How to speak cat. Climbing into a chair as soon as you left. Body language and body movements

If you understand how your pet is trying to communicate with you and how cats perceive people, you will be able to understand each other better.


Learn to understand cat gestures

    Watch the animal's tail. Like dogs, cats convey information through movements and specific tail positions. Understanding these movements and positions, combined with the sounds, will help you figure out what your pet is asking for.

    • A straight tail with a slight curve at the end is a sign of joy.
    • Sharp movements of the tail from side to side - the cat is happy or worried.
    • The hair on the tail stood on end - the cat is in an excited emotional state or afraid of something.
    • The tail is shaking - the cat is very happy to see you or is in an excited emotional state.
    • The hair on the tail sticks out to the sides, and the tail itself forms the letter N - this is a sign of aggression; often it appears during a fight or when the cat is trying to defend itself.
    • The hair on the tail stands on end, but the tail itself is lowered down - the cat is aggressive or scared.
    • The tail is tucked up - the cat is scared.
  1. Look into your pet's eyes. This will allow you to get closer to the cat and understand how he feels. Keep in mind that staring without blinking can be regarded by the cat as aggression, which will make the cat uncomfortable.

  2. Pay attention to other gestures. Since cats express emotions through gestures more often than humans, some gestures are accompanied by sounds that reinforce the message.

    • If the cat lifts its nose and throws its head back slightly, it says: "I see you." Cats often follow this look of people who pass by the windows.
    • The cat may press its ears to the head if it is afraid, anxious or wants to play. This also happens when a cat sniffs something that interests him.
    • If the cat slightly shows the tongue and licks lower lip he is worried or anxious.
  3. Look at the behavior of the animal. Often conclusions about the emotions of cats can be drawn from their behavior in human society. Some actions mean the same thing in almost all cats.

    • If a cat rubs against you, he is marking you as his territory.
    • If a cat nuzzles you with a wet nose, he is expressing his affection. This is a sign that the cat likes you and is comfortable in your presence.
    • When a cat rubs its head, side, and tail against a person or animal, it greets.
    • If the cat lightly butts your head, this should be considered a sign of friendliness and sympathy.
    • Cats sniff a person's face and recognize him by smell.
    • Cats often shift from paw to paw when they feel good or when they want to play. This is also a sign that the cat knows you and trusts you.
    • If a cat licks you, take it as a clear sign of trust. A cat may consider you part of their feline family - for example, cat moms often lick their kittens.
    • If the cat is trying to eat your hair, he most likely wants to wash you. This means that he loves you and trusts you.
    • To demonstrate their love, some cats begin to repeat the actions of a person. Try lying on the floor and pretending to be dead. The cat will most likely sniff you, touch you with its paw, and then lie down next to you.
    • If the cat bites you lightly, this should be regarded as a request to leave him alone.
  4. Observe the conditions under which the cat meows. If you pay attention to what a cat does when it meows, you can understand what sounds are responsible for requests (or protests). At different cats sounds can be different, but some sounds mean the same thing for all cats - for example, rumbling or hissing.

    • With a short sound, a cat usually greets a person or announces itself.
    • A prolonged meow indicates that the cat is very happy to see you. This often happens when a person long time missing at home.
    • A medium-pitched meow may be a request (for food or water, for example).
    • A long "mrrrrmyayayay" is a more insistent request or demand.
    • A low "mrrrrrrmyayayau" is a complaint, dissatisfaction, or preparation for a fight.
    • A loud and rather low sound often indicates an urgent requirement (for example, food).
  5. A high vibrating sound often indicates emotional arousal, anxiety or annoyance.
  6. Somewhere between a meow and a rising purr, this is a friendly greeting that mother cats often use to call their kittens.
  7. A sharp squeal is a sign of sudden pain (when, for example, you step on a cat's tail).
  • If a cat goes to the toilet in a conspicuous place or marks objects, this is most often an attempt by the animal to mark its territory, which can be encroached upon by another cat or another home pet. It can also be a sign of an illness. urinary system, infections Bladder or other health problems. If you experience this problem, your cat may need to be treated or separated from other animals. Check with your veterinarian.
  • When picking up a cat, do not squeeze it too hard - the cat may take this as a sign of aggression and scratch or bite you.
  • To prevent behavioral problems and unwanted kittens, spay or neuter your pet as soon as the cat or cat reaches the appropriate age. Males should be neutered before puberty so they don't get used to marking their territory.

