How to bring a man to serious intentions. Everything is thought out and planned. What is the best way to propose

A wedding is what every woman dreams of. Even men want to marry the one they can call the only one. But there is one catch in all this: a man is not particularly eager for a wedding.

Love and the stamp in the passport have no connection. The predisposition must be in both lovers. If a man does not want a wedding, then there is no need to insist, although we will say further how to do it correctly. The psychology of love does not fit in with the legal subtleties.

Why does a man not want to get married

Remember that a wedding is just a celebration for guests, a formality. A stamp in your passport won't change anything, absolutely nothing. It makes no difference how you celebrate your wedding - modestly, with your family, or magnificently, spending a tidy sum.

A man understands this, clearly realizing the consequences of making such a decision. It is a huge responsibility and a huge job to organize all this. Many people just don't want it. So, here are the main reasons why men do not want a wedding.

Fear of the unknown. Yes, this is a strong argument, because in young age men just do not know what will happen there, beyond bachelor life. Even worse, if a man has never lived with a girl, but marries, leaving why at home. Men are not ready for such risks. It is terrible to understand that you are headlong into the water, in which anything can swim.

I do not want to organize a holiday. This is a big responsibility, and weddings for men do not happen every month. The first wedding is a huge stress, because a man needs to think about many things, spend a lot of time and money.

Common sense. Think for yourself, is there any difference how you will get married - magnificently with a million guests, or together, just by signing at the registry office? There is no difference, because you can arrange a modest holiday, together with loved ones, at the table, quietly and calmly. If you need to register your relationship, then do it like any other legal formality - just go where you need to, sign the papers. The money that you would spend on a wedding can be spent on travel, buying something important. This is exactly what a man thinks, and therefore does not offer you to marry.

He is not sure about you. This is a more fixable problem in the vast majority of cases. Perhaps you have lived together too little or have not yet gathered at all. In this case, you shouldn't be surprised. You need to win the trust of a man, and not just impress. Of course, sometimes this is enough, because people are different. Someone marries a month after they met, and then lives together all their lives, and someone marries after 7 years life together, and after a couple of years it diverges. Life is unpredictable.

He's not ready. He needs freedom. He hasn't walked much yet, so he doesn't want to marry you. If he is, say, 20 years old, then what kind of wedding can we talk about? Girls and boys think differently. He sees the world differently than you.

He doesn't want to leave his mother. There are men who love their mother more than anything in the world. This is good, but sometimes mothers attach their sons to themselves so strongly that it borders on insanity. In such cases, even just dating a man is difficult, not to mention the wedding.

You put pressure on him. Do not constantly repeat that you want to get married. So the man is only more convinced that he does not need it. Under pressure, only a weak-willed person, or a person who does not care about everything, will marry. Even if you succeed, you will automatically lose.

He doesn't want to marry you. This should be considered as a last resort. Simply put, he doesn't truly love you. He has a love, a craving for your body, but his soul is not ready to merge with yours. Perhaps he doesn’t know you well or is just disappointed with something. There can be many reasons, but most likely you will not be able to correct the situation. The worst thing is that you will not be able to find out the truth from him, because he is now well, because he will not tell you directly that he does not want to marry you. If you are sure that there is no other reason, then you will have to understand what exactly is stopping him. Maybe you have some sins in the past. Here it is worth analyzing yourself, asking people who can tell you everything honestly about your behavior and actions.

How to marry a man

The first trick: you want to get married for real. Think about the reasons for your desire to put the ring on your ring finger as soon as possible. If you are pursuing some base goal such as tying a man to yourself, escaping from parental home, to find new emotions (the most common reason), because of the stereotypes that the time has come to get married, otherwise it will be too late, then you better not offer a man a wedding and not agree to her. Do not look for reasons and reasons - find someone you want to marry for real. The one you want to stay with forever. A man will feel it, rest assured.

Trick two: don't tell him about it. This is perhaps the only stereotype that is really good. Let him propose himself. If you somehow hint at a wedding, a man can immediately smell something was wrong. Even if your goal is bright and pure, try not to put pressure on him.

The third trick: give him unforgettable emotions. This applies not only to bed games, but also to life in general. Do what other girls won't do for him. If he was surrounded all his life female attention, then you need to find a way to reduce it. You need to find a reason why you can see each other less often. Work would be the perfect reason. If he is jealous, don't make him jealous, don't piss him off. Give him what he wants. Be unusual - it's not that hard;

Trick four: prove your loyalty. This must be done carefully when the time will come rather than pointing at another man, saying how cool and nice he is, and then turning to your man and saying, "I love you anyway." After such words, you will not only not get married, you will not even earn his sympathy. Loyalty is tested by time. The trick is to make him trust you. Give him access to all accounts in in social networks, mail and so on. This is a very powerful argument. A man will like this because he will see that you can be trusted.

