A man avoids me. If a man loves and avoids: what to do in such a situation, how to establish relationships? Nelyubov to text messages

Men face women different reasons. If you take into account the online dating strategy, then some motives can be justified, some are incomprehensible, and some are fun. That's what the guy can scare when it comes to communication in real life.


One of the most desired female traits of men consider kindness. At the other end of the spectrum there is a dishonesty, which usually includes a whole range of qualities, including the wickedness and concealment of some facts of biography. Representatives of the strong half of humanity are sensitive to silence married, the availability of children, filming in films for adults and other secrets of personal character. A man will not invest time, energy and money in a woman who he will not be able to trust.

External inconsistency ideal

For many visitors to dating sites, first-primary guidelines are external ideals. You have little chance to go on a date if you do not fit the potential cavalier for the complex, hair color or age. Most men by virtue of biological reasons avoid contact with age-related ladies, they prefer women who are in excellent sports and are not particularly complaining of short-haired persons.

Bad hygiene

Nobody loves sloppy women who rarely erase their underwear, do not use a deodorant, go to the shower on occasion, do not follow the oral hygiene and do not pay special attention manicure.

Bad manners

If the girl at a meeting can not break away from his phone, thereby showing uniform disrespect for the cavalier. Also many men are annoyed in beautiful sex representatives bad manners at the table or in the restroom. No one wants to continue to meet a girl who is chasing or picks up in the teeth at dinner and leaves the tampons used in the garbage bucket without wrapping them with toilet paper.

Dirty car

The first meeting risks becoming the latter, if a man, sowing a car, will discover empty bottles, candy and other unnecessary trash. Will not add "bonus points" in the piggy bank of the lady and its reluctance to wash the car before date.


Many men consider crazy people who completely refused meat and animal products. Therefore, if you came to the restaurant and look for dishes from vegetables in the menu, be prepared to meet with misunderstanding.

Convinced trident

The statement according to which men prefer to make women on the first date, wanting to quickly access the body, is stereotypical. In fact, representatives of strong gender equally do not greatly welcome both convinced tridents and amateurs to skip the cup-other. Men love when their companions are able to support a conversation and do not fall out of the total company. In order to enjoy, you can enjoy drinking a glass of beer or a glass of wine. If you refuse alcohol, a man can feel embarrassed.


Many men will shy away from a meeting with a girl who does not see anything gallopped in smoking. This dangerous bad habit Always spoils the first impression. Few people want to kiss a woman and feel the taste of tobacco smoke. In addition, the smokers are associated with immorality.

Drug use and passion for parties

Behavior, destroying personality, puts a girl at the end of the list of contenders on the heart of a man. Using drugs and burning life in nightclubs, she cannot count on acquaintance with an intelligent person.


This habit does not destroy your health, but it gives you a selfish person. Although some experts hurried to classify self-dependence towards habits changing human psyche. Passion for Selfie with his head gives you an immature person in you, not ready for a serious relationship.

Nelyubov to text messages

If we are talking about communication on the network, then when choosing a partner, a man looks at the desire to communicate through text messages. And it does not depend on age group. If you are not a SMS lover, you significantly limit your choice.


As you can see, men do not welcome any extremes in the behavior of representatives beautiful half mankind. Another common mistake of women lies in the desire to intrigue the man with their sudden disappearance. This maneuver makes the opposite effect, since men do not like when their chosen is not responding to calls and letters for several days in a row.

The game

The guys love difficulties and conquest, but if girls are too much learned in their inaccessibility, they impress the soulless people.

Easily accessible

Stereotypical gender thinking still has a great influence in society. It's believed that easily accessible women Uninteresting strong sexes. Men love to conquer and perceive sex amateurs after the first date as calculating and mercantile ladies.


No one loves women who are disappointed in life and with hatred perceive others. Do not share in demand and those who accumulate the merits of other people.


It seems that women who are intolerable to people of another nationality still live according to the standards of the 20th century. The same can be said about racisters and anti-Semites.

Waiting for telepathic communications

Many girls are confident that guys easily know how to read other people's thoughts. When the partner made a mistake, his lady, rather, would prefer silently sit with a sour view and wait for the situation magically Correct.

Manifestation of extrasensory abilities

In turn, many women rank themselves to the discharge of psychics and believe that they knew perfectly, what was going on in their heads of their men. Do not think for another person, and it is better to ask him that you are disturbing.

Strong attachment

When a woman cannot give a man a personal space, at least one day a week, it becomes a serious problem. Strong attachment Always fighting guys.


It is unlikely that the young man will like it if his choster will be skeptical about his achievements or to indigose his merit.

Influence of friends

Also, the man sharply negatively refers to the excessive influence of friends in the life of the girl. He can not feel the master of the situation.

Different goals

Incompatibility of life priorities and goals forces couples decay after several dates. This is normal when people have different beliefs, but in the long run such a model of relationships doomed to failure.

Financial beliefs

Men do not like trangrim girls who do not pay on accounts and live on credit.


Before entering the relationship, the guy wants to make sure that the girl will be true to him. Windy parties are suitable only for short-term communication.

Desire to have children

Many couples disintegrate due to the desire or unwillingness of women to have children. Love does not give the opportunity to look at things adequately, so it is better to put all the points over "I" in advance.

Attitude towards animals

If a man adores animals, he will prefer to meet with " related soul" On the other hand, some people may be allergic to wool wool.

Template to dramatize

Dramatic is oppressing in any respect. Not all guys have time and desire to solve the problems of women.

Rudeness to the service personnel

The manifestation of rudeness in the address of the service personnel eloquently talks about the character of man.

Lack of one's opinion

A man does not like when the elect blindly trusts him decision making. The absence of one's own opinion and initiative indicates the reluctance of women to work in tandem.

Men unconditionally called strong half Humanity is sometimes capable of manifesting such examples of weakness, which is not only the opposite sex, but also themselves to their behavior.

Once in an unusual condition (for example,), some young people, they have a strong and self-sufficient, are for some reason the bullless and helpless "creatures".

In contact with

Can a man love and ignore?

A young man who is not accustomed to stop in front of difficulties, can save before an ordinary girl from a neighboring entrance, when suddenly aware of its non-equilibrium. Why?

Most often, such a discovery makes him at least temporarily exhaust from the object of his unexpected excitement, so as not to issue himself before he himself will figure it out in itself and its attitude to the girl. This is partly you can explain why a man ignores the woman who he likes. Although there are other explanations as strange behavior.

The behavior of a guy embraced by love (love is or not - is still unknown), but preferring some time to stay from her aside, quite explained. You can even say - ok.

Why does a man ignore a woman in the initial period of his attraction to her? Obviously, it is better to look at. It doesn't matter here, no matter how much time they were familiar "before," whether the feeling arose as a result of prolonged communication or friendship - or blinded like thunder.

It is important to understand the representative of the powerful sex, why he became dependent on his new feeling, why the appearance of a girl leads him to confusion, why makes straighten the back and involuntarily change in her face and voice.

Watching the girl as if from the side, he is trying to find an explanation to his feeling and at the same time understand whether it is worth it. Nevertheless, can a man love and ignore the beloved? Repeat, for initial stage Love is quite normal.

