Why fate separates two loving people. Why the fate of life brings you to certain people and then lets them go

Everyone, of course, has heard that “marriages are made in heaven”, and each of us in the world has our own “soul mate”. But time goes by, and we begin to build relationships with those who are nearby. Desperately trying to convince herself that it is she, the "half", is ...

Someone is then severely disappointed, someone comes to terms with their choice ... This happens because we can simply pass by the real "half" and not notice it.

How to understand that this person is destined for you by fate?

Of course, I can’t offer a 100% recipe, but here are things that you can and should pay attention to.

Signs of fate

You run into this person all the time different situations and circumstances, although, say, you live far from it. Let's say they slowed down the car on the avenue - and he was driving ... We went to a supermarket in the city center - and he was standing in line at the checkout in front of you ... You came to visit an unfamiliar company, where you were dragged almost against your will - and saw him there, he, it turns out that the childhood friend of the mistress's husband, whom you see for the first time in your life ... One chance meeting can really turn out to be. But when there are two, three or more of them, then it is worth taking a closer look at the person.

your feelings

You could once meet without attaching to this relationship special significance and then part, even on long years. And now fate brings you together again. And you understand that both of you are drawn to each other like a magnet ... So you are given another chance to be together.

Troubles of loneliness

When you're together, both of you are great. But as soon as you find yourself separately, say, there was a quarrel or one of you, how everything starts to collapse: a wallet is stolen in the subway, a reprimand is issued at work, you inadvertently flooded your neighbors from below, etc. When you get back together, everything will be fine.

No discomfort in communication

With this person, you do not need to choose words for a conversation or think constantly about how you look - are the pantyhose gone, are you smeared lipstick. And if you are engaged, then you easily adapt to its rhythm and do not think about extraneous things during the “process”. And, of course, do not complex, as with others. You are never bored or awkward with each other, you perceive it as part of you.

If all these signs are present, then the probability that you have met your soul mate is quite high. But if there are only one or two signs in your relationship, then this does not mean anything. Suppose, if a man really comes across you all the time, but at the same time your heart does not start beating more often for a single beat, then this can be a sign of anything, but not that he is your destiny. Well, maybe your town is small, so you often come across ... And if you just feel good with him in bed, then this is nothing more than successful sex.

And now - how, on the contrary, to realize that a man is "not yours"?

Let's say you agreed to meet, but in last moment something got in the way: you fell ill, he was suddenly called to an urgent meeting, etc., etc. You decided to spend the night together, but a drunken neighbor began to annoy you with doorbell calls, or your child from your first marriage burst into tears, so there was no time for sex ...

We agreed to go on vacation together, but it turned out that the authorities don’t give any of you a vacation for the right period ... There are times when a couple intends to apply to, and something interferes all the time: either they cannot reach the registry office, then it turns out to be closed, then one of you is late, then the application is not accepted due to some formalities ... All this may be a sign that it is better to postpone the wedding or cancel it altogether.

Again - a single hindrance still does not indicate anything. But if you are prevented from applying several times in a row, this is a very serious warning ... Perhaps you should check your feelings again and find out more about potential companion life. Sometimes, only after fate has “taken away” from rapprochement, things are found out that make further relationships and marriage impossible: for example, it turns out that a man has connections on the side; that he has a criminal record; what he marriage swindler; suffers from sexual perversions; abuses alcohol or drugs; playing in the casino, etc. Or you suddenly meet someone who is definitely your "half".

It is worth listening to your own feelings. If you are easy and interesting with this man, you seem to have a lot in common, this does not mean that you will be happy with him. V family life he may or may not be a tyrant. And sex is just sex, nothing more. The man is just nice to you, you enjoy spending time with him, but would you guarantee that in which case you would follow him to the ends of the world? Yes, and you are not sure about him? It is unlikely that this is your "half".

But what if “the same, the only one” never occurs? Accept life as it is, go towards new relationships ... And it is possible that one day you will understand that the person who is now next to you is your destiny!