Every owner wants to live with his pet in peace and harmony. However, in order for this wish to come true, you need to know at least a little the language of cats and how to understand them. This article will help you understand and build ideal relationship with an animal. A little observation, a little effort - and mutual understanding is guaranteed.

Means of communication used by cats

Learning to understand the language of cats is not at all difficult. The most important thing is to know what means the pet uses to communicate, and pay attention to these manifestations. The main way to convey information to the owner or another animal is through voice.

The sounds made by a cat are very diverse, as is the range of emotions hiding behind them. With the help of a voice, the animal can make it clear both about its absolute peace and about unbridled anger. Other means of fluffy language include:

  • tail;
  • eyes;
  • gestures and postures (movements of the body, tail, whiskers, paws and their specific position);
  • wool.

Each of the methods is discussed in more detail below. Learning the language of cats will bring a lot of amazing discoveries.

What is the cat talking about?

When talking, cats make many different sounds. How should one understand each of them? Take, for example, purring. It has a low pitch, like a murmur; the sounds seem to roll over, accompanied by a pleasant vibration.

If the cat purrs, it means that she is content, happy and calm. Usually fluffy beauties make such sounds when they climb on the hands of their beloved owner or find cubby, where they relax after the "works of the righteous." An alert, tense, preoccupied or hungry cat will never purr.

If an animal growls or, moreover, hisses, it is “translated” from its language as follows: something is very strongly disliked. Such sounds are a manifestation of aggression. The cat is clearly going to defend its interests, and is extremely determined. This happens when a stranger invaded its territory, a dog or another appeared “on the horizon”. archenemy. Or just a stubborn one does not want to fulfill the requirements of the owner.

Clicking teeth in the language of cats is a slightly different sign. Although he doesn't say anything good either. Most likely, the cat is very upset with something, annoyed. Often a cat clatters its teeth if its hunt is not successful, and an appetizing mouse “slipped out of its paws”.

Eyes, mustache, ears

A sensitive and observant owner understands his pet, as they say, without words. For example, in the eyes. The owner knows that if the cat looks straight ahead, and there is calmness in her eyes, then she is in a positive mood, and her intentions are quite friendly. Sometimes cats do not take their eyes off the object, literally drilling it with them.

In the language of cats, this is a warning about readiness for an attack. This is how two competing males look at each other, for example. Eyes - in the eyes, hair on end, tail pipe. A game of "knockout": whoever gets distracted first, he "flew".

Dilated pupils in cat language indicate that the animal is frightened and ready to flee. Or that the animal is in pain, it is insecure about something. If the cat sits in front of the door with its eyes raised to the "sky", this should be understood as a desire to enter.

An animal looking at the floor knows or feels that there is someone behind the door. Half-closed eyes in the "translation" from the language of a cat mean relaxation, peace. Wide open in the tongue of a cat is a burning interest in what is happening around. The animal gives separate signs with its ears. If they:

  • move - the cat listens to the conversation, she is alert, wants to understand what is happening;
  • pressed and laid back - in the language of fluffy, this means that he is in a playful state;
  • pressed and lowered on the sides - the cat is aggressive or very scared;
  • very tightly pressed (while the cat sprawled on the floor) - a sign of complete obedience.

The cat also has such an important thing as a mustache. There are about 12 on each side. They are also related to the language of the animal. If the whiskers are pointing forward, the cat is experiencing keen curiosity or threatening someone; and if back, he was very frightened and ready to retreat, or asks to be left alone.


