Fast acting laxative powders. How to make a quick laxative at home. Irritant laxatives.

Now in any pharmacy you can buy pills for constipation. The choice of laxatives is huge. Each remedy has its own composition, properties, indications and contraindications, and they can have different effects on the gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose the right good pills from constipation? First you need to figure out what type they are divided into and what is their difference.

What home remedies are good for constipation in young children?

If symptoms persist or are accompanied by others, call your pediatrician. Many home remedies for children early age constipation is a cross between infant and adult patients. Liquids and physical exercises: Make sure your child drinks and gets enough enough movement that will also help keep them digestive tract... Fiber: Add or make sure they are getting enough of some of the recommended foods, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, and flax-seed... Dairy: Sometimes too much dairy can aggravate digestive system child. Allow them to relax during typical bowel movements and raise their legs in the chair if that helps. Warm bath: add two tablespoons baking soda into a warm bath and let them relax. Warm milk: for some children drinking one glass warm water or milk before going to bed, they will help to make a bowel movement in the morning. Vaseline or warm fabric: Apply a warm, damp piece of cloth to your baby's anus. Or, as with babies, it can help wipe the petroleum jelly around them. anus to make it pass easier. Stomach Massage: As with babies, you can rub their tummies lightly with your fingertips in a clockwise direction, starting at the navel and turning outward.

  • Encouragement: Constipation can be a problem during potting.
  • Encourage your child to take their time and walk when they feel the urge.
  • Honey: Mix two tablespoons of honey with a glass of milk on an empty stomach.
  • This is often a gentle relief for children.
The best laxative should be effective, fast-acting, and as gentle on your body as possible.

Tablets for constipation are inexpensive and effective are divided into irritants and mild (prebiotics) on the human gastrointestinal tract.

In order to choose the right remedies for the treatment of constipation, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor in order to choose a drug that is suitable for your individual. In addition, you need to read the instructions for the drug and study side effects tablets and contraindications.

By talking to doctors and reading peer-reviewed medical research, we have narrowed the launch pool of 62 products to three better solutions- best selling products with small amount side effects when taken as directed. If you are constipated, you are not alone. But sometimes you just need quick-acting relief.

If you have kidney problems, pregnancy, or breastfeeding, check with your doctor before taking an over-the-counter laxative. This product is a hyperosmotic laxative that works by drawing water into the intestines, encouraging bowel movement, and making it easier to pass stools.

What is the difference between drugs with an irritating effect from laxatives of slow or mild action (prebiotics) is described in the table.

Irritant constipation tablets, inexpensive and effective Mild constipation drugs
Actions1) fast action (1 reception is enough);
2) the active substances in the composition contribute to quick release from constipation;
3) stimulate the intestines.
1) have a slow but effective laxative effect;
2) stimulate the urge to defecate;
3) leave a long-lasting and lasting effect.
Contraindications1) are not prescribed for chronic constipation;
2) can not be taken by children and women during pregnancy and lactation;
3) it is forbidden to take for acute gastritis, pancreatitis, hemorrhoids, and bleeding.
They have no contraindications. They are suitable for use by young children, women during pregnancy and during lactation.
Side effects1) the drug should not be taken long time to avoid depletion of colon receptors and weakening of tone;
2) with prolonged use of such laxatives, addiction begins;
3) there is pain in the gastrointestinal tract.
There are practically no side effects with prebiotics, the appearance of flatulence is possible, which disappears after a while.

Irritants are considered the most effective treatment for constipation. Taking the drug in the evening in the morning leads to a bowel movement.

Fiber for constipation

The only downside is actually swallowing it: it's a viscous liquid that has left an extremely fine, unpleasant residue in our mouths. However, his active ingredient, polyethylene glycol, carries a lower risk of side effects than the magnesium used by Phillips.

How we found the best laxative

Phillips also deserves a mention of Laxative Drops. Like their liquid counterpart, the capsules use magnesium to stimulate bowel movement and, according to Phillips' website, they usually last for six hours. If you want more convenient option than measuring liquid or mixing powder, we suggest giving them a try. In this process, we learned that "laxative" actually encompasses many options: some foods work by stimulating the colon, and some by making stools slippery.

Mild drugs are considered the safest and most effective remedies for constipation. They are food components that enter the intestines, while they are not digested in the stomach, and contribute to the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora.

