Project "Dating Children of the Second Junior Group with Folk Culture and Traditions. Traditions in a kindergarten group

Educator 1: Good afternoon, dear parents!

Today we gathered to talk about the family, about family traditions, their meaning in the education and development of the child.

Educator 2: How do you think to whom owns a leading role in raising a child: family or kindergarten?

Parents: (Parents' answers).

Educator 1: The priority in the child's education belongs to the family, kindergarten is only an assistant family.

You are the most important teachers of your child. The first school is your home. The family is rendered a huge impact That he will consider important in life.

Let's try to answer difficult questions.

What do you think is included in the concept "Family traditions" ? Do they have an impact on the education of the child? Parents: (parents' answers)

Educator 1: what family traditions Is there in your family?

In the family of cerebelic tradition, every day off to go to the theater, in the cinema.

Wonderful traditions.

In the family of the Cherkasy traditions of the holidays, the holiday is a joyful event in the life of the child. They are detached, we split the family.

In the family of stepanov tradition. In winter, go skiing, in the summer wander through the forest.

In the family of Moser on weekends prepare delicious dishes.

All families have wonderful traditions. Perhaps after our meeting today, your family traditions will increase.

Educator 2: And now we offer you a small workout.

Listen. Here is my family:
Grandpa. Grandmother and brother.
We have an order in the house, Lad
And clean. And why?

There are two moms in our house,
Two dads, two sons
Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter.
And the youngest me.
What is our family?

Parents: (parents' answers). (The family consists of six people: brother, sister their parents, grandparents).

Educator 1: Now your attention

The game "Who will be the word faster" ? Invite

Two teams of five people.

One player of the first team is put on a hare mask, the rest of the participants receive letters from which the word is "Hare" . Players of the second team take letters for the word "Wolf" And put on a wolf playing mask. For music, parents and children are swung running around the hall. With the end of the sound, the first team folds the word "hare" Near the player in a hare mask, the second is the word "wolf" Near the participant in the mask of the wolf. The team wins the task first.

Educator 2: Well, now there is a family relay for you.

We invite two families in the dad, mom and child. Your task, every one of the teams: the child jumps on both legs, transfers the bat (Mom jumped on one leg, the other holds the hoop). Then dad on all fours lucky his child to the finish.

The team wins the command that will fulfill the task first.

And the last task

Of building material It is necessary to build a house who will make it better and faster.

On this cheerful note, we finish the meeting. Total good, to new meetings!

Calendar and thematic planning for children junior Group

Igolekin Elena Konstantinovna, tutor 2 ml.g. MBDOU D / C number 7 "Polyanka"
This material will be useful for educators when writing a plan for every day.

Music (organizes music. Head)
D / and "Large and Little Bells"
Fingering gymnastics- game "Fingers- assistants", "about Sokoka". Purpose: Learn to listen to children native Word, capture the rhythm of fun, correlate words with the actions of the fingers
D / and "Slug" purpose: develop spectacular perception, Attention, logical thinking, memory.
Viewing illustrations to fairy tales and specks "Cockerel and bean grains"," Geese Swans "," bull - black barrel, white hoofs

Morning gymnastics. Complex of exercises number 19 "Strong and deft"
CCN: "Table Behavior": shape self-service skills
Situational communication: "The kitten will be released in the garden - all the people will be angry" goal. Acquaintance with additives and songs about pets, involvement of children in moving folk games.
Russian folk mobile game "Carousel". Purpose: Development general Motorika, Development.
Cognitive development
Introduction to the surrounding "Clay Plate"
O.V. Dybina "Classes in familiarization with the surrounding world of 2 ml. Group. " p.36 gymnastics after sleep Complex number 4 "I'm lying in the sun"
Reading fairy tale arr. M. Bulatova "Bull - black barrel, white hoofs." Purpose: to educate the love of fairy tales and reading books.
Drawing "Galves for a bunny". Purpose: contribute to the expansion of children's knowledge about the subjects of public life and the development of interest in visual creativity; consolidate the concepts of "rug", "wide", "narrow", "round"; Teach children to spend straight lines in one direction, alternate different colors, leave between stripes a short distance - "Corriders";
P / and "Saving the ball to Kegley"
Teach to roll the ball in a straight line to a certain place
C / Game: "As a cat went to visit." Purpose. Acquaintance with the custom of walking on guests with hotels.
Artistic and aesthetic development
"Acquaintance S. dymkov's toys. Drawing patterns "
T.S.Komarova "Classes in 2 ml. Group. " from. 71-72.
Situational Communication: "Our Hostess."
Purpose. Acquaintance with new boom. Show how to use the main subjects of home utensils
Russian folk game "Causta". The goal of the game: the formation of a sense of consent and the positive psychological microclimate of the group; Detection of sympathies and antipathies in the group.

