothers are already old and their hands do not obey, you will do it with gloves! Who will complete the task faster! Reade set Go!

    Game "Funny Face"

Dot, dot, comma -

A funny face came out ...

Guys, for sure, each of you made funny faces more than once. Check it out? Show me funny faces? Oh, how funny you are now. And I suggest you now draw funny faces and come up with names for them! We will hang them on the stand so that we are not sad today (handing out material for drawing) Ready? Then let's get started!

Guys, the faces turned out to be very funny! And now the next competition!

    Contest "Riddles"

Although, of course, I am still small -
I did not break my head for long,
And then she came - the answer.
It was good ... (RIDDLE).

It's time to solve my riddles. Listen carefully and raise the pen when you know the correct answer. So let's get started.

I open my kidneys
in green leaves.
I dress trees
I water the crops
Full of movement
my name is...

The river roars violently
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to the house,
And in the forest, the bear woke up.
There is a trill in the sky.
Who came to us?


Let me be small, so well!
You will step over me.
But, as I wait for the rain,
I'll spill all over the yard!

Walks across the sky
Painter without brushes,
Paint brown
Paints people.
(The sun)

Faithful guardian and friend of the fields,
The first messenger of warm days.

Well done, we coped with the riddles! Now it's time to move a little!

    Hand to hand game

This game will help you and me become a little closer friend to friend.I invite everyone to stand in a circle. For now I will call different commands, for example: "Hand to hand!". At this time, you should find yourself a pair and touch it with your hand. The teams will be very different! So let's get started. Commands: hand to hand, knee to knee, pinky to pinky, back to back, elbow to elbow, ear to ear, nape to nape, belly to belly, etc.

Here we are with you a little and warmed up. Did you like the game?

All of you probably love to draw. AND next game will be very unusual. We will draw on each other's backs. I suggest that you stand in a circle and turn your backs to each other. Now I will name the word ahead and he will depict this word on the back of the neighbor. The neighbor, in turn, does the same and so on in a circle until the last one comes. The last participant must call this word. (Sheets of paper are attached to the backs of the participants)

    Contest "Resourceful"

Several couples are invited to participate in the competition. Each participant is blindfolded. Then several clothespins are attached to different parts of the partners' clothes. At the signal, players must remove all clothespins from their partner. The pair that completes the task faster wins.

There lived a red-haired clown in the arena,

As if drawn with happiness!

Smile, paint clothes

He gave a rainbow of hope.

Guys, all of you have seen clowns more than once. So I invited two very funny clowns here ... But, unfortunately, they themselves could not come, but they sent us their photos. But that's not all the trouble - the March wind wanted to ruin our holiday and ruined these photos. Let's try to collect them?

    Competition "Clown"

The children are invited to split into two teams and assemble an image of clowns from pieces of paper.


The whole team plays this game. The host explains the terms of the competition:

I'll tell you a story in a half dozen phrases.

I'll just tell you the number 3 , - take the prize immediately.

The following text is read:

Once we caught a pike,

gutted, but inside

saw small fish,

and not one, but whole ... .. seven.

When you want to memorize poems,

they are not crammed until late at night.

take it and repeat it for the night

once another, or better…. ten.

Dreams of a hardened guy

become an Olympic champion.

look, don't be cunning at the start,

wait for the command: one, two ... ... march!

One day train at the station

to me three had to wait an hour ... . (if they do not have time to take the prize, the host takes it and finishes it)

Well, friends, you didn't take the prize,

when there was an opportunity to take.

Leading: So we finished playing with you. I hope that your good mood will stay with you for a long time. Until next time, guys!