Why does he ignore the woman who he likes?

Worse, when the guy clearly realizes his feeling, but the likelihan woman continues to be avoided. Why does he do that? Psychologists believe that pathological behavioral factors are clearly traced here:

  1. The enthusiastic man excessively idealizes the image of a beloved, the more thinking about it, the more positive qualities She attributes to her (sometimes it just comes up), and in love with these qualities. Against the background of such a "dazzling ideal object of sympathy," he sees himself a complete insignificance, unworthy to even breathe in her direction, so I ignore the woman who is pretty him;
  2. W. young man There is no experience in sexual communication with women, and all he knows about the relationship of the floors, is drawn from books or the Internet. When love provides him with the opportunity to realize his knowledge of life, the effect of the "exam" is triggered - and the man is "stocking", afraid of the failure "debut";
  3. A man suffers from an inferiority (or offense, or irritation) from the previous unsuccessful experience with a woman. Rejected, and even worse, the woman's ridicked at least once, the man will not soon decide to "step on the same rake" with another representative of the weak gender;
  4. Another aspect can be called the ordinary social or psychological immaturity of a young man, expressing in his communicative incompetence. He just does not know, "what to say with them," how to present myself to offer. The complex of inferiority, multiplied to the inability to communicate.

As a rule, men's types taken in psychology in this case do not matter. Sometimes love can even turn into an excrete fifth grader who adores the teacher. Obviously, every concrete case has its own explanations why a man ignores the woman who he likes. Psychology in love is unpredictable.

Features of male ignoring psychology

Perhaps at least the stars know about love a little more than the best psychologists all over the world? Those who seriously trust astrology will be interested in read male ignoring Depending on the signs of the zodiac.


Aries are not peculiar to any kind of cowardice, therefore in the relations of the sexes he behaves purely male. It is not afraid to approach the object of his interest, to join the "negotiations", to show their superiority.

He got used to feel the master of the situation. Woman should be grateful to him for her attention. The partner must "know its place" and show in every way what is proud of them.

Why does a man of Aries ignore a woman who he likes? Apparently, his feelings are not so strong.


Taltsov is considered to be alolyubs. Although you will agree, several billion people throughout the land cannot correspond to this characteristic simultaneously. Nevertheless, the love of Taurus is considered to be great luck, because it is usually serious and for a long time.

Why ignore a woman who he likes? He is just waiting for his o'clock. As soon as he feels that the woman is ready to answer reciprocity, he will stop going to be avoided and manifest itself in his best.


"Charming" and Shalun, not always a balovd of fate, but almost always a pet of women, the twin does not like difficulty in relationships. He dwells everything easy and positively affecting his mood, so it seeks a woman openly and noisy. Why ignore a woman who he likes? It seems that there are reason to think that it is already busy.


A man born under the sign of cancer is the opposite of the previous type. Windiness is absolutely not his characteristic feature, rarely rare ties. Partner for a long relationship, he chooses for a long time and picky.

If not sure that she meets his ideas about the ideal of a woman, will observe her for months. That is why ignores the woman who he likes.

a lion

Higherity is swaying in all actions of a lion. Whatever he did is, he decided so, and no one dares to condemn him. His desires should be guessing from a half-clow, so the woman is obliged to guess that he is not indifferent to it. But then he will show her how real cavaliers take care! And if she does not guess, let him think, why ignores a woman who loves.


Men belonging to this sign appreciate calm and comfort in everything, including in relationships. And the lover should strive to meet this expectation.

Not bad if she herself makes a step towards destroying all his doubts. In the meantime, it is not done, it will be a long time and painstaking about it about it, without finding his attachment.

That is why ignores the woman who he likes.


To understand why ignores a woman, it is not, to remember one important characteristic of this sign: a tendency to long weighing all "for" and "against". He will postpone recognition until the latter suddenly do not hurry. As long as the decision is not accepted, the woman will feel complete ignoring from his side.


Men who do not tolerate the leadership of women, namely, the scorpions, especially as they will look at their potential partner - whether she has commanded inclinations, striving for power. Only this can be explained why ignores the woman who he likes - he tests her exposure and willingness to obey.


Why ignore a woman, even if she is pretty enough? Sagittarov has so many requirements for female idealAs it is rapprocated, they are not only not reduced, but, on the contrary, increase in quantity.

But, taking into account the ease, with what Sagittarius are breeding rapid novels, you can make a very positive conclusion from why a man Sagittarius ignores the woman who he likes. Apparently, the outlined novel will not be speedless.


We will certainly take a look at the object of sympathy and Capricorn. He, too, is not all by moral. She will have to endure his leadership, stubbornness, unconditional right, will be ready to go behind him on the edge of light, in general, a lot of things should. So answer the question why ignores the woman who he likes is easy. He is experiencing it. Educates. In general, trains.


So who does not want to ignore the woman at all, if she souls. Why, because love is so beautiful and amazing, and time floats like water. Does not see anything galloping nor in love, nor in the crazy passion, he will demonstrate this in every possible way and write recognition in love on asphalt.


Smart and inventive man in the affairs of a man's fish considers his love with a precious gift. And it will get this gift only to the one whom it will choose by careful and picky selection.

Even if the girl he already likes, he can still scan her appearance, manners of behavior and voice, to estimate how all this is embodied in the image of girlfriend and mistress, whether it will prevent his concepts about pleasure.

Sometimes Ot own thoughts he gets more pleasure than from real communication. That's why a male fish ignores a woman who he likes, for a while. He gets used to her, to dissolve in it without a residue.

What does it say if he defiantly ignores?

Demonstrative ignoring testifies to between a man and a woman. That is, if, before they communicate quite friendly, now in their relationship a certain "Ice Age" has come.

If a man defiantly ignores a woman with whom he used to communicate freely, there's nothing to think here - she "quickened". Worst of all, if its wines are not voiced, which destroys the ability to restore relations in the "former format". In this case, she can try to ask him why a man specially ignores a woman, although there is big risk run into a shocking answer.

Psychology sees a few reasons for sharing a woman ignoring:

  • he hinted in every possible way about her feelings, and she turned out to be inaccessible and continues to hold on to the distance: observing the distance, a man shows his disappointment to her worry;
  • the opposite situation - he treated her as a friend, and she accepted it for a sign of love and; subordination is what a man is filled with obsessive attention to himself;
  • finally, if the relationship has already been, and both know about their no-indifference to each other, sudden ignoring a man - pretty sign The fact that the woman is "to blame" in something "(perhaps, he just reached the rumors about her" infidelity "). Or - she sorred him.

The lower option is the case when you need to immediately clarify the situation and ask a man's direct question. If he specifically ignores unmarried girlSo simply tries to register in it interest in his person.

Useful video

Why is it all the man ignores the woman he loves? Allow this dilemma is not very easy, but possible. There may be several reasons, let's try to figure out:


  1. A man can love and ignore a woman if he has not yet reflexed his feelings, i.e. did not realize them deeply.
  2. If the guy has long been, but continues to ignore it, perhaps there are serious psychological and even mental problems. There is nothing reprehensible if such a man turns to a specialist.
  3. Worth the question why a man ignores her, a woman should not immediately take these oddities of behavior for weakness or indecision. It is necessary to gain patience and to postpone his behavior, perhaps everything will be cleared soon.

