Online color test. Free color test. How to determine your appearance color type, test online for free by photo

Bright clothes, beautiful accessories and make-up - all this is simply necessary for women to feel great in society. But the wrong outfit can ruin everything, so you need to remember what a color type is and how to use it. A color type is your feature, something that will distinguish you from the crowd, an individual feature of your appearance. There is a systematic that can help a girl choose the perfect colors for her, which will not only please the eye, but also make her younger and slimmer. How to determine your color type? You can just do it right now.

The main types of appearance by season

The famous 4 seasons - 12 months of the year - delight the eye with their colors. The same can be said about women and men. They all choose outfits they think fit. Appearance types cannot be determined by time, date of birth, personal preferences. That is, regardless of whether you like winter or summer, you can have both these and other color types. Where can you take yourself?


How to determine your winter color type? At this time of the year there are no bright colors. We see only black and white tones, gray, saturated blue. As for people with this type, they can be divided into contrast and non-contrast winters. In the first case, a woman can be distinguished from the crowd due to the presence of porcelain, very fair skin(Celtic phototype) and black (very dark) hair. The second type is similar only in the presence dark hair, the skin of the representatives of this color type is dark, olive (southern face phototype).


How to define your warm color type if you belong to it? In the spring there is a riot of colors, yellow, green, peach appear. A girl belonging to this type is distinguished by thin skin with a blush on her cheeks (Slavic phototype). Her hair is light warm tones, wheat, honey, light brown. The eyes are light, can be pale blue, green, brown. Light eyebrows, apricot lips, coral color.


Cold type. Summer is no longer happy with such rich colors, gray tones appear. In people belonging to this type, the skin is light pink, beige, gray. The hair is ashen, light blond, the eyes are gray, gray-green, gray-blue. Lips predominantly pale pink tones. If the contrast between the color of the hair and the skin of the face is noticeable, this is a contrasting summer. Otherwise non-contrasting. Summer color types lend themselves well to tanning, unlike spring ones, whose skin only turns red in the sun.


Warm type. In autumn, almost everywhere you can admire red, warm yellow, brownish shades. Therefore, this type includes people with warm, golden skin tones, a pronounced blush. The hair is filled with red, red colors, the eyes are warm green, brown, amber. Sunburn to the representatives of this color type "sticks" badly.

How to find out your color type

Have not quite figured out which color types of people are closer to you: cold or warm? Follow the instructions below to determine this:

  • Sit in front of a mirror in a well-lit room. You will need two scarves, one pink with blue flowers(or vice versa), the other is golden, yellow or coral. For effective result it is better to invite a friend or sister who can objectively confirm which color suits you best.
  • If the scarf is large, it can be put on the head, completely covering the hair. Especially if you have them dyed, their color is not taken into account now, only natural. If the handkerchief is small, just apply it to the skin of the face and hands. If there are no suitable scarves, choose the right shades paper strips, use them.
  • The warm color type includes those whose skin, in combination with the first scarf (pink-blue), has become even paler, and their lips are a pale blue hue. The second sample should make your face more saturated warm color, you will clearly notice the superiority over the first option.
  • The cold color type will differ in that the first scarf will give your face freshness, and the second - fatigue. If you notice that golden color emphasizes all skin imperfections, you definitely have a cold color type.

What color of clothes to choose

Those who were able to determine the color type can choose their wardrobe in accordance with the matching colors. For Winter, black and white are just perfect, but that's not all. All cold tones will look great: wine, ruby, blue, emerald, scarlet, gray. You can not wear warm red, orange, pink, pastel and Brown color a. "Summer" looks good with cold, shades of gray red, pink, blue and pastel. Purple, olive, green, pure black and white outfits will be unsuccessful.

Girls like "Spring" will suit yellow-green, sand, orange, pink, chocolate, beige, light blue colors in clothes. Black, pure white, light blue, orange, purple, green, yellow should be avoided. "Autumn" can stop at mustard, burgundy, orange, cream, terracotta, chocolate flowers. Pink cold, caustic red, blue, gray, black and white in plain clothes are simply contraindicated.

