Breastfeeding postures. An important element of proper growth and development is feeding newborns in the first days: suitable postures, diet and tips for young mothers. Why an uncomfortable feeding position is dangerous

Many myths are born around feeding children and breastfeeding in particular, so it can be difficult for young mothers to figure out where the truth is, and where the next "horror story" is. For example, many mothers have heard that feeding a baby while lying down is extremely harmful. It is argued that when feeding in this position, milk can get into the ears, and then purulent otitis media is provided. Here is a poor mother, who has not yet recovered from childbirth, all night long, since a newborn baby often asks for food every two hours.

So, can a baby be fed while lying down? Would it harm him to feed in this position?

Nowadays, mothers are no longer imposed on one single one. Modern pediatricians welcome any feeding position, as long as the mother and baby are comfortable. But how to choose this comfortable posture? The only thing the right decision- an experimental way. Need to try different variants until the position is found in which both the mother and the baby will feel relaxed and comfortable.

Feeding is a process of communication, creating a special emotional connection between the child and the mother, therefore it is important that various minor inconveniences, such as a back sick from an uncomfortable posture or numb hands, do not distract from the most important thing.

Even after choosing a comfortable position, try other options from time to time, as the child grows, therefore, his behavior changes.

Read also: Diet of a nursing mother with colic in a child: all about proper nutrition

It happens that if the baby is still very tiny, it is more convenient to feed while lying down, and after the child acquires mobility, a different position will become more advantageous. In addition, if you periodically change feeding positions, then all the lobes of the mammary gland will develop evenly. And sometimes the change of position is forced, for example, with lactostasis.

In the first weeks after birth, lying down to feed infant is definitely more convenient. Especially if the mother had stitches in the perineum or after a cesarean. Night feedings, in general, can only take place in the supine position, the mother, with such an organization of the baby's nutrition, will get enough sleep.

Basic lying positions

The most common variant of the "lying" position is that both participants in the feeding process lie on their sides, facing each other. This position is convenient for feeding at night and during daytime sleep (for a young mother daytime sleep will only benefit).

For very young children, if they are just lying on the mattress, it can be difficult to reach the nipple, so they are placed on a pillow. If the pillow is high, then in this position it may be more convenient to give the upper breast, that is, the right one, if the mother lies on her left side.

One of the options for the posture described above is the position when the baby is laid so that its head is on the mother's hand (on the right when laying on the right side). At the same time, the second hand is free, with it the mother gives the baby a breast and gently hugs the baby. To make it more comfortable for a woman, you need to put a pillow only under your head, while your shoulders should be on the mattress.

Read also: Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding: answering a difficult question

The pose, when the mother and the child are "jack", cannot be called very comfortable, but it is sometimes necessary for lactostasis. The fact is that when feeding from milk, first of all those lobes of the mammary gland are freed, to which the baby's chin is directed. Therefore, if stagnation has formed in the upper lobes, you need to feed the baby backwards.

Not everyone knows how to feed a baby while lying on his back. Meanwhile, this is one of the most relaxed and comfortable positions.

When using this pose, Mom lies on her back with several pillows so that top part the body was lifted. The child is placed on top of the mother, that is, he lies on his stomach and takes the breast in this position. Experienced moms This position is said to be ideal for restless babies who flap their arms and legs while feeding, distracting themselves. In this position, the child does not interfere with his movements.

In addition, the described pose is the best way if mom has milk is coming strongly, as they say "fountain", it happens in the period of formation of lactation. When on top, the baby can regulate the flow of milk into his mouth and never choke.

In what cases is it forbidden to feed while lying down?

All of the tips above are specific to breastfeeding. But when feeding adapted mixtures the rules are different. Pediatricians do not recommend bottle feeding if the baby is lying horizontally.

When feeding with formula, you have to hold the baby in your arms at an angle of about 45 degrees, that is, the head must be raised. The fact is that bottle feeding has its own characteristics.

