Statuses about yourself are cool. Statuses about yourself beloved are cool

Halo crown is not a hindrance!!!

I need only one thing to be happy, but every day a new one!

My boy, what did you think, I will run after you. I have too high heel and the crown falls.

I don't remember the taste of tears. I'm strong, I'm in pain. I can't be unhappy. And I can be alone. I often make mistakes. I learn from mistakes. That is an invaluable life experience. From which I trudge! My life is always wonderful. And a fire burns in my soul. My God, what happiness. I'm one in a million!

Where is the world heading? Probably at my feet!

My capabilities are shocked by my needs...

I can be charming... I can be disgusting... I can be passion... I can be sweet... I can be hysterical... I can be calm... After all, I'm a woman - this is typical for me!

It turned out that I am a goddess. Wherever I go, everywhere “Lord, you again!”

Yes, I am sharp, sometimes vicious. Humility is not visible in me. Stubborn and rude at times. How gunpowder is quick-tempered, I will not hide. But this is all just an outside view. Inside, believe me ... even worse!

Yes, I'm smart, beautiful and happy, but you have to somehow stand out from the crowd!

He hangs noodles on my ears, and I take them off and carefully put them on his horns!

I have a table with a view of the dream. Espresso and sunset flambé. No, nothing else is needed. And yet ... a star in the palm of your hand. And blues with bitter chocolate.

How to insure your life if there is no price for me?

They say... Beauty will save the world! Beauty, didn’t get enough sleep, didn’t have breakfast, and in general I can’t do everything at once like that ...

Graduated with honors from the School of LIFE. By specialty - "THAT IS AN INFECTION!"

Sometimes I pretend that I'm normal, but then I get bored and I become myself!

New statuses about my beloved - I am a girl with eyes the color of not the sky, but chocolate. Piercingly brown, looking a little further than into the soul ...

The roof was demolished for me in different ways ... but what would be under the foundation!

It's good where I'm not... well, that's where I'm heading!

Sometimes I'm awesome, sometimes I'm awesome... Who's lucky?

Hell was full... and I came back.

If you don't like me, shoot yourself! I won't fix it!

Well, what can happen to him while I'm around ?! Maximum nervous breakdown!

Bitchiness is not a gift, but the immunity of a beautiful woman!!!

The most remarkable thing about me is that I am in a single copy, I am a unique edition - I do not have a single copy!!!

While some are waiting for fate to put a prince in their bed, I have been sleeping with the king for a long time.

Everyone loves white and fluffy, and I am black and smooth-haired ...

I'm here about your opinion stumbling. Sorry. Crushed. I confess.

If my mother taught me to be sweet, gentle, cultured, this does not mean that I do not kick in the eye, as my father taught me.

I was not born cruel ... It's just that there was never anyone next to me at the moment when I had to wipe my bitter tears.

No matter how many good things are said about me, I always have something to add.

I recently read in a scientific journal that perfect appearance not photogenic. Oh, I feel like I'm too perfect.

In any case, I will be in CHOCOLATE!

I'm not a sweetie to be everyone's taste ... I'm a nut that not everyone can handle!

Being a bitch is so nice. Stop wiping your snot and join in!

Yesterday I took another step in my job search: I moved the newspaper with ads from the corridor to the room.

Yes, I'm not an angel - I didn't deserve a halo! I am a sinner, which I confess ... But no matter what happens in life, I always remain a HUMAN!

Jealous to the point of horror… Owner to the point of impossibility… Vindictive to the point of obscenity… Vengeful to death… And how does it all fit in me, so white and fluffy?

Woman gives life! And, damn it, he has every right to complicate it!

10 kg of chocolate is a lethal dose for humans. If I decide to kill myself, that's how I'll die.

