What does cat purr mean. Reasons why cats purr. When you pet them

Why do cats purr? June 16th, 2013

How, why and why cats purr is not known for certain. However, there are few theories on that very account, and scientifically sound ones.

Until now, scientists and cat lovers argue about how the mechanism of purring in cats functions. One theory suggests that this is due to fluctuations in the false vocal cords, which are located near the real ones. Another suggestion is that purring is due to fluctuations in the lungs of cats.

An interesting theory is that the circulation of blood in the vessels of a cat is the cause of vibration in chest and windpipe. These vibrations are given in the sinus sinuses of the skull, as a result of which purring appears.

Phase-shifted contractions of the muscles of the pharynx and diaphragm are the third theory.

However, the main version says that the cat's purr is the result of generating electrical impulses in her brain. They are transmitted through the central nervous system and lead to the contraction of certain muscles that are located near the vocal cords.

The purring apparatus itself consists of thin, interconnected bones that run from the base of the skull to the base of the tongue. These bones are called hyoid bones. When the pussy purrs, the vocal cords vibrate and thus cause resonance in the hyoid ossicles.

Any pussy is able to purr both on inhalation and on exhalation. Moreover, only small representatives of the cat family purr - cats, lynxes, etc.

At big cats, such as tigers, lions, leopards, the hyoid bones are covered from above with dense cartilage to the very skull. They prevent the hyoid bones from vibrating, and yet, due to the fact that such cartilages strengthen the entire vocal apparatus, the most sizable of the cats, the lion, can growl loudly.

Moreover, only lions are truly capable of roaring, other big cats can grumble, howl, hiss, and moreover, cough and grunt, and still not purr.

It is believed that the purring was originally used by small kittens in order to inform their mother that they are all right and that they are fine.
You may notice that kittens almost invariably purr during the feeding period. Indeed, at the same time, it is impossible to suck milk and meow, but it is allowed to purr as much as you like. At the same time, mother cats still often purr, thus encouraging the kitten or calming it down.

Older cats may purr when meeting other cats, thus showing their friendly intentions and showing a desire to play. The dominant cat will purr to indicate to the subordinate that he is not going to attack him.

Sometimes cats purr, moreover, when they are afraid or attacked, thus trying to communicate that they are defenseless and weak, it is forbidden to offend them. Sick and injured cats purr to help themselves, calm them down and put them in a positive mood.

Often a quiet purr is a bid for something, and a loud purr is an appreciation that the kitty got what she wanted.

An interesting fact is that cats, of all breeds and ages, make rumbling sounds with the same frequency - 25 cycles per minute.

Purring in cats in the blood. As soon as cats are born, they begin to purr. At the same time, rumbling and suction mother's milk occur simultaneously, calming the kitten and his mother. When a cat wants to show kittens that they are safe, she purrs.

In a maturing kitten, purring can sound like a call to play - doesn't it sound like children's fun? A small representative of the cat family invites his "peers" to fun running errands or joint games.

When we are excited about something, we sometimes listen to calm music to somehow calm down. For a cat, this soothing music is his own purr.

Purring is also a kind of communication language. In this way, cats can even calm each other, or, in case of any conflict, try to appease, keep the enemy from fighting. Just an uncomplicated "song", but how much benefit to yourself and others!

If you put your ear to different places purring cat, the sound of purring will be heard everywhere with the same force.

Be careful, cats purr not only to calm down, sometimes it is a signal of a cat's illness. No, she does not want to warn you about her illness, this is how she is treated.

It's no secret that when we stroke a cat, or she lies down on us or next to us, our blood pressure stabilizes, headache…. Well, if the cat purrs at the same time, then the probability of improving our health increases.

A purr is a vibration that somehow miraculously It has a beneficial effect on both the cat and our body. Therefore, a purr for a cat is also a kind of first aid kit.

Purring can vary in intensity and excitement. It can express a whole range of feline emotions. Try to carefully observe your purring pet, and then, most likely, you will begin to understand him more.