How to choose the right makeup

The winter color type differs from others in that only representatives of this category are suitable for bright makeup as a base. You can paint your eyelids in dark blue, purple, warm burgundy and chocolate. Lipstick is recommended to choose a rich brown or red color. Hair should remain natural color, it is better not to lighten or dye. The most suitable accessories White gold or silver, silver jewelry, pearls, rhinestones.

Summer type is not recommended to apply too bright and catchy makeup. Smoky gray, washed out green and muted blue shadows are ideal. Lipstick is better to apply pink, mother-of-pearl shades are welcome, but no flashy reds or dark ones. Short haircuts and hair coloring in black is contraindicated. Of the accessories, platinum, silver, pink pearls, and cold-colored stones are most suitable.

Spring type can afford brown makeup eye, green, lilac, coral, purple. Lipstick - a warm pink color, the darker the hair, the richer its color can be. Yellow jewelry, gold, beige pearls, amber and turquoise - ideal options. Short boyish haircuts will not work, only feminine medium and longer lengths.

Golden, honey, brown eye shadows are perfect for autumn girls. Lipstick is better to apply saturated warm coral, bronze, brown but not cold shades. Jewelry from natural materials(wood), pink and red gold, rich pearls beige colour fits perfectly. It is worth wearing large beads, long pendants, large scarves and scarves.

Video test to determine the color type yourself

Photo examples of color combinations by color types

On the example of famous people, you can see successful combinations colors of clothes, makeup and accessories in accordance with the color type. Many stylists work on the image of a celebrity, but you can achieve such a result yourself, at home. An analysis of 12 appearance color types will help you determine exactly what to wear, how to apply makeup, choose a haircut and accessories in the form of a scarf or jewelry. Following the recommendations, you may find that your favorite colors do not suit you at all. Discard them in favor of those that will make you more attractive.

In order for makeup to be flawless, to make your face rested and radiant, and not tired, painful and tortured, it is important to choose the right color scheme for it. The choice of colors in makeup depends on the type of appearance. What are the color types and how to understand which one is yours? Let's try to figure it out!

The concept of a color type is a combination of skin tone, hair shade, color of lips, eyes and eyelashes. There are four main types of seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.

  1. Winter women have a bright, icy beauty - their appearance is exquisitely contrasting, it should also play on contrasts, here it’s suitable that on girls of other color types it will look too bright and even vulgar.
  2. The girls are fragile, charming, graceful and light. Soft skin, illuminated from the inside, is their main decoration, so makeup should not be too plentiful and overloaded.
  3. The appearance of the girl is modest, feminine, calm and non-contrasting. By choosing the right makeup palette, you can turn the Summer Lady into a shining diamond.
  4. Sensual representatives radiate a special magnetism and natural charm. warm, natural colors in their makeup emphasize the depth of the image.


Each of the four appearance color types is divided into three subtypes according to the following criteria: cold - warm, soft - clean, dark - light.

Criteria "cold - warm"

Cold color types are Winter and Summer, and warm ones are Spring and Autumn.

Main features cold colors :

  • The skin is pale beige with a grayish undertone or pale porcelain;
  • Eye color is often blue or gray-blue;
  • Hair of ashy shades without warm undertones, without admixtures of reddish and reddish colors, or vice versa black and cold dark chestnut tones.

warm colors are characterized by:

  • peach or golden skin, often with freckles;
  • Green or brown color of the iris with golden rays or sparks near the pupil;
  • Hair with wheat honey shades, with reddish or reddish-brown tints.

Criteria "soft - clean"

Summer and Autumn are considered soft, non-contrasting types of appearance, and Winter and Spring are considered clean.

For soft types are characterized by the following features:

  • The whole image is soft, non-contrasting, as if in a light veil or haze;
  • Eyes of muted tones: hazel, soft gray, gray-green;
  • Hair is often neutral blonde or light brown.

Character traits pure types :

  • A large degree of contrast (for example, between skin tone and hair tone or eye and eyelash color);
  • Bright, juicy, sparkling eye shades, bright white squirrels;
  • Hair is also bright pure tones, can be both light and dark.

Criterion "dark - light"

To dark types appearances include Winter and Autumn, light ones - Spring and Summer.

The main nuances of appearance for dark colors :

  • Golden beige or olive skin;
  • Dark, rich, deep eye shades;
  • Her hair is either dark or steel grey.