Cunning fifth: indifference to the wedding. If you happen to have a conversation about a wedding, then express very briefly what you think about marriage. Say that you absolutely do not care if you have a stamp in your passport. This will greatly elevate you in the eyes of your chosen one. This position is very "masculine", very rational. Show that you know how to think with your head, and do not rush into the pool.

Trick six: lull his fear. Plan things for the future together more often. Be one. Spend as much time as possible together, but do not impose. Do what the man wants. Express your protest and thoughts diplomatically. This will increase your chances of marriage. He is afraid that you have no future. Be patient, show him that you are not afraid of the future and know how to do everything together.

Trick seven: Win his mom's heart. This is just golden advice for every woman who wants to get married, but quickly. The mother of any man is a potential rival. We have already said above that for many guys or men, the opinion of the mother is the law. If you want to get married, then make his mother think that you are the perfect match. Pretend that you are very pleased to communicate with her, even if it's quite the opposite. In this way, you can very easily increase your chances of success. If the mother herself tells a man that he should marry, he will not be able to resist.

So you sit and think that your love needs development, you need to go out to new level. No no need. Enjoy the presence of a person nearby. No need to splurge on your girlfriends, because you just want to outshine them all. This is the wrong motivation. Learn to love a man the right way. It's not as difficult as it seems. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

What does it look like the right way for a serious relationship? How to make a man think about himself? What will push him to a serious relationship?

You met a guy, you are dating, you know that he likes you. Do you think you are on your way to a serious relationship? In fact, this may be the way to light flirting without obligations.

When will the movement to a serious relationship begin? For this to happen you have to settle in his head. So that he admires you, constantly thinks about you, is intrigued. Nobody discounts external attractiveness. But something else is also important.

  1. self-sufficiency

If you get joy from your life without a man, you can easily meet your chosen one. The main thing to remember is that a guy doesn't have to make you happy. You are quite capable of enjoying life just now, regardless of the presence of someone around. Fill your life and give thanks for what you have. It's great if you have a loved one, but for happiness you need to be happy yourself!

  1. Self confidence

How do you perceive yourself? Is your company a reward for a man? Or do you think that he is bored with you? Remember your amazing uniqueness. You don't have to be liked by everyone. Your task is to be confident in your charm. If you don't like something about yourself, work to fix it.

  1. Elegance

What kind of women do men choose? Looking for what purposes: "Boys walk with some, and marry others ...". For a serious relationship, two-thirds of young people find it attractive ordinary girls and not sexy beauties.

Beauty is in naturalness. When choosing clothes, you should not strive to look bright and defiant. But excessive negligence is also useless. Give preference to elegance when choosing clothes.

  1. Feeling of freedom

Dates are somewhat reminiscent of shopping, when partners show themselves and ask the price, choosing. Men, without any doubt, can date several girls at the same time. As long as there are no stipulated obligations, everyone has the right to dispose of himself at his own discretion.

  1. Mysteriousness

Psychologists do not recommend opening your soul wide open even in front of your husband. Long love relationship are based on inequality: there is always someone who loves more and who cares more. Guys are sometimes even scared by the excessive openness of girls. Men are fascinated by "solving" women. Why deprive them of this pleasure?

  1. Mutual sympathy

Relationships become stronger, moving from sympathy to friendship, and then to love and sex. By pushing sex further, you have time to get to know each other better. This is exactly the situation when the sum changes from a rearrangement of the terms: sex at the beginning of an acquaintance complicates the creation of friendship and the development of further serious relationships. In addition, the guys are attracted by the long thorny path to the top!

  1. calmness

Do not rush a young man if he needs time for reflection to decide on your relationship. Does not appear for several days - live your life, do not cling to it or attack with calls. Men are irritated by drama. The only way is long conversations to sort out your feelings and desires. And keeping calm.

  1. Positive and self-confidence

Everyone knows this secret, but not everyone does it. Many sigh, complaining about fate, although the recipe is not new: be positive! If you think badly of yourself and you low self-esteem- the same way they perceive you and those around you. If you believe that you are worthy of love, you will find it not early and not late, but just in time.

Do not sit at home, actively communicate, meet with as many people as possible interesting people. And believe in yourself!

