What to write a status about bad friends. Statuses about bad friends, unfortunately, are not uncommon

What could be more beautiful than the company of best friends? Who else will cheer you up, support and reassure you, if not them? Instructive statuses about friends and friendship are appropriate in almost any forum and in any social network, regardless of whether they are positive or negative.

Friendship statuses

Statuses about "friends"

Statuses about bad friends

Caring people are well aware that friendship has back side and true friends are a gift of fate. Statuses about bad friends, unfortunately, are not uncommon. Often they are out of place, but they do not cease to be relevant. Probably because they come from the soul.

  • If your friends talk about you behind your back, cut them out of your life.
  • There are some friends whom it is a sin not to lose.
  • Everything in life comes back, and the one who betrayed his friends will soon find out himself
  • The traitor does not realize that he betrayed himself in the first place.
  • Betrayal of a good friend is always a blow below the belt.
  • Best of all my secrets are kept only by a four-legged friend.
  • A person who survived the betrayal of a friend will be able to survive everything!
  • Thank you my bad friends! Your betrayal helped me become stronger.

stories about bad friends Today it is difficult to surprise someone. It would seem that everyone knows about the existence of the following problem, but heartache is always unexpected and scary. Statuses about bad friends causing heartache, are the most discouraging.

  • Only a person who has survived the betrayal of a friend understands what minor problems seemed to him global.
  • For some reason, a stab in the back is made by those friends whom you protect with your chest.
  • I'm watching former friends, I see that they have changed even more (but far from better side) and thank God for giving me a chance that divorced me from them.
  • Man is the only animal that aimlessly hurts others.
  • Let the sad experience make you more experienced, but not more whiny.

Statuses about pain

  • Seeing someone else's pain makes you feel better about your own.
  • When a person is in pain, he feels how weak he is. When it hurts a lot, a person is overcome by anger. When a person is torn apart by pain, he doesn’t care anymore ...
  • Physical pain is dulled when the soul hurts.
  • Breaking a dream doesn't hurt. It hurts to pick up pieces.
  • He who does not know pain will never know this world.

Statuses about bad friends, of course, make many people feel heartache. But it is much more painful to read the revelations of people who have survived the betrayal of their loved ones.

  • Empty in the heart and empty soul, when there is everything, there is no only you.
  • It hurts to be friends with those we love.
  • It is impossible for a person to move forward when his soul is torn from the pain of memories.
  • Though the soul hurts, but the heart still believes in a miracle.
  • If it doesn't hurt, it's not life; if it doesn't go away, it's not happiness.

The best moments are when you have your best friend around..

The happiness that has never deceived me is your friendship. Of all my passions, the only one that has remained unchanged is my friendship for you, for my friendship is a passion. Nikolay Platonovich

Find best friend- the biggest luck in life ...

The phrase He's just my best friend usually ends the same way: first, the word simply is discarded, then the best friend gradually disappears. He is mine.

If a friend is drowning, you need to become an island for him. An island of friendship where he can rest, find solace, gain strength and patience and return to the ocean again.

The question is not why your friends are crazy, but are you comfortable with them?

They say that friends are known in misfortune, but in my opinion, they are also known in happiness. Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov

The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who doesn't have a close friend.

Anyone who is a friend to everyone, I do not consider him my friend. Molière.

The main thing in life is to stick with people who have cockroaches of the same species in their heads.

It is better for a man to be without a brother than without friends. Unsur al-Maali

Better friend or brother? - A brother, when he is a friend, is better. Unsur al-Maali

Sneak is a branch among the branches of lies and one of its varieties. Ibn Hazm

Women kiss each other when they meet because they can't bite. Magdalena the Pretender

Friendship is based on the similarity of characters and interests in general joint business, and not on the pleasure that you get from the personality of another. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Friends are known in trouble... or when you need bank guarantors...

Diligently avoid all friendship with fools and rogues, if the word friendship is generally applicable in relations with such people. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

If your husband runs away with your best friend, you will miss her very much.

Female loneliness is rather the absence of a close friend.

With friends like that, you don't need enemies...

About my girlfriend, I boldly tell the whole truth looking into her eyes ... By the way, she too ...

Friendship between a man and a woman is the ability to wait for the moment when your friend gets drunk.

Traitors betray themselves first of all. Plutarch

Best friends shouldn't fight because they bring out the best in each other...

A friend can hear even the unspoken.

