How to make it feel good. Pleasant sensations

1. Throw off uncomfortable shoes after long agony.
2. Run your hand into a bag of buckwheat or rice.
3. Kiss the child on a soft, smooth cheek.
4. "Pop" bubbles onto the wrapping film.
5. Lie with your cheek on a cool pillow.
6. Take a shower at exactly the temperature you like.
7. Eat the first bite of your favorite food.
8. Fall into bed after long day or a sleepless night.
9. Kiss someone you like for the first time.
10. Breathe in the scent of a new book.

11. Drink the first sip of coffee in the morning.
12. Feel the rays of the southern sun on your skin.
13. Walk along the warm sand of the evening beach.
14. Put on clean, freshly ironed clothes.
15. Walk in the summer rain.
16. Dive into cool water on a hot day.
17. Attend a massage session.
18. Run barefoot on the grass.
19. Inhale the smell of ozone after a thunderstorm.
20. Bury your hand in the fur of your beloved cat or dog.

21. Take a sip cold water on a sultry afternoon.
22. Touch your hair after cutting.
23. Warm frozen hands by the fire.
24. Sneeze after a long time.
25. Listen and feel the purr of a cat lying on his chest.
26. Smell the smell of garlic, a few seconds ago, thrown into a frying pan in heated olive oil.
27. Go through small beads or beads or pass a thin metal chain between your fingers.
28. Brush your teeth with a new toothbrush.
29. Put on your glasses after you have just cleaned them.
30. Feel like it sucks in your stomach when you go down by car from a high hill.

31. Hug someone you have missed a lot.
32. Remove the dried layer of PVA glue from the hand, like a second skin.
33. Come home in the evening and take off all uncomfortable clothes.
34. It is cozy to wrap yourself up in warm blanket when it rains outside the window.
35. Sleep on fresh sheets.
36. Catch nice smell familiar from childhood.
37. Gently bite someone you love.
38. Feel the smell of the kebab, which is already being fried.
39. Open one eye early in the morning and realize that it is Saturday.
40. Enjoy the first sip of wine and understand that life is a damn pleasant thing.

It's no secret that emotions play important role in our life. When communicating with people, you can probably notice that people show emotions in different ways, share their feelings.

Emotions are an adaptive mechanism that nature implies in us to assess the situation. After all, a person does not always have time when he can correctly and accurately assess what is happening to him. Let's say in a situation of danger ... And then again - I felt something and there is a feeling that either I "like" or "I do not like".

Moreover, the emotional assessment is the most correct - nature cannot deceive. Emotional evaluation happens very quickly and there is no "mingling" of reason and logic. After all, you can logically explain anything you want and give a bunch of all sorts of rational arguments.

Observing people (including myself), I notice that there are situations in which people either ignore their emotions, or try not to notice them, or simply do not realize. Now I will not make assumptions about the reasons for this, I will only say that without listening to myself, to my emotional life, a person cannot adequately and most fully perceive the situation, and thereby make the most effective decision.

V ordinary life this can manifest itself in the fact that by ignoring or displacing their emotions, a person can create a wrong belief for himself. For example, if a wife ignores / does not realize or does not want to admit her anger towards her husband, she may throw out her irritation on another person or children in a completely different situation.

Or, I had a client who had such a conviction: "I cannot offend a person, upset him." As it turned out, if a person gets angry, then she will experience a sense of guilt, which she did not want to meet.

In my consultations, I very often come across emotional sphere... Once I noticed that it is sometimes very difficult for people to say what they really feel or what emotion they are experiencing now. Even if a person realizes that he has some feeling now, sometimes it is very difficult to say it in words, to name him.

One of my clients told me so to me: “I feel Good feeling, but I do not know what it is called .. ".

And I decided to fill this gap on the pages of my site. Below is a list of emotions and feelings that I managed to find, I hope that after reading it, you can significantly replenish the awareness of what may be happening to you.

And, by the way, you can check yourself: before you read the list, I suggest you compose it yourself, and then compare how complete your list is ...