Everyone knows that the tail is the main way dogs express emotions. However, not only them. To understand the language of a cat, it is also necessary to look closely at the tail. With his help, the pet will very eloquently tell about his intentions, mood, etc. for instance:

  • If a cat wags the tip of its tail, it is either very interested in something, or something is getting on its nerves. Sometimes similar movements in the animal's tongue can also mean that he had a bout of depression.
  • If the beauty swings her tail sharply, like a sword (up and down), then she is very worried, literally does not find a place for herself.
  • A rolling tail is also a sign of anxiety, but of a slightly different kind. Thus, the cat warns the enemy about its readiness for an attack from his side.
  • A tail with a pipe in the language of cats means that the animal is surprised or has a fighting spirit.
  • A “drooping” tail is a sign of fatigue, fear, depression.
  • Waving his tail from left to right and vice versa, the cat communicates in his own language that he wants to be alone, to relax, to relax in peace and quiet.
  • A calmly lying tail with a barely noticeable twitch of the tip speaks of concentration and interest.

Watching the “fifth limb” of a cat, you can draw a mass useful information. True, this does not apply to owners of tailless breeds. However, they should not be upset - after all, the language of cats has other means of expression.

Head, paws, body

To convey to others important information, cats use literally everything! No part of the body is left behind. Take, for example, the head. If a cat butts it, poking at a person’s legs, it means that it attracts attention. In the same case, when two animals touch their foreheads, you can be one hundred percent sure - there is friendship and complete mutual understanding between them.

The body, turned sideways to another animal or person, in the language of cats means readiness for attack or defense. This posture can often be seen in a female who defends her babies.

If the cat moves its paws, as if trampling, it means that it is happy with everything and absolutely happy. This gesture is born in childhood. Kittens, sipping their mother's milk, seem to massage her stomach with their paws. In their language it means boundless love, gratitude and bliss.

Some actions of a cat

To better understand the cat, you should be able to "translate" and some of its actions. For example, the usual licking is not always hygiene procedure. In some cases, the cat, starting to work with the tongue, shows that she is embarrassed, upset, excited.

Most often, an animal behaves in this way after being scolded for pranks. If a cat quickly licks its lips and nose, it is extremely uncomfortable for her. If she began to “process” the language of another animal or human hands, it means that she loves and cares.

Too long licking yourself beloved often means boredom that "attacked" on fluffy beauty. Often, cats rub against the legs of their owners, and sometimes - strangers. Thus, animals mark "their" person, claim rights to him. Well, or ask for something to eat.

Do cats understand people?

Scientists have long proven that cats understand human language. This is evidenced by many examples from practice. Of course understand human speech they do not start immediately after birth. However, cats that live side by side with a person for a long time sooner or later learn the words and phrases that are used most often. At the same time, they are also able to execute commands.

Of course, cats are much less trainable than dogs. This is due to their independence and stubbornness. As for the mind, memory and ingenuity, here cats are an order of magnitude higher than dogs. If desired, they can work real miracles and surprise others with impeccably accurate execution of commands.

Just to cause such a desire for a pet is not easy. You will have to show maximum patience, sensitivity and gentle perseverance. The cat must fully trust its owner, love and respect him, understand that he does not wish her harm. Otherwise, she will never obey. Still, we are talking about the one that "walks by itself."

A cat in the house is a full-fledged member of the family, which can not only give affection, but also make claims. How to understand it, learn cat language and build relationships? Learning the language of cats.


It is curious that most of the cat words are provided exclusively for people. To communicate with fellow cats and cats, body language is enough. Our pets make sounds in the same way as a person, passing air from the lungs through two elastic ligaments of the larynx.

Unlike humans, a cat does not use its tongue to form individual sounds, but produces thirteen distinct vowels through tension in the throat, nasal sinuses, and lips. To change the resonance, she opens and opens her mouth, changing its shape.

Cats make three main groups of sounds: purrs, calls, and screams. The first are heard from the closed mouth, the second pass through the open mouth, and the third - from the tense and constantly open. In addition, the cat emits about eight consonants. Since cats and cats combine possible sounds, the range of their "speech" is much wider than human. Possessing this information, you can not lose hope to teach Murka the simplest phrases, or at least the sentimental “mother”.