Planning for every day by Vasilieva Theme "People's Culture and Tradition" 2 Junior Group

Folk traditions exist from time immemorial. Over time, with the development of society, the tradition is seized, modified, some are forgotten, and some, on the contrary, firmly enter our lives. There are traditions of family, corporate, there are traditions belonging to some one group, but whatever traditions were, they are all aimed at cohesion people, the desire of people to unite and somehow diversify their lives, emotionally decorate it, make some positive Moments related to a significant event, with memory of good deeds. There are traditions and in the upbringing of children. These are mainly the traditions inherent in a particular one family. And first of all in consciousness little child The traditions of relations that exist in the family between their parents are postponed, the child has tastes, habits like adults long before the process of awareness of what is happening. After all, the behavior of children is on the principle of copying.

Greater, the child comes to kindergarten and his behavior becomes more conscious. Finding into a new environment, the child will know new behaviors, mastering new forms for him human relations. The child is starting to form mathematical qualities, desires, ideals. And this formation is a lot of contributing to those sometimes unique traditionsthat exist not only in kindergarten, but specifically in each group kindergarten. Each such tradition is aimed primarily on the cohesion of the collective. And if the educators in the group adhere to a humane approach to children, where every child is a person, and all together is a friendly team, then it is traditions to help the child to master the values \u200b\u200bof the team, contribute to the sense of involvement of the community of people, teach to predict the development of events and choose ways of action. Therefore, the creation of group traditions in kindergarten and their transfer to the next generation of pupils - the necessary and opening work. Traditions play a big role in strengthening friendly relationship, provide great help in raising children. Traditions in which children are direct participated together and with the educator are firmly postponed in child memory and are already inextricably linked with childhood, with the memories of kindergartenas native common Housewhere every child is loved and respect. In our group, there are already firmly established traditions that have found a response in the hearts of not one generation of pupils. These traditions with great pleasure are accepted by children and parents, improving and multiply. Each tradition is aimed at achieving a certain educational goal. Each tradition is tested by time.

So, we present to your attention the tradition of our group:

    "Morning joyful meetings."
    Purpose: provide a gradual entry of a child in the rhythm of the group's life, create good mood, set up for friendly communication with peers.

    "Calendar of the mood."
    Purpose: observation by the educator for emotional state Each child in order to provide timely correction and support for the development of the identity of the child.

    "We celebrate your birthday."
    Purpose: develop the ability to empathize joyful events, cause positive emotions, emphasize the significance of every child in the group.

    "Week of excursions."
    Objective: To acquaint children with the professions of kindergarten, to bring up respect for people of various professions that work in kindergarten. Contribute to the expansion of contacts with adults.

    "Excursion to school."
    Objective: to prepare children to enter the "World World", form psychological readiness School learning.

    "Walking through our settlement."
    Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children about the place where they live, educate the love of their homeland, form moral and patriotic feelings.

    "Family Workshop".
    Purpose: the acquisition of children and parents to joint creativity, in order to establish a benevolent atmosphere in the family and expanding the knowledge of children about their loved ones.

    "Birthday book".
    Objective: to instill children culture reading books, expand the horizons, educate love and careful attitude To books.

