Folklore entertainment for nursery rhymes 2 ml group. Entertainment for children and parents with elements of folklore "At Malanyushka

Folk entertainment in second junior preschool group. Scenario "Matryoshka came to visit us"

Author: Reseda Sirenevna Miklyaeva, music director
Place of work: GOU "School with in-depth study foreign language No. 1231 named after V.D. Polenov, joint venture Pogodinskaya st., 20/3 building 1

Synopsis of entertainment "Matryoshka came to visit us"

Goals: bringing children to the roots folk culture and spirituality, acquaintance with the elements of musical folklore
- establishing good relationships emotional contact with kids.
- to teach children to expressively perform musical, dance, poetic numbers;
- education in children of interest and love for folk art;
- to acquaint children with oral folk and musical creativity of the Russian people.

Entertainment progress:
Children to the music "chain" enter the hall.
Leading. Hello guys. Look how beautiful we have in the hall. We have a holiday today - a guest will come to us - Matryoshka. Do you know who it is? The children answer. Yes, Matryoshka is a Russian folk wooden toy- a doll, several more dolls are hiding inside it.
The audio recording sounds Russian. n.m.
Leading. Listen, the music sounds beautiful. So, someone is in a hurry to us.
Clap your hands loudly -
Matryoshka is coming to visit us!
Matryoshka enters the hall.
All ruddy
Very nice
cheeks red,
eyes are clear,
Boots stomp smartly...
Hello, dear Matryoshka!
Matryoshka (approaches the children, strokes the head of one or the other child).
Hello my son
wheat ear,
azure flower,
Lilac bush.
Oh you are my girl
Golden squirrel!
sweet candy,
Lilac branch.
Leading. Hello, dear Matryoshka!
You are welcome kids.
Dance with us.

Dance "Kalinka"

Matryoshka. How well you all danced!
And I have gifts for you! (beret big basket- shows gifts)
painted spoons,
Felt boots.
Scarlet handkerchiefs.
And a jug of water.
Leading. Guys, why do we need water? (Children answer). Right to wash, drink. And now let's wash our face, eyes, mouth.
Matryoshka holds a bucket, the children pretend to wash themselves.
Everyone reads the joke together.
Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle
To make your cheeks blush.
To laugh mouth,
To bite a tooth.
Leading. Guys, do you know in the winter before (December 13 - the day of St. Andrew the First-Called) people went to the river and listened to the water - if the water is still - for a good winter, and if it is noisy - then in winter there will be frosts, storms, snowstorms.
Matryoshka. We are not afraid of blizzards
We will wear boots.
Children "put on" felt boots. Everyone is talking jokes.
You're frost, frost, frost
Don't show your nose!
Go home soon
Take the cold with you.
And we'll take the sled
We'll go to the street
Let's sit on the sled

The game "Sanki" is held under Russian.n.m. (children run in pairs).

Matryoshka. We rode on a sleigh
And a little hungry!
Leading. Guys, do you like porridge? And who will treat us to porridge? Children answer - forty. Let's play. Who will be the forty. Let's choose. (All say the rhyme together):
One two three four five
We're here to play.
Forty flew up to us
And I told you to drive.

The game "Magpie" is being held

Thank you, magpie, for feeding our kids.
He takes out handkerchiefs from the basket and distributes them to the children.
Here are different handkerchiefs -
yellow and red,
Blue and blue
Look what!
You can play with them
You can dance with them.

"Dance with a headscarf" is performed.

Matryoshka. How well you danced! And beckoning has bells for you!
Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,
Gilded ends!
Who plays the bells -
That blind man's buff will not catch!
Guys, let's choose the driver.
Sentences together with everyone, touching her hand to the children standing around her.

One two three four five
We start playing.
We became in a circle, let's count
And choose a vodilka.
Spirya-Spiridon became them,
Get out of the circle!

Leading. And who will choose the blind man?
One of the children chooses a blind man's blind man's rhyme.