For all women who have just experienced pregnancy and childbirth, it begins completely new stage in their life associated with breastfeeding a newborn. The new state of the newly-made mother is accompanied by dramatic changes in her life, her diet, daily routine, as well as the appearance of a completely new function- feeding the baby breast milk.

Many inexperienced women immediately have a natural question: how to breastfeed properly: sitting, lying down, or some other way? This process has different mothers develops purely individually, for someone the first time they are ideally able to breastfeed, but for someone it is not easy and not immediately.

There are no special secrets about how to breastfeed a newborn. The main thing is to tune in the right mood, show maximum care for your baby and arm yourself with some theoretical knowledge that will need to be applied in practice.

Our great-grandmothers never cease to be amazed that today whole educational books and videos are devoted to this topic on how to feed, how much and how. Previously, such a question did not arise in principle, since large families were the norm and breastfeeding younger brothers and the sisters took place before their eyes. Modern women, in families in which one child is considered the norm, and many women deliberately refuse to breastfeed at all, in this regard, various difficulties may arise, with which we will try to figure it out in this article.

Earlier attachment of the newborn to the breast occurs in the hospital and the earlier this is done, the better for both. Some lethargy of a born baby in the first half hour after birth is replaced by active phase when he is fully ready to suckle.

Physiologically, the baby begins to experience the first feeling of hunger, which earlier in prenatal period he didn’t know, some time after cutting the umbilical cord. At the moment of receiving colostrum from the mother's breast, sweet in taste and very concentrated in consistency, the child discovers new way satisfying hunger. This surefire way to meet the physiological need for nutrition will save in further baby from many adverse factors: fear, cold, pain. As soon as he kisses his mother's breast, and all adversity recedes into the background.

Early breastfeeding is of great benefit to the baby as it gastrointestinal tract receives beneficial bacteria in breast milk, antibodies that protect against various infections, as well as bifidum bacteria, which, according to scientists, are present in colostrum. In the future, this will become the basis for the formation of normal intestinal microflora.

As for the woman, the earlier attachment of the baby to the breast contributes to normal lactation, and the stimulation of the nipples reflexively affects the contraction of the uterus after labor.

Correct breastfeeding

How to properly breastfeed a baby is one of the most common questions for many nursing mothers. will allow you to avoid some troubles and problems and, above all, injury to the chest and.

Before feeding a newborn, you should take care of creating yourself comfortable conditions for this event. So that the feeding process while sitting or lying down does not make the mother tired, you need to prepare the most comfortable place, choosing for this your favorite chair or soft corner, placing comfortable cushions and a bench under your feet.

So, there are two most common the right way feeding the baby:

  1. Sitting feeding - classic pose, in which the baby's head is at the mother's elbow bend or at hand, if, for example, a woman has big breasts or the nipples are too low.
  2. Feeding while lying down is also a comfortable position, provided that the breast does not slip out of mother's hands in a lying position.

In the process of feeding, a woman should have both hands free, with one she should support the head of the newborn, and the other should make a correct grip of the breast like scissors, when the nipple and areola are compressed with the middle and index fingers. As soon as the baby opens his mouth wider, you should try to lay his chest there deeper. This sucking process is considered the most correct, and will not injure the mother's nipples. Each time the baby's mouth slides down onto the nipple, the breast should be removed and re-positioned correctly.

How to Know When Feeding Is Going Right

If you already know all the nuances of feeding, in practice you can understand that everything is going exactly as it should by the following signs:

  • the baby's mouth captures not only the nipple, but also the halo area;
  • the child's lips are turned outward;
  • his nose and chin are pressed against your chest;
  • you can hear the baby swallowing.

As soon as the child begins to be distracted from the sucking process or fell asleep, it means that he completely satisfied the feeling of hunger.

It should be noted that a child's refusal to suck can signal some problems, for example:

  • the baby has a sore throat, head or;
  • appeared in the child or in the mouth;
  • his mother prevents him from sucking, moving, nervous or something else;
  • milk flows too much.