You have been living together for a long time. Friends and acquaintances perceive you as an established couple and do not invite you to visit one by one. Parents begin to hint that they are not averse to babysitting their grandchildren ... But the cherished offer of a hand and heart is still not received. How to tactfully push your man to such an important decision and not destroy your idyll?

Another hero of the old Soviet film The "crew" performed by the brilliant Filatov complained about the eternal desire of a woman to get married: she provides for herself, does not depend on a man ... Why ?! Unclear…

And really, why? Can you explain to the harsh male heart, how important is this small and, in fact, nothing changing stamp in the passport for a woman? And yet there is whole list reasons why ladies seek to get it.

  • Formalized relationships seem more reliable to a woman, and the future is more certain.
  • Marriage allows you to feel no worse than others. The installation firmly sits in the girl's subconscious: since all the friends managed to run away to the registry office, then it's time for me. Preferably with a veil, a white limousine and a crowd of guests for 500 people.
  • If a woman is morally mature for children, naturally, she wants them to be born in a legal marriage.
  • Sometimes it just isn't supported by any logic. inner desire feel like the wife of a loved one.
  • Finally, an important role is played material side. Let the young lady herself make good money and be able to pay for her purchases - reliable financial support in the form of her husband's salary, which now goes to family budget gives her a sense of stability.

Why do you want to feel the ring on your finger so much? Lack of confidence in your partner? Do you want to be like everyone else? Or do you really understand that it is with this person that you want to go through life side by side to the very end, “in wealth and in poverty”? Last reason is the only really compelling reason to act.

A look from the other side: why does he need it?

The sight of a girl in a white dress often causes in a man not joy, but fear.

As one tramp, who decided to marry the queen, said: “Half the job is done - I agree! It remains to persuade the queen. Let's try to look at the situation through the eyes of your "king" and understand - why would he suddenly want to lead you down the aisle? You give him love and care. Don't forget to treat yourself to a delicious lunch and a hot dinner. intimate relationship before the wedding today you will not surprise anyone. A man feels good, comfortable and it is not clear why on earth you need to take on additional obligations if the current situation completely suits him.

Well, it's pointless to hope that he will ever change his mind? Not at all. It's just that a man needs a good reason to leave his bachelor life.

  • Your wish. If he really appreciates his girlfriend and is ready for any “sacrifice” to make her happy, then one day he may simply give in to persistent requests. True, with the same probability a man can decide to break the relationship that has become painful.
  • Stability. If he understands that he has already walked enough as a free bachelor and wants to have reliable rear and family, the chance of getting a marriage proposal increases dramatically. The main thing is that the man sees you as a future fighting girlfriend.
  • Career. In some serious firms, married employees are preferred, as they seem to employers more reliable and focused on success.
  • Traditions. In the end, everyone gets married, and the parents overpowered them with requests ... Why not say the cherished words?
  • Love. This type men are less common than Yeti, but some lucky women manage to find a loved one, who one fine day, without any prompts or hints, suddenly says: “I only want to be with you. Marry me".

Ways to push for an offer

It is important that the desire to start a family life is mutual

Suppose you have already understood that a man will not do anything on his own. How to persuade him to the idea of ​​​​marriage without causing irritation?

  • First, reflect on your relationship: do you both perceive it as serious and long-term? Men are strange creatures. They can easily live with a girl who does not suit in any way as a spouse and mother of future children. Maybe you have heard accusations of sloppiness or frivolity more than once? In this case, you need to either work on yourself and prove to your loved one that you are exactly the woman he needs, or look for someone who will appreciate you.
  • Carefully find out the views of the chosen one on marriage. Maybe he is generally a staunch opponent of the Mendelssohn march, or has already visited the registry office and is afraid to repeat negative experience? Knowing "by sight" fears and doubts potential groom, you will be able to deal with them more successfully.
  • Select right moment. All couples have moments when they feel good, calm, when both enjoy each other's presence and feel intimacy. That's when you start your conversation. You can start it from afar with the phrase "I wish we were always together." And you can take right off the bat: “Listen, why don't we get married? We are so easy together ... "
  • As if by chance, admire a cute baby on the street, and then casually ask your loved one a question, is he thinking about having his own? When, according to his calculations, should come right time for this event? And who would he like more - a boy or a girl? Speak in a light, non-binding tone. In no case should your conversation resemble an interrogation, only then will it sow the necessary seeds in the man’s head.
  • Again, "accidentally" choose to watch a movie or show with a wedding scene, and casually remark: "I don't want a dress like hers. The crinoline won't suit me. A celebration in nature interesting idea, How do you think?" If you manage to draw the chosen one into a discussion of the details of the celebration and how you yourself would organize everything already at your wedding, consider that the first stage will be successful - at least the beloved did not turn off the TV with a cry of “Chur me!”
  • Just don't expect the offer to be made tomorrow. You will have to hint many times! In the meantime, be patient and give the chosen one time to realize that he is almost ready to marry you. And again continue your "attacks". Accurately and tactfully.

