Selection of shoes for a dress. How to choose shoes for a dress: different options for your taste. Shoes for a sports dress

Correctly selected shoes for a dress should emphasize its beauty and beneficial curves of your figure.

No matter how stylish and luxurious a dress may be, it can lose its showiness without matching shoes. At the same time, the task of how to choose the right shoes is not as simple as it might seem initially, because in this matter you have to take into account various nuances.

Basic principles of choosing shoes for a dress

  • For dresses made of light, airy dresses, shoes will need more open shoes. That is, sandals with stilettos and thin straps are best suited to dresses made of cambric or chiffon. And shoes with sharp socks and on a high, thin stiletto heel are completely unacceptable for a dress made of heavy fabric.
  • The denser the fabric is chosen for the dress, the more closed the shoes should become. Business, casual or elegant dresses shoes with a closed toe are better suited from wool, thick silk and similar fabrics.

  • The choice of heel also depends on the density of the fabric. As it grows, the heel should become more stable. It is better to replace the studs with almost as high, but more stable tapered heels, "Columns" or "glasses".
  • The length of the dress also affects the choice of shoes. For example, a midi or mini draws attention to your feet, allows you to show off beautiful calves and thin ankles... In this case, it is best to choose shoes that are sufficiently catchy, decorated with something. But you need to show a sense of proportion: a dress or shoes can become the focus of attention, but not both together.
  • Long dresses hide shoes, which can only intrigue and have a heel that would be more difficult to catch on to his hem. Since stiletto heels are the most "harmful" heels in this regard, striving to catch on to the dress at the wrong moment, you should not combine them with a floor-length dress.

The shape of the nose of the shoe depends more on fashion. But even from the most fashionable shoes should still be abandoned if they are in no way compatible with the top or the constitution.

For example, rectangular or rounded toes of shoes are poorly suited to owners of thin ankles, but shoes with narrow toes can emphasize their advantages. For ladies with wide ankles, it is better not to wear shoes with a transverse strap, which will visually “cut” the leg and make it wider.

When there are difficulties with the choice of a specific option, then you can remember the universal, suitable for almost any dress, except for white - black pumps with an elegant small heel.

Selection of shoes for the type of figure

By adhering to a few tips on how to choose shoes for your body type, you can visually make yourself taller or slimmer:

  • It is best for short girls to choose thin and high enough (8 cm) heels. But do not get too carried away with the height of the heel, because if you overdo it, then an uncertain gait on it can ruin the whole experience. After all, a very high heel noticeably shifts the center of gravity, and the body tilts forward. The view from the side is quite funny, but not at all attractive.
  • Chubby girls seeking to visually lengthen their figure, it is better to pay attention to the also rather high, but thicker heels, since the look of the stiletto heels will be discordant with the proportions and general view their figures. Therefore, thin hairpins are not for plump ones.
  • For girls with full legs shoes are equally poorly suited: either too open or too closed. The easiest way to make a choice is to try on several pairs of different styles in front of the mirror and choose the most attractive option. The leg should appear longer in profile, for which shoes should be preferred not with rounded, but with a long toe. You should pay attention to models with an open front. Ankle-fitting platform boots will also fit a full leg, as the tops will hug the calf and the soles will visually increase the length of the legs. Wedges are also a good option.

Video on how to choose shoes for a dress

If you choose shoes without a heel, then the length of the clothes becomes important. For example, you can choose a short pants model that is missing the floor. Also, skirts should not "sweep" the floor - models of knee-length skirts or mini-versions will look much more successful with low shoes. Otherwise, the girl runs the risk of having a sloppy look.

What shoes to choose for a particular color of the dress?