Irritant constipation laxatives are inexpensive and effective

Tablets for constipation, for solution delicate problem that are effective and fast acting and inexpensive in price, you can choose from a list of drugs that irritate the intestines.

Some come as liquids and nasal sprays; Some are enemas. So we invested in existing research from organizations like the American Gastroenterology Association and the Mayo Clinic, and then spoke with two doctors to find out which options were the best.

Ennemas and suppositories needed

Let's be real - enemas and suppositories aren't the first choice. But there is also medical reason by which we have eliminated these products. He explained that only in "very bad" cases of constipation, when the stool is too painful to come out, should someone try the suppository. Mukherjee also told us that "an enema should not be given unattended" the first time you use it. Basically, if you experience unevenness, try a more common type of laxative first, and only move towards enemas and suppositories with the help of your doctor.


Composition: The active substance in the preparations is the substance - bisacodyl.

Additional components: starch, lactose, wax, glycerin, magnesium stearate.

Action laxative drug Dulcolax: when the drug enters the intestines, a large amount of mucus is formed in it, irritation and stimulation of the intestinal walls occurs.

We said goodbye to lubricants and emollients

After examining the side effects and effectiveness, we excluded two categories of laxatives: lubricants and emollients... Laxative lubricants work by making stools slippery and easy to pass. But if taken frequently, these foods can interfere with the absorption of fat by the fat-soluble vitamins. It probably doesn't have of great importance if you're just laying out your daily multivitamin, but it's a little riskier if you're on prescription drugs - and there are many other types of laxatives that don't pose this problem.

The duration of the action until the effect is obtained ranges from 5 to 12 hours.

Properties: has an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates peristalsis, stimulates the production of mucus.

Release form: tablets, rectal suppositories (suppositories).

Country of issue: Germany

Average price in Russia varies from 220 to 270 rubles.

Emollients have another drawback: The Mayo Clinic explains that they don't necessarily induce bowel movements. Instead, they simply soften the stool to prevent stress as you walk. Can you treat constipation by swallowing castor oil or vegetable oil?

Lots of websites suggest swallowing a spoonful of castor, mineral, or plain old olive oil instead of a lubricating laxative. But, fears about vitamin absorption aside, most experts do not recommend this: if you accidentally inhale while swallowing, it can lead to lipoid pneumonia.

Bisacodyl drug

The preparation contains the main active substance- bisacodyl, and also additional components: powdered sugar, magnesium stearate, talc and wax.

The effect of the drug Bisacodyl: the agent has a laxative effect. The effect of the application (defecation) must be waited for about 5-10 hours.

Bisacodyl tablets are the most optimal in terms of price-quality ratio for constipation - at an inexpensive price, they have pronounced effect

Properties of Bisacodyl boil down to the fact that it irritates the stomach with the help of an active substance, softens and removes feces.

We thought it sounded a little far-fetched, but it turns out that so many people try to treat their constipation by swallowing oil and then getting it stuck in the wrong pipe - that the treatment for constipation was wrong - one of the main causes of lipoid pneumonia.

Negative stimulant laxatives outweigh their positive results

At first, good news: This product category definitely works. In fact, the American Gastroenterological Association recommends stimulant laxatives as an acceptable course of treatment if substandard laxatives persist. But stimulant laxatives are also pretty harsh on the body. Mukherjee explained that this type of product “stimulates the intestines by irritating them,” and regular use can be addictive. Your colon may forget how to contract on its own, leaving your body unable to produce bowel movements unaided.

Release form: available in tablets and rectal suppositories.



Excipients water, starch, lactose, talc appear.

The action of the drug: pills for constipation Weak, inexpensive and effective in their action. Action time from 10 to 12 hours.

We have carefully reviewed the instructions and ingredient labels of our remaining rivals

The Canadian Society for Bowel Research recommends that stimulant laxatives be "reserved for use in extreme conditions and only on the advice or supervision of a pharmacist or doctor. " For people who just need a little relief, there are softer options. This left us with a final list of nine applicants.

Our samples for the best laxative

And after consulting the doctors, we feel pretty confident recommending both. And it works fast: according to its packaging, the product "usually produces a bowel movement ½ to 6 hours." Its active ingredient, magnesium hydroxide, is recommended by the American Gastroenterological Association as a good option pre-treatment for constipation. Side effects are rare, but may include reddened skin and drowsiness.

