How to identify a secret gift in classmates. What is a private gift in Odnoklassniki

In addition to the usual gifts that are visible to all users who are friends, there are also private gifts. What are their features and how to make private surprises?

What does a private gift mean in classmates

Using this service, you can, if you wish, congratulate certain person, but at the same time remain unknown to all other friends. And to do this is quite simple.

The function has two main types:

  • Who the sender is, only the recipient of the gift will know social network.
  • No one will know about the sender. To do this, you will have to select the "Secret Gift".

If someone sent a private, secret surprise, it is displayed in the notifications section almost immediately after sending. The gift can be accepted as well as rejected. In case of rejection, the money will be returned to the sender.

On a note! If accidentally taken unwanted gift, then you can fix it - delete the picture. The deletion will have to be confirmed and the bright animation will disappear forever.

How to find out from whom a private gift in classmates

To find out the name of the sender of a private gift, use the only way– enter the site with the username and password of the recipient. For everyone else, the information remains confidential.

Even the recipient will not be able to understand who decided to send a secret present. There is only one way to try to guess - to see who was visiting on the page.

Attention! The sender could use the "Invisible" service. Then it will not be possible to determine it.

How to make a private gift in Odnoklassniki

Do private present not so difficult. The main thing is to be careful and clearly follow the instructions given:

  • In the window that opens, you can select the most suitable gift. When you click on the picture you like, you can immediately see how it will look on the profile page. You can see several options.
  • When the present is selected, you can proceed to sending.
  • A window will open where you can add a melody, write a message. And most importantly: check the box next to the “private” value.
  • Finally, you just need to click the "Submit" button.


It is always nice to receive gifts, even if they are virtual. And private gifts will always add intrigue, make other users think who gives gifts to whom.

Save for yourself!

Someone loves to give gifts, someone - to receive, but it is very difficult to find completely indifferent to them. And it is not surprising that on the OK social network, the majority of active users on the pages flaunt bouquets of flowers, cakes and other favors attached to avatars. But not everyone knows what a private gift in Odnoklassniki is and how it differs from standard presents. But there is a difference, and we will talk about it now.

Types of gifts in OK

To begin with, let's clarify that a gift within this social network is, in essence, a sticker picture that one user can send to another. Accordingly, this virtual picture symbolizes a certain object: sweets, all kinds of flowers, Stuffed Toys, solid drinks and even cars. There are stickers for congratulations, declarations of love, compliments, wishes, animated pictures and even musical ones.

If we more specifically classify virtual presentations, then this can be done according to two criteria:

  • price;
  • privacy.

The cost of the pictures varies between 1-90 OK, and they differ in size and duration. The most expensive are animated, or, as they are called in the community itself, live pictures. In addition, there is an All Inclusive option. Otherwise, it can be called unlimited, because. by paying a certain amount, you get the opportunity to choose and send congratulations without restrictions. If you don’t want to spend money at all, you can send stickers for free, but finding them is not easy, because. they are rare among the huge assortment, and for some reason the developers decided not to put them in a separate section.

We proceed directly to the topic of our article. In terms of privacy, presentations can be:

  • public;
  • private;
  • secret.

Each user who visited the page of the person to whom the pictures were sent can see all three types. But not everyone and not always can find out the sender himself. In the case of public stickers, there are no secrets: the name of the congratulator is known to both the recipient and all guests of his profile. A private present allows you to hide the name only from guests / friends. BUT secret gift in Odnoklassniki guarantees complete confidentiality, which means that even the recipient himself will not know on whose behalf the surprise was sent. And no matter how hard you try to find a way to "hack" the system, secret gifts do not and will not have the ability to reveal the name of the sender. The secret must still remain a secret.

How to send and receive private gifts

Each user can give a private gift, but there are still some restrictions. You will not be able to send a postcard if you are on the Black List of a person. Also unavailable free pictures for the All Inclusive promotion for a recipient with a closed profile. Finally, free stickers cannot become secret gifts in Odnoklassniki at all, and you can only give them to your friends. But you can send the sticker to yourself, only for obvious reasons, public and private options will be available. By the way, a gift can be made not to a friend, but simply to a person whom you want to please.

Giving a private gift is as easy as giving a public present. Choose a recipient friend, choose suitable picture, add a small note if desired and click on the "Gift" button. But do not forget to mark privacy before the last step - in this case, the name of the donor will be automatically hidden from all guests of the recipient's profile.

By the way, the recipient himself has the opportunity to make it private. Before you receive a gift, you just need to put the appropriate mark, and then only you will know who the virtual surprise came from. And remember that you can accept a sticker picture within two years. As soon as you accept it, it will appear on your profile picture.

If the gifts suddenly disappeared

Sometimes OK users report that the sticker cards they were given are gone. You don't need to worry. This is not a glitch in the system, and no one has hacked you. Everything has an explanation. The first situation is why gifts are not displayed in the Feed. Everything is simple here: Odnoklassniki does not provide for the appearance of free gifts in the Feed, which is why you do not see them.

Situation two - where did the received / sent free gifts go, why did they remove notifications about received surprises. And again, the answer is very simple: in the social network, all free pictures are stored for exactly six months. As soon as this period approaches, gifts are deleted from the Received and Sent sections, and the corresponding notifications are deleted along with them. Therefore, if the stickers suddenly disappeared, there is no need to panic: it only means that their "use by date" has expired.

