Abstract of a lesson on health saving in the younger group. Project (younger group) on the topic: Health saving of children of the second younger group. Summary of GCD using health-saving technologies on the topic: "Where does the vitamin live?" junior group

Synopsis of an integrated GCD using health-saving technologies in the second junior group on the topic: "Where does the vitamin live"

Purpose of the lesson:formation in children value attitude to their health, education of a health-saving worldview.

1. Refine and expand children's knowledge of what needs to be done to be healthy.

2. Expand children's understanding of how healthy many foods are and how important it is to eat right.
3. Fix children's ideas about harvesting vegetables for the winter.
4. To form the ability to stick ready-made forms of vegetables.
5. To teach children the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher.
6.Create a friendly environment during teamwork.

NOD type: improving knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

Material:photographs on the topic: “We grow up healthy”, baskets 2 pcs., tray, models of fruits and vegetables; dummies harmful products, natural products- apple, pear, tomato, cucumber; costume "Vitamins", blanks for application: templates for cans for canning, vegetables and fruits from cardboard, PVA glue and glue brushes, napkins, a wastebasket.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversation with children about harmful and healthy foods
2. Working with parents: exhibition "We grow up healthy"

Lesson progress:
1 part
Children are included in a group with a teacher.

Playback:Guys, look how many guests have come to us, let's say hello to them. Hello!
To cheer up, let's do our exercise - the greeting "Sunshine".
Entry into game situation(group bonding).
First ray, gentle ray,
He looked at us in the window
And brought in his palms
Warmth, a particle of the sun.

The teacher and children stretch their hands forward and join them together, like the rays of the sun.
Playback: Feel like a warm sunbeam, despite the frosty cold day, share warmth with friends, smile at each other.
And now guys, I invite you to look at the photos.
II part

Playback:Guys, how cheerful, cheerful, brave, happy you are here. What do you think you need to do in order to always stay in this shape? To be healthy or to become a healthy person?

Children's answers:You need to do exercises, you need to brush your teeth, you need to eat vegetables and fruits, you need to walk on fresh air etc.

Playback:And when a person fulfills all these rules, then he will become what kind of person?

Children:Cheerful, beautiful, etc.

Playback:Well done! To be healthy you must eat. healthy foods. What do you think - useful products, what are they? Name them!

Children:Apples, bananas, lemons, pears, carrots, etc.

Playback:It's fruits and vegetables, right.
Guys, what do you know about harmful products?

Children's answers:they hurt teeth, tummy, etc.

Playback:These are products that do not benefit a person. These include chupa - chups, chewing gum, sweets, teeth deteriorate from such products; sweet sparkling water - it spoils the stomach and hurts the tummy. It is very harmful to gnaw on chips and crackers - because they contain a lot of salt, and contain a lot harmful substances such as, various flavors and dyes. Guys, remember! These products can be eaten quite a bit, and it is better to completely refuse to use them.
And now I propose to play the game "Decompose products into useful and not useful."

The game "Spread out the products" (useful and not useful ).
The teacher chooses one boy and one girl. On a signal, they run to a tray of food and pull out only dummies of unhealthy food and throw it into the wastebasket. Children complete the task to cheerful music.

Playback:Well done boys! You completed the task and did not make a single mistake. Remember, guys, only those foods that have vitamins are useful.

Knock on the door. A girl in a beautiful dress enters and dances .

Vitaminka:Hello everyone, I'm Vitaminka, my dress is in tangerines. I heard my name and here I am right here, I am very glad that there are many guests here today. I really want to tell all people about the benefits of vitamins, about what foods they are found in, and I also want to teach everyone how to eat right. I came with delicious gifts - vitamins. But first you will play a game with me.

Game "Right or Wrong"

Listen carefully,
Do it diligently.
If my advice is good

You clap your hands.

On the wrong advice

You sink - no, no!

1. Constantly need to eat,

Important for health:

Fruits, vegetables, scrambled eggs,

Cottage cheese, curdled milk (children clap).

2. Do not gnaw a cabbage leaf,

It's very, very tasteless.

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade (stomp - no, no).

3. You brushed your teeth

And go to sleep.

grab a bun

Sweet in bed (stomp - no, no).

Oh, you guys, of course, well done, but answer one more of my favorite questions. Do you know where I, Vitaminka, live?

Children's answers:In a pharmacy; they are given for children who are ill, etc.; in apples, oranges, tangerines, carrots, etc.

Vitaminka:That's right, but in order for them to grow tasty and fresh, they need to be looked after, watered regularly, and weeds pulled out. Let's remember how we worked in the summer in the country, in the garden. Our physical education is called "Garden".

Fizminutka "Garden".

Our garden is fine.

We dug up the beds in the spring (imitation of work with a shovel)

We weeded the garden (tilts, reach the floor with your hands)

Watered the garden (show how watered)

Small holes are not dense

We planted cabbage (squat down, wrap your arms around your knees)

All summer she got fat,

Growing up and up (slowly rise)

And now she is closely poor

He says, "Step aside! "(spread your arms to the sides at the end of the phrase)

Playback:Fruits and vegetables are grown. Now what needs to be done?

Children's answers:Harvest.

Didactic game"Gather the harvest in baskets"

Playback:And now let's play the game "Collect the harvest in baskets."

We need to harvest! All you need to do is put vegetables in one basket and fruits in another. This must be done as quickly as possible.

(Sounds cheerful melody).

The teacher chooses one boy and one girl who choose and sort vegetables and fruits from a tray with healthy products. The boy chooses vegetables, the girl chooses fruits. Then the teacher counts the number of selected vegetables and fruits. The winner - applause.

Playback:Do you want our vegetables and fruits to be preserved in winter? To do this, they must be preserved in banks. Go quickly to the tables to fill the jars with vegetables and fruits.

Teamwork - application "Let's help mom prepare vegetables"

Vitaminka:Guys, what vegetables and fruits are we going to preserve?

Children's answers:Vegetables - tomatoes and cucumbers, fruits - apples and pears.

Vitaminka:And what tomato? (round, juicy, red)

What cucumber? (green, long, fresh)

And what kind of apple? (round, sweet, red)

And what is a pear? (big, sweet, green)

Vitaminka during a conversation shows natural products.

So, let's get to work.

Then the children look at their work, Vitaminka photographs the children with the work for their parents, so that they do not forget to eat healthy foods.

III part

Playback:You got wonderful vegetables and fruits in jars!

Vitaminka:You are real helpers for your moms! Well done!

Playback:And we will be able to replenish our "shop" with canned vegetables and fruits in jars!

Vitaminka:Guys, I think you learned a lot of interesting things about vitamins and useful products today. Be sure to tell your moms and dads about it. And I want to give you health in a basket - my vitamins are tangerines. May vitamins always help you cope with difficulties, not get sick, always smile and be happy. Eat vitamins every day!!!

Goodbye! See you soon!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 6 "Thumbelina"


Topic: "Children's health

Second junior group

Done by: educator

Shchankina I.N.


Relevance……………………………………………………………………… 3

Monitoring the incidence of children…………………………………………... 4

Goals and objectives……………………………………………………………………… 5

The concept and types of health-saving technologies……………………….. 6

Health-saving technologies in the 2nd junior group…………………. 9

1. Morning exercises………………………………………………………... 9

2. Breathing exercises……………………………………………………...10

3. Gymnastics for the eyes………………………………………………………....10

4. Finger gymnastics…………………………………………………...11

5. Game massage and self-massage……………………………………………..12

6. Gymnastics after sleep…………………………………………………………..13

7. Dynamic pauses and physical. minutes……………………………………...14

8. Games, sets of exercises, gymnastics for the prevention of postural disorders and flat feet……………………………………………….15

Tempering system for children…………………………………………………..16

Health-saving environment…………………………………………………..19

Raising a culture of health in children, equipping them with knowledge, skills and abilities to form the habit of healthy lifestyle life…………………………………………………………………….20

A comprehensive thematic plan for the valeological education of children in the 2nd junior group…………………………………………………………...21

The results of the work done…………………………………………….25

Appendix №1………………………………………………………………...26

Appendix №2………………………………………………………………...29

Appendix №3………………………………………………………………...32

Annex №4………………………………………………………………...33

Appendix №5………………………………………………………………...38

Appendix №6………………………………………………………………...41

Annex №7………………………………………………………………...43



“Care for the health of a child is not just a set of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules ... and not a set of requirements for regimen, nutrition, work and rest. This is, first of all, care with the harmonious fullness of all physical and spiritual forces, and the crown of this harmony is the joy of creativity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

According to the data of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, in the last decade there have been clear trends towards the deterioration of the health and physical development of children. Therefore, the problem of maintaining and strengthening health is by far the most important in society. Children are our future, and what it will be depends on the state of their health. An unfavorable ecological environment, various negative household factors, poor-quality food and water, an unsatisfactory economic situation in society are just some of the factors that negatively affect the health of a preschooler.

Domestic and foreign scientists have long established that health is 50% dependent on lifestyle.

Most often, preschoolers have a tendency to frequent colds, fatigue and neurotic disorders, impaired posture, scoliosis, flat feet, etc. Preschool children are prone to the so-called risk group - the second health group. It is known that preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. It is important at this stage to form a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle in children. That is why it becomes clear the importance of all recreational activities carried out during this period of a child's life.

Monitoring the incidence of children.

The incidence of children in the group ( per 1000 people )

Number of children in need of correction of flat feet

Analyzing the incidence and health groups of my pupils, I came to the conclusion that systematic systematic work is needed to form, preserve and strengthen the health of children.

Target: preservation and strengthening of children's health through the use of health-saving technologies, taking into account individual capabilities and abilities.