However, when a cat purrs, it is practically impossible to listen to the beating of her heart and lungs. Interestingly, most cats stop purring when they see and hear water flowing from a faucet.

Therefore, veterinarians very often resort to such a technique - to connect a water tap in their office so that the pussy stops purring and it becomes possible to listen to her heart and lungs.
And of course, most often cats purr when they are happy, satisfied, satisfied with life and grateful: for example, when they are stroked by their adored owner, as if telling him that “everything is fine, everything is as it should be.”

One of modern theories, explaining purring, suggests that it is based on the release of natural morphine-like substances (endorphins) into the brain. And since endorphins are released during the experience of pain and pleasure, this explains the rather ambivalent manifestation of purring. This theory is consistent with Pederson's claim that purring is initiated by the brain, and is also compatible with more mechanistic explanations, as endorphins activate one of the brain's major motor systems (and thus, thought is translated into movement).

And they also know that it’s worth purring and the owner will certainly give you whatever you want, moreover, if this is the last piece of sausage.

More about all kinds of cats

And I will remind you what else interesting questions we have already discussed: or, or maybe you do not know, The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy is made -

Our beloved cats and cats, Murki and Aska, Murzik, Vaska, Kuzki, Barsika, delighting us with their affection, comfort in the house, gentle stroking on the legs and mysterious purring when peacefully located on our knees. But rarely does anyone think about what a cat's purr means and what she wants to express with these sounds, as if coming from the depths of her small torso. Thoroughbred elite cats and completely simple cats purr, cats without any pedigree, well-groomed pets and yard "no one's", tiny kittens and adult hardened rat-catchers.

Physiology and origin of purring

Cats and cats rightfully bear the title of one of the most amazing, mysterious, exotic creatures of nature. It is especially paradoxical that the mysteries of cats that have lived with us for thousands of years side by side and the mystery of the Sphinx lying among the Egyptian sands remain equally unsolved even if applied modern achievements Sciences. No matter how bad it is, the mood and condition always begin to improve if you lie down next to the cat, stroke it, enjoy its amazing warmth and listen to music. cat body- purring or growling.

If a cat purrs, does it mean calmness or aggression? IN different situations meaning may vary. First of all, it is not known why various impulses and electrical waves arise in the brain. But according to the most likely theory, it is the electrical impulse stimulation of the vocal muscles that set the vocal cords in motion that leads to what we call purring.

Purring may come from the larynx, or it may cause the entire body of the animal to vibrate. The heartbeat and breathing at this time are not heard at all.

Why are our pets purring?

Indeed, what causes such a unique sound that soothes the nerves and caresses the ear? To date, there are several hypotheses that should not be considered definitively true. These sounds mean a huge palette of animal feelings, but there are several more reasons for purring in our furry pets - cats and cats. However, one cat may not purr at all, while the other literally does not stop in a variety of situations.:

  • Satisfaction with life, excellent food, acceptable order and universal love;
  • In the process of feeding, when the kittens feel their mother and give a signal that everything is fine with them, the cat is pleased with her growing children and begins to purr in response;
  • The purring of cats can mean joy, gratitude, a desire to communicate with their relatives or with the owner;
  • Support for a sick fellow tribesman, sympathy expressed to a person who is overcome by a mental or physical illness;
  • Some zoologists suggest that these sounds are of different amplitudes, and a cat or a cat can purr in different ways, they make them to strengthen the support - motor system and for the prevention of congestion in the body with a physiologically fairly immobile lifestyle.

The reasons for purring can be very different, up to the expression of aggressive intentions, feelings, fear, as well as with certain diseases. The level of talkativeness of a cat or cat depends on the most various conditions. This breed, character, individual characteristics. The most sociable pets of the Oriental, Siamese, British breeds. But even among them there are a lot of closed silent people who do not like to purr, along with lovers to talk in various situations.