Therefore, avoidance is a serious reason to think, even if you are completely confident in his feelings.

What if a man loves and avoids? Try to get up in his place, evaluate the problem with his eyes. When a man clearly avoids situations in which you can stay alone, although everything else in his behavior unequivocally indicates that he loves, it is likely that the cause is in you.

Men, although they are called strong floors, very wounded and vulnerable. Perhaps your chosen one, being a witness to your harsh daughter judgments and a sharp sense of humor, does not want to be ridiculous.

Also, men feel uncomfortable in society too confident women. They are psychologically not ready to play the role of a second plan with a lady, which has its own opinion and does not want to listen to the arguments of the opposite side.

Therefore, before you blaming a man, take a look at yourself. It is possible that your chosen one stops avoiding you, you just need to be able to keep silent or listen to someone else's opinion.

Possible reasons

Why does a man avoid talking? Remember what happened before.

  • Perhaps you have fallen in big because of a trifling and pride does not allow him to first ask for a truce.
  • One more probable reason - For some reasons, he suspected you in treason (or vice versa, he changed himself and suffer due to the feeling of guilt).
  • His life is not closed only at you. The troubles for work, with friends, other close people can lead to the fact that he simply does not have moral forces for communication. In such situations, he just needs to be silent.
  • He learned about you something compromising, unilent. Although he does not want himself, his attitude towards you has changed. But love is also not doing anywhere. Therefore, he needs time to decompose everything around the shelves.
  • He suffers from stress, depression, chronic fatigue, health problems. Similar trouble men do not like to discuss with anyone, especially with close people.

There may be a lot of reasons. But most often a matter of features male psychology. A man in love avoids a woman because it is afraid. At the same time, the stronger he loves, the more he values \u200b\u200bthe opinion of the chosen, fearing the mouth in her eyes.

How to behave a woman?

The one with whom you are already for a long time Together, not communicating with you. Because of what a man avoids look into the eyes? What to do in such a situation?

Most constructive outputserious talk heart-to-heart. Carefully prepare for the conversation, think over the arguments. Do not start immediately with accusations of neglect, cruelty and heartlessness. Do not face: "You don't love me anymore." On the contrary, let him understand that in any situation he can count on your understanding, help and unconditional support that he can trust you.

To stock arguments, try talking to his friends, colleagues and relatives. They can shed light on possible problems at work, in studies, with close people, with health, with a car that he does not want to share, so as not to worry you once again.

If everything is in order with him, ask if he has some complaints about you. Irritating trivia, which he is not solved to indicate you, fearing to offend, can accumulate and lead to alienation.

If I could not hear anything distinct, and the conversation did not help, offer for some time (at least a couple of weeks) to disperse and live separately, without meeting each other and without communicating. Sometimes to start to appreciate, it is enough to lose.

Behavior of a loved man

The first feeling that occurs is confused. Confident, narcissistic and strong manWho is accustomed to always win, to some extent, the arrogant, suddenly falls into the power of emotions and feelings and loses his entire ability to figure out in the presence of the culprit of this state. He becomes shy and doubtful in himself, while nothing can do anything. After each such meeting, he begins to edify himself for such behavior, feeling a complete idiot that he cannot open his feelings.

However, often women in naivety take the desired for valid, see the sympathy, where it is not. For example, if, during communication with you, a man supports or pulls the uhm, this says that the conversation for him does not represent interest. Or, for example, if a man hints at all his species and behavior sexual communication, I do not expect serious relationship from such a person. It is unlikely that your communication will turn into something more and long. As soon as he gets what he was interested in you, the interest of everything will be destroyed, and it switches to another object.

Why a man avoids meetings

The behavior of each lovely man is significantly different from the behavior of women. As a rule, women are accustomed to openly and freely express their strong feelings To a man, and do not hesitate to announce their friends and acquaintances about them. However, many men behave somewhat strange. Women are constantly wondering: Why does a man avoids meetings?

See also:

The behavior of a man in love, can almost not differ from everyday manners to keep himself, as men do not have to openly show their feelings in front of others.

Most men are shy to show their true feelings. They are accustomed to keep everything in themselves. But not only shyness is an obstacle to the manifestation of feelings.

Strong and weak gender perfectly complement each other, despite all misunderstandings and adversity. It's no secret that the result of sex communication is a feeling of love.

Many women wonder how to solve the behavior of the Love Little Leo? It is worth noting that a person is not given to frankly understand that he feels one or another object of attention in reality.

Women, as creatures with a small organization, are very often susceptible to mental torment, she likes a man or not? In fact, his sympathy sincerely or simply manipulates it for any purpose.

Why does the guy avoids the girl to whom he showed attention?

Initially, everything was fine, and now the brain drills an obsessive question: why does the guy avoids the girl to whom he showed attention, and what to do to return the relationship in the same direction?

Do not immediately be offended and "hang all the dogs" to the representative of a strong sex. It should be understood that any events do not arise from scratch, and a man is a living person with his feelings, resentment and subjective ideas. To find suitable solutionThe girl interested in relations should come from the current situation.

Why a love guy avoids a girl: possible causes

Many men are too appreciated own freedomWhy are you trying to dodge serious relationships a little longer. Obstacle for further development Relationship B. this case The prospect of printing in the passport and responsibility for the family becomes. If two is a friend to each other, you can not hurry the events. Do not "step on the throat" of the avid bachelor. It is better to give him time to think, mature for an important solution. At the same time, it is not worth concentrating its attention on it one - it is better to afford to live a multi-faceted and full events Life of a modern woman.

Excessive perseverance and desire to get their own at all costs only scare up such a man. But make the guy think that a decent companion of life can lead from under the nose - it would be worth it.

In addition, the guy can avoid a girl who he likes, under the influence of the previous negative experience in love relationship. It is particularly alarming when the girl is brilliant, easily comes to contact and is the center of attention in any company. In this case, it is worth explaining with the guy, give him an additional chance. Usually, such guys are revealed before those who can fully trust. Mutual feelings Can make them work on themselves and achieve unprecedented heights.

In addition, there is a category of guys who do not pay attention to the ladies of the heart due to passivity, the unwillingness to bother himself with the role of the leader in a pair. Such men easily give the initiative in female hands. For most girls, such a model of relationship is unacceptable. However, some ladies prone to feminism are not averse to control the strong floor, mired in indecision. The most important thing in the relationship is not to pass a stick and not to trample the person, which, with all its passivity, can have a lot of other advantages.

Inattentive guy to a girl like his conscious decision

Is it worth it in guesses why the guy avoids the girl to whom it showed attention if you can find a way more positive development events? But it happens not always. In order not to become a victim of your own illusions, the girl needs to make sure that he really experiences feelings. Maybe this guy already has a loved one, and absolutely everything suits him in their relationship?