In addition to the style, you should learn how to choose the right color for shoes for a dress. There are four options for a successful combination of shoes and dress color:

  • Shoes and clothing are either the same or slightly different shades. Ensembles in the same tone or with slightly different saturation can be equally successful. For example, what shoes to choose for blue dress? Rather blue, and beige will go with brown.
  • The colors of the dress and shoes can be combined, that is, have harmonious combination... So, brown shoes can be worn with a green dress, but in this case you need to have excellent taste, since combining burgundy shoes with a red dress, and beige with pink is bad manners.
  • Use of shoes neutral colors with achromatic shades of clothing, which are called white, black and gray. They usually go well with any primary colors and shades, as well as with each other. You can wear black shoes to a white dress, but then you will need one more black element among the outfit: earrings or beads, a handbag or a hairpin in your hair.
  • If the color of the dress is neutral, then shoes of any color will suit it. Red shoes will look great with a dress in a neutral color, whose bright color will draw attention to the legs, which means that the legs should be beautiful. However, when choosing what to wear with red shoes, it is important to be careful in choosing, because not everyone can wear them with challenge and dignity.
  • But the combination of dresses and shoes that have complementary colors, which include such pairs as red - green, blue - orange, yellow - purple, are not very good. These colors look great next to each other and even reinforce each other, but there should not be two accents in a shoe-dress ensemble.

In order to avoid mistakes when buying shoes that are ideally suited to the existing dress, it is best to try on it in it. Seeing these objects on oneself at the same time, it will be easier to assess the harmony and degree of completeness of the image.

How to choose shoes for a wedding dress?

  • The most important characteristic wedding shoes the bride's comfort and heel height. It's no secret that the bride is on her feet almost all the time on her wedding day, so the last wedding shoes should be as comfortable as possible for her. If a girl is accustomed to walking in ballet shoes or sneakers, then it would be a very risky venture to purchase high-heeled shoes for her wedding, on which she is unlikely to stand for more than an hour.
  • The color of wedding shoes must be in harmony with wedding dress the bride. If, for example, Wedding Dress has a shade of color Ivory, then you should look for shoes in light beige or cream in color, and white or silver sandals are more suitable for traditional snow-white attire. Ideally, the materials of shoes and clothing should match. For example, if the bride has a turquoise satin dress, what shoes to choose in this case? Best of all covered with silk of a similar color, and the lace trim of its sleeves and bodice will harmoniously echo with similar lace shoes.

  • The season cannot but affect the choice of wedding shoes. For example, in summer the bride will feel much more comfortable in sandals, in spring or autumn it is better to choose pumps for the dress, and in winter the bride can flaunt in leather ankle boots, trimmed natural fur... And if the wedding program includes long-term hiking, it is better to have additional shoes under them, which can be changed in a timely manner. But the heel of the spare pair should be just as high, since it will be harmful to drastically change the tone of the legs.
  • The task of how to choose shoes for a dress should also be linked to the style of the dress itself. If it has a fluffy, like a princess, skirt, then classic pumps are suitable here, and if the dress is short, then you need to look for elegant models of shoes that have open toe. Simple shoes on low heel go with an Empire style outfit.

Wedding shoes should not be full of decor, a rose or a fabric bow is enough.

Naturally, the choice of shoes with heels is impossible without trying on, in which you need to walk around the store in a new thing and feel how confident the gait is in them. It is advisable to make sure that the sole of the shoes does not slip. It is better to try on shoes in the evening, when the foot has largest size... You should also not buy tight models, which, most likely, simply will not have enough time to post.

Video on how to choose the right shoes and make accents

What rules do you follow when choosing shoes for a dress? Tell us about it in


Dresses sports type also do not tolerate unnecessary details and heels. Ballet flats or sports shoes are suitable for such dresses. Do not wear under any circumstances sports shoes, because it will ruin your image.

Evening dresses require and evening shoes... Heels are required for such dresses, preferably high heels. If the dress, then the height of the heels should not be less than 8 cm, otherwise your figure will be lost. If dress light and airy, then it will be appropriate open sandals on a stiletto heel or shoes.

In addition to the style of the shoes, you need to consider the color. If your outfit is limited to a dress and shoes, then the shoes should be the same color as the dress, or neutral, not in contrast to the overall look. If you wear accessories or handbags, then shoes are desirable to match the color of your beads, bags or hair jewelry. V in this case your image will be harmonious and complete.