1. The counting rhyme begins:
A jackdaw sat on a birch,
Two crows, a sparrow,
Three magpies, nightingale or
2.Hey, Vanyusha, look -
We blow bubbles
Red, blue, cyan,
Choose any one!

The game "Zhmurka" is being played.

Zhmurka is blindfolded with a handkerchief, and the driver is given bells or a bell; the chosen ones are inside the circle. Children and adults lead a round dance around them and sing:
The daredevils have called!
Guess where the call is from?
A player with bells walks in a circle and calls, and a blind man's blind man tries to catch him. As soon as the blind man's blind man catches the driver, these children choose other players. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
The night has come
The darkness brought
The cockerel dozed off
The cricket sang.
Mom came out
Closed the shutter.
Sleep, bye, bye!
The presenter puts a cradle in the center of the hall, there is a toy nesting doll. A girl comes out, rocks the cradle. The rest of the children fold their arms and imitate the lulling of the doll.

The lullaby "Katya, kitty-kitten" is performed

Our children woke up
And stretched a little.
He reads the nursery rhyme "Polyagushechki", children perform movements with the Matryoshka:
Pulls, pulls.
From toes to toes.
We'll stretch, we'll stretch
Let's not be small.
We grow, we grow, we grow
We grow up every day!
Matryoshka (takes out their baskets of spoons).
Painted spoons we'll take now
Let's play a dance, loud fun now!

Children under the Russian dance "From Under the Oak" play on spoons, rattles and bells.

Matryoshka. Oh thanks kids
Candy kids.
You sang and danced
How could they entertain us?
Leading. And Matryoshka tried,
Please us today.
It's time for her, guys.
Unfortunately, leave.
(Matryoshka leaves quickly).
Leading. Oh, where did Matryoshka go?
Only the box is left...
Pies in it and cookies ...
(approaches the box, looks in)
Treats from Matryoshka.
We are now without delay
Let's hurry to our group
All our little children
Let's serve pies!

To the music, the children leave the room.

Entertainment duration- 15-20 min.

The children are sitting on chairs, a guest in a Russian folk costume enters, with a basket in her hands, leading a boy dressed as a cockerel by the hand.

Guest. Hello children.

Children greet.

Guest. I came to visit you and brought the one who gets up the earliest and sings the loudest. Who is this?

Children. Cockerel.

Guest. That's right, cock. How does he sing?

Children. Ku-ka-re-ku!

Guest(referring to the cockerel). And how do you eat?

The cockerel sings loudly, flaps its wings.

Guest. What's so loud? Look, cockerel, Vanya is sleeping.

A boy from the younger group sits to the side and pretends to be asleep.

The guest calls a girl or boy from the younger group to her and asks to sing the song "Cockerel". (All children can sing the song junior groups) At the end of the song, Vanya wakes up.

Guest. Vanya woke up. Come on, children, sing the song "Vanya is walking." Please stand up, hold hands, make a circle. And you, Vanechka, go to the middle of the circle.

Vanya and his girlfriend are dancing in the center of the circle. The guest invites all the guys to dance, as best they can. The Russian folk melody "Like ours at the gate" sounds.

Guest. And now we will play with you.

The music of the Russian folk song-rhyme "Rain, rain, forest" is heard. The guest claps his hands on his knees, saying: "Drip, drip, drip." Children do the same and sing a song. At the end of the song, the guest catches up with the guys, waving a rain over them - a stick with a plastic film cut into ribbons.

The game is repeated two or three times. The children sit down.

The guest comes to the table, where there are a teremok and a basket with characters from the table theater.

Guest. And now, guys, guess the riddles.

Long-eared, long-legged,

Rides fast down the road.

Everyone is afraid of the runaway.

Guess who is he?

Children. Bunny.

The teacher takes out a bunny from the basket and shows it to the children. Gives toys to the performer of this role - a child from a group preparatory to school.


Who is in a fluffy red coat?

Who loves chickens?

Sister to the gray wolf.

Is this tricky...?

Children. Fox.

The guest shows a fox - a character puppet theater, passes to the performer.


I am a green frog.