Also, it is not necessary to regret the broken relations built on only the desire of temporary intima from the side of the man. Making sure that the girl is "strong nut", he can lose all interests towards her.

In addition, many girls simply fall into the tactical trap put in a cunning man. In this situation, the guy deliberately demonstrates indifference to force his chosen to doubt his own attractiveness. The girl begins to suffer, quickly inferior and honors the happiness of those crumbs of attention to which she collapses to give her cunning lovelace. Now she appreciates him is much higher (even though it is not always true) than himself and allows the guy to dictate his conditions and disappear by it. However, even though women come across such traps quite often, but the relationship arranged in this way will most likely be short. If a man does not try to raise his own plank and become better, then, sooner or later, a woman is aware of the mistake and ruffles the relationship.

If a man avoids a woman

This happens often. Moreover, avoiding may occur both before some kind of relationships, and during them and even quite long. Women are always lost in guess, why this happened. And the case in male psychology is precisely because of it sometimes a man avoids a woman.

For what reasons, a man avoids a woman?

  1. You will be amazed by learning the main secret of men: all men are afraid of women. It is in mind those women whose opinion he values. If a woman likes a man, he suffers the style of behavior in her presence: he begins to blush or pale, becomes tonasky, fussy or overly unleashed, trying to look from the subject of his adoration, not to meet him, but at the same time it is like a magnet pulls to him. Of course, a woman notices it, but if she does not show anyone that a man is interesting to her, he may not wait for it when he comes to her: because of the fear of getting refusing a man is easier to refuse to get closer at all. An impregnable and independent view, confident behavior, a successful career makes a woman inadeclaimed, and the man involuntarily pulls the moment of trying to close, leaving him "for later, until better times." But it stands to her word, gesture or look to encourage a man, he immediately turns into a hunter pursuing to game. That is why the man is easier to agree to the relationship with those women who are more accessible.
  2. Emancipation played a cruel joke with women. The desire to take their position in society on a par with men unwittingly changed their style of behavior: they became less feminine and soft, because, playing in men's business games, forced to be hard and hard. As they say, "Wolves live in a wolf to pull out" - these are the rules of the game. Business women They behave in the acquired manner characteristic of them even being in the non-working atmosphere. And the man sees in it not a woman - the subject of his adoration, and the opponent, with whom he comes into confrontation. No man loves to command them, if he does not want it. If a woman does not change his behavior, he leaves it.
  3. A man begins to avoid a woman and then when his feelings came up to her. To tell her about it, he does not have enough spirit, because he considers himself guilty that he sobbed her, and he prefers just to stop going with her. You should not try to figure out the relationship - he has a lot of excuses to avoid it.

Women! If you like a man, and he does not pay any attention to you, remove it finely and veiled, encourage it, provoke it to the rapprochement - and it will definitely respond.

Psychology of a loved man and non-verbal signs that he wants a woman

Who did not have to hear the indignant exclamation of the older generation - in which perverted times do we live? Moreover, it is noted even residents of Western European countries. No wonder among the Britons was a popular expression - we live in times when elementary politeness is perceived as a flirt.

When the pupil is regarded as flirting, it often leads to awkward situations between closely communicating people. Particularly frequent victims of such situations are women who blame themselves by experts in male psychology, if ordinary halanery is interpreted by them as signs of a loved man.

Psychology of a loved man

Woman suspected love often comes across the fishing rod of one's own delusion and penetrates tender feeling To a man.

Anyone his glance is perceived as an attempt to "bring bridges", and a smile - as a confession in love, and soberly look at real position Woman's things are no longer able.

In order not to take the desired for valid, let's deal with what is really signs of love in a man.

The feeling that covers a person without asking his consent, which often does not listen to the voices of the mind, can not affect the behavior of a strong sex. Whatever it is to love - a decisive or shy, soul of a company or a lover of chamber coat - he will definitely change. He can resist with all their forces to a new feeling, but if a man wants a woman, the signs of this state will not get up too deep.

But only Lie sexual attraction Loves in love with a man, signs and psychology of which (according to scientific statements) are subject to the only goal - the spread of gene material? And maybe you should not consider the strong floor exclusively as animals? Men with all their pragmaticity is also not alien to the mentality and spirituality, otherwise the "scattering of a gene material" would not be so picky by appearance, the character, finally, the intellect of the woman.

A man does not fall in love with "who fell", but he penetrates the feelings to the one that meets his concepts about personal spiritual comfort. And not every love converts into true love - As he races with a woman, he or is convinced that a loved one - it is the one that he dreamed of, or disappointed and frees his heart for a new feeling.

So, if an adult man is in love, the signs of this state will be carefully disguised as long as he himself does not decide whether it can call this woman his own. But really there is no answer to the question, how to understand that a man is in love with you? Signs of in love with men who are difficult to hide and almost impossible to control, still exist, and, and behavioral, and non-verbal.

Signs that a man is in love with you

Let's do 10 signs that a man is in love and compare them with your chosen one. Signs of signs, but how many people are so many characters, and what is good for one, for another it is impossible. Not only the taste and preferences are played here, but also upbringing, and temperament, and the intellectual level of a man.

Remember how he was before you saw in him signs of love men to you, as a woman. Look more closely to changes in its character.


Behavioral changes in character may be expressed in unexpected shift temperament:

  1. Love often makes a shy man surprisingly decisive and active, which is not only the surrounding, but he himself.
  2. And the man with open and cheerful temper Love can make closed and undiscoverable - so he is trying to sort out himself and his feelings.
  3. Signs that a man is in love, psychology sees and in a permanent desire to take care of you - to file your hand, raise the handbag crown, help put on the coat, etc. Finally, just regularly interested in your well-minded.
  4. Very significant behavior of a man in your absence. If you have a reliable (reliable!) Girlfriend, ask her to trace him when you are not near. If in your absence, he misses and does not show interest in what is happening, but when you splashes energy, it is signs that a man is in love, but hides his feelings from you.
  5. He is looking for any reason to speak with you, to be like you as close as possible, look into the eyes, "accidentally" touch, call, write an SMS. If you noticed this, you can regard it as signs of a loved man.


In addition to obvious behavioral factors, outstanding feelings, there are and non-verbal signs Love in men, they are harder to notice, but they are almost not controlled by themselves.

  1. While in one company, watch where he looks, if he manage to cheer away. Any psychologist in any group of people unmistakably determine hidden sympathies On this basis, he doesn't care how the rest react to a joke, the first view of the in love after a friendly explosion of laughter will only be sent to you.
  2. Pay attention to his hands. He clearly does not know where to give them to you. Does not find anything better how to hide them in his pocket, leaving thumbs Outside - know, this is a man in love. Psychology of a loved man such signs "forces" to demonstrate quite often.
  3. If an adult man is in love with you, the non-verbal signs of his feelings will be displayed primarily in the view. He will be directed directly into your eyes, pupils will be extended, the eyebrows are slightly raised, as if asked: "Are you?"
  4. All the same hands can again give signs of a lovely man. Non-verbal desire signs possess a woman - scoreless pulling belt trousers with thumbs.
  5. You did not notice that being near, he involuntarily copies you? You reached out for a flower - and he already breaks him, you correct the hairstyle - and his hands immediately dug into our hair ... such a "mirror" behavior is well known to psychologists and are interpreted by them as signs of a lovely man in love.