It is best to have black heels in your wardrobe, they go with almost all outfits. And with an unexpected celebration, you will look great. Nevertheless, it is better to select the height of the heels individually. If you find it difficult to wear a stiletto heel and a high heel, then do not torture yourself and your legs. Choose shoes with heels just below. And if you have worn all your life low shoes then don't be afraid to try the heel - you might like it.


  • how to choose shoes for a dress

The dress is considered clothing that emphasizes femininity as much as possible. Wearing it makes it easy to hide your own flaws and feel a real woman... And the combination beautiful dress and a well-chosen decoration for it will create a finished one, harmonious image.

You will need


Pay attention to what shades of color the shoes have. The main rule is that warm shades are combined with warm ones, and cold shades are combined with cold ones. Following this rule, your image will always be complete, and its individual details will not cut the eyes of others.

Ideally, he will have in his wardrobe basic sets of shoes and bags that will be designed in a sporty and official styles... And don't forget that the bag as a main accessory can easily add a little personality to the one you prefer.

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Choosing sandals for the summer is not an easy task. After all, it is necessary that they match in color, shape and on occasion to the rest of the outfit. Stylists have developed a number of tips and tricks on how to choose the right sandals for a dress.


Try to fit your sandals underneath. Shoes should complement the outfit. So, for example, either white sandals or delicate pastel colors - pink light beige, gray, etc., are best suited for this. It will be especially good if shades of other accessories, such as bags, overlap with the color of the shoes.

When choosing shoes, it is very important to consider the length of the dress. If you are wearing a long, almost floor-length sundress, it is best to opt for sandals. Moreover, designers today offer great amount modern and stylish models... Your imagination is not limited by anything - you can choose sandals decorated with rhinestones, ribbons, feathers, stones, you can choose laconic models without unnecessary decor.

Cocktail Dress middle length Looks good with heeled sandals. Moreover, there is a great opportunity show trendy in summer season heels design elements. It is the heel of sandals that is becoming the centerpiece today. summer look... Such sandals can be decorated in different ways. Stripes and ties from ribbons, decoration of shoes with stones, rhinestones, etc. are allowed. The only thing to consider is what should fit your whole look.

Stiletto sandals are chosen mainly for evening events and, together with evening dress... They visually make the legs slimmer, allow you to "add" height to short ladies. However, one should also take into account the fact that it is not worth walking in such shoes for a long time - it is fraught with health problems.

Helpful advice

except fashion trends when choosing sandals, consider also their convenience. According to statistics, women move around much more in the summer than in the cold season. Therefore, the comfort of the shoe is an important parameter. And if you want to wear sandals with your cocktail dress, that is also appropriate. You just need to choose a model that suits the occasion and your clothes.


  • sandals under the dress

The color gray is very twofold. On the one hand, it is boring, nondescript, office, mousey. On the other hand, he exudes nobility, elegance and restraint. Today, gray can often be found on the catwalk, on the red carpet, in life. To highlight an outfit of a modest shade, you should choose the right accessories.

Gray dress: conciseness for every day

A gray dress is an invariable attribute of office style. The color does not look defiant, hides figure flaws, allows you to literally dissolve among the papers. but boring image should be left in the past: today gray dress at the peak of popularity and is a stylish wardrobe item.

To make a gray dress look more interesting, match it beautiful accessories... For work, you should not choose something bright. Stop at products in soothing colors: gray, black, brown, pale pink. For example, decorate the dress with a striking silver flower brooch or use wide leather / wood bracelets. The best shoes the dress and such accessories will be brown or black shoes / ankle boots.

The gray dress goes well with silver accessories. Massive chains, layered necklaces long earrings, rings, metal belts will instantly turn a shy girl into a stylish girl.

Also neutral accessories will be products of lilac, deep purple and blue flowers... A bag, earrings with stones, elegant beads of the indicated shades will bring everyday look a touch of mystery and make you more feminine. Pay attention to shoes: in this case, choose light (pearl, pearl) shoes or ballet flats.