And my name is...

Children. Frog.


He lives in the forest.

He clicks his teeth.

It's grey...

Children. Wolf.


He is big and chubby.

He eats honey from the hive with his paw.

He is a fun little bastard.

Well, of course it is...

Children. Bear.

The guest shows a mouse that breaks out of her hands and runs away. The guest catches up with her, she imitates the squeak of a mouse.

Guest. And this is a small gray ball fumbling under the bench. (Gives the character to the performer)

The performers of all roles are the children of the preparatory group for school.

Guest. And here is the teremok. Listen and watch Russian folk tale Teremok.

The performers are seated on pre-prepared chairs near the table, not far from the central wall.

A fairy tale is told by a guest or a child preparatory group. At the end of the tale - a common dance. A dance Russian folk melody is used at the choice of the music director.

Guest. Did you like the fairy tale? (Children answer) Who lived in the little house? (Children answer) And who broke it? (Children answer) The bear is broken. And then he, together with everyone, built a new house.

The guest puts the dolls in the basket, each character says goodbye to the guys.

Guest. Well, it's time for me to leave, and I'll leave the cock to you. May you live. Goodbye, children.

The children say goodbye. The guest leaves.

1 Leader: “Get ready, people!

A lot of interesting things are waiting for you!

Games, jokes, jokes!

2 Host: We gathered at the fair to show ourselves, to see people, to sing songs, to play, to show our ability.

Can you solve riddles? Now let's check.

The golden apple rolls across the sky,

Everyone, everyone smiles,

And the smiles are very, very hot!

What it is?

Children: Sunny.

1 Host: Who will show the skill and tell about the sun.

Masha S: 1.: Sunny, show yourself,

Red, equip

Hurry, don't be shy

Keep us guys warm!

Lead 1: Do you want to play,

Show your prowess?

Children: we want!

1 Lead:

Not for business, not for fame

The fun continues.

The game is familiar, interesting,

Ay, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli.

The carousel is visible in the distance (the musical screensaver "Carousel" sounds)

2 host:

Gather people, the carousel is calling us all!

Folk game "Carousel"

2 Lead: Many places on the carousel.

Visited, who wanted to (after the game, the children sit down)

1 Presenter: Who will the guys tell me who is the friend of the sun?

Children: Rooster!

1 Host: That's right, cockerel. Who will show the skill and tell about the cockerel?

Artem A: Petya, Petya, cockerel,

Golden comb.

butter head,

Silk beard.

That you get up early

Do you let the kids sleep?

The song “The sun has a friend” is performed (they sing near the chairs, sit down after the song)

2 presenter: Guys, Kisonka - Murysenka came to our fair.

(Masha puts on a hat "Cat", a nursery rhyme breaks out)

Kisonka - Murysenka,

Where have you been?

At the mill!

Kisonka - Murysenka,

What did you do there?

Milled flour!

Kisonka - Murysenka,

What was baked from flour?


Kisonka - Murysenka,

Who did you eat gingerbread with?

One! (all children wag their fingers)

Don't eat alone, don't eat alone!

2 Host: And let's sing a song for Kitty - Murysenka!?

(The song “Grandma Winter” is performed. The children stand in a circle, Kitty stands in the middle of the circle. After the song, Masha takes off the Cat’s hat)

Children stand in a circle.

1 host:

This is what our winter is - winter! How much snow has brought us!

Guys, I'll give you another riddle:

You hide two legs in them

And run in the cold for a walk!

Children: boots.

Lead 1: Of course, boots! Let's walk in the snow!

(Held dynamic pause"Valenki" with musical accompaniment)

1 host:

(Walking with high knees. Hands behind the back in the castle)

Little children in the snow

They walk in warm boots.

boots are good

With black galoshes.

"We clap our hands, we stomp our feet"

I. p .: main rack. Clap your hands above your head while stamping your feet (10-12 times).

“Look: boots!” (straighten your back)

I. p. feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - set right leg forward on the heel; 2 - return to and. P.; 3-4 - the same with the other leg (4-5 times).

