Cool statuses about beautiful women. Cool statuses about women

Exists great amount various sayings about women, about female illogical logic, about an abnormal character, and so on. However, is it really so? This will help you understand our statuses, which are published on this page. Or maybe you want to pin up the woman you love? Then choose any witty status and send it to her early in the morning. If you want to apologize, you can also use our statuses. Why else do you need statuses about women? For example, you can choose any saying about how beautiful women are and send it to all the fair sex you know on the day of their holiday - March 8th. This will definitely please any woman and will win her over to you.

Sneezing, the woman looked at her breasts and said, "GROW BIG"

A woman wants to feel with a man - like behind a wall. But, judging by the modern glamorous types, you will feel yourself with them - at most, behind the curtain!

A woman's brain is another one of hers erogenous zone. Therefore, they need to be excited, not fucked !!!)

Cool status about a woman: A woman is like the Internet: you come in for half an hour, and you leave only in the morning ...

many women oral sex suits, and, for a pretty decent job

Women are touching creatures ... I would touch and touch ...

Girls need to know three rules - don't go to the store hungry, go on a date horny and don't update your drunk status :)

If men say kitty-kitty after that, there is a desire to take and piss in slippers!

Women get prettier certain age then they get younger.

Two essences always fight in a woman: a cat that wants to walk on its own, and a dog that needs a master!

We, women, can drink a liter of vodka, crack a guy, go home alone in the middle of the night, but we only go to the toilet with a girlfriend!

Cool status about a woman: A smart girl always knows when to turn on the fool.

If the proverb is true: "What a woman wants, God wants it," then God never knows what he specifically wants ...

With a woman you need to be tough and strict: to cause joy, to do good, to be affectionate!

If a woman says that the sexiest thing in a man is brains, then it is them that she is going to fuck.

Three ages in a woman's life: 1. Unnerving father. 2. Annoys her husband. 3. Infuriates the son-in-law.

A woman turns into a saw only when firewood is near her. (Statuses about women)

Cool status about a woman: Kissing was invented by a man to silence a woman even for a minute.

"If woman walking with her head down - she has a lover. If a woman walks with her head held high, she has a lover! If a woman keeps her head straight - she has a lover! And in general - if a woman has a head, then she has a lover!

A woman loves with her ears man with eyes. Strongly exciting pose - a man looks into a woman's ear...

Anyway, it's good to be a woman... Even a bitch sounds nicer than a goat...

A woman is like chess, almost a step in the wrong direction, immediately checkmate! (Statuses about women)

Among males, a woman becomes a bitch. Among idiots - an ulcer. Among assholes - a bitch. If you want a woman next to you - stay a man!

This section contains cool statuses about beautiful and strong women. This section is suitable for both men and representatives of the better half of humanity. Here any girl will find herself desired status for almost any situation. There should be a mystery in a girl, we know this, but these statuses about beautiful and strong women, in addition to the mystery, will also show the girl’s strength, beauty and even a sense of humor, which is also very important.

Every girl should have a mystery! Also hints and hints.

Nowadays, eating a bun feels like selling your soul.

There is nothing more beautiful in nature beautiful women and nothing is uglier than the women who imitate them.

All girls, like no one else, know how to keep secrets ... In groups, 40 people each.

All women value honesty very much, but among themselves this quality is extremely rare ...

Yesterday I was walking in the park, I saw a guy with a girl, today I saw this guy with another girl. Girls quickly change guys.

Are you waiting for a prince on a white horse? Yes! And where is the prince!

They say angels don't exist... but you just have to look.

The girl grows up when she begins to paint her eyes, from that moment she can no longer cry.

The girl is a machine of beauty and mind!

A girl should dress in such a way that it would be pleasant to undress her.

A girl can talk for hours about the fact that she simply has no words.

Girls can do anything, only some are shy.

Girls, if you want to be loved, why do you dress to be wanted?

Beauty for a woman more important than the mind because it is easier for a man to look than to think.

If a girl dumped you and you are going to jump off the roof, then do not forget - you have horns, not wings!

If the girl stopped dripping on your brains, then you lost her ...

If you look at a girl for a long time, you can see how she gets married.

If a woman does not give up, she wins, if she gives up, she dictates the terms to the winner.

There is a breed dangerous women. After a connection and a break with them, no man can ever be truly happy with anyone.

Desirable girl with champagne lips, now nothing more than just drunk.

A woman is the only gift that wraps itself.

A woman - it sounds proud, as well as loud, capricious and stupid.

A woman is a fire in the hearth! It's warm in bed! It's a flavor in the kitchen! This is a smile of lips, a sparkle of eyes! Mother of children... and a sweet fairy tale in a man's life!

A woman is a saint, because of which others become sinners.

Women are divided into two categories: "Why do you need me?" and "Fuck me?"