How to understand that a man wants a woman?

If you are interested in a serious feeling, and not a love-adventure novel, you will have to work hard to understand when he is in love, and when a man just wants a woman. What signs give out exclusively "animals feelings" in it? Can a man love and want two women at the same time?

  1. He looks at you evaluating. From head to head and back. His eyes do not just look into the soul - they undress. The view of a man with such signs has nothing to do with such signs. The in love is a sadness, who wishes your body - Zhaden.
  2. It is absolutely not to care about what is happening there in your soul, what you dream and even how you feel. It is only interested in a convenient case in order to show his male power. Therefore, he will try to meet with you in the most "brittle" places - close elevator, metro wagon or trolleybus.
  3. Of course, not everything is so manicly persistent. If a man wants a woman in all signs, but it hides it (perhaps, the fear of his own "lust"), you, as a woman, it is worth thinking, suddenly it is from this feeling that his real love will develop.
  4. If the shy man wants a woman, he will "penetrate the current" from anyone random touch, not even tactile; "Protecting", he can become deliberately rude or stinging, just not to seem like an indecisive admirer. Look at the one who is constantly fooled over you.

Yes, despite the obvious physical superiority, the strong floor can be weak and even helpless in love.

Many of men relate to the manifestation of their feelings almost as exhibitionism and make themselves think differently.

What if a man fell in love and wants a woman, showing signs of non-verbal and behavioral, but trying to hide it?

  1. If you have known this person for a long time, who suddenly changed in his eyes, try to talk to him, ask what happens to him. He will understand that you see His condition and may decide to tell everything.
  2. If you are familiar not so long ago to start trust talk, feed and you are non-verbal signs of your sympathy, encouraging it (if, of course, you need it).
  3. Do not try to ironize about his behavior. If he hides his feelings, it means that he has the reasons for that, and with his jokes you will even give up from him.
  4. Do not add my friends to him to reveal his attitude towards you. He immediately "shakes" and is unknown, as he is consistent. Be patient.
  5. Do not stand and cause jealousy. Seeing his passion in the company of other men, a lovely will unlikely perceive it as a signal to action. Rather, on the contrary, he will see that his beloved is frivolous and accessible, and this is not top Qualities for woman.
  6. If a person is not sensible to you and you see in him signs of a loved man, let them appear to manifest the best way. Support it with a friend, a friendly smile, promoting his actions, and he will give up to you.
  7. Let him talk about himself if he does it from excitement when meeting with you. Do not show that you are not interested in what you want entertainment, not conversations. Let it be spoken. Perhaps this will give him courage not to lose composure in your presence.
  8. If a man is trying to hide his feelings so much that he completely ignores you and even evades conversations, leave him alone. Apparently, he is not ready for a serious relationship with a woman, let it be prepared.
  9. What if he exists all the signs of a loved man, but continues to "disguise" and persist, even despite your steps towards meet? There are men who are easier to love the image rather than a living person with all its natural manifestations and disadvantages. If he dedicates you, nothing good will not work out of your union.
  10. And what if he demonstratively hides his feelings, although you clearly allowed to understand what it was also not indifferent to him? There may be two explanations - either he has disorders. psychological characterOr he expects you to achieve it. Try not to associate your destiny with him, if you do not want to spend your whole life in the company "Lyzhichi Police".

Useful video

Representatives of heavy sex are waiting and looking for their love, but they are much more complicated than a woman. If a man is in love, he is ready to wear his adoration of his adoration on his arms, give dear gifts, fall asleep a lady compliments.

However, sexual proximity for a man at a certain point becomes more important than romance. What to do, the psychology of men is arranged. More about this - on video:


Love can make from shy guy The brave knight, and from the selected brave - a soft and submissive rim, in any case, the behavior and signs of a loved man will be noticeable attentive look.

If a man hides his feelings, you need to figure it out in them yourself, if you know a man for a long time and feel that he needs your help - make the first step itself.

Why man ignores woman who he likes

We understand the main reasons

"Than less woman We love, the more we like her. "- Some actively apply this formula, including in relation to those who are truly interesting themselves. This is one, but not the only reasonexplaining strange behavior Representatives of strong sex.

Is not ideal enough?

So why is the man ignores the woman who he likes? This may be caused by honesty towards himself. A man understands that he is not ready for a serious novel, and increases the distance in order to freeze his feelings. It is clear that to cope with this is a difficult task, so the lady sometimes cannot be in a sense, which is happening: the sympathy in its address is obvious, but the development of the plot does not occur. Another reason, flattering for girls, but not decisive problem- Doubts that he is not good for you. This is a good argument, why a man avoids a woman who he likes. Fear of being uninteresting, the risk can not withstand competition, concerns for their financial inconsistency turn your potential boyfriend in cautious and cold.

Not ready to be first

This can also be attributed to the fear of being incomprehensible in his courtesies, especially if the "Cavalier" is strongly in love. So, asking the question, why a man still ignores his beloved woman, do not exclude that he is just afraid to be rejected. Healing can underlie and passivity. Suddenly before you type preferring to be slave, the one who cannot manifest initiative? With this situation, the answer to the question why a man avoids a woman who he likes will be sad - because it wishes her to play ahead.

And I want to go

Yes, and we forgot about the version called "Doubt". You like him, but he is not sure that he needs to meet with someone. He weighed "for" and "against", trying to listen to himself. It may be annoyed, because anyone will not like such a slowness, but agree, such care is good sign. The question is only in a certain balance of both parties, in how long he will deal with him and intentions to your account. Everything is good in moderation, so? And, by the way, there is one an important nuance. He can slow, because it is not free and already related to relationships. Will he find the strength to free himself and start a new page of his life? Here, as they write in social networks, "everything is difficult." And you decide whether the position or still provide it to him.

My own game

And, of course, another one. Why does a man ignore a woman who he likes? Yes, because he plays with her. Indictor intentionally - to raise rates, make boiled from curiosity and raise. Here, again, the last word Behind the girl. In general, whatever the reason for such an attitude towards you, firmly remember the following. Do not doubt yourself. If you are not selected in the focus due to the fact that they did not ripen for a full novel, do not cling to these relationships. Yes, the line between the efforts that would be applied to get the desired, and meaningless attempts to change the essence of things thin. But if you really are interested in him, he will come up with how to show it. Let it slowly, but some steps will begin. If you do not happen if the movements do not happen, forget it. And the most important truth is that no man loves excessive attention to himself. Have this in mind. Good luck.

Features of the behavior of a lovely man on the sign of the zodiac

A woman in love from a man needs nothing: warm, care, reliable rear. But the main thing is that it gives her a desire to continue his close relationship with a man - this is absolute confidence in his sincerity. And to recognize male in loveIt turns out, quite simple.

First explicit sign His inlentibility is confused. A loved man, once persistent and self-confident, suddenly becomes shy and loses in his actions. He thinks for a long time to tell the girl and does not know how to behave correctly in her presence. At the same time, a man is unable to overcome his insecurity and constantly cosy himself for silly behavior.