One day, after a tiring day at work, I was driving home to fixed-route taxi. There was a very long way home ahead, and I was so tired that I decided to pass the time on the road and called to chat with my friend, with whom we have been friends for ten years. The minibus was half empty and we could talk to her calmly. The young man who was sitting across from me held out his phone. At first I didn’t understand why and was surprised, but then I saw that the phone’s screen was glowing, and the phone number and the postscript were clearly visible on it: “this is my number, call me.” For such behavior young man I just laughed and continued talking on the phone. Through the bus stop, the guy got out.

Almost two years have passed, I did not even remember that story. Nothing changed in my life, the working days dragged on, the weekends flew by unnoticed. Work, walks, communication with friends - everything is like everyone else. But still, something was missing in my life, and some kind of emptiness was felt in my soul.

One day in May, I decided that it was time to improve my personal life. We met a guy on the Internet and began to correspond with him. Already on the third day of our acquaintance, he invited me on a date, but I refused. I liked to communicate on the Internet, and I was afraid to destroy such perfect image. I wanted to correspond with him for hours, to be friends virtually, so every evening I ran to the computer to chat with him.

A month has passed, and I still did not dare to go on a date. I don’t know how long it would have gone on and how it would have ended, but ... Either a coincidence or fate, but my computer didn’t work for three days. When it was fixed, the first thing I did was start looking at the messages and was surprised when I saw that my mysterious friend did not write me a line. I wrote myself, but there was no answer. When I asked what was the matter, I heard banal phrase"Why? For what? You don't appreciate what you have! And then I realized that I was losing him, and at the same moment I made an appointment with him, promising that I would definitely come. We met. And since then, we have not parted with him for a second, except for the time that we spend at work. I have finally met my fate. On a date, I realized at a glance that he was the one I was waiting for, with whom I was ready to spend eternity. Our love was so swift that after a month of meetings, he made me an offer of marriage, and on the fourth month of our acquaintance we got married...

We have been married for 4 years, we have a wonderful six-month-old son. This man taught me real values, taught me to love, he became a true friend for me and the love of my life.

But I saved the most interesting for the end. On the first date, when we exchanged phone numbers, my current husband wrote something on his phone. When I picked it up, I saw a familiar number and the phrase: "this is my phone, call me."

Then, in a fixed-route taxi, I did not see timid guy his betrothed, but fate does not bring people together in vain. There are no random encounters. I only regret one thing, that then without taking his phone number, we lost two years with him. But I am grateful to fate for giving us a second chance and everything ended so well.

Often thought about it ... and not one year. But real meetings explained everything themselves. Full awareness has come only recently. So I met, for example, with a childhood friend, with the best once. Let's go and talk. And we understand that common themes it's no longer there. And those that are - views on them are different. You have to talk about something empty and stupid - the weather, the news and so on. How to explain to each other your opinion on some serious issue? After all, you came to him through a lot of experience, through trials, mistakes, life circumstances. But he had a different experience and a different look now. And here you are faced with “foreheads”. No, do not argue, of course, why? You are Good friends... just sadly both of you change the subject. And it's good if it exists. And if not, an awkward silence...

Of course, if you spend a lot of time together, you will eventually start to get to know each other again, share knowledge, stories, experiences. And that will be? And it will turn out that either he will begin to develop and reach for your level, accordingly change his life, thinking, reality, or you will begin to degrade and descend to him at the level of the majority. And this is already a huge change in your lives. But since you go further, make a choice in favor of other ideals, and he chooses comfort at his level, then your lives no longer touch. He doesn't need your knowledge, and you don't want to go back. You seem to live in parallel realities and see different world. Therefore, situations that unite you do not arise. This is how friends part ways different sides. And it is not surprising why even "random" meetings occur less and less often, and sometimes do not occur at all.

Only by willpower can you call and make an appointment. But this will not give you what you remember when you wake up in the morning, scrolling through your dreams and past memories. This is where the proverb comes to mind that life just doesn’t bring people together. Which means it doesn't breed. Either you have similar paths and life will bring you together, or it’s time to realize that you no longer have anything in common, thank each other for the experience, realize that you will always come to the rescue if they turn, but move on without them. Such is the reality. Such wisdom of life!