The key to a Mercedes is best suited to a girl's heart.

When God decided to punish the man, he pulled a rib out of him and cloned a woman. On this, he calmed down and said: "And now she will pull the soul out of him."

When you allow a woman to be powerful over you, she will understand that you are weak both in body and soul. When you want to say that you are right. She understands, but turns around and leaves.

A beautiful woman is like a bomb - it affects not only those at whom it is directed.

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A woman never knows what she wants, but she won't rest until she gets it.

If a woman allows herself to lie - she is not a fool, she just wants to believe that she is happy.

A woman is like a child. Don't try to raise her if you can't get her across the bed.

If a woman ceases to gently tickle her soul, she begins to tickle her nerves pretty much.

“Life after 50 is just beginning,” the woman thought and asked for another 50.

A satisfied woman in bed says to her lover: - Vasenka, you are just a fairy tale! - (with pride) And then! - And, most importantly, with a good ending!

Most scary word that men are afraid to hear from a woman is the word "MORE!"

cutting bread today reverse side knife, was surprised at his stupidity, but you should have been surprised at your own ...

Not a woman is unhappy that she fell in love with a scoundrel ... unhappy is a scoundrel that did not take advantage of the last opportunity to become a man!

A stupid woman sits and waits for someone to make her happy...
A smart woman creates her own happiness!!!

Only at my house there are frying pans in the oven?)))

100% of mice surveyed are afraid of women!!!

Only a Russian woman answered the question: “Do you have children?” can answer: "There is a little ..."

Each clever woman secretly hopes that one day she will stop being such an idiot.

A gorgeous woman is not a ratio of weight and height, as well as appearance, it is a proportion of intelligence and a sense of humor, multiplied by self-esteem !!!

I wonder when I did something, who am I???
Creator or Creator ...)))

While shopping, I realized that I want a new dress more than I want to eat next week!)

If you do not spoil a woman, she begins to indulge herself ...

In general, I’m a risky woman: I like to lie, but I don’t know how to run.

Women's years... who counts them? Women's years - love measures. A pillow sees women's tears, a girlfriend knows women's secrets. For the rest - under the instrument of torture: Only smiles, only smiles!!!

A woman should be smart enough to make a man want to do all sorts of stupid things with her.

Women are divided into two categories: "why do you need me" and "nah ... you tell me."

The husband asks his wife: - What gift would you like to receive by the tenth anniversary of our wedding: a new fur coat or a trip to Greece with me? - Let's go to Greece. They say coats are cheaper there.

I feel sorry for men who, in order to win a woman, are forced to buy her ... but I despise those who cannot either buy a woman or attract them with something else, because they are the ones who shout loudest about female corruption ...

If a woman says no, then she does not see you as a man or a sponsor.

It looks like I'm a sweet girl, you don't believe it, I'm harmful and capricious. I snarl like a wild animal)))

When a woman does not take her eyes off her, she becomes prettier before her eyes ...

You need to love a woman, you don’t know how to love - sit and be friends!

An independent woman is a woman who has not yet found someone she would like to depend on.

For those who love thin people, remember: snakes are not fat ...

Loves not the one who gives diamonds, but the one who does not send for an abortion!

Happy and Confident Women, Beautiful in any situation, regardless of the WAIST and HIPS!!!

Having achieved your happiness, do not achieve it ...

I can be awesome, I can be awesome ... whoever is lucky ...)))

Most best gift for a woman: a diamond ring wrapped in mink coat, tied with a gold chain, in the trunk of a new Mercedes parked near the house by the sea!

I got up in the morning, looked in the mirror: “I am the most beautiful, let those who are more beautiful than me hang themselves.” I go to work, no one hangs ... So I'm the most beautiful.

Two friends are talking: -How did your daughter get on? -Great. My husband loves, buys fur coats, takes him to resorts. - And the son? - And your son got a bitch, then buy her a fur coat, then take her to the resort.

Women do not cheat - they are just used to giving their love completely, and if someone does not take it all ... they have to give it to others ...

Women don't follow bad advice- they are ahead of them :)

With a woman you need to be tough and strict:
- to cause joy, to do good, to caress!

Due to the fact that I often smoke naked on the balcony, apartments in the house opposite have risen in price.

I painted my nails ... I urgently needed to go to the toilet, scratch my back, touch my hair, make a ponytail, get into my bag, change clothes.

After reading today the status of 20 absolutely different women, I realized - they have a common goat)

Two girlfriends meet ... One says:
- You know, my lover promised to give me a mink coat.
- Awesome.
- And also, he promised me to buy a Ferrari car.
- Awesome.
- And also, we will go to the Canary Islands in the summer.
What's new with you?
- Went to culture courses.
Instead of the words "Don't f*ck",
I learned to say "AMAZING" ...)))