"New boots"

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt forward; 2 - touch your toes with your hands, say "va-len-ki"; 3 - return to and. n. (4-5 times).

"It's not cold in boots"

I. P. main rack. Perform overhead clapping jumps alternating with walking.

"New boots"

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - deep breath in through the nose, 2 - lean forward with exhalation to say "va-len-ki"; 3 - return to and. n. (4-5 times).

(Walking with high knees. Sit on chairs)

Little children in the snow

They walk in warm boots.

boots are good

With black galoshes.

Lead 2: And our guys know how to play musical instruments.

You give spoons to us

We will play for you now!

(Children play musical instruments, the song "Ay, swing, swing, swing .." sounds)

The hall is decorated in the form of a birch forest, birdhouses and birds on the trees. Children enter the hall, stop at the birch.


In the meadow, in the meadow

birch tree bent,

Dissolved into the world

She has her scarves.

The girls curled the birch tree,

Young women were decorated with a ribbon.

He hangs colorful ribbons on a birch tree.

white birch,

Come walk with us

Let's go play songs

Call the birds!

Children are divided into small groups.

1st group of children.

Squid, fly in

Choose your own house

2nd group of children.

On a high tree

With a wide porch

3rd group of children.

Yes, fistula more often

Let's blow it louder.

Girl. Bring out loud songs.

Children walk among the birches, listen to the birds singing.

Leading. Who is hiding behind the birch? So this is Vanya. Let's play with Vanya, start a round dance.

Children start a round dance "Vanya walks."

The guys sit on benches, stumps.

Leading. Our ducks in the morning





Our geese by the pond


Leading. Our chickens in the window


A musical and didactic game "Recognize by voice" is being held. Petrushka enters on a horse (attack 1-1.5 m horse's head).


And here are the kids!

Okay guys.

Hello, nice girls,

Quick-eyed freaks!

I am your friend Petrushka.

I've come to entertain you.

What if I have a good horse? (Rides a horse, clicks his tongue)

The children answer.

Parsley. And how she clicks her hooves, have you heard?

Children. Like this! (click tongue)

Parsley. And show me how I caught her? Want to?

Children. Yes.

Parsley. Come on, give me a handkerchief and blindfold me tighter. (Petrushka is blindfolded)

That's how I caught her, with my eyes closed.

Leading. Children, let's joke with Petrushka, let's play. We will run, click the tongue.

There is a game of hide and seek with Petrushka. At the end of the game, Petrushka catches the horse.

Parsley. Caught! (mounts a horse) Want to ride?

Children. Yes.

Parsley. Oh, someone's coming. Let's sit, look, and then we'll go.

Enter teachers in Russian costumes, members of the folklore group.

Leading. Young girls, let's start a round dance.

Adults lead a round dance “Hare, dance”, gradually involving all children in it.

Parsley. Now sit down and let's ride.

(Everyone stands in pairs: one in front, the other behind, hold hands)

Let's go, let's go

With nuts, with nuts

To grandfather on a turnip,

By the boy


By the hunchback!

Hop! Hop! Hop! Hop!

Hop! Hop! Hop! Hop!

Why are we riding alone? Let's invite guests.

Everyone present is invited to leave.

Note. The script uses folklore material recorded in Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region, as well as works from various collections.

Target. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture.

Tasks. Develop cognitive and creative activity, using folklore; learn to coordinate speech with movements; to consolidate the ability to play the simplest melodies on musical instruments; enrich and activate vocabulary; create festive mood in children and parents.

Material. Hut Malanyushka (made of cardboard); hats: cat, kitty, fox, hare, geese; wooden spoons. tambourines, ratchet; Russians folk costumes for the children of Malanyushka and presenters; treat for children.

Entertainment progress

Music Hall decorated in Russian folk style. There is a hut against the wall. To the music of “In the garden or in the garden”, the children enter the hall together with the presenter.

Presenter: Guys, look at some kind of hut here, I wonder who lives in it? Let's knock and find out.