  • I change my hairstyle and hair color so often that my cat sometimes doesn't recognize me.
  • There are no devils in my pool, but they work!
  • I'm not lying - I'm just good at writing.
  • My parents are not ashamed of me and they can be proud of raising their daughter. I realized this yesterday when I was flying down the stairs, catching my heel, and shouting: "oh-oh-oh."
  • In this circus of life, I am the only lioness.
  • cool statuses about yourself beloved - The only man, for whom I will run is the one who will shout to me "Maa-aam, catch up with me!"
  • We women have no flaws. Some special effects!
  • Found the settings online perfect figure… I measured myself… Found some serious mistakes in them!
  • Who said that I am far from ideal?!? This ideal is far from me!
  • Offend me - just spit! But spitting will have to be blood!
  • You are undeniably lucky to have me. Me too, of course… someone must admire me every day!
  • Level of self-esteem for today: call the fire department, because I am fire.
  • I'm not a bitch, I'm just a human complex nature. I'm not rude, but I can say too much. I do not believe in miracles, but I wait for them .. every day and every minute.
  • I'm like a little girl - there are a lot of toys, but I need exactly the one that the other girl has.
  • I'm not completely useless! I can be used as a good bad example.
  • Over time, I learned to fix everything that I managed to do! It remains only to be surprised when I manage to do all this ?!
  • I would be a good girl if it wasn't for these bad boys.
  • I'm not a bitch - I just like to go to my goal, no matter what!
  • Don't ask me to do anything serious. My ass is still in the children's swing.
  • I love people who like me, they have good taste.
  • I'm not lazy. It's just that the ancient Egyptian god of tranquility and peace, tanunakh, protects me.
  • I'm not jealous of my ex. From childhood, my mother taught me to give away old toys to those who were less fortunate.
  • My tastes change too often to remember them all.
  • I'm not vindictive at all! Sometimes my memory fails me. I took revenge and forgot, then I took revenge again!
  • For some, in my opinion, I didn’t just cross the road, but ran straight back and forth.
  • If you love me, then I will move mountains! If you do not love, then the neck
  • For yourself, you need to do everything, for example, I want pasta, I'm going to Italy.
  • I am free and at the same time not alone, in search, but not active! I think I found it, but not mine yet.
  • I don't know what I want, but I won't rest until I get it! I don't need much - the best is enough.
  • I can endlessly look at three things: how fire burns, how water flows, and how my Dishwasher washes the dishes for me.
  • I was kind to everyone until the age of two. Until I learned to speak.
  • I will turn your life into a fairy tale, no matter how you resist it!
  • I never argue! I explain why I'm right!
  • I don't sort things out for a long time. I immediately give it to the eye.
  • Marital status: has a cat.
  • When I walk down the street, guys don't look back after me...they run after me!

It’s like spring, the reptiles began to crawl out, today I saw a snake, a lizard, a former ...

The main thing is not what I look like on the outside, the main thing is how many devils are in my pool!

It turned out that I am a goddess ... Wherever I go, everywhere “Lord, you again!”

And my character is good, it's just that everyone's nerves are somehow weak!

As long as you hate me, I'm plotting to take over the world.

Of course, I'm not a marshmallow, but I also don't mind being in chocolate.

I am a brunette... the best black line in your life!

I learned to find a way out of the most confusing situations! The only thing that amazes me is how I find the entrance there!!!

"HERE I AM!!!" More for today good news No!

What do I need in this life? - never mind! But it should be enough.

You think I'm strange because I'm not like everyone else... But I think you're strange because you're the same...

I was kind until I was 2 years old. Until they learned to speak.

I'm not a bridge, you can't divorce me.

I live as it should be, but I have to do everything!

I sneezed and just at that moment a gust of wind lifted the skirt of the girl standing next to me. For the first time, I felt loved by the almighty.

There are seven wonders of the world on earth, but there is one more, the most amazing and beautiful - it's you!

I bought us two chocolate bars - myself and me!

Of course, I'm not perfect ... but the masterpiece is still the same ...

They don't look for people like me... they run into people like me...

I am a quiet, modest girl. If you offend, I will quietly bury, modestly celebrate.

I'm not a walker, it's just that fidelity is poorly developed in me.

Unfortunately, the most Nice words a person does not hear about himself, this is speech over the coffin.

Searching for myself. Who found me, please return!

I have no shame or conscience. Nothing extra.

You can kill me, but you can't buy me.

I am a creative person, I want to create, I want to get up!