Light color types have the following characteristics:

  • Light thin skin, freckles are sometimes possible;
  • Eyes of soft, discreet colors;
  • Blond hair, sometimes with light red reflection.

So, we get twelve types of appearance, each of which has its own characteristic features:

Determine your appearance color type

You can find out which of the above types of appearance you belong to yourself at home with the help of a couple of tests for which you need to carefully prepare:

  • Alone, it is quite difficult to evaluate yourself objectively, so it is better to call someone to help;
  • The test is best done in a bright room without bright furniture in natural neutral light so that colors and shades are not distorted;
  • The skin must be thoroughly cleaned and jewelry removed from the face;
  • Clothing should be neutral colors, it would be even better to bare the shoulders;
  • If the hair is dyed, it should be removed under a soft white scarf;
  • The mirror should be located near the window.

Several ways to determine cold and warm colors:

  1. The first method is simple and does not require any auxiliary tools. Look at the inside of your wrist. If the veins on your wrist are cold of blue color, then you have a cold color type (you are Winter or Summer), if they are greenish, then your subtype is warm (you are Spring or Autumn).
  2. For next test you will need a white sheet of paper. Bring the paper to your face. If in the background white sheet your skin seems pinkish, bluish, pale pink, then you belong to the cold color of your appearance. If the skin seems yellowish, brownish with a golden hue, peach, then you can safely classify yourself as warm.
  3. This time you will need gold and silver jewelry. Take turns bringing the jewelry to your face. If next to a gold product your skin looks fresh, and with a silver one it looks dull and gray, then you belong to a warm color type, if vice versa, then to a cold one.
  4. The most "delicious" way for which you need an orange. Bring it to your face: the complexion has become brighter and lighter, and the bruises under the eyes have become less noticeable? So your coloring is warm. If skin defects have become even more pronounced, and the skin has acquired a grayish tint, then your coloring is cold.
  5. For this method, you will need fabric scraps. different colors. First, a fabric of warm pale salmon color and cold fuchsia color is brought to the face in turn. In which case does your face look fresher, your eyes begin to shine and minor appearance flaws are hidden? And in what case do you look tired, your face fades and turns gray, your features seem to blur? If the salmon color emphasizes your assets, you are a warm subtype. If fuchsia has given you a radiant, rested look, you are a cool subtype.

After it becomes clear to you whether your coloring is cold or warm, you can determine what your color type is: if your coloring is cold, then who are you - Winter or is it Summer? And if the color is warm, are you Spring or maybe Autumn?

They say that the idea of ​​dividing people into several color types was invented by Maximilian Faktorovich, the founder of the world-famous cosmetic brand Max Factor. This is undoubtedly a brilliant invention. If you know the basic principles and criteria for separation, then determining the appearance color type can be done in just a couple of minutes. But after that it will be much easier to choose color palette for makeup and clothing.

Why look for your color type?

Some people have long understood that some colors do not suit them at all, while others, on the contrary, make them much more attractive, and try to choose the right clothes for themselves, relying on their own taste or the opinions of others. Others do not even think about what suits them and what does not. Indeed, when choosing clothes, they are guided by completely different criteria, for example, “marko-non-marko”, “fashionable-unfashionable”, “thin or fat”, so it’s not so important for them to know their color types. Women, who treat their appearance with all responsibility, naturally worry about this issue. After all, there are many colors and shades that are perfect for one person and do not suit another at all. Thanks to the right choice colors a woman can look even better, brighter and fresher. And, on the contrary, an incorrectly chosen color can spoil the impression even from the very beautiful model dresses, and even worse, can give the face a kind of dullness that will add age to a woman. Despite the fact that conversations about color types began to be conducted quite recently, many women always, at the subconscious level, felt that they belonged to a certain group of people who suit certain colors. If you think it's all about hair color, you're wrong. Of course, the color of the hair can play a significant role in such a process as determining the appearance color type, but this is not the only criterion. Everything is much more complicated. In addition, not all people are able to determine at a glance which color group they belong to. This requires special skills.