Malanyushka comes out of the house in a Russian folk costume.

Malanya: Hello, boys and girls.

Thank you for not passing by and visiting me.

Come in, don't be shy, make yourself comfortable!

How good and smart you are. My name is Malanyushka, and you? Oh, how many of you, and I do not live alone, but with my friends. And who they are you will know when you guess the riddles. Listen.

She cries at the threshold, hides her claws.

Quietly enters the room, purrs, sings.

Children: Cat.

Malanya: I also have a cat, I also have a cat. Come out and tell us about yourself (children appear - a cat and a cat).

Kitty: Like our cat

The coat is very good

Like a cat mustache

amazing beauty,

bold eyes,

The teeth are white.

Kitten: The cat went to the market,

I bought a cat pie

The cat went to the street

I bought a bun for a cat.

Do you have yourself

Or take down the cat?

I'll bite myself

Yes, I'll take the cat.

Malanya: Oh, yes cat, well done! And what about the cat? let's ask.

Where have you been?

Kitty: - At the mill.

Children: - Kisonka - Murysenka,

What did she do there?

Kitty: - I ground flour.

Children: - Kisonka - Murysenka,

What was baked from flour?

Kitty: - Gingerbread

Children: - Kisonka Murysenka,

Who did you eat gingerbread with?

Kitty: One.

Children: (threaten with a finger)

Don't eat alone! Don't eat alone!

Kitty: I won't.

Malanya: Listen to another riddle.

cross-eyed, small,

In a white coat, in felt boots.

Children: Hare.

Host: Where is he? Look guys, he hid under the Christmas tree. Let's encourage him not to be afraid.

Child: Zainka, walk around,

Gray, go

Like this, like this, go like this.

Zainka, cheer up,

Cheer up, gray

That's it, that's it, cheer up.

Hare: Sitting, sitting bunny,

Sitting, gray bunny

Under the bush, under the bush.

The hunters go

They ride, jump in the field

In the empty, in the empty.

You hunters, download

Don't look for me bunny!

I'm not yours, I left.

Come out bunnies, dance with me.

Dance "Oh, hare" (music "Ivan Kupala", "Kolyada").

Malanya: Well done bunnies! I also have a riddle.

tail fluffy,

golden fur,

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens in the village.

Children: Lisa.

Fox: I ran through the woods

Fox with box.

What's in the box

forest mushrooms,

Mushrooms - mushrooms

For son and daughter.

Presenter: There are many folk games in the world, children will get to know them better. Come out with the fox to play.

Russian folk game"Liska-fox"

Children: Liska-fox,

Divya beauty,

long nose,

Red tail.

The fox is chasing the children. The game is played twice.

Malanya: Oh, well played! And the aunts and mothers were a little bored. Come play with us.

Presenter: And the task for you is who will say the tongue twister faster.

1. The Buyan ram climbed into the weeds.

2. Fields went to weed parsley in the field.

3. At Senya and Sanya in the nets of catfish with a mustache.

Presenter: And our parents are great, get into a round dance. Held finger game"Malania". Malanya shows dance movements, everyone repeats.

Malanya: Guys, I have two geese, one is white, the other is grey. They are good, but sometimes they like to play pranks. Look here.

Dance “We Lived at Granny’s” (Children sing, geese and Malanya dance. Musical director accompanies the balalaika).

Child: Like our neighbor,

The conversation was fun.

Geese - in the gusli,

Ducks - in pipes,

Sheep - in the donets,

Cockroaches - in drums.

Orchestra "Oh, you canopy, my canopy" (Children play on wooden spoons and tambourines).

Child: Ay, swing, swing, swing,

Look, bagels, rolls,

Look bagels, kalachi.

From the heat, from the heat of the oven.

Malanya: Oh, kids, I have prepared a treat for you. He takes out a tray with refreshments from the house.

almonds, almonds,

She baked pancakes.

I put it on the window

Made me cool down

Let's wait a little

We'll give everyone a treat.

Eat up guys! Goodbye, come again.

The children return to the group.