Every cat owner knows that the purring of a pet is sure sign satisfaction with what is happening. But purring is not the same type and carries, though similar, but diverse information. The coarser the rumbling and the more distinct the sounds in each measure, the more a high degree animal experiences pleasure.

The purr becomes soft when the cat is bored and begins to doze off. If the notes become higher and the high-frequency sound “rrrr” is added, then the cat needs to intensify caresses. Sometimes a cat purrs when she feels unwell and in pain, this can be obvious during childbirth or after an illness.

The purr can also be a welcome purr when the kitty runs towards you and makes a sound similar to "mr-mr-mr". The purr of a cat is very similar, but it starts with an “x” sound and sounds more like “hm-hm-hm”, which means “come here”, with the accent changing from soft gentle to loud demanding. Especially beautiful is the grateful purring, reminiscent of the sounds "mmnngg", which are pronounced on inspiration, and the pitch of the sound quickly falls. Such an appeal in translation means "thank you."


This type of sound is produced by a cat opening its mouth, and all of them are derivatives of the “meow” familiar to us. The vowels on the inhale and the consonants on the exhale are combined in a sound like “m-r-r-r-m-m-a-a-a-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o.” In this way, the pet sounds its demands, whether it be petting, food, or just your attention.If the demands are not met, the sound becomes louder, clearer and more insistent.

Sometimes the cat switches to a “pleading demand” with a special emphasis on vowels, and then the sound turns into “m-r-r-r-m-m-a-a-a-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- at". At this point, the cat behaves like Small child, referring to the owner something like "please, please, please!".

If the cat is worried or suddenly decides that his appeals do not achieve the intended effect, the demands become uncertain and look like "m-a-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o", and in the future they develop into a complaint.

The compassionate call is similar to "m-m-n-g-a-a-o-y" and is pronounced by swallowing. This type of communication can be very significant, for example, when the vowel part sounds drawn out, the cat asks “how could you do that ?!”, and you will already have to make a lot of efforts to restore your authority in the eyes of a fastidious pet.


Have you ever witnessed a cat fight? This is just the case when body language is no longer enough, and cats deliberately publish tense loud sounds during the showdown.

A loud and drawn-out "wwwwwwwww" is accompanied by a tilt of the head and stare on the opponent. For a cat, this is a very stressful and unusual state, but it is almost impossible to distract it from the object of anger at this moment.

Most often, cats make hissing sounds, such as a short "pfft" at the moment of fright. In feline language, there is a distinct "chsh-chsh-chsh-chsh" that a cat uses to indicate territory. If an unfamiliar animal appears in the room where the cat lives, then the owner of the territory suspects an encroachment on her possessions and tries with all her might to show the stranger who is in charge here. During the hunt, you can hear a soft click from the cat. Most often, owners of urban domestic cats and cats notice it when pets watch birds from the windowsill. These sounds help the hunter to communicate with "her" so as not to frighten off the prey.


The behavior of a cat will tell you much more than monologues. Take Special attention tail: soft waving from side to side means interest, sharp waving - give out excitement and irritation.

Tail trembling also shows up in several ways - a cat looks at something curious, twitching the tip of its tail, or rubs against your legs with similar movements, thus showing love, and a cat twitches its tail when marking territory.

Second important detail- the ears of your pet. If the cat pricked up its ears, it means that it is carefully studying what is happening. If the ears are pressed to the head and turned back, the cat is in a defensive position, it feels threatened and is ready to attack.

Whiskers are also an important indicator of a cat's mood: if they are pushed forward, then the cat is relaxed and content, if they are pulled back, then the cat is tense and ready to defend itself.

There are several short and simple signs a certain mood in a cat. For example, kneading with paws is a sign of love, satisfaction and excellent health. If the cat rolled over on his back and allows you to touch his stomach, then he completely trusts you.

Pay attention to the surrounding factors, they can be nuances for "reading" the cat's thoughts. For example, an arched back in a cat can mean both a willingness to fight and a friendly desire to play. A real fight, as a rule, is accompanied by rearing hair, wide eyes and flattened ears.