To figure out how to properly breastfeed a baby, there are a few more points to note that are more useful tips than rules:

  • before each feeding of the newborn, you need to prepare the breasts and nipples for the process, for which the breasts are washed warm water, a nipples light rub with movements with a soft towel;
  • make sure that in the nipple area favorable for the development of microorganisms, some pathologies do not develop, for example, thrush, which, when feeding, will be transmitted into the baby's oral cavity;
  • the baby's feeding regimen can be different, of the most practiced and common feeding on demand and on schedule is considered;
  • do not forget about night feeding, as during this period of the day a hormone is produced that is responsible for stimulating lactation;
  • it is better not to limit natural feeding of a newborn in duration, and it is better to regulate the amount of necessary nutrition by bottle feeding;
  • make sure that the nipple and halo fit tightly into the baby's mouth, and he does not catch air when sucking;
  • after each breastfeeding, allow the baby to regurgitate excess milk and air, giving him an upright position;
  • Try to prolong your ability to breastfeed as long as possible by eating healthy foods and maintaining peace of mind.

How to stop breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is beneficial for the baby and mother, not only from the point of view of their health, but it is also a physiological unity. However, sooner or later the moment comes when from natural feeding should be discarded. In this regard, the question arises: with minimal stress for the child and the consequences for his health.

Many experts believe that the baby should be fed until he gives up his mother's breast. Medical research in this area indicate that what longer baby receives breast milk, the more chances he has to grow up strong and healthy, and the mother decreases the risk of developing breast cancer.

At the same time, regardless of the duration of feeding, breast milk does not cease to lose its useful properties... Even in the third year of feeding, it contains required amount proteins, vitamins, trace elements, carbohydrates, fats and biologically active ingredients... Of course, this is provided that the mother eats right, gets enough rest and does not have bad habits.

Prepare well for weaning your baby. Gradually, you should limit the number of feedings, replacing it with complementary foods. In this case, the child should be taught to fall asleep without mother's breast and calm down in other ways. It is highly undesirable to do this at the time of the appearance of teeth..

Thus, the most good time to wean a baby from a breast will be when:

  • milk teeth will stop cutting;
  • the child will not pee at night;
  • the child can be put to sleep without the mother's breast;
  • You can breastfeed your baby several times a day.

So, knowing how to properly start feeding and how to complete this process, you will have the opportunity to grow healthy and strong baby, establish with him a natural physiological process, which has been practiced for many years, passed down from generation to generation.

Lactation - important process for both mom and baby. The more competently the feeding is established, the more pleasant this process will be for both. And one of the key points is the variety of poses for breastfeeding... In addition, the ability to feed the baby in various positions not only helps the mother not to get tired with prolonged attachment to the breast, but also prevents the occurrence of milk stagnation. In practice, mothers most often use three basic positions when feeding a baby, using various variations... In our article, we will tell and show you the main positions for breastfeeding your baby.

№1 "Cradle"

This pose is perhaps the most common. It is suitable for feeding both a newborn baby and a baby. over a year old... The pose is so called because the baby is in the mother's arms, like in a cradle. The baby's head lies on the elbow, with the other hand, the mother grabs the baby and holds his back, with the same hand, the mother can feed the baby's breast. The baby is turned towards the mother, and his mouth is just opposite the nipple.

Cradle position

One of the variants of the "cradle" is feeding while standing, when the mother holds the baby in the same way. This is how the child is usually held when he is lulled to sleep.

No. 2 "Cross cradle"

This is a variation on the previous pose. In this position, the mother grabs the baby with her opposite breast with her hand. So if the baby sucks right chest, then you grab it with your left, and feed your chest with your right. You hold the baby's head in this position with your hand. Moreover, the index and thumbs lie on the child's head along the ears, and the palm is located under the shoulders and back of the baby.

Cross Cradle Pose

It is impossible to hold the baby by the back of the head, since in this case the baby will curl up into the embryo position and will not be able to open his mouth wide enough and take the breast correctly.

This position is most relevant for newborn babies, so it is more convenient to guide the child.