Since I realized this, I no longer attempt “forced” meetings and forced communication, because this is supposedly necessary. If certain people surround you now, it means that your experiences are similar, and life paths and interests are in contact, you can somehow influence their choice, and they can influence yours. And those who are no longer around now are going in the other direction or in a different way, and you don’t need a common present, at least in this period of time. The prerequisites will appear - and life will bring you together again!

I remember all my friends, relatives, I respect, thank and appreciate, but, alas, I chose a different one, relative to yours, life path, and therefore we see each other less and less, and there are fewer and fewer topics for communication. I didn’t become arrogant and didn’t close, it’s just that our world is like that and this needs to be understood and accepted. Who knows, maybe one day you will new choice and head in my direction, then a series of “accidental” circumstances will surely happen that will bring us together and I will gladly hug you, support you in any way I can and rush to future new adventures together!

In the meantime, all that remains is to call the dates of birthdays, come up with new congratulations and hide your tears of sadness under a smile ...

And enjoy your current environment 😉


Do you agree that it is sometimes difficult to explain why you feel something for someone? Why does something “click” with some people, why do you suddenly feel some kind of connection with a stranger? It feels like fate itself is bringing us together certain people, because in this moment they are needed in our lives. These are the people who will teach us important lessons about life and ourselves.

And there is a reason why we are attracted to certain people. Looking back, I realize that there is not a single person with whom I felt a connection, who would not teach me something, who would not play in my life. important role.

The irony is that most of these people were temporary because their goal was to show me another way and then set me free.

Sometimes the scene in your life determines what type of people you attract, and I think that's the beauty of faith when God sends you exactly the right person for you. certain time. He gives you the answers you've been looking for through these people. It enlightens you by bringing you closer to people who bring out the best in you.

It's just that sometimes we try to make these temporary people permanent, but that's not their role. They don't have to stay in our lives forever. God has determined their temporary role. God has determined that they make us better for those who should stay with us forever.

The problem is that we start to worry when these people leave, because we do not know how to let go. We don't understand why someone who is so beautiful, someone who healed us, is being taken from us. But if you think that by staying in your life, the beauty of these people will fade, and their love will die, then this story will no longer be so inspiring, and they will become a burden that we should not bear.

It takes faith to let go. The belief is that this story is best left as it is. The way she should be. That if you rewrite it, then everything will only deteriorate. That if something changes, there will be no happy ending. Maybe these people are angels sent to you to teach you some lesson, to heal you, to make you better, and when the time will come they fly back. They must be in someone else's life.

Maybe these people are just teaching you to let go, to realize that some part of your life is over, and to believe that next person The one you meet will be the one you need, even if you don't know it yet.

Because I know that when we meet a person who should stay with us forever, we will immediately understand this, we will recognize him from the crowd, because at last understand the difference between the one who touches our hand and the one who touches our soul.

In the life of every Man they play important role the people around him, whether they are relatives, acquaintances or someone else. Relatives are not chosen, They are determined even before birth, depending on karma (tasks to be solved). Fragments of clones will definitely be present in relatives, their goal is either to convey something forgotten, to give away what is in past life they did not have time to return, or vice versa, to accept that in past lives they did not have time to give the image of an individual (a brother takes care of his sister, because in a past incarnation, suppose a nurse cared for a patient). Some people, for contacts, are chosen by a person, others are pushed by Fate, others by a combination of circumstances. The attitude of people who have fallen into the field temporarily, due to some combination of circumstances, will reflect the nature of the radiations of the personality (a person respects himself, and society will appreciate him (respect does not mean proving his own significance)).

Consider the people with whom Fate brings. It can be anyone: friend, neighbor, husband (wife), colleague.

A person chooses people for contacts, but often Fate begins to push towards individuals who have certain qualities.

People attracted by Destiny take on either the role of a teacher or the role of a student. Getting rid of the person to whom the feeling of rejection has appeared will not solve the problem, but soon the identity will again knock on the door, with a more pronounced nuance. Noticing the similarity of events, one should think about what lessons, values, experience can be drawn from the situation, perhaps someone needed help (repayment of a debt).

