The better to eat beer so as not to gain weight. How to drink beer correctly to enjoy the taste

How to drink beer correctly so as not to get fat?

How to drink dark beer properly?

To obtain maximum pleasure from alcohol, you need to decide on the amount drunk. A day should be limited to a liter of beer. It is very important to choose the right dishes. This can be a glass goblet or a wooden mug. This container material does not spoil the taste. For dark beer the best option there will be a glass goblet narrowed upwards. It shows saturated color and sparkling beverage.

Beer drinking rules:

  1. Dark varieties are best drunk in winter or in the evening. Light beer is consumed in summer for refreshment.
  2. The volume of the dishes is 0.3 or 0.5 liters. You cannot drink from the bottle: there is constant shaking and the oxidation process starts.
  3. For the sensation of taste, the temperature of the alcohol should be between +6 and + 12 ° C.
  4. You cannot mix beer of several types or brands.
  5. As a snack for dark varieties, it is better to use meat, blue cheese or fish salad.
  6. You cannot mix beer with other drinks.

Light varieties are softer and suitable for women. Dark beer is more for men. It is much stronger and heavier in taste.

Alcohol greatly affects the figure, especially when overuse... The expression "beer belly" was not invented by chance. To prevent beer from gaining weight, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Do not drink more than 1 liter per day. Women are allowed no more than 0.5 liters.
  2. A beer snack should be low in calories. Do not eat fatty foods, chips, chicken legs.
  3. Be sure to play sports.
  4. Better to drink live beer. It contains a minimum of calories. The composition includes B vitamins, as well as zinc, iron and magnesium.
  5. Dark alcohols are less nutritious than light ones.

It is not the beer itself that contributes to weight gain, but the snack that is consumed along with it. Alcohol increases your appetite significantly. Because of this, you can eat a huge amount of food and get better.

Like any alcohol, beer requires a different drinking style. In order for the drink to be beneficial, and not harm the body, it must not be abused. In case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to refuse beer, because alcohol can disrupt work digestive tract and affect weight gain.

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Alcohol is a high-calorie product. Its energy value is 7 (kcal) per 1 g, which is significantly higher than that of protein and carbohydrate products. However, these calories are "empty": they play the role of fuel, but do not provide any material for metabolism. Half a bottle of white wine is about 300 kcal (of which sugar accounts for no more than 30 kcal, the rest is alcohol). For comparison: five tablespoons of bran with skim milk and a small banana will cost you the same 300 kcal, but provide protein (19% daily value), (34%), calcium (21%) and iron (21%).

Many diets impose a complete ban on all types of alcohol. After all, receiving a solid supplement of calories, the body stops spending its own reserves. "Alcoholic" calories are burned faster than nutrients coming with food. That is why, having received "light energy" from alcohol, the body sends everything else in reserve, into subcutaneous fat.

In addition, alcohol increases your appetite, so even after drinking a couple of glasses of wine, you eat more than usual. In addition, alcoholic cocktails are also dangerous because those of them, which include fruit juices, soda or cream, - additional sources sugar and fat.

To avoid gaining weight, drink wine with light meals. But you can't refuse a snack either: in this case, the pancreas and liver will be seriously affected. By getting rid of extra calories, you run the risk of getting pancreatitis or cirrhosis of the liver. Agree, not the most profitable exchange.

The golden rule is: Better red than white; better wine than beer; Better dark beer than light beer; better beer than liqueurs; pure drinks are better than cocktails.

As you know, wine in small quantities healthy. It promotes hematopoiesis, lowers blood glucose levels, normalizes blood glucose levels and serves as prevention cardiovascular disease... allows the use of a glass of dry wine at lunch and dinner. On healing properties all kinds of wines are based.

What if you decide to go on a diet, but do not plan to completely give up alcohol? Here are a few simple tips:

- eat before drinking. This will make it easier to control the amount of food;

- drink no more than a glass a day;

- When ordering a cocktail, ask to use a Diet Coke;

- cocktails contain about 500 kcal, so consider them as a complete dessert, and not as a supplement;

- drink dark beer instead of clarified one. Darkness makes you feel full more quickly, and it is difficult to drink more than one glass;

- On average, 350 ml of beer, 150 ml of wine and 50 ml of spirits contain the same amount of calories.

Calorie table of some alcoholic beverages

What to eat beer with? Traditions will prompt different countries.

How to eat beer in different countries

It is believed that the first appetizer to "foam" was beans. They were soaked in cool water for 7-8 hours, then slightly dried and fried in a pan on vegetable oil... After that they salted to taste. The result was a dish vaguely reminiscent of modern salted nuts.

Representatives from different countries adhere to different opinions on what is better to have a beer snack:

  • Germany - sausages or pork are served with a side dish;
  • Austria - sausages and veal will be offered to the alcoholic drink;
  • Holland - beer is accompanied by salty cottage cheese and hard cheese;
  • USA - French fries, chicken wings and nuggets are considered the best snack;
  • Greece - it is customary to put seafood and fried or baked fish along with the "foam" on the table;
  • Czech Republic - in this country, a "drowned man" is attached to wheat alcohol - sausages marinated in sweet and sour sauce.

Practice shows that most people around the world consume "foam" with salty or sour snacks. They perfectly set off and emphasize the taste of alcohol, and also allow you to stay sober for as long as possible.

Popular beer snacks

All types of frothy snacks can be divided into two categories - street or budget options that the public chooses more simply, and classic snacks supported by gourmets. The first category includes:

Gourmet options are more expensive choices. These are different types of hard cheeses, German sausages and small sausages. These dishes perfectly complement and complement the taste of the drink.

In spite of big variety beer "accompaniment" on store shelves, high quality no one guarantees such products. What to eat beer with so as not to gain weight? Self-made dishes, the origin of the ingredients of which you can be sure of.

For example, to make delicious crackers, you just need to cut fresh Rye bread, salt and dry in the oven. For taste, you can grate with onions or garlic. Another mouth-watering option is to boil the shrimp in salted water and pour over the lemon juice.

The choice of a beer snack is a personal matter for everyone. Try to follow the traditions of different countries, and you will surely find the best combination.