It is cozy and warm with them, they become constant companions in days of depression and bad mood when the soul is uncomfortable, and in life, one after another, stresses, problems at work and in relationships with loved ones alternate. The cat or cat begins to purr and peace literally envelops you.

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Purring is primarily a sign of your pet's good mood. In addition, by purring cats draw attention to themselves, honk when attacked, and indicate their inner harmony.

Only the cat purrs?

According to some experts, the only purring creature on the planet is a cat. Veterinarians believe that this ability is also characteristic of other felines: ocelots, lynxes.

More major representatives they have a rough voice apparatus, therefore they growl loudly, and the level of this volume, for example, in lions reaches 114 decibels. Purring among the big cats is the irbis, or it is also called the snow leopard. Tigers are trying to purr, or, most likely, squawk. Cheetahs and leopards snort and growl.

Purring is perfectly parodied by some parrots. People are also trying to repeat the cat's purr-melody, but so far without success.

Reasons for purring

Until now, they have not been thoroughly studied. But there are theories that explain its origin:

  • fluctuation of the lungs;
  • False vocal cords;
  • Change in blood circulation;
  • Vibrations of the muscles of the pharynx and diaphragm;

The most correct explanation is the electrical impulses of the cat's brain. Passing through the central nervous system, these impulses turn on the work of the muscles in the area of ​​​​the vocal cords. So the vibrations get to the thin hyoid bones, forcing the cat to do “mur-mur-mur”.

Cats purr randomly without opening their mouths. This sound has a special rhythm and power. When an animal purrs, breathing and heart rate cannot be traced.

Why does a cat purr?

Some studies have shown that purring a cat produces a hormone that acts as a sedative and pain reliever.

And California scientists believe that cats purr to strengthen their bones, which are weakened by long-term immobile sleep. Based on these conclusions, the astronauts were offered a “purr at 25 Hz” for a more intensive restoration of the musculoskeletal activity that they need after working in weightlessness.

There are cats that purr little, and there are those that never. The reasons for this are still unknown. But sometimes it happens that such cats, getting into a new environment or finding a new owner, begin to purr.

Fun fact: the sound of running water makes a cat stop purring.

Cats purr from birth

It is believed that purring is originally a necessary function of kittens. The kitten begins to purr already on the second day after birth. The cub does not yet know how to meow, so for him it is the only way inform the mother cat about her condition. Kittens purr when they feed on milk.

As the cat matures, so does its purr. Depending on the case, the purr can vary in intonation, timbre and sound strength. The usual purr range is 25 to 150 Hz. But the frequency of purring sounds does not change with age and is 25 cycles per minute.

Learning the purr language

« I'm satisfied!- Usually this soft purr indicates that the cat was fed, and he successfully found a place to rest.

« I'm scared!» - A cat can feel fear if something hurts. By purring, the animal calms itself or speaks of defenselessness.

« I like you!», « Let `s play» - The cat speaks of a peaceful mood and a desire to play.

« Give!- The cat makes a request with a quiet and short purr.

« Thank you!- Purrs loudly when thanking.

« I attack!» - Informs other cats about his aggression and readiness for battle. But there is another opinion - when cats meet, one of them purrs, saying that he is not going to fight.

« I treat you!» – Studies have proven that the purr of a cat has a beneficial effect on human health, purr therapy will save you from nervous tension normalizes blood pressure.

But Smokey purred everyone!

The British cat purrs with a volume of up to 92 decibels, which is as strong as the noise of a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner.

Now this fact is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Who among us hasn't wondered why cats purr? Indeed, what in their body contributes to the fact that purrs purr? Are there any anatomical features Or is the magic inexplicable? At what age does the first "Moore" occur?

There are quite a few theories of contented rumbling: some are similar to reality, while others are questionable. But completely consensus still no. Scientists think about it to this day.

Mechanism of purring cats

Cats do not have any special organ responsible for purring. They growl because of the "shaking" hyoid bones, which begin to vibrate under the influence of the vibrating vocal cords.

