Daily consumption of beer is 2 liters. How to stop drinking beer. Why is beer alcoholism dangerous?

Assessing the harm of beer, doctors assure that this drink develops strong addiction, as a result of which a person is struck by the so-called "beer alcoholism". It is very difficult to cure this type of alcoholism, since a person who drinks beer does not consider himself an alcoholic, and the symptoms do not have a pronounced manifestation.

At the same time, according to psychologists, personal indicators are rapidly leveled, a person with this type of alcoholism is prone to mood swings, prolonged depression, he refuses his own opinion, becomes easily controllable and led. The reason for everything is harmful salts heavy metals that accumulate in the body of the "victim" who drinks beer.

It should be remembered that 1 liter of beer is equal to 50 grams of vodka in terms of intoxicating properties.

With excessive consumption of beer, not only alcohol dependence can develop, but also serious illnesses liver, heart, brain, and dysfunction of many systems of the human body.


Bull heart syndrome develops when drinking beer. As a result of the disease, the cavities of the heart expand greatly, and the walls themselves thicken, which leads to a malfunction of the heart muscle, and its weakening. The heart literally swells and becomes decrepit. Such a heart cannot work for long. All this is due to the content of cobalt in beer, which greatly dilates blood vessels, making it difficult to pump blood.

It is fair to say that beer in small doses does not harm the body, a glass of beer drunk every couple of weeks after a bath activates metabolic processes and improves the functioning of the stomach. The main thing is to know when to stop!

Drinking beer negatively affects health and hormonal background, endocrine system human due to the excessively high content of heavy metals in it. Simply put, beer alcoholism leads to impotence and infertility. Plus, drinking beer completely changes hormonal system male and female body. So, in men, testosterone ceases to be produced, and they become effeminate. In women, on the contrary, it begins to be produced in large quantities, which leads to a change in voice and active growth hairline, including on the face.

Drinking beer is also harmful because it increases the risk of developing cancer hundreds of times. First of all, this affects the liver, which stops processing blood properly. As a result, this leads to its increase, which causes severe forms hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.

With excessive and constant consumption of beer, brain cells die off. It threatens stroke, brain cancer and multiple sclerosis, there is a complete degradation of man.

Beer is primarily alcohol, and those who say that it is healthy are deeply mistaken. And as you know, any alcoholic drink affects health. According to statistics, about 60 liters of beer are consumed per year for each inhabitant of Russia. Although in Germany and the Czech Republic these figures are much higher than 145 and 161 liters, Russia is rapidly approaching this level. This is because there is a widespread opinion about the benefits of beer. This is because the barley used in the production of this drink contains many useful elements. And also there is an opinion that since beer is a low-alcohol drink, then it is not capable of causing addiction and dependence. But since this drink contains alcohol, the harm of excessive beer consumption is obvious. Abuse of this drink causes abdominal pain, heart and liver problems and impairs potency.

The harm of beer to the stomach

The stomach is the first to take the hit from excessive beer consumption. Beer, as a low-alcohol drink, contains a small amount of alcohol. Some extra strong beers can contain up to 14% ethyl alcohol... It turns out that a 0.5 liter bottle of beer is comparable to 50-100 g of vodka. Many Russians drink beer every day after work, and this is very harmful to the body. After all, beer poisons the stomach lining.

According to experts, the glands located in the stomach, which form gastric juice when regular use alcoholic beverages at first they produce a lot of mucus, and then they completely atrophy. Because of this, the digestion process is disrupted, since food either stagnates or enters the intestines in a semi-processed form. The consequence of this may be the development of gastritis in men. Chronic alcoholic gastritis sometimes manifests itself along with general weakness, abdominal pain, and depressed mood.

Effects on the liver

Any alcoholic drink, even with a low alcohol content, is the main enemy of the liver, since its the main role is the cleansing of the body from incoming toxic substances. The influence of excessive beer consumption in this case is very large. The liver instead of protecting the body from poisonous substances, combats the toxicity of alcohol. And this can cause the development of hepatitis. Doctors say beer hepatitis can have and hidden forms than sometimes misleads doctors. In this case, everything depends only on individual characteristics organism.