Properties: affects the intestinal mucosa, enhances peristalsis, accelerates bowel movements.

The tool is available in tablets white and drops for oral administration.

Country of issue: Russia

average price from 100 to 130 rubles.


What are they?

Since all laxatives can lead to fluid loss, it is important to also drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. It is a thin, slightly viscous liquid that you pour into a measuring cap before swallowing. While it has no discernible odor or taste, we found the texture to be extremely unpleasant: it left small residues in our mouths that were difficult to wash.

Foods that improve peristalsis

We even chilled the bottle for six hours to make sure it became more palatable, and while it made the liquid a little easier to swallow, it didn't help the aftertaste. One of them is 2-4 tablespoons, or one to two sips, and the product should be taken once a day for no more than seven days.

Composition: The active substance is sodium picosulfate.

Additional components: water, sorbitol, hydrochloric acid.

The action of the drug Laxigal: laxative.

Time of action: 10-12 hours

Properties: The drug passes through the stomach without changing its appearance, stimulates intestinal motility, eliminates constipation, and is not addictive.

So if you need help ASAP, Phillips is your best bet. As with milk of magnesia, side effects minimal but may include bloating, dizziness, and sweating. The label says you can add it to any drink, hot or cold, and we had no problem dissolving it in a cup of cold tap water.

You will need to stir, otherwise the product will thicken, but the powder will completely dissolve 20 seconds after stirring. There was also no perceptible taste, apart from faint mineral undertones. Phillips' laxative caps are also magnesium-based, so they have the same caveat for long-term use as a liquid medicinal product stamps. But if you don't need the hassle of measuring doses, tablets may be preferable. Please note that they are not coated, so we suggest swallowing quickly - otherwise they will start to dissolve, leaving behind the same chalky milk of magnesia flavor.

It is produced in the form of drops for oral administration.

Country of issue: Czech Republic

average price 250 rubles.


Composition: the active substance is sodium picosulfate.

Auxiliary components: water, lemon acid, sodium benzoate, sorbitol.

Action: laxative

To ward off constipation, create good hygiene intestines. Neil Mukherjee told us that the best long-term treatment for constipation is to develop good bowel hygiene. For achievement best result the body must have good intestinal hygiene.

This will include the planned exercise and sleep pattern. Of course, sometimes we just need a little additional help... But how did you know when you got to this point? “I would recommend starting to take laxatives when changing bowel habits, or forcing the person to make changes,” said Dr. Mukherjee. "Common problems are severe straining, painful hard stools and the feeling that they are blocked or swollen."

Time of action: 10-12 hours

Properties: The drops are taken orally, after which, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, they irritate the intestinal walls, increase peristalsis, accelerating the process of bowel emptying.

Release form: The drug is available in drops for oral administration.

Country of issue: Germany

average price can reach 500 rubles.


Composition: The main active ingredient is lactulose.

Excipients: water, fructose, citric acid.

The action of the drug Lactusan: the drug is considered a bifidogenic laxative.

Time of action: The effect occurs after 2-3 days of taking the drug.

Properties: lactusan promotes the growth and restoration of the intestinal microflora. Suppresses pathogenic microorganisms. By taking a course of antibiotics, it retains beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Release form:

  • pills;
  • syrup.

Country of issue: Russia

average price- 280 p.


Composition: Active substance vegetable origin- psyllium husk.

The action of the drug: crushed psyllium husk in the composition of the drug swells in interaction with liquid, irritates the intestinal walls and leads to natural bowel movements.

Time of action: After oral administration, the drug begins to act within 6-8 hours.

Properties: The drug helps to quickly get rid of constipation, has an irritating effect on the intestines, helps to soften and liquefy feces, and normalizes stool.

Suitable for pregnant women and children, as directed by a doctor. Available in capsules of 10 pcs.

Country of issue: Russia

Average cost: the price is relatively low, up to 130 rubles.


Note! Senadexin - tablets for constipation, inexpensive and effective, according to reviews they differ from other means affordable price and fast effect.

Composition: A herbal preparation based on hay leaves and alexandrian leaves.

The action of the drug: Has a laxative effect

Time of action: 8-10 hours

Properties: reduces the intestinal walls, irritating them, prevents the absorption of fluid into the intestinal walls, enhancing the laxative effect, stimulating rapid bowel movements.