How to determine your appearance color type? The easiest way

Of course, any modern designer at first glance, it will accurately determine your color type, but you can also do this at home, having learned a few rules. By the way, knowledge on how to determine your color type is no less important for men. After all, they, unlike women, do not have the opportunity to use decorative cosmetics to adjust their appearance. So the most the easy way To "diagnose" your color type is a color proof. To do this, you need to put on a top that is open without shoulders or undress to the waist, remove jewelry, wipe off makeup, remove hair from your face (it is better to tie a tight ponytail on the back of your head) and stand in front of a large mirror in a room well lit by the sun with light walls. Direct hit of the rays into the room will need to be excluded. It is necessary to have several (the more the better) multi-colored scarves, shawls or cuts on hand. Cover your hair with them, slightly pushing them over your forehead, and look in the mirror. Soon you yourself will understand which colors suit you and which do not. By the same method, you can determine which of the shades of the same color suit you. So you find out your warm or cold color type. Set your colors to one side and put the rest away. Then, using the instructions below, you can determine which of the four main color types your appearance belongs to.

Main cetotypes

As noted above, the definition of the appearance color type depends not only on the color of the hair and eyes, but also on the color of the skin, that is, the combination of the main skin pigments in this person. The classification of color types proposed by "Max Factor" refers mainly to the Caucasoid race. According to this classification, 4 main groups are distinguished: winter, summer, spring and autumn.

How to determine your hair color type?

Based on the color of the hair, there are the following color types: light, dark, cold, warm, soft and clean. First, we divide into two groups of people with light and dark hair. Light includes owners of medium and light blond, light red, light brown hair, as well as blondes. Dark hair is considered dark blond, chestnut, auburn, chocolate, dark brown, blue-black and black. All fair-haired people belong to the "spring" or "summer" color types, and dark-haired people, respectively, to the "autumn" and "winter" color types. Now we know how to separate the light color type from the dark one. Next, you need to make 2 groups according to the "warm-cold" principle. It depends on the presence or absence of gold (yellow) pigment in the skin and hair. Sometimes it is very easy to determine this, and the golden sheen immediately catches your eye, while in other cases the line between ashy and golden hues is almost indistinguishable, so you need to carefully monitor the shine of the hair in good light. If they are cast in gold, then this is a warm color type, if they are silver, then it is cold.

Determining the color type by skin color

Of course, a person can change the color of his face and body with the help of sunburn, foundation or powder, but even in this case, the final result continues to depend on the original, that is, the skin tone bestowed by nature. Therefore, skin color is one of the main criteria for determining the color type.

So, you already know how to determine your color type by hair color, now we will learn how to do it depending on skin tone, as well as the color of freckles and moles. Peach skin tone indicates a warm color type. It also includes leather in ivory, champagne, bronze and gold. Freckles and moles are not brown, but reddish. But in cold color types, bluish blood vessels often show through the skin. Faces are generally devoid of blush, the skin is snow-white, pink, with a bluish or olive tint. And freckles and moles have a grayish-brown color.

Determining the color type for metals

You can also understand which color type you belong to by jewelry, or rather, by the metals from which they are made. So, for example, warm color types suit gold, brass, copper and bronze, while cold ones, on the contrary, are suitable for products made of platinum, silver and steel. Surely you have noticed that gold rings on some hands look elegant and expensive, while on others they are somehow cheap and unpresentable.

Color types by seasons

You already know how to determine your color type and understand which one - warm or cold, dark or light - you belong to. Now it's time to find out who you are: "winter", "spring", "summer" or "autumn"?

"Spring" are those people who are warm and light color types. The "summer" includes light and cold color types. The pair "dark-warm" refers to "autumn", and "dark-cold" refers to "winter".

So, if you are "spring", then you have a light, even slightly muted eye color: watery blue, muted green, light gray, light brown. On the iris, sometimes there are blue or golden blotches. The hair is naturally also light with a golden sheen, the skin peach shade, lips are light pink, and eyebrows are close to hair color.

The following features are characteristic of "winter": the eyes can be of any color (green, bright blue, rich brown, black), but they must be bright with a piercing look; hair color - dark with a silvery sheen (black, blue-black, dark chocolate) or light - platinum blonde; eyebrows in the case of dark hair should match the color of the hair, and with platinum - be ashen. As for the skin, it is either very white, almost porcelain, or swarthy with an olive or bluish tint.