№3 "From under the arm"

This position will be convenient for mothers who cannot sit after childbirth. Mom is in a reclining position, leaning on the forearm and thigh. She is also sometimes called "Jack"

The child is laid on the pillows perpendicular to the mother so that he is between the mother's body and the hand on which she rests. Mom supports the baby's head with her palm and gives the breast, it turns out, as if from above.

Pose "From under the arm"

You can change this position a little and get comfortable sitting, covered with pillows. Hand-feeding is a good prevention against milk stagnation in the breast.

№4 "Lying on the arm"

In this position, the mother can take a break from the upright position and relax her back. Mom and baby lie facing each other. You can put your baby on a pillow to make it easier for him to reach his chest. The baby's head rests on the "lower" hand, which she grabs the baby with. This position is very suitable for moms with small breasts.

Lying on the arm position

No. 5 "Lying from the upper chest"

This position is suitable if the mother, for some reason, is uncomfortable to roll over on the other side. In this case, the mother lies on her side, leaning on her hand, the baby lies on the pillow, turning to face the mother. Mom holds the baby with her other hand.

Lying out position upper chest»

№ 6 "Baby on Mom"

This position is also called "relaxed feeding". In this position, the mother is conveniently located in a reclining position, surrounded by pillows. The baby in this position can independently regulate milk flow. Very suitable for restless kids who wave their arms and legs.

Pose "Baby on Mom"

In addition, this position stimulates the baby's intestines - after feeding in this position, babies suffer less from colic and gas.


The overhang position is useful for both mom and baby. The mother will be able to relieve the lower and central segments of the breast, and it will be easier for the baby to suck in this position. This is true for weak babies or for those who do not want to breastfeed after bottle feeding.

Overhang position

You can feed in this position both on the bed and on the table. In the case of feeding on the bed, the mother gets on all fours over the child. Remember that the baby's head should be slightly turned to the side.

With stagnant milk

With lactostasis (milk stagnation), you need to empty the lobes where milk has stagnated. Determining the proportion in which milk is stagnant is quite simple - feel the breast, you will determine where there are seals. Poses for this need to be chosen with the expectation that the baby sucks out more milk from the part against which his chin rests. You can use any of the basic poses, with variations. Place your baby on a pillow if necessary.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Breast milk - the best food for a newborn, and breastfeeding is the most necessary thing a mother can do, an easy way to create best conditions for the development of the baby. The composition of the milk is adapted to the needs of the baby and changes as the baby grows. Minutes of intimacy while nursing will help establish and strengthen a special psychological bond between mother and baby.

How to properly feed your newborn breast milk

From the first hours of life, a nursing mother gives her baby everything she needs. In order for breastfeeding to bring not only the benefits of the baby, but also the joy of the mother, it is necessary to take into account many important points: care mammary glands, the choice of position during feeding, the need for expression. It is easier for a prepared mom to deal with emerging issues, while remaining calm.

Fundamental rules

Configured to long-term feeding mom, ready to make the necessary efforts to correct organization process is the main key to establishing breastfeeding. Positive attitude important, since lactation is a hormone-dependent process, depression causes a decrease in milk volume. Well-established feeding brings satisfaction to both, promotes mutual understanding.

It is not always possible to organize the process correctly at once, you need to know basic rules of breastfeeding (HB), which will help direct efforts in the right direction:

  1. It is better to attach the baby to the breast in the first hour after childbirth, when the body adjusts to milk production, determines the required volume of lactation.
  2. It is better to feed the baby on demand during the first weeks. Frequent stimulation of the nipples results in more milk production.
  3. Unlimited access to the breast helps to establish contact between the baby and the mother, quickly calm the baby.
  4. At first, it is better to try to do without a dummy. The technique of sucking her and her breast is very different, confusing, the baby can injure the nipple, which will lead to the appearance of painful cracks (in this case, special pads for the nipples will be needed until healing).
  5. It is important to properly attach the baby to the breast. Improper grip provokes the appearance of cracked nipples. Define improper attachment and a competent consultant will help you fix it.
  6. A suitable nursing position helps to avoid fatigue. It is especially important for complicated childbirth or feeding twins.
  7. A varied diet of healthy food for a nursing mother is a guarantee of the child's health. Drinking regime should be sufficient, but not excessive.
  8. Breastfeeding requires strength and wellness... A young mother should take into account the increased load and not overwork, doing household chores, rest more often and try to enjoy motherhood.