  1. Education in children of a culture of health, awareness of the need to take care of their health
  2. Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for the preservation and promotion of health
  3. Formation of a healthy lifestyle habit, i.e. desire to lead a healthy lifestyle and be healthy
  4. Creating a healthy environment in the group
  5. Organization of rational motor mode for the development of motor skills of children and increase the efficiency of the body
  6. Increasing the body's defenses and resistance to various diseases through the hardening system
  7. Creation optimal conditions for the comprehensive full-fledged psychophysical development of children and strengthening their health
  8. Monitoring the health status of children in the group and analyzing its results

Expected results:

  • Improving indicators of physical development, emotional state;
  • Favorable dynamics in the state of health of preschoolers (decrease in the number of cases of diseases during the year);
  • Optimal functioning of the body;
  • Formation of the need to take care of one's health, desires and aspirations to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Formation of the basics of a healthy lifestyle, the necessary knowledge, skills, good habits;
  • Increasing adaptability to adverse factors external environment

One of the means of solving the identified problems ishealth technologies,without which the pedagogical process of a modern kindergarten is unthinkable. But what are health-saving technologies in the pedagogical process? Let's try to understand the concepts.

Health - the state of physical and social well-being of a person (according to the WHO Charter).

Health-saving technologies in preschool education–

technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of subjects pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The purpose of health-saving technologiesin preschool education in relation to the child -security high level real health for a kindergarten pupil and the upbringing of valeological culture as an aggregate conscious attitude child to the health and life of a person, knowledge about health and the ability to protect, maintain and protect it.

Types of health-saving technologies

Health saving and

health enrichment

preschool teachers





Health saving

educational technologies

in preschool





Physical culture




Mode of physical activity of children during the year

Types of physical activity

2 junior group

1. Organized dance games,

p.i., exercise with sports equipment, toys, labor processes

15-30 min

2. Independent activity of children: playing, motor, etc.

1 hour

3. Morning exercises

5 minutes

4. Physical education

15 minutes

5. Music lesson

2 times a week for 15 minutes

6. Physical education minutes

1-3 min 3r per day

7. Organized activity during a walk: walking, slow running, exercise with sports equipment, on sports equipment, games with snow, sand, water, sports. games, etc.

15-30 min

8. Self motor activity children on a walk with a portable material, on sports equipment, with sports. inventory, creative games

1 hour

9. Exercise after a nap

5 minutes

10. Organized motor activity of children after an afternoon snack: round dance games, p.i., exercises with sports equipment, etc.

1 hour

11. Independent activity of children: s / r games, creative. games, games with attributes, sports. games, motor games and builds. toys, etc.

1 hour

12. Sports entertainment

1r per week

13. Sports holiday

2p per year

14.Week of health

2p per year

Health-saving technologies in the 2nd junior group:

Gymnastic exercises for children 3-4 years old improve the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, neuromuscular apparatus, improve metabolism. Help functional development central nervous system.

1. Morning exercises

Since the day for children begins with morning exercises, it is one of the critical components motor mode, its organization is aimed at raising the emotional and muscle tone of children. Daily exercise contributes to the manifestation of certain volitional efforts, develops in children good habit start the day with morning exercises. Morning exercises gradually involve the entire body of the child in an active state, deepen breathing, increase blood circulation, and promote metabolism. Morning exercises, carried out after a night's sleep, bring the child's body out of a state of lethargy physiological processes, enhancing the activity of all organs and systems.

In the process of morning exercises, it is necessary to ensure the correct physical, mental and emotional stress.

I use various forms of morning exercises:

traditional form using general developmental exercises;

- plot gymnastics;

With the use of methods for relieving psycho-emotional stress;

- using elements of rhythmic gymnastics, round dances;

- using elements of corrective gymnastics.

Morning exercises are performed daily before breakfast in the gym or in a group.

For complexes of morning exercises, see Appendix No. 1.

2. Breathing exercises.

I am of the opinion of many physiologists who say that breathing should be taught correctly! To do this, it is necessary to teach the child to exhale deeply for a good cleaning of the lungs and improve their oxygen supply. It is necessary to draw the attention of children to the fact that you need to breathe through the nose. correct nasal breathing- health condition of the child, prophylactic against respiratory diseases. Equally important in learning correct breathing, is to teach the child to blow his nose not through both nostrils, but in turn. During walks, it is useful to teach the child to inhale slowly and exhale even more slowly through the nose, as well as when walking fast and running slowly.

Respiratory gymnastics plays a significant role in the process of healing and hardening of preschoolers.

To successfully master this gymnastics, you must followBasic Rules:

Breathe with pleasure positive emotions have significant health benefits in and of themselves.

It is necessary to focus on breathing exercise, which increases its positive effect.

You need to breathe slowly, this is necessary to saturate the body with oxygen.

Do each exercise no longer than it gives pleasure

Breathe through the nose

Perform all exercises naturally, without effort and tension.

Bring your body into a state of deep relaxation

Air should move in and out of the lungs in one continuous stream.

Breathing exercises are carried out daily, in between classes or regime moments.

Complexes of respiratory gymnastics, see Appendix No. 2.

3. Gymnastics for the eyes

Studies show that 90% of all information about the world around a person receives through the eyes. Load on the eyes modern child huge, and they rest only during sleep. Gymnastics for the eyes is useful for everyone, and especially for children.

Eye exercises involve moving the eyeball in all directions. Eye exercises are performed to strengthen the muscles of the eyeball, relieve eye strain and to prevent myopia.

Gymnastics for the eyes is carried out by me daily for 3-5 minutes at any free time, depending on the intensity of the load.

In my work, I use a number of different exercises, which I present in Appendix No. 3.

4. Finger gymnastics.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky claimed that "The mind of a child is at its fingertips."

Research V.M. Bekhtereva, A.N. Leontieva, A.R. Luriaproved the influence of hand manipulations on the functions of higher nervous activity, speech development.

The development of the child is associated with the development of finger movements. The third part of the entire motor projection in the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand. Therefore, the training of fine finger movements has a great influence on the development of a child's active speech. Influencing the tone of the child's hand, with the help of a complex of finger gymnastics, there is a direct effect on the tone of the speech apparatus.

I do finger gymnastics daily individually or with a subgroup, at any convenient time during the day: during morning exercises, physical education, in my free time in the morning and after sleep for 2-3 minutes. It is especially important to carry out gymnastics with children who have speech problems.

Most often I use finger gymnastics of poetic rhythm in my work, which helps to put in proper breathing, develop speech hearing. Most of all, children like exercises called “Family”, “Cabbage Salad”, “We Shared an Orange”, “Finger-finger where have you been? » etc. The children also like the fact that they have the opportunity to conduct finger gymnastics, acting as a leader, he feels responsible and cherishes the fact that I entrusted this role to him. This is a kind of motivation for children.

For a complex of finger gymnastics, see Appendix No. 4.

5. Game massage and self-massage.

IN modern conditions there was a need to search for non-traditional ways of organizing the correctional educational process already at an early preschool age. One of these areas is massage and self-massage. How remedy they were known in ancient times. With systematic massage, the reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with muscles and blood vessels are strengthened, muscle tone stimulates tactile sensations. Massage allows you to activate and synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain.

We do with children massage movements on the palms, hands and forearms of both hands: stroking, rubbing, light pressure, pinching, patting. Various exercises: rolling a single ball, rolling a ribbed pencil, imitation of rolling a bun, sticks, as in modeling, squeezing rubber toys different density and etc.

I use at work play massage according to the methodologyA. Umanskaya and K. Deineka.I spend massage and self-massage 2-3 times a day in classes, physical exercises, walks, independent activity children.

After each ex. relaxing strokes or shaking hands should be done. Selected exercises can have a complex effect on the development of speech and intellectual ability children. Since concrete-figurative thinking prevails among preschoolers, poetic texts have been invented for many massages. Their content and rhythm are as close as possible to the nature of the movement itself, so that a specific image arises in the child. You should start with warming movements that make the muscles more supple, and the movements painless.

Articular massage- ear massage is shown to children from the very early age. It helps to develop all body systems, improves intellectual abilities.

Self-massage of the face

F.R. Auglin (Switzerland) developed and put into practice facial self-massage, which is aimed at developing and improving memory, abstract thinking, intelligence, and speech development.

Regular use of this massage helps to increase the intelligence of the child by 75%.

Hardening Breath

This type of hardening strengthens the entire respiratory tract. Its essence lies in the implementation of a set of playing exercises with the nose. It is carried out 2-3 times a day.

Hand massage

Intensive action on the fingertips stimulates the flow of blood to the hands. It promotes psycho-emotional stability and physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, tones the entire body.

Massage magic dots ears

This type of hardening is based on the stimulation of biologically active points located on the auricle and reflexively connected with almost all organs of the body. Massage of these points is useful, in particular, to improve the functioning of the respiratory system and to protect the body from colds.

Held in game form 2-3 times a day.

A set of exercises is presented in Appendix No. 5.

6. Gymnastics after sleep.

One of the main features of the nervous system of preschool children is the slow switching from one state to another, which is facilitated by the immaturity of nervous processes. That's why after a nap I spend with my children special exercises allowing them to gradually move to a vigorous state.

Gymnastics after daytime sleep in combination with contrast baths, hardening helps to improve the mood of children, increase muscle tone, and also helps prevent posture and foot disorders.

We perform awakening gymnastics while lying in bed. First, the children stretch out: they bend their backs, stretch their arms up, turn over from side to side. Then they do the exercises. After gymnastics, children walk barefoot along the massage paths, which enhances the healing effect and is the prevention of flat feet.

It is important to remember that the pace of awakening in children is different, and the degree of emotional response is also different. Therefore, I capture the mood of children, I encourage those who have a lowered mood background after sleep. I pronounce the words of the exercise at a calm pace, with joyful intonations.

The importance of awakening gymnastics cannot be underestimated. It develops respiratory muscles, increases mobility chest and diaphragm, improves blood circulation in the lungs, the activity of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the muscles of the back, feet, increases concentration.

The complex of gymnastics after sleep is presented in Appendix No. 6.

7. Dynamic pauses and physical minutes

A dynamic pause and a minute of physical culture prevent fatigue and help maintain performance throughout the day. The sets of exercises here are selected depending on the intensity of the load and consist of 2-3 exercises (physical training minute) or 6-8 exercises ( dynamic pause). I use the simplest, most accessible exercises,

I spend at the beginning, middle or end of the lesson, as the children get tired.

It must be remembered that the intensity of the exercises should not be high, their main task is to allow the child to change his posture, to relax. A short, but intense load will only lead to the opposite effect. As a prevention of fatigue, I conduct smooth “stretching” movements for children that relieve muscle tension, increase the level of performance, which is why at the beginning of the warm-up I pay great attention breathing exercises combined with various body movements. This contributes to overall health and well-being.

