Poster to pension to the servicemen of the year. Pensions Military: Will there be an increase in October? New calculation of the downstream coefficient

For 2016, two indexations of pensions of military retributions were planned: in February and October. In the conditions of rigid savings, in which the Russian budget has been resolved, the February increase, as it turned out, was not fully implemented. How many pensions will be the military pensioners in 2016 from October 1?

Increased military pension: about planned growth

The gradual growth of pensions by military pensioners is the promise that the government gave back in 2012. It was then that the Ministry of Finance, together with the Ministry of Defense, agreed annually index payments for this category of citizens by 2%, adding to them, the so-called "inflation element", i.e., in fact, its annual percentage. In accordance with this pension formula, military pensioners in 2016 should grow by 18.7% (inflation for 2015 amounted to 16.7%). In fact, instead of the planned 7.5% from 1.02.2016, the pensions of military pensioners increased by only 4%. Despite the direct indication of the President of the Russian Federation "Find funds that would have allowed to fulfill the obligations taken by the state", the officials have not fulfilled the task, explaining the problems that have arisen the problems of oil quotations that have reduced the influx of money to the State Case from the export of energy resources.

Pensions Military: Will there be an increase in October?

Planned for October Raising military pension may not happen. Such assumptions today are increasingly sounding from the rules of representatives of the Ministry of Defense, which explain this to the need to wait for the results of the execution of the budget based on the results of the end of the Third Quarter. Experts indicate that it is precisely for this reason that any official statements regarding the increase in military pensions should not be expected.
If you look at the statistics of last year, it can be seen that the October indexation-2015 was implemented, but also not in full: the promised 7.5% in fact turned 6.0%. At the same time, the increase in payments to military pensioners last year was only one-time. At the time of the adoption of a new procedure for indexing payments to retirements in 2012, the pension of military pensioners was set at 54% of the salary. In 2016, after the February indexation, this indicator reached 69.45%. The assumptions of many about the possible increase in the size of the salaries themselves were recently refuted by the Ministry of Finance: until 2017, an increase in salary is planned. You will be interested: Will there be an increase in pensions in 2016?

For 2016, two indexations of pensions of military retributions were planned: in February and October. In the conditions of rigid savings, in which the Russian budget has been resolved, the February increase, as it turned out, was not fully implemented. How many pensions will be the military pensioners in 2016 from October 1?

Increased military pension: about planned growth

The gradual growth of pensions by military pensioners is the promise that the government gave back in 2012. It was then that the Ministry of Finance, together with the Ministry of Defense, agreed annually index payments for this category of citizens by 2%, adding to them, the so-called "inflation element", i.e., in fact, its annual percentage. In accordance with this pension formula, military pensioners in 2016 should grow by 18.7% (inflation for 2015 amounted to 16.7%).

In fact, instead of the planned 7.5% from 1.02.2016, the pensions of military pensioners increased by only 4%. Despite the direct indication of the President of the Russian Federation "Find funds that would have allowed to fulfill the obligations taken by the state", the officials have not fulfilled the task, explaining the problems that have arisen the problems of oil quotations that have reduced the influx of money to the State Case from the export of energy resources.

Pensions Military: Will there be an increase in October?

The increase in military pension scheduled for October may not happen. Such assumptions today are increasingly sounding from the rules of representatives of the Ministry of Defense, which explain this to the need to wait for the results of the execution of the budget based on the results of the end of the Third Quarter. Experts indicate that it is precisely for this reason that any official statements regarding the increase in military pensions should not be expected.

If you look at the statistics of last year, it can be seen that the October indexation-2015 was implemented, but also not in full: the promised 7.5% in fact turned 6.0%. At the same time, the increase in payments to military pensioners last year was only one-time.

At the time of the adoption of a new procedure for indexing payments to retirements in 2012, the pension of military pensioners was set at 54% of the salary. In 2016, after the February indexation, this indicator reached 69.45%. The assumptions of many about the possible increase in the size of the salaries themselves were recently refuted by the Ministry of Finance: until 2017, an increase in salary is planned.