"Autumn" corresponds to the hair of red, chestnut, copper and rich golden hues. Eyebrows and eyelashes have a reddish tint, the skin can be wheaten, peach, bronze shades. The color of the lips is usually bright pink, and the color of the eyes is green, blue, blue-gray, greenish-brown, gray-brown, etc.

And finally, the summer color type suggests light and medium brown hair, with an ashy, but not golden tint, a light ash dull blond, as well as dark brown hair, again with a silvery tint. Eyebrows and eyelashes are close in color to the shade of the hair. Skin color - very light Ivory, porcelain, light pink or light olive). The eyes can be either very light or dark (brown, hazel, etc.).

muted - clean

We completely forgot about one more criterion for determining the color type. We are talking about a pair of "muffled (soft)" and "clean". They can only be determined by color proofing. This testing is carried out when there is doubt about the belonging of a given color type to a particular season. Pure refers to "spring" and "winter", and the soft color type refers to "summer" and "autumn".


By the way, there is such a category of people who are characterized by a contrasting color type. These are those whose skin, hair and eye color does not correspond to any of the main four types of color groups. And how to determine your color type of appearance for people with such extraordinary features? They say about them that nature endowed them with a triple contrast. There are not four such color types, but only three: "contrasting summer", "contrasting winter", "contrasting autumn". As you can see, there is no "contrasting spring" among them. Since color types are determined mainly by three parameters - hair, skin and eyes, then if two of them correspond to one of the main color types, then the person belongs to this particular type. Designers recommend that people in this category use three contrasting colors when creating an image.

Your colorful wardrobe

So, knowing which of the color types your appearance belongs to, you can determine the colors and shades that should find a place in your wardrobe, as well as choose a palette of decorative colors for your make-up, that is, the color of shadows, lipstick, foundation, powder and blush . So, let's look at what colors and shades are suitable for each of the color types.


This color type suits the color of yellow dandelions, warm shades of green, for example, the color of young leaves, sky blue, turquoise, pink color blooming gardens, in a word, all those gentle and fresh tones that are associated with the onset of spring. Among the celebrities who belong to this type of appearance are Anna Semenovich, Elena Korikova, Britney Spears, Kristina Orbakaite and others. Caramel, warm pastel, light coral and orange outfits, as well as beige shades. Pure white is best avoided; milky white or ivory are more suitable. They are contraindicated in black and gray.


Muted colors are more suitable for summer. The color of grass burnt out in the sun, the sky shrouded in haze ... Shabby to the face of the summer color type denim similar in color to the summer sky. He also suits cornflower blue shades of purple, lilac, blue and gray. This type includes Paris Hilton, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ksenia Sobchak, Princess Diana and others.


Like this season itself, this color type has a rich palette of colors. This is the wet bark of trees, and colorful autumn leaves, and straw, and late berries and fruits. These colors give the autumn color type a luxurious and noble look. The wardrobe should be in red, gold, mustard, brown, burgundy, copper, corn yellow, pomegranate, swamp, olive and other similar shades. Gray and black are absolutely not suitable for this type. As for blue, choosing the right shade will not be easy. It can be something between blue and green, for example, the color of a sea wave. The autumn type includes such divas as Alla Pugacheva, Juliana Moore, Mylene Farmer and Julia Roberts.


In winter, you can meet contrasts like never before. Black tree trunks or bright green firs on a snow-white carpet of snow. Dark blue shadows on the snow, scarlet berries of mountain ash and hawthorn, blue-violet tint of the sky, pale blue and sometimes gray-blue ice, crimson sunset. People belonging to the winter color type are bright personalities. They will never go unnoticed in the crowd, so they are suitable for catchy and juicy colors, as well as contrasts: black-red, white-black, ultramarine with lemon. They also face silver, gray-silver, scarlet, raspberry, fuchsia, cornflower blue, dark emerald, as well as shades of blue, green, brown, purple, etc. close to black. Monica Belucci, Penelope Cruz belong to this color type , Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta Jones and others.


Dear reader, we hope that after reading this article, you have already managed to determine your color type. We will be very happy if this knowledge will help you create your own wardrobe, and only items of clothing of those shades that will advantageously emphasize your beauty and make your image unique will find a place in it.