In the exercises I include elements of gymnastics for the eyes, breathing exercises, finger gymnastics, depending on the type of exercise.

IN practical exercises I use physical minutes for a poetic text, but I pay attention to the following rules when choosing poems for a specific lesson:

Poems should be with a clear rhythm, since it is easier to perform various movements under them.

The educator himself pronounces the text, since when pronouncing the text with children, their breath may go astray.

8. Games, exercises, gymnastics for the prevention of postural disorders and flat feet.

Posture - this is the habitual, relaxed position of the body acquired by a person in the course of growth during rest and in motion. A beautiful straight back is also external attractiveness and internal health.

In preschool children, small back muscles that have great importance to hold right position spinal column are usually poorly developed. Therefore, if you do not teach the child to maintain the correct posture in Everyday life before school, incorrect, forced posture during schoolwork will contribute to the progression of disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

As in all other cases, preventing postural defects is easier than treating them.

Prevention of postural disorders must be carried out in two directions:

Creating optimal hygiene conditions

Holding educational work aimed at consciously fixing the correct position of your body.

The games that I spend in my group are aimed at the general recovery of weakened children, strengthening their musculoskeletal system, the muscular corset of the spine, and improving the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory organs. When playing games, it is important to achieve the correct positioning of the head and torso in the standing, sitting and moving positions.

Prevention of flat feet is carried out by me after a daytime sleep of children (walking barefoot on massage mats and paths), and games and exercises for posture prevention can be carried out both in the morning and in the afternoon, depending on the load.

For examples of games and sets of exercises, see Appendix No. 7.

Tempering system for children.

Under hardening understand the increase in body resistance mainly low temperatures, because in the occurrence of a number of diseases important role cooling of the body plays (diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, nephritis, rheumatism, etc.).

Purpose of hardening- to develop the body's ability to quickly change the work of organs and systems in connection with the constantly changing external environment. The body's ability to adapt to certain environmental conditions is developed by repeated repetition of the impact of one or another factor (cold, heat, etc.) and a gradual increase in its dosage.

As a result of hardening, the child becomes less susceptible not only to sudden changes in temperature and colds, but also to infectious diseases. Hardened children have good health and appetite, calm, balanced, distinguished by cheerfulness, cheerfulness, high performance. These results can be achieved only with the correct implementation of hardening procedures.

Requirements for hardening:

  1. Accounting individual features child
  2. Positive reactions of the child to hardening
  3. Continuity hardening
  4. Observation of medical staff for responses, constant consultations with a pediatrician
  5. Parental Consent



Hardening activities (2nd junior group)

Nature of action






Outdoors, in seasonal clothing


Sleep in a ventilated room

Take into account the physical and somatic condition of children

The temperature in the bedroom is below 14 degrees


Air contrast baths

Use of temperature difference (under a blanket, without a blanket; in the bedroom, in a group room); while walking (in T-shirts and shorts in the warm season)

The air temperature is below normal, the presence of contraindications


Walking barefoot

After "quiet time", along massage paths as a prevention of flat feet

The air temperature is below normal, the presence of a medical outlet


mouth rinse

Before daytime sleep boiled water room temperature


Washing, washing hands

Gradually reduce the water temperature to 14 degrees, after the procedure, wiping with a towel until the skin warms up

Presence of a medical outlet



On a walk - in the morning and in the afternoon

Chronic diseases, temperature over 30 degrees

V.A. Sukhomlinsky considered: “To strengthen a person’s health in childhood, to prevent a child from entering his youth frail and lethargic, means to give him the fullness of life’s joys” .

Healthy environment.

The subject-developing environment helps to ensure the harmonious development of the child, as well as to create an emotionally positive environment. It not only allows you to conduct games and activities, but also teaches children to independent games.

The healthy environment in our group includes:

  1. Corner of physical activity of children (corner in physio)

This section contains the following resources:

jump ropes,



Massage mats and paths (for the prevention of flat feet and walking with palms and feet at the same time),

Plastic dumbbells and dumbbells made from improvised material,

massage balls,


Ladder for climbing and stepping,

Arc for crawling,

Balance trainer,

Height meters, which also serve to prevent posture disorders,

Target on the wall in the form of a matryoshka for hitting the ball on the target,

ring toss,

Skittles for knocking down the ball,

Simulator for the development of agility and speed (sticks with ropes of different colors for twisting),

Benefits for the development of the eye (on the wall).

Also in the group there are benefits:

For development fine motor skills hands: a variety of "lacing", "beads",

Complexes for morning exercises, breathing exercises, gymnastics for the eyes, gymnastics after sleep, finger gymnastics,

Colored soft modules for jumping, climbing, games (for example, children like the "Caterpillar" module).

In the health corner there are visual consultations for parents on the topic “Health”: “Prevention of influenza”, “Vitamins”, “On the benefits of walking”, “Proper nutrition”, “ Physical development preschoolers, etc.

Raising a culture of health in children, equipping them with knowledge, skills and abilities to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle

The need to cultivate a valeological culture is emphasized by studies confirming that human health is only 7-8% dependent on the success of health care and more than 60% - on his lifestyle. In this regard, it is important to educate a culture of health already in preschool childhood. The formation of human culture is primarily due to the process of education, pedagogical interaction adult with a child, a wide range pedagogical means and tricks.

Culture of healthpreschooler consists of three components:

1. conscious attitude to human health and life;

2. knowledge about health and the ability to protect, maintain and preserve it;

3. competence, which allows a preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of elementary medical care.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills.

Preservation and promotion of health is impossible without observing the rules of personal hygiene - a set of measures for caring for the skin of the body, hair, oral cavity, clothes and shoes.

Great emphasis in personal hygiene is placed on washing hands before eating, after any work, walks, during morning and evening toilet, because it is through hands in oral cavity the vast majority of pathogens.

After each meal, my children and I rinse our mouths with boiled water at room temperature.

To implement this task, it is planned to continue purposeful work on the education of a culture of health, the formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle.

A comprehensive thematic plan for the valeological education of children in the 2nd junior group


1. Topic: "This is Me and my friends."

O.Ts.: Give ideas about a person: about yourself, boys and girls, close relatives. To introduce the parts of the human body (head, torso, arms, legs)

2. Topic: "Mishka Toptyzhka meets the guys."

O.Ts.: To form the ability to call peers by name; act in concert in the game; to promote the rapprochement of children, the establishment of friendly relations, the manifestation of interest in adults, their actions; develop children's interest in each other, the need to communicate with adults, goodwill towards them

3. Game therapy. Acquaintance with each other. Organizing children into groups.


1. Topic: "Vodichka, some water."

O.Ts .: Teach children to wash their hands, face, rinse their mouth after eating, brush their teeth, comb, use a handkerchief

2. Wash the doll Didactic game

O.Ts.: Transfer the acquired washing skills to game actions; maintain a positive feeling about the washing process

3. Topic: “In the morning, when brushing your teeth, remember that the toothbrush is only for you…” Reading fiction O.Ts.: To consolidate children's knowledge of personal hygiene items


1. Topic: “Visiting Dr. Aibolit” Excursion to the medical office.

O.Ts.: To introduce the professions of a doctor, a nurse; show how the doctor takes care of children; expand gaming experience children; educate respect for the work of adults

2. Game - staging "Olya and Aibolit"

O.Ts .: Identify and name parts of the body, items of clothing of the doll, learn to correlate game actions with the doll with the word

3. Puppet theater "Mishka got sick"

O.Ts.: Consolidate the knowledge gained about the work of medical staff; evoke feelings of compassion for the patient; nurture a caring attitude towards loved ones


1. "Let's dress the doll Tanya for a walk" Didactic game O.Ts.: To introduce seasonal types of clothing and its purpose for the seasons; develop the need to address questions and requests to an adult; play game actions; fix the name of the garments

2. “How Masha and Vanya were going to visit” Puppet theater. O.Ts.: Consolidate previously acquired knowledge (skills of consistently putting on outerwear on the doll) ; bring joy to children

3. "The sun, air and water are ours best friends". Cycle of walks O.Ts.: Tell children about the benefits of walking, about the need to dress properly for a walk. Associate the concept of the season with diversity seasonal clothes of people


  1. “Bayu, bayushki, bayu…” С\Р game.

O.Ts .: Introduce a new game chain of actions (put a mattress on the bed, cover it with a sheet, put a pillow, lay the doll, cover it with a blanket); teach to treat the doll affectionately

  1. "Doll Masha woke up" Didactic game

O.Ts.: To teach how to put clothes on a doll - a girl, following the sequence with a little help adults; fix the names of clothes

3. Topic: "Sleepy Tales" Reading fiction. Reading fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes on the topic "Healthy sleep".

O.Ts.: To teach children to go to bed calmly and quietly, without disturbing other children. Form the rules of a culture of behavior during regime processes


Vitamins 1. "On the benefits of vitamins" Conversation

Examining visual aids.

O.Ts.: To give children the concept of vitamins, as well as products that are good for health.

2. "Where vitamins live" Didactic game

O.Ts.: To consolidate in a playful way the knowledge gained earlier in the classroom and in conversations

3. "Vitamins for Irinka." A complex lesson - a game of O.Ts.: To consolidate the knowledge gained earlier


  1. "How Katya cooks dinner" Didactic game. Conversation.

O.Ts .: Learn to name the qualities of the product and the actions performed with it (cut, salt, mix); enrich and activate the dictionary by the names of lunch dishes (soup, pasta, meatballs, compote, etc.); reflect the rules of behavior in speech (before cooking - wash your hands, wash food, etc.)

  1. "Fruits or vegetables" Didactic game. Conversation.

O.Ts .: Learn to distinguish fruits and vegetables in appearance and in the place of growth. Strengthen children's knowledge about healthy foods.

3. "Drink, children, milk will be healthy" The story of the educator. O.Ts.:Tell children about the benefits of dairy products

4. "What should I eat to be healthy?" Summarizing conversation. O.Ts .: Summarize children's knowledge about useful products


Sport is our friend. 1. “How to become strong and healthy? » Conversation O.C.: Give Special attention preparing for morning exercises and physical education, tell children about the need to play sports

3. “Why do you need to play sports? » Puppet theater O.C.: Through the puppet theater, continue to tell children about the benefits sports activities. Cultivate interest in sports

  1. "Morning exercises" Conversation.

