Simoron magic calculator dreams come true. Fiction Simoron wish fulfillment calculator

There is a definition that ABOUTThe fulfillment of a dream is the coincidence of the desired with the inevitable.

But I am a very superstitious person. I believe that "cats bring happiness to the house", that "dishes break for happiness". I won't go down the road at gunpoint if a black cat runs across it (because I'm afraid something bad will happen). I believe in ghosts, otherworldly forces, brownies, a lamb and stuff like that ...

Maybe it's all self-hypnosis, but I can't help myself. I believe that's all.

That is why I simply could not get past the "Simoron Calculator" when I stumbled upon it.

Got me covered big interest and I made my first wish on it(which one, I won’t say, all the same, this desire is personal) And it came true exactly on the day I thought. He was followed by the second, the third... And they all came true.

"Simoron Calculator" is quite popular among Internet users. I have repeatedly read on the forums requests for help in making a wish on it, so I decided to write this review.

Have you already made a wish on this calculator and it didn't come true? Perhaps you simply formulated your desire incorrectly or wrote "not according to the rules" in it. I'll show you how it's done

The calculator itself looks like this


Rule one. At the very beginning of the desire is always written "For" or "From". There is no need to write any "I want" or "Make it so". Only "To" or "From". This rule is written under the calculator.

Rule two. After you have written your wish, new line(i.e. under desire) we write our name (with capital letter), separated by a space, your date of birth WITHOUT DOTS AND WITHOUT SPACES. And in the end DEFINITELY thank. You can just write "Thank you" or "Thank you"

If you do not follow these rules of "Design", then the desire will not come true, tested on yourself.

How to write a wish to make it come true?

Do you really want it to come true on a specific date, month, year? Here you go, you have to be sure to indicate in the desire in what period of time it should come true. For example, you write "In order to buy yourself something Nice dress, which I saw in the "cool chick" boutique. "Now guess when it will come true ... Tomorrow? Or maybe in 5 years? Or maybe when you retire? It turns out that you made an "indefinite" wish, and it "someday" come true. And if you write "So that in August 2014 I bought myself that dress ..." then it will be correct.

I bring illustrative examples making wishes on this calculator

Let's say a girl named Anna, born on January 14, 1991, wants her boyfriend to give her a giant bear on March 8th. This is how the desire should be formulated correctly.

Or let's take another situation: your friend has borrowed a decent amount of money from you, but can't pay you back. He has problems with work, they cut his salary, he was fired. And you, well, really really need him to return this amount in a particular month of a particular year. Then the desire should be formulated like this

And yet, your desire should not contain particles "not", "no". By the way, this is the main thing and for a long time well-known rule wish statements.

Further, after you clicked on the "Get code" button, a set of numbers appears. The site has a recommendation "write this code on your hand." This is not entirely correct. First, you walk around like a fool with some hand-drawn doodles on your hand. Secondly, over time, this code will be erased. You must write this code down on a small piece of paper. AND ALWAYS CARRY WITH YOU UNTIL THE DESIRE IS FULFILLED.


How do I do it. I fold this piece of paper into a very small piece and tape it around a silver bracelet on my arm. AND I DO NOT REMOVE IT UNTIL THE WISH IS FULFILLED, I WASH IT, AND I SLEEP, ETC.

How to make a wish on another person.

Let's say you want something to happen or come true for your friend or relative (but only good, you can't make a wish that can harm) We act according to the same "clear formulation of desire" scheme. At the end write the name of the person you want to encode and his date of birth. And we hand the person a piece of paper with a code (but again, it should always be with him).

I made a wish on mine young man, I taped the piece of paper with the code to his chain around his neck (he never takes it off) and, just in case, strictly forbade it to be removed until I let him. The result - my wish came true, but only in his favor. That is, he got what I wanted him to get from another person.

How it works, no one knows. But the fact that a correctly made wish is fulfilled is a reality.

After you have made up your mind and started to carry your magic code, somehow all life circumstances begin (it is not clear why) to take shape in such a way that in the end your wish comes true

Perhaps these are all the secrets of making wishes on the "Simoron Calculator".

Greetings, dear sorceresses! Today you will learn about another wonderful technique. We use the Simoron wish calculator.