Happens thanks to fateful meetings outlook on life is changing radically (attitude towards people, phenomena, life, are rethought life values). From time to time it is important to analyze a memorable period of your life - when and with whom Fate brought you together, with whom you became friends for a long time, with whom you broke up, why they broke up, what influence these people had and have on life.

Why lie to yourself?

People often lie to themselves. Intuition, the subconscious directs them to the right track, and logic, consciousness, falling under the advice of the Illusionist, keeps and gives out their erroneous arguments. A person gets confused, forgets what he really wants. What he wants to do, for whom, what, why and how he lives. He rushes about in one direction, then in the other, wanting to choose something or someone more suitable for himself, he goes to consult with friends (if he himself does not know how they should know). They, of course, advise something at their own discretion, in the end, a Man does not find his own Self and is disappointed by a meaninglessly lived life. But is it all that bad? Before you meet with anyone, do something, you need to think, but really this is my own, dear. Most often, the Man does not reconcile himself with the present, wanting to see in it what he wants, which does not correspond to reality. He lives in hope, inventing a bright future, although it is initially obvious that this is a failure, and then he is offended that everything, everyone is against him. In his address, he usually hears what he wants. But if it's not, why lie to yourself? You must always face the truth, take it as it is, and there will be no such frequent disappointments. Lying to a loved one is a sin, but when you lie to yourself?

Take care of the gut

Modern culture is not always, of course, for the good, but has taught people to regularly monitor, care for appearance. But Man does not only consist of a body. It is also necessary to regularly take care of the inside, cleanse the Soul (feelings), Mind (thoughts), Spirit (emotions), Shell (the ability to balance the internal and external world). To gain maturity, wisdom, it is important to review the actions committed in the past (if you look at the same object, but under different angle it visually changes), the quality of the environment; what set of circumstances is most often encountered, what information usually comes from outside, what the inside thinks about. When problems are found, it is important to test oneself and free oneself from negative foreign matters.

True "I"

A person is usually not satisfied with his life because he could not remember, find, know himself. If a person does not find himself, being immersed in unconsciousness, then the surrounding processes will lead to chaos. Gradually, one's true self will be forgotten, in return, a completely different, distorted "I" will be acquired, constantly knocking true path. But as soon as it is possible to force out alien programs, thanks to the fulfillment of a mission, solving problems, remembering oneself, then everything will gradually return to its place, the traveler will feel a surge vitality, love for the universe, creative inspiration, confidence in the future.

Society does not always perceive the individual as he really is. Especially if he did not really find his true "I". In one team, he can be characterized positively, in another, vice versa. Often, with its absurd conclusions, society undeservedly humiliates or elevates people. It happens that at first a person's opinion of himself does not coincide with the characteristics of society, and he begins to resist, unsuccessfully trying to prove something.

Not amenable negative impacts one who is strong in spirit. People are different, many try to judge someone from their own point of view, drawing conclusions based on the maturity of development, life experience. The reality is that you can't forbid people around you to think and judge. The important thing is to always be yourself. Sooner or later, the team will have to accept and agree with individuality, otherwise, each time changing the team, the living conditions will not recede the similarity of circumstances. One day, tired of a senseless struggle, it is easy to doubt oneself, reconciled and accepted the verdict of society, turning onto the path of degradation, immersion in oblivion, unconsciousness.


There is no such impermanence in the Universe as Man, everything in him is changeable and deceptive, dual.

People willingly become attached to each other, wanting to be together for many years, and then, when they lose each other for any reason, they become disappointed in love, fidelity, gratitude. It is a mistake to find fault with loved ones who, for whatever reason, are moving onto a different path. It is best, knowing about impermanence from the beginning, not to become attached, enjoying the present moment. After all, it is not known what goal, task Fate carries out.

Children leave their parents, and they lament: "We gave our whole life for the sake of children, but they abandoned us." But what if they gave birth to a child, his direct duty to be with his parents all his life? Old age or illness - yes, falls into the care of children. Loved ones go to others, friends become acquaintances. Each person has his own path, his own mission. Impermanence lives in an illusory, dynamic, perishable projection, what claims can there be to fiction? Attachment hurts itself. From here, disappointment in life, unwillingness to live with spiritual emptiness are formed.