The harm of beer to the kidneys

The kidneys maintain the stability of the internal environment of our body. They regulate the electrolyte and acid-base balance. Excessive consumption of beer leads to a failure of these processes, which significantly increases the load on the kidneys, in connection with which they begin to work in an enhanced mode. This means that people who consume beer often go to the toilet. This concept in medicine is called increased urination. This process is associated with the action of ethyl alcohol, which makes the kidneys work hard. Due to its strong diuretic effect, beer simply flushes out of the body useful elements and vitamins. Lack of magnesium leads to sleep disturbance, bad mood... With a lack of potassium, pain in the calves may occur, and heart rhythm disturbances may occur. Abuse of this drink can cause sclerosis of the kidney vessels, kidney hemorrhage and other kidney disease. With prolonged use of beer under the influence of alcohol, the kidney simply shrivels.

The effect of beer on the heart

Because beer has a fast absorption property, the blood vessels overflow. Excessive consumption of this drink can lead to varicose veins veins and enlargement of the heart. Doctors call this disease "bovine heart" or "beer heart" syndrome, or many other names. The increased stress caused by the constant pumping of beer causes the heart to weaken and it becomes covered with fat. The work of the heart is knocked down, the rhythm quickens. There is a high probability ischemic disease... All of these problems can lead to stroke and, in the worst case, death.

Failure of hormones

Doctors believe that many alcoholic beverages contain phytoestrogen. It is analogous to progesterone (the female sex hormone). Hop cones, which are used to brew beer, contain phytoestrogen. That's why overuse this drink impairs the activity of the endocrine system.

Beer affects men by suppressing testosterone. In this case, female hormones come to the fore. There is a change in the appearance of a man, the number of body hair is reduced, the face and armpits may become bald, muscle mass shrinks and forms a "beer belly" and the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and thighs. It turns out, as it were, transformation into a woman, and this also affects the potency of men.

Beer is one of the most common alcoholic drinks today. It has become an indispensable attribute for many. Everyday life... It is drunk at home and on the street, in company and alone, in hot and cold weather, young and old, men and women, and even boys and girls. Beer festivals and all kinds of exhibitions with tastings are held regularly. A generously paid beer advertisement, which makes even children alcoholics, says that real men drink beer, and the smartest are sent for it. Under the influence of massive television advertising, a whole generation has grown up, unable to resist it.

Beer makes people lazy, stupid and powerless.

They are silent about the emergence of such a phenomenon as "beer alcoholism", especially among young people. Young people today believe that beer is not harmful, and some believe that it is beneficial. But is it?

Beer, as well as vodka, cognac, wine, contains ethyl alcohol and belongs to alcoholic beverages. One of the insidious properties of alcohol is the formation of a pathological addiction, a morbid craving for alcoholic beverages, that is, alcoholism. The transition from the habit of "drinking a little" to addiction is usually imperceptible. Beer causes more fast development alcoholism. It has been established that after drinking two glasses of beer, a person gives his body the same alcoholic load as if he drank 100 grams of vodka. In order to make sure of this, we will make a simple calculation. We will use the conventional unit "absolute alcohol", thanks to which it is possible to compare alcoholic beverages of any strength. So, it is known that 100 grams of 40-degree vodka contains 40 grams of absolute alcohol. The strength of the most common beers is 3.5-4.5%, which means that 100 grams of beer contains approximately 4 grams of absolute alcohol. They drink beer in mugs and bottles, and each one contains 300-500 grams. With the first dose, 20 grams of absolute alcohol enter the body, with two - already 40 grams, that is, the same amount as in half a glass of vodka. Consequently, those who regularly drink beer experience the same alcohol overload as when drinking strong alcoholic beverages. In addition to ethanol, beer contains methyl, isopropyl alcohols, esters, ketones. All of them are potent poisons and have a toxic effect on internal organs, and they enhance the damaging effect of each other. V recent times a new type of beer with a high alcohol content has appeared on the market - up to 12 percent. Drinking such beer leads to more serious consequences.

Beer lovers claim that mankind has been familiar for a long time and uses it. Indeed, beer is an ancient drink, and it is simply impossible to establish its creators. The brewing process in ancient times was significantly different from the modern one. The recipe was something like this: beer bread (bappir) was made from malt, which was then crumbled, dipped into a barrel, poured with water and fermented. Then all this was filtered and drunk through special tubes so that undissolved chaff and grains did not fall into the drinker's esophagus. At the same time, even then, the excessive consumption of beer was viewed with disapproval. On one of the stone slabs, an admonition was carved: "Do not destroy yourself when you are sitting in a pub, do not lose your mind and do not forget your vows."