    "Dear memory."
    Purpose: Cause in children pride in their country and their people, bring up patriotic feelings.

    "We go to the museum."
    Purpose: To cause children a desire to know the history of their people, to attach to the world of beautiful, form a aesthetically developed personality.

    "Decorate our garden with flowers."
    Purpose: Call in children a desire to help adults, attract to the rating work, to educate the love of nature.

    "Clean Friday."
    Purpose: to educate in children respect for work, cause joy from participation in general work.

    "We are always together".
    Objective: The formation between children of benevolent friendships.

Holidays, which, according to tradition, we celebrate in the group.

  • "Knowledge Day" (September 1)
  • "Outnaire"
  • "Day of the Educator" (September 27)
  • "Day of Music" (October 1)
  • "Day people's unity»(November 4)
  • "Child Day" (November 20)
  • "Mother's Day" (November 27)
  • « New Year»
  • "Defender of the Fatherland Day" (February 23)
  • "Maslenitsa"
  • "International Women's Day 8mart"
  • "International Bird Day" (April 1)
  • "Day of laughter" (April 1)
  • "Cosmonautics Day" (April 12)
  • "International Earth Day" (April 22)
  • "Easter"
  • "Labor Day" (May 1)
  • "Victory Day" (May 9)
  • "International Children's Day"
  • "Day of Russia" (June 12)


  1. Domon A.V., Danilyuk O.L. " Interaction DOU With the parents of preschool children, "St. Petersburg: LLC" Publishing Childhood - Press ".
  2. Shaposhnikova S.V. "Group tradition in kindergarten".

MKDOU Kindergarten "Tale" of the combined species of the Kupinsky district

Project for children of the younger group 3-4 years: "Russian folk culture and tradition."

Metelieva E.Yu.

Cupino 2017.

Project for children 3-4 years "Russian folk culture and traditions".

On dominant activity: (informative - informational)

By number of participants: (group)

By the nature of the contacts : (among children, parents and educators)

By duration: short-term (2 weeks).


Traditional folk culture is the deep base of the entire variety of trends, species and forms of culture modern society.

The legacy of traditional folk culture is a source of modern national culture and art. Based on traditionality, all the experience of the practical activity of the human community is fixed, but also the most important ethnic ideals, moral principles and moral Installations, regulated norms social relationship. It is worth remembering that preschool age - The most important stage of the formation of a person's personality, its foundation. And it is S. early age It is necessary to bring up respect for the labor traditions of ancestors, their wisdom and culture, rites and customs. Getting acquainted with the cultural values \u200b\u200band traditions of their people with early childhood, Drawing inspiration in a close environment, children absorb this love, it is on this basis that the prerequisites of citizenship, patriotism and love for their homeland are laid. But like any other feeling, patriotism is gained independently and experienced individually. He is directly connected with the personal spirituality of man, its depth. Therefore, without being a patriot itself, the teacher will not be able to awaken in the child a sense of love for his homeland. It is to awaken, and not to impose, because the basis of patriotism is spiritual self-determination.

Problem: It is that in our time children are not familiar with Russian traditions, life, toys. Targeted familiarization of children with a bright, original, not like any of the world toy - Russian Matriotka - this is one of the parts of the formation in children of patriotism, knowledge of Russians folk customs and traditions.

The acquisition of children to folk culture, folk art is a means of forming spirituality in them. The problem for children is a problem with the solution that the project is directed: how did Matryushka appear? What are Russian traditions? The lack of knowledge about Russian traditional traditions was identified when congently with children.

Objective of the project:

K. Children national culture, Development of interest in Russian folk art.

Project tasks:

1. To introduce children with folk traditions, folk art.

2. Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe device of the Russian hut, about folk fishing.

3. Make a leptback for children about folklore.

4. The development of aesthetic and moral perception of the world.

5. Rail interest in history and folk creativity, respect for its traditions.

6. To attract parents and children to joint creativity "Decoiled Easter Egg".

Expected Result.