A man will find a thousand reasons to see his beloved woman. He will call her several times a day, invite to cinema, cafes, restaurants. Because a lovely man I want to spend as much time as possible with the object of your reeble.

If love settled in the heart of a man, he appears new forces and desire to work and make money. After all, in the eyes of his beloved, he should look like a self-sufficient person, with whom she will not be afraid to join serious relationship, to start a family.

For example, if you have agreed on a date, a man, without thinking, will cancel the scheduled meeting with friends or business dinner with colleagues. For you, he will sacrifice football, hockey or even a bachelor party. And when you say that in the Spirit you do not carry tobacco smoke, it will try to get rid of the habit of smoking in every way (if it is, of course). After all, the purpose of a loved man is to be a positive character in the eyes of your woman.

If you see that a man cares about you, takes back and shifts your problems on my shoulders, know that he nourishes you deep feelings. When a man is in love, he will do everything you smile and happy. He will never bother on flowers, gifts, nice words and compliments.

Feeling in love with a woman, a man and close to her will not let her potential rivals. He will definitely have a feeling of deep jealousy.

Of course, men with different temperaments And in love will be manifested in different ways.

Therefore, to see in your chosen one sincere love, the woman needs to be a sensitive and attentive to his behavior.

Gestures will tell about many

The behavior of a loved man varies significantly with the appearance on the horizon his beloved woman.

Read in view

A man in love will definitely give out eyes, no matter how carefully he tried to hide his feelings.

  • In the crowd of people, at a party or visiting he will look for you a gaze And do not tear it from you all evening. Or vice versa: if a man hides his eyes, his eyes run and do not find a place to himself - he worries, seeing you. And this also means, you have taken possession of him with a heart.
  • He loved if you noticed how he appreciates you, gloming on the figure. Pay attention to which parts of the body he looks. Then you immediately understand His hints and intentions.
  • If you are not indifferent to a man, you will see in his eyes interest in you and some warmth. When a woman in love looks into the woman's eyes, it seems as if he looks like his heart. At the same time, in his eyes it is difficult not to notice the very "flame".
  • Extended pupils - a sign that he admires you.
  • When he looks at you, it focuses only on your image, and nothing can distract a man in love from such a pleasant lesson.

Voice - he goes out of the soul

Therefore, you can see the misstitution of men not only in his habits, but also in his speech. A man in love when:

  • He carefully listens to you, widely open the eye, while his head can be slightly tilted in your direction.
  • During the dialogue, it unconsciously copies your movements - so he tries to adapt to you.
  • A man is tuned seriously if he admits you in his personal space: conducts sincere conversations, talks about the future, family, children.
  • He seeks to please you, so the polite and Galanten with you in a conversation. In general, he will turn with other people if you are near at that moment. For example, if you are on a date in the restaurant, it will never heat the waiter.
  • He will try to tell as much as possible about himself. But it will certainly be interesting to learn about your life. And if you give him some tips, he will definitely listen to them.
  • Listen to his voice. The voice of a man who in the ears in love is soft and gentle, there is trust and location in it, and not rudeness and aggression. Loving man Never talk to you on elevated colors.

Lost and appearance

The man in love is transformed right in front of her eyes. Before his beloved, he will always look like a hundred percent: smoothly shaved, neatly cut, his shirt and pants are perfectly ironed. For his appearance, he will follow very carefully, perhaps even update his wardrobe or recorded into the gym.

The capture of his walk - she will suddenly become easy and air, and a smile will definitely appear on the face. If he is really in love, he will not be able to keep a smile looking at you.

Psychology in love

Lost is a state of mind that is almost impossible to hide. And if you want to figure out how much sincere feelings Your man should remember the main signs of love:

  • lovely man will respect you and your opinion;
  • he will always make what promised. Even if not on time, but will do;
  • he will introduce you from his family;
  • he will not put you as an example of his former girlfriends or somehow compare you with them;
  • a man focuses on your shortcomings;
  • under any pretext, refuses to invite you to my home;
  • he tasks you with gifts, as if he wants to upline his guilt;
  • it is always not there at the right moment;

How do zodiac signs fall in love?

The love of men-Aries is hard not to notice. It is very applied and emotional. Therefore, if you conquered his heart, he immediately starts fascinating you. And his courtship will be pretty persistent: he will chase you on the phone, in social networks. And will do it until he gets desired result. Barriers for Aries does not exist.

If you have a mutual sympathy to a man-Aries, agree to his courting immediately, because it does not like the failures. In case you tell him "no," he will immediately switch to another woman.


The Male Taurus will do everything to be good and comfortable with him in a relationship. Feel in love, he will try to charm you with his jokes. Therefore, if you, too, you like, coquetty joke in response.

Taurus will not slip on gifts, and his courtship is romantic and deeply soulful. But he also needs you to recognize his unsurpasses. If you do it, for the sake of you the calf will be ready to minimize the mountains.


In general, twins are very fun and energetic people. But, having fallen in love, the twin man becomes serious and unpredictable.

Do not be afraid if he will chase you everywhere, name the day and at night, do not give you a pass. This is how the twins fall in love.

But next to such a person you need to be very attentive. If today he confesses to you in love, tomorrow everything can change. Therefore, you should always try to maintain twins and take all of his oddities and disadvantages.

But from the representatives of this sign of the zodiac, love is not so bright. The man-cancer will not call you and write messages without the end, so his courtship will seem long and painful. And all because cancer is looking for an ideal girl for a relationship.

If you managed to conquer his trust and location, it will be all my life sincerely love you, patronate and protect. After all, loyalty and devotion is characteristic of cancers.

Caring Male Lion is just flexible against the background of other signs of the zodiac. He will give you chic gifts, Led in expensive restaurants and show what he is the perfect cavalier - without financial problems and everyday difficulties. But at the same time, you should praise it for such high actions, and this is advisable to do this.

Male Virgo in love is careful, so it will not immediately decide to approach you. At first he will study you well, interviewing your girlfriends and acquaintances. Only after that he himself talks to you to understand that you are for the "thing." When Verva is convinced that you are the only one, it will immediately reveal your feelings. Or maybe immediately suggest you marry him.

He is falling in love with the maiden seriously and for a long time. It will improve your relationship until they become perfect. If the final result does not please him, Virgo will look for another half to create an ideal family.

This man is very loving, so he needs to be constantly in a state of love. And to understand whether it is in love with you, it is very difficult.

Men wearing weights when they are chosen. Therefore, do not be afraid to come to him first - he will definitely go for you.

Weighs extremely important to your opinion about him and about his life. If you see that he brags in front of you with his victories or begins to frank, sharing secrets, know that you have already conquered him.


Scorpio persistent and confident. He almost immediately gets everything he needs. And if he falls in love, then once and forever.

The in love of this man is visible to the unarmed look. With him, you definitely won't be bored: first he jealous, then blows out of you dust, and then calls at all in the world journey.

What is characteristic, the male scorpion does not need reciprocity, so you should periodically hide your love for him, heating your feelings such an intrigue. And then you will accommodate happily all my life.