O.Ts.: Tell children about the benefits of exercise.


1. “One, two, three, four, five - we are going to walk ...” Conversations.

O.C.: Creating interest in walking, using playing tricks, motivation for the activity of children on a walk

2. “What is good, what is bad ...” Puppet theater O.Ts.: Through the puppet theater, tell children about the rules of behavior for a walk (do not stay in the sun for a long time, do not forget to wear a hat, etc.)

  1. "Strong, skillful, dexterous and courageous" Sports holiday O.Ts.: Creation Have a good mood. Generate interest in sports event. Cultivate a desire to lead active image life.

The results of the work.

The system of work on the health protection of children in my group showed the formation of a conscious attitude towards their health in children. There was an interest in physical and sports exercises. Children began to enjoy doing exercises to prevent flat feet, they had a desire to do morning exercises. In general, their physical and emotional state improved, they became more physically fit. This system of work contributed to the development of motor and strength skills in children.

Significantly decreased the incidence of children in the group (see table on p. 4)

This was helped by the system of hardening measures used. The children enjoyed doing hardening procedures and they continued them at home with their parents. Children's clothing always corresponds to the temperature regime.

The upbringing of a culture of health has formed the habit of healthy lifestyle in children. They learned what to do to be healthy, acquired the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to maintain and improve health.

Monitoring on the development of basic motor skills showed positive results. Improved performance in such physical exercises as crawling, climbing, jumping, rolling and throwing the ball, throwing, exercise in balance. In September, monitoring showed an overall level of 1.8 points, and in May it rose to 2-2.5 points.

Analysis of the incidence of children

Application No. 1.

Appendix No. 1

A complex with the use of methods for relieving psycho-emotional stress "Visiting the sun".

1. Introductory part

Children enter the hall

The game "Sunny Bunny".

Walking in all directions for a sunbeam (15 s)

Loose running (15 s).

Walking in a column one at a time (15 s)

Building in a circle

2.Main part.

Exercise “Smile at the sun” I.p.: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on shoulders. Raise right leg and stretch your right hand forward, palm up, smile. Return to I.P. Repeat the same movements with the left arm and leg.

Exercise "We play with the sun." I.p.: sitting, legs bent at the knees, arms around the knees. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise "We play with the sun's rays." I.p.: sitting, legs together, hands down. Legs apart. Clap your knees with your palms. Return to I.p. Repeat 6 times.

Exercise "Resting in the sun." I.p .: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and pressed to the chest. Roll to the right side. Return to the ip. Roll to the left side. Return to the ip. Run 3 p. To every side.

Exercise “Children are happy” I.p .: legs together, hands on the belt. Alternate 10 jumps with walking. Repeat 3 times.

3. Final part

Walking around the hall in a column one at a time (15 s)

P.i. "Sun and Rain"

Breathing exercise “Blowing into the sun” (15 s)

Children say goodbye to the sun and return to the group.

Complex of morning exercises "Merry Bears"

Vos-l: Children, we came to the forest to a beautiful clearing, and who lives here, you try to guess.

I am a strict owner of the forest, I like to sleep in a den in winter,

And all winter long - I dream of fragrant honey.

Terribly I can roar. Who am I to say ... (bear)

Vos: Right! Guys, and now we will turn into cubs. One, two, three, we started spinning, We turned into cubs. Now the cubs will do exercises.

In the morning, the bear woke up, the bear reached for the sun. Like this, like this, the bear reached for the sun.

The bear cubs lived in the thicket, twisting their heads. Like this, like this, they twisted their heads.

The cubs were looking for honey, they were rocking the tree together. Like this, like this, they shook the tree together.

Waddled around and drank water from the river! Like this, like this, they drank water from the river.

Bears are fun to play, bears want to say. One-two, one-two, that's the end of the game.

Vos-l: Stop, charging is over.

Inhale and exhale for order.

Goodbye, good forest!

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

One, two, three - we're spinning

And they turned into kids.

The plot complex "Chickens"

I. Walking and running one after another (2p for 10 seconds), walking on toes. Building in a circle.

II. outdoor switchgear

"Chickens flap their wings."I.p. legs slightly apart, arms down. Raise your hands to the sides, wave them, say "ko-ko", lower them. D-6 times.

"Chickens drink water."I.p. feet shoulder width apart, hands down. Lean forward, take your hands back, straighten up. D-6 times.

"Chickens peck grain"I.p. legs slightly apart, arms down. Sit down, tap your fingers on your knees, stand up. D-6 times.

"Chickens are looking for a worm."I.p. sitting, legs apart, hands on the belt. Lean forward, stretch your arms forward, look for a worm, straighten up. D-6 times.

"Strong Wings". I.p. legs slightly apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, wave with the whole arm and hand - big wings, lower. D-6 times.

"Chickens have fun"I.p. legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumping in place on 2 legs, alternating with walking. D- 2 times 6 times.

III. Rebuilding from a circle. The run is fast. Game exercise "Let's find a chicken" (The teacher hides the toy in advance and invites the children to find it),

Application number 2.

Respiratory gymnastics complex

"Blow out the stubborn candle"- hold colored strips of paper in your right hand; put the left palm on the stomach; inhale through the mouth, inflate the stomach; then exhale for a long time, "extinguish the candle."

"Locomotive" - walk around the room, imitating the movements of the wheels of a steam locomotive with bent arms, while pronouncing “choo-choo” and changing the speed of movement, volume and frequency of pronunciation.

"Shepherd" - blow your nose into a small pipe as loudly as possible to call those who fled to different sides cows; show the child that it is necessary to inhale through the nose and exhale sharply into the pipe.

"Geese are flying" - walk slowly and smoothly around the room, waving your arms like geese; raise arms-wings on inhalation, lower on exhalation, pronouncing "gu-u-u" (8-10 times).

"Stork" - stand straight, raise your arms to the sides, one leg, bending at the knee, move forward and fix the position for a few minutes, maintaining balance; as you exhale, lower your leg and arms, quietly pronouncing "shhhh" (6-7 times).

"Hunting" - close your eyes, determine by smell what kind of object is in front of you (orange, perfume, jam, etc.).

"Porridge" - inhale through the nose, on the exhale say the word "puff". Repeat at least 6 times.

"Airplanes" - Ready paper airplanes set to start on the table. Each pilot blows on his own plane. Whoever has a better engine, whose plane will fly farther, wins.

"Butterfly" - expose flower meadow. The task of the child is to blow paper butterfly from the palm. It is desirable that she fly to the farthest flower.

"Ball" - introduce yourself balloons; at the expense of 1,2,3,4 take four deep breaths and hold your breath. Then exhale slowly at the expense of 1,2,3,4,5.

"Crow" - sit straight, quickly raise your hands through the sides up - inhale, slowly lower your hands - exhale. Say: CAR!

"Pull the pencil"- inhale through the nose and, exhaling through the mouth, roll a pencil across the table.

"We warm our hands" - inhale through the nose and blow on chilled hands, exhaling smoothly through the mouth, as if warming the hands.

"Fire sawing" - stand against each other in pairs, hold hands and imitate sawing firewood: hands on yourself - inhale, hands away from you - exhale.

"Woodcutter" - stand up straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulders; as you exhale, fold your hands with an ax and lift up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, extend your arms as you exhale, lower them down, tilt your body, allowing your hands to “cut through” the space between your legs. Say "uh". Repeat 6-8 times.

"Harvesting" - stand up straight, raise your hands up to get apples, - inhale (pause 3 seconds). Lower your arms, tilt your body forward and down - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

"Komarik" - sit down, clasp the legs of the chair with your legs, put your hands on your belt. Inhale, slowly turn the body to the side; on the exhale, show how the mosquito rings - “z-z-z”; quickly return to the starting position. A new breath - and turn in the other direction.

"Let's play the harmonica"- stand up straight, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Inhale (pause 3 sec). Tilt to the left side - exhale slowly, stretching the right side. Starting position - inhale (pause 3 seconds). Tilt in right side- exhale slowly. Repeat 3-4 times.

"Trumpeter" - bring an imaginary pipe to your lips. Imitating the movements of a trumpeter, press imaginary keys with your fingers, while exhaling, say “tu-tu-tu” (10-15 seconds).

"Bug" - sit down, spread your arms to the sides, slightly taking them back, - inhale. Exhaling, show how long the big beetle buzzes - “zh-zh-zh”, while lowering your hands down.


airplane plane

Takes flight

(child spreads arms out to sides, palms up)

zhu, zhu, zhu,

zhu, zhu, zhu,

(makes a right turn

and exhale "zhzhzh")

I will stand and rest

(stands up straight, lowering his hands, - pause)

I'll fly to the left

(raises head - inhale)

zhu, zhu, zhu,

zhu, zhu, zhu,

(makes a left turn

And exhale "zhzhzh")

I will stand and rest

(gets up straight and lowers his hands - pause)

"Mouse and Bear"

The teacher shows the movements and says the words:

Mishka has a huge house

(straighten up, stand on toes, raise your hands up, pull yourself up, look at your hands - inhale)

The mouse is very small

(sit down, clasping your knees with your hands, lower your head - exhale with the sound "shhsh")

The mouse goes to visit Mishka,

He doesn't get to her.

(must walk around the room)

The rhyme with movements is repeated 4-6 times. The teacher should carefully monitor the clarity and coordination of movements.


The teacher offers to play "wind". He reads poetry and makes the rhythm of their movement:

I am a strong wind, I fly

I fly where I want

(arms down, legs slightly apart, inhale through the nose)

I want - I'll whistle to the left

(turn your head to the left, make your lips a tube and inflate)

I can blow to the right

(head straight - inhale, head to the right - exhale, lips with a tube)

I can blow up - into the clouds

(head straight - inhale through the nose, lower the head, touching the chest with the chin, - calm deep exhalation through the mouth)

In the meantime, I will disperse the clouds.

(circular hand movements)

Application number 3.

A complex of gymnastics for the eyes.

1. Raise your eyes up and down

down, as if looking into the eye socket.