I'm screaming to myself, I can't hear it.

Something non-flying weather today, would not fall from a broom!

I am looking for a husband - a millionaire, well, I just like them, as people like them.

I am a little chubby but I am also a person of love, I want a beautiful one so that I can lose weight right away.

I do not know who writes the script of my life, but I see that he has a sense of humor.

First: I'm good! Second: Enough of being "first"!

Dear, how to ask you softly - are you a fairy tale with a good ending?

Sometimes I pretend that I'm normal, but then I get bored and I become myself!

I'm serious, but there will always be someone with whom I will fool around.

I appreciate friends. Love Mother. I do not forgive betrayal. It hurts. I believe only in myself. I know how to surprise ... Dad can be proud of me.

If I want, I will take everything from you, even your last name.

I'm not looking for a soul mate, my mother gave birth to me whole.

Are you waiting for a miracle? Don't wait, I'm at home today!

Those who want to explain to me ... what I am ... - relax ... I am aware of my merits!

They say... Beauty will save the world! Beauty, didn’t get enough sleep, didn’t have breakfast, and in general I can’t do everything at once like that ...

I am like perfect girl, I always know where to remain silent ... I know, an infection, but I can’t!


Active sections:

Sometimes it's nice to hear something funny about yourself or find similar jokes that touch us in one way or another. In general, a humorous attitude towards oneself is very useful property, as it allows us to perceive all the hardships and criticism of people with a smile on our face. People are so arranged that they can tell us nasty things to hurt us to the quick, and then we become subject to them and dependent on their opinion, although we pretend that we do not care. It happens that someone wants to see your reaction to certain mockeries, especially for girls, as they are lovers of checking a guy for his penchant for humor and attitude towards himself. And, if a guy is offended by every word that a girl says to him (except for scolding and swearing, of course), then she is unlikely to fully respect him, because he behaves too predictably and takes everything seriously. Cool statuses about yourself help you unwind a little and understand that positive thinking always prevails over all negative circumstances in this World. Good luck.

No matter how many bad things are said about me, I always have something to add. 101

Nothing limits your actions like the phrase "do whatever you want"... 80

Guys get jealous when they love. Girls get jealous even when they don't love. 71

Can't find a way for me? Get around! 200 - cool statuses

Comrade, let's go through to clarify the cash ... 21

Nothing strengthens faith in a person like a 100% prepayment. 31

If you know exactly who is to blame - do not give yourself away. 48

coming with eyes closed and a smile from ear to ear, to meet future happiness, through a field of rakes ... 97

From the statement: "How do I all ..." Crossed out. “Like I have you all…” Crossed out. “Yes, would you all go to ...” Crossed out. "Please grant me another vacation." 32

Dear Money! I miss you very much. I promise to buy you a new wallet. If you want, you can invite your relatives from Europe or America - I will not object. I will accept everyone! 41

I want chronic health, progressive happiness, recurrent success, hypertensive salary, and an eternally pregnant wallet without the threat of miscarriage!))) 39

The best way to test a guy for loyalty is to ask the sleeping man, in the morning, the question: "Will you go to yours or will you stay with me?" 67

According to statistics, the phrase "What a huge he is!" most often heard by a spider. 65

Briefly about myself: Year of manufacture 1991, Mileage 20, Light color, Height 162, Blue headlights, Documents on hand, Tuning is present, The body is not broken, not rusty, The roof is in place, but there are no brakes. All options, looking for some with a half turn. 54

You can’t look in the mirror when you eat - you’ll eat your happiness. And when you drink, you drink. And in the toilet, it’s better not to hang a mirror at all ... 62

Sex is when he wants it, erotica is when she wants it, porn is when both of them want it. 48

No money to change wardrobe - change jobs! For the new team, all your old clothes are new. 41

Flowers should be without a reason... Happiness should be unique... House - warm... Weather - no matter what the weather is! But love should be mutual. 46

All people bring happiness - some by their presence, others by their absence) 69

What would I give to a person who has everything? I would punch him in the jaw. 19

If men knew what women think, they would court twenty times more boldly. 46

Soul to soul, only matryoshkas can live. 65

I need to call my mom, tell me where I am. - Hello, mom? Where I am? 44

The little boy was watching porn. I did not understand the film, but I sweated a lot. 31

The main thing is that they are waiting for you at home, and not waiting 61

Chocolate is twice as tasty if you can’t) 40

The Lord keeps us all. It's just that everyone has a different shelf life. 46

I am kept by the great ancient Egyptian god of peace and tranquility - DANUNAH. 75

Every day, people around me prove to me that life without a brain is real. 61

Nobody dies a virgin: life will fuck us all. 34

I love being alone, but next to someone I love.