Color is the most important element of appearance, it is the first thing any eye draws attention to.

Correct selection colors for clothes, make-up and hair bring out the beauty of your natural colors, make your eyes bright and your skin radiant. Inappropriate shade, on the contrary, even fresh and well-groomed face gives soreness, as if pushing everything out, even carefully hidden by cosmetics defects (blue under the eyes, small capillaries) - outward, an incorrectly selected shade of color enhances the shadows in the folds, which means it adds fatigue and age.

These photos were taken in the same lighting, however, in the left photo, Megan Fox looks like a mother to Megan Fox on the right. Her skin is hydrated and evened out foundation in both cases, but in general, Megan looks very tired on the left. This effect creates an inappropriate color choice for clothes, hair and makeup.

Classifications of color types by seasons (winter, summer, etc.) are rather confusing, the names of color types are different: Warm autumn, mild autumn, and the colors are almost the same, and not everyone can determine the shade of their skin and hair on their own.

Professional stylists determine the color type easier - in a practical way, using just 3 parameters of the main color scheme of your skin, eyes and hair:

1. Temperature (cold/warm).

2. Saturation (bright/soft).

3. Level (light/dark).

The first parameter - color temperature - is considered the key, it determines the main gamut of colors, which is divided into groups of light / dark and bright / muted shades.

To determine one of the eight possible color types in this technique, it is enough to use only 4 colors: warm orange, cold blue, and neutral black and white colors. Bright and muted shades of orange and blue are needed to determine the saturation of the color type. You can use both colored fabric and large sheets paper, plastic, etc.

It is necessary to determine your own color type only in natural light (diffused sunlight), without bright clothes on the face, preferably without makeup, on a neutral gray background. If your hair is dyed, then it is also better to cover it with a neutral gray cloth.

1. First, decide on the first parameter, compare your face in combination with orange or blue, use bright shades of these colors. Try to see: with which of them your skin acquires a special inner glow, eyes and hair (if they are not dyed) a rich beautiful shade, or, conversely, in which color does the face become painful and dull?

2. Then, after deciding on the color temperature, compare the bright (saturated) and non-contrasting (soft) shade of the color that suits you. With which of them does your face acquire special expressiveness and brightness? Or vice versa: which of these shades makes your face pale, faded, as if erasing and mixing all the colors on your face with each other.

3. Apply white and dark colors in turn to the face. Wrong color will make you either a little older or a little sicker.

For your convenience, in our test, the first and second parameters are combined: temperature and color saturation can be determined in one step by selecting one of the four images on the sides.

Try to determine the color type of this girl yourself. The correct answer is at the end of the article.

A little training will help you learn to determine the color type quickly, almost without thinking. To do this, on the main page we made a test in 2 clicks, with which you can both practice in determining someone else's color type, and (Available only to registered users).

You can read in detail about the color types resulting from the test here:

Three parameters of your color type will be useful to you not only when choosing clothes, but also in cases of choosing a shade for hair, makeup, manicure and accessories. Do not limit yourself to your palette of colors, you can also use palettes of the same color temperature adjacent to you as separate accents.

And what can be done if your real wardrobe consists of things that are very beloved, but inappropriate for you in color, we will tell in one of our next articles.

Everyone greetings! Each person has a certain color type, which remains unchanged throughout life. And no matter how the girls try to change something in their appearance - dye their hair, whiten their faces, fight age spots and freckles - he will not change. Moreover, some are sure that they belong to mixed version. But this does not happen: everyone belongs only to a specific color type.

Why know your appearance color type?

Depending on the color of curls, eyes, skin tone, all people belong to one of four color types: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. Such a seasonal theory of separation of appearance helps to determine the winning shades for wardrobe and makeup choices. It is based on the assertion that warm and cold tones change depending on the season of the year. Cold tones are more typical for summer and winter, warm tones for spring and autumn.

It is the color type that determines which colors will be suitable. specific person, and which palettes should be avoided. Correctly chosen tones in clothes will emphasize the dignity of a girl, divert attention from imperfections, make her younger, while an erroneously defined wardrobe color scheme can make her look sickly, tired, aged. Some shades can transform appearance, visually make it better: the eyes become shining, not dull, a blush flaunts on the face, the skin acquires a healthy, pleasant color. Other tones change the image in the worst side, girls lose their attractiveness.