You need to breastfeed correctly to help the baby form a high-quality sucking technique. An attentive mother can handle this easily. The baby should be held so that the back is straight. Supporting the baby under the shoulder blades with your palm, index and thumb, guide the baby's head towards the nipple. Support the gland from below with the other hand, pulling the areola of the nipple up thumb.

Hearing the smell of milk, the baby will begin to open his mouth, make sucking movements, try to grab the nipple with his lips. Place your breast over your baby's mouth by inserting the nipple with your thumb. A baby sucks properly if his mouth is wide open. Nipple and areola it is almost completely gripping. The angle between the lips during sucking should be unfolded, the baby's nose and chin should touch the gland.

The ways

Natural feeding involves two options: feeding the baby by the hour or at the request of the baby. Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. The feeding regimen involves latching on the baby every 3 hours with a 6 hour night break. This option is convenient for the mother and teaches the baby to discipline from the first days. Its disadvantages include the child's frequent unwillingness to follow the feeding schedule and the difficulty of establishing a sufficient volume of lactation with rare attachments.

Breastfeeding at the request of the baby more common today because provides more options to meet the individual needs of the infant... The intervals between meals are set by him independently. Close contact with mom helps build rapport. Frequent stimulation of the nipples helps maintain production mother's milk on high level... With this method, stagnation and compaction occur much less often.

How to properly latch on a baby for feeding

Offering the breast to the baby "at the first squeak", the mother is deprived of the opportunity to practice by their own affairs... To avoid this, the mother should learn to distinguish when the baby is hungry, and not to apply it to the breast at the first sign of anxiety. Over time, the frequency of feedings decreases, the regime is streamlined, the child eats once every 1.5-2 hours. The duration of feeding takes about 20 minutes (the norm is approximate), after eating, the baby will release the nipple by itself. If lactation is sufficient, it is worth gradually teaching the child to limit sucking to this time.

First attachment to the chest

The most favorable time for the first attachment of the baby, the outcome of the first hour after birth is considered. By this time, the newborn has a feeling of hunger, unknown before. With the first drops of colostrum, the child receives the beneficial bacteria to form the correct microflora. For the mother, early attachment is beneficial by stimulating the nipples, which has an effect on the establishment of lactation and uterine contraction after childbirth.

Lying feeding

The first times to feed the baby comfortably lying down, it helps the mother to recuperate sooner. There are several suitable provisions:

  1. Lying on my hand. Mom and baby lie on their side. The baby can be lifted up with a pillow, giving him access to the upper chest. Lower arm serves as a support for the head. By removing the pillow and hand, the baby can be offered the lower gland.
  2. Baby on mom. By laying your tummy on your stomach, you can feed a baby suffering from colic. This position is convenient for strong inflows of milk, when the flow is too strong, and the baby is choking.
  3. From under the arm. The mother is reclining with support on the hip and forearm, the baby is laid on a pillow perpendicular to the mother's body, between him and the supporting arm. Supporting the baby's head with her hand from below, the mother feeds her breast from above. This posture is useful against lactostasis.

Sitting feeding

During the day, it is convenient to feed the baby, sitting on a chair or sofa, providing sufficient support for the mother's back:

  1. Cradle. A versatile posture suitable for both baby and older child. The mother's hands support the baby, like a cradle: the head is one hand, the back is the other. The baby is slightly turned towards the mother's body so that it is convenient to grip the nipple with the mouth.
  2. Cross cradle. A variation on the previous position, but mom can guide the head with both palms. This makes it easier to control and guide the latch of the breast, which is necessary for weak and premature babies.

How to alternate breasts

The child on GW receives different types nutrition: at first it sucks out less nutritious "front" milk, after - saturated "back". By changing the breast offered to the baby ahead of time, the mother does not allow the baby to receive good nutrition. In a steady state, the mammary glands alternate each next feeding. In the process of establishing feeding, the baby has to be fed from both breasts if he does not have enough milk. The second breast can be offered after the first has been emptied.