Only the person who considers himself lucky can rightly be called lucky.

I blew, blew off dust particles from it and ... I accidentally blew it away ... Now I blow off dust particles from myself ... FAVORITE!!! Wouldn't catch a cold...)))

Of course, I'm not perfect ... but the masterpiece is still the same ...))))))

I do not envy anyone, I do not take revenge, I am not tormented by resentment. I live, love and enjoy life.

Know how to control yourself if you do not want others to control you.

Yes, I am a sinner, not a righteous person, not ugly, not beautiful… Maybe there is still time to improve? Only I like my role ...

Someone former, someone faithful, loved and loved, self-confident)

Listen to yourself and look at yourself… in complete silence with your eyes closed you can hear and see yourself… you will learn a lot about yourself…

My thoughts are like my dinner: some I eat myself, and some I throw to my dogs.

I am very good, one might say outstanding ... in some places ...)))

I don't owe anyone anything! Except for yourself ... Or rather, it should not, but simply - it is obliged ... to be loved and happy!

No matter what everyone around says, you won’t be happy on your own!

But what difference does it make to me what you think of me ... I'm sure that your thoughts about me do not at all coincide with mine ... And this is the main thing ...

Take a half of Yourself from Me and give it to Someone? … I’m not even a little bit ready!!! … Greedy Me!!!)

Briefly about myself: Year of issue 1986. Mileage 26. Light tan color. Headlights are green. Documents on hand. The body is not broken. The roof is in place. Brakes are ok. All options. I start with a half turn ...

Love is a great respect for yourself.

I worry, my soul is anxious, only when I got sick, I could understand: When I die, it is quite possible ... I will be missed by me.

Do not try to compare me and look for others, I do not hang around anywhere, always in myself.

Care more about your character than about your reputation. Your character is what you really are, and your reputation is just what others think of you...

In my environment, men were, are and will always be - where without them!

When I don’t say that I’m good, I’ll say this - I’m not bad and beloved ...

Waiting for a prince? Love yourself, and a whole regiment will ride on white horses.

Briefly about myself: an egoist, an alcoholic, a complete bastard, a pervert - in short, a normal woman.

My roof has gone so far that ... I CAN'T DETERMINE its direction)))

Self-love is not a manifestation of selfishness, it is self-esteem.

Whatever I do, I do it confidently, without thinking about what people will say ... And in general, I turned someone else's opinion on the male organs !!!

I look in the mirror and think: Mm-yeah ... Not a Fountain I ... Not a Fountain. I am FIRE!!! Statuses about yourself beloved, statuses about yourself beloved

It's a shame when you can't kiss the person you love, even on the cheek, because it's you.

Love yourself, otherwise who needs the love of a person who does not even love himself.

I love it when someone good mood, someone's salary was raised, someone bought awesome dress… I love it even more when that someone is me!


There comes a time when you begin to understand that if you do "unseemly" acts, then either accept yourself as you are ... Well ... or don't do them ...

Don't think that people are against you, for the most part they are just for themselves.

The hedgehog doesn't want to sleep. The hedgehog wants to sing.

I look at myself, my own joy - neither crooked nor oblique, but such a favorite as it should be.

I do not need handouts of beautiful words. I am very confident and enjoy life.

I'm not greedy, I always share with whom wisdom, with whom stupidity))))))

From adversity and from illness, to herself and a doctor and friend)

When I fell in love with myself, I freed myself from everything that harms my health - food, people, things, situations. Anything that leads me astray. Today I call it self-love.