When the arrows of the Amur got in the man-Sagittarius, his wings would grow very much. He can from the first days of dating to confess to you in your love. Moreover, if you do not answer him reciprocity, the feelings of Sagittarius are only stuffed with a new force, and he will find a million other ways to win your heart.

To the Sagittarius also not gone to another sympathy object, he should be cozy and comfortable in a relationship with you.


This man needs a woman with high moral principles. And he is very unpredictable and indecisive. If you were constantly together, and then he suddenly disappeared, - do not grieve, he just left ... think. After all, before you enter into a serious relationship, Capricorn needs to be confident in its chosen. Even better if his choice approves parents and relatives.

Capricorn is not a romantic, but high-quality recognition in love (with an expensive restaurant and a ring with a diamond) is provided to you.


Aquarius also plays everything "for" and "against" before admitting you in love. And you can not see his feelings from the first time. But if you care for water and take care of him (which he really likes), and he will appreciate your custody - it will mean that he fell in love.

Aquarius needs to be kept under control. His friendship can grow quickly into love, and vice versa.

In love, he is a big romantic and completely gives ways to relationships, often even forgetting about himself.

Lovely fish will not be able to approach his beloved for a long time. He will suffer, writing poetry, dream of you at night. But when a man-fish is still decided on this step, wait for him unexpected romantic deeds. Having fallen in love, he will take you to heaven, because you are his ideal, his only and unique.

Be careful with fish, they are wounded. Do not offend his dream, but better to divide it with him.

Among the fish there are as lovers, so devoted family mans.

There are different signs of men in love. You can see them in his behavior, gestures or facial expressions. But you won't see the most important way.

He is ready to provide his beloved and take all difficulties family life. Then the man is really loved. But do not forget that to create a strong and happy family It is necessary that both worked. Love and respect your man and his feelings will be visible to you with an unarmed look.

why a man avoids meetings

Why married man avoids meetings

In the Love section of the question for men. Why a love guy, can avoid a meeting with a girl? The best answer specified by the author анюшик is quite likely that the feelings are shy: fall in love - fell in love, but does not want to show them further. Here is the question of how opposite side will behave: or will go to meet (once he understands that they fell in love), helping him to reveal them, or would be caught by an impregnable fortress, rejugging, thereby, he was from himself (if he is in a warehouse that for him in similar incident It is more acceptable to retreat than trying to achieve) .. And so - a bunch of reasons may be, this just "one of".

It is afraid to spoil everything.

your avatar is terrible .. even frightening. .

is it true that the choice of avatar is not accidental?

Maybe there were quarrels

maybe he is married?

afraid ride, in every sense

If a love girl is too hurrying events)))

there are men who are just afraid to fall in love (the in love wolf is no longer a predator, in love with a wolf - already fluffy)))), perhaps it takes time so that the emotions subsided a little

Perhaps to the above said still wishes attention from the girl

Well, for example, if there is no reciprocity, I would try to forget the girl, and for this you need to stop communicating with it. Or maybe just afraid or shy - the reasons can be a million.

How does a love man behave

I. intriguing perfect period Lyubility brings excitement and thrill both - and the in love itself, and the object of his feelings. Self-confident, active people Do not leave you tormented doubts - is there anything in his view other than a simple interest? - And immediately go to the attack, they begin to care and even confess the feelings in the open.

But not all men are capable of it. Many of them, especially those who have no positive experience or suffered in the past from the failure of a woman who attracted him, continue to hide their interest before the latter. What to do, how to find out the truth?

Why is it important for us to know what he feels now

Unknown and uncertainty for women is extremely painful. Well, if you are free, do not rush anywhere and you do not need to make a decision right today - to start with him to meet or not. And what if the moment in your life is such that it is from a man depends, where do you turn - to it or to another, more bold fan?

Sometimes official recognition in feelings can change your decision about departure or changing work. And if you are waiting, waiting, and no revelations should not, it is extremely important to figure out, finally, it in love with you or not.

One more an important reason For your awareness - these are your own feelings. If people have a mutual interest that they are externally afraid to open, the psychology of relations will come to the rescue, at least those principles and tips, which will allow everything to find out and not get to come.

The behavior of a loved man

Let's start with behavior, since it is both the most expressive, and most controversial signal that a man in love with you. Let's try to figure out what it means.

The fact is that how to behave loved, it strongly depends on two factors - these are the goals of the guy in relation to you and its temperament.

Under the purposes, we mean the fact that the passion is equally accepted for inquirement, and the desire to heal with you is joint Life. A man who encounters a charming woman in his way, is absorbed in one - he sees the source of his happiness in it. But for all it is different: someone is happy from good sexAnd someone needs deep heart relations. Accordingly, there is a goal of in love - bed or marital.

The fact that men do not think about the wedding, being only in love, is a delusion. I want many family heat and care almost from the moment of dating: I saw and understood it is his future wife. Happy husbands Very often this is how they describe their first thoughts about the parent.

On the other hand, non-serious attitudeThe desire for the next sexual victory too, alas, it is often found. And the unprincipled, unstable inside the partner himself does not distinguish that it pulls it to you so much, and himself calls every passion for himself, - love.

The psychology of the behavior of lovers of men in this matter is very clear - just as in the written. Try to notice the distance that your friend asks.

If you are in perspective - a mistress, he will quickly reduce the physical distance between you, and specifically, to approach and get closer every time, try to touch you, encounter bodies, may even start to spread your hands. You can only understand this inlentibility in one direction - he wants to sleep with you.

Is it bad? Not always, especially if it is a very young guy, inexperienced in courtship, with raging hormones. Check it out: Keep at a distance, but be friendly. Do not touch yourself - Donzan will import and leave, a serious guy will remain and adapt to your style of communication.

Love and temperament

And on temperament, men differ when they are in love. Extraverts will pay attention to your attention, to come across the eyes, try to shine witty, social status, security - simply loudly brag.

Introvertes, on the contrary, will keep their interest in yourself, looking more for you and listening to yourself. With introverts more difficult, they have to read on non-verbal signs, which is lower.

But both will look for your society, only one - with joy and bravada, and the other - with a gloomy weight, despising herself for the inability to turn your relationship into a more warm.

The council is the same - hold the physical distance, but at the same time be benevolent and open to communicate. If you want, unstuckly tell a little about yourself to give a guy an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to act further. Love is or passion - everything will be very soon manifested.

Non-verbal signs of lovers of men

These are instinctive signals, control which only professional actors and spies can. If your object is not from those, his body will speak with you quite frankly, unlike words that can not be waited for a long time.

So, the love guy holds beautifully:

  • straightens the shoulders, protrudes the chest;
  • confidently steps to meet you, does not bypass you, turning your back;
  • if it does not even catch a look, going with you in one room, it is clearly not turned away.

If you are both in the office, his instincts will not allow him to fall apart in the chair at the table in the pose of a banana, instead his body will demonstrate a tone, employment, interest - let it be attention to an important document, and in fact - interest is that So that you estimate its energy and concentration.

