When I find my soul mate test. Online test "When I meet my love

This will be especially interesting if you want to know a little more about what you can expect from a particular meeting. For example, a person was born on 12/04/1978, and the one with whom this person contacts was born on 07/11/1968. To get the result, you need to add up all the digits of their dates of birth until we end up with a simple single digit: 4+1+2+1+9+7+8+1+1+7+1+9+6+8=65=11=2.

Thus, 2 is the number of relationships of these people, everything that will happen between them, in one way or another, will acquire shades of qualities that correspond to a two. Even numbers have little dynamics, so these unions are boring, on the contrary, an odd number carries the energy of activity. However, even-numbered unions are usually more durable. Now look what each number means.

People can work together to achieve common goal... They are able to stimulate each other, in such a relationship, both people or one person will help the other to release his potential. But remember: 1 is the leader's number. Here lies main danger: possible conflict over power. V married life this number threatens to arrange a real "madhouse" with endless disputes and quarrels. Often in such an alliance there is one winner and one loser.

These individuals are pleased to be together, they are able to make each other's life more comfortable, and the basis of their relationship will be material. Perhaps people just came together for the sake of cooperation that promises profit. They can just be friends, and as a result of their conversations, plans will be born to improve their financial life. If this business partners, their firm is unlikely to go bankrupt. If they are spouses, their home is a full bowl. But the deuce is stingy with emotions and is generally economical; there is a serious danger of a conflict over money, including unreasonable family spending, according to one of the partners. This is an earthly figure that is afraid and does not like change.

This is the number of sociability, mobility and impermanence, so people will communicate in large quantities, but irregularly. They can get rid of boredom. Three is ideal for friendly relations... In family life, the energy of the trio will relieve frequent quarrels, but, unfortunately, will not give home warmth: in such a house it is as if there is a draft all the time, the spouses are easily ready to promise something, but they do not always fulfill their promises, they are not too attached to each other, and even. If this number is considered in the context business relationship then they usually do not add up.

Can grow into a family. The four brings warmth, comfort and a measured course of life into a relationship. But her energy will slow down any business processes. These people will not help each other make money, but they have the opportunity to enrich themselves with new experiences, to get food for their souls and minds.

Between these people will probably arise sincere feelings that will grow into exciting blood true love... In any case, they are ready to delight and inspire each other, delivering mass the most pleasant sensations... Alone, they forget about everything in the world, create for each other the feeling of a fairy tale, of paradise. Such a union promises to be very fruitful, but on condition that people hide selfishness in a distant box and, above all, think about their partner. The energy of love, which is given through the five, can be directed to any achievements and accomplishments. , then it is this couple, as a rule, that happy children are born.

People will serve each other's interests. Six is ​​very beneficial for business partnerships, just like two, it is an earthly number that provides business cooperation long term... In general, the six is ​​ideal for any business project, like no other number! In the personal sphere, the six is ​​manifested primarily in the fact that people, having adapted to each other, can continue to communicate, even if there are no feelings and common affairs left, although the development of relations will not occur. And yet, sometimes, within the framework of such an alliance, one solves the problems of the other ...

It can turn out to be quite good, even harmonious relationship... These people, as a rule, will not find it very difficult to agree with each other. True, the seven have some recklessness, non-obligation and irresponsibility, in connection with which partners in such an alliance can forget about their promises and vows. But the diplomacy inherent in the seven can help neutralize the conflict. The 7 is also good for business relationships. In such a union, people know how to effectively solve money problems, and are also able to develop taste and a sense of proportion in each other.

People will be drawn to each other; sexual attraction may arise between them. Eight makes the relationship "strange", non-standard. Having united, these two are especially capable of influencing the course of events in each other's life. But sometimes in such a union, one believes that the other is using it. And although for a long time this did not translate into the form of some emotional manifestations but internal dissatisfaction and discontent grows. At some certain point, it can turn into a grandiose quarrel with unclear consequences. If you feel that the person with whom you got this number influences you badly, you need to master yourself, start appreciating yourself, and then no one can manipulate you. For marriage, an eight is not a bad option, but such a relationship can be overshadowed by jealousy and resentment.