Before starting the exercise, explain

children that we follow the balls with our eyes_

com that bounces high

up and hit the floor again:


I threw my ball easily.

Above the house, above the roof,

Clouds high above.

But my ball fell from heaven

Rolled into a dark forest.

One two three four five,

I'm going to look for him.

2. Look left - right, so

looking deep into the eye socket


The clock is on the table.

All day they knock:

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Don't knock so loud!

3. Clap your eyelashes often-often

(these are "butterfly wings"):

We walk one after the other

Forest and green meadow.

Motley wings flicker,

Butterflies fly in the field.

4. Close your eyes slightly:


Eyes closed.

Open your eyes wide

Pansies opened like in a fairy tale.

Annex No. 4.

Complex of finger gymnastics

Purpose: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I play with toys: (Hands in front of you, we squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands.)

I throw the ball to you, (We stretch our hands forward - “throw the ball.”)

I collect the pyramid, (Straight brushes with palms down alternately put on top of each other several times.)

I drive the truck everywhere. (We move in front of us with a slightly open brush right hand- "we ride


Finger gymnastics "Toys"

My funny round ball, (With one hand we hit an imaginary ball.)

Do not hide round cheeks! (Change of hands.)

I'll catch you, (With two hands, connecting the fingers of the same name, we show the ball.)

I'll ride in my arms! (Roll an imaginary ball between the palms.)

Finger gymnastics "Berries"

I take off the berries from the branch, (Fingers are relaxed, hang down. Stroke the fingers of the other hand

each finger from the base to the very tip, as if removing from

him an imaginary berry.)

And I collect in a basket. (Both palms folded in front of a cup.)

There will be a full basket, (One palm folded in a boat, cover with another also folded


I'll try a little. (One folded palm imitates a basket, with the other hand

I'll eat a little more, take out imaginary berries and put them in my mouth.)

The path to the house will be easy! (Imitating legs, middle and index fingers on both hands

Finger gymnastics "Mushrooms"

Red-red fly agaric- (We connect our fingertips - we depict a mushroom hat.)

White speckled pattern. (One hand - "mushroom hat", index finger other hand

show "specks".)

You are beautiful, but do not tear! (Shake finger.)

And don't take it to the basket! (Straight palm away from you - moving away gesture.)

Finger gymnastics "Autumn"

Autumn came out for a walk, ("Let's go" with the index and middle fingers of one hand.)

I started collecting leaves. (We “pick up” the leaves with one hand and “put” them in the other.)

Finger gymnastics "Trees"

Finger gymnastics "Fruits"

Yellow-yellow is our lemon, (Fingers of the same name are connected by pads - we show a lemon.)

It squirts sour juice. (Fingers sharply spread apart.)

Put it in tea (We connect the large, index and middle fingers one hand and

"Dip Lemon in Tea"

Along with yellow skin. (Fingers in the same position, making rotational movements -

"Stir the tea"

Finger gymnastics "Vegetables - fruits"

There are many ridges in the garden, (They squeeze and unclench their fingers.)

There are turnips and lettuce, (They bend their fingers in turn.)

Here and beets, and peas,

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden (Clap your hands.)

We will be fed for a whole year.

Finger gymnastics "Clothes"

I will put on boots, (We point to the legs, torso, head.)

Jacket and hat.

And on each hand (One hand with straightened fingers up, the other - runs along the little finger and rib

palms showing direction of putting on gloves.)

I'll put on a glove. (Change of hands.)

Finger gymnastics "Shoes"

We put on our feet to run along the path. (Two fingers "walk" on the table.)

Repeat after me the words: (Squeeze and unclench fingers.)

Leg - one, leg - two! (Put two fingers on the table and raise one at a time.)

They buy in the store (Squeeze and unclench their fingers.)

And put on the legs

Dad, mom, brother and I - (They bend their fingers.)

The whole family loves shoes. ("Step" fingers on the table.)

Finger gymnastics "Dishes"

From the plates, as one, (Palms together in front of you "plate".)

We eat soup with spoons. (Rotational hand movements with an imaginary spoon.)

We eat cutlets with a fork, (Index and middle fingers are straightened, thumb

holds the ring and little fingers - “hold the fork.”)

The knife cuts omelettes for us. (“Cut” with a straight palm back and forth.)

Finger gymnastics "Food"

Flour was kneaded into the dough, (Squeeze and unclench fingers.)

And we blinded from the dough (They clap their hands, “sculpt.”)

Pies and buns, (Alternately unbend fingers, starting with the little finger.)

sweet cheesecakes,

Buns and rolls - (Both palms turn up.)

We bake everything in the oven.

Delicious! (Stroking their bellies.)

Finger gymnastics "Winter"

Snow falls on the houses, (We spread our arms to the sides, palms down.)

Streets and roofs. (Hands "house".)

Quietly winter is coming to us, (Finger to lips. "Let's go" with the index and middle fingers of one hand.)

We don’t hear her ... (Hand behind ear.)

Finger gymnastics "Winter fun"

What do we like to do in winter? (Alternately connect the thumb with the rest.)

play in the snow,

to run on skis

Skating on ice

Ride down the mountain on a sled.

Finger gymnastics "New Year's holiday"

- Hello Dedushka Moroz! (The palm strokes the chin - the "beard" of Santa Claus.)

What did you bring us as a gift? (Hands forward, palms up.)

- Loud crackers, (Clap your hands.)

Sweets, toys. (Twirl with brushes.)

Finger gymnastics "Parts of the body"

I have a head, (Listen to the poem and point)

Chest, belly, and then the back,

Legs to jump

The handles are for playing.

Finger gymnastics "Pets"

Here, having removed the scratches, (“Wash my hands.”)

The cat washes its paws.

Muzzle and ears (Circular movements with the palm of your hand in the face.)

On your top. (Slightly bent palms move behind the ears - we show how the cat washes its ears.)

Finger gymnastics "Baby Pets"

We ran along the river (Move the index and middle fingers along the surface of the table from

yourself to the edge. Repeat several times.)

Kittens racing.

Finger gymnastics "Wild animals of our forests"

Hare and hedgehog towards each other (Index and middle fingers of both hands "go" towards

each other.)

We walked along the path through the field, through the meadow.

They met and they got scared. (Bang fists.)

Run fast - go catch up! (The fingers “go” again, but now in different directions.)

Finger gymnastics "Cubs of wild animals"

This is a hare, this is a squirrel, (They bend their fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.)

This is a fox, this is a wolf cub,

And this one is in a hurry, hobbles half asleep (They rotate with their thumbs.)

brown, furry,

Funny teddy bear.

Finger gymnastics "Domestic and wild animals"

Bunny - ears on top - (Hands at the temples, index and middle fingers are straightened - "ears".)

Jumping, jumping on the edge. (Hands pinch down at the chest - “jumps”.)

A prickly hedgehog followed him, (They intertwined their fingers and moved.)

I walked on the grass without paths,

And behind the hedgehog - beauty - (Smooth movements of the hands in front of you.)

Red-tailed fox.

Finger gymnastics "Wild animals of hot countries"

Only he wears the trunk - (We smoothly move the hand in front of us - we depict the trunk.)

Lop-eared gray elephant. (Put hands to ears.)

Finger gymnastics "Poultry"

The chicken pecks the grains, (We reject both palms together.)

And the chickens are right there. (The pinches "peck" in turn.)

The duck will dive into the water, (The palms “dive” forward together.)

And chickens don't dive. (Shake finger.)

Finger gymnastics "Poultry and their cubs"

The chicken has a chicken, (The thumb touches the rest in turn, starting with the little finger.)

The goose has a gosling

The turkey has a turkey,

And the duck has a duckling.

Every mother has babies - (They touch their fingers in turn.)

All are beautiful and good.

Finger gymnastics "Wild birds"

A woodpecker hammers a tree: (One straight palm is a “tree”, the other is a “woodpecker” - with a fist

knock on it.)


Standing in the forest all day (Change of hands.)


Finger gymnastics "Our house"

This house is one storey. (Unbend the fingers from the fist, starting with the little finger.)

This house is two stories.

This one is three stories high.

This house is the most important one: It has five floors.

Application No. 5.

"Let's play with the nose"

1. Organizational moment

a) "Find and show the nose"

Children sit comfortably and show their nose to an adult.

2.Main part

Game exercises with a spout.

b) "Help the nose get ready for a walk"

Each child takes a handkerchief or tissue and thoroughly cleans their nose on their own or with the help of an adult.

c) "The nose is walking"

An adult invites children to close their mouths tightly so that it does not interfere with walking and breathing well through the nose.

d) "The nose is indulging"

On inspiration, the child resists the air by pressing the wings of the nose with the thumb and forefinger of one hand.

e) "The nose smells a pleasant smell"

The child performs 10 breaths through the right and left nostrils, alternately closing them with the index finger.

f) "The nose sings a song"

On exhalation, the baby taps the wings of the nose with his index finger and sings: "Ba-bo-boo."

g) "Warm up the nose"

The child places index fingers on the bridge of the nose and moves them to the wings of the nose, then up and back. Thus, a kind of rubbing is done.

3. Final stage

h) "The nose is returning home"

Children put away handkerchiefs and napkins. Show the adult that their nose is back.

Note. Game exercises can be accompanied by verses:

- Come to me, my friend.

And sit down in a circle.

Find your nose quickly

Show your aunt.

- I need to clean my nose.

Collect for a walk.

- Close your mouth

Just play with your nose.

- That's so spout-spoiler!

He's used to playing pranks on us.

- Hush, hush, don't rush

Breathe in the aroma.

- Nice to walk in the garden

And the nose sings: "Ba-bo-boo."

- We need to warm our nose,

Rub it a little.

- My nose turned up

Returns home

"Let's play with hands"

1. Preparatory stage

Children rub their palms to a pleasant warmth.

2.Main part

a) Massage with the thumb and forefinger of one hand -

rub each finger, starting with the nail phalanx of the little finger

other hand.

b) We massage the back of the palms, simulating hand washing.

c) We interlace the outstretched fingers of both hands and slightly three of them

against each other, pointing the palms in opposite directions.

d) We close the interlaced fingers with a lock and bring them to

chest. Pause.

e) Stretch your fingers up and move them.