The enjoyment of communication main feature friendship. Aristotle

A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere. In his presence, I can think aloud. Ralph Waldo Emerson

The sincerity of relationships, the truth in communication - that's friendship. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

Betrayal is as much an integral part of politics as a dagger is of weapons. Victor Hugo

I'm your best and only friend, you just don't know it yet

Today betrayal promises many benefits, Devotion has become a feat for a person. Visakhadatta

All the honors of this world are not worth one good friend. Voltaire

My peers are aging so quickly that it's just nice to look at. Betty Davis

Everyone has a friend named Valera. But apart from you, you don't have them!

Do not try to embellish yourself for a friend: for the arrow and striving towards the Superman must be for him. Friedrich Nietzsche

The only sincere and lasting friendship is between a man and a woman, because it is the only affection that is free from all rivalry. Kant

Hatred for the same subject brings people together a hundred times stronger than love, friendship, respect combined.

A real friend will bring you to the hospital not a kilogram of oranges, like everyone else, but an allergy remedy

Statuses about friends with meaning are phrases that are ready to make you cry. Don't forget to tell your friends on social networks about your favorite options!

When a true friend becomes a brother

  1. Even in a quarrel, I am not able to say nasty things to a friend, because I never think bad about him.
  2. If after love you stayed in normal relationship, without nagging pain in the chest, which means that there was no love.
  3. Don't let temporary stupidities make you lose close comrades!
  4. A true friend is one who will answer the call even late at night. But it is important not to bother him with calls in case he really needs help.
  5. Picky people are usually lonely, because close friends are a little arrogant and always munching creatures ...
  6. Respect is when a shy friend stands up for you...
  7. How prettier girl the fewer friends she has. The richer the guy, the more "friends" he has.
  8. It is good to know and love me at the same time - the lot of truly strong people.
  9. There are far fewer reasons to ruin a friendship than there are reasons to ruin a love relationship.
  10. Remember: if you are protected by the chest, then it is likely that you will not be stabbed in the back.
  11. If you don't have a friend, no problem. You, at least, will not be deceived and will not betray.

A real friend does not need to be "know": he is visible immediately

Having a good buddy means having a lot of opportunities, without making any commitments. This is the meaning of statuses about friendship.

  1. Sometimes you have to go through many enemies just to make at least one comrade.
  2. A person who agrees with you on everything is not a friend. This is a shadow.
  3. Even the most uncommunicative person needs another person who from time to time would help him not to fall into the abyss.
  4. The truth is always painful. But not as often useful as they say.
  5. You can go months without talking and still be friends. And you can communicate daily, and spit in each other's backs.
  6. Have you noticed that friends on holidays are wished much less often than love, money and happiness?..
  7. We think so much about who really is our friend that we forget: in true friendship do not think about it.
  8. If you've already tested a buddy in trouble, intentionally become happy and see what happens.
  9. Unfortunately, friends today can only be hoped for romantic nature, and count - units.
  10. The expiration date for friendship is so frequent occurrence which seems to be easier to start a timer already.
  11. Don't call an old friend if he doesn't do it for a long time. Perhaps he is happy without you.

Know how to express gratitude

A short status about friendship with meaning is what you need for those who do not appreciate verbosity. And indeed, real truths can fit in one line.

  1. Envy between friends - it happens, but immediately "pops up".
  2. Before the appearance of a girlfriend, I did not know what support was.
  3. A friend does not need to explain something for hours.
  4. Friends also need to be chosen.
  5. Speed ​​is needed when you need to get rid of false comrades.
  6. The history of friendship is no less exciting.
  7. When a friend is not busy with you, it infuriates a little.
  8. A miracle is friendship between completely different people.
  9. If you are betrayed, just leave, do not understand.
  10. Perhaps friends are only friends against the background of enemies.
  11. Why are there relationships, try to make friends after betrayal!

Buddy is another opportunity to be happier

In everyone's dreams - not only love, but also friendship until death. Tell about it in in social networks, set statuses about friends and friendship with meaning.

  1. Each of us has a mask. Even those whom we consider a close person. Friendship begins when you find out about this mask, and are ready to come to terms with it.
  2. If I were asked to compare you to something, I would not compare you to the sun or a miracle. I would compare you to air.
  3. The further the time, the less those with whom he was preparing to be friends forever.
  4. The benefit of life's fall is in the possibility of awareness true attitude many people to you.
  5. The ability to find friends is an art, the ability to make friends is a real talent.
  6. The fewer friends left in the end, the more expensive they are for a person.
  7. Cars and apartments can be bought, love can be tried, and friendship is for nothing in the world.
  8. The older you get, the harder it is to make new friends. Because you lose that original ability to believe in people...
  9. Sometimes it's important to just have someone who asks: "What's the mood?", And really will wait for a detailed answer.
  10. Keep it simple - people will be drawn to you. Those who are not interested in moral principles. The ones that are easier.
  11. Some people are just not meant to be friends. Recognizing this is very important.
  12. Distrust between friends suggests that one of them started new stage in life, and the friendship itself came to an end.

