What awakens the appetite. Medicines for appetite. Home remedies for lack of appetite.

Paradoxical as it may seem, the situation with underweight body is quite comparable to the problem of overweight.

And the main reason for the development of this circumstance, according to nutritionists, is a seemingly banal lack of appetite.

But what do you do when you don't feel like eating?

First of all, it is worth understanding - what led to the appearance of problems with a healthy appetite.

Caffeine and related substances can cause cardiac arrhythmias, especially in people involved in races that require a lot of resistance. They improve performance in long-term efforts such as cyclists and cross-country skiers, but not in short-term efforts. Undoubtedly, in some experimental situations, caffeine can reduce striatal muscle fatigue, possibly through a glycogen effect.

Studies that have long been produced to demonstrate the effect of caffeine on athletic performance can be summarized and divided into three objectives: studies evaluating output or similar isometric strength, studies on short-term resistance, longevity studies A period of more than 30 minutes when the onset of fatigue becomes an important factor. In the first two types of data, studies are inconsistent, however, they show that caffeine is able to increase performance; a third few well-known studies have compared caffeine with placebo during "working in excess" periods currently, while cycling exercises done in the lab for 90 minutes with caffeine doses of 500mg and 330mg have been shown to be superior. than placebo.

To do this, it is imperative to seek help from a doctor who will conduct a physical examination and prescribe certain laboratory research which will shed light on the nature of this problem.

Very often, the causes of a deterioration in appetite are certain diseases, for example, those associated with work. digestive tract or liver, as well as unrecognized oncological neoplasms. Troubles can also cause depression, mental disorders, and even viral infections in organism.

Therefore, it can be concluded that caffeine is able to enhance performance in long-term sporting events, although the actual mechanism of action is not clear. Therefore, it is imperative to distinguish caffeine intake from beverages or foods the most. taking as medicinal product to reach this level, the athlete must take about 500 mg of caffeine for a short period of time in the content of drinks and food caffeine changes: sign, this dose it can face eight cups of coffee Or in three boards formed a family of chocolate.

Besides, important role plays and alcohol abuse, taking antibiotics and antihypertensive drugs.

Your actions and means to increase appetite

First of all, a properly formulated diet will help solve the problem. This item includes not only the selection of the names of certain products, but also their competent consumption. Nutritionists advise to eat more often, but in small portions (), and at the same time use only those foods and dishes that you like.

A common question asked by athletes and coaches is whether daily use caffeinated beverages may give a positive test result. It can be concluded that the athlete must take a large number of caffeinated drinks before the competition in order to sample positive urine. Considering Negative consequences depending on the consumption of large amounts of liquid immediately before the competition, which uses caffeine doping, more often suppositories are used, as safe way introductions.

If, for example, you are a supporter of a certain cuisine, then it is simply vital for you to learn how to alternate it with other products or dishes so that there is no addiction and, as a result, aversion to monotonous food.

While preparing your favorite homemade dishes, you can safely experiment with various spices that enhance the taste of the meal so perfectly that you will certainly want to taste it.

High doses of caffeine cause restlessness, nervousness, agitation, insomnia, hot flashes, tachycardia, and gastrointestinal disorders, effects that may limit or compromise athletic performance. It should be remembered that such effects can occur even after several cups of coffee. At doses greater than 1 g per day, muscle spasms, cardiac arrhythmias, free thoughts, manic, manic periods, and psychomotor agitation may also occur. At doses greater than 10 g per day, death may result from a respiratory crisis.

Not less than importance to restore a good appetite play physical exercise, so whenever possible, try to get out with your family on Fresh air. Walk in the park, play with children in active games- such behavior will help to increase the general tone of your body, including its psychomotor functions.

Bulbar analytics. From a chemical point of view, analytics is a rather heterogeneous group of substances, where it is often impossible to establish a relationship between structure and activity. From a pharmacological point of view, it should be noted that analytics has short duration actions and that their action always follows depression. An ideal analytic is a drug that can selectively affect the respiratory center, but without a stimulating effect on the upper nerve centers. These substances have great importance in the practice of doping: breathing, in fact, is very important role in metabolic mechanisms associated with energy production.

Also try not to give yourself small snacks between main meals throughout the day. Buns, sweets, cakes and even fruits can completely discourage appetite even among food lovers.

It is better to replace such goodies with one glass of sour apple juice, because it is the acid that can reflexively stimulate the mucous membrane and increase insulin production, which will make you look longingly towards the refrigerator.

However, the excitation of breathing is already caused by an increase in carbon dioxide in the blood produced in the athlete under stress. Therefore, the action of these compounds is less decisive than it is believed. It is also well known that, in general, athletic performance is increased not so much by increasing the frequency and amplitude of breathing, but by breathing properly during the athletic effort itself.