How to act is prohibited?

Pressure on a partner is more likely to destroy the relationship than help achieve the goal.

No man would tolerate coercion in such important issue. If you really count on a long and happy family life, forget about:

  • direct requirements. Foot stomping and shouting: “Quickly propose to me!” nothing good will come of it.
  • Game of feelings: “If you don’t marry, then you don’t love.” Is not a fact. Maybe he loves, but he swings for a long time.
  • Threats. Saying: “Either a wedding, or we part,” is only allowed if you are really ready for a break.
  • pressure from relatives. If the parents of the chosen one liked you, you can attract them to your allies, but very carefully. Pressure from both sides can cause a man to go on the defensive, and you will forever lose your chance to marry this man.
  • Hurry. If, in principle, he is inclined towards the idea of ​​​​marrying, do not spoil everything with unnecessary haste. Push the man forward delicately, but do not give years to think. Set a deadline for yourself that you are willing to wait for and stick to it.

Video: marriage proposal to a man

Most women want to get married. Most men are afraid of this event and try to postpone it as much as possible. To show your loved one that there is nothing wrong with marriage, you need all your female wisdom and exposure. Look for fine line between imposing his desire on a man and submissively waiting for the beloved himself to ripen for marriage. Hint, but in moderation. Start talking about marriage family life, but not too often. A man should not feel like a beast hunted by a lady in a wedding dress. Make sure that your chosen one understands: you are not dragging him down the aisle, but you would very much like him to take you there. One day, the desire to make the woman he loves happy will outweigh his doubts.

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It would not be entirely fair to say that the end in itself of every woman is a wedding. But it's coming certain period in life, when many of their halves want to hear the phrase: “I love you. Will you marry me?". But weeks, months, even years pass, you are still together, and the man still has not uttered these cherished words ... What is the reason? After all, you love each other, you feel good together. Maybe a woman should figure out the situation of creating a family herself and understand how to push a man to a wedding?

Why doesn't a man propose?

Sometimes a woman blames herself that she is not worthy of her chosen one, doubts whether she is loved, since a man does not propose. Do not rush to draw conclusions in this situation. Find out first: maybe a man hardened bachelor and he is very satisfied with the current state of affairs? A young man meets with you, this is convenient, but he is in no hurry to “spoil his passport with a stamp” and register a marriage. Even if you live together and run a joint household, this way a man feels absolutely free.

There are other reasons when a man is in no hurry to propose to a woman, to go to the registry office: a wedding is not included in the plans. A guy at a crossroads: is this woman next to him to stay close to old age? What if tomorrow there will be an even better game? Sometimes a man is timid by nature, here a woman needs to take the initiative into her own hands. Another common reason is everyday problems. Without own housing permanent job, the man is in "suspense" and does not want to risk a joint future, postponing a marriage proposal for better times.

Men's fears of marriage

A man's fear of losing independence and freedom is only a part of the experience. To a greater extent, young people are afraid of the unknown associated with a new stage in their lives. The concern that with the beginning of official family life, the number of duties and household chores will increase, there will be little time for personal hobbies and interests, sometimes they are partially justified.

In most cases, it depends on the woman how the man feels on the eve of the wedding, whether there are any doubts about the correctness decision. Mutual assistance to each other at the moment when you need to step over this line called "wedding" will be able to contribute to peace, love and harmony in long years. Everything that happens in life, or vice versa, does not happen, depends only on the man and the woman.

How to help your loved one decide to get married

If you see that a beloved man cannot decide on a responsible step and make an offer, you need to help, start a conversation first. Clever woman will never insist on begging wedding ring and a wedding, gradually accustom a man to the idea that marriage will not bring bad things to a relationship. After going through several stages psychological preparation, the guy himself will come to a decision about the wedding.

Casually talk about marriage

If you firmly believe that life paths should go side by side, in one direction, unobtrusively occasionally mention important events living together with other people you know. For example: “How beautifully the wedding of Irina and Nikolai was decorated in retro style, but if I were them, I would choose a romantic type of marriage. On the shore of a reservoir, with a flower arch and a fluttering veil - I even dream of such a fairy tale about love.