It is not a fact that you have come across a “talkative” and sociable pet who will not get tired of demanding what is necessary, resenting the excess and expressing gratitude and love.

Many cats coexist with their owners as if separately, and people often do not realize that their pet is experiencing constant stress or discomfort until it's too late. Does the cat mark the territory under the windows and at the door? There are probably many around stray cats, from which he is forced to protect his possessions at the level of instincts.

Does your favorite rush at you and play too aggressively? Stop playing with it with your hands, buy cute cat toys and create an opportunity to release excess energy, which is especially important for urban cats who spend most of the day alone and confined.

The cat does not come out of hiding to the guests and behaves as "shy" as possible? She's just not sure of herself, try to create everything the necessary conditions- your own corner for games, a suitable tray and, most importantly, a harmonious and friendly atmosphere in the house, where nothing threatens your pet, and communication with you brings pleasure.


For linguists and true cat lovers, a small dictionary of the cat language is provided at the end of the article. Japanese cat owners are lucky - they use a device called "Myaulingwal" with might and main - a small device with a microphone and a monitor.

When communicating with a pet, you need to bring the microphone to the cat and fix the spoken sounds, which will automatically be translated into human language. The device recognizes the "speech" of fourteen breeds of domestic cats, including American Shorthair and Siberian. The program dictionary contains about 3,000 words of the cat language, so that the owner can easily decipher and understand the mood, well-being and desires of his cat. Mustachioed-striped

How to learn cat language, how to understand, and most importantly, how to respond so that the cat is as good with us as we are with them.

Let's ask the zoologist Gary Weitzman, the veterinarian Irina Bogdanova and Elena Fedorovich Candidate of Psychological Sciences, senior researcher, head of the zoopsychology group of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov

From birth, cats have sharp claws that require special care.

V vivo it is easier for their wild compatriots - they can do a "manicure" using a tree trunk or hard rocky earth.

But domestic cats have to use their teeth to shorten at least a little their claws, as well as sofas, armchairs or other furniture of their owners. Therefore, we will make a scratching post that is pleasant and useful for our cats with our own hands.


If a kitten puts its paw on your lips again and again, this is not a request to be silent, but a demonstration of a state of bliss and pleasantness, that is, in cat language, he says that he feels like with you. native mother. He shifts his paws, that is, he feels just as good when he kneaded his mother's stomach and drank milk.

The cat brings you a gift

Seals have always hunted and will hunt, it is their nature. And of course, to bring you prey, as if they were bringing prey to their cub, is a sacred thing. You should not run away from the gift with a cry of horror or immediately faint, that is, show your friend that you are neglecting his gift. Praise, you have a tolerance training, and a fluffy joy.

Involves in the game

The kittens play to the point of exhaustion. They can scratch, bite and get real pleasure from it. While the kitten is small, he has poor control over the mechanism for releasing and hiding the claws, so the beloved family member gets the most scratches. Do not try to wean the kitten to play, offer him toys that are removed from your hands and feet.

Lie down on your knees

Cats sleep 16 hours a day, not really relaxing during sleep. A strong and healthy animal will sleep in the floor of the ear and in the floor of the eye. Only very old individuals can sleep like the dead and not respond to sounds. But still, animals choose to sleep safe places. And if your pet fell asleep in your arms, then he thinks that you are a safe harbor

The cat is looking at you

Gary Weitzman, zoologist and author of How to Speak Cat, calls a long feline look"cat kiss" He says that if we compare the size of an animal's eyes in relation to the size of the animal itself and the size of a human's eyes in relation to the size of the person himself, and imagine a person with the same eye-to-height ratio as a cat, then these will be eyes 20 cm in diameter. It is this size of the eyes that makes the cat care about her eyes and in vain, just like that, she will not look into your eyes. And will look only out of love and trust. Appreciate it.