Be sure to appreciate good people who are close to you. It can be a friend of a lifetime or just a good friend who is ready to help. In any case, these people are real gifts from fate itself! The presented statuses about friendship with meaning are about them.

Often people betray friends not because they decided so, but because of weakness of character.

We love our friends mainly for the shortcomings that we discuss together.

For some people, loneliness replaces the best friend, and best friend- silence.

The friendship of two saints brings much more harm to the world than the mutual enmity of ten hooligans.

Best Status:
God is our a true friend: knowing everything about us, he continues to love us.

Betrayal should never be forgiven. By breaking this rule, traitors will not forgive themselves for their own betrayal, and therefore, they will be dangerous to society and will be able to betray someone else.

There are no bad friends: there are either friends or acquaintances.

Betrayal has one surprising resemblance to the law. The similarity lies in the fact that each of these two concepts does not have retroactive effect.

Best friend - and a traitor ... And there was no such thought that this would happen to me, but it's true. This is what trust means...

For a soul that has betrayed someone, any surprise seems to be the beginning of retribution. (Fazil Iskander)

She was - betrayed, and became - betrayed ... just one letter that can break a person ...

Betrayal, maybe someone likes it, but traitors are hated by everyone.

People call each other friends, but there's just users and those being used!

Sometimes friends are the most last people who can be trusted.

It's a shame when you are a Judas, and they sell you like Christ. - Arkady Davidovich

The friendship that ended never actually began. Publilius Sir

I love betrayal, but I hate traitors. - Caesar Julius

I love betrayal, but not traitors. - Julius Caesar

Malicious enemies do not get it like cunning friends.

not without reason female fidelity gave such great value! Public good, public evil are connected with their behavior. Heaven or hell in the family is caused solely by the rumor that goes about women, and the rumor depends only on themselves. — Beaumarchais P.

Betrayals are most often committed deliberate intention but by weakness of character. — Francois La Rochefoucauld

The golden man is easier to sell. – Slavomir Vrublevsky

A deceitful face will hide everything that an insidious heart has conceived.

Where friendship weakens, ceremonial politeness intensifies.

And our contact statuses are not a hoax, those two just got lost somewhere among the dreams.

A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.

Don't call an unfaithful friend. Is the mutable worthy of love? Betrayal of a friend aphorisms - Saadi

If you feel that they want to deceive you, then you have already been deceived ..

I tear my life like a piece of paper, along with those who did not want to go further with me ... And I start writing it from scratch ...

Betrayals are committed most often not by deliberate intent, but by weakness of character. – La Rochefoucauld

Denunciations and denunciations are a natural form of manifestation of truly people's democracy. – Alexander Zinoviev

They betray only their own. – French saying

Betrayal already points to love. You can't betray a friend. – Marina Tsvetaeva

You know, what the hell is wrong with me, if you lost the main happiness of life because of stupidity?

I have friends - what do you need! I got lucky with them!

Friendship can only unite worthy people)))

Most lovely gift made to people after wisdom - friendship!

The basis of friendship lies in the complete agreement of will, tastes and opinions.

Don't have 100 friends, but have a cheeky face!

Men betray out of hate, women betray out of love. (Aphorisms about betrayal) - Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

A bad friend is like a shadow: on a sunny day, run, you won’t run away; on a cloudy day, you won’t find it.

Now you're dining alone. You used to have a lot of friends, now you don't have them at all.

War tests the brave, anger the wise, need the friend.

Only true friend can rejoice in your success!

Friendship more tragic than love She dies much longer.

Cheating on a friend is a crime Without justification, without forgiveness. — Lope de Vega

It is better to be at enmity with a smart one than to be friends with a fool.

The first opinion can be deceptive...but it's worse when all subsequent ones become deceptive...

The loyalty of a coward or a fool is no support to the master.

Not sure - don't betray. – Maxim Zvonarev

A friend is not the one who will give you a hand when you have fallen, but the one who will fall next to you and laugh.

Cunning and betrayal testify only to a lack of dexterity. — Francois La Rochefoucauld

There are such friends - and enemies are not needed.

Lies are fiction, fiction is art, so all art is a lie.

I so love to look into your eyes and listen to how you lie ... And you don’t even know that I know the truth ...