Hello Renata.

In fact, similar questions arise in the life of most women, why always experiencing an orgasm during clitoral stimulation, during intercourse, they rarely experience orgasm, or cannot experience it at all. Unfortunately, there is no definite answer, everyone needs to look for their own solution, independently or at a face-to-face consultation with a psychologist or sexologist. But still I will try to describe possible options reasons and solutions.

For starters, age. With all the advantages of youth, your sexuality is just beginning to take shape. This is the time to study your body, your desires and fantasies, experiment and find what will bring you the most pleasure. enough a large number of women begin to experience orgasm after 25-30 years, when enough experience has been accumulated, a woman knows what she wants and how she wants to get it.

Still very important point- Your relationship. They can be beautiful and cloudless, but can you openly tell each other about the most frank sexual fantasy, without unnecessary "well, you understand" to explain what to you in this moment want and how a partner should act. If yes, then usually there are no problems at all, if not, then learn to trust each other with the most intimate. By the way, intimate games and appropriate toys contribute to this, this is an adventure experienced together, which leaves a lot of memories. You can get oils and creams for a sensual preparatory massage, and then, if you wish, you can blindfold one partner, take brushes for stroking, you can equip your partner with a dildo, and together look for the pace and depth at which the sensations are more pleasant, you can add clitoral stimulation so that your partner can it is good to understand what kind of caresses you like.

You can do gymnastics on your own, this improves the blood supply and the condition of the muscles of the vagina. For 3-4 weeks daily, every hour, make 30 contractions of the vagina (together with the muscle anus): pulls in the muscle for 5 counts, holds it for 5 counts, slowly relaxes for 5 counts, rests for 5 counts. A total of 30 abbreviations. Takes a minute. You can make contractions while sitting, standing, lying down - while they are invisible to others, so you can perform them in any setting. The main thing is regularly, and not leaving for later, in order to do everything at once by the evening daily rate... At night - no need, rest. Gymnastics improves blood (and oxygen) flow to potentially sensitive areas - their sensitivity will gradually increase. You yourself will feel that the retractions will become more pleasant - it is not known only from the tenth retraction or from the twentieth day. Plus, the vagina will grip the penis more tightly - and this will give additional sensations.

Another point, why are you not satisfied with the clitoral orgasm? After all, if during normal intercourse the partner will additionally stimulate the clitoris, the sensations will be more than pleasant. Orgasm may not work the first time with the inserted penis and clitoral stimulation, but slowly you will get used to new sensations and learn to experience orgasm in a new way. As an option - first clitoral stimulation, and under the very orgasm - insertion of the penis (the first times when the penim is injected, pleasant sensations may disappear, but if you relax and continue everything will work out). Over time, you will be able to get an orgasm without clitoral stimulation (although the sensations are completely different and should not be abandoned at all).

And do not delay with imitation of orgasm, the longer you remain silent (and your husband is confident that he is acting correctly, and you are happy with sex), the more difficult it will be later to tell that you did not experience pleasant sensations. It is not even so important whether the clitoral or vaginal orgasm will be, but sex should be enjoyable. Tell it now as it is and look for a solution together. At a face-to-face consultation, it would be faster to find a suitable option for you, I hope something of the above will be useful to you.

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For several years now, scientists have been studying this phenomenon - pleasant sounds help people to relax. Each of us at least once experienced this pleasant feeling caused by light breathing in the ear, the sounds of a lullaby or the rustling of pages. When a pleasant tingling sensation is felt on the back of the head, back, head, hands. As soon as this condition is not called - "stroking the brain", "tickling the brain", "braingasm". This is ASMR, literally - autonomous sensory meridian response ("Autonomous Sensory Meridian Respons"). But why exactly does this sensation have a calming effect on us?