Introduce children with the device of Russian huts, with the objects of the ancient Russian life and the tradition of tea drinking;

Continue to acquaint children with Russian folk games, form the ability to play in them;

Expand the idea of \u200b\u200bfolk art;

To form a concept about the genre of Russian folk creativity "story".

Bring up interest in folklore through riddles, chastushki, sweatshirts, proverbs and sayings;

Organize the exhibition in the group " Easter egg»

Stages of the project.

1. Organization.

Formulation of the target and definition of tasks.

Drawing up a plan of the main stage of the project.

Selection and analysis of literature, information from Internet resources on the topic of the project.

Selection of materials on the topic of the project.

Production of a children's lamp "Folklore".

Interaction with parents: a master class was held on the decoration of Easter eggs.

2. Planning activities.

Consider illustrations, conversations:

"Acquaintance with folk instruments": Balalaika, Duffa, spoons, ratchet, tambourine.

Purpose: To introduce children with Russian folk instruments. We instill love and interest in traditional Russian culture.

« Merry Matryoshki».

Purpose: introduce children with a matrychka as a view folk toys.

Reading fiction:

Russians folk tales: "Swans Geese", "Masha and the Bear", "Winter Beasts", "Zayushkina Hut".

Purpose: To form in children the concept of the genre of Russian folk creativity "Tale", to learn to listen carefully a work, to understand the meaning of read, to answer questions.

Node: Directly educational activities for the development of speech "Russian hut! "

Purpose: To acquaint children with the traditional-household culture of the Russian people.

Tasks: To acquaint children with Russian, with the objects of an old Russian life (oven, shop, spread, samovar, etc.); Continue to acquaint children with Russian folk games, proverbs, sayings. Develop a coherent speech through oral folk creativity; Develop communicative skills with the help of people's games. Rail interest in the traditions and customs of the Russian people, to Russian folklore.

Didactic games: "Guess the sound?"

purpose : Consolidate knowledge about Russians folk instruments. We instill love and interest in traditional Russian culture.

"What grows in the garden and garden?"

Purpose: Secure knowledge about places of growing vegetables and fruits.

Outdoor games:

"Salki", "Geese, Geese", "Cats of Mice", "Bear Bor".

Purpose: attach children to the origins of Russian folk culture; acquaint with folk games; develop motor activity, fasten the ability to run a swarming, not pushing at each other, orient in space.


"Caparaway", "Vanya came out"

Purpose: attach children to the origins of Russian folk culture; acquaint with folk games; Develop motor activity.

Acquaintance with folklore:

Reading and learning of flops, chastushki, acquaintance with proverbs and sayings, riddling mysteries, listening to lullaby songs.

Purpose: To form love for oral folk creativity. Rail interest in folklore, contribute to the development of memory, connected speech.

Work with parents.

Individual conversations, Helping children in learning: Plees, mysteries, counters. Conducting a master class on the decoration of Easter eggs.

3. Final.

Children will get acquainted with the device of the Russian hut, with the objects of ancient Russian life.

Continue to meet Russian folk games, learned to play them.

Children will have a concept about the genre of Russian folk art "Tale".

The ideas about folk art will be expanding (toys, musical instruments, dishes, household subjects, etc.).

Increases interest in folklore, children learned children's chastushki, sweatshirts; met S. folk proverbs, Sayings (Lapbuk "Folklore").

The group will be organized an exhibition "Easter egg".

4. Project product

    A master class was held on the decoration of Easter eggs.

    Organized in the group Easter egg exhibition.

    Made children's Lapbuk "Folklore".

Used Books:

1. Knyazeva O. L., Mahaneva M. D. Promotion of children to the origins of Russian folk culture. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - St. Petersburg. : Childhood-press, 2008.

2. Tikhonova M. V., Smirnova N. S. Krasnaya Izba ... Acquaintance of children with Russian folk arts, crafts, life at the Kindergarten Museum. - St. Petersburg. : "Childhood-Press", 2004.

3. Litvinova M. F. Russian People outdoor games For preschool and junior children school age: Practical manual. / M.: Iris press, 2003.

Annex to the project.