In order to correctly combine shades in makeup, choosing the right things for the wardrobe is to carefully find out your appearance color type. Then the chosen colors will advantageously emphasize smooth skin, hair and eye color.

How to determine your color type?

In order to understand which of the four categories a girl belongs to, it is worth doing the following simple recommendations:

  • For a more objective characterization of appearance, you need to call someone for help. It will be difficult to determine the color type alone, you can mistakenly confuse colors that you just like with those that really emphasize individual characteristics girls.
  • For diagnostic selection suitable colors it is advisable to choose the brightest room (preferably white) with a large mirror. bright objects and figurines, furniture should be covered with a light cloth or removed from the room.
  • It is worth testing in natural neutral lighting: bright daylight, evening and electric light can incorrectly convey shades and distort colors.
  • When determining the color type, it is imperative to wash off decorative cosmetics, completely get rid of makeup, remove earrings, pendants and other jewelry. So the result will be closer to the truth.
  • Under the condition of dyed hair, the girl should hide the curls under a scarf, scarf or any white or white fabric. neutral color. This is the only way to more accurately determine the result.
  • It is worth dressing in clothes of a neutral color, it is advisable to bare your shoulders.

After following the recommendations, you need to apply a variety of fabric samples, always plain. You can prepare for this procedure scarves, stoles, scarves, diapers, T-shirts, towels, or just colorful shreds. It is necessary to apply the fabric alternately to the face, paying attention to changes in the skin on the face and the shine of the eye: on some colors, the skin may appear gray, earthy, the face is tired, the eyes are dull, other shades can give the face freshness, hide small defects, make the skin shine, eyes to shine.

If the pink color suits the girl more, then she belongs to the cold Winter or Summer color type, if the peach color is coming, then it is characterized by warm tones and fits into the Autumn or Spring category. Moreover, if the shade of peach is warm and muted, closer to orange color, then this is Autumn, if warm and bright, then Spring. If gray-pink tones, cold and muted, are more suitable, then the Summer color type, bright and cold - Winter.

Features of appearance color types

It is not difficult to distinguish two cold and two warm color types from each other: Winter has pronounced contrasts of skin and hair, Summer is characterized by more muted transitions, fuzzy shades.

Autumn, unlike Spring, has an even golden skin tone, the blush on which is rarely kept, and “spring” women are often covered with pinkish-peach tints.

Try to describe your appearance objectively. Determine which tones, warm or cold, more. To do this, you can carefully examine yourself in the mirror and answer the following questions:

  • What shade of hair?

Hair color - dark or light - special significance does not have. Here it is important to pay attention to the shade of the transfusion of curls in the sun. If the shade of highlights is golden, reddish, golden brown, chestnut or yellowish, then this type is warm, Spring or Autumn, if ashy, light brown, gray, brown or bluish, then Winter or Summer.

  • What color are the eyes?

“Warm” eyes include warm hazel, chocolate, brown with golden flecks on the iris, soft bluish or turquoise. Cold color types are characterized by any shades of cocoa, gray without impurities, pure green, ice blue.

  • What shade of skin?

If the skin is caramel, peach, golden, chocolate, then this is a warm color. In this case, the intensity of tanning is not important, you need to pay attention to skin tone. Cold types include beige, porcelain, olive.

If the curls are colored, then for testing it is worth growing the roots a little. However, if it passes through summer time, then the result may not be objective: under the influence of the sun, the shade of the hair acquires reddish notes that are not characteristic of hair at a different time.

Now you can proceed to the specific characteristics of seasonal color types, highlighting the features and comparing them with the external data of any girl.

Appearance color type SPRING

Spring is the lightest and warmest of all color types. A girl of this category looks gentle, light and airy, regardless of clothing. She is characterized by discreet and warm natural colors.

Golden "spring"

"Soft" spring

"Bright" spring

Color of the skin light, creamy, golden, peach, ivory, baked milk. It is thin, velvety, tender, as if glowing from within. A slight blush can be seen on the cheeks, the freckles are golden brown. Sunburn with light skin lays down a little reddish tint if the skin is dark, it will be a beautiful bronze.