Tries to turn to you with a fluffy ass

This is a rather unpleasant manner from childhood. The mother, returning from her trips to the kittens, checked the hygienic condition of the babies (they do not have diapers) and washed them away. So showing your ass to your master is the most wonderful thing you can think of.

Your cat meows

I must say that cats do not meow among themselves, as they meow to their owners. Between themselves, they communicate in the language of sounds similar to meowing, rumbling, murmuring. But when the owner went to bed, and then something urgently needs to be reported, then hold on.

Perhaps you forgot to pour the cream, or you can see the bottom of the bowl of food, and there is a whole night ahead, or maybe you didn’t turn off the computer in the next room or forgot to lock it front door maybe the tray is not clean enough. If you have a good relationship with the cat, then control on his part of the order in the house is a natural thing.

He licks you

Licking you and yourself is normal, because you, like him, are part of the same family group. cats live family groups in a free state and the composition of the group may vary depending on the conditions.

He marks

Pretty bad picture cat urine on the couch or on your shoes. But this is only a reaction to your absence. Unless, of course, the kitten has a good accessible toilet with a suitable filler. A rare animal will urinate on the baseboard if there is a favorite clean tray with a pleasant filler

Tail demonstrations

The tail is a very important part of a cat. The tail should not be touched by anyone, only the closest. The tail can be finely, finely tremble. This is the highest delight. The tail can be held vertically upwards and be maximally disposed towards play and communication. The tail can sharply tremble and beat on the floor, then it is better to transfer communication until better times. The cat's tail language is varied but understandable.

Difficulties in translation

From our poor or completely worthless knowledge of the cat's language, troubles can happen. And these troubles are more often with our pets, and not with us. This happens when we humanize animals.

Irina Vladimirovna, a veterinarian, always warns the owners of her patients not to allow their pets to be humanized. This attitude does not give the animals what they need and it makes them unhappy.

Zoopsychologist Elena Fedorovich also speaks about our misconceptions in assessing the behavior of cats

I didn't do anything wrong

So it seems to us: you need to poke the cat's nose in the place where she messed up so that she would be disrespectful next time

Actually: The cat knows how to express joy, this is especially evident when you return home. She's not so good at expressing guilt. Her forte is rather Resentment.

If you decide to poke your pet into a puddle that she made while you were away. And she probably did it, because you can’t figure out what kind of tray and what kind of filler she needs. Then punish her in this way and wait for her to understand what you were doing here with her and this puddle of urine, it’s empty.

The cat is not so developed as to understand the connection between what happened a few hours ago and the person's sudden flare-up of discontent. All that you can achieve with such a punishment is that the next time she hears footsteps outside the door, she will simply hide. After all, she decides, as soon as the owner enters, she immediately begins to torment her, so you need to save yourself, and the puddle has nothing to do with it.

Arrogant creation

We think: The cat is touchy, does not come out when strangers are in the house. So proud and independent, like a queen.

Actually: Royal greatness has nothing to do with it. For the normal confidential communication cats and humans need timely, that is, early socialization.

A kitten separated from its mother too early, or early days of his life outside of communication with a person, for example, in an aviary with a breeder, he will shun people for the rest of his life. Normal, close and trusting relationship with people in such cats are hardly possible.

Let the cats make friends

We think: If you take another one to the house where the cat already lives, the animals will become friends and they will not be bored.


The relationship between unrelated animals - the old individual and the new one - will most likely cause stress for both, but since we do not see any tension in their behavior, it seems to us that everything is fine. The owner needs to take steps to reduce stress. For starters, for example, separate feeding points and trays. Are neighbors or neighbors able to "make friends"? This rarely happens, but if one day you see how they sleep next to each other, you can say that a discharge has come in their relationship.

collar translator

I don't think it makes sense to use computer applications or listen to cat-to-human translators. Cats have an incredibly labile hearing aid, we are physiologically unable to hear the way they hear.

Cat ears pick up sounds over a wider frequency and dynamic range than humans. And also, with the help of their perfect hearing aid, they are able to very accurately determine the location of the sound source.