Analysts include xanthines, camphor, nicetamide, lobolin, precammid, dioxin, defeflin, cardiasol, picrotoxin. Due to side effects, only some of these drugs are used and are listed on the banned substances list. It acts mainly by stimulating the bulbar and medullary centers, thus overriding all the "action of camphor with two advantages:" no stimulation on the cerebral cortex at therapeutic doses and peripheral vascular stimulation also through the intervention of some specific receptor formations that are chemoreceptors. .

And one more important point is the environment around you. For example, a beautifully set table willy-nilly will stimulate an increase in appetite almost always.

Why go far, you remember - when you cook an interesting dish for your baby, for example, in the form of a snake, or decorate pancakes for breakfast with jam, drawing interesting faces on them, does he eat them willingly? The same goes for adults!

Precammid is a pharmaceutical preparation consisting of crotetamide and cropropamide in equal parts. This drug is able to stimulate the central nervous system and especially the respiratory center without magnification blood pressure. The stimulating effect on the boulevard respiratory center causes an increase in the frequency of respiration and, above all, the amplitude of respiration. It is used orally or parenterally.

It should be borne in mind that the drug already in these doses can cause various side effects including dizziness, muscle cramps, vasomotor reactions. This, however, raised the possibility that the substance at the irritant level spinal cord in the same way as excitatory neurons are both inhibitors: capture by manifestation then excitation index at the cortical level, where inhibitory phenomena are relatively few.

So, if you decide to help yourself and your loved ones improve their appetite, then try the effectiveness of taking the following medicinal herbs and fees (after consulting a doctor).

Folk remedies for appetite: a list of herbs

Herbal extracts with a bitter taste can positively influence the level of appetite due to their irritant on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and the upper parts of the digestive tract, which in turn leads to a reflex increase in the secretion of gastric juice.

Cardiazol is rapidly absorbed by all routes of administration, but is subject to rapid inactivation, especially by the liver, so the action is essentially short. Naturally, its action is not selective on the respiratory center, but, especially at high doses, it affects many other centers, so that vomiting, salivation, coughing, vasoconstriction with hypertension, etc. can occur. to convulsions caused by weak tactile and acoustic stimuli. They are classified as drugs: opioid natural alkaloids, phenylpiperidine derivatives, benzomorphan derivatives, oripavine derivatives; opioids in combination with antispasmodics.

They are very safe for the human body, and practically do not have any side effects. In addition, they also have anti-inflammatory and choleretic action. So, let's begin!

Note: all of the following herbs are NOT RECOMMENDED for inflammation of the stomach walls as a result of hyperacidity, that is, hyperacid gastritis or peptic ulcer.

A typical representative of the class is morphine, whose abuse by athletes is primarily associated with an analgesic. In a relationship sports events serious side effects such as respiratory depression and physical and psychological dependence are highlighted.

Drugs act on opiate receptors, either by reducing transmission along pain pathways or by altering the central perception of pain. The central action also promotes drowsiness and euphoria. Stimulation of the center of vomiting leads to an increase in nausea and vomiting up to a certain percentage of patients. Morphine also strongly inhibits gastric emptying, decreases bowel motility to the point of constipation, reduces gastric secretion, pancreas and bile, causing biliary colic, and sometimes causes difficulty urinating.

Collection appetizing

Ingredients: wormwood herb, tincture of valerian, belladonna and peppermint.

Uses: As a bittering agent to improve appetite.

Dosage: one tablespoon pour 200 gr. boiling water and let it brew, take one spoon 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Calamus rhizome

High doses may have bronchostriction, postural hypotension for peripheral vasodilation, also associated with histamine release. Morphine and derivatives are known to induce dependence, and although this is not a problem in short-term treatment, the associated dependence and tolerance does not recommend long-term use.

Anabolic androgenic steroids. Androgens are commonly referred to as the male sex hormones, although testosterone, as well as other steroidal nature, is produced both by the male gonads, in small quantities, from those women and other bodies. They are called anabolic steroids, drugs that, while representing the basic structure of the steroid androgen, if they differ in a slight effect on masculinization and a large effect on protein anabolism. It was like this positive action androgens on metabolism, stimulates the synthesis and experimentation with anabolic steroid compounds in an attempt to separate the anabolic effect from androgen activity.

Active substance: essential oil, tannins and acorin (a bitter substance).

It is used: as a means of improving the functioning of the digestive tract and appetite.

Dosage: 10 gr. calamus pour 200 gr. boiling water and give time to brew, take 50 gr. three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

centaury herb

Active substance: alkaloids (erythricin, gentiamin), bitter glycosides (erythrocentaurin, erytaurine, gentiopicrin), centaurein flavone glycoside.