Release form: available in tablets.

Country of issue: Ukraine

Average cost: 25 p.

Soft-acting tablets

Important to remember! When choosing a laxative, you must adhere to the principle: "Move from weak to stronger." Experts recommend that it is better to start treating constipation with mild drugs.

Choosing a laxative you need:

  1. Find out the exact cause of constipation.
  2. With the prescribed treatment of constipation, long term, choose drugs, specially designed pills for constipation, inexpensive and effective means for long-term treatment and do not inhibit their own intestinal microflora.
  3. Strictly follow the instructions for taking the drugs (morning, afternoon, night).


Composition: active substance - Lactulose (Lactulose).

The action of the drug: has a mild laxative effect.

Time of action: 2-3 days.

Properties: after taking the drug, the metabolism in the intestine is accelerated, the pressure inside the intestine rises, fluid begins to accumulate, which contributes to the expulsion of feces.

Formed acidic environment that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria. The pathogenic intestinal flora is killed.

Release form: syrup, tablets.

Country of issue: Russia

Average cost: from 200 to 450 p.


Composition: the main substance is Lactulose, purified water, lactose.

The action of the drug: laxative of mild action.

Time of action: the dosage is selected individually, the time of admission is up to 2 weeks.

Properties: the main active ingredient - lactulose - is not broken down in the stomach and reaches the intestines unchanged.

Normalizes stool and microflora, promotes gentle bowel cleansing.

Release form: available in the form of syrup, 250 ml and in tablets of 30 pcs.

Country of issue: Russia

Average cost: RUB 300-350


Composition: active substance: lyophilized bacteria.

Additional components: water, inulin, gelatin.

The action of the drug: the drug with a complex of prebiotics and probiotics has a mild laxative effect.

Time of action: it is recommended to take the drug 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

Properties: normalizes intestinal microflora, promotes natural emptying, improves digestion, restores stool, increases immunity, kills pathogenic flora.

Release form: capsules

Country of issue: Bulgaria

Average cost: 500 p.


A herbal preparation designed to improve peristalsis, cleanse the intestines, remove excess fluid, and promote weight loss.

Composition: rhubarb root, cassia torus seeds.

The action of the drug: normalizes the flora of the digestive tract, promotes digestion and improves metabolism.

Time of action: course reception, within 20-30 days.

Properties: activates metabolic processes, normalizes stool, eliminates constipation.

Release form: the drug is available in capsules.

Country of issue: China.

Average cost: 400-800 p.


Composition: active substance - inulin, fructose, glucose, gimnema extract.

The action of the drug: has a laxative effect, improves metabolic processes.

Time of action: course reception, 1 - 2 months.


  • improves digestion;
  • normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases the number of beneficial bacteria;
  • normalizes stool.

Release form: tablets, powder.

Country of issue: Russia

Average cost: up to RUB 300

Herbal constipation pills

Constipation pills that are inexpensive and effective, such as herbal laxatives, are the most sought after by consumers because they are suitable for long-term use and do not cause side effects.


Composition: based on senna.

The action of the drug: has a laxative effect.

Time of action: from 6 to 12 hours


  • improves intestinal motility;
  • causes the onset of defecation;
  • normalizes stool;
  • cleans the intestines from stagnation.

Tinasen is available in dragee form.

Country of issue: Hungary

Average cost: RUB 50


Composition: senna leaf extract

The action of the drug: mild laxative.

Time of action: 6-10 hours

Properties: has laxative properties. Improves peristalsis, accelerates bowel movements. Promotes gentle bowel movement.

Release form: dispensed in tablets.

Country of issue: India

Average cost: 200 p.


Composition: based medicinal plants- aloe and buckthorn bark.

The action of the drug: laxative to eliminate symptomatic and acute constipation.

Time of action: within 8-12 hours.

Properties: it is used to eliminate intestinal obstruction, softens stool, normalizes stool.

Release form: pills

Country of issue: Poland

Average cost: up to 300 p.


Composition: medical bile, artichoke, turmeric

The action of the drug: choleretic, laxative

Time of action: course treatment, 10-20 days.

Properties: improves metabolism, relieves constipation caused by intestinal atony.

Release form: pills

Country of issue: Vietnam

Average cost in the Russian Federation: about 250 p.