The essence of this technique is to transform desire into a digital code, to encode it. You write a wish, assign a corresponding number to each letter, sum everything up and get a code.

Some active simoronists have created online calculators to make life easier for us. I tried everything I could find. Surprisingly, they all produced different results.

Apparently, the point is not in the accuracy of mathematical calculations, but in magic.

Eventually, online calculators I decided not to use. In order for a wish to come true, at least minimal effort should be made. And then the Universe will hear you faster. Therefore, we will work in the old fashioned way, with brains.

Simoron wish calculator

How to use this technique? Everything is Simoronian simple and fun.

Take a piece of paper, write your own on it.

There are two options for formulating a wish:

  • 1 option

To get something and to get rid of something. For example, for or from extra pounds.

And remember that the desire must be positive and not harm the other person. And even if there is a wild desire to get rid of, for example, the mother-in-law, you should not make such a desire.

It is better to formulate it this way: for peace and harmony in the family.

So, the desire was formulated, indicate the date of birth and name, as well as gratitude to the Universe.

Desire example:

For good health
Evgenia 15101984
Thank you

  • Option 2

The desire can also be formulated in this way: I, Evgenia, thank the Universe for an increase in salary of 987654321 rubles (specify your own amount).

Choose the option that suits you.

Now we turn the desire into a digital code. Keep the numbered alphabet to help you.

Encoding example

Next, add up all the numbers and add the birthday numbers. Some sources say that it is not necessary to encode the date of birth and the name, but I encode everything so that the desire is named.

I add the numbers: 5+1+3+3+3+1+2+1+8…. 1+5+1+0+1+9+8+4

Multiply the resulting number by 27. And voila, the magic code is received.

Write the code on your hand, wrist, pope. If the desire is related to money, then the code can be written with a green pen, with love affairs- red. Desire can be reinforced by others.

If things are really bad with mathematics, then you can use the following technique.

You'll need a calculator, new or old doesn't matter, but try to only use it for coding from now on. You can even stick a piece of paper with the inscription "Simoron Desire Calculator" on it and sprinkle it on it.

Close your eyes, visualize your desire and press 7 buttons on the calculator. This will be your code.

And I advise you to get acquainted with alpha techniques that allow you to get everything you want.

I offer to help everyone who is full of desires, wants to change their lives for the better - a magical Simoron online wish fulfillment calculator. I love this amazing item! I contact you whenever there is a need. And not only me, my family members enjoy using it.

For those who are not yet in the subject, I will explain a little. Simoron is practical magic, a system stating that almost every person is able to change the world and the reality surrounding it. The ability works in unlimited quantities, at any time and place. The main feature of the Simoron rituals is that performing simoron rituals you go beyond the usual reality. You sometimes do completely absurd actions, according to others, far from stereotypes. Yes, and for themselves unusual, going beyond the usual standard behavior.

Simoron wish calculator

One of the incredibly amazing riddles is the Simoron calculator. How it works is not clear, but it really fulfills any desire by calculating your personal code. Not only I was convinced of the effectiveness (I have a calculator on my computer desktop), but also many of my friends.

The online wish calculator adjusts psychologically for 100% fulfillment of a dream. By working with a calculator, you are literally coding yourself for success!

Here he is, handsome! But first, carefully read the rules of work.

In the first, large window enter your:

  1. Wish.
  2. Name and date of birth (date of birth is written without spaces).
  3. And don't forget to thank the Universe.

Looks something like this:

For weight loss.

Galina Nekrasova 18051957

Click the "Get Code" button below

See the code in the window below the large one in which you made a wish.

You can click on the "update" button and get a code for another wish.

Desires can be many and varied, friends, but there are some nuances of compilation, obligatory subtleties correct compilation desires. Ignore - the calculator will not help.

How to make a wish

First, clearly state your desire.

Since you are encoded, then write TO attract what you are thinking of and FROM what you want to protect yourself.

Write I WANT and GIVE - the wrong approach. For example, you write that you want to have a million dollars, and as a result you will literally get: you will want, that is, you will encode for the process of wanting, understand? And you could easily want without a magic calculator. Or you will wait by writing the word "Give". Negative words NO and NOT are also not good.