Bright image in a gray dress

The dress grayexcellent foundation to create an elegant and bright evening look... The tone of the outfit allows you to match a variety of noticeable accessories that will make you stand out from the crowd. The main thing is to dare to experiment.

Highly nice addition original long necklaces will be added to the gray dress. Color palette costume jewelry can be varied. Gray goes well with coral, yellow, red, azure, etc. Shoes in such an ensemble should either match the dress, or repeat the shade of the handbag.

Diluting the gray dress bright accessories don't use many colors. Remember that the thing should remain the centerpiece, the rest of the products are needed to simply emphasize it.

Brooches, belts, scarves, juicy shoes will become wonderful accessories. berry shades... Such a set will look dynamic, effective and stylish. Use such a daring combination to go to, to the theater or on a date.

Special attention give the selection of tights to the gray dress. For a strictly look, exceptionally thin light beige options are suitable. When creating an ensemble on your way out, allow yourself to relax. Bright red, green, sapphire, orange tights are perfect for gray. Having decided on such an experiment, either give up other accessories altogether, or pick them up in the same key with a bright bottom.


  • gray dress accessories

Tip 6: What color to choose shoes for a coral dress?

Correctly selected shoes are able to harmoniously complete the image, make it more interesting and elegant. At the same time, not only the style of the shoes should be suitable for the dress, but also its color scheme. Difficult choice have to do for the coral dress.

Casual and business style

The outfit obliges you to combine it with a certain color of the shoe. Wherein great importance also has a dress style. Business, for example, will be best combined with black - this is a classic of the genre that will allow you to create a laconic image.

You can also choose brown-burgundy shoes for a strict dress. But only shoes, not boots or sandals. This color combination is perfect for office work or meetings with clients, where an overly formal outfit is not required.

Business and casual dress is also suitable beige shoes, which are at the peak of their popularity today. And not only boats, but also newfangled ones. At the same time, you do not need to choose a handbag in the color of your shoes - now it is considered boring. The best way- a bag coral, but a slightly different shade than the dress.

A coral-colored bag with a discreet beige element will also look good - then the image will turn out to be even more complete and sophisticated.

Casual style allows for more bold combinations shades. With a dress light shade for example, pale turquoise shoes will look good. No less interesting is the combination of dusty coral with a pale lemon tint.

The handbag should be in tune with the dress or have some element that matches the shade of the shoes. With this color combination, you can also wear a bag in a neutral beige shade.

Formal and evening look

For an evening event, black dress shoes must be worn with care, as these shoes require clothing of a denser material. Otherwise, the image may turn out to be somewhat rude. But beige shoes will do just fine. Moreover, shoes of this color will be ideally combined with dresses of any length and texture.

You can also choose golden pumps for a coral dress, since these two colors are very harmoniously combined with each other and create festive image... An outfit up to mid-thigh or knee length will look especially impressive with such shoes. If the dress has pronounced silvery elements, they can be in perfect harmony with shoes of the same color. Jewelry should match the color of the shoe - under golden pumps, for example, only yellow gold should be worn.

And here white shoes it is not recommended to wear it for the evening dress. Even with casual dress it can only be worn if you decide to create the look of the 60s. In this case, your dress should have a white belt or collar.

Shoes are one of the constituent links in the entire chain of a woman's transformation. Plus, to get the right style concept, the right footwear is essential.

It is worth noting that the choice of a dress does not always mean the key moment of going to an evening event, so it is always worth remembering about the appropriateness of an outfit, but try to choose it more carefully. suitable footwear... If this strict dress, implying a business or official meeting, it is worth remembering that shoes should not be frivolous. For example, a high "stripper" heel should be excluded immediately, as such a concept would look ambiguous and clearly out of place.

If a walking option is supposed, and you are wearing a floor-length dress, then the choice of shoes largely depends on your height. Owners tall usually prefer to use shoes on flat sole to make it look a little smaller visually. As for the dress knee-deep or slightly lower, then this option is considered a favorite for girls of small stature and different forms... For such length will fit a heel of absolutely any height, ballet flats or modest Roman sandals. Perhaps the choice should be based on what event you plan to choose an outfit for.