Testosterone is primarily secreted by the testes, the glands consist of lobules in a straight tubule or twisted covering with a high rate of maturation of cells mixed with supporting cells, Sertoli cells, a delegated hormone secretion substance with a specific inhibitory effect on gonadotropin. The latter consist of a gametogenic factor responsible for spermatogenesis and a testosterone factor responsible for stimulating Leydig cells. Among the tubules he placed the connective stroma can be found in fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, collagen fibers and specific epithelial cells that secrete testosterone.

It is used: with reduced appetite and to improve digestion.

Dosage: prepare an infusion (10 grams of herbs per 200 grams of boiling water), which is then taken one spoonful three times a day half an hour before meals.

Leydig cells are present in in large numbers at birth, they should be reduced until puberty, during which time they return to progressive increase in order to remain stable until aging. They can also produce estrogen, as an additional step in testosterone synthesis, through the same mechanism by which these products are found in the "ovaries starting from" acetoacetic acid.

The absorption of androgens depends on the route of administration. Natural ones such as testosterone are almost completely inactivated if administered orally due to their passage through the liver. In order to protect the compound from liver inactivation while maintaining its efficacy, oral pharmacological administration requires a chemical modification of the molecule, such as esterification.

Wormwood herb

Active substance: bitter substances absinthine and anabsinthine, flavonoid artemisetin, tannins and essential oil.

It is used: as a means of increasing appetite, as well as to improve digestion.

Dosage: infusion of herbs (10 g per 200 g of boiling water) take one spoonful 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 15-20 drops.

Anabolic steroids are brutally abused by professional athletes and amateurs who play sports in order to increase muscle mass and strength. Testosterone is a male sex steroid responsible for the appearance of male secondary sexual characteristics and has both anabolic and androgenic effects. Anabolic steroids mimic the anabolic metabolic action of testosterone with limited androgenic effects such as hirsutism, acne, or aggressive behavior.

bitter tincture

Ingredients: centaury herb 60 gr., calamus rhizome 30 gr., coriander fruit 15 gr., water trefoil leaves 60 gr., wormwood herb 30 gr. and ethyl alcohol 40%.

Uses: For the treatment of hepatic gastritis (reduced excretion of hydrochloric acid), with chronic and atrophic gastritis, anorexia, which is directly related to mental disorders and to increase appetite.

Dosage: use for oral administration 10-20 drops half an hour before meals.

Dandelion root

Active substance: bitter glycoside taraxacin, inulin (up to 40%) and resins.

It is used: as a choleretic agent for constipation and bitterness to stimulate appetite.

Dosage: one teaspoon of dandelion pour 200 gr. steep boiling water and take 50 gr. three times a day 30 minutes before a meal.

water leaf shamrock

Active substance: glycosides, tannins and flavonoids (rutin).

Applicable: as choleretic drug, as well as with reduced function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dosage: one tablespoon of water shamrock is poured with boiling water (200 gr.) And taken 50 gr. 3 times a day for half an hour before going to the table.

Also, for good stimulation of appetite, you can take juniper and barberry berries, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, rose hips, cumin and anise seeds. All of them are good because they have a very pleasant taste, so drinking such infusions is a pleasure.

But, for example, plantain leaves, yellow gentian, calamus and wormwood are not so tasty, but they increase appetite much more.

In fact, with poor appetite in the human body, there is a deficiency nutrients necessary for normal life, therefore, to replenish them, you need to use funds with an essential nutrition factor. These are amino acids (methionine, glycine, l-carnitine and lysine), vitamins (B12 and ascorbic acid) and minerals.

They can be used to influence energy metabolism cells, thereby stimulating metabolism. Under such conditions physical activity And intellectual development person will pass correctly.

Also, as a general tonic with reduced appetite, it is recommended to take propolis and bee bread (bee bread). All these products have excellent anti-inflammatory properties and are indispensable sources of all essential minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium) and vitamins (A, E, C, PP).

Have you lost your appetite? How to raise it? We increase it with folk remedies:

  • Bee honey (dandelion, coriander).

Drink on an empty stomach, a teaspoon per day. If the child has poor appetite- "reach" the teaspoon gradually, in microdoses.

  • Dandelion root.

Mix thirty grams of the root with a liter of boiling water. Before meals, use one second cup (3 times a day, before meals).

  • Lemon, crushed with sugar.

Soak the lemon in water to remove all the bitterness. Grind in a blender. Grind with sugar. Take one and a half tablespoons before meals.

  • Melissa.

Grind lemon balm (two tablespoons). Pour boiling water (two glasses). Four hours insist. Drink before meals, one second glass (four times a day).

  • Cornflower blue (flowers).

Take two tablespoons boiled water. Take a few tablespoons of cornflower blue flowers. Mix and insist. Drink in the "C grade" of receptions, a tablespoonful, before meals.

  • Air marsh.