Pensions servicemen in 2016: Fresh news, alas, do not please. In the current and gaining strength of the economic crisis, when the state limits the growth civilian pensionsThe content of military pensioners will also not be increased to such an extent to comply with the country-developing inflation.

Traditional indexation

Since the prices of everything grow, the amount of pension cannot remain the same year from year to year. And if the so-called "fat" years of inflation was 4-6 percent, then today it has already exceeded 17%. Of course, it leads to a decrease in the standard of living of pensioners. To prevent this, it was decided to index military pensions to inflation. It was done twice a year - in February and October. In 2015, a traditional increase in military pensions was held, however, only in October and only 7.5%. Poster to pensions amounted to 1.3 to 3.5 thousand rubles. But it is impossible to call such an indexation of real compensation.

Raising pensions of the military in 2016

In the adopted budget of the country for 2016, funds are laid for increasing russian pensions 4 percent in February. When developing and discussing the draft budget, a decision was made on the basis of the execution of the budget for the six months of this year to conduct the second indexation of pensions in the second part of the year - this may occur in October. However, the size of indexing and the timing of it was not specified. Already in January 2016, the Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet decided to significantly cut budget expenditures. This means that the second increase may not be. But increasing pensions in February these innovations do not have to concern, so pensioners already in February may receive an increase to their pension at least four percent.

Military pensioners have always been in a privileged position - their pensions were indexed differently than civilian pensions. In 2016, military pensioners equated to civil, and therefore the maximum that they can expect - indexation for the same 4 percent in February. The pension of the former military personnel will be 69.45% from February 1, that is, it will be increased by 3.99%. Increased military pensions due to an increase in the salary of servicemen until 2017 will not be.

The occurrence of age does not depend on the desire of a person, so citizens are inevitably achieving the retirement threshold. pension allowance - Honored material assistance For many years of work experience or service in favor of the state. What depends on the minimum pension of military personnel we are now and Pogream.

Accrual of pensions to military personnel in considerable degree differs from civil procedures. Basic difference - In the accumulated experience and age, when the military has the right to leave the service and resign.

Servicemen, according to legislation, must serve at least 20 years - this is a mandatory minimum.

Thus, if a young officer, who finished the school at 22, immediately proceeds to the service, then by 42 years he can be considered a pensioner.

All provisions O. social Protection The servicemen are spelled out in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which states that the state is obliged to ensure financially dismissed financially.

The servicemen receive monetary content, the value of which depends on their title, position, service life. It is from this parameter in the future the minimum magnitude of their retirement content by age will be folded.

The officer who has 20 years of experience, when reaching the age, will receive a retirement of 50% of its salary and 3% of each year of service over 20 years, but not more than 85% of the monthly money allowance.

So folds minimum size Pension allowance for a serviceman.

Factors that influence the increase in monetary allowances during the service:

  • Enhance in office.
  • Awards.
  • Participation in military operations.
  • Getting titles.

An increase in the salary is guaranteed to affect the high amount of money allowance in the future. There is an opportunity to increase it to a large extent - to continue the service under 32 years.

Concept "serviceman" not tied only to those citizens who are related to Armed Forces. Military pension system concerns other categories of citizens:

  1. Fire service.
  2. Criminal executive services.
  3. MES (more).
  4. Engineering and building troops.
  5. External intelligence service.

A person is considered to be a military personnel until it takes a reserve due to retirement or for other reasons. With access to stock, the status of a military pensioner becomes fired.

The pension relies on a military personnel or his family, depending on how many years he served, and what was the magnitude of his contentment. Receipt of disability during the period of service can also be a factor for providing pension paymentsBut subject to the presence of 20 years of experience.

If the 20-year service experience is not accumulated, but a man has a age of 60 years, and a woman 55, then they have a pension allowance. Its calculation will be made on the basis of the existing experience, title, position and size of the monthly contentment.