A woman always has one more room. And she can have fun there as she wants ... Wants to cook borscht ... Wants to wash dishes...

-And you're cute!
- I was cute when I was 5 years old. And now I'm beautiful!

How defenseless and gullible a woman is when a man deceives her, and how insidious and merciless she is when she begins to take revenge on him.

A WOMAN needs to maintain a GOOD shape: A SIMULATOR! MASSAGER! and GUYER!!!))))))

A woman can learn a lot: earn money, raise children, drive a car, plant trees. The main thing is to marry an asshole.

If a girl under the age of five was able to inspire that she is a queen, after five she will inspire this to the whole world ...

I am like ideal woman, I always know when it is necessary to remain silent, but after all ... an infection I can’t ...

If a woman grows wings, her man will never grow horns...)

Statuses about women are cool

Feminism is when iron ladies forge their own happiness.

Women's logic is unshakable: when leaving, lock the apartment with a key, hide it under the rug and leave a note: "Darling, I'll be there tomorrow, the key is under the rug, the borsch is on the stove." Here the robbers will be delighted - and rob and devour!

The girl and the traffic inspector have much in common: both empty their pockets, do not even allow minor violations, spoil the mood and try to take away the rights.

At the beginning of a relationship, a man tries with all his might to bring a woman to a conversation, and after a while he is surprised that she cannot be stopped!

Best Status:
Note to every woman: A man should not be let out of the house with an empty stomach and full eggs!

Women are sadistic. They subject us to torture, with which we torture them.

On the road to success, do not push through the many women pushing their men in the back.

Beauty is a delight male gaze and an irritant for the feminine.

If a woman woke up surrounded by flowers, it was unlikely that it was a holiday yesterday ... most likely she went over too much and fell asleep in a flower bed.

There are two blind people in the world... You, because you don't see how much I need me, too, because I don't see anyone but you.

We are strong women: we will take out the garbage, and the brain, if necessary ...

Darling! There was no one like you, no, and no need!

A woman is the only gift that wraps itself.

Women are sadists; they torture us with the torments we inflict on them.

I'm a woman. We don't say what we want, but we get angry if we don't get it.

A woman should be loved, happy, beautiful. And she owes nothing to anyone else.

A woman is like tea leaves, you will never know her fortress until she boils ...

In vengeance and love, a woman is more barbarian than a man.

Every girl should wait for such a guy who, when he saw her, said: “Here it is, my life!”

I'm like champagne: I can be playful, but I can give it to my head.

Girls, if you want to be loved, why do you dress to be wanted?

Women are like ice cream - at first they are cold, then they melt, then they stick ...

The woman reigns, but does not govern.

My mood, you know, does not smell of violets ...

A woman has something to wear - when there are new things, and a man - when washed.

An independent woman is a woman who has not found anyone who would like to depend on her.

We are responsible for those who were not sent on time!

Women's logic: - So you won't let me warm up? -After the wedding only!

I am a creative woman, I want to create, I want to get up

Those who distinguish between good and evil, victory and defeat, life and death, even those who know the whole essence of things, are baffled by the behavior of women.

I love our tights. Haven't worn it yet - already torn.

So beautiful. Inaccessible. Smiling, but sad at heart. Happy and in love. Lonely in life. No, not abandoned. Just undefined.

A divinely beautiful woman often has a diabolical character.

The Chukchi shaman began to be rude in line at the supermarket and missed three strokes of the tambourine.

Feminism is when they no longer count on Prince Charming.

He eats - I cook, he wears - I wash, he scatters - I clean. And what would I do without him? ..

Any woman has in her arsenal the most reliable contraceptive, it is simple and short word- No! Some women just don't even realize it.

Diet is such a thing. which is uncomfortable to sit on.

There are only 2 things in the world that do not forgive mistakes - these are women and Tetris at 9 speeds.

Good girls have jobs, bad girls have sponsors, smart girls have their own business, and the smartest girls have everyone))

I'm not arrogant, I just don't think it's necessary to smile at everyone! I'm not selfish, I just learned to live for myself!!!

They grow paws, and then you go, complex

I knew that sooner or later he would leave! But why?! Why didn't I break his legs?!

... I'm not the kind of girl who will say: "Everything will be fine next to me!" And the one that says: “It will be different, but I will be there!” ...

A woman is a saint, because of which others become sinners.

No, you're not a loser! You are beautiful, smart, sweet, kind! And you deserve to be loved! All life. Just loved. It's just not the time. Be patient.

All women value honesty very much, but among themselves this quality is extremely rare ...

Give a woman a million Red roses, and she will say that one is enough for her, but white.

Many people know me, but only a few know who I really am ...