Rather, it is a union of two philosophers. Nine is far from earthly affairs, it is interested in the heavenly world. It's good to dream when you are sitting in warmth and comfort, and outside the window there is a blizzard and a blizzard. But if there is no comfort, then you will not be able to dream. Conflict is possible due to the discrepancy between reality and dreams, idealism. Nine is very suitable, but family life of these people at any moment is capable of breaking into everyday life and routine. If someone solves all everyday issues and problems for them, then the union may well take place.


Are you waiting for your your soul mate, one's soul mate? Perhaps tomorrow you will be able to meet a person whowill become your destiny!

In order to find out exactly when you have a chance to meet him or her, you should take an easy test: several timesselect the desired number from those offered.

Everybody knows the numbers: you can easily verify this!

Maybe you don’t believe in numerology, but there are things you don’t need to believe in, you just need to check!

Does a soul mate exist?

This question may have been asked by each of us in certain time... But still: do we have "halves" in reality and do we need them? Or is it just that each of us is quite self-sufficient and unique, so there can be no "halves"? The answer, as often happens, lies somewhere in between.

There are several opinions, but what do you think? Write in the comments!

YES, HALF IS! If you believe that one person can be perfect for you, like a puzzle, it is likely that someday you will meet him. However, the opposite also happens: we meet many different people in life, but we are waiting for someone special, someone unusual and the most important, moving away from important relationship consciously.

NO, WE ARE OURSELVES. There is an opinion: the law of karma says that in this life embodiment we must fulfill a certain program and learn something, gain experience. The development of the soul is impossible without experience. We live for development, and other people help us to develop.

Someone is more fortunate: he or she meets very harmonious relationship and all their life they live in perfect harmony. Probably, their lesson in terms of relationships has long been passed, and they receive an award - their loved one and loved one with whom a good relationship develops.

The second option is troubled relationship from which you have to learn something important, your soul wants this relationship and finds it. Such a person may well also be your “half”, you just can perceive it in a completely different way.

Love is the strongest and most exciting feeling for which people are able to go to great lengths. In the name of love, wars and revolutions began, and for the sake of their beloved, people are able to cross the desert and swim across the ocean. Try to take a free online test when I meet my love, without registration and SMS. The result obtained and the interpretation of the test will tell you how soon you will gain this bright feeling when you meet on life path your chosen one or chosen one.

Online test

When passing the test "When will you meet your love?" - you need to disconnect from the outside world and listen to your to the inner voice, only if these conditions are met, the answer will be as accurate as possible.

Online test"When will I meet my love?" (25 questions)


* Important: personal data and test results are not saved!

Advice. Listen to the interpretation that you will receive as a result of passing the test and follow the call of your heart, then you will surely meet your true love.

Do I need to know when you will meet your love?

Igniting the fire of love in the hearts of people, Cupid always selects a life partner for each of us. Sometimes, we rush things or are so busy with our daily work that we do not notice the people around us. What will give us an understanding of when you will meet your loved one:

  • The test results will help you understand how close you are to your true love, and this advice will help you rethink your behavior and speed up the meeting.
  • Love gives you new qualities: it makes the humble more confident, the weak - strong, the hot-tempered - gentle and caring, gives strength and energy to those tired of life.
  • One of the main goals in a girl's life is to find her true love. Previously, in order to find out when a woman will meet her love and get married, they used fortune-telling and magical rites.
  • Traditionally, ceremonies were performed in certain days, which made it possible to get the most exact result... The most faithful were considered or. But at present, the techniques of magical rituals and fortune-telling have been lost in the space of time and have been completely forgotten. Currently, with the help of online tests, which are created on the basis of ancient teachings, professional esotericists can find out the date when you will meet your true love.
  • In the life of every woman there comes a moment when she is ready to start a family. After all, when a girl is in love, she blooms and enjoys life, she has a surge of energy and happiness.
  • Each of us needs a kindred spirit, because you can get married, have children, but you can’t find a kindred spirit.

Every person on the planet has their own half, you just need to be patient and follow the clues of fate. And besides, you need to believe in yourself, your uniqueness and irresistibility. After all, every woman is delicate flower who needs his gardener.