When combining a dress and a shoe shape, it is worth remembering several rules for selecting a single concept.

Combination of materials and colors... Not worth picking up bright color shoes, if the dress has an acid print or its concept is already focused on the combination a large number colors.

The choice of the shape and the last should not cause discomfort to the wearer. This is perhaps one of the most important notes... It is worth remembering that if the shoes are uncomfortable, the gait will change. Such a moment can ruin the whole image, and a dress with an awkward gait will look extremely ridiculous and pretentious.

The dress is one of the most important elements female wardrobe, which you need to be able to combine with various shoes, as well as accessories, so as not to look ridiculous. So that when you create stylish image there were no problems with such an element of the wardrobe, let's figure out which shoes to wear with a dress of one length or another.

What shoes to wear a midi dress with - the best combinations

The dress midi length- one of the most difficult items to combine. When combining it with various types of shoes, it is very important to observe all the proportions so as not to visually shorten your legs, reduce your height and make your figure shapeless. In order not to be mistaken in similar case, it is important in the selection of shoes to take into account the features of the cut of the dress you have chosen:

  • If you have opted for a dress with long sleeve, you can combine it with different types of shoes. For models made of lightweight fabrics, it is worth choosing sandals with high heels, but for a dress made of thick fabric ballet flats, classic closed shoes with small heels, strict pumps or slip-ons are better suited. In this case, it is not so important what shoes to wear with a fashionable dress. Any image can be successful.

  • If you've opted for a form-fitting dress, it's best to pair it with any high-heeled shoes. Best of all, classic sandals or shoes are suitable for such a model. With ankle boots or boots, such clothes should be combined carefully, since such a combination can also visually shorten your figure.

  • Under the lace dress you can choose as rough shoes(if you build your look on contrasts) and classic pumps with heels if you want to make your look feminine and sophisticated. The same goes for fashionable dresses with a flared skirt.
  • If you decide to wear an oversized dress, it is best to stick to flat-soled shoes: sneakers, sandals, slip-ons or boots. But in this case, you should not experiment with shoes with heels.

In general, if you are afraid to experiment with midi-length dresses, choose platform shoes or heels for them - you can't go wrong. But if you like modern sports images, you can easily combine such clothes with ballet shoes, slip-ons or sneakers of any color. Now such combinations are very relevant.

What shoes to wear a dress below the knee

A long dress can be combined with both low-speed shoes and with shoes or sandals on high heels... If you have selected exclusive sandals or shoes for such an outfit, combine them with an ankle-length outfit so that others can appreciate your shoes. In the event that you have chosen an outfit from light fabric, it is best to combine it with shoes, sandals and even sneakers on a wedge or platform. But with dresses made of velvet or other dense fabrics, light classic pumps with thin heels will look best.

You can also freely combine summer flying outfits not only with sandals, but also with sneakers or sneakers, as well as ballet flats. For winter models boots of the same length can be chosen, however, it must be borne in mind that their bootleg should end 15 centimeters below the knee.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of shoes for an evening dress to the floor. Ordinary sandals or sandals will not work here - only classic shoes or suede ankle boots. For cocktail outfits of the same length, you can choose high sandals. It is advisable that they be decorated with rhinestones or beads, especially if you have chosen a laconic monochromatic outfit.

Short dresses are much easier to combine with various types of shoes than long models... It's easy to figure out what kind of shoes you can wear with a dress above the knee:

  • If you choose denim models, you should combine them with sneakers or trainers. Rough boots or leather ankle boots with open toes are also suitable.

  • Beachwear is best paired with Roman sandals, clogs or flip flops. In this case, it is advisable to choose shoes with flat soles.

  • Light chintz dresses are very well combined with wedge sandals or Roman sandals with colored straps. Preference should be given to light models with high ties.

  • The now popular baby-dollar sundresses go well with various wedge sandals or wide heel... You should definitely choose shoes with straps. Only models with an abundance of decorative elements should be avoided.