Such hints scare a man less than saying directly: “I saw an ad wedding dress I want the same for our wedding.” Feel the moment more suitable for a subtle conversation. Do not rush things, it is difficult for a man to rebuild his worldview regarding married life. When you periodically bring conversations to the topic of the wedding, the man will take this as a topic for reflection.

Mention your future together

Sometimes a man does not understand indirect hints and it is easier to catch the essence of the conversation if he hears feminine phrases: "When we live together ...", "If we manage to solve the common housing problem ...". Watching the reaction, you will understand whether the chosen one is ready to develop this topic of conversation. If he avoids talking about love, marriage, then you should not press. Carrying the idea of ​​a wedding in her head, a woman should be prepared for the fact that for a man it will be a surprise and it will take time to deal with her desires.

Let him see you as a "future wife"

At serious relationship, a man should see in you not only beautiful woman whom she loves, but to feel that you can become a reliable partner with whom it is not scary to live together for many years, lead a joint life, raise children. You are like a woman and self-sufficient personality, be independent, be able to build a career, have hobbies and hobbies. Then it is easier for a man to understand himself - whether he is ready to continue talking about the wedding.

Let the man know that you are a good housewife, you understand culinary issues at a sufficient level, you can help improve your home, and if necessary, help you cope with the disease. Seeing more in you positive mood, fewer tears and tantrums, the man will understand that you have your own positive views on family life together.

Dispel his fears about marriage

The experience of a man on the eve of the wedding that the chosen one will change after the wedding day in the worst side, easy to dispel by talking openly. By giving the right to set candid questions and get the same answers, you can reassure a man, because he is armed with necessary information. Hint - you are not going to exert any pressure on any issue, everything will be decided only by joint discussions.

Let him understand what he can lose

If, after going through the preliminary stages, the beloved has not decided what he really wants: to continue the free life of a bachelor or to be close to your loved one, try to make it clear that a woman like you will not be alone for a long time and will find worthy replacement. By providing certain time on reflection of the question, clearly articulate that you do not intend to wait forever for male insecurity to pass by itself. If you don’t receive an answer within the agreed time frame, leave the man, even if it’s hard. So this is not the chosen one. The presence of self-respect has not been canceled.

Put the question straight

Remember that the goal is not parting, but a long happy life next to your loved one after the wedding. Questions posed as an ultimatum will reduce resolve. Some men are frightened by the categoricalness of women: "either - or." Be patient: when there is no strength left, just tell your lover about it, without making harsh statements. By applying pressure, it is unlikely that you will achieve in this way quick results which you need.

Make an offer yourself

It may sound a little strange, but sometimes men expect decisive steps from a woman and consciously do nothing themselves. Self-doubt and fear that a woman will refuse, paralyzes a man at the mere thought of it. If you understand that the chosen one is one of those people who are used to playing "second fiddle", feel free to take the initiative. Someone must be decisive in the family, let it be a woman.

In our modern world when women keep pace with a man, this method does not surprise anyone. If you are sure that the guy is ready for marriage, but is not able to utter words of recognition and propose to you, take the reins into your own hands, act and speed up the process. Explain: ring on ring finger for a woman it is very important as a symbol eternal love, not a limitation of actions. Make a surprise - tell him yourself that you are ready to marry him.

Phrases that will push a man to propose

Don't be surprised if a man's conversation about marriage sets off a firework of emotions... He can quickly become irritable: "Let's talk later!" or sincerely perplexed: “Why is this necessary? Extra hassle, because we are already close! A popular song once said, "I'll never marry you." But not always a man is so categorical. Let's use certain phrases to help the chosen one understand what it is for, first of all, to himself.

  • “A wedding can be organized without too much festive fuss.”

Sometimes men are simply afraid of the process of preparing for the wedding. They are frightened by unfamiliar relatives who are not even remembered, but it is impossible not to invite them. Traditional pigeons, ring pads, and endless toast can be annoying. Offer a modest registration to a man, use the money saved to spend Honeymoon alone, away from family and friends.

  • "Married men move up the career ladder more easily."

According to statistics, married men earn more and get promoted faster. Status married man in the eyes of society, he has a weighty argument, this person is reliable and independent if he knows how to support his family.

  • "They won't let you in without a marriage stamp."