Composition: based on rhubarb root powder

The action of the drug: used as a laxative

Time of action: 6-10 hours

Properties: improve the motility of the colon, irritate the intestines, leading to a gentle release of the intestines.

Release form: in pill form

Country of issue: Poland

Average cost: 50-80 p.

Dietary supplements to stabilize the work of the digestive system

Dietary supplements are widely used among constipation remedies and pills that are inexpensive and effective. They have a beneficial effect on digestion, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increase immunity and protective functions the body in the fight against viruses and bacteria.


Composition: based on senna leaves, kelp, plantain, dill fruits

The action of the drug: has a mild laxative effect, stimulates peristalsis.

Time of action: the treatment is carried out in courses, the duration of admission is 1-2 weeks.


  • improves bowel function;
  • restores and normalizes the natural intestinal flora;
  • stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

Release form: the drug is available in the form of tablets, syrup, bars and tea bags.

Country of issue: Russia

Average cost: the cost of packaging in the form of tablets will be up to 150 rubles.


Composition: the additive is based on live beneficial bacteria.

The action of the drug: mild laxative, additive to restore intestinal microflora.

Time of action: taking the course drug, within 1 month.


  • improves digestion and accelerates bowel function;
  • normalizes microflora;
  • inhibits pathogenic flora.

Release form: in capsules

Country of issue: Canada

Average cost: 250 p.

The article gives short description pills for constipation, effective, expensive and inexpensive in their cost. All of them are divided according to the time of action, indications and duration of admission.

To receive desired effect, it is important that the treatment and pills are prescribed by a doctor who is familiar with the patient's medical history. Self-medication can lead to dangerous consequences and exacerbate the problem.

Constipation pills are inexpensive and effective:

How to choose the right laxative:

What are the remedies for constipation in adults and how to make a laxative as safe as possible for health? The list of such tools is quite extensive. Laxatives for constipation are produced in the form of laxative powders, tablets, capsules, suppositories. Laxative syrup is also very popular.

What are the laxatives with irritating effect and how long does it take to start working?

Many irritating and powerful laxative preparations contain plant-derived ingredients: senna leaves, Castor oil, rhubarb and others. But there are also synthetic ones among them. The action of irritating substances is aimed at acting on irritating receptors in the intestine, stimulating peristalsis in order to accelerate the movement of feces in it. Emptying occurs no later than ten o'clock.

Phytomucil - herbal preparation Considered the best plum-containing laxative, plantain. The action is aimed at attracting liquid and increasing the volume, as a result of which the feces soften and go outside. Indicated for constipation, hemorrhoids, overweight... Available in powder form, the dosage is indicated in the instructions.

Bisacodyl is a modern synthetic laxative. A good laxative with a very fast action - no longer than 8 hours. It is prescribed in cases where rapid emptying is required - before surgery, childbirth, as the best option It is also indicated for constipation and intestinal atony. You need to drink it at night.

Irritant laxatives also include: Laxigal, Slabikal, Slabilen, suppositories glycerin and Glycelax, Bisadil, Laxbene, Regulax, Senade and others.

Osmotic laxatives are based on their ability to retain water and soften stool. The increase in stool volume leads to an increase in pressure inside the intestine, as a result of which the flow of water increases. Liberation is soft and easy.

Fortrans is a fast and effective remedy for constipation. It is often prescribed before surgical treatment or before starting X-ray or endoscopic examinations of the bowel. This laxative is not absorbed into the bloodstream, does not accumulate in the intestine. It is usually not prescribed for the elderly or for heart patients. Fortrans is produced in powder form, one package is diluted per liter of water.

Karlovy Vary salt is a cure for constipation in adults. Laxative drinks containing this salt should be consumed strictly according to the instructions, in order to avoid harmful consequences for oneself. Prescribe Karlovy Vary salt for constipation to stimulate digestion and to restore the water electrolyte balance.

Other osmotic drugs: Macrogol, Microlax, magnesia and a number of others.

Prebiotics are types of laxatives, the action of which is based on the fact that they are not absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract and go down in an unchanged state. These drugs for constipation contribute to the development of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines, so they can rightfully be classified as the best laxatives. Prebiotics, like osmotic drugs for constipation, attract additional fluid to the intestine, and the resulting acidic environment strengthens the muscles and intestinal motility.