  • For knitted winter dresses classic leather or suede boots neutral colors. When choosing them, it is important to follow this rule: the shorter the skirt, the higher your boots should be.

  • Those who do not know what shoes to wear a dress shirt with should choose tennis shoes or classic sneakers, as well as stylish leather ankle boots for such an outfit. In the same case, if you have chosen a similar outfit for the office or romantic meeting, it is better to complement it with classic boats. Models can be chosen with both open and closed nose.

But to the models of dresses made in office style, as well as a short evening li cocktail outfits it is best to choose laconic classic pumps for steady heel... If you chose a dress made of heavy fabrics, the shoes, respectively, should be closed, but with light models from chiffon or silk, even shoes with open toes will look good.

The color of the shoes in such combinations can be varied. Models of silver, gold, black and beige colors can rightfully be considered as universal options for shoes or ankle boots for dresses of this length. Choose them if you have a bright outfit with different decorative elements... If you chose a laconic plain dress, you can safely choose bright sandals or shoes of a contrasting range for it. Just complement your look with accessories to match the shoes - such combinations are now at the height of fashion.

5 tips on how to choose shoes for your dress:

Every woman should have dresses in her wardrobe. But, no matter how elegant the dress may be, the shoes should complete the whole image. If the shoes are chosen correctly, then you will look gorgeous.

How to choose shoes for a dress: dark colors

If you don’t wear the right shoes, you can ruin everything. There are rules that should be followed when choosing shoes for a dress.
Go to the mirror and be critical of your appearance. Decide how you see yourself. The festive ensemble also includes special shoes. Therefore, choose your shoes carefully.
Shoes must match the style and cut of the dress. If you have a dress made in classic style, choose pumps with low heels, or without heels. To denim or knitted dress you can wear ballet flats or moccasins. And sandals or sandals will look good with a light dress or sundress. Anyway, important criterion Is a comfortable last.

And now, we select shoes to match the dress.

We spend most of our life at work, in the office. The office dress code is conservative and does not accept any bows, flowers, massive buckles. Shoes with a long thin stiletto heel and massive wedge heels are not suitable for business style. In this case, the heel should be no more than 5 cm.

Shoes for business woman should be comfortable. Her ankles and soles should not buzz in the middle of the day. The best option for business dress code- is it black or brown shoes... V summer time you will look good in beige dress... Shoes should also match the dress.

How to choose shoes for a dress: rich colors

The leg should not get tired, because you will have to run a lot, do household chores or go shopping. Moccasins from genuine leather, pumps, fit a sundress from denim, to a pencil dress or a shirt dress.

If you need to choose shoes for evening dress, the choice may be more free. They can be decorated more refined and elegant. Most often, these shoes have thin sole and a tall, graceful stiletto heel.

There is an immutable rule here: the more original and more luxurious decoration shoes, the simpler the dress should be. But, it must be sewn from an expensive fabric and sewn well. Shoes should be graceful.

Black shoes under the dress

Black shoes will go with any outfit. You can choose shoes of the same color as the dress, but the saturation should be either lighter or darker.
Shoes are matched to a black dress based on accessories. Here you can be more free in your preferences. Let's say you have a black dress. Then you can put on your shoes white, jacket and belt - baked milk or cocoa with milk. But, you can wear red shoes to them, a red handbag and red corals in jewelry.
Blue color and all its shades are universal color... But to choose shoes for this color is more problematic. If you decide to wear clothes in the style of the sea: jewelry in blue and blue, then white shoes are suitable for you. But, you can experiment and wear blue, red or turquoise shoes.

Pastels and light shades

If you are wearing a red evening dress, do not rush to wear red shoes, no matter what shade they are. If you want to emphasize exactly your appearance and pay attention to the dress, then you better wear beige or white shoes. Black shoes can also be worn. Accessories are also carefully selected. No need to wear sandals under an evening dress, no matter how beautiful they are.
If you intend to wear a dress in the evening color pink, then it is necessary to select shoes of beige, gentle lilac or white colors. If your dress is light pink, then wear red or black shoes.
For dress beige colour you can wear white, black or brown shoes. The shade can be very different: from copper, the color of cinnamon, to the color of chocolate and brick.
If you are wearing a white dress, then you do not have to choose light-colored shoes. You can also choose black shoes. But, here you have to look and black clutch, and a black belt.