3. Final stage

Children shake off their hands, relax them and rest. Note. The exercise can be accompanied by verses:

Hey guys, everyone to me. Who is standing there on the sidelines? Well, quickly catch the courage and start the game-massage.

I will rub my palms strongly, I will twist each finger.

I will say hello to everyone, I will not bypass anyone.

I'll play with my nails, I'll rub them against each other.

Then I’ll “wash” my hands, I’ll gently stretch my shoulders. Then I will wash my hands, I will put my finger in my finger, I will close them with a padlock

And keep warm.

I will stretch out my fingers, Let them run like bunnies.

One-two, one-two, That's the end of the game.

So the game is over, the kids are resting.

"Let's play with ears"

1. Organizational moment

The teacher invites the children to play and gathers them in a circle.

2.Main part

Ear exercises.

a) “We will find and show the ears”

Children find their ears, show them to an adult (if hair interferes, they are stabbed at the top).

b) "Let's clap our ears"

The child puts his hands behind his ears and bends them forward, first with his little finger, and then with all the other fingers. Pressing the auricles to the head, abruptly releases them. In this case, the child should feel cotton.

c) "Let's pull the ears"

The baby grabs both earlobes with the tips of the thumb and forefinger, pulls them down with force, and then releases.

d) "Twist the tragus"

The child inserts his thumb into the external auditory opening, and with his index finger presses the tragus - the protrusion of the auricle in front. Having thus captured the tragus, he squeezes and turns it in all directions for 20-30 seconds.

d) “Warm up the ears”

The child puts his hands to his ears and carefully rubs the entire sink with them.

3.Final moment

Children relax and listen to silence.

Note. Actions can be accompanied by verses:

- Come to me, my friend,

And sit down in a circle.

- Find your ears

And show them soon.

- Deftly with them we play,

This is how we clap our ears.

- And now we're pulling everything down.

Ushko, don't give up!

- And then, and then

They twisted the goat.

- The ear seems to be frozen,

You can warm it up.

- One, two! One, two!

Here the game is over.

- And when the game is over,

Silence has come!

Appendix No. 6.

Complex of gymnastics after sleep

1. Wake up:

We rested calmly

They fell asleep with a magical dream.

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

Strongly cams compress,

We raise them higher.

Stretch! Smile!

Everyone open your eyes and stand up!

2. Exercise in bed:

1) I.p.: lying on your back. Stretch, straining muscles, relax (3-4r.).

2) I.p.: lying on your back, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists, cross your arms in front of you, exhale, spread your arms, in I.p., inhale (3-4r.).

3) I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Bend your knees, pull your legs to your chest, clasp your knees with your hands and straighten up. (3-4r.).

4) I.p.: sitting on your knees, arms to the sides. Clap with straight arms in front. (3-4r.).

A complex of gymnastics after sleep with elements of corrective gymnastics "Trained dog"

The sound of a dog barking.

Educator: Guys, someone is coming to visit us. Guess the riddle and recognize our guest:

Sleeping in a booth

The house is guarded.

Who goes to the owner

She lets you know.

Children: Doggy.

Educator: That's right! A trained circus dog came to visit us today. She will now do gymnastics with you. (Puts on a dog mask) Get out of your beds.

Walking "snake", hands behind the back.

Walking on toes.

Building in a circle.

Exercise "Dog welcomes guests"

I.p.-standing, legs slightly apart, arms lowered.

Tilt your head forward. Return to I.P.

Repeat 4 times.

Exercise "The dog is happy for the kids"

I.p.-standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on shoulders.

Bring your elbows together in front of your chest. Return to I.P.

Take your elbows as far back as possible. Return to I.P.

Repeat 4 times.

Exercise "Dog amuses guests"

I.p.-sitting on the carpet, legs apart, hands behind the back.

Lean forward, touch your toes with your hands, straighten up.


  • to consolidate and systematize children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and its components;
  • to consolidate knowledge about the sense organs, their meaning and hygiene;
  • form an understanding of the relationship physical activity and work of the heart.

Equipment: Cards with the image of the senses (hand, nose, eye, ear, tongue), 2 mugs of different colors (1 - empty, the other with water), mugs with cold and hot water(for each table), mugs with lemon drink for each child, a bell, a small jar with a metal lid, a candle, matches, Kinder surprise capsules with small holes and garlic cloves inside.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Today, guests came to our lesson. What needs to be said?

Children: We need to say hello.

Educator: When we say hello, what do we wish to the person to whom we say “Hello”?

Teacher: What is health? What should be done to be healthy? Who do you think knows everything about health and how to strengthen it?

Where can you find a doctor? Can we all get to see the doctor right away? You can try to invite him to kindergarten? How to do it? What number should you call? Who will try to negotiate with a doctor to come to our kindergarten?

The child goes to the phone, dials number 03 and conducts a dialogue with the teacher, who speaks on behalf of the doctor. He promises to come to the kindergarten and asks the children to think about which foods are good for health, and which, on the contrary, can harm him. Offers to place illustrations depicting healthy products on the board. While the children are doing the task, the teacherclothes white bathrobe and is included in the group.)

I never lose heart and a smile on my face

Because I take vitamins A, B, C.

Do you think it is good or bad when a person eats few vitamins? What's bad about it? Where can you get vitamins? Where else are they located? Correctly they are found in vegetables and fruits. I suggest listening to poems about vitamins.

1 child: I'm vitamin "A", it's easy to remember me,

You will find me in a carrot - I am a growth vitamin!

2 child: Vitamin "B" was called, strictly - strictly said:

"To live in nuts, cucumbers, bread, sorrel mushrooms!".

3 child: Though I taste sour, smile, sleepyheads...

I'm called vitamin "C" and I live in a lemon!

Doctor: Now let's look at the board. Tell us why you placed pictures on it depicting these particular products? Why are they useful?

Doctor: I want to tell you little secret. Our health can be compared to the sun, which has many rays. (The teacher places the sun without rays on the easel).And one of the components of our health is proper nutrition and vitamins.(The teacher glues a ray to the sun).

Doctor: To find out what kind of second ray our sun has, try to determine what is in our circles. (Water cold and hot). Doctor: How did you determine this? What organ helped you with this? Select the desired card. (Hand).

The teacher puts 2 mugs of different colors on the tables (1 is empty, the other is filled with water). What can you say about these circles? (1 - empty, the other - with water).

Doctor: How did you determine this? What organ helped you with this? Select the desired card. (Eye).

Doctor: Close your eyes and guess what I'm doing. (Rings a bell.)

Doctor: How did you guess? What organ helped you with this? Select the desired card. (Ear).

The teacher puts kinder surprise eggs on the tables with small holes and garlic cloves inside. Doctor: What did you feel? What organ helped you with this? Select the desired card. (Nose). The teacher puts mugs with a lemon drink on the tables and invites the children to try what is poured in the mugs. Doctor: What organ helped you with this? Select the desired card. (Language).

Look closely at the cards we have marked. What are the names of all these organs? (These are the sense organs). Do you know how to take care of these organs?

Doctor: Now I suggest you play the game "Correct, correct, absolutely correct." If I read a quatrain with a correct statement, you say the words “Correct, correct, absolutely correct,” and if not, you are silent. Be careful.

  • It will not be too lazy for you to brush your teeth twice a day!
  • To keep your teeth from hurting, eat caramel candies!
  • Fruits and vegetables before meals, carefully, very diligently mine!
  • If you go out for a walk in winter, you need to take off your hat and scarf at home!
  • You quickly run away from your mother, don’t let her cut your nails!
  • Here's another simple tip: my hands before eating!
  • Handkerchief, comb should be your own, Never use someone else's!
  • During lie down, get up, you observe the regime of the day!

Doctor: What are we talking about now? What are the rules to follow to be healthy? (Rules of personal hygiene.)

The second ray of ourthe sun of health is called - hygiene and daily routine. Tell me why you need to follow the daily routine? (So ​​that the body can refresh, relax, recharge in time - maintain health.)

Doctor: Tell me, why do we need to do exercises? (Strengthen and train muscles). That's right, including the heart muscle. Show where your heart is. How can doctors find out about his work? (Through a phonendoscope or check the pulse). Listen to how your heart beats now ... Does it work the same way as after gymnastics? (No. It works slowly.) Now we will play with you and once again listen to how the heart works).

Physical minute "We are funny guys"

We are funny guys, we love to jump and jump, well, try to catch up with us!

Doctor: Sit down in your seats and check your pulse again. How does the heart work? (Quickly, strongly.) That's right, guys, than harder work The greater the load, the stronger our heart beats. It is for this work that we must prepare our hearts. How can we do it?

Doctor: Our the next ray is physical exercise.But it's best to do it outdoors. Why do you think? To better understand, we will conduct an experiment.

The teacher lights a candle and puts it in a jar, closes the lid.

What happened? Why? It turns out that a person like this candle, without access to oxygen, will also begin to slowly fade away. Fire needs oxygen to burn, and man needs oxygen to live! Where is there a lot of oxygen? (In the forest, on the street.) That's right, so we go for a walk every day and air the rooms.

So, the next ray is fresh air. Now look at our sun. What is his mood? (Good.)

Good mood is the name of the fifth ray of the sun of health!

Do you like our sun of health? Tell us what kind of rays he has, what are they called? (Children remember the components of a healthy lifestyle).

Mitaki Tatyana Ivanovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU №2 Bell
Locality: S. Troitskoye, Sakhalin Region, Anivsky District
Material name: Health Technologies Program
Subject:"Health-saving technologies for children of the second younger group"
Publication date: 11.11.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Topic: "Health-saving technologies for children of the second junior


Target: Preservation and strengthening of children's health through the use of

health-saving technologies, taking into account individual capabilities and



1. Raising a culture of health in children, awareness of the need for care

about your health

2. Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for

preservation and promotion of health

3. Creating a healthy environment in the group

4. Organization of a rational motor mode for development

motor skills of children and increase the efficiency of the body

5. Increasing the body's defenses and resistance to various

diseases through the hardening system

6. Creating optimal conditions for a comprehensive, full-fledged

psychophysical development of children and strengthening their health

7. Monitoring the health status of children in the group and analyzing it


Expected results:

Improving indicators of physical development, emotional


Favorable dynamics in the state of health of preschoolers (decrease

number of cases per year)

Formation of the need to take care of one's health, desires and

striving to lead a healthy lifestyle;

1. Morning exercises

Since the day for children begins with morning exercises, it is

one of the most important components of the motor regime, its organization

aimed at raising the emotional and muscle tone of children.