The nature of the phenomenon is still unclear and does not have scientific explanation... But there are already millions around the world who want to experience it again and again, and their army is only growing. They are browsing special videos where different sounds are simulated. After all, to convey touches and others tactile sensations on the Internet it is not yet possible, but the sound is easy. This is what the creators of ASMR videos use. The popularity of these videos is phenomenal. Millions of views, thousands of fans and sites dedicated to specific sounds. There are fans of breathing, fans of clicking, tapping wood, and so on.

ASMR videos may well replace meditation and become the new anti-stress

Youtube's newest stars are asmrtists (people who record ASMR videos) use special high-sensitivity techniques and binaural microphones to record sound. They tickle the "ear" of the virtual viewer with a fluffy cat or wrap it in cellophane, depict the sound of beads banging against each other or popping bubbles chewing gum... All the heroes of the video speak very quietly or in a whisper, move slowly, as if plunging you into a meditative state and making you anticipate those very "goosebumps".

Surprisingly, such videos really help to relax, this has already been proven by scientific research. So ASMR videos may well replace meditation and become the new anti-stress. They are even recommended as part of therapy for sleep disorders or severe stress.

How it works

Actually, the sound is one of many triggers - stimuli that cause a certain reaction: someone is attracted by a foreign language or words in Russian pronounced with a foreign accent. Every fan of ASMR videos has his own fad: someone feels a "tickle of the brain" thanks to aspirated whisper in the ear. Others melt when they hear the sound of fingernails tapping on textured objects or the sound of scissors. Still others experience "braingasm" when they become the object of someone's care - a doctor, beautician, hairdresser.

Despite its provocative name, ASMR has nothing to do with sexual pleasure

In the United States, they first talked about ASMR in 2010, when an American student Jennifer Allen suggested calling the pleasant sensations from sound "brain orgasm." And already in 2012, this frivolous, at first glance, topic was discussed scientific conference in London. This fall, a congress dedicated to braingasm was held in Australia. Now a whole group of Australian scientists will study this phenomenon and its impact on people.

Russia has its own asmrtists, clubs of asmrtists, sites dedicated to the phenomenon. On the video, you can not only hear sounds, but also be in the role of an object that is "touched", massaged, read aloud. At the same time, the illusion is created that the author of the video communicates only with the viewer and does this especially for him.

Impact on emotions

Despite its provocative name, ASMR has nothing to do with sexual pleasure. This pleasure is mainly caused by visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli that “excite” our brains. Such an irritant can be found anywhere: on the street, in the office, on TV. It is enough to hear someone's pleasant voice, and you feel pleasure and peace of mind that you hear it.

Not everyone can experience

Perhaps your brain will not react at all to any of the triggers, but it happens that the reaction comes instantly. From this it can be concluded that the phenomenon is beyond control. What can you compare this feeling with? If you have ever used a head massager, you can understand - the sensations are similar, but only in in this case you are being "massaged" by sounds.

Most popular sounds: whispering, rustling pages, tapping on wood or on an earphone

Each of us reacts to stimuli in different ways and with different intensities. The more sensitive a person is by nature, the more likely that he can enjoy ASMR.

How to find videos on the internet

We offer a list of keywords by which you can easily cope with the search. 90% of videos on English language accordingly, the keywords are also in English. You need to listen to videos with headphones to achieve a more vivid effect. You can close your eyes. But some people prefer the sounds to accompany the video sequence.

Keywords for video:

Whisper / whispering - whisper

Nail tapping - clatter of nails.

Nail scratching - scratching with nails.

Kiss / kisses / kissing / kiss sounds - kiss, the sound of a kiss.

Roleplay- role-playing game.

Triggeurs - click.

Gentle - gentle touch on the ears.

Binaural - the clatter of nails on the headphones.

3D-sound - 3D sound.

Tickle - tickling.

Ear to ear - ear to ear.

Read / reading - reading.

Lullaby - lullaby.

French, Spanish, German, Italian - words spoken in different languages.

Card trick - shuffling cards.

Cracklings - crackle.

Psychology or pseudoscience?