I will give a few examples and it will become clear to you how to write desires correctly:

  • To attract money and prosperity into my life.
  • To attract happiness and mutual love into my life.
  • From extra pounds.
  • From material difficulties, poverty in my life.

The length of the sentence doesn't matter.

If you wish to specify the exact date execution, then write all the numbers without spaces. For example, you need to specify the date of the trip on vacation. Write 062016 (month and year).

Write the received code on a piece of paper and carry it with you without ceasing.

What are they encoding from? From excess weight, alcohol and drug addiction, smoking, nagging bosses, illness. This includes everyday problems, Bad mood, envy, laziness and other character traits that interfere with life.

For what? Feel free to talk about the desire to receive love, money, a salary increase, health, an apartment, a trip, a successful exam, etc.

Attractive, but you can use the Simoron wish maker not only for personal purposes. Encode relatives, close friends, with their consent, of course. The resulting code must be worn by them.

The magic code can be written directly on the hand, for example, on the wrist.

Write the code associated with love affairs with a red pen. The code associated with money matters more suitable green color. This will enhance the encoding. By the way, it’s good to write a code for attracting wealth on a banknote and carry it in your wallet - it works much more efficiently.

While writing, I remembered a joke about a black man in the desert, dying of thirst. He found a bottle of gin. As usual, the genie, in gratitude for the release, offered the guy to fulfill three wishes. The joyful Negro wished, without hesitation: a lot of water, to become white-white, and that the girls, coming up, would take off their panties themselves. And became a toilet!

Do not repeat the mistakes of the guy from the joke when working with the Simoron wish calculator, take your dreams responsibly. They should not harm, not only others, but also you, in the first place. With love… Galina Nekrasova.

Simoron wish calculator - counting your dreams in numbers

I have no idea who first came up with the wish calculator. In any case, a low bow to this dear wizard, and may Simoron prolong his days, and may 27 thousand Takov accompany him in every good deed!

How to use the wish calculator?

The principle of operation for all calculators is the same: we formulate our desire, use a regular calculator to GET the cherished numbers, write down the received code and carry it with us (we write it down on a piece of paper, on our hand or even on our butt) until we get what we want.

With the help of the Simoron Calculator, you are like a CODE, you are 100% fulfilling yourself. But when it will be fulfilled, no one knows. Everything has its time!

1. Get your calculator ready. Focus on your desire. Formulate it correctly (who does not know how, there is a special instruction for dreamers “how to make wishes correctly”). Write down the phrase on a piece of paper.

If you can't concentrate, use the technique of stopping the pendulum.
Instructions for the Simoron technique "Stopping the pendulum"

Sit in comfortable posture Breathe slowly and rhythmically into your belly. Quickly glancing around the room, notice what object the eye falls on, and name this object: “The flower is not me, the chair is not me, the picture is not me, the cat is not me, the curtain is not me”, at a certain moment you will stop and you will not be able to continue at the same pace.

Now repeat the technique, but when naming objects, say "I". “The flower is me, the chair is me, the sofa is me, the cat is me…” The moment you lose the rhythm, your mind will be calmed and can be effectively directed to the exact formulation of desire.

In the affirmative and present tense, say your wish out loud. Now you need the Simoron code to execute it.

2. Make a wish. They say that it is more correct if your phrase begins with the words “To” (what you are coding for) or “From” (what you are coding for or get rid of problems).

For example: “To increase sources of income”

“For diseases of the genitourinary system”

Then enter your name and date of birth: Maria 13121982

3. We encode. Take a regular calculator. You can do the same as described in the ritual for work: each letter has its own ordinal value in the alphabet (33 letters in total). Convert each letter to a number in this way. (A - 1, B - 2, C - 3, D - 4, etc.). Name and date of birth do not need to be translated. Then add all the received numbers and get your finite number.

And you can make things easier for yourself. Let's take the easy way:

Let your finger itself choose SEVEN buttons that he wants to press and it does not matter whether the result is the product, the sum or the difference of some numbers.

Write down the result on a piece of paper and carry it with you constantly until the desire comes true.

I also heard that you can make wishes on the wish calculator for someone else, but then a piece of paper with the Simoron code must be handed to that person and he must constantly carry it with him.