Different peoples had different attitudes towards beer. V ancient egypt and Babylon the expression "beer is liquid bread" was popular. It was then cooked from malted bread, toasted or dried in the sun. Beer, onions and bread were the staple foods of the poor ancient Egyptians. A daily rate the pyramid builder consisted of three loaves of bread, three jugs of beer, and several bundles of garlic and onions. V ancient greece beer was considered the drink of the plebeians. Respectful residents Ancient rome they practically did not drink beer, which is in many ways typical of modern Romanesque peoples.

In Russia they drank little. Only on some holidays was brewed mead, home brew or beer, the strength of which did not exceed 5-10 degrees. The charka went in a circle, and from it everyone drank a few sips. On weekdays, they did not drink any alcoholic beverages, and drunkenness was considered the greatest shame and sin.

Modern technology of brewing beer has undergone significant changes, so it is in taste, composition, color and characteristics biological action differs from the beer consumed by the population of the ancient world.

Hops began to be used as raw materials in the production of beer. The question of when and where it was first used for brewing (perhaps wild at first) is unlikely to ever be resolved. Hops grow in the form of lianas with dark green leaves and light green-silvery cones, entwining trees. It belongs to the same plant family as hemp, is also poisonous and requires caution when internal use... Hop cones contain biologically active substances- saponins (phytoestrogens), which are plant analogues of female sex hormones. The content of phytoestrogens in hops reaches significant values ​​- from 20 to 300 mg per 1 kg of plant mass. In beer, their content reaches up to 36 mg / l. This amount is sufficient to provide a distinct hormonal effect on the human body, changes in the endocrine status. Similar substances are found in some other plants, for example, in red clover, alfalfa. ethnoscience knows about it. When grazing livestock, shepherds make sure that animals do not consume too many of these plants, as this threatens the development of infertility in animals. What are sex hormones? They provide differences between the male and female body. The male sex hormone - testosterone ensures the functioning of the genitals and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in men - a courageous figure with more developed muscles, facial hair, voice, character. Female sex hormones contribute to the development of femininity, make it possible to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. One of the features of hormones is high activity at low concentrations. In organism healthy woman only 0.3-0.7 mg of estrogen is produced per day, which by weight corresponds to half a grain of sugar. If a person begins to take a hormone unusual for him, then this leads to a change in his figure, secondary sexual characteristics, character. This is used when deliberately changing gender. Before and after gender reassignment surgery, such people accept male or female hormonal drugs constantly.

When drinking beer, the body begins hormonal changes, which leads to a change in appearance. A man, consuming beer, replaces the male hormone in his body with a female one. His figure is gradually changing: fat is deposited along female type on the abdomen and hips, the pelvis expands, a "beer belly" appears, breasts... Attraction to a woman weakens, impotence develops, disappears male qualities- the desire to lead, the desire to win, more and more often there is a desire to lie on the couch and watch TV.

A woman with beer introduces an additional amount of a hormone into her body, which negatively affects reproductive system and leads to violations menstrual cycle and then to infertility. About the effect of hops on female body has been known for a long time. When working on the plantations of this plant, most women soon began to bleed, regardless of the menstrual cycle, so they tried not to be involved in such work. Hormonal disturbances increase sex drive to men so much that girls lose their modesty and begin to play a dominant role. This brings disharmony to sexual relations... In general, the society of beer lovers is gradually losing pronounced sexual characteristics. This is the last step before the extinction of such a society, since in asexual society the natural necessity for normal reproduction disappears.

Beer is drunk in large quantities. Already in itself, the intake of a significant volume of fluid into the body adversely affects the activity of cardio-vascular system and kidneys. For drink lovers, a beer (so-called bull) heart is formed, while the number of heart contractions increases, arrhythmias occur, and blood pressure, heart failure develops. The examination reveals the expansion of the boundaries of the heart, violation of heart sounds, changes in the ECG.

Suffers vascular system... A beer lover's face gradually becomes flabby, puffy, with characteristic bags under the eyes.

The inevitable companion of beer abuse excess weight body, obesity, arises from hormonal disorders... Excessive fat deposition in subcutaneous tissue gave birth to naive ideas about the health benefits of beer. In fact, the body's metabolism is disturbed, the liver suffers. Working with constant overload, this vital organ eventually ceases to cope with its barrier functions. This leads to the fact that unharmed alcohol enters the bloodstream and has a toxic effect on the kidneys. The composition of the blood changes. Its ability to coagulate decreases, permeability increases small vessels... Activity is disrupted gastrointestinal tract... All organs suffer from the action of poisons.