Pour the rhizomes (crushed) of calamus (a teaspoon) with a few glasses of boiling water. Put on a weak fire, cover with a lid. Boil for fifteen minutes and remove from heat. Add sugar. Reception: a day - 3 times (one second cup) drink.

  • Sunflower.

Take sunflower petals (a tablespoon). Fill with a glass of boiling water. When infused - take one second tablespoon of the dining room (three times a day).

  • Herbal mixture.

Mix one second of yarrow herb, one second of white willow bark, one part of common wormwood herb, one part of medicinal dandelion herb and pour boiled (hot) water over it. Insist and drink a day - 3 times before meals (ten minutes before meals).

  • Meadow clover.

Mix one teaspoon of clover inflorescence with vodka (five hundred milliliters). Boil for five to six minutes over low heat. Cool down. Strain. Drink a day - 4 times a tablespoon of this decoction.

  • Walnuts.

Five hundred grams of walnuts, juice of four lemons, three hundred grams of honey, one hundred milliliters of aloe juice, mix. Twenty-five minutes before meals, take a teaspoon three times a day.

  • Needles.

Rinse the needles (two tablespoons). Fill completely with boiling water. Boil in an enamel saucepan for twenty minutes. insist. Cool (for sixty minutes). Take half a glass twice a day. By the way, you can add a little medicine.

  • Series.

Pour two tablespoons (table) of succession with two glasses of boiled water. Insist for thirty-five minutes. Strain. Take four times a day for a tablespoon.

  • Anise ordinary.

Take a glass of boiled water. Take a teaspoon of anise fruits. Fill the fruit with water. Strain after insisting. Take one second glass half an hour before meals three times a day.

  • Rhizomes and roots of the lure.

Dilute forty drops of lure in one-third of a glass of water. Reception: - 3 times a day with meals.

  • Sushenitsa marsh.

Take a spoonful of this herb (in dry and crushed form). Pour a glass of boiling water over and leave for a few hours. Strain and take thirty minutes before meals.

  • Fruits and seeds of Schisandra chinensis.

Take twice a day, diluting thirty drops in a third of a glass of water. It is better to take in the evening and in the morning, before meals.

  • Roots and rhizomes of radiola rosea.

Dilute twenty drops of radiola rosea in a third of a glass of water. Take the mixture four hours before meals.

  • Roots and rhizomes of ginseng.

Dilute twenty-five drops of ginseng in water (one third of a glass). Reception: a day - 3 times (before meals) take.

  • Plantain leaves.

Chop plantain leaves. Pour them in a glass of boiling water. Insist for twenty minutes. Take twenty minutes before meals (3 or 4 times a day).

There are also folk remedies(herbs), appetite increasing:

  1. Astragalus woolly-flowered.
  2. Aralia Manchurian.
  3. Hanging birch.
  4. Leuzea safflower.
  5. Barberry.
  6. Thyme.
  7. Fenugreek.
  8. Trifol.

How to raise, increase appetite? What women say (their reviews):

Tatyana Alexandrovna, 50 years old: Thank you for the article! Let me read to my wife, otherwise he doesn’t eat anything at all. I got nervous. Now I'm nervous too. I'm afraid he might get sick, poor thing. Doesn't want to go to the doctor. Decided to self-medicate for the time being. It's good that in this way, and not in another way.

Julia, 19 years old: I have never had a particular appetite. But I'm tired of the constant parental "attacks". I decided to fix the situation somehow. I chose such a method as the return of appetite with the help of folk remedies.

Katerina, 25 years old: I drank tea with thyme. Such a good tea, but the appetite does not want to raise. Only "diuretic". It's good that the toilet is nearby, and not on the street. For the first time I realized how cool it is to live in the city, and not in urban villages, or in villages. Funny, but vital, however!

Valentina Evgenievna, 43 years old: I always have an appetite for sweets. But I'm not small enough to eat only sweets! The husband already swears, bothers. I don't want to quarrel with him about this. And there are plenty of reasons!

Tatyana, 18 years old: The ninth and sixth means are working. Try it if everything is so critical for you. I tried, the guy tried, my second cousin did too.

Oksana, 26 years old: I do not trust, in general, all kinds of herbs, but here - miracles. I tried it and I'm happy.

Yadviga Vasilievna, 38 years old: I liked the article, but to try something .... Afraid! And diarrhea, and allergies, and other nonsense. I really appreciate my body, whose health is already “undermined”.

Yulia, 17 years old: Wouldn't the Barberry candy work? I love them very much. They are so sweet and sour. I would love to increase my appetite!

Lilia, 23 years old: And I got hooked on diets. On the contrary, I need to reduce my appetite. Let's see what happens. I’ve been “dieting” for just a week, and it’s already bad from losing weight. And sick, and dizzy, and overcomes weakness. In short, let's see what's next for me.

Fish fat. What is useful? Benefit and harm.