That's all wisdom! Be grateful for the fulfillment of your desires and share happiness with others!

Did you know that there is Cimoron wish calculator, which allows you to encode and execute absolutely any your wish ?

You only need to enter your desire, name, date of birth, gratitude and press the button "Encode!" . You will receive a unique number of your wish. This code must be constantly carried with you in any form until your desire is fulfilled. IT WILL BE COMPLETED! Most importantly, your code should ALWAYS be with you!

For example:

I have a new car
Vanya 02/11/1969
thank the universe

Someone hides the cherished numbers for the fulfillment of a desire under wrist watch, and someone carries a piece of paper with a magic code in their wallet. It is not so important how you do it, the main thing is that the code for fulfilling the desire is always on you or with you.

Simoron wish calculator

Why does the Simoron wish calculator work?

How does the magic wish fulfillment calculator work? Many write " I don't know how, but it works! ". This is only partly true. Few people know, but you can calculate the code of your desire on the Simoron magic calculator without it.

To do this, you need to write down your desire in the present tense, as if you already have what you are asking for. Do not use particles NOT!!! It is important! Below write the name, date of birth and words of gratitude.
After that, you can manually start coding your desire. To do this, you need to replace each letter of your desire with a number according to the rule: "a \u003d 1, b \u003d 2, c \u003d 3 ... i \u003d 32" without the letter ё, because it is not used in the letter. If you wish to have English words, then they are encoded in the same way "a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4…". We don't touch the numbers.

Absolutely all desire should be encoded, including words of gratitude and a name! This is important, since the code that we receive using the Simoron calculator contains a numerical representation of our desire: what we want, who wants it, thanks to the Universe. And in the same form, we must carry it with us. Otherwise, your wish may come true for someone else! Desires without gratitude are also fulfilled, but with her they are fulfilled faster.

Divide the date of birth, any other date or number that was desired into numbers and add them together. That is, 03/21/1979 will be equal to 2+1+0+3+1+9+7+9=32. Now we must add all the numbers received among ourselves - both those with which we encoded letters and those with which we encoded numbers.

For example:

I have my own apartment in a new building
Anna 01/03/1968
thank the universe

The first line is encoded like this:
20 13 6 14 32 6 18 19 29 18 3 15 32 11 3 1 17 19 9 17 1 3 14 15 3 15 18 19 17 15 10 11 6
Second line
1 14 14 1 28 (the last number is the date)
Third line
2 12 1 4 15 5 1 17 31 3 18 6 12 6 14 14 20 31

Now we add all the numbers: 20+13+6+14….=719

719 is the magic code for this desire!

Of course, you do not have to calculate everything manually, just use the magic Simoron calculator for the fulfillment of desires on the site and get your magic code by simply writing your wish and clicking on the "Encode!"

How many magic Simoron calculators are there to make wishes come true

A lot of them. And they are all real. I tested several Simoron wish-fulfillment calculators online and found that they all work differently. At the same time, surprisingly, they all perfectly fulfill the desire. It is important to remember that the magic calculator is just a tool, and we ourselves do the magic.

Most, including my Simoron wish-fulfillment calculator, calculates the magic code in the same way as if it were calculated manually. The only difference is that my calculator also encodes words of gratitude, as I consider this to be important in the preparation of any ritual, and this is true.
If you want to encode a wish without affecting gratitude, just leave the thank you field blank and your wish will be encoded without the thank you phrase.

Another wish fulfillment calculator that I saw on one well-known site for some reason calculates letter codes, taking them from the values ​​that encode a computer keyboard. At the same time, even random characters are encoded, such as ">", "-" and space. I don't want to say that it doesn't work, because it's not true, it also works great, even though it's based on the letter codes in the computer. But, it still seems strange to me that the basis of the code is a table of standard keyboard codes. Try to type a space instead of a wish on such a Simoron calculator and you will get its code in the computer system - 32, it is so easy to calculate these "machine" calculators.

But, no matter which of the Simoron calculators you use, just try any of them - and any, absolutely any of your desires will come true!

ps. Some sorceresses advise multiplying the received code by 27 in order to strengthen the Simoron wish calculator!