It is known for sure that the cat can differentiate two sound sources at a distance of one meter from itself, located at a distance of 8 cm from each other. A begins to hear the rustle of rodents from a distance of 20m.

At the same time, the cat sleeps quite calmly with the TV running or favorably endures the voice of the owner, whispering words to her right next to her head. Unless he turns his ear away or presses it. She can't stand loud, harsh sounds.

The auricle is a funnel-shaped fold of skin, and 20 muscles are responsible for the movements of this funnel. When recognizing sounds, the ears turn out of sync, and each picks up its own piece of information.

With such a complex hearing aid, the voice apparatus is correspondingly not simple. The cat's vocal apparatus makes sounds in the range of 10 octaves. It is clear that in communicating with us, she does not even try to tell us something, using all her vocabulary. She is condescendingly limited to sounds similar to variants of "meow".

There is information about the existence of collars that convert cat "words" into English words. Cat food company Temptations created a translator collar as part of an advertising campaign for their products. Filmed and launched a demonstration video with a translator collar, solely for the purpose of advertising feeds. Such a collar will not be able to really transfer information from a cat to a person.

Currently, there is no reliable information about devices that can convert meowing into human language.

However, there are several entertainment applications that use some set of cat sounds, supposedly making up the entire feline language, creating the illusion of translation.

Why is humanization dangerous?

“Pets in the city compensate for the lack of important for human well-being social connections. We are ready to humanize not only funny cats and faithful dogs, but also robots, gadgets. Gadgets and robots do not care, but attributing non-existent emotions to animals is fraught with serious danger. We often ignore their real needs and don't even seek to understand. We are good, but they are bad. Author: Elena Fedorovich Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the Animal Psychology Group, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov"


Well, how not to love them?

There is such a statement that, how many people know languages, so many times he is a Man. In our case, we have the opportunity to become a little more and a cat.

Always with you, It's beautiful here.

In the App Store, I sometimes come across programs that I characterize for myself as "Cool bullshit." The practical use of them is almost zero, but poking around in them is much more interesting than in dozens of clones of office applications and various players. Take, for example, the program "", which turns the iPad into a scale for weighing jewelry. Or here is today's hero of the review - the program "", which, according to the assurances of the developers, invites us to talk to the cat in its language and even "performs audio analysis of voice input (seriously!) And produces carefully distorted "meows" in accordance with your voice." Naturally, I could not help but try this miracle of human thought, especially since, like any self-respecting programmer (according to statistics), this mustachioed-tailed animal constantly asking for food has long been registered in my house.

At the end of the review is video with cat, be sure to check it out.

Reviews for the program in the App Store, as always, were completely contradictory. Some users shouted that the program sucks. Others said that everything works and their kote just goes crazy. There were also completely “unique” reviews.

In short, according to the reviews, there are solid misunderstandings and here you need to check everything yourself. Of course, all these translations are, in my opinion, the kind of nonsense. Cats do not have their own language, as such, and the same meow is, for example, like our cry. In addition, cats not only meow when they want to “say” something. They also purr or hiss. Or they can just ruffle the wool and stand upright. I think no one will come close to a person in a combat stance, because this way you can rake. So it is here, and without myawa it is clear that it is not worth approaching.

Therefore, the Cat Translator program simply records the screams of different cats, to which other cats pay attention simply because they are other cats. And not at all because insults are shouted at them there :) Although, which is strange. During testing, my kote licked himself very thoughtfully. And some, especially (in my opinion) terrible cries did not react in any way. But for a couple - he immediately raised his head. For example, to a scream from the second icon on the right in the topmost row (where a jumping cat is drawn).

And a little later, when I tried to “talk” with him again, he was lying on the couch and didn’t even move his ears anymore. Adapted :)

So the program is like that, half an hour to indulge. Moreover, it contains not only recordings of cat screams, but also some conversion of your words into mur meow. You press record, say something into the microphone, and the translator translates. True, this is all somehow doubtful, since he voiced the same word to me differently each time. Well, it's fun though. The son, in general, was delighted and would have screwed up the poor cat if I had not saved him.