In general, the active position of men at work looks spectacular, and they feel it subconsciously. Unlike women, the working charm of which is good only with the "tint of faithfulness", the dynamics, the initiative and the enterprise is always painting the male floor.

And if your colleague, so to speak, broke his enthusiasm, the matter here, perhaps, is not that he wants to become an employee of the month, most likely he fell in love with the employee, perhaps in you. Watch it secretly and compare the results when he knows and does not know what you look at him.

Now O. important little things. Some guys know how to play with eyes are not worse than us, but this is only a coquetry, for which there can be nothing else. Lovely eyes become a little wider, and the look at the object of love - no second longer.

By the way, the pretenders also use a trick with long looks straight into the eyes, but the trouble is replaying than they give all the false. The real lovely linger on some moment, and instantaneous emotional reaction Forces him to overtake himself, as he thinks, even before you notice something. But you will notice, that's for sure.

Women burning in the fire of love and passion, stressfully shrink, but men, on the contrary, begin to produce broad gestures, to the place and not to the place. Instinct works: in front of the female it is necessary to seem more and wider, occupy space and so on.

Another guy can behave in a bastard: kicking objects with a bored-friendly youth, to be called to disputes, betting and even embarrassing in fights. Solid man It will not be possible to behave, but also his pampering can be noticed - above speed behind the wheel, louder voice, reluctance to sit for a long time in one place.

Most importantly, make sure that the catalyst of all these changes you are for what to increase your observation and try to see at least one eye to see how he behaves when he thinks that you are not near.

And, of course, our description would be incomplete without important detail - A loved man really wants to be close to you, on a date or at work, in a romantic or everyday environment, even in difficult and awkward situations for you.

There is a line between human responsiveness and hanale of foreign men and support to the one who nourishes real feelings.

We do not advise you to purposely check the nerves on the strength of a freshly removed guy, but if he witnessed some kind of trouble and did not retreat, did not leave you alone with a problem or, God forbid, trouble - it will be a very significant sign of his sincere feelings.

Do not hurry, do not give in to the provocations, be wise, careful and attentive - then the one who needs will definitely reveal your heart before you!

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Initially, everything was fine, and now the brain drills an obsessive question: why does the guy avoids the girl to whom he showed attention, and what to do to return the relationship in the same direction?

Do not immediately be offended and "hang all the dogs" to the representative of a strong sex. It should be understood that any events do not arise from scratch, and a man is a living person with his feelings, resentment and subjective ideas. To find a suitable solution, a girl interested in relations should.

Why a love guy avoids a girl: possible causes

Many men are too appreciated their own freedom, why are you trying to longer. The obstacle for the further development of relations in this case becomes the prospect of printing in the passport and responsibility for the family. If two is a friend to each other, you can not hurry the events. Not worth it. It is better to give him time to think, mature for an important solution. At the same time, it is not necessary to concentrate its attention on it one - it is better to afford to live a multi-faceted and complete events with the life of a modern woman.

Excessive perseverance and desire to get their own at all costs only scare up such a man. But make the guy think that a decent companion of life can lead from under the nose - it would be worth it.

In addition, the guy can avoid the girl who he likes, under the influence of the former negative experience in love relationships. It especially, easily comes to contact and is the center of attention in any company. In this case, it is worth it to give him an additional chance. Usually, such guys are revealed before those who can fully trust. Mutual feelings are able to make them work on themselves and achieve unprecedented heights.

In addition, there is a category of guys who do not pay attention to the ladies of the heart due to passivity, the unwillingness to bother himself with the role of the leader in a pair. Such men easily give the initiative to female hands. For most girls, such a model of relationship is unacceptable. However, some ladies prone to feminism are not averse to control the strong floor, mired in indecision. The most important thing in the relationship is not to pass a stick and not to trample the person, which, with all its passivity, can have a lot of other advantages.

Inattentive guy to a girl like his conscious decision

Is it worth being lost in guesses why the guy avoids the girl to whom it showed attention if you can find a way of more positive development of events? But it happens not always. In order not to become a victim of your own illusions, the girl needs to make sure that he really experiences feelings. Maybe this guy already has a loved one, and absolutely everything suits him in their relationship?

Also, it is not necessary to regret the broken relations built on only the desire of temporary intima from the side of the man. Making sure that the girl is "strong nut", he can lose all interests towards her.

In addition, many girls simply fall into the tactical trap put in a cunning man. In this situation, the guy deliberately demonstrates indifference to force his chosen. The girl begins to suffer, quickly inferior and honors the happiness of those crumbs of attention to which she collapses to give her cunning lovelace. Now she appreciates him is much higher (even though it is not always true) than himself and allows the guy to dictate his conditions and disappear by it. However, even though women come across such traps quite often, but the relationship arranged in this way will most likely be short. If a man does not try to raise his own plank and become better, then, sooner or later, a woman is aware of the mistake and ruffles the relationship.

"The smaller the woman we love, the more we like her" - some actively apply this formula, including in relation to those who are truly interesting themselves. This is one, but not the only reason that explains the strange behavior of representatives of strong sex.

Photo Gettyimages.

Is not ideal enough?

So why is the man ignores the woman who he likes? This may be caused by honesty towards himself. A man understands that he is not ready for a serious novel, and increases the distance in order to freeze his feelings. It is clear that to cope with this is a difficult task, so the lady sometimes cannot be in a sense, which is happening: the sympathy in its address is obvious, but the development of the plot does not occur. Another reason, flattering for girls, but not solving the problem, - doubts that he is not good for you. This is a good argument, why a man avoids a woman who he likes. Fear of being uninteresting, the risk can not withstand competition, concerns for their financial inconsistency turn your potential boyfriend in cautious and cold.

Photo Gettyimages.

Not ready to be first

This can also be attributed to the fear of being incomprehensible in his courtesies, especially if the "Cavalier" is strongly in love. So, asking the question, why a man still ignores his beloved woman, do not exclude that he is just afraid to be rejected. Healing can underlie and passivity. Suddenly before you type preferring to be slave, the one who cannot manifest initiative? With this situation, the answer to the question why a man avoids a woman who he likes will be sad - because it wishes her to play ahead.

And I want to go

Yes, and we forgot about the version called "Doubt". You like him, but he is not sure that he needs to meet with someone. He weighed "for" and "against", trying to listen to himself. This may be annoyed, because anyone does not like such slowness, but, agree, such care is a good sign. The question is only in a certain balance of both parties, in how long he will deal with him and intentions to your account. Everything is good in moderation, so? And by the way, there is one important nuance. He can slow, because it is not free and already related to relationships. Will he find the strength to free himself and start a new page of his life? Here, as they write in social networks, "everything is difficult." And you decide whether the position or still provide it to him.

in itself. If you are not selected in the focus due to the fact that they did not ripen for a full novel, do not cling to these relationships. Yes, the line between the efforts that would be applied to get the desired, and meaningless attempts to change the essence of things thin. But if you really are interested in him, he will come up with how to show it. Let it slowly, but some steps will begin. If you do not happen if the movements do not happen, forget it. And the most important truth is that no man loves excessive attention to himself. Have this in mind. Good luck.