So let's recap. To understand what a private gift is, it is enough to know available options privacy. The gifts themselves can be viewed by the recipient, guests and friends of the recipient. Everyone can find out who sent the gift in the case of a public present, only the recipient with a private sticker, and no one with a secret picture. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to make a private present to a person on Odnoklassniki, just take the opportunity to send anonymous gifts. He will be pleased, and you will be calm.

The Odnoklassniki social network is one of the most popular and promoted communities in Runet. One of the features of this site is the ability to give paid and free gifts in Odnoklassniki. The received gift appears on the main profile photo and is shown there for a week from the moment it was received.

How to send a gift in Odnoklassniki

The algorithm for the action of a user who wishes to give a virtual souvenir to an interlocutor will be as follows:

  • Go to a friend's profile (left panel) and select the "Make a gift" sub-item.
  • Click on the image you like on the page that opens.
  • Next, a dialog box will open where you can write a wish to the interlocutor and mark the type of gift: “Public” or “Private”.
  • Then it remains to click on the "Gift" button and pay for the service in any proposed way.

What if you do not want to pay real money, but are looking for an opportunity to give a gift for free? This question can often be found on thematic forums. It turns out that such a possibility exists.

The site has adopted its own equivalent of the monetary unit - OK, which can be bought for real money, or you can earn directly on the resource, and then spend it on small presents for friends and relatives. But for this you have to be a moderator. How to do this can be found in the article about.

After a certain amount is typed, OKs in Odnoklassniki can be spent. To do this, you should click on the "Auction" button located in the lower corner of the application and win any lot, including drawings of ratings, emoticons, free gifts, etc. The user will be notified by a message that the lot has been won. After that, you can do free gift any member of the community.

Private gift in Odnoklassniki

If you send a present with the “Public” status, then everyone who visits the page of the person to whom it was intended can see your token of attention. If you want to remain incognito, then before sending a gift, you must check the box in front of "Private" in the appropriate box. Then only the recipient will know who sent it.

There is another category of gifts - secret. If you assign such a status to the present, then even the recipient will not know who the sender is. A great opportunity for someone's secret admirers, however, such a gift may be rejected by the recipient.

In the same window, for an additional fee, you can add to the gift musical accompaniment- select a song from the social network collection.

How to delete a gift in Odnoklassniki

If the user does not want the present to decorate his avatar, then it is possible to get rid of it. To do this, select the last tab under the photo - this is the "More" item, and in the menu that opens, click on the "Gifts" button. A page will open with all the images sent to the user. If you hover over any picture, then a cross will be displayed in its corner, by clicking on which, you can eliminate an unnecessary present. However, if you don't like the image, you can not accept it at all by selecting the "Reject" button as soon as it is sent.

Social networks are not only a means of communication text messages with other people. Over time, the network becomes more and more like real life and that's a fact. One of the confirmations of this is the presence of gifts in the Odnoklassniki social network. How to present a private gift on the Odnoklassniki social network? How is a private present different from a regular or secret one? You will learn all this from this article.

Gift types

  • Usual. This category includes postcards, love and friendship gifts, flowers and compliments, and much more. The minimum price is 1OK. Among the huge variety of different presents, even the most avid gourmet will choose the right one.
  • Such types of congratulations are visible to all users who visit the page of the person to whom they are addressed. It is worth remembering that a person has the right to refuse to accept it. In this case, the money spent on the gift will not be returned to the user. When viewing gifts on a person's page, you can see who gave it.
  • Private present. This type costs twice as much as the usual ones. For example, if a regular surprise costs 49 OK, then the cost of a private one will be as much as 98 OK. A private gift is also displayed on the page of the user to whom it was presented. The only thing is that only the recipient and, of course, the sender himself can see the sender of a private gift.
  • Secret. The latter type also differs in the degree of privacy. A secret postcard can be seen by all users to whom it is available. But no one, not even the recipient himself, can see who sent it. In this way, maximum secrecy can be achieved.

You can also attach your own wishes, songs, text from above, or even attach Oki to the gifts.

Now that we have figured out the types of gifts, you can find out how to give them.

How to give a gift

  1. First of all, we go to the site and go to the profile of the person we want to give love or just attention.
  2. Under his avatar is a small menu of what can be done with this person, of course, within the social network.
  3. Here you will find desired button(highlighted in the photo). Click on it and you will be taken to the selection page.
  4. From the list of categories located on the left column, select the one you need. You can also use the search located at the top of the page.
  5. Did you find the right postcard? Click on it and a window for filling in the details will appear. More about this.

  1. Here you see the possibilities of congratulations. You can decorate it with text, and even choose a style, like in WordArt. You can write a wish in the field on the right. By the way, there you can write not only wishes, but anything you want to please a friend! For greater beauty, attach a suitable song.
  2. To make a private gift in Odnoklassniki, just check the "Private" box.
  3. After filling in everything you need in your opinion, press the desired button and you're done!

How to see a private author?

Let's see again this information only two people can do it - the recipient and the sender of the postcard. All other services or methods of supposedly “hacking” private things are just a swindle of gullible users for money!