There are unforeseen situations when a person ends up in intensive care, where only close relatives are allowed. The absence of a stamp in the passport will play a cruel joke - when help is urgently needed, a loved one will not be there.

  • "Adopting Your Own Child"

A child born in a registered marriage is issued a certificate within half an hour. In a civil marriage, the procedure becomes more complicated and delayed. Recognition of paternity, adoption costs many nerves and financial costs.

  • "It will be easier to deal with legal issues."

IN official marriage it is easier for spouses to get a mortgage on housing by issuing powers of attorney to each other. Insurance companies always go forward if one of the family members has a document that allows you to dispose of the policy of another.

  • "Feeling confident in marriage."

For you, most likely, this is the most important point, so do not be silent, say these words out loud. A man who is ready to marry looks like a serious person, ready to make decisions and responsibility. Give an example of the difference between an employee who works under a contract and an employee who is officially enlisted. The confidence given by the fact of having several lines in the work book cannot be compared with anything. This is the case with the official registration of marriage.

There are many articles, recommendations on this topic on the issue of marriage. No one guarantees that happy married life will come with a stamp in your passport. The statistics says: the number of divorces does not directly depend on the formality of the formalized relationship. It all comes down to how much you love and respect each other. The duration of the years spent together will depend on this.

The advice given in the video is all the more significant because it was delivered through the mouth of a man. Knowing the psychology from the inside, Evgeny Zhuchkov gives reasonable advice on what to do and what to say to a man in some delicate situations when the conversation turns to marriage. The most important conclusions that are announced in the video are to be consistent in your intentions to have a status married woman and clearly understand whether it is necessary to register a marriage specifically with this man.

A girl in love usually dreams of marrying her boyfriend as soon as possible. But many men are in no hurry to propose. Time is running couples often live together for a long time, and decisive action everything doesn't happen. In this case, a woman needs to take the initiative in her own hands and push her beloved to take decisive action.

You can’t force a man to marry, but you can make light, unobtrusive hints. If the couple still does not live civil marriage, then girls should avoid it in every possible way. By agreeing to Cohabitation, a woman begins to perform all the functions of a wife. A man loses interest in marriage, because his half is already there all the time. A woman should become a so-called trophy for her beloved, so that he dreams of a life together and imagines how good they will be together.

How to hint a guy to propose?

You can take it with cunning. You only need to ask one question for which you need to prepare in advance. To do this, for a few days or even weeks, the girl should not raise the topic of marriage. You need to be kind, flexible, gentle, perfect.

Then she should choose the right moment. While walking or walking under the stars, firmly take your beloved by the hand and say with regret in your voice how sad she is that they cannot get married. Try to persuade him.

A normal man will immediately respond with a counter question, or he will voice the reason why they cannot get married. In the first option, the girl should answer the guy’s question that if they are still not married, then something is stopping them. A man will think and understand that he has no good reasons not to marry. And then she will understand the desire of her half, how much she wants.

If the chosen one names such reasons as lack of money, lack of an apartment, etc., the woman should explain that it is important for her to be together, and material values ​​\u200b\u200bare not the main thing for her. The man will think again and in the near future decide to make an offer.

According to the advice of psychologists, you can instill anxiety in the chosen one. To do this, the girl needs to cancel several dates, citing employment or headache. Go away with your friends for the weekend and just talk less about your affairs. The psychology of a man is such that when they feel how the previously complaisant, quiet and complaisant girl began to move away, they again feel her "prey" and strive to conquer. Many of them in such a situation will rush to make an offer.

How to invite a guy for a walk

What can not be done?

When a couple for a long time together, a woman can ask a man about his intentions. If he does not plan to marry her, then his answer will be this. The partner is not afraid of losing this relationship and speaks directly about it. In this case, the woman should immediately stop such a relationship.

  1. 1. You should not tell a man that he is forcing a woman to waste time on him. This is her conscious choice, no one forced her to live with him. You need to be able to take responsibility for your own actions.
  2. 2. Do not force a man to see a psychologist to discuss his fear of marriage. If he loves his chosen one, then there is no fear. But if a woman decides to come up with a lot of excuses.
  3. 3. You should not be led by a man and agree that marriage is just a formality. If he is not ready to marry, then his love is not real and he is still in search of the best chosen one.
  4. 4. Do not agree that if a man has already been married, then he does not need to marry again.
  5. 5. Do not wait until the man solves his financial and work problems. They will never end. If he decides to marry, then no problems and worries will prevent him from doing this. And then their hands and hearts will be connected not only by love, but also by the official recognition of the relationship.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

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