And now the vibration from the bones “transfers” to the whole body, which is why it seems that the cat is all snoring.

You have probably noticed that cats purr regardless of whether they inhale or exhale air.

If meowing (however, like barking in dogs, chirping in birds, our conversation with you) is possible only on exhalation, because the air coming out of the lungs vibrates tense vocal cords, then purring is also possible on inspiration.

After all, rumbling is not a sound uttered by a cat, but a vibration of the bones of the hyoid and all muscles of the body.

Surely you wondered if lions and other wild huge cats purr? In fact, no (not like our pets), but according to the same principle, they growl so loudly and terribly that everyone around them scatters.

This is due to the fact that in domestic pussies (even in lynxes, they also purr) the bones are thin, so they easily “pick up” the vibrations of the vocal cords.

But for large cats from wildlife these bones are thick, and even with cartilage, which is why they cannot fluctuate, but they take part in the “creation” of a formidable roar.

When do cats purr?

Having dealt with how pets purr, I want to know why cats purr. In principle, it is not a secret for anyone that cats purr very loudly with pleasure, they can also soundlessly, as if “on vibration”.

If you put your hand, you feel how the whole cat is shaking, vibrating.

This is due to the release of "happiness" hormones - the well-known endorphins. Under their action, the entire mechanism of purring is activated. Much less often, because of fear, cats purr, but still this happens.

The first attempts to “vibrate” are noted in kittens the next day after birth. Such crumbs, apart from squeaking, still cannot make any sounds, they have not learned to meow. And to inform your mother that everything is in order with them is somehow necessary, so the crumbs rumble.

This happens instinctively, often during and immediately after feeding, when the kittens are happy and full. They are happy and tell their mom about it. Yes, and the mother cat purrs while feeding or playing, because it calms the kittens, makes them feel safe.

Also, purring in cats means sympathy. So they communicate with each other, as if they say that they feel good and comfortable in each other's company. If the cat was attacked, he can also "turn on ur-ur" his own, as if trying to show that he is not dangerous, does not pose a threat.

Surprising as it may seem, but wounded or sick cats also purr. It would seem, what happiness do they have to purr? But the whole point is precisely in the nerve impulses that are sent back to the brain, causing the production of the same endorphins. But hormones are already anesthetizing (natural analgesics).

There is also an opinion that purring replaces cats physical exercise. Everyone knows that our domestic mustachioed pets sleep almost day and night.

And since the animal does not run, does not jump, then the muscles weaken, up to atrophy. However, rumbling due to the constant fluctuation of the muscles keeps it in good shape.

Probably everyone knows what a cat's purr sounds like. But not everyone knows why this happens and what causes the cat's purr. In this article, we will tell our readers why cats purr, what this behavior means and what situations it is typical for.

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Purr mechanism

Why do cats purr when you stroke them, by what mechanism does a cat purr, what does it mean and where is the purr itself? Why do cats purr so loudly when petted? After all, everyone knows that when you stroke them, the cat purrs an order of magnitude louder. Such questions must have crossed the minds of many people. And the answers to them were found by a science called bioacoustics. In fact, there are several theories that explain why cats purr:

  • according to the first theory, the cat's purr is the result of fluctuations in its lungs, which make this sound;
  • The second hypothesis states that the purring of a cat is carried out as a result of a change in the blood circulation in the body, which, in fact, causes vibration and contributes to the appearance of this sound.

More plausible and scientifically proven is the second theory. According to scientists, the sound at which a cat's purr occurs is caused by electrical impulses in the pet's brain. These impulses are transmitted along the central nervous system and contribute to the work of some muscles located near the vocal cords. Actually, here is the urchin itself, which is responsible for the purring of a cat.

The urchin is directly the mechanism responsible for the cat's purr. It is made up of small bones connected to each other. The urchin bones run from the pet's head to the base of the tongue. In fact, a cat's purr causes the vocal cords to vibrate. After all, it is this part of the urchin that causes vibration in hyoid bones, which contributes to the emergence of such an original sound.