How to breastfeed your baby

Feeding the baby when large size breast has its own characteristics. A large soft gland does not have a clear shape, it is difficult for a baby to open his mouth so wide in order to capture the breast with high quality. Mom should experiment with the position so that feeding does not cause discomfort for her and the baby. You can try the following techniques:

  • Use soft towel under the bust as support for a secure fit.
  • Support the gland with your palm underneath so that it does not press with its weight on the child's chin.
  • Use a bra to provide support for your breasts during the breastfeeding process.
  • Apply gentle breast massage to help empty the ducts.
  • Feed while lying down to relieve stress on your back.

Breastfeeding at night

Applying at night is very important to maintain adequate lactation, as prolactin (the hormone responsible for the production of breast milk) is produced to a greater extent at night (from 2 am to 7 am). For this period there must be at least 2 attachments, especially if the HS is in the process of establishing itself and lactation has not yet been established.

How to express milk correctly

Expressing milk for the following reasons:

  • insufficient lactation (expressing at the end of feeding stimulates milk production);
  • the occurrence of lactostasis, mastitis, breast lumps;
  • prolonged absence of the mother (expressed milk is used to feed the baby).

With steady on-demand feeding, you do not need to express milk. However, if such a need arises, the mother should know what manipulations to carry out. The process involves the index and thumb. They should compress the fabric breast in the nipple area (but not the nipple skin). If you need to express regularly, use a manual or electric breast pump.

When not to breastfeed

In very rare cases breastfeeding is not recommended when mom is suffering from:

  • severe chronic illness (dangerous heart or kidney disease, severe anemia);
  • an infectious disease that puts a child at risk of infection (HIV, tuberculosis, scarlet fever, blood poisoning);
  • a disease requiring constant admission drugs that prohibit breastfeeding (antineoplastic, analgesic, tranquilizers);
  • drug addiction.


It is important for young mothers to know how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk, what should be the regime, necessary norms, permissible positions for breastfeeding. The health of a woman and a child depends on this process. Improper attachment is one of the causes of impaired lactation. To avoid problems, you need to remember the basic rules, which will be discussed.

The rules for breastfeeding children in the 21st century have changed a lot from the previous century. Many of the strong recommendations have been refuted or softened.

No need to wash your breasts before every feed: The fat layer will be washed off the skin. This protective film protects the nipples from cracks and scratches. Frequent use of soap will dry out your skin and nipples. It is enough to shower at the beginning and end of the day.

In most cases, babies under 6 months old do not need to be given water. Drinking is allowed in case of constipation, but this rarely happens on HB.

You do not need to offer your baby water until 6 months old if he is breastfeeding... Mom's milk replaces food and drink. Everything useful material he will find in milk and will not be thirsty.

A nursing woman is recommended to drink a glass of liquid 15–20 minutes before the start of the process - pure water, rosehip broth, tea with milk. This will enhance lactation and give you strength.

Grabbing the chest

Mom's milk is the most suitable food for newborns. This is important for full development child. For the first attempts to be successful, you need to know some of the subtleties of the process.

First time

The first feeding of a newborn should take place within the first hour after delivery.... This stimulates the woman's nipples and activates the lactation system, thanks to which the contraction of the uterus in postpartum period... The baby has a feeling of hunger, colostrum starts the process of forming the right microflora.

The benefits of the first portions of milk (colostrum) are determined by its composition. The table describes its main components.



PolypeptidesStimulates cell growth and reproduction, tissue repair
Vitamin BParticipates in the formation and development nervous system, stimulates hematopoiesis
Antibodies of subtype AProtects mucous membranes digestive system and nasopharynx from infection
EndorphinsIncrease the body's resistance to adverse external conditions and stress
Amino acidsPromotes the development of the brain, heart, muscle tissue
PrebioticsFills the intestines with beneficial bacteria
AntioxidantsStimulates the formation of the body's defenses.