No need to wear shoes, clogs or sandals to an evening dress. It's bad taste. If the color of the shoes matches the rest of the accessories, then you can wear a dress contrasting color.
Shoes are always chosen when you have decided exactly what dress or suit you will be wearing. When heading to the shoe salon, take with you the dress in which you intend to be at the party. Do not rely on your own visual perception... You shouldn't choose shoes by eye.

Be sure to pay attention to the last, whether your foot is comfortable in shoes, whether your feet will not get tired in them. It is important. If you buy shoes, they must become your favorites.

It so happens that you buy luxurious shoes, and after going out in the evening, they are worth it, because they are uncomfortable in them.

Shoes must be selected together with a bag, clutch, strap, brooch.

There is a combination of colors: only cold colors are suitable for cold colors, and warm colors and shades. Take it easy and mix cool and warm shades. Don't overdo it when choosing colors and shades. Your look should have three colors. Diversity is ugly.

Constantly develop and improve your ability to feel style and taste. Flawless taste develops through trial and error.
When choosing shoes, know that the last should fit your foot. Do not hope that they are carried. When choosing open toe shoes, look at the neckline. If the neckline is too large, it will be uncomfortable for your fingers. Cutting too small will make your leg look bulky.

An outfit such as a dress will decorate and make any girl attractive. They become very fragile, delicate and sexy at the same time.

For the image to be successful, you need to choose the right shoes for your outfit. After all, to elegant dress lengths below the ankle are not allowed to wear pumps that go without a heel. Just like they don't fit a dress sports style stilettos.

What shoes match the dress

So, how to choose the right shoes for different types dresses:

  1. platform shoes goes well with a casual dress or sundress;
  2. for dress classic style shoes of the same style with or without heels will do;
  3. rounded toe shoes, with heels of medium height will complement a long evening dress. And here are the shoes with high heels under long dress it is better not to wear them, as they can cling to the hem when walking. And as a result, the gait will be awkward or, much worse, you will tear your expensive dress... You also don't need to wear platform shoes under your evening dress. This tandem looks bad;
  4. pumps from patent leather will look great with a cocktail dress;
  5. high-heeled shoes must be combined with short dress(whose skirt is above the knee);
  6. to the classic dress or the so-called little black dress will suit pumps with a heel no higher than 5 cm;
  7. sports shoes will be harmoniously combined with a similar dress;
  8. chunky heel shoes suitable for a dress made of heavy fabric;
  9. summer shoes on a hairpin fit to light dresses from "airy" fabrics;
  10. maximum open shoes fit to summer lungs dresses. But closed shoes look good with dresses with long sleeves.

Shoes under the dress - choice of color and texture

  • It is desirable that the color of the shoes and the dresses were different, but at the same time they must be in harmony with each other. But you can also wear a dress in a similar color, only the tone of the shoes should be darker or lighter than the dress.
  • Shoes in black and white will match almost any dress... But if you see that something is missing in the image, then complement it with the necessary accessories to match the color of the shoes. It can be a black or white belt (depending on the color of the shoes), various jewelry, a bag, or a headdress.
  • If the dress is solid, but at the same time black (the so-called small black dress), then it is quite possible and even necessary to wear bright-colored shoes under it. For example, red. This look will be very effective!
  • Bright dress, beaded and various sequins will look good with regular leather shoes. Patent leather shoes It is categorically impossible to wear under such a dress, because the image will turn out to be too clumsy.
  • Suede shoes will go well with dresses made of heavy thick fabrics. But ordinary leather will suit any dress.

What shoes match the dress - photo

Keep track of the combination of colors, textures, fabrics and patterns when choosing shoes to match your dress.