The substances contained in the extract of hop inflorescences give the beer a bitter taste. They belong to the category of psychoactive compounds, have sedative, hypnotic and hallucinogenic effects. Thus, with beer, a person accustom himself not only to the usual intoxicating effect of alcohol, but also to sedation. Gradually it becomes narrower essential element rest, relaxation, beer becomes a habit and biochemistry. In addition, the need to drink beer does not cause such anxiety in a person, in close relatives, as the need for vodka. This is how beer alcoholism develops, more insidious than vodka. The bitter substances of beer have a stimulating effect on the secretion of gastric juice, this causes discomfort in the stomach, and then the development of diseases of the gastric tract.

More recently, biogenic amines have been found in beer. These include cadaverine (lat.cadaver-corpse belongs to the group of cadaveric poisons, is formed during rotting meat, in humans it is formed during the life of the bacterial flora of the large intestine), histamine, and although the concentration of these substances in the drink is low, some of them are destroyed in the intestine, they cause headaches when drinking beer.

Food additives are widely used in the brewing industry, they are designed to speed up the production process, increase shelf life, improve taste and other properties. Various additives inhibit the growth of yeast and foreign microorganisms, inhibit the activity of enzymes. Without such additives, the beer quickly becomes cloudy, loses its taste, and some of the components precipitate. Previously, formalin was used as a preservative. However, after the discovery of its mutagenic and teratogenic effects, the use of formalin was prohibited. Currently, various stabilizers of colloidal stability are widely used, which prevent stratification of beer and contribute to long-term preservation"Beer cap" made of foam. Until the end of 1960, surfactants harmful to the body were used for this purpose. The most notorious is cobalt chloride, which has caused the death of a significant number of regular beer drinkers. Cobalt chloride causes the development of specific damage to the heart muscle, reducing the level of calcium in the myocardium.

Mineral compounds enter beer from malt: ions of calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine, and potassium ions are contained high quantity, which leads to a sharp increase in the amount of urine and enhances the excretion of sodium and chlorine by the kidneys, leading to demineralization of the body. For this reason, many people add some salt to beer before drinking or consume salty snacks.

Until recently, science was not interested in the effect of beer on a living organism. But the annual increase in the number of people observed by drug addicts for "beer alcoholism" forced scientists to pay close attention to it. Today, based on the results of medical supervision, it is safe to say: "Drinking beer in any quantity leads to serious consequences."

One of the drinks most revered by men today, of course, is beer. Few people do without beer when watching a football or hockey match, and in the evening after work, men eagerly pass a mug or two in a friendly circle. The beer market is replenished with new sorts and brands of this drink almost every day. It would seem that it is a low-calorie low-alcohol drink, but is there really harm to beer.

Important! Although beer belongs to low alcohol products, it is still alcohol that has a pathological effect on the liver.

The effect of beer on men

Experts have proven that beer can turn a man into a person of the fair sex. The fact is that the intoxicated drink contains a large amount of phytoestrogens - testosterone antagonists that reduce the production and action of the main hormone that makes a man a man. In addition, the harm of beer is caused by pathological changes in the parenchyma of the testicles and spermatic cords. If the representatives of the stronger sex drink beer in large volumes, then this is fraught with a significant decrease in erectile function. Abnormally low secretion of testosterone is the cause Bad quality sperm, which causes male infertility.

In a man, imperceptibly for himself, the harm of beer causes a decrease in libido, situations arise when he can no longer carry out a full sexual intercourse. Such embarrassment is becoming more frequent, and impotence is getting closer. Due to the action of phytoestrogens, it changes and male appearance: reduced muscle mass and hairiness throughout the body, but the hips, pelvis and pectoral muscles on the contrary, they increase. Gradually the man is gaining weight, a "beer belly" appears. The reason for this is the easily digestible carbohydrates contained in beer in quite a significant quantities... Over time, the huge belly begins to press on the vessels and provokes a violation of blood flow to the penis, causing erectile dysfunction.

Attention! Complex pathological changes v male body, developing against the background of beer abuse, contributes to the development of cerebral hemorrhage, pulmonary edema and other irreversible complications.

Gradually, metabolic processes and liver function are disturbed in the body. The liver is constantly overloaded and loses the ability to barrier functions... As a result, non-neutralized substances enter the bloodstream and poison the heart, kidneys and blood vessels. Along with this, in men, blood clotting decreases, the work of the pancreas is disrupted, and pathological conditions like diabetes, etc.