Hair have a golden sheen, a reddish tint. They are wheat-colored, honey, can be dark: warm chocolate. Over time, the hair can lose light shade, the hair will darken, but still they will be a reddish tint. The curls are thin, often curly. Eyebrows in tone with curls or slightly darker.

Eyes belong to light tones: golden brown, light brown, light green, hazel, green-yellow, green-gray, light blue, turquoise.

Lips apricot hue, but most often pale pink.

The Spring Girl is characterized by natural, fresh, soft colors. It is worth choosing wardrobe items in orange, red, peach, lilac and light blue. Tones of light brown shades are perfect: caramel, beige, sand, mustard, cream. It is better to give preference to plain materials and fabrics with small discreet patterns and patterns. Large accents on clothes can overshadow the appearance.

Avoid this type of appearance dark shades in outfits and bright contrasting colors. So natural lightness and femininity can be suppressed.

Appearance color type SUMMER

Summer is the most common color type. It is rich and cold, not contrasting.

"Natural" summer

"Warm summer

“Mild” summer

Color of the skin it can be light or dark, but it must be highlighted with a blue tint. She is tender, olive light color or light pinkish, milky with bluish. The skin tans perfectly if it is light olive and prone to burns if it is light pink, faded.

Hair with a cold ash, mouse or steel shade, light, dark blond. It is the representatives of this type of appearance that most often dislike their natural color hair, repaint the hair. Grayish haze is a characteristic feature of this type. Eyebrows and eyelashes do not have reddish notes.

Eyes inexpressive, unclear, gray, gray-blue, gray-green, hazel, blue, blue-green.

Lips pale pink, milky, pale.

The Fly Girl is more suitable for soft and light pastel shades, muted colors. Such clothes are able to emphasize the tenderness, softness of this type of appearance. You can choose wardrobe items in pale blue, burgundy, turquoise, beige, color, ivory.

A summer representative should avoid wearing shades of a yellow-red palette: orange, coral and others. It is also necessary to abandon the wardrobe dark colors, black and white products. They focus on the shortcomings of the appearance of this color type. Bright and contrasting colors in clothes they will look ridiculous, the tenderness and femininity of the girl will be crossed out.

Appearance color type WINTER

“Natural” winter

"Warm winter

“Bright” winter

Winter is typical for girls with a contrasting, bright appearance. Spectacular ladies belong to such a rich color type.

Color of the skin porcelain, translucent, milky, it easily burns under the influence sun rays. Another type of dark skin, olive tint, sunbathing its owner acquires brown even tan. No freckles.

Hair black, dark brown, blue-black, predominantly ash or blue tint, no golden reflection, platinum blond. Eyelashes and eyebrows are similar in color to curls.

Eyes piercing, have a clear contour, not cloudy, contrasting and bright: gray, gray-blue, blue, dark brown, almost black, green.

Lips most often pale.

Best emphasized natural beauty cold, yet bright colors. It is white, blue, grey, black. Cold tones of a bluish and pinkish tint will suit the face. It is advisable to give preference to monophonic outfits of strict lines, without floral and floral prints. You can add color to the image by choosing bright clothes and flashy makeup.

Winter girl should give up neutral, faded shades, red and golden palette.

Appearance color type AUTUMN

“Natural” autumn

“Soft” autumn

“Dark” autumn

Autumn is a rich warm color type. Girls with such a bright and expressive appearance often do without makeup. This category is the rarest.

Color of the skin warm tones, opaque, peach, honey golden, ivory, bronze, warm olive, golden, reddish. She hardly tans, burns easily, there is no blush.

Hair can be light or dark, with a reddish tint: orange, red, carrot, cognac, dark chestnut, copper. Curls are often curly. Eyelashes and eyebrows are quite light. Freckles are sunny, red, golden red, often located all over the body.

Eyes interesting amber, cognac, gray, olive, bright blue, icy blue, transparent light green or green.

Lips peach shade or with warm pink notes.

Decorate the girl-Autumn outfits of warm muted shades. A palette close to nature is suitable: the color of the earth, foliage, trees. These are brown tones, pistachio, olive shades, coral. Clothing should emphasize the softness of this color type.

It is worth giving up cold colors in the wardrobe. They are able to overshadow the natural warmth and magnetism.