The purring of a cat for a pet is characteristic not only when exhaling, but also when inhaling. This is also due to the location of the urchin itself. For example, the older relatives of the cat family - lions, tigers, panthers, leopards - lack this mechanism. Accordingly, these animals will never purr.

For example, in a lion, the bones of the so-called urchin are covered with cartilage, which makes them stronger and allows them to growl loudly. After all, only lions from the cat family have a loud roar. Other, larger relatives of cats cannot purr because of the cartilage, but they are also unable to growl loudly.


So, why do cats purr when you stroke them and for what reasons does this sound appear and what does a cat's purr mean? Answers to these questions for a long time searched by zoologists. And they were able to partially answer them. Why partially? Because it is still not truly known what drives cats when they purr. Next, we will try to answer these questions.

What does murmur mean?

Why do cats purr when you stroke them, and for what reasons does the sound appear? According to scientists who have tried to understand the cause of the sound, cats purr not only when they are stroked. As a rule, the publication of this sound means that the pet is experiencing certain feelings. They can be both positive and negative. Moreover, the volume of this sound can determine the strength of such emotions.

However, in this theory there are certain inaccuracies. For example, kittens can purr just a day after birth. They communicate with their mother in this way and their rumbling means that the kittens feel great. But why do they do it when they suck milk? From pleasure, from tasty food. In this case, the mother may also purr to explain that the kitten is safe with her.

But growing up, the kitten does not lose this ability. Only variations of the rumbling may change, but the positive nature of this sound still remains. The purring of a cat is characteristic of individuals of all ages. Both for very small, and for large and adults. Purring a cat can be considered a peculiar method of communication between animals.

Very often, the purring of a cat when communicating with another pet means that the cat is peaceful and will not attack the interlocutor. Indeed, in case of aggression, he will hiss and make other negative sounds. Also, the purring of a cat can mean calling a relative to the game. Very often, owners of several cats note that the animals purr when they wash each other.

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Pet purring when stroked

In addition, the purring of a cat is typical when it communicates with the owner. For example, when they are stroked or simply held in their arms. If the owner likes the animal itself or it has good mood When a person holds a pet in his arms, the cat's purr will be very loud. If, during contact with an animal, a person will not only hold it, but also scratch its ear, stroke its withers and affectionately call it by name. Then the cat will purr for a very long time without ceasing.

It can also happen that the cat lies on its own and just purrs. At the same time, he does not contact a person and is not played. This may be indicative of your pet's peace of mind. The cat is happy with everything that happens around him. This usually happens when the pet is lying on its sleeper after having eaten.

In addition, if the animal is sick and the person is petting it, the cat may purr to calm itself. If the pet is experiencing severe pain he will purr to cheer himself up.

To smooth out the conflict

Probably everyone has seen on the street how cats hiss at each other or meow. Sometimes the reason for rumbling can be the need to smooth out the conflict. For example, if an animal sees that a fight with another cat cannot be avoided, it will begin to purr. This is done in order to show the opponent that the cat is friendly and does not intend to conflict.

As you can see, there can be a lot of reasons for rumbling in a pet. First of all, it is a natural component of every cat. In addition, it is an important element of communication with other animals. Also, rumbling is the language of conversation with the owner of the cat.

The purring of a cat does not depend on its breed, age and heredity.

A few years ago, the cat Smokey got into the Guinness Book of Records. She was awarded the record for the loudest purr. The frequency of sound at the same time reached 68 decibels. For comparison, the average frequency of sound during the operation of a vacuum cleaner is 75 decibels, 160 decibels is already the sound of an airplane taking off. The owners of the record holder do not particularly complain about the cat, but note that they may experience some inconvenience when purring while watching TV or talking on the phone.

Video from Andrey Krasnov "How cats communicate with each other"

In the video, cats meow and purr - you can see how the animals communicate with each other.