The harm of beer is manifested in the syndrome of "bullish" or "beer heart", when, against the background of abuse of a foamy drink, an overgrowth of connective tissue in the walls of the myocardium occurs, and the heart muscle itself is overgrown with adipose tissue. As a result, the volume of pumped blood decreases, organs receive less oxygen and other nutrients... The man notices the appearance of rapid fatigue and causeless shortness of breath. All these changes lead to the development of coronary artery disease, unstable pressure, alcoholic cardiomyopathy, which is manifested by painful syndromes in the abdomen, heart and chest, cough and shortness of breath, diarrhea and vomiting.

Suffering from beer abuse and the male stomach. The fermentation products and carbon dioxide contained in the drink irritate the stomach walls, develops increased acidity followed by gastritis, ulcers and cancer.

Some beer benefits and the composition of the drink

Although it is a spoonful of honey in a barrel of tar, there are still benefits from beer. Researchers have shown that beer, thanks to the sedative effect of hops, helps with insomnia. In addition, a glass of beer contains the same amount of vitamins and minerals as a glass of orange juice. Chemical composition beer is diverse. The drink contains:

  • Water;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Ethanol;
  • Nitrogen-containing substances;
  • Mineral compounds like calcium and sulfur, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and chlorine, iron, zinc, copper, etc.;
  • Vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, C, nicotinamide, folic acid etc.);
  • Organic acids (citric, acetic, pyruvic, oxalic, gluconic, etc.);
  • Phenolic compounds.

Scientists have proven that the foamy drink, due to its rich potassium content, is useful for hypertensive patients. In limited quantities, beer is good for men. It contains B-group vitamin compounds that support cardiovascular activity, normalize digestion and nervous system processes, and ensure the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

The phenolic compounds present in beer prevent the development of stroke and heart attack, prevent thrombus formation, and normalize lipid metabolism. Lemon acid accelerates the processes of urine formation, thereby preventing kidney stone formation.

A similar effect of a hoppy drink is provided only in the case of its insignificant consumption in minimal doses. But if you abuse it, then the harm of beer becomes obvious.

What else are bad drinks

Any drink containing even a small amount of ethyl alcohol provokes the body's dependence, the result of which is beer alcoholism. In addition to the effect on potency, heart, liver, abuse of beer products leads to the destruction of brain cells that cannot be restored, which causes thirst and headaches in the morning after drinking beer. A frequent consequence such libations become memory impairments, up to failures. Systematic abuse of beer causes a significant decrease in intelligence, learning ability. At advanced stages beer alcoholism in patients is observed too low self-esteem and symptoms of developing dementia.

No less dangerous is the harm of beer for nervous system, on which the intoxicating drink has an intoxicating, numbing effect. A similar effect is associated with psychoactive substances that make up the drink. Over time, beer dosages begin to increase, leading to alcoholic excesses. As a result of the systematic abuse of beer in the body, the content of the most important trace elements and energy components decreases. This is evidenced by weakness in the limbs, arrhythmic manifestations, too dry skin, calf cramps.

Important! If 15-20 years ago the reason for the couple's infertility was predominantly a woman, today about half of such families are unable to have a child due to male infertility, in which the abuse of beer plays an important role.

Under the influence beer harm the emotional and psychological background of a person changes: he begins to suffer from insomnia, becomes irritable, tearful, nervous. The digestive organs also suffer from the abuse of the foamy drink, the insignificant content of cobalt leads to toxic effects that cause gastrointestinal inflammation. Long-term beer abuse causes the development of intestinal cancer, in some cases leading to a fatal end.

Experts have proven that the harm of beer also affects the liver. When large volumes of beer are consumed, a gradual increase in the size of the organ occurs, then fatty steatosis develops, gradually turning into alcoholic hepatitis. If a man continues to drink the intoxicated drink in the same quantities, alcoholic fibrosis occurs, when healthy liver tissue is replaced by connective tissue, which can cause irreversible consequences. The final stage is hepatic cirrhosis. If, when such a diagnosis is made, a man continues to abuse alcohol again, then death occurs within a 5-year period.

Beer alcoholism

They started talking about a similar disease not so long ago. But this form of alcoholism is characterized by rapid development. In this case, the harm of beer is obvious, because beer addiction develops four times faster than addiction to strong alcohol. Due to the "low alcohol content" of the foamy drink, craving for it does not cause much alarm, therefore, a serious dependence is found already at later dates development of pathology. Doctors sound the alarm - adolescents are already suffering from beer alcoholism, and often of both sexes.

In general, the following consequences of prolonged abuse of a foamy drink for the male body have been scientifically proven:

  1. Development of infertility;
  2. Impotence, erectile dysfunction;
  3. Cardiac dysfunction (myocardial dystrophy);
  4. Serious liver and kidney disease (hepatitis, pancreatitis, cirrhosis);
  5. Pathology digestive system up to gastric cancer;
  6. Brain cells are irreversibly destroyed.