Daily exercise contributes to the manifestation

certain volitional efforts, develops in children a useful habit

start the day with morning exercises. Morning exercises gradually

involves the whole body of the child in an active state, deepens breathing,

enhances blood circulation, promotes metabolism. Gymnastics

carried out after a night's sleep, removes the child's body from the state

inhibition of physiological processes, enhancing the activity of all

organs and systems.

In the process of morning exercises, it is necessary to ensure the correct

physical, mental and emotional stress.

There are various forms of morning exercises:

- the traditional form with the use of general developmental exercises;

- plot gymnastics;

With the use of methods for relieving psycho-emotional stress;

- using elements of rhythmic gymnastics, round dances;

- using elements of corrective gymnastics

2. Breathing exercises.

You need to breathe right! To do this, you need to teach the child

deep exhalation for a good cleaning of the lungs and improve their supply

oxygen. It is necessary to draw the attention of children to the fact that you need to breathe

through the nose. Proper nasal breathing is a condition for the health of the child,

prophylactic against respiratory diseases. Not less than

important in teaching proper breathing is to teach the child

blow your nose not through both nostrils, but alternately. Useful when walking

teach the child to inhale slowly and exhale even more slowly through the nose, as well as

fast walking and slow running.

Breathing exercises play a significant role in the process

health improvement and hardening of preschool children.

To successfully master this gymnastics, you must follow

Basic Rules:

you need to breathe with pleasure, since positive emotions themselves

have significant health benefits

focus on breathing exercises

enhances its positive impact

breathe slowly, it is necessary to saturate the body


perform each exercise no longer than it delivers


breathe through the nose

perform all exercises naturally, without effort and tension

bring your body into a state of deep relaxation

must enter and exit the lungs in one continuous stream.

3. Gymnastics for the eyes

The purpose of gymnastics for the eyes: prevention of visual impairment in preschool children.


fatigue prevention,

Strengthening the eye muscles

Relieve stress.

General improvement of the visual apparatus.

Gymnastics for the eyes has a beneficial effect on the performance of the visual

analyzer and the whole organism.

Conditions: It does not require any special conditions to be carried out. Any

gymnastics for the eyes is performed while standing.

Time: 2-4 minutes are performed.

Rule: When performing exercises, the head is motionless (unless indicated

Children with vision pathology are contraindicated in exercises related to

a long and sharp tilt of the head.

Reception is a visual demonstration of the actions of the teacher.

If eye gymnastics is used by a teacher in the system

for learning and performing 1 complex in poetic form, combining

its 1 or 2 times with complexes of another kind.

By the name of gymnastics for the eyes, it is easy to pick it up on the topic of GCD.

at first simple moves eyes: right-left, up-down, circular

movements, squinting, blinking, protruding eyes, and then using them

on the basis of a more complex poetic text in various combinations.

The poetic text should also be used at first small (up to 4

lines), and then move on to more complex and long ones.

Types of gymnastics.

By use artistic word gymnastics for the eyes

divided into those that have poetic accompaniment and those that

are carried out without

With objects or work with cards located on the walls. On them

small silhouette images of objects, letters, syllables, numbers,

geometric shapes, etc. (the size of the depicted items from 1 to 3

cm). At the request of the teacher, the children get up and perform a series of tasks: they look for

pictures on the walls, which are the answer to the riddle; find images

items whose names contain the desired sound, etc.

Without attributes (no objects and posters are used. More interesting

in total, gymnastics is carried out for the eyes, on which objects or

tasks in poetic form, movements along certain paths,

tasks to search for objects and pictures in different parts groups.

4. Finger gymnastics

The development of the child is associated with the development of finger movements. The third part

the entire motor projection in the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand

hands. Therefore, the training of subtle movements of the fingers has a great

influence on the development of active speech of the child. Influencing the tone of the hand

child, with the help of a complex of finger gymnastics, there is a direct

impact on the tone of the speech apparatus.

I do finger gymnastics daily individually or with

subgroup, at any convenient time during the day: during

morning exercises, physical education minutes, in your free time in the morning and after

sleep for 2-3 minutes. It is especially important to do gymnastics with children,

having speech problems.

Most often I use finger gymnastics in my work.

poetic rhythm, which helps to put the right breath,

develop speech hearing. Most of all, children like exercises under

titled "Family", "Cabbage Salad", "We shared an orange", "Finger-

finger where were you? etc. Children like the fact that they have the opportunity

to conduct finger gymnastics, acting as a leader, he feels

responsibility and cherishes the fact that I entrusted this role to him. This

is a kind of motivation for children.

finger games

It is a set of exercises aimed at developing small

motor skills of the hand, i.e. joint actions of the systems of the human body

(muscular, visual, nervous, bone), forming the ability

carry out precise small movements fingers and brushes.

Finger gymnastics solves many problems in the development of the child:

Helps develop speech;

Develops emotional expressiveness;

Increases the efficiency of the brain;

Develops attention, memory, imagination;

Promotes the development of spatial thinking;

Removes anxiety.

Finger games are very emotional,

are fascinating. Children with pleasure

take part in these games.

There are three important rules to remember:

First: fingers of the right and left hands should be loaded evenly;

Second: after each exercise you need to relax

fingers (for example, shake hands);

Third: since finger gymnastics has a complex

impact, it should be used in all educational

activities in preschool

Exercise rules:

1 . Before playing with the child, you can discuss its content. It's not only

will prepare him for the correct execution of the exercise, but also

will create the necessary emotional mood.

2. Before starting the exercises, children warm up their palms with their lungs

stroking up good feeling heat.

3. All exercises are performed at a slow pace, 3 to 5 times, first

right hand, then left, and then both hands together.

4. Do the exercise with your child, while demonstrating

own passion for the game.

5. When performing exercises, it is necessary to involve, if possible, all

fingers of the hand.

6. It is necessary to monitor the correct setting of the hand, accurate

switching from one movement to another.

7. You need to ensure that all exercises are performed by the child.

easily, without excessive tension of the muscles of the arm, so that they bring him

5. Game massage and self-massage.

In modern conditions, there is a need to search

non-traditional ways of organizing correctional and educational

process at an early age. One of these areas

is massage and self-massage. As a remedy they were known

even in ancient times. With systematic massage, they increase

reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with muscles and blood vessels,

muscle tone normalizes, stimulation of tactile

sensations. Massage allows you to activate and synchronize work

both hemispheres of the brain.

With children, massage movements are performed on the palms, hands and

forearms of both hands: stroking, rubbing, light pressure,

pinching, slapping. Various exercises: skating

one-ball, rolling a ribbed pencil, imitation of rolling a kolobok,

sticks, as in modeling, squeezing rubber toys of different densities, etc.

In the work of play massage according to the method of A. Umanskaya and K. Deineka.

Massage and self-massage are carried out 2-3 times a day in the classroom,

physical minutes, walks, independent activities of children.

After each exercise, you should do relaxing strokes.

or shaking hands. Selected exercises can have a complex effect on

development of speech and intellectual abilities of children. Since

preschoolers are dominated by concrete-figurative thinking, to many

massages invented poetic texts. Their content and rhythm

as close as possible to the nature of the movement itself, so that the child

a particular image emerged. You should start with warming movements,

making muscles more supple and movements painless.

6. Gymnastics after sleep.

One of the main features of the nervous system of preschool children

age is a slow transition from one state to another,

which contributes to the unformed nervous processes. Exactly

therefore, after a daytime sleep, I spend special exercises with the children,

allowing them to gradually move to a vigorous state.

Exercising after a nap helps to improve the mood of children,

increase muscle tone, and also contributes to the prevention of violations

posture and feet.

We perform awakening gymnastics while lying in bed. Children first

stretched: bend their backs, stretch their arms up, turn over with

side to side. Then they do the exercises. After gymnastics children

walk barefoot along the massage paths, which enhances

healing effect and is the prevention of flat feet.

It is important to remember that the pace of awakening in children is different, different and the degree

expressiveness of emotional response. So I catch

the mood of children, I encourage those who have a lowered mood background after sleep.

I pronounce the words of the exercise at a calm pace, with joyful


The importance of awakening gymnastics cannot be underestimated. She

develops respiratory muscles, increases the mobility of the chest

cells and diaphragms, improves blood circulation in the lungs, activity

cardiovascular system, strengthens the muscles of the back, feet, increases

concentration of attention.

Dynamic pause

Dynamic pause and exercise minute prevent fatigue

exercises are selected depending on the intensity of the load and

consist of 2-3 exercises (physical education minute) or 6-8 exercises

(dynamic pause). I use the simplest, most accessible exercises,

I spend at the beginning, middle or end of the lesson, as the children get tired.

It must be remembered that the intensity of exercise should not be

high, their main task is to allow the child to change position, to relax.

A short, but intense load will only lead to the opposite effect. I

I spend for children as a prevention of fatigue smooth

"stretching" movements that relieve muscle tension,

increase the level of performance, which is why at the beginning of the warm-up

I pay great attention to breathing exercises in combination with

various body movements. It promotes overall health and

improving well-being.

In practical exercises, physical minutes are used in poetic

text, but pay attention to the following rules when selecting

poems for a specific lesson:

tasks, verses should be with a clear rhythm, since it is easier for them to

perform a variety of movements

the teacher himself pronounces the text, since when pronouncing the text with

children may be out of breath.

Gymnastics hatha yoga

Oriental gymnastics is an excellent tool

aesthetic and moral education.

Under their influence, health is strengthened, a beautiful

figure, correct posture and energetic gait, coordination improves

movements, willpower, endurance, self-confidence are developed.

Exercises accustom those involved in everyday overcoming

difficulties, increase vitality and performance, create

good mood.

Yoga is neither acrobatics nor gymnastics in the sporting sense.