The first attachment starts the feeding process. it natural process important and necessary for the child to grow and develop safely.

5 stages of breast grabbing

In how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk, the most important thing is the latch of the breast (read if necessary). First you need to wash your hands thoroughly. A few drops of milk can be squeezed out of the nipple to lubricate the nipple. It will become softer, it will be easier for the baby to grab it with his mouth.

Stages of capturing the breast with the baby's mouth:
Place pillows or bolsters under the child so that his back is straight. Mom clasps her breasts with her fingers without touching the areola circle. Brings the baby to the face. He will smell milk, open his mouth. If this does not happen, it is necessary to squeeze droplets of milk onto his lips, put the nipple on his mouth.
The chin touches the mother's chest, and the nose faces the nipple. The mouth should open wide. The nipple and part of the areola should get into the mouth.

The mouth should cover the areola, not just the nipple

The baby will start sucking. Babies are different - some immediately suckle actively, others do it slowly. If milk leaks a little from the corner of the mouth, the baby's head should be raised, under lower lip put forefinger... The baby will press the lips more tightly.
When the baby is full and begins to fall asleep, place your index finger between the chest and the corner of the mouth. This will help you pull the nipple out effortlessly.
You do not need to get dressed right away, it is advisable to let the milk dry on the nipple. The child must be held in an upright position so that he vomits air. After the characteristic sound, put him to bed.

At correct technique the baby will develop high-quality sucking. This will prevent future nipple injuries. It will be easier for mom to cope with the baby when he grows up and gains weight. If the mother has, it is imperative to find out the reasons, because this is fraught with serious diseases.

V next video shows how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk.

Attachment in different poses

The choice of a position for feeding a newborn is up to the mother. The process should take place in a relaxed state. It is important to take the load off the woman's back.

Sitting position

Mom puts her hands in a "cradle". There should be support under the back

In this position, it is convenient to feed throughout the day. It is imperative to provide support for the back to rest the spine..

A suitable position when mom folds her arms in the form of a cradle. One hand supports the head and the other the rest of the torso. The baby's body is turned towards the mother, it is convenient for the mouth to reach the nipple.

Weak and premature babies it is better to put a pillow under the body. It will be convenient for mom to control the baby's head with both hands.

Lying position

Mom puts the child on her side, and herself lie down on the side. Baby head on mom's hand

If mom did cesarean section or she has stitches in the crotch, it is best to lie down during the whole process. How to properly feed a newborn with breast milk while lying down is shown in the hospital.

There are several provisions:

  • Mom lies on her arm. She puts the child on her side, she herself lies down next to her side. For the baby to eat from the upper chest, he is placed on a pillow. For the bottom, the pillow is removed. The head rests on mom's hand.
  • The baby is on the mother. In this way, the baby is fed with severe colic, as well as a large flow of milk from the mother so that the newborn does not choke. Mom lies on her back, puts the newborn with her tummy on her stomach so that he can reach the nipple. Mom can put a pillow under her head and shoulders.
  • From under the arm. A nursing woman half-sitting, leaning on her hip and forearm, the baby lies on a pillow between the mother and the supporting arm. She holds the baby's head from below, from above gives him the breast.

During the day, postures change depending on the woman's preference and circumstances.

Negative consequences due to improper attachment

Correct attachment of the newborn when breastfeeding will help to avoid many troubles. The baby can damage the nipple. He sucks diligently, but improper attachment prevents him from receiving milk. This will hurt the woman, some refuse for this reason to try again to apply to the breast.

It also provokes ineffective milk suction. Because of this the gland will coarse, swell, inflame... We advise you to familiarize yourself with and advice on how to prevent it.

It is worth purchasing clothes for nursing mothers in advance - blouses and T-shirts with slots

Breastfeeding mothers sometimes have to feed their babies in in public places... If you are planning a long walk, then you need to take into account that the child will get hungry, so you need to prepare. Take with you big scarf or a diaper, a set of wet and dry wipes, a small snack.