Tell us about yourself in a few words? - "Everything happened)

Not perfect, but real...

No need to flatter me, I already know that everything is fine in me, and that everything is just wonderful !!!

There is decency in me, only it is disorderly ...

I have not declared war on the world, I have declared a boycott on people unworthy of my attention.

I know that it is very harmful, because not everyone likes me! I take into account! Tomorrow, so be it, I'll fix it!


Dear MEN!!! Well, your priests will not pull ... such an adventure ... like me ...)

Cheap is only what you wear without a sense of self-confidence.

We must learn to love ourselves - with a healthy and holy love, in order to remain true to ourselves and not lose ourselves.

Oh, and I love myself beloved!

Always smiling at me in the mirror beautiful woman! And I smile back at her, let her be pleased too!

Without ruining labor in vain, love yourself.

And according to the horoscope ... today I am ... CHARM!!!)))))

I quarreled with a young man ... I began to gnaw myself. Fearing to be poisoned, I stopped)))

Only those who do not know how to love do not love me.

No matter how well they say about you - THINK OF YOURSELF BELOVED BETTER!

I laugh to myself and say: - Well, hello ..., beloved woman-child!

I can be serious, oddly enough ... To hell with all the humor, there’s no time for jokes !!! And it’s not my fault that I’m fickle ... After all, I’m not the schedule of minibuses!)))

Himself better opinion about me are usually those who judge me by myself; the worst - oddly enough, too.

I have never seen the world like me - they don’t let people like me into the world ...

The hardest thing is not to forgive anyone, but yourself! Statuses about yourself beloved, statuses about yourself beloved

I'm not a princess - the crown falls off all the time ... I'm not an angel - the wings are in the wash ... I don't like myself - I'm just a bastard ... I'm not a bitch - I'm smarter ... I'm not crazy - still trying to get off ... I'm not stupid - just sometimes too lazy to think … I am not a gift, I am a surprise!

To love is one pleasure, but not to deny yourself is another.

As I start to wind up, one thing stops ... comparison of myself, in similar situation, with a machine without a silencer.

Settle down? Right now-s-s... I'm in the juice! And the juice is in the fermentation stage ...

When you live to the beat of your soul, the Universe sings along...

The faults of others should be used as a mirror to reveal one's own.

They say you have to love yourself. I took a closer look at myself: but there’s nothing to love for. I will love just like that - for what I am!

Even self-love can be unrequited!

The amount of self-love is directly proportional to the amount of dislike for others.

It's good that I exist!

Self love and selfishness are two different things. A person who does not love himself is not able to love others. As the Bible says, "Love your neighbor as yourself!"

I am like the ocean: sometimes affectionate, gentle and quiet, and sometimes I can send a tsunami.

I'm a scar in someone's life. I am in someone's life spring. And for someone a genius, for someone a stump.

I do not regret for a second that not all dreams come true ...

To enter my soul through the heart, a sound mind must agree.

Look for yourself beloved ... until you meet.

Beloved said that I am a treasure ... I'm afraid to sleep ... suddenly he will take it and bury it somewhere!

Maybe I'm a little hysterical sometimes, but I have beautiful eyes and a smile worth a million dollars.

No need to ask how I'm doing, it's time to get used to the fact that everything is fine with me !!!

It doesn't matter what I am. It is important that with you I will be what you deserve.

I will prepare a project and renovate my life ... or, perhaps, I will build it from scratch and hand it over on a turn-key basis ...

A sickly "I" - in which self-doubt is balanced by hypertrophied self-esteem, a healthy one - in which calm self-confidence reigns ...

Not impressed with my IQ...? And full of grace manners ...? Then, perhaps, I will finish you off with my eyes ... or with obscenities ... of the right size !!!

Damn, I'm so cool! It's good that I have myself)))

I forbid myself to think badly of people. I save time.

Love yourself the way you are. None of us can surpass the most talented and objective sculptor - NATURE ...

When you behave like a slave, what can you expect to be treated like a queen?

From time to time you need to arrange pogroms of yourself.

The one who is satisfied with his life proves nothing.

Statuses about yourself beloved, statuses about yourself beloved