Hatha yoga is physical exercise. We note specific

features of yoga exercise. Firstly, the predominant part of the postures in hatha

– yoga is predominantly static, and although the postures are not intended to develop

musculature, they exert a forceful muscular action. By doing

exercises of static hatha - yoga, little heat is generated, energy costs

small. And since the exercises are static, they are not accompanied

oxygen deficiency or so-called hypoxia. In yoga these

states are achieved somewhat artificially by training

breath retention, which has been developed for centuries in yoga in India.

Secondly, for poses in yoga, the effect on the muscular system is also characteristic.

through the forceful contraction of working muscles, as well as through stretching

and stretching of opposing muscles, tendons, ligaments. None

gymnastics, physical education do not have such a degree of maximum stretching,

like yoga.

The goal of acrobatics and gymnastics is to achieve the necessary elasticity of the body.

through prolonged exercise.

Particular attention in yoga is given to the training of the joints. Exercises

make joints mobile, elastic and flexible until old age.

For children, yoga exercises are the prevention of scoliosis,

osteochondrosis, kyphosis, asthma and colds. Yoga

exercises help them become more attentive in class.

Most hatha yoga poses are natural, physiological. They copy

beasts, animals and insects. As a result, children remember better.

poses and easier to master them. The flexibility of the spine is the basis of longevity.

Maintaining the flexibility of the spine provides active

vital activity spinal cord and nerve branches from

Thus, hatha yoga has a complex effect on the physical and

nervously - mental development child.

Tempering system for children.

Purpose of hardening- develop the body's ability to quickly change

the work of organs and systems in connection with the constantly changing external environment.

The ability of an organism to adapt to certain conditions

the external environment is produced by repeated repetition of exposure

one or another factor (cold, heat, etc.) and its gradual increase


As a result of hardening, the child becomes less susceptible to

only to sudden changes in temperature and colds, but also to

infectious diseases. Hardened children are in good health and

appetite, calm, balanced, cheerful,

cheerfulness, high efficiency. These results can

can be achieved only with the correct implementation of hardening procedures

Natural hardening factors are air, water and sun. Most

air procedures have a mild effect on the body. Influence

air on the body depends on its physical qualities: temperature,

thermal conductivity, humidity, pressure, speed, etc.

Stronger is hardening with water. The principle of gradualness

the use of this remedy must be maintained with particular care.

Hardening by the sun is an effective way of healing and full

growth and development, but you need to use the sun's rays carefully and

moderately, as they have a very strong effect.

When organizing hardening, the following requirements must be observed:

systematic throughout the year, taking into account seasonal phenomena;

strict gradual increase in the strength of the stimulus;

irritation sequence;

health record, typological features child,

home conditions and conditions of a children's institution (individual

taking into account the emotional state of the child;

connection with the regime, with the organization of all the activities of the child.

1. Air bath - 10-15 minutes. The child moves, runs; dressed

in panties, t-shirt short sleeves, slippers on bare feet or short

socks. Part of the time (6-7 minutes) is devoted to gymnastic

exercises from the given complex.

2. Washing with water, the temperature of which decreases from +28 degrees to

at the end of the year of hardening in summer up to +18, in winter up to +20. Children over two years old

wash the face, neck, arms up to the elbow, older than three upper part chest and arms

above the elbow. The initial water temperature for children over three years old is also +28,

and the minimum in summer is +16, in winter + 18 degrees.

3. daytime sleep in summer with access to fresh air, in winter in good

ventilated room at a temperature of + 15 +16 degrees.

4. Sleep without T-shirts. Held all year round. In case of downgrade

temperatures due to interruptions in heating or steady cold

weather must be prepared warm socks on legs and second blankets.

Of course, the temperature in the bedroom should not be lower than +14

degrees Celcius.

5. Walk twice a day at temperatures up to -15 degrees

duration from 1-1.5 hours to 2-3 hours.

6. In the summer, sunbathing from 5-6 to 8-10 minutes two or three

times a day; stay outdoors and in the shade is unlimited.


The child must:

Open the tap with water, wet the right palm and hold it from the tips

fingers to the elbow of the left hand, say "one"; do the same with the left hand.

Wet both palms, put them on the back of the neck and hold them

at the same time to the chin, say "two".

Wet your right hand and do Roundabout Circulation along the top

chest, say "three".

Wet both hands and wash your face.

Rinse, “wring out” both hands, wipe dry.


After a while, the duration of the procedure increases, namely:

each hand, as well as the neck and chest, the children wash twice, pronouncing

"one, two", etc.

Sleep without shirts.

Held all year round. In the event of a drop in temperature due to

interruptions in heating or steady state cold weather must be

prepared warm socks for feet and second blankets. Of course

the temperature in the bedroom should not be below +14 degrees Celsius.

air hardening

Air baths are combined with outdoor games or gymnastics.

Start (clothing - T-shirt, shorts, soft shoes) hardening in clothes and on

as hardening, bring clothes to underpants, if possible - barefoot.

Air is a medium human environment. He comes into contact with

skin - directly or through the fabric of clothing and with the mucous membrane

respiratory tract. From special measures air hardening in children's

gardens are used: sleep in the air, in cold weather and air baths. IN

Kindergarten we use the air mode.

The tempering value of the action of the sun is peculiar. The sun is

powerful hardening agent. The sun's rays have on

the body has a general strengthening effect, increase metabolism in

body, health becomes better, sleep, the skin regulates better

heat exchange. But the sun can also have a negative effect. That's why

this procedure must be approached with great care. In younger children

sunbathing is especially useful, but individual

an approach. You need to spend sunbathing on the move, but you need to play games

carry out a calm nature. Sunbathing is increasing


Healthy environment.

Subject-developing environment helps to ensure harmonious development

child, as well as create an emotionally positive environment. She doesn't

only allows for games and activities, but also teaches children to

independent games.

The healthy environment in our group includes:

1) Corner of physical activity of children

This section contains the following resources:

jump ropes,

Massage mats and paths (for the prevention of flat feet and walking

hands and feet at the same time)

Plastic dumbbells and dumbbells made from improvised material,

massage balls,


Ladder for climbing and stepping,

Arc for crawling,

Balance trainer,

Height meters, which also serve to prevent posture disorders,

Target on the wall in the form of a matryoshka for hitting the ball on the target,

ring toss,

Skittles for knocking down the ball,

Simulator for the development of agility and speed (sticks with ropes of different

colors for twisting),

Benefits for the development of the eye (on the wall).

Also in the group there are benefits:

For the development of fine motor skills of the hands: a variety of "lacing", "beads",

Complexes for morning exercises, breathing exercises, gymnastics

for the eyes, gymnastics after sleep, finger gymnastics,

Colored soft modules for jumping, climbing, playing (for example, like

children module "Caterpillar").

In the health corner there are visual consultations for parents on the topic

"Health": "Prevention of influenza", "Vitamins", "On the benefits of walking",

"Proper nutrition", "Physical development of preschoolers", etc.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills.

Preservation and promotion of health is impossible without compliance with the rules

personal hygiene - a set of measures for the care of body skin, hair,

oral cavity, clothing and footwear.

Great emphasis in personal hygiene is placed on washing hands before eating, after

any work, walks, with morning and evening toilet, because

it is through the hands that the vast majority enters the oral cavity

pathogenic microorganisms.

After each meal, children rinse their mouths with boiled water.

room temperature.

Target: to instill in kids the habit of a healthy lifestyle; introduce children to useful properties some vegetables and fruits, fix their names and appearance; show benefit sports games, exercise.

Material: toys, bear, hare, doctor Aibolit doll, vegetables and fruits.

Lesson progress:

In the group there is a bed on which lies a teddy bear with a thermometer under his arm. Around empty boxes and candy wrappers.

Children come in and see a teddy bear, they approach him.


Guys, look what it is with our teddy bear. Whoops, did you put a thermometer on yourself?

Bear cub:

The tummy hurts, the temperature has risen.


See what's lying around?


These are wrappers and empty boxes, but without sweets.


Are you a bear cub, you ate everything alone? We urgently call Dr. Aibolit!


- (phone calls) Come Aibolit! Our teddy bear is sick. He is sick, he ate too much candy.

The teacher regrets the bear cub together with the children, reassures him. Suddenly, a car horn is heard outside the door. Dr. Aibolit enters in an ambulance, and with him a bunny. Aibolit takes his suitcase and approaches the patient. Aibolit asks what happened, the children tell him. He looks at the bear. Makes a diagnosis.


Here's a potion for you, children, for pain in the abdomen, and pills for fever. And no candy.


Tell me, little bear, why did you eat so many sweets? Did you want to share with us?

Bear cub:

No! I just wanted to get strong and big fast.


Oh, what a fool you are! Guys, do you really need to eat a lot of sweets to be strong and big?




And what should be done then?


Do exercises in the morning. Eat fruits, drink juices (other possible answers).


That's right kids! Come on, bunny, bring us magic chest! (the bunny carries a chest). Bunny will help you find out what is there and why! And I say goodbye, it's time for other little animals. Be healthy!

Aibolit leaves. Bunny opens the chest. He takes out a bag, gives it to the teacher.


Children, look at what's in the bag (they look at vegetables, fruits).

Children give names to vegetables and fruits.


It is not only tasty, but also healthy. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins. Carrots for growth, apples and pears for strength, bananas for joy. They also make juices from these wonderful fruits and vegetables, which are also very useful.


Got it, little bear? And now we will show you games for strength and growth.


"Sun": Stretch your arms to the sun, let it warm you, at the expense of 1 - hands raised, 2 - pulled up, 3 - lowered.

"Flowers": Flowers bloom in the clearing, 1- hands raised, 2- to the sides, 3- lowered.

"Butterflies": Running at a slow pace with squats.

"Wind": Tilts to the sides with raised arms.

“Leaves rustled”: Hands raised free movement of the hands.


Well done! You did well! Bunny, what's in the bag?


And for tea you candy and bagels. And you, little bear, need to eat sweets with tea and a little, but a little bit.


Well, teddy bear, did you understand everything? Come on, children, remind the bear cub of the rules of "strong kids"!

Children's answers:

Exercise in the morning. There are vegetables and fruits. Wash up, walk a lot. Drink juice and eat less sweets, they hurt your teeth.


Well done! Now let's drink tea!

Everyone sits down at the table together.