We are all pricey bitches at first glance, but open it up, and there the sun sits small and makes a loop-loop with its eyes))

Men forgive and forget. Women forgive and nothing more.

I wrote to my beloved “you are a miracle” and sent “you are fucking” - thanks to the phone with the T9 function

Don't be stupid, but pretend!

I’m even afraid to think that such a charm as I will get to someone ...! 🙂

Today, a woman on the subway gave up her seat to me... Old age crept up unnoticed...

I used to be small and stupid, but now I'm big and ... the same.

Everyone has them - comfortable home pants, in which you are ashamed to go to the store ...

A woman can forgive a man, even if he is not guilty of anything before her.

A real woman powders her brains without a mirror!

The key to a Mercedes is best suited to a girl's heart.

Beautiful. Inaccessible. Smiling, but sad at heart. Happy and in love. Lonely in life. No, not abandoned. Just undefined...

A woman on a ship - to pleasure before misfortune.

A smart woman .. she knows that she's a fool ..

Female logic: he gave me a digital camera to make me go crazy reading the instructions

Glasses are sober!…

Desirable girl with champagne lips, now nothing more than just drunk.

A woman was created to be loved, not to be understood.

What is not in women's bag? -Something ... There is no place in it !!!

- Darling, let's arrange a great weekend for each other ?!, - With pleasure, dear!, - Then until Monday, dear!))

Good girls become good wives. The bad ones are amazing mistresses. Smart - true friends. And the wise - manage to combine all this.

The woman on the couch is resting, the man is lying around.

The woman takes everything from the man. Even a last name.

“Today, eating a muffin feels like selling your soul.”

The weak sex is stronger than the strong due to the weakness of the stronger sex to the weak

Beautiful woman pleases male eye, and ugly - feminine.

The most precious thing a girl has is her bag, without her she is nowhere ...

If you look in the mirror and don't see anyone there. So you are irresistible!

Two entities always fight in a woman: a cat that wants to walk by itself, and a dog that needs a master!

Nothing decorates a guy like me walking next to him!

Everything that a woman forgives - She will still remember you

“A girl should dress in such a way that it would be pleasant to undress her”

Women guess everything, and if they are wrong, then on purpose.

A woman is a weak, defenseless creature, from which it is impossible to escape.

Women's logic as a license agreement - nothing is clear, but I have to agree.

If a woman has a rolling pin in her hands, this is not a fact that there will be pies.

If something seemed to a woman, goodbye logic, intuition and common sense.

The risk is when you paint your nails and there is no more nail polish remover!

A woman must have a loved one. And also the one with whom it will sometimes be possible to take revenge on this goat.

There is a law in the morning: it’s better to be hungry than not wearing makeup ...

Women are always right. Do you know why? Because.

There is a legend about a guy who once guessed why a girl was offended by him.

And God created a woman ... and since then there is no rest for either a man or God!

A woman can forgive a man for any shortcoming, except for the lack of wealth.

As a woman, I want to know that all my tears are not in vain. That after all the suffering, I will meet a man who will hug and say: “Mademoiselle, here, you roared exactly two hundred thousand. Nate".

I am a girl. I will yell and be offended. And you love.

Being a woman is when nothing happens at all, but the mood changes every minute.

It is very difficult to be a grandmother. You never know when the next seizure will hit.

An experienced woman is a woman who knows how to pretend to be inexperienced.

It is very easy for women to relieve stress in the kitchen. For example, she took out a chicken, called it Sanya, Vanya, or something else, cut off everything she wanted and slowly lowered it into boiling water ... ..

If a woman rejected a rich man, then he is not so rich.

And women with a sense of humor are even less than beautiful ones. Beautiful body can be done, but a sense of humor is not. We must take care of amusing women, they are a treasure.

I advised you to spray perfume in those places where you would like to be kissed! ... From a playful woman!

I do not quarrel with you and do not quarrel. I just once again explain in detail and with reason why I'm right.

Offended, she left. I do not recommend searching! If you don't find it, IT WILL BE WORSE!!!

A quiet man is a thinking man. The quiet woman has already thought of something.

"I'm leaving already" - this is usually in underwear, not made up and still near the computer.

I don't drink champagne because the bubbles go to the head and demand whiskey, tequila and ohhh that handsome boy...

After 40 years, women become like mummies: they begin to find out who is better preserved ...

The average woman falls in love seven times a year. Six of them are in shoes ...

When a woman does not have everything at home, she can bring an unfamiliar man there.

A woman fills out a questionnaire in the personnel department. He thinks for a long time over the column “occupation” and in the end writes: “There were no births. The lessons were…”

Men are like cats: you dream of a Briton, a Sphynx or a Maine Coon... And you walk down the street, op!

It is still not known which is worse: he has only one thing in his mind for a man, or I don’t know what I want for a woman.