In other words, the consequences of excessive beer drinking are much more dangerous than previously thought. The whole body suffers, and the heart muscle receives a double blow, because the intoxicated drink is consumed by men in large volumes, forcing the heart to pump blood with an increased load. As a result, the pressure rises, a pathological left ventricular enlargement occurs, the heart muscle thickens, becomes flabby and begins to partially die off.

Frequent visits to the toilet after a large number drunk beer is not a kidney cleansing procedure. Due to the addiction to beer products, the kidneys begin to function in the overload mode, several times exceeding the usual volume of work. And this leads to sclerotic narrowing of the renal vessels, which is fraught with hemorrhage, and then renal infarction, leading to death.

Therefore, before opening a bottle of a foamy drink, you should seriously think about the colossal harm that will be done to the body. After all, to communicate with real friends or watch a sports match, it is not at all necessary to drink a tank of beer.

For a long time, the representatives of the stronger sex have been making jokes and anecdotes about beer bellies, they say, the belly does not appear “from” the use of a foamy drink, but “for”. Unfortunately, few men listen to the Ministry of Health, which warns that excessive beer consumption is unhealthy. Despite the fact that the diagnosis of "beer belly" does not exist in medicine, the abuse of beer leads to irreversible negative consequences in the human body. To figure out whether this foamy drink is as safe as it seems at first glance, we offer you together with our experts.

Disastrous consequences

According to statistics, every resident of our country, including teenagers, drinks on average more than 100 (!) Liters of beer per year. Such abuse of the foamy drink not only causes, but also turns the figure of men and women into something unimaginable. In men, the belly resembles a difficult burden, and women are increasingly like pregnant hippos. This is due to the fact that the beer contains phytoestrogens - plant analogues of female sex hormones, which are rich in hops. With excessive enthusiasm for this drink, hormones accumulate and change hormonal metabolism. As a result, the figure of men becomes effeminate: the mammary glands enlarge, and fat is split off in the abdomen and buttocks. In addition, do not forget that beer, like any alcohol, stimulates the appetite. It is rare when men and women drink beer without salted fish, nuts, chips and other salinity. Is it worth reminding that this food does not bring any health benefits, especially when combined with alcohol?

Note that this intoxicating drink not only spoils the figure, but also provokes the development of many diseases. For example, beer lovers are more likely to experience impaired renal function and intestinal microflora, since the tremors contained in beer provoke dysbiosis. Cobalt chloride (foam stabilizer) present in this drink thickens the walls of the heart and causes tissue death in the heart muscle. And, of course, beer abuse cannot but affect the state of the liver. First, this organ increases, then hepatitis occurs, and subsequently fibrosis and cirrhosis may develop. And one more thing: beer contains various phenolic compounds that have a detrimental effect on genitourinary system and are capable of causing cancer.

How much beer to drink so as not to harm your health?

It is no secret that the recommended dose of alcohol, which the body is able to process and completely neutralize, is 35 ml of alcohol per day. For comparison: a 0.5 liter bottle of beer contains about 50 ml of alcohol. Therefore, if you drink a malt drink more than twice a week, and even not one bottle at a time, but several bottles, then you cannot avoid a drooping belly and health problems.

If the roundness in the tummy area has already become your "decoration", but you do not want to put up with the belly, then besides strong desire you will need to diet and perform regularly physical exercise... The enemies of the beer belly are running, swimming, brisk walking, cycling. Moreover, the first results for integrated approach you will be able to achieve in a few months. But on condition that from now on you do not drink beer, even non-alcoholic.

By the way, the opinion that such beer is good for health is erroneous. It is to your taste and outward appearance very close to a traditional drink. At the same time, psychological addiction to the process of opening and pouring will sooner or later lead to the fact that you want to drink a glass or two of an intoxicated drink. And this leads to alcohol addiction which is very difficult to get rid of.

Summing up all of the above, we came to the conclusion that beer is far from a harmless drink that just quenches your thirst. Excessive use of it has a detrimental effect on the body both internally and externally. But this does not mean that you cannot afford to drink a glass of a truly high-quality drink. Try to feast on beer no more than twice a week and only on a full stomach. In this case, lead active image life and watch your weight. If you notice that after drinking beer, fat begins to accumulate in the abdomen and thighs, give up the intoxicating drink and think about your health!