Can be worn special clothing for nursing women - these are blouses, T-shirts with openings for the breast, sewn in bras. When it’s time to eat, it’s better to work ahead of the curve: do not wait for demanding crying, feed the baby before his request.

You should find a secluded place where there will be fewer people. If this is not the case, then just sit down, turning away to attract less attention... Throw a scarf over your shoulders, a diaper to hide the baby from prying eyes. Feed him and vilify him vertically (read in this article,), as the newborn should be kept in this position after feeding in order to regurgitate air.

Eating at fresh air stimulates a good appetite and gives deep sleep... Mom allows you to take a break from the everyday work of caring for the baby. If you can't feed outside the home, you can take a bottle of expressed milk with you. How to use a breast pump in this case and which one is better to choose is a topic.

Fundamental rules

Breastfeeding should be done correctly. When applied, there are different difficulties that affect feeding.

How to alternate breasts

The milk in the gland is not homogeneous. First, the baby sucks the so-called "front" milk. It is more liquid, contains less fat and nutrients... Then comes the "back", richer portion. This combination allows the baby to eat in a balanced way. When feeding, you need to give one breast, and the next - the other.

If at one time the child sucked first from one gland, then a little from the other, then he received two not very nutritious portions, and he no longer wants to finish the saturated residues. It is reasonable to alternate breasts only when the feeding regimen is established, and not on ordinary days.

Regime or demand - which is better?

Modern pediatricians are inclined to believe that it is better to feed newborn babies on demand, and not by the hour. After all, the baby calls his mother not only during a hunger. When sucking, it is easier for him to calm down. With his mother, he is not so scared, cold or worried. Lactation when feeding on demand will be stable.

Feeding at night should not be ignored, although it is inconvenient for the mother.

Hourly feeding of a newborn baby is convenient as it is predictable. When feeding on demand, the mother is “attached” to the baby. This is especially unusual for young women with their first child.

Necessarily need to feed at night. The hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation, is produced precisely at night. The most effective meals are considered to be from 2 am to 8 am.

Mom is not able to get enough sleep with this mode of feeding a newborn, but you need to use daytime hours baby sleep for your rest. In the future, the child will grow up and stop eating at night.

How much should a newborn suck

Every kid is different. From birth, he has his own character. One sucks briskly and actively for 15 minutes, the other slowly, with pleasure, for almost 40 minutes. With prolonged feeding, cracks may appear on the nipples. But if you pick up the breast earlier, the fattest and healthiest portion will not get to the baby.

There is a feeding rate for a breastfed newborn- from 10 to 40 minutes. Next, you need to observe the child, whether he is eating up during this time.

Several signs that your baby is full

If the baby is gaining weight and is feeling well, it means that he is eating up.

Many breastfeeding women are worried about whether their baby is eating enough when the newborn is feeding. There are several signs by which you can understand that the baby is full:

  • the newborn is gaining weight normally and is feeling well (in this publication you will familiarize yourself with month by month);
  • urine is excreted about 10 times a day;
  • the stool looks like porridge, up to 8 times a day;
  • the skin is clean, pink;
  • development baby is coming according to the terms.

Moody behavior between meals is not a symptom of a lack of milk. He may have colic or uncomfortable posture... How much a newborn should eat in one feeding can be determined with the pediatrician. It depends on birth weight and age.

7 times you shouldn't breastfeed

There are situations when the use of breast milk is contraindicated, as it can transfer to the child the remnants of drugs or bacteria from the mother.

Diseases and conditions of a woman, excluding breastfeeding:

  • oncology;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • deadly infections - plague, cholera;
  • mental disorders - schizophrenia;
  • taking medications from nervous disorders- antidepressants, lithium salts:
  • hepatitis.

For some diseases (chickenpox, measles), milk must be expressed, sterilized and then given to the baby.


Breast milk is essential for the growth and development of the baby's immunity. But in order for this process to take place with benefit, you need to remember the basic rules for latching on and grabbing the breast. You need to understand that some diseases impose restrictions on breastfeeding and even prohibit it. Therefore, promptly ask for information about the rules artificial feeding as well as a pro for a newborn.