A wise friend will not abandon a friend, despite all the hardships. Betrayal of a friend aphorisms - Rustaveli Sh.

If a friend refused to lend you $50, they probably know you especially well. :-P

Betrayal is a blow you don't expect. Betrayal aphorisms - Paulo Coelho

He forgave treason with the body, but never treason with the soul and heart. - Afonchenko Valery

Of all that wisdom brings to itself for the happiness of a lifetime, the most important is the acquisition of friendship.

Selling out friends is not a sign of bankruptcy, but a sign of a career. — Leopold Novak

Other people only after selling out are convinced that they had some price. – Leszek Kumor

Who has deceived you so often as you yourself?

We do not fully forgive the giver. The hand that feeds can also be bitten. — Ralph Emerson

Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you. – Plautus

By the time you realize that there are only wolves around, you will already be eaten.

So what if I believed you, fell in love, got used to it - I was a fool, but thanks to you I became smarter!

Of the two friends, only one is a friend of the other.

Of all living creatures on earth, I would like to have only a dog as a friend, only she is not capable of betrayal. – Tikhonov Alexander

Friendship and tea are good when they are strong and not too sweet.

A friend is a person who knows absolutely everything about you and still loves you!

When no one needs you - this is not loneliness ... this is self-deception ...

Indulging in memories, do not betray them. – Vladimir Kolechitsky

Never judge a man by his friends. in Judas they were impeccable.

It's nice to arouse the admiration of friends, but even more pleasant - the admiration of enemies. :-D

Friendship between a man and a woman is sex postponed until later.

You can forgive betrayal, but you can't forgive. – Akhmatova Anna Andreevna

A friend is someone who is comfortable with your successes.

Sneak is a branch among the branches of lies and one of its varieties. – Ibn Hazm

Sometimes it is easier to endure the deceit of the one you love than to hear the whole truth from him.

In addition to how to substitute, friendship also teaches to forgive.

The loyalty of the rascals is as unreliable as they are. - Pliny the Younger

There's nothing to be done - then we indulge in love, then love betrays us. — Frederic Begbeder

We deceive ourselves so often that we could make a living doing it...

it’s good when a DOG is a FRIEND of a person, it’s disgusting when a FRIEND turns out to be a DOG ... ;-)

A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart.

Money can't buy a friend, but you can buy decent enemies.*-)

There are many friends; friendship is rare.

The richer your friends are, the more it costs you.

Marrying without tying yourself in anything is a betrayal. Betrayal aphorisms - Michel Montaigne

We look for new friends when the old ones get to know us too well.

May retribution strike with misfortune Those who paid for friendship with enmity. Jalaluddin Rumi

Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends. Each will give 2 rubles, you will have 200!!! :-P

Again, having consoled myself, I believed in your ridiculous story, although I knew that there was no more faith, not for the first time ...

Sometimes the lie merges so closely with the truth that it's hard to live in the remaining gap.

Friends are the backbone of life. By multiplying supports, we prolong life!

A friend is not a status - changing is harmful ...

If you keep a dog on a leash, don't expect affection from it. — André Wilmeter

To send people to war untrained is to betray them. Betrayal of a friend aphorisms - Confucius

Friends appear and then disappear like waiters in a restaurant.

A true friend is someone you can call at four in the morning.

Everything is not so bad: we were not sold - we were given away for nothing. Betrayal aphorisms – Karel Capek

Selling for a decent price worthy people. – Hot Petan

An old friend is better than two new ones, knows how to spoil the mood

When you know what to talk about with a person, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep quiet about together, this is the beginning of true friendship!

Believing the vows of a traitor is like believing the piety of the devil. – Elizabeth I

Don't have 100 friends, have all the enemies!

He is capable of any deception who is accustomed to making white out of black and black out of white.

Friends are like stars, you can't see them, but they are there.

Betrayal, although very cautious at first, in the end betrays itself.

An honest politician is not for sale! - Arkady Davidovich

Yes, I sometimes lost friends, not because I'm a nerd, but because there are friends who SHOULD NOT be lost!!!

Betrayal is like a blow below the belt...always unexpected and very painful...

Whoever leaves a friend in trouble, he himself knows the bitterness of troubles. – Shota Rustaveli

He has all the properties of a dog except for fidelity. Betrayal Aphorisms – Samuel Houston

Traitors betray themselves first of all.

You don’t have to ask a friend for anything, Trouble is not terrible with him, A friend is the third is yours shoulder, will always be with you ...

The best friend is the one who will help us bring out the best in our soul.