Duphalac - has the safest and simplest action, allows you to completely get rid of obstructions, if you use it for no more than one course. Active substance- laxative lactulose - contained in syrup.

Normase - it is allowed for use even by pregnant women and children. Suitable also for those who doubt which laxatives to choose with the best and safest effect.

Contraindications for of this medicine available only for diabetics, since it is produced in the form of sugar syrup, and for those who have intestinal obstruction. In addition to those listed, the class of prebiotics includes: Lactitol, Goodluck, Poslabin Lactulose.

Natural laxatives usually contain herbal ingredients... Their action is based on the fact that when they swell, they stretch the walls of the intestine and stimulate contractility, defecation occurs due to the strengthening of reflex receptors. The herbal components contained in the preparations are not absorbed, but they accumulate liquid.

Phytolax - in tablets or in the form of pills. Contraindications - only during pregnancy or breastfeeding... It contains apricot pulp, senna leaves and extract, plantain and dill seed. The number of applications is a course of two weeks. Phytolax is taken only at night.

Senade - natural preparation containing senna leaves. How long does the laxative work: the result is achieved after 8, maximum 10 hours. Long-term intake laxatives containing senna are not recommended due to the fact that the intestines get used to them and becomes lazy, waiting for an additional portion. As a result, we have to loosen up with more and more of this drug... Senade should not be taken with existing cystitis, inflammation and internal cavity bleeding, bowel obstruction. In addition to ready-made dosage forms, you can prepare laxatives at home. The list of such funds is quite extensive. Let's list some of them.

Sodium sulfate, or Glauber's salt - has an irritating effect on the receptors in the intestines and stomach, improving their motility and digestive function. Salt is produced in powder form. In addition to osmotic pressure on the intestines, it promotes the formation of bile and the elimination of waste products. Dissolve sodium sulfate in a large number water and add to food, drinking plenty of liquid. The duration of the action is a maximum of 14 hours.

Glycelax - very efficient candles shown for both adults and children. It is impossible to use this tool for a long time, but in the form emergency- very effective. Glycelax begins to work quickly, in children, defecation occurs literally immediately.

Use of dietary supplements for constipation

Alternative remedies for constipation include whole line biologically active additives- dietary supplements. Let's list the most effective ones. Phytolax, which was mentioned above, refers precisely to dietary supplements, since it contains only natural ingredients from fruit fiber and plants.

Mumiyo is a substance known since ancient times that is used for many diseases, including in the fight against difficult bowel movements. Mumiyo restores metabolism, as a result of which intestinal function is normalized. It should be drunk diluted (2 grams per liter of water) and exclusively on an empty stomach, washed down with an additional volume of liquid.

Kelp is a natural seaweed. Available in tablets, syrup. This is so effective remedy how useful can be natural product... V seaweed the mass of essential trace elements.

Once inside the intestines, kelp swells, softens feces and promotes its excretion. In addition, this algae enhances immunity, therefore, reviews on the use of this biological supplement are only positive, the exception is only for those who have an individual intolerance.

It is very cheap and safe product, allowing you to solve a lot of health problems. On the basis of kelp, preparations are produced Mamoklam, Fitotransit and others. The category of dietary supplements includes various laxatives from herbs, powder from licorice root, rhubarb root in the form of tablets, syrups and extracts.

In addition to medicines, the best laxatives are vegetables, salads with beets, olive and sunflower oil... Among vegetables that have a laxative effect, the whole family of pumpkin stands out - zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, melon. Do not forget about flax seeds, which can be added to food and cooked with them.

From fruits, figs are very weak - if you eat it on an empty stomach or drink a decoction from it during the day.

A glass of kefir at night is also a very effective method of getting rid of constipation.

In addition, for normal peristalsis, you need to move more, eat foods that have a laxative effect. Even if you drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bedtime, you can already achieve some progress in the treatment of constipation. We should also mention the compatibility of the laxative with alcohol.

Alcohol itself has a depressing effect on the digestive system. It causes an irritating effect in someone and in a person immediately after use. alcoholic beverages appears frequent stools, but after a while, on the contrary, difficult emptying occurs. Also, do not forget that alcohol is not compatible with many drugs, which must be indicated in the instructions. As a result of gastrointestinal collapse, complications such as intoxication, liver damage, chronic constipation and many other equally serious consequences.