Special conditions of service add years to a common experience: 3 years are counted as 4. In military conditions, 1 year is 3.

The calculation is made according to the special formula. Its components:

  • Official salary.
  • Supplement for the title.
  • Supplement for long service.

All parameters are summed up and multiplied by 50%. If fired in the reserve served over 20 years, the amount of interest increases: 3% is added for each additional year. During the indexing periods, the pension should increase by 2%.

In 2016, a lower ratio was set 54%. It is multiplied by the entire amount obtained. The service in the northern regions adds to the total amount of the district coefficient.

The fact of disability during participation in combat operations implies social payments Taking into account the coefficient and designated group:

  • I group - 280%.
  • Group II - 230%.
  • III Group - 170%

On average, the pension of the serviceman fluctuates from 15 to 20 thousand rubles per month. This figure is approximate, since in each case the calculation will be individual depending on the conditions of the passage of the service.

In 2015, it was planned to increase military pensions by 20 - 22%, But taking into account the established circumstances in the economy of the hopes of military pensioners were not justified. According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, payments to the military should be indexed annually by 2% without taking into account the adjustment in connection with inflation. It is assumed that for 2016 the coefficient of adjustment will be 5-7%.

The last indexation was carried out in 2015 and amounted to 7,5% . According to the law, all pensions should be indexed in the current year to inflation. At the end of last year, the inflation rate amounted to 12.9%. Thus, indexation should occur at the same level, which causes greater doubts about the crisis.

Thus, the increase in pensions for fired military pensioners is not expected to improve the situation in the economy.

Today's payments of pensioners' servicemen exceed the amount of pensions of civilians almost 1.5 times.

But the authorities, realizing that the army is the structure on which the safety of the country is based, reserves are found to ensure that future pensioners do not wait for the occurrence pension age with fear.

Regularly the legislator makes appropriate changes and amendments to the current legal acts. Next year not an exception. According to the latest information, an increase in military pensions in 2016 is expected.

Of course, the military and those who are just going to retire, concerns the question of which changes will be foreseen in the near future. The government decided to increase the amount of payments. It should be noted that indexation will be carried out not in full. Cause - Economic recession.

If navigate legislative base, then annually the government is obliged to increase the size of pension payments to the level of inflation. In 2016, this commitment is not possible, since these actions will lead to a significant increase in budget deficit.

For several months I was looking for possible paths Solving the current situation. Now we can safely declare that military pensions in Russia in 2016, as amended latest news Will be indexed by 4%. It will happen in February. The percentage of payout indexation is 3 times less than inflation in the country.

It is also allowed that during the year another increase will occur. But, it is just possible to talk about it only after the situation with the pace of development of Russian economy is clear.

Most recently, military pensioners indexed a pension by 7.5%. It happened in October of the current year. The solution of this issue was not without the participation of Vladimir Putin, who stated that it was necessary to find funds for raising payments. The task was solved, and military pensioners received indexation of their pension. Unfortunately, in the new year, finding funds for greater increases are not possible. So, military retirees remain only to be content with a recent increase and hope for the best changes in the economic situation of the country. This is possible only after GDP growth. In this case, the financial support of the social sphere can be carried out in full. Recall that before the onset crisis situation It was planned to be indexed by 20%.

It was previously assumed that in 2016 an increase in military pensions would be suspended. However, now another decision is made that the purchase will still be, but low. It will be reduced insurance surcharges that rely on military pension to those citizens who were labor relations on a citizen.

In the new year, it was decided not to index the salary of those military pensioners who continue to work in certain structural units. This applies to the work in the Government, the State Department, the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Defense. Such innovations and employees are expected correctional institutions, police officers, security officials, firefighters.

Currently the average size Pensions of the serviceman exceed average level Pension payments to civilian pensioners. However, both those and other categories of citizens remains to be waiting and hope that the country's economy will go uphill and increases to their payments will be much higher.