This phenomenon is being studied by psychologists Emma Blackie, Julia Poerio, Tom Hostler and Teresa Veltry of the University of Sheffield (UK), and this year they collected data on physiological indicators affecting ASMR, including pulse rate, respiration rate, skin sensitivity. Three from the group of researchers are testing ASMR, but one of the scientists is not.

“One of our goals is to try to draw attention to ASMR as a topic worthy of scientific research... Three of us (Emma, ​​Julia and Tom) have experienced its effect on ourselves, while Teresa does not recognize this phenomenon, psychologists explain. - It adds variety. It's no secret that some scientists call these studies pseudoscientific. The fact is that there are those who speculate on a topic that has not yet been studied enough to make a name for themselves. "

But the results of psychologists at Sheffield University are quite eloquent. “We finished collecting the data, and the very first results showed that 69% of respondents got rid of the effects of moderate to severe depression by watching an ASMR video,” summed up one of the study participants. - And yet we need extra work to determine if ASMR can be a therapy in cases of clinical depression. Be that as it may, this phenomenon is interesting for psychologists, and we plan to study it further. "

Perhaps the most exciting part of the new book by gynecologist Dmitry Lubnin is the chapter on the female orgasm. Every woman can get the highest pleasure from sex, the doctor believes, and is ready to help establish the subtle mechanisms that connect the female genitals and the brain.

The ability to have an orgasm is given to all women as the ability to pronounce the sound "r". Was everyone taken to a speech therapist in childhood? No. Some of the children learned to pronounce all the sounds themselves, others were taught by speech therapists, and the rest lisp their whole lives. So it is with an orgasm.

Some women have already adolescence begin to experience orgasms from various activities (climbing a tightrope, running after the bus, riding a bicycle, etc.) or discover a way to masturbate, for example, by accidentally receiving pleasant sensations from the shower. Orgasm comes into their lives before puberty. By the beginning of sexual activity, their brain already knows what the impulses from the genitals should lead to, and forms an orgasm.

Another part of women during adolescence if they experience pleasant sensations in the genital area, then they are either ashamed and suppress them (due to upbringing or fear), or all attempts to enhance these sensations (by different options masturbation) do not end in success.

The onset of sexual activity triggers several scenarios.

Option one. Sex life quickly begins to bring pleasure, there are no problems with orgasm.

Option two. A girl who knows how to get an orgasm on her own cannot achieve it during intercourse with a man. This is probably the most common scenario. There are many reasons for this, but the most common are as follows.

  1. A man does not prepare a woman for sexual intercourse well, and she does not have time to fully get aroused. As a result, sexual intercourse proceeds very quickly - the woman actually does not have enough time to reach orgasm.
  2. The woman gets used to the clitoral orgasm. The sensations in the vagina are pleasant, but they are not enough for an orgasm to occur. Often a woman gets out of the situation by additional stimulation of the clitoris during intercourse, but even with the onset of orgasm, a feeling of dissatisfaction remains, since it turned out to be half independent.
  3. The woman experiences emotional rejection towards the man and / or pain... Of course, in this situation, it is almost impossible to get an orgasm.
  4. The formation of an orgasm is fixed for some specific action that is absent during normal intercourse. The simplest example is a shower. A woman gets used to enjoying the shower, and the nature of the stimulation during intercourse cannot give her the same sensations. Or the need to squeeze the hips during orgasm - at certain positions this is impossible, and a woman cannot achieve what she wants without it. There are also some psychologically fixed rituals.
  5. The peculiarity of the location of the vagina in the perineum. There are three options: front, middle, back. Each of the options corresponds to the position in which the woman gets the most pleasure, and the position in which she may simply be unpleasant. For example, for rear location the most acceptable position will be the knee-elbow position, and the most difficult and uncomfortable position will be the “rider” position.
  6. Emotional suppression effect. The woman considers sex to be something dirty and indecent or has experienced an incident sexual assault- all this does not give her pleasure.
  7. Availability gynecological diseases- pain, discomfort associated with this, do not allow you to experience orgasm.

Option three. A woman before the onset of sexual activity did not experience an orgasm, and with the onset of sexual activity, nothing has changed.

Option four. A woman has an orgasm with one man, but not with another. Reasons - see option two.

An orgasm is necessary for a woman, as it provides a full-fledged emotional release, which has a beneficial effect on psychological condition... In addition, during sexual arousal, blood rushes to the external and internal genital organs. After orgasm, the plethora of organs quickly disappears. If orgasm does not occur, the blood stagnates, which can lead to various disorders or be a background for their development.

How to learn to have an orgasm?

I will immediately answer those who, without hesitation, say: "Find a good and skillful man." Definitely good, competent and skillful man will cope. Returning to the example with the sound "r" - such a man will become a speech therapist for a woman. The problem is that there are few such men, and there are much more women who want to experience an orgasm. What to do?

There is one very simple principle: first study and practice, then play. Let me give you an example again: at a resort, you walk past a tennis court and you are asked to play, even though you have never held a racket in your hands. Someone, taking the racket in hand, begins to play and quickly in the course of the game understands how to hit the ball so that it gets into the field. Others do not succeed, and the ball flies all over the court, but not where it should be. In this case, they propose to practice at the wall - to feel the racket, the impact of the ball, the force of the rebound, etc. Having acquired this skill, a person goes to the court prepared, he already knows how to hit the ball.

Education and training, when it comes to orgasm, is necessary for your body to know what it feels like to of various kinds stimulation of the genitals and erogenous zones. This is necessary for the mechanisms of concentration of impulses coming from nerve endings genitals to the parts of the brain responsible for the formation of orgasm in order to bring this, in fact, a reflex to automatism.

With some preparation, and most importantly - desire, almost every woman who has not experienced an orgasm during sex can begin to receive it. In order to learn how to experience an orgasm, you need to understand how it is formed.

How an orgasm is formed

In the genitals and erogenous zones contains special nerve endings that differ from other (pain, temperature, etc.) nerve endings in the structure of the sensitive part. These nerve endings, in response to various types of stimulation (friction, vibration), begin to send nerve impulses to the brain, which in response to this triggers various processes in the body - blood flow to the genitals, increased lubrication, increased heart rate, increased sensitivity of certain areas bodies, etc.

In addition, all nerve impulses coming from nerve endings during stimulation of the genitals are summed up in one focus of the brain, exciting it more and more. There is a kind of spring twisting effect. When the excitation of this focus of the brain reaches a certain limit, a cascade of reactions is triggered (muscle contractions, convulsions, the release of special substances in the brain), which dumps this accumulated energy and returns to calm state... Simply put, this is simple physics for the 6th grade: you rotate the flywheel until the obtained electrical energy will not be enough to light the bulb.

Orgasm options

  1. Multiple orgasm - in some women, a focus of excitement that forms in the brain sums up nerve impulses well, can quickly accumulate critical energy and, after dropping it, retains increased excitability to any stimulus coming from the genitals.
  2. The orgasm is worn out, weak - accordingly, nerve impulses are poorly summed up, there is little energy to start a cascade of autonomic reactions.
  3. Orgasm is not formed (despite the fact that there are pleasant sensations) - the focus of excitation cannot accumulate enough nerve impulses to start a cascade of reactions, either the impulses are not strong enough, or they are not summed up, but simply dissipated. This lesion can easily suppress the cerebral cortex (your consciousness).
  4. Orgasm in a dream or in another unusual situation - it is known that our consciousness can create hallucinations (that is, it is easy to reproduce visual, auditory and tactile images), therefore it is not difficult for the cerebral cortex to collect impulses (from the experienced and stored in the memory of bright visual, auditory or tactile experiences) and create a focus of excitement, forming an orgasm. In addition, such orgasms usually occur when a woman has a prolonged period of abstinence and the nervous system as a whole is overextended. Orgasm in this case should be perceived as self-regulation. nervous system, a kind of fuse effect.

What masturbation is good for

The main goal is to teach the sensitive receptors of the genital organs to respond quickly and intensely to stimulation and to accustom the mind to accept these sensations and enhance, rather than suppress them.

It is known that in most cases problems with orgasm are treated in only one way - masturbation (cognition of your body and reactions to various stimuli). However, masturbation is different.

Masturbation on hastily(pardon the pun) only hurts, because if an orgasm occurs, it is often superficial and dim, and then an unpleasant aftertaste only aggravates the problem.

Therapeutic masturbation is, first of all, engaging in the development of one's sensuality and the elimination of disgust towards one's genitals. Beneficial masturbation is a lengthy process (even if it will be less frequent, but full of value).

I'll make a reservation right away: the emotional component in sexual life women occupies the main place. It is impossible to get full pleasure from sex life without emotions, feelings and sympathy. Much has been written about this, so I will not repeat myself. I only offer “ technical instruction»In order to start enjoying your sex life.

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I would like to know more about multiple orgasm? What is it like? Do you stay horny after having sex with your husband? It happens to me that after good sex you get an orgasm several times and then you still remain in increased arousal throughout the next day ...

"Each of the options corresponds to a position in which a woman gets the most pleasure, and a position in which she may simply be unpleasant."
please open this topic component.

Comment on article " Female orgasm: what is stopping? 7 reasons for sex without pleasure "

How to learn to have an orgasm? Another part of women during adolescence, if they experience pleasant sensations in the genital area, is either ashamed and suppressed (due to upbringing or fear), or all attempts ... Problems after sex.

Female Orgasm: How To Learn To Have An Orgasm During Sex. The reasons for the lack of orgasm in women. Why do men and women want sex in different time Why men are looking for young women for sex Sex during pregnancy: you can, if you want.


My gets turned on by such words - Well, how do my lips suck your head? At the same time, I take his penis and squeeze the trunk with my paw and as soon as the lips begin to suck his head. Moans like crazy, can not even hold back and cum. Or, oh, how he twitches at you! Does he feel so good in me? In short, it seems to me that everyone has their own set of some exciting words, etc.

"Oh God, what a man
I will give birth to your son .... "
Different effect can be

Vaginal orgasm. Sex. Things are intimate. Vaginal orgasm. So I want to ask the owners of vaginal orgasm - how is it? the taste and color, how does it feel? Dmitry Lubnin. How to learn to have an orgasm? Masturbation will help, but not any.


there is also a uterine orgasm) and there are those who are subject to all three) i.e. the clitoral one is certainly given to everyone.

Of course, they differ from each other, but not as much as an inkjet one, but in general they all have different ways, someone likes one more, someone else!

Female Orgasm: How To Learn To Have An Orgasm During Sex. The reasons for the lack of orgasm in women. A woman gets used to enjoying the shower, and the nature of the stimulation during intercourse cannot give her the same sensations.

What prevents you from getting an orgasm yourself during sex with a man? After a while, your body will get used to tamim caresses, the MCh will also get used to it, you will understand that Female orgasm: how to enjoy sex. Female and male genitals: clitoris, vagina ...


Try stroking the clitoris from top to bottom with your finger, pressing quite hard, as if pulling. You can also lie on your stomach and with your palm (lunar or venereal tubercle) press downward. If you catch the sensation (not necessarily immediately orgasm), then the orgasm is clitoral. And you can correct the situation by acting on the upper side of the clitoris. Usually, in such cases, the clitoris is quite large.
If a sensation is caught, then orgasm is a kind of vaginal (which is unlikely, but possible) and the partner's penis is simply too small in diameter. Then try the pose - legs together, pull up to the stomach, the partner, preferably from behind, the penis presses on the front wall. It is advisable to cover the part of the penis that remains outside with a palm, press a little on it so that it does not bend in the opposite direction. Then the head of the penis will just be where it should be.
An orgasm will not work right away, but your task is to catch the sensations. Then develop.
But there are always options to imitate or combine with masturbation. Theoretically, just stand in the knee-elbow, legs together and ask him to linger without moving inside, hold an event and report on having